Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 22, 1915, Image 4

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    I Page of "The Capital Journal"
December H, 1 i t -" .
Editor and Manager
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec. and Treas.
Builv bv carrier, ner year $5.00 . Tor month.
Daily by mail, per year
3.00 l'cr month.
New York Chicago
WardLewis-Williams Special Agency Harry It. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
poron. If tho carrier does not do this, misses you, or ncyleets getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phoue the circulatioa manager, as this is the only
tray we can determine whether or not tho carriers aro following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
It is evident that this year as usual the spirit of phil
antrophy will find large expression in the giving of
Christmas cheer.
Next to the gifts that brighten the homes of our
friends those given to charity are important to consider
.very carefully.
Too many people give indiscriminately, without the
thought that makes a gift appropriate or a charity help
ful. In careless giving people mean well enough, but so
did the committee which sent .$20,000 worth of fireworks
to the Irish famine sufferers.
' Still others give things of no value or meaning what
ever. An instance of this was furnished by a public
gathering in New York, where one of the speakers called
attention to the sufferers from a prolonged strike and
suggested the advisability of giving them something.
One of the sympathetic audience moved that "we give
them three cheers."
By all means Christmas gifts for friends should be
selected with reference to their appropriateness and
utility. They should be fitting above all else.
You have no money for charity giving?
Then pass on the things you have the books you have
read, the unhung picture, the duplicate present, the scarf
or gloves you do not need, the musical instrument you
.have stored away anything by which you may enrich or
comfort or please others without impoverishing yourself.
These things have yielded you their best flavor; let
them carry to others human love's rich aroma.
The rainfall is now considerably above normal, far
enough ahead that most of us would be willing to let it
have a few days rest until "the normal" caught up with
it again. More than an inch fell in the past twenty-four
hours, and if you do not think that is some rain take a
look at a few brief figures. An inch rainfall means that
on every foot square of the country five pounds of water
fell. If your residence lot is 100 by 150 feet, thirty seven
and a half tons' of water fell on it in that inch of rain. As
the rainfall for the year is about 40 inches you can brigh
ten up on your arithmetic by figuring up how much falls
on an acre during the year, arid then carry the estimates
to such lengths as you please.
The Gary dinner attended by Colonel Roosevelt re
cently, it is said had among the guests 15 who represent
ed more than one billion dollars. This ought to make
Teddy the choice of the sons of toil at the coming election,
at which by the way, Mr. McHarg, treasurer of the Bull
Moose party at the last presidential election, says Teddy
will in March break into the ring and try to stampede the
G. O. P. into giving him the first place on the ticket.
A dispatch from China to Chinese in San Francisco
Tuesday, stated the revolution against Yuan Shi Kai had
commenced and several provinces were in open revolt. It
is quite probable this will cause Japan to get busy and be
fore the trouble is settled to grab more of the territory
of her adipose and moribund neighbor. It would be like
taking candy from a kid.
The only difference between a day of fasting and a day
of feasting is the letter "E". Still the difference is just
as marked as the way the kiddies feel about the two ends
of a holiday season. There is a vast difference between
the last day of vacation and the first day of school and the
last day of school and the first of the holidays,
At last the movie film crowd has found something they
can't get a film of somehow. A little thing like that will
not stop them long for what they can t get they can. easily
fake ajid perhaps already some gang is posing in the
place of the president and his bride for a honeymoon
A Galfey o Fun!
May Oh, Mr. Grassett! was that
Jack I believe It was.
May Oh! Oh! whatever shall I do?
Jack Why, you are not afraid ol
lightning, are you?
May It drives me crazy. Won't
you please shut the window?
Jack Why, certainly; though I
don't think It would attract the IIeM'
ninpr very much. '
May Oh, yes it would. Nomt,
plcceaze come away from the wall!
The walls of the house are conductors
of electricity. ,
Jack All right. Anything else?
May Will you please draw down
the blinds so that I can't see the linht
niiiK ilai-hea? There, thank you; but
it is so dark I can't see here now.
Jack Neer mind! I am here.
