SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22. 1015. Stomach Catarrh Is Very Prevalent In this climate catarrh la a prevalent disease. Catarrh af fects the stomach as often as any other organ. Perhaps every third person Is more or less troubled with stomach catarrh. Peruna 1b extensively used In these cases. PERUNA THC KUABU FAMILY REMEDY O. A C lllllllllllllllllllltlllllllttlltllllllllllll FARMERS AND HOME-MAKERS' WEEK and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES Jauary 3 to 8, 1916 t,l In form t ion. Practical Help for tat Home the Farm, Hie Community. Cenvtntiona of Oregon (irratrst IndiKtnr Conference un Oregon' Mont Vital Problem LHCTURKS DKMONSTK ATIONS KXHIUITIONS-KNTKKTAINMHNTS Two 1houn(VHffpI' attended laul year. It ia a great place lo make (runnl with live Ihiukrrn and live thought, gooil wurkriii, hiuI good wuik. WINTER SHORT COURSE January 10 to February 4, 1916 A Practical AgrlcntliitMl Coniftr in a NiH Midi. Applied Science in Actual Work of Die Farm ami llotmrlioltl. Courses In I'RflT RAIKINC, IMKM CROPS, SOILS. STOCK RAISINC HAIKV WOKK, POULTRY KAISI.NCS, CARDKNINO, COOK ING, SKWIMi. IIOl'HKIIOI.I) Alt IS, HO VK Nl KSINC. BI'SINH.SS MH.TIIODS, ROAD BI'll DINti.PARM KNOINr KR1NC1, RIJRAI ORC.AM.AIIONS, MAKK KTIM1. Correspondence Cniiraea Without Tuition, hxperl Instruction in Mtlic. Reduced railroad raiea. For prog ram wrile to Tha Collega Exchange. Oregen ftrfiriiltural rlla. CamMl, (Iw-U-I lo 1-1) "SOME TURKEY" Dallas, Texas, Dec. 22. Suf fleiont turkeys to feed 3,500, 000 persons have been shipped from Texas to tiio ( hrist imiH markets, chiefly in Chicago and New York. l 1 The Weather a Year Ago Today. Knin. Temperature, High B0, Low 34 remember Laxative Hromo (Quinine cures a fold in one tiny. "Thero is only one "Bromo Quinine." Look for sig nature K. W. GROVE. 25c. I LIVESLEY NEWS (Capital Journal Spcc.iul Service.) LivcBley, Ore., Dec. 22. Mrs. O. W. Coolidge was hostess for the Get -toget It er club Friday. The prize ia the nnti gram contest, a neat littlo painting by Mrs. Coolidge, was won by Mrs. W. Miere, after which dainty refresh ments were served. Those present were: Mrs. C. D. Query, Mrs. Moortry, Airs. Davenport, Mrs. W. Miere, Mrs. .1. Wat son, Mrs. W. Coolidgtf, Mrs. Wio-gins Mrs. J. Brcssler, Mm. O. W. Coolidge. A meeting for the purpoiic of organiz ing a Literary society was held in the school house Friday night, Mrs. B. D. Fiddler presiding. After -discussing the possibilities of a society an organiza tion was mtde with B. D. Fiddler presi dent, Earl Sharp, vice-president j Louis (inlchenberg, secretary) Will Pettyjohn, scrgcant-at-urms. The debate for Thursday night will be "Is Single Blessedness Preferable to Married Life." Mrs. J. Halstead, of Portland, is visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Meier. Last Wednesday Mr. C. D. Query was urgently called to the bedside of his mother at Olympia, Wash. On his ar rival home on Saturday Mr. Query re ported his mother much improved. It will bo remembered Mrs. Query spont sometime visiting here last summer. Mrs. Farley, of Salem, spent Kundny with Mrs. W. Meier. SCROFULA AND ALL HUMORS GIVE WAY There are many things learned from experience and observation that the older generation should impress upon the younger. Among them is tho fact that scrofula and other humors, which produce eczema, boils, pimples and oth er eruptions, can be most successfully treated with Hood's Hursapnrilla. This great medicine is a peculiar com bination of remarkably effective blood purifying and health giving roots, parks and kerbs, which are gathered especially lor it. Hood's Siirsuparilln has stood the test of forty years, Get a bottlo today row from your UNirest drug store. Always keep it on ha'jd. Grain Rolling f 1.00 per ton until further notice. A,,ltf r1in,,ntniv a 1 Kn . --wU ij vii-rru A.tiv ton. We have the best roller liti the city, equipped with auction! fan that removes all the dirt and dust without extra charge, D'.A. White & Sons 255 State St., Salem, Oregon Wby art we popular? Be- cauae we tell you every day, the news of the world. Two Billion and a Quarter Dollars Worth of Metal Now In This Country By Perry Arnold. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Dec. 22, The United Stales has gradually acquired more thuti one fourth of the world's supply of money gold. If Kurope finally iius to sell to America the five billion dol lars worth of American securities which she still holds, the United States will have gone a long way toward es tablishing a dollar exchange. These facts were outlined by Robert W. Woollcy, director of the mint, in taking issue with the prediction of Sir (ieorgft Pnish, the British economist, tiint there wits danger in the accumu lation of gold in America. "Sir (ieorge is only one of many who have predicted an cru of wild speculation if the accumulation of gold continues along lit the present rate." Wnnllev sii). 'Mr is onuilv cnticoiv.' ulilo thnt the assembling of too much of the world's standard of value in any one country would lend to a general, possibly sensational rise in prices, but not all ngrco this country is near the langer line. It s true, however, that the gold now in Uncle Sum's vaults will bo ample for all purposes for a I Bremerton, Oregon. j long time to come. We ve experienced I Mrs. Klizabctii Downs left for her ' a great expansion of credits but ounhnmn in Portland Kiindnv utter spend-! niitional wealth has also increased ending several weeks with her son Al ormoiisly as have our , bank clearings ! l)wns Bn(i famy ' j n lid the velocity of circulation." I Mrs. C. D. Kimball is nmono- tlmno 1 HOW miicn gold have we now "'from Kilvnrtnn u. ia.:.. Woolley was asked. "On December 1, including coin in circulation and bullion mid coin in the treasury, there was 2,2.i(l,(W7,n47-nn increase of H70,00,243 over July 1, 11114, before the war began. SILVERTON NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) es s,m ofkr . ', ;iLTi. fi3',.1"",0'. "r-. ""'1 Wr"-.To K'':hf? Vf .... .. . ' . i this place, has gone to Stauficld in I eastern Oregon, to lie editor of a local newspitper. Mr. Riches has been the Oregon City reporter for the Portland Daily Journal for several years past. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Giiiid'ersoii, were in Portland this week to attend the tho wedding of their friend, Miss Tonseth. Among those fiom out of town to at tend the funeral of the late M. Coolcy, were: Frank Hall and Raymond Fish er, of Woodburn: Mr. mid Mrs. A. L. Ilrower. Mrs. Ada and Poan Smith, of ocuus niiiis, n i so .i. u. ijuiicitn. a sou in law of Mr. Coolcy. Mrs. K. K. Kleinsorge was a guest of .. Portland friends the past week. Attorney C. K. Ross was transactin business at McMinnvillo this week. R. M. llofer was over from Salem on business the first of this week. Miss Gertrude Martin and Clifford Pitney wore married at Sulein on Thursday of this week. The basket bull game between Ore gon City and Bilverton high Behool was played here last Saturday night. The score stoou 41 to M in favor of Silver ton. Dr. Kccno was called to the W. H. itiiiigiunna homo at North Howell to attend Miss Agnes Morgan who is very ill with pacuuioniu. Mrs. Ralph Shilts and Mrs. Robert Howe were in tho city from the Sil- verton Lumber company's eninp to do tun, , illinilllHn SUUppiIl, J. N. VaaAruum accompanied by his brother, John VunArnuiu, of North Da kota, eujoyed a trip to tho Silverton Lumber camps last Tuetday. There will bo a Program at the Christian cuurcb on Christmas eve giv en by the Sunday school. There will oo recitutious, sougs, etc., followed by a ( hristmas cuntutn, entitled, "The Knehiinted Castle." Miss Cassie Illuekerbv who teaches school at Townseuil has boon home this week on account of sickness, but hopes to return to her school work again the first of tiio week. Hon, E. M. Crohisen. accamnauied bv his sister, Mrs. Currie Bushnell, were in the city Friday, to pay their lust in spects to the lata M. Coolcy. The ludies of the Mizpuh Circle held their regular annual sale of ulul kinds of funcy work, useful articles, and good things to eat, last Friday and Stttiinluy. Tho suln was well attended and tho different articles sold readily. The proceeds of the sale will go -for chnritublo purposes, and much good work tins been accomplished by these busy Indies. Miss Lvdia Hchuuiisso, who is a stu dent at the college of music in Salem, .... ,1... I. .. I !. I . ' i-i'vuy inn ween rnii wnn ncr cousin. .-in. w. illusion nnuii laiiiliy or this place. Miss Schunussa's homo is in eastern Washington, IrU Stewnt't. enilie hniiui frnin I'lit't..., Oregon, Uriday night, where lie hits had iiuige, or an engine on a logging rond. A goodly number of friends uniliereil at the homo of Mrs. t han. Amos Inst rriiiny alteriiooii, responding: to an in vention from her sister, Mrs. Nicker- sou. Mrs. Amos' birthduy was the in spiration for this surprise' party, which wits one of the most enjoyable events of the week. The afternoon was Passed in u social manner, the Indies enc'i hav ing their fancy work and exchanging Christinas suggestions. A beautiful piece of silverware wits presented to Mrs. Amos and delicious refreshments were served before the guests departed. - wish for iniinv happy returns of the day were expressed by all present. .Miss Mario llnniro spent several dnvs Inst week with Portland friends. lleini.ilngsl'ord, Nebraska, th t of . the week litter a very plecsimt lisit lit the Moo und .lacobsmi homes. Walter Frv has been on Cie sick list . r, ii.iurssinti lei l lor ins Home In the past fvw days. I me lining retipies noc let v or the United Lutheran church helil one of their interesting meeting In the base ment of the church Sundny. These meetings nrtt much enjoyed by the members of the society wiio prepare a nice program and serve refreshments bsIiIh from the business session held. They meet every three week. Miss Kora Browne was a passenger for Sulcm Tuesday morning, returning on the live o'clock train. mi. t . . t . . . 'Julius Aim wns n Portland business caller on lhursiliiv of this week. P. II. Mureoe, who lately arrived EVERY THREE MINUTES ONE DIES III THE U.S. The Anti-Tuberculosis Society illus trates the frightful toll of consumption by extinguishing a light every three I minute;, and shows that it is the man or woman, girl or boy, who neglects i j , M"rr t ' , wean. tiiu taiiguiu, miu 13 uic voy one to contract tuberculosis and none are immune. During changing seasons, or after sickness, blood-quality is most impor tant, and if you and your family will take Scott's Emulsion after meals it will charge your blood with health sustaining richness, quicken circulation, and strengthen both lungs and throat. Scott's is free from alcohol easy to take it cannot harm. Get a bottle to-day. Scott St Bowue, ltiooniucld, N. J. IS-it from Iowa, is convalescing from a very severe attack of pneumonia at the homo of his son, Dave Mnreoe. .1. .1. Tallman keeps adding to the attractions at. his pleasant 'ionic on 1'hirtl street. Ilnrrv Desurt is buildiiiir ' two ' eobble stone posts, one nt each side1 posts, one at each side of the front I ,. u,l.;,.l, .. 1.1 much to the iippearniice of the place. I'.. I... Cooler, or Macleny, was in Sil vertott on business Tuesday. Mr. 1'ooler was for rly in the ' genera merchandise business in Pratim, b 2 ! now resi.les a his tine stock ran 1 neiirn Maeleav. j ri!irn,i,. a"... ...i.. i..... i . . I ino- hiu l.omdo i,',,. i..e, .,. ... " I holiday with Portland relatives, leav- ing for that placo Thiirsilny ' j . K. Hull, a life long fViend of f Cley, was this city Fiidav to I, t tend Mr. Cooley's funeral " . u.miiiiii;,! is reported ns in very poor health at her home ut Dr. Keencs. Anti'A i '.. .... L . . II. L. Nutting. Mrs. Ira Stem. ' art and Mrs. Frank Syring were Port-i 'latld ShOtlliera Witilti.iu,lnu VI li. I i , , inrfl. w- TeU"n(,, "ome in hB eycning l,t Mrs. Nutting spent the night with her sister M Tn. Coehnin ami family, at St. Johns. I At... u ... . ,"' , V ' in Portl 1 rTmtives H, h id"-VS wi,h ippe'-t." w ?k "r,.i ,":;,n." '.! grippe this week and unable to attend iu ii m work at too mill. Mrs. Theresa -limit nn.l i,i... have been enred for at H, . i , i Mrs. ,T. 7. CitVwere1 ta feu" '"he ! hmthn.'. t m, , ' 11 lu "lri brother's home Thnrsdnu f Mrs. Rnselnnd entertnined the Little , Girls Society of the United Ltithernu i'lltiri'li ir hup :in. I.... u . Little Walter Ott has been n'i ,i,.l. but. much better at this n-;in it 4..1. l.i.A A ... .. .T-"- " , Win. Laiighniiller, who has been en. Wing a trip to San Francisco returned', Bo home lust Friday cvoninir i have Miss Thereiui Hum,,. ......... I days (he past week at the home of her I Port'd out of its banks and many farm sister, Mrs. Joo Lais on First street I fn Tr marooned ana unable to get out Miss Lillio Mine, who has been stay- onlT DT bod ing with her iter Mrs. Rnlston for some! Trappers from the vicinity of the time post, will return to her home at! Lnc.kiamute river n, reporting many Boy at fort, Washington, the first of the'lsrge catches this year of. muskrnt. WiCr t ! m'n'G coon and skunk, and owing to Miss Mereno Digerness was a possen- the Increase in price on nil raw ftiTS K n u , n 1,,","y of this week. .,, ," t" (-,he "pot several davs with the home folks the first of this week. John Hosmer was among the gripp victims this week and Grant Davis was also reported as on the siek list. jj. I. Burr was a Portland business caller the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. V. Burgeron entertain ed a few friends at their home on Wed nesday eveninir. Cards wero among the diversions of the evening and a prettv combing jacket and dresser scarf sen't by Mrs. Fern Millor and her sister were rnffied off, the proceeds from these things to to to the church. Re freshments were eorvsjd and a most en joyable time reported. ! LI E Rub Backache Away With Small Trial Bottle of Old, Penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" Buck hurt youf Can't strnighten up without feeling sudden nains. shnrn aches and twingest Now Hstoul That a iiintiagn, sciatica or maybe from a strain, nud you'll get relief the mo ment you rub your buck with soothing. penetruting "St, Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out sor.-ness, lameness and I night and didn't know what to do. On! stiffness so tpiinkly. You simply rul)R friend's advice, I tried Doan's Kid- u. uu your nnca niui out comes pmn, It is harmless nud doesn't. i llrti Dm sit In. Limber up! Don't suffer! up! Don't suffer Oct a small trial bottle of old. honest "St 1......1.- nn .' : ,2 ; T m,1 l it 1 0n0 'T' 1 f"ret ir sel ic b'..,,.'i IZ V l' in K ' "or" , sn m:, "rll' . "T. never .lisappoints and hit, been recom-1 mended for (ID yenrs. ' THE BABY'S CHRISTMAS i Detroit, Mich., Dec. 22. Bnhv Jen nison 's Santa Clans died' today In n horrible, bloody tragedy, Friink .lenniiiiin, the child's father, a Wabash railroad fireman, tiiiurrelcd with his wife over what the bnhv should have for Christmas, ns the baby Inv In bed eooiitg. Suddenly Jciinison 's anger burst, lie seued h knife, nud slashed his wife's thrnnt, killing her Instantly. Then ns her blond spurted over tlie baby, he drew the same weapon across his own neck. I I .- 1 LANDED 295, TEARS AGO December 22, Hi2(l, which is just 5 years less than three cen turies ago today, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Hock and established themselves in prim itive homes to eelelirnte their freedom and their Christ mas. MONMOUTH NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Monmouth, Ore., Dec. 21. Monmouth held her city election Monday, Decem ber 20. The following officials were elected: Mr. J. L. Murdock, mnyor; Mr. W. K. Smith, treasurer; Mr. W. G. Brown, recorder; Mr. John A. Riddell and D. M. Humptonns cotincilnien to serve for the term of two vears. The 1 duties of these officers will start Jan- j "'i-T.e Monmouth high school basketball team are practicing daily and getting themselves in shape for the mutch game f " played with Albany high school in the near future. The boys have a strong team this year und have not been .... rPl. - 1..- .l. I.