Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 22, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social nf
ONE of the most successful of all
the dances for which the Elks
are been host this season was
the one given last night at their club
Splendid music played by the Elks'
orchestra and card tables for the son
dancers, helped to make the evening
an enjoyable and gay one for all who
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill B. Moores, of
Portland, are expected Thursday for
the holiday when they will be the
guests of Mx. and Mrs. George Gray
and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jones at La
hush Meadows.
Mrs. 8. C Dyer, who I making her
Sieme ia Eugene for the winter is the
house guest of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Connel Dyer, for
tee Holidays.
Ifiss Caroline Dick win have with
her during the Christmas holiday Miss
1 aula Una, who is now tiring in Port
land. ' The primary department of the Ja
son Lee Memorial chorea will be given
a merry Christmas party on Thursday
u we primary rooms.
About eighty little tots of this de
partment, who are under the charge of
Miss Emele will be made happy with
needy Christmas t and surprises.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Ollneor will have
s their guests for Christmas, Mr. and
Mrs. B. (J. Ulinger, oiTne Italics.
The Ladies of the Home Missionary
kociotv of the Jason Lee church, were
delightfully entertained this afternoon
toy Mrs. b'ffie Wright.
A short business meeting was fol
lowed by an enjoyable social afternoon
Mma tea.
Attractive decorations, suggestive of
(he Christmas season added cheer to
the occasion.
Mrs. A.
N. Bush spent Tuesday in
A dinner to be given for tho Sunday
chool of the Baptist chnrch on Thurs
day evening in the church dining room
ia the center of much interest to the
various classes.
Following this Christmas feast will
be a delightful programme also appro
priato of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cox will have
a their Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Jfi. it, Lowlea, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Cowlcs and son, Junior, and Mr. W. A.
Fash, of Woodburn.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hunter and
daughter, Macyln, returned Monday
from Portland, where they were the
week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
D. Powell.
Oregon students and friends of Dud
ley Clark, of Portland, will be interest
ed to know tiiat Mr. Clark ha:l joined
the Lnsky Film company in Los An
geles, California. '
Mr. Clark made his initial appear
ance before the camera last week.
The .Bethany Reform Sunday school
have arranged for a splendid Christ
inas programme to be given on Friday
evenine at seven o'clock.
Here ia tho programme:
Opening song.
Responsive reading of tho Christinas
Greeting, Arthur Theuer.
Anthom by choir, "Bethlehem" E.
Recitation, "Olad Tidings" Dorothy
Exercise, Mary aid Arthur Tuffli,
j-iStner and Krtna Anneregg,
Lighting of the Christmas tree and
song by school.
primnry recitations, Mnrlin Much!-
laupt, Maud Engstrom, Donald Muehl-
haupt, Lawrenee Engstrom, nnd Mary
Song by school, "Christmas Bells.",
Duett, "Little Stars," Dora and An-i
This store will be
pea evenings
UU ChrurtmM ..
na Tuffli.
Dialogue, Frank Eggler and Loren
Primary song, "A Happv Time."
Becitation, Marcus Kielsmeier.
Exercise. "Welcome to the Christ
Child," Anna Tuffli and Esther An
deregg. Girls chorus, ''Ode to the Christmas
Exercise. "The Kin? of Glory."
George Lienkaemper, Casper Anderegg,
oenj. lueismeier, Joan I mini, Artnur
lneuer. '
Bona; by the school. "The Kins of,
Dialogue, "Shall we observe Cnrist-
maa or nott" young ladies class.
Anther by the choir. "Holy Night."
Lr B. Wilson.
Recitation, "The Trees," Winnie
Dialogue, "The Christmas Story,"
teacher and class of boys.
Violin solo, "Holy Night," Frank
Hesitation, Esther Kielsmeier.
Vocal solo "Prayer for pure hearts"
George Lienkaemper.
Hong by school, "Exalt the King of
Play, "Christmas Surprises" Heidel
berg Guild.
Hong by school, "Memories of Beth-
Address by pastor.
Distribution of gifts.
Closing hymn by congregation.
Mrs. Ray Gilbert is spending several
aaya in imrwuia.
a 4iwviiiuiu
E. T. Bussclle is in Portland.
Paul Wallace went to Portland thia
Louis Lachmund went to Portland
this morniiy?.
H. Montgomery was in the city Wed
nesday, from Hcio.
J. H. Bohanan, of Independence, was
in naiem Wednesday.
Ray Mark, an attorney of Sheridan,
is nere on icgni Dunnes.
C. E. Cox, of Independence, was reg
istered at the Bligh yesterday.
Bert Lomard, of Jefferson, was i
business visitor in the city yesterday.
J. K. Armstrong was in the city
transacting business yesterday from
A. B. Mitchell and W. E. Head, con
ductors on the Sulem Street Railway
returned yesterday from a Bhort etay in
John Pauer, atuto agent for the Pru
dential Insurance- company, with west
ern f ficcs in Portland, is here on com
pany business.
Albert Simon and Mrs. TO. Tiram, of
Winona, Minn., who have been visiting
their brother, John Simon, left yestor-
uay ror tneir nomc.
B. B. Colbath, former sheriff of Ma
rion county, and wife, went to Albany
today to spend the holidays with the
parents ot Mrs. Colbath.
Mrs. J. J. SchlinