TIIE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1915, FD7E il r K, Adjustment of our insurance has been made and we have had a large force of help assorting and arranging the stock, all of which has been damaged by either fire or smoke. Every article in our store must be sold; then the building repaired, and when we reopen for spring business it will be with an entirely new stock. p ... r h i ' m 1 ; '" . 1 If v f Vv-H'j "Hrif v : :' , -.. I .... .-if This Fire Sale Now On -DAY ;VERYTHIMG GOE Just a Few Prices CLOTHING Men's $20, $25 $30 Suits scorched (J A on sleeves, only vpTr Men's Pants up to $2.00 98c Men's Pants up to $3.50 damaged fir 4 JtZ by smoke . . . . 4 I House Coats bought for holidays, (t fir A up to $10 values .... PiC.3U Men's Suits and Overcoats at to y2 value, damaged by smoke. Bath Robes, up to $7 values . . $2.75 Just a Few Prices FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS 25c and 50c Men's Hose $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts Hats up to $5.00, Stetsons 5c and 10c . 89c 50c Your choice of our $3 Hats that were pro tected by glass cases Union Suits up to $4.00 Shirts and Drawers up to $2.00 $1.95 $1.65 95c SHOES Lot Florsheim $5, $6, $7 Shoes. O CA slightly damaged . . p3 DYJ All Florsheims not injured will be sold at 15 per cent discount during this sale. HOLIDAY GIFTS The fire was confined to the rear half of our store. The goods in the front part are damaged by smoke only. Many goods were protected by show cases. All our goods bought for the holidays must go at some price and we have but 2 days to sell them. Wonderful bargains in leather bags, collar cases, neckties, etc. HAMM OND-BISHOP COMPANY Leading Clothiers The Toggery 167 Commercial Street Sale Will Continue Daily Until All Goods Are Sold of Daylight NowIs Very Live Burg Juneau Has Only Two Hours Jake Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers Drink Lots of Water Two iiours of ilarliuht, lipuinniuir ut Wo ar a. mition of meat caters and II o'rlmk in the muniinK, ix about all our 19 flll,"l wlt" ""' u',,, '" of the real mmsliine that creeiis into!" well-known authority, who warm us the lives of those living ut Jiineuu, tu he i'"'tly on jjliutJ against kid Alaska, Recording to n letter written tl'"b,lt-'- , , . hv Staey It. Keeves, malinger of the I lhu "VS ' utmost to freo Owl Diutr eoniiany, Juneau, Alaska,'"10 ,,lo("1 ot ,hl8 '"itatiajr neid, bub and who is well known in Salem, hav-1 beeonie weak from the overwork; they i'lj; been for several years with the J. j sluggish; tho eliininative tissues IVrrv King eoBipi'iny. p in tbnr uni1 tnllB t'10 wusto is retained in. Arc-tie region, the sun 'peeps over the 1 "" 1)10(111 ,0 I'"'011 t'le entire system. inoiiiitniHS about 11 oVImk, moves'', neu your kidneys aeho and feel like along clone to the horizon tor a couple lu,"l's V1' Wa,i .vuu hv8 stinging of hours and then keeps out of sight ' tne buck or tho urine, is for the remaining 22. Icloudy, lull of sediment, or the blad- Husinoss in .luueaii is good, writes ,U'F. is i i-ritii ifni. obliging you to seek Mr. Heeves. All the old timers snv it;''0'"' """"K tlu iK'ti when you have is better than ever before for the ivin-'t"'volu "eadacheK, nervous and dizzy ter senson, und the five big hotels and ' "I'1'11"' ' sleeplessness, acid stomach or nil the rooming houses are tilled mid ' ''"."liiit ihiii in bad weather, get from there is not an unoccupied house in the vu"r puannaeist about four ounces ulf city. -'H1 Stilts; take n tablespoiiuful in u i.iving is about one-fourth iiigher K,risa ot' WI,,OT before breakfast each thnn'in Salem. Staple groceries a re 1 "K a'"1 '". ft ivw I.V your kid aliout the same as Oregon prices but "vyH wl" ';t T1,is I'""1'1"" ""Its vegetables and fresh meats cost more. ; 18 ut' B' aad Colli costs $11 a Ion, whites Mr. Reeves, '''I1""' juiee, comliiued with bthia, ami .mil the ii vertigo family will use fullv siimuiari cmgge.i ui.lueys, tu neutrnlizo half a ton a month. ' ' 'the acids in urine so it is no longer a Apartments rent for from 2r, to 'n "" of irritation, thus ending uiiu- a mouth anil furnished Iiousch from -tbli'" "ladder disorders. to 7.1 a month. Simile rooms cost. '"" 1S inexpensive ami cun ironi if i.i io if.io n niontli wlnlo ifli a week is pmd tor average table board. not injure; niiikes a delightful effer vescent lilhin-wnter drink, und nobody l.iiundry work costs about, one fourth!'11" ".ml(l' " "lislako by taking a little, more than prices here in Salem. j occasionally to keep tho kidneys clean "I'V the laboring mini, I believe if active. he has ii'.joh in the slates, he hud bet-' . i T.TT : r T ter stav with it." writes Mr. Heeves. !'", ""' l".t. K'Ood, " I'ninWim.nl 'in fl.n ,l....u ..f f " Wlll'tlHT tllV SUM Ml'tS Or . 