-. I.,. . i- n:i.:.. x :.. i. ?'"' M r. "lU" r " " "" luul " ins them this year. Mr. A. W. Poole has the contract for building the new garage for Graham & TV . .' "B , . , t'"'? u,B,',rt- , " s'"!! ' '".'t"u,,'d ,1"11d weather the building la b(M"' erected. Mr. P. II. Johnson has sold his con- fectionery and book store to D. C. Walker & Son of this city. They now l"lv0 P'IBSPIi!,ion- iIr- ('- K- ,sl'ens! of 0rcKon City, is ",e st",e Kra"Kc ninster and he will have charge of the insinuation of of- ficers for the Monmouth grunge nt their nPTt rerrnlnr meet.inrr on the second Saturdav in January. The Normal students who remained in Monmouth for the Christmas vaca tion are not exactly idle. Jinny of them are planning social evenings and a grand new year's ball. The students of the Monmouth high school nrn now encnrrpil in a difficult linn of Enclish work thim nnv iriven heretofore in this school. They edit .1 .L : f T, T.1 T iiiiner riiH HiiiiHrviKinn in I rill. p.. Keezel, articles for the local paper, thus nffordintr themselves a profi able as ...n "1 f.i. ., . o i, vn Wn.l ' RChool hero is to have all the students lc" tho athletics and Mr. J. H. Ack- ?onngth. athletic, to the campus. A scries of live games or nas kctball are to be played between the boys of the senior and junior classes boV9 of ,lie senwT 8,1,1 Iunior cln", ? h T iheY(0t classes. A silver cud is offered as prt same classes. A silver cup is offered as prize for both the boys and tho girls. Air, j Aekerman snvs "It is very necessary that the students learn athletics for they will be required to teach it in some form or other when they go out into tho world teaching school. Recently heavy rains in this section caused the overflowing of nil streams around. The Lttckiamute is re most of the trappers are busy and doing well. ; Tho farmers living north of Mon mouth held a telephone meeting Satur dsv to incorporate a company and buy! tho lines thev use from the "Bell" peo-j pie, if possible. Wednesday pigbt is amateur night nt th "Norm" theatre. There is nsunllyj a larger crowd on amateur night than anv other night. Riddell Brothers, breeders of pure bred Cotswold and Uncnln. sheep .arid Angora gnats, who lives near Monmouth have purchased enothcr trnarter section north of town. Thev are now bnsv til ing the ground as it is nearly all bot tom hind, Thev now form nbout 1,200 acres, using the latest and .most ap proved machinery for their farming operations. They have a "Holts" fiO horsepower "caterpillar" trnetnr with which they can plow, harrow and show 15 acres per day. During the past fall they had the tractor equipped with a seRrcMlirht end many nights they work ed all night long. There will be a special school meeting Saturday, November 2fl. for the nurpnse nt voting on the proposition of levying a special district to. MANY LIKE THIS IN SALEM Similar Cases Being Published In Each Issue. The following easo Is but one of an easy matter 10 veriiy. iou cannot ask for better proof, ' F. A. Button, tent and awning dealer. Salem, says: "I had kidney trouble j for ton years and sometimes 1 was laid up. Doctors did not help me. ' Sharp' paius extended through my back and were most severe in my kidneys. Often . when working 1 hod to give up. I lost; weight and was in very poor health. I1 hnil headaches, rested hut little at i ney Pills and to my surprise they brought great Improvement in a few days. I continued to get bettor steadi ly. I got more sleep, my appetite im proven, nun me putns urnuiiHiiv proved, and the pains gradually, but wrely, left me. After I had used tl.ree boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I was In bp,tcr l",,,"h ,lmn 1 hd bt",B for ,en y" - -?t 'IK. ..of kitlney eon,-! V r.t'T (Statement given iJR"' '"'i!1 , . ' I Over Six Years Later, Mr. Sutton added: "I confirm my former endoree-j mcnt of Doan's Kidney Pills. Thev Price 00c, at ull dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get' Doan's Kitlney Fills the same that j Mr. Sutton linn twice publicly recom-1 mended. Foster-Milburn Co.