Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 23, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social Personal
CHRISTMAS will bo here Saturday.
Christmas with its love-thoughts,
with its festivities festivities
which make for everyone the keen joy
of living.
Chritinas is Gift Day, and when the
jpirit of giving prevails, then lo we
have the cheeriest and the happiest
Christmas; so it is indeed a forlorn per
on who has no call to be of use to
soma one.
Sensible and useful articles, as nev
er before will be used for gift giving
this season. No longer a nebulous sen
timent, crammed into pretty books, but
very real and sincere is the Christmas
spirit this year, with so many earnest,
thoughtful jK-ople absolutely forgetful
of self, while they try to make Christ
mas day mean something vital and pro
ductive in the lives of others.
Mrs. E. Cooke Patton and daughter,
Luclla, went to Portland today where
they will be the holiday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Uuiss.
Mr. Patton will join them for Christ
mas. '
President and Mrs. J. II. Ackermon,
cf Monmouth,' will spend the holiday
in Salem with Mr; and Mrs. E. F, Carle
ton. The Ladies Aid society of the Meth
odist church held a meeting in the
church pnrlors on Monday afternoon.
Allowing a short business meoting
and an enjoyable social afternoon, the
Indies of the West Central Circle serv
ed delightful refreshments.
Dr. M. E. Pomeroy opened her home
to the Yoemuu Drill Team Monday
Following a siiort drill session a de
lightful Bocial evening and refresh
ments were enjoyed.
Attorney General and Mrs. George
Jlrewn and family have gone to Koso
burg, where they will spend the Christ
mag holidays with Mrs. Hrown's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bellows.
Tonight in tho Congregational church
Runday echoed rooms, tho various Sun
day school clnsscs will bo given their
annual cnristmns dinner and good
time party.
Decorations typirnl of tho Christmas
season will bo used throughout the
rooms with glittering candles and holly
adorning the tallies.
Following this annual dinner, will bo
an interesting und dolightful pro
Miss Mary Hell, who has been tho
liouse guest of Mrs. Ada Strong, for
a eouplo of days, returned to Portland
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Russello have ns
their house guest, George II. Thomas,
of Portland.
The members of the Jason Leo Mem
orial church will give their annual
Christmas entortainment on Christmas
eve, besides supplying many gilts and
comforts for -the kiddies during the
Miss Ilcllen Hunt, who makes her
home during tho school year with her
auut, Mrs. B. L. Stccves, will spend
the holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T." Hunt, in Shaw.
A delightful Christmas musical con
cert will bo given at tie Baptist church
on Sunday evening.
Mrs flonrira T'nttersnn and daughter
Pauline returned Tuesday from a brief
visit to i oruajKi.
Mrs. F. J. Itupert is expected home
today from Bismark, North Dakota,
where she has been for Beveral weeks.
A. H. Gago went to Albany this morn
ing. S. L. Peetz is in Shcri-lan on busi
Mrs. L. 0. Janda is here today from
H. II. Anderson is in tho city from
Beuna Viatn.
Judge P. II. D'Arcy went to Port
land this morning.
(!. D. Fnlts is in Mt. Angel today on
real cstato business.
H. F. Mclnturff is in Hubbnrd to
day on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jones, of C.er
vais, are in tho city.
William Lena and Karl Lena wore
hero from Black Hock.
Attorney Carey V. Martin is in Dal
las today on legal business.
0. H. Sawyer returned yesterday
from a business trip at Lebanon.
Mrs. Emma George of Siloam Spring,
Arknnsns, is visiting relatives in the
. A. MuiiBnn. an attorney of Port
land, wns hero yesterday on legal busi
ness. . Dr. Armstrong, of Woodland, was in
the city yestrduy on professional business.