3.75 to l.2.-, a dnv is ut all a .nun,' ', s, J ",9 l"!,,"t':'!, 13 m" can depend on. Without something in ""l1'' ?, l,rL"mt "C view, inch as going into business, or , , k tl r ,r""', " J1 wr,' - having a position that will ,,v higher l, ' " : '!,,"1,u. JJeceinber 2, than in the states. I believe a ,,, is ' ",,V ."' t ,thoSule.n poslollieu better off in Oregon."- '( CI' KM 111 iri'fiHiii'L' ulnfiw tr.it- IV,, m ' m to m ,r,nonth o ilrvgoods twstatt oPPTrr, clerks get from m to HM. Girls got . TNtiTALL OFriCERS from tr.O to To a month, but. taking in- ; . , .. T .... to consideration tin) cost, of living, 1 , 1 '"' ,l"H)ill,'ltl"u ' ottic.ers tor tlio believe the average man or woman ts ' N,."s ' ) etciiin,, wus held 1-inlay ev paid about as well in Salem." eiiing. J-rnnk iliinlup, of Salem, iicled l''ur recreiition, Juneau has the Are-!11" installing officer. The officers in tic Rrotherhooil, n bulge something on1 "t"11'''1 n,re: Com., .lohn Thoniii.; the order of Hie Moose. llusketball i """'"C eoai., V. A. I-Jlder; .junior com., and all kinds of gymnastic games uro J ''m 1'owinng; secretury, V. A. lioiMle; played as in the states. Tho Trendwell ' treusurer, R. M, Olmstead, and chaplain, mine maiutiuns fine club rooms for its!''cvi aHiley. ' , , . emploves, Uuncing parlies are unite! About 20 from Salem, including. ln- ncijoeni uuil lliey lire ail iiress SUlt HE-!Mlln 1,1 luuri vuiis nun r-ons ut fairs, he writes. .luaeaii Is a paradise for duck hunt ers, as at this time of year one can take a bout at .luaeaii and in u two hour's ride .find enough ducks to bring home a boat. load. The Trendwell mine, just m-ross the buy. from Juneau, on Douglas island. has a pay roll of ijd.W.OOO a mouth and')): employs KidO men. Their lowest mine; level is .iillll teet below the surface and they mill 10,011(1 tons of rock a day. Dr. Vinton Kllis, sou of Dr. (I. V. Kllis, of this' city, is physician for the company. Sevenil oilier mines intend to double their capacity within a short time. With the sun staying out ot sight in tho winter time and shining for 20 hours at a time in summer, an alarm clock is a necessary part of one's equipment in order to know when to Veterans were present. - Following the installation a bauipiet was nerved. The next meeting will be on .Monthly evei.'nig, December 20. ,stnytoii Stunii-erd. ft WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AGO TODAY The allies begun it new 00 mile Trout offensive between Ulieinia and Verdun. r'rnuctf appropriated ifl, 100,000,001) for the war. (ionuiiu armies threat en Warsaw.. There was tin- .n u Christ mas truce, l-jupei or I'lnn, Josei was erported dying. Forbes Robert son's Last Visit e t0t:'-;i-4, aw!L.,. . .. i I i i t, When Sir Johnston l-'oibes llobeilson tho greatest Knglish speaking ai-tor comes to tiio (Iruiul theutre, l-'riday, De uber 21, he will be seen for the positively last lime in this city. I'orbes ltiibertsnn 's iniewell Is real, lie will never return to Ihose cities to which he has said farewell. The very man guarantees his farewell. Theal il eal farewells have been no much abused that the public has come to doubt the genuineness of u Iniewell these days, but in the ease of l-'iirbes Kobertsoii one cHiiuot but believe his sincerity. His entire career has been such as to warrant belief In his mini. I'orlies Uotiertson lun always avoid ed the hciihuI liiiiiil ill advertising. Per haps had he indulged la more press Ngenev would be retiring a far weal thier man thuu he is, but it was nut his wiiv, Modest nlwavs, he lias shunned anything that smacked of untruth, lie I has always been honest with his pub lie, whether in his acting or ill his per hi mi ii I exploit I ion. fur years he would nut. allow his pint mil to be used in ; bill posting und even now his photo graphs never figure on the billboanls. Tl uly Ihiug of this mi I me that ho nermlts is a lithograph, which ill it sell' is a handsome, dignified piece of work, being n leproduetioii of a paint nig of hi in-i'll' by tne well-known Lou don artist, (leorgo llarcmut. This painting was exhibited in the liuudnu I lloyiil Academy la 11112 ami shows the j actor as he appears today, nut as h up- .pcHied twenty years ago! I With the' possible rtceidiuil .of Maude Adums, no player's liuiiie life ii n 1 1 irivule existence is su little known i lis that of l''oi ben Kobertsoii, Hi yninl I the fact that he is iiiniried In (iertiudo . lllliott, the dimming American actress, and tout he liss four children, nothing lis known of his lite ol't' the stage, '