( Props.,1 Buffalo, N. Y. ! it That useless article may mean money to yon through the New Today column. Of course, the Men will come, but we want the Ladies, too We do not need to appeal to the men they know us. BUT WE WANT THE LADIES TO KNOW us just as wall and to feel sure that in our store they'll find the kind of gifts they're seeking and the kind of so vice that makes Christmas buying easy. SO FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF BOTH THE ladies and the men we provide this list of useful, appropriate and practical men's gifts gifts that every man will greet with the spirit of sincere ap preciation that is so much desired. IF IT IS A MAN'S GIFT GET IT AT THE man's gift store that means SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE ONE Or PAETY DIES Christiania, Dec. 22. Lloyd M. Biiighum, husband of Amelia Bingham, actress, a member of Ford's pence party, died here today of pneumonia, - Bingham accompanied the peace ship as official entertain er. His Bohcmianlsin offended Uuritanicul delegates, and they succeeded in cancelling arrange ments for a Bingham concert in mid-Atlantic. Bingham urged the party to leave him behind here, after he had contracted plcuro-pneu-monift aboard. KIDNEY DISORDERS QUICKLY RELIEVED Lending druggists everywhere are ! establishing new records jn the sale of j medicine. Believing that no medicine ) ought to be paid for unless if does the user some good tkey have adopted the plun of selling Solvnx, the standard . kidney remedy, tinner a positive guar antee of quick relief from ull kidney or bladder misery, or money buck without a question. This spcuks eloquently for the virtues of the remedy and already has created a wide-spread demand for it here in Salem. Hundreds of people I in - every walk of life have been re-1 lieved of the agonies attendant on weak, . disarranged or clogged-up kiil-j neys and bladder by this remarkable remedy, it is not just merely a kidney treatment, it is a medicine that aims to; put the entire, pninruckeit body into normal condition and give vigorous health after the many puinful disorders caused directly or indirectly by sick kidneys. A change for the better will be seen after the first few doses of Solvax and its continued use should tone up tho entire system of improp erly working organs and give the de sire to live and enjoy life to its full est. Solvnx is considered by many thei best kidney remedy on the market to-j day because it aims to cure by striking i directly at the cause of all the trouble. The nisny pnins and aches caused by improperly working kidneys cannot be permanently cured unless the cause is removed. Solvnx is sold under n positive guar antee to refund the money if it doesi not cure. This is the strongest proof that can be offered as to the merit of; tho medicine. You are cheating your-, self out of your slice of life if you do , not give Solvnx a chance. Get it today1 from Daniel .1. Fry or nny leading druggist in this vicinity. i Full Text America's Last Note to Austria' (Cortlnued from rag One. strictly on the Austrian admiralty's own admission that the Austrian enm-j mander blasted the Ancoiia after her' engines hnil stopped, and while lis- sengcrs were still, aboard. On tho. strength oMhis Btutetiieut, the note branded the commander as wilfully j violating international law mid the "humane principles which every 'Pel ligcreut should observe in the conduct nf win nt aen.'' it Miiitl his ''rnlnfihili- Prune- - Loganberry Combination Boz for a CHRISTMAS GIFT Or a paper wrapped sealed 10 lb. box, of our fancy PHEASANT PERFECTION PRUNES Tou can't beat it for an appropriate seasonable gift to your eastern friends. While ije box lasts it will speak to them every day about Salem, Oregon. See display m Roth Grocery Co.'s win Oow, or at our office... Thousands of them are going, order yours totlay. Willamette Valley tv" hud been established in any case. The note concludes: "It (the United States) sincerely hopes that the foregoing stntement of its position will enable he Imperial, and Royul government to perceive the jus tice of those demands and to comply with them in the same spirit of frank ness 'and with the same concern for the good relations now existing be tween the United States and Austra Huiignry .which prompted the govern ment of the United Stntes to make a reply." Will Not Argue