I 0S f I I MFl Iff IIVY pp 111 1 1 ivAimMm'Mmmrmim Ea I f JUTOSfclL J oficst t4C !J Confectionery f! I WIS H " t W vMfimir wmMM lit" I I 1 lit ft eaer i K, -! Money II uaiMv 13 X-SSS : : i I Fruits. Peanuts and Poocorn. it J It Practical Watch, Maker, Jeweler and Engraver Diamond setting a specially. I also cary a nice line of Jewelry, Watches and many other -Xmas Jewelry. .VBI 4 : 4 4 Sr. 1fl 1fr&2!faStnre4 I 372 State Street iXmas ii Special Order Today T We have all Uuds of Xraas Cakes ana wastry. 4 Salem Royal Bakery ! I 4 I 240 S. Commercial. Phone 378 1 4 Tour ii Christmas Candies Gray-Belle SPECIAL I Fine Imported OMna Sewing Baskets flllod with our boat Candies $2.50 Thla would make an Ideal Xmas present. Pancy Box Candies from 2PC to $10.00 4 our Lunches are without an equal. Gray-Belle V.l'r'i' i' Tell your noighbor of the sat- '? iV lsfactlon of reading th Cap- I'.'f T.'l I iMimol :j5 a. i. i .1 mini ai. THE DATT.Y mm t Maples ii L ! I Salem Royal Bread Owing to congested freight conditions on account of the closing of the Panama Canal, wo are obliged to nse plain wrappers on our bread, until about February lBth, when our printed wrappers are due to ar rive. Ask for Salem Royal Bread. ia Royal Bakery Salem 1 ilHffMCTiW-w,MM'''a'l''1'ptgwlt'; ROYAL ARCH TO INSTALL. Multnomah Chapter No. 1, lioyul Arch Mucous, will hold its unnuul in Htulliitiuu ol' officers Wednesday even- ,m, December I!2. Henry li. Tuiclncii, ipast grand high priest, will servo as in I stalling of l icer, and hot L. Pcarcc, I past grand high priest, as grand mar ! shall. Tho officers to bo installed uro ' as follows: Excellent high priest, Hay i Hich- (ardson; king, Glenn C. Niles; scribe,! 'Urnrgo ('. Urnwiij cnjitain of hosts, O. I A. Olson; principal soujonrner, Walter j !('. Wiuslow; royal urch captain; C. W.j jlrrickj niastiT tliircl veil, Mem i I'curee; master seconil veil, Karl C.j iinimcuis; master first veil, David A. i Wright; treusurer, W. II. Dancy, fee-! Iretury, Russell AT. lliooks; sentinel ' Henry HenomaKer. WEST WOODBUBN ELECTION Tiiomlny was election day ut'West Woodburn,'tho following officers being elected: .lohn McCormick, mayo(; Krank 1'roctor. recorder: Joo Me t or- trc '('lias. Vi Vincent, terstinm, treasurer; r. A. Itauer, marsiini; Vincent, Albert Otterstroin, C'hus. Albert OttPrstroni, ( nas Ot- terstrnm, Atlen I'roetor and A. li. t.ros- I1'?' u'ilmfn CAPITAL .TOTRNAL. SALEM. 1 We are serving regular dinner. X I I i Counts jS 4 a New Location 4 U ! 3 1' at 447 Court 4 P I z it J x h ar on i i r &riji -t t s pm.a&u a, v u 1 1 ; ' 4 t t . 1 New York, Dec. 21.-Co1oi.cl ,I QQ7 PmH Srt 4 4 New York, Dec. 21. Colonel Roosevelt will enst his well known hat into - the ring ia March, declared Orninby M: HiirK, onto treasurer of the bull moose party, today. In fact, said MvIIarg, everything was set at the Gary dinner Friday night for the colonel's candidacy. At that time, Roosevelt named Iladley, Knox and Hughes as his favorites because he wants to divide the field and then canter home with the nomination ' himself, Mcilarg added, HOTEL OEABHAKT ON FIRE Tortland, Or., Dec. 21 Tho big summer resort hotel at. Gearhart is afire, according to a report which reached hero just before tho wires went down at 8 o'clock this morning. Tiie report camo from the op erator at Gearhart to tho North Pank dispatcher here. Astoria, Gearhart and Seasido were shut off from wiro communication. Details of tho firo aro lack ing. A heavy gale was blowing off the coast this morning. What About a Beal Xmas Gift A phonograph that plays any f disc record on the market. Took the prize at San Francisco for clearness and sweetness of tone, t Will play soft or loud without changing the needles. Hear this instrument played. Myrtle Knowland 421 Court. Phone 187 I he Soiora OKpftN. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 22. 1915. . 4 4 M-M-- t ilJ j i 1 x 4 4 3C TTTt?T?T TTTTtTTTTTTTTt , t V. i A J J i ii That . Piano To your homo this Xmas. See the finest lino of pianos in Sa lem at 421 Court street, formerly occupied by Howard Piano Co. "Quality" is our motto. Terms to nult everyone. f Cherrington & St. Helens 421 Court Street FERN RIDGE NOTES W. M, Kicgmiind, of Hnleni, visited at Lone I'iiio tarm tho firHt of the week. John Apple, Jr., Algie Muss and Laurence1 Nicgmund visited several days luet week at the Olius. Apple home near H'iu. Miss Grace Hettinger is in Sal1 tukiug the teachers' examination. ('undine, Mertii and Laurence S'iig mund spent I'ridny und Huturday ia SSn -loin. The funnels in this vicinity have been much unnoyed the past couple of weeks by dogs killing their sheep. Jus. Keeker niid wile and H. G. Sieg- mund and family were Sunday visitdi's! at llio Jos. Hilberuiigel heme at Howell. I A rari'iit-Teachers' meeting was held at llowell last Friday afternoon. Stay- ton Htundard. KILLED HUSBAND AND SELF Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 22. As the result of a jeulous quarrel, Mr, and Mrs. Kny Lnmaii are dead today, I.nman was a bartender, Dressed in man's clothes Mrs. T.amnn last night called him to the front of the saloon, shot him, fired nt Policeman Croft, who tried to interfere, i and then killed herself. cy Christmas iil Are just the thing for Gifts See Our Display New Christmas Novelties 20c Each. First Time Shown in Salem 382 State A Large Assortment of CHRISTMAS PLANTS Ikautiful Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Primroses, Ferns, I rairas, mc. ueautiiy the with a nice Carl F. 1 JN. Liberty St. Will there be a Victrola in Your Home This Xmas Victrola The Only Instrument. The Victrola is the only instrument for which the world's greatest singers and instrumentalists make records. ' - The only instrument they consider able to do full justice to their magnificent voices and superb art. The Victrola is the only instrument on which you can hear the greatest artists in your own home just as clearly and true to life as if you were hearing them on the opera concert or theatrical stage. We will ghdly demonstarte or play any record for you at any time. Wiley B. Allen R. F. PETERS, Mgr. IVIa's Apple Butter The kind your mother's grandmother used to make, Made by Commercial Cider Works. If your grocer hasn't it, phone 2104. Also Pure Apple Cider for everybody. Remember you should have a barrel in your basouicut. Now Is the time while we have apples. A Commercial Cider Works ii !ii i i mm Street home during Holidays' plant. Ruef Phone 381 i H-4-K-4444? 4 ' tL SEVEN mm m i '.f- r A 1.V.V Mv -;r3;y iJtCjaii hit.y.n ' -