Glenn Maurer, superintendent of tho
Wasco Warehouse and Aiming coin
days. Miss Rosa Williams left for New
port this morning to spend tho holi
Clinton Mcf'ornick, of Eugene, but
formerly of Salem, is here lor tho iioli
Miss Edith West will spend the holi
days with friends and relatives at Ta
conin. Molvin Cutler and wife of Dallas nro
4. 4.
f Ends Dry, Hoarse or
Painful Coughs t
Quickly J
l Slmpl, Homr-Mnd Rrmedr. 2
Inexpcaalv but Lnequaled T
The prompt and positive result given
by this pleasant tasting, home-made
cough syrup has caused it to b used in
more homes than any other remedy. It
gives almost instant relief and will usual
ly overcome the average cough in 24
Get 2 ounces Pinex (50 cents worth)
from any drug store, pour it into a pint
bottle and till the bottle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. This makes a full
pint a family supply of the most ef
fective cough remedy at a cost of only 54
cents or less. You couldn't buy as much
ready-made cough medicine for $2.50.
Easily prepared and never spoils. Full
directions with Pinex.
The promptness, certainty and ease
with which this Pinex Syrup overcomes
a had cough, chest or throat cold is truly
remarkable. It quickly loosens a dry,
hoarse or tight cough and heals and
soothes a painful cough in a hurry. With
a persistent loose-cough it stops the for
mation of nliloL'm in the throat and bron
chial tubes, thus ending, the annoying
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
rich hi guaiacnl and is famous the world
over for its splendid effect in bronchitis,
whooping cough, bronchial asthma and
winter coughs.
To avoid disappointment in making
this, ask your druggist for "Zty ounces
of Pinex," and don't accept anything
else. A guarantee of absolute satisfac
tion, or money promptly refunded, goes
with this preparation, The Pinex Co.,
Ft. Wayne, IniJ,
Ten Commandments
For Married Men
New York, Dec. 23. Mrs. Irene Shef.
field, novelist, suing for divorce,, told
a magistrate today of her longing fori
a man with long raven hair, revealed
her "ten commandments for married
men," and then glaring at her husband
a few feet away hurled the following
epithets at him:
"He's a tyrant, a cheat, a liar and
the meanest man that ever walked the
Aside from these allegations, she
charges that he had broken all hor ten
commandments except the first 'keop
thy past unto thyself."
Others of the commandments were:
"Be a careful kisser."
"Honor thy wife and nil her bills."
"Remember thy mother-in-law to
keep her guessing, for a wise mother-in-law
loveth a cheerful, liar, and a
good excuse is better than none."
Mrs. Sheffield was not partial, how
ever, about her commandments, for-she
had a set for married women, as well.
Among these was the mandate:
Thou shalt be fresh and sweet, and
as dainty as a shower bouquet, for
lingerie is more to be desired: than
rubies, and good cook above govern
ment bonds."
At least one New Year
ought to be easy to keep.
BLUNK At her home in Salem
: Heights, south of the city, Thursday,
i December 23, 1BJ5, Airs. 0. L. Blunk,;
at tho age of 74.
Funeral services will be announced
later, awaiting the arrival of a son j
from Oklahoma.
A week ago a son of Mrs. Blunk, of I
Weatherford, Oklahoma, was visiting
his parents here and died of tor. ajv-ill-unss
of three days, from pneumonia.
His body was shipped by Wobb &
Clough two days ago for burial at
Wotherford, Oklahoma. The body will
arrive in Oklahoma and burial will
tako place next Sunday. Ag soon as
the funeral is held, a brother of the
dead man will leave for Salem', and
upon his arrival here, the funeral of his
Mother will be held. -
Big' Stock of Holiday Goods ,
Fancy and Dry Goods
Silk Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Klmonas, Stand Covers,
Chinaware and Imported Ornaments selling at cost.