Matter. The note Was a refusal to debnte in ternational law und humane principles. America said she did not (eel herself "called upon" thus to argue with Aus tria. Never in the history t the sub marine controversy nrising from this war has the administration made 'its note so brief, so directly to the point. Addressed to Ambassador Penfield: The note follows "Department of State, Washington, December 1(1, 10ir. You are in structed to address a note to the Ana-tro-Hungnriap minister of foreign af fairs, textually as follows: "llic government of the United Stntes has received the note of Your Excellency relative to the sinking ofl the Aneona, which was delivered at Vienna on December IS, 11)1.5, nmli transmitted to Washington and has given the note Immediate and cnreful consideration. "On November IS, 11)15, Baron Zwiedinck, the chnrgc d' affairs 'if the Imperial and Roynl gover cut at Washington, transmitted, to the depart ment of state a report of the Austro Hungarian admiralty will regard to ho sinking of the steamship Anconu, in which it wan admitted thnt the vessel was torpedoed after, her engines had been stopped and when passengers were still on bonrd. This admission alone is, In the view tho government of the Vnited States, sufficient to fix upon the commander of the sub marine which fired the torpedo, the responsibility f (,r having wilfully vio lated the recognized law of nations and entirely disregarded those humane principles which every belligerent should observe in the conduct of war at sea. In view of these admitted cir cumstance the government of the I'nited States feels justified in hold ing that the details of the sinking of the Anconn. the weight and character of the additional testimony enrrobor-. nting the admiralty's report and the number of Americans killed or injured are in no wv essential matters of the discussion. Tho culpability of the comuiiiiiiler is in anv case established, Gift Hints Bishop . Suit Silk Hose Roberts Hat Toilet Sets Military Brushes Jewelry Boxes Slippers Dent's Gloves MaJlory Hat Umbrella. Bath Kobe Shirt Underwear Baincoat Collar Bag Just Wright Shoes Cuff Buttons Garters Hosiery Lounging Robe Blue Serge Suit Cap Scarf Sweater Coat Sweater Vest Suspenders Belt Cane Shoes Bishop Overcoat Smoking Jacket Boxed Holiday Set Scarf irui Handkerchief Neckwear t a r" 1 Prune Association and the undisputed fact is that citizens of the United States wero killed, in jured, or put in jeopardy by his lawless act. Austria Admits Facts. ''Tho rules of interuntloiiul luw and rite principles of humanity which were .I.... ,;if..n.. ..:AtA.i i... .I.- mnnder of the submarine have been so long and bo universally recognized ami are so manifest from the standpoint of right and justice that the government of the United States does not feci called upon to debate thcut and docs not understand that the Imperial and Royal government questions or disputes them. "The government of tho United States, therefore, finds no other course open to it but to hold tho Imperial und Royal government responsible for tho net of its naval commander nud to re new tho tlefinite but respectful de mands made in its communication of the sixth of December, 1015, It sin cerely hopes thnt tho foregoing state ment of its position will enable the Imperial anil Royal government to per ceive tho justice of those demands umt to comply with them in tho same spirit of frankness and with the same con cern for the good relations now ex isting between the United States to Austria-Hungary which prompted tho government of the United States to make them." ''LANSING." When In SALEM, OREGON, stop a BLIGH HOTEL Strictly ltodern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c. $1.00, 91.50 PER DAY The only hotel in the bttsinass district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Horn Away From Home. T. O. BLIOH, Prop. Both phones. Free Auto Bus. STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Cacboni? Mad in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed front Bach Sheet. Columbia Carbon Paer Mfg. Co. S.'lrd A Broadway, Portland, Ore.