May I have heard some girls say
that I ho safest thing to do in a storm
is to stand on a chair iu the middle of
tho room.
Jack Here Is a chair.
May Cut I am afraid I will fall oft. I
Jack I will hold you on. j
May It is bo kind of you. How
IciTlblo tho thunder sounds; but I
feel safer now. (Pause, to give thai
thunder, and lightning man a chance !
to earn his salary.)
Jack By the way, wouldn't you be
just as perfectly insulated if I sat in
the chair and you sat on my lap?
May Oh, Mr. Grasselt! bow car
you suggest such a thing?
Jack Come on. (Sounds of a slrug
glo and then a tliundor-clap.)
May Oh, Jack! (More thunder,
green lire, etc.)
Pale, SaJow Checks
show that the blood is impoverished and that the stomach is not prop,
erly assimilating its food. In fact a woman's physical condition always
snows in her face. Paleness, blotches, pimples, sallownessor dull eyes all
Tel! the Need Of
Beecham's Pills. Women who are subject to these conditions should
not tail to avail themselves of their prompt and beneficial effect.
Beecham's Pills are prepared to furnish the necessary relief. They
clear the Bystem of impurities, gently stimulate the liver, regulate the
bowels and tone the system. Their mild and thorough action quickly
na the skin of blemishes, improve the circulation and help the digestion.
every woman should know the comfort, and experience the help of
SDI,icTti"fi"l H'tetfA BJ!W 'Oc;. 25c
- . . - v viuvu wua every box
Henry Ford is reported sick in bed and really in a ser
ious condition. This is the result of worry over the bad
conduct of' the individuals composing his peace delega
tion. He probably realizes now just how David felt when
he had assembled his followers at the cave ,df Adullam.
A story in today's paper dealing with the great ac
cumulation of gold' now in this country gives the United
States credit with having in her vaults one-fourth of the
entire quantity of gold in the world. The dispatch says
this amount is about $2,200,000,000, which would make
the total amount of gold in evidence about .$9,000,000,000.
This total is probably too low as the generally accepted
amount of gold in existence is $1:1,000,000,000. A state
ment made by one who had spent some years in looking
into the subject places the total amount of gold taken
from the earth by man at above $20,000,000,000.
The same authority estimates that fully one-third of
this is in hiding or lost. His estimates also dVedits India
with having more gold than any other country, owing to
the fact that it is literally the grave yard of that metal,
the Hindu being a miser so far as the yellow metal is
concerned, and hoarding all of it he gets possession of.
This is due to several causes that need not be gone in
to now, but the fact remains that both gold and precious
stones once reaching India, stay there. The most price
less collections of diamonds and rubies belong to the
Maharnjahs, Ahkoonds, Ghekwars or whatever titles they
inay sport, and vast hoards of gold are also in the treas
uries of these same rulers.
Either gold or jewels entering India pass through
gates over which as over that mentioned by Dante, that
gave admission to the Infernal regions, and which bore
the legend: "Who enters here leaves hope behind."
The supreme court has decided that a woman can be
married and yet be capable of teaching school. Without!
passing on the question of it being good law it can easily j
be pronounced good sense, and the decision of the court!
will meet with the approval of all except perhaps a fowl
extreme faddists, such as sometimes get in charge of j
educational affairs. Anyone will admit that 7 married l
women have more children to take care of than single1
ones, and if they can take care of half a dozen or more of;
.., il... i!.,l.. 1 1.3 U . 1. !!! 1 1 I
care for other folk's youngsters than unmarried women.
Ilcsides school boards have no right to place a ban on mar
riage, or for that matter to interfere with the private
affairs of the teachers in any way.
General Villa's troops are reported as being drunk
and raising cain at Jaurez, Mexico. Those who have
never been forced to live in Jaurez will probably criticise
their intemperance.
A man can manufacture pills of plaster Paris, bran
and flour, and swear they'll cure all human ills and
folks will praise them every hour. And every mail that
comes to town will bring warm letters from
the guys who tell how they were stricken
down with influenza in the eyes. "We tried
all medicines and drugs that kindly folks
could recommend, we bought such things
in kegs and jugs, and porous plasters with
ont end. In vain it didn't hit the spot; we
weaker grew from day to day; in spite of
all that costly rot, it seemed that we must
pass away. We called a learned physician
in, and at our tongue and pulse he looked,
and said, with melancholy grin, 'It is no use
your goose is cooked !' Then Gvandpa said, 'For mortal
ills there is one cure that's simply great; O try the Plas
ter Paris Pills!' And so we sent and bought a crate. We
took ten pills six times an hour, at night we took a dozen
more; and to our weakened limbs the power came rushing
like a tidal bore." Thus people, over all the earth, are
boosting fakes, and mean ho harm; oh, what is testimony
worth? Is evidence a false alarm?
'" til
l I V.i. I
& A
First Market Woman Mrs. Rosen
slciu has Insulted me.
Second Market Woman Vot did sha
First Market Woman Asked ma
vot I wag going to make out of der
baby shooat as If he vas for salel
r I EKtfMt I
In of Cert between Willamette Valley points December 17, IS, 22, .'!, 24,
25, 31, 15)15, and January 1, 1910.
Final return limit on tinltots sold these dales is January 4, 101G.
Plan Your Christmas and New Year Holidays
Bound trip rates of $30 and .tLfi.70 from Portland to San Francisco
via "The iWth Bank" rail and 8. St. "Northern Pacific" December
20, 21, 21, 25, 2!), 30. Return limit January 4. Meals and berth includ
ed in tares.
For further details consult
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
J. V. Elmer rt ux to Henry ami
Huso Kiii'hlrr, .1. W. ( leaver claim, 3,
(I. 1 W.
1 1 on. Ij. Jensen ot nx to I.nrs .T. Jen
sen, l'!ii"hniu ln i n), 03, 5, 1 V.
A. W. (lilies et ux to (I. li. Jensen, J.
n. Shanks claim, 25, 5, I W.
tl. I,. Ji'Iikch et ux to 1,. J. Jensen,
lot I, liloi'k 2, Monitor, .Marion comity,
Emit Dniiiclsnn rt ux to Lars Jen
sen, lot 5, block 2, Monitor, Marion
county, (Ircunn,
Julia Uieluieier et ux to John Uicl
meier, Jr., J, W, ( leaver claim, 3, 0, 1
,Mm Hiclmelcr, Jr., to John and An
tin lleilineier, .1, W, deliver claim, 3, (i,
1 W.
W. A. Wise et ux to Mnrv F. Thomp
son, lots 3, I, 5, (1, 7 and ft, tract 10.
John ('. and (lurtrmlc Currlo to (len.
If. Hihlmrd, I'nrt let 33 Silvorton North
and part lot 37, North Hilvorton, Kintf
Hubbard I'hilm, III and 17, 7, 1 W. and
Herlber claim, 17, 7, 1 W.
P. K. Wnld et nx to J. W. and Corde
lia l.n Hare, lot 27, Buimysido Fruit
Farms No. 10.
Pule Mink-ett ot nx to T,. 8. Mar
dick I). I ('. Mans ItrouK it, (14, 0, 8
Willnrd Knullsli et ux to Willis 0.
Knejinii, Tucker claim, 01), I), 1 W.
Willnrd ISnnlish et ux to K, U. Eng
lish, Tucker claim, 50, ,11. .1 W.
Kdwnrd .1. Whedhoo'et ux to Booth
ami ( linn. Hnlcs claim. 115. 111. 3 W
Nine A. (ilcnsim to Alfred 11. audi
Arthur H. Moure, 1). fcttiitcllo claim,1
3, 5. 1 W.
.1. C Wnneninn et ux to Arthur nnd
Allied Moore, 1). iSiintcllo claim, 3, 5,
1 W.
Wm. Davis et ux tn O, C. Settlcmcier
M. .1. Miller claim, 3, 6, 3 W.
1'nited states tn l imn. Manama, In
vnlvinR the rlht of Thotnin Coward,
lot 1, of section 12, (1, 3 V,
(len, (). Koff to Chun. R Koff part
1) I. C of Jno. I.. Koff 7-2W,
Mr. Martor hastily dropped bia
morning paper and arose as his wif
entered the breakfast room. Mrs,
Marter's brows held that elevation
and her lips that depression which
forecasted an approaching storm, and
her husbnnd'KfKpirlts sank according
ly. "Good morning, my dear," said lie,
trying to look happy, and proceeding'
to overdo It, "You look as thouch
you'd had a good night's rest. Let mo
null out your chair. How bccomlnii
that wrapper dress I mean gown--U
You always did look well in blue."
"It matters little," said Mrs. Mar
ter, In an all ls now-over voice, "but I
was led to believe It .green."
"Of course, my dear, green. I meaut
iri cen. And such a pretty shade."
"Green and yellow do not ordinari
ly blend," observed the lady, sipping
her coffe as though It probably con
tained some deadly poison, but life
was too dismal a thing for It to mat
ter. "Very true," assented Mr. Morter,
In his sprlghtllcst manner. "It takes
yoti to pick out colors."
At this Innocent compliment Mrs.
.Martor buried her face in her hand
kerchief and began to sob.
Mr. Mailer, never prepared for
these outbursts, after ten years of
trying to ward them off, drorped his
fork and Jaw at the same time, and
lied. ,
Donald may become a loganberry
center rivaling Brooks and Geivuis
if present plans are carried out. Mr.
liliiuerson, an O. A. C. horticulturist,
has rented the W. A. Hillis place,
formerly a part of the J. P. Fuller farm
and will put out several acres of logan
berries. There aro already seven acres
ia bearing and Mr. liliinerson proposes
to increase this to 25 acres if he can se
cure the laud. H. D. Evans is now in
charge of the work removing tho'hops
from several acres which will be put
into berries. It is reported that con
tracts liuvo been made with the Salem
I.uju I'lant, formerly tho Salem brewer
to deliver loganberries f, o. 1). Donald
at three cents' a pound. Tlin Nalcin
company will manufacture "I.oju." a
loganberry beverage, and other fruit
juices. Aurora Ozserver.
San Francisco, Dee, 22. San Fran
cisco, the community whom nude Stella
nt tho expositioa greatly nleased as
evidenced by gato receipts faced to
day elimination of postcards showing
iiiuio piciiires. -i nc hoard of education
asked the polico to stop sale of these
cards, many of which are photographs
of exposition statues.
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 22. Snnwslides
anil washouts in mountain nnd river
districts of Washington and tiie north
west, delayed freight and linssnnger
traffic on nil traiiscoiitirjentiil railway
Hues In and out of here today.
Fur n 1 2 hour period, according to
Weather Observer Nulinhury, Henttlc
nnd western Washington are due to
enjoy n respite lrem rain. 1 no fore
cast fur Thursday, however, is prob
ably gciicial ruin,
"Yes; tho automobile nearly ran
over mo. You see, tho what do you
call him? tho chauffeur"
"Well, that Isn't what I'd call him
If lie nearly ran over me." , ,. . ..
Special Piice :
Tourist (after Ms first drink Of
nioody Gulch whiskey) Thunder aud
lightning! Glmmo a chaser, Quick!
Dartendor (disdainfully) Wot d'
yer want water?
Tourist No; linseed oil! '"ji (' Ji
Little Zlnirl raw, what Is a coun
try seat?
Farmer Puckovcr It's where rloh
city man has gone 'way back and sat
down. ' (, v
Mis. Dresser I see that Fashion
has put her foot on the Panama hat
Mr. IMesscr Ily Jove! That'll flinko
ouu more dent In It, won't It? , .
at 1L50at
Prompt Delivery
Spauldmg Logging
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
run inc. WUUUSMAIN
Wo have U kiu of Aiee, Sledges, Wedges, btwi snd Equipments
for the woods. '
All' kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs and' Buildings,
eost 800'00 laundry Mangol, slightly used for one-fourth original
115 AND 20 NEW OVERCOATS AT 15.00."
I pay 1 1-2 ceuts per pound for old tags.
I pay highest price for hides sod fur.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
... v.fll lUa. "V"' "f H MMon Bargains.
M UVUP nvoi .