291 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
; Washington, Dec. 23. The interstate
commerce commission today refused to
refused to refund many millions of dol
lars to . shippers in the San Francisco
chamber of commerce; tho Boardman
company and othters at Los Angeles,
San Diego, Sun Jose, Crockott, Alvnra
do and' Reno asked from the Southern
Pacific, Santa Fe and other railroads
for switching charges of $2.50 pe-r car
from 11110 to August 12, 1!) 1 4.
AMa's Apple Butter
The kind your mother's grandmother used to make.
Made by Commercial Cider. Works.
If your grocer hasn't it, phone 2191. Also Pure Apple Cider f or
everybody.. Remember you should have a barrel la your basement. Now
is the time while we have apples.
A Commercial Cider Works
The largest line ever shown in Salem to select from.
Over fifteen hundred pairs of the finest Slippers, in
every known style, ranging in price from $1.25 to
$2.00, now go at the ridiculously low price of
in the citv, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
O. ii. Snuder.
George McCorkle and family will
spend Chirstinus in Portland with Mr.
Met orltlo s lather.
L. T. Woodard will return tomorrow
from linker to spend the holiday in
the citv and Portland.
William Waterbnry of Newport was
in the city yesterday on his way to
Woodburn for the holidays.
Neal Littler returned from an ex
tended trip in California and Nevada
to spend the holidays in Salem. .
Karl Jones, cashier of the Wasco
bank is. spending the Christmas sea
son with his parents near Gervais.
Wi L. Baker will open a shoe repair
ing shop tomorrow at 2(0 State street,
ndjoining the Scott & Scott bicycle
Mrs. Klla Watt returned yesterday
from Portland, where she haB been
working in the interests of the United
Mrs. Ida Lynant and daughter Lil
linn, left for Portland today to spend
ihe Christmas season with Mrs. O. L.
William Lorenz of Camas, Wash., will
arrive in the city tomorrow to spend a
few days with his sister, Mrs. It. F.
Ford Tarplev, son of a prominent
attorney of. Portland and recently from
IioimIiiii, is in the citv visiting his
grandparents on North Liberty street.
(eurge O. ctnvngo mid wife returned
yesterday from a tiiree months trip in
uuitornm. I hey will spend tho win
ter at the Cherry City cottages at New
port. Mrs. Fred Krixson and Miss Hazel
will ' return tomorrow from a fivo
weeks' visit in California which includ
ed, the exposition and Los Angeles and
Sun Diego.
The Quinine That Does jMot Affect
Hecnnso of its-tonic and lnxativo ef
fect Laxative lironio yuinino can bo
taken by anyono without causing nerv
ousness nor ringing in tiio head. There
is only one " Hromo Quinine " K. W.
GHUV'E'S signature is on box. 23c.
Small Army of Birdmen
Killed During the War
New York, Dec. 23. More than
1,100 French aviators have been killed
or raptured in air battles since tho be
ginning of the war, according to Amer
ican birdmen, William Thaw, Elliott
Cowden and Norman Prince, who ar
rived today. The trio won medals for
during during their service as members
of the French foreign legion.
They reported thnt .Tack Bock, an
other American, wus shot down behind
the Herman lincsand that his fate is
k'v'T;'' i !' 'J 1
THE LAST GIFT DAY. This is to be our largest
gift day. Over one hundred presents. Dolls, Ralls,
Hand Rags and Hand Painted China will be given
away to the first one hundred and fifty people enter
ing our store at 9 o'clock Friday morning.
Best work, best leather, largest repair shop in
Salem. Men's Soles 75c. Women's Soles 50c. Leath
er Heels 25c. Rubber Heels 25c and 50c
Dux Bax Oil
the only oil
that will not
in j are the
leather and
will waterproof.
Ever Wear
Hose make
the best
San Francisco, Dec. 2:1. Christinas
gifts, letters and enrds have already
swelled the general business of the lo
cal postoffice to one tiiird moro than
the entire month of I'eceinbor last
jyenr, according to a report issued by
j Port master I'tiy. Including Wedues
jday the pnrcel post business showed an
i increase of more than no per cent over
I Inst year. The totul receipts at the
1 close of linsincss Inst night were $.190,
jOOO, while the whole month of Decem
ber, 1KI5, brought in only 41150,000.
; Los Angeles, Cul., Dee. 23. It is
l commonly reputed among physical cul-
turnlists in London that Kiigeue Snu
;'dow, the "strong man," iins ecu exo
jcuted ia the tower after having been
convicted of espionage, according to
IMS. M. A. Harper, head of the Harper
jliistltute, London, who is visiting hero.
She declares S.nulow was killed in
,1 une.
Wilminirtnn. Del.. Dec 2.1. V,r thn
second time within a (Vw weeks, nil
explosion today occurred at the Dupont
Powder company works at llngley, A
black powder mill wns the scene." Ac
cording to officials there were no cas
Portland, Or., Dee. 23. 1, K. Fred
erick of the Seattle firm of Frederick
and Nelson and Mrs. Kay Swirk Dctmcr
ing of Dayton, Oregon, were married
here today. Charles 11. Farrell of Seat
tie, was best man. Mr. mid Mrs. Fred
erick will leave tonight for a three
mouths' honeymoon In Florida, i
Washington, Dee. 2,1.1. General In
creases in freight rates in western clas
sification territory were granted by tho
interstate commerce commission today.
The first of the increases becomes ef
fective in January,
Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty
Orbon De Lux Range
Prices $39.50 to $47.50
KITCHEN- COMFORT. Did you ever have a piece of jewelry or furniture or a real 1 aJj
nip rtroo His, vnn t.hnnpht. ko imirji of vou lust couldn't keen from sliowine it to vour - liS'l Iscil rft.
frionds and telling them about it? Of course you have. Everybody has.
Tie most used and useful article in your home is your cooking stove. Is it a good
one? Is it convenient? Does it cook and bake good? Most of your work is in the kitchen
abcut your stove, and it ought to be the one article in your home that you could point to
with genuine pride,
GUARANTEE. The Orbon De Luxe is the best range in America, and everyone is
accompanied by a guarantee. So you are taking no risk in buying a" De Luxe. We
guarantee them to cook and bake perfectly, to be made of the best material by expert
labor and to have all the latest and most modern improvements.
" .-!,
V . . - - -
YOU WANT STYLE. It costs no more, you know, to got a stove that is right up to
the minute. THE ORBON DE LUXE is right up to date IN EVERY FEATURE nice
smooth, nickel and caKtings, easily kept clean; sanitary, and everything about it is the
most convenient that money will produce. Not a point has been overlook that will
make your kitchen more cheery or lighten your labors.
A GUARANTEED BAKER. Yon will never find it necessaiy to eat bread or pastry
half baked with the ORBON DE LUXE. We have them iu homes all over the country!
they have been thoroughly tested, and we never had a single complaint from the thou
sands of users of this grand range. We guarantee it to cook and bake perfectly.
Ki f;t. !fivjf.f.',;! WJ&A't' ft' '""M
v .f"-x '''r "V
1 1 '
.IB .' iJitU') pi'1
ORBON DE LUXE is made from the best ma
terial obtainable, by expert mechanics, and, un
questionably, will last a life-time if taken care
of properly. Our castings are mado from the
best pig iron by our own secret mixture. They
are heavy, tough, and will stand the wear and
tear and extreme heat- without cracking or
EU8T-RESI8TINO BODY. The body and
high closet of the ORBON DE LUXE are made
of Armco American Ingot Iron, which is 99.9
per cent pure, and guaranteed non-corrosive
and rust-reBisting, You remember how long the
old fashioned iron nails urod to last? You
know the durability of Russian stove pipe and
how many years the old style metal roof lasted.
They were good for a life time because the Im
purities were all taken out of the iron. Just so
with Armco American Ingot Iron. Being prac
tically pure, it is guaranteed never to pit or
come in holes like steel. The ORBON DE LUXE
range is built like a steel range with none of the
objections of a steel range and all the advant
ages offered in a cast iron range. It will un
questionably last as long as you want a stove
if. given reasonable care. The body, which is
the vital part of a range, is made of three parts
cast iron inside, ingot iron outside, and heavy
asbeston board ' between.
Rangos are electric welded, which does away
with the old unsightly rivets and is the most
approved style of stove building. You want the
best and latest construction, especially when it
doesn't cost any more.
deep, long and roomy, with extension box for
burning large chunks of coal or long sticks of
wood. Hot blast linings are exceedingly heavy,
and duplex gate will burn either, wood or coaL
We can furnish with or without reservoir and
with water front or coll. They will furnish an
abundance of hot water. Our new style DAY
LIGHT oven is large, square, high, and the most
scientifically constructed ovon possible to build.
WE GUARANTEE its baking qualities.
good feature that could be desired. The main
top is large, and very heavy; has six lids, pouch
feed, sectional top, key plate pan, complete silver
nickol trimming, a set lift for toasting or broil
ing, big balled ash of dampers that give you
control of tho fire and saves ft lot of money on
your fuel bill. The high closet is strong and rigid
with pot stands, drop door, towel rods, back
guard, and controller damper In. pipe.- Neither
time, work, nor expense has been spared in mak
DON'T WASTE FUEL on an untried range
when the ORBON DE LUXE wiU cut down your
fuel bill tremendously. Our hot blast fire box,
which cokes the coal on the outside, consumes
the smoke or gas, bums cheap fuel, is warranted
to cut your fuel bill.
A Word About the Famous "IDEAL" Range
WHY PAY A BIG PRICE for a range when
our IDEAL can be bought eo reasonable. It
certainly is a fine looking range, has all the
latest improvements, is neat, sanitary, easily
kept clean, handy and surely would be an orna
ment to your home. If you want a. real fine,
handsome range at a genuine bargain you can't
beat the IDEAL.
is a guaranteed baker because it is scientifically
constructed and has been thoroughly tested by
users who testify to its perfect baking qualities.
Baking is the most important feature about
any range, and that is the reason we spend so
much monoy in the scientific constmction of our
fire box is so built that it will save a large per
cent of your fuel instead of wasting it It con
sumes all of the fuel and extracts every atom
of heat. Wasting fuel, you know, is just tho
same as burning money. BUY a stove that has
been thoroughly tested and found perfectly
REAL STYLE. Style is just as important in
buying a stove as a pair of shoes, especially
when it costs nothing extra. The IDEAL is a
new, colonial, stylish pattern. Every hounewito
prides herself on her kitchen range, and she can
truly be proud of the IDEAL because It is a
beauty, convenient, well made, right up-to-date,
and you can show it to your friends with genuine
IDEAL is well built throughout, from good ma
terial, by skilled labor; is carefully fitted, will
last a life time and is guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction.
Why Our Prices Are Sa Low
Our expenses are the, very lowest of all competitors, therefore we
can afford to sell for lesa We handle more stove than any firm in
Oregon outside of Portland and buy for two stores, Salem and Al
bany. Pay cash and get all discounts so we can't be beat when it
comes to price as well as quality. "
A trial will convince you.
Every Ideal Range ii coverel by a written binding guarantee
which is your positive insuranca that It will cook, heat and bake per
fectly. You are no. experimenting w:in yon buy this range, because it it
thoroughly tried and thousands cf them are In actual use right now.
We guarantee the Ideal to be well built of first class material and
to give absolute satisfaction.
It covers every point that goes to make a perfect stove and is ab
solutely good because it is signed by the President of the Orbon Stove
and Range Co, and acknowledged, before a notary. You are not ex
perimenting when you buy the Orbon Da Luxe. It's the best range in
"We Sell for Less Because Our Expenses Are Lowest"
iiiinimmii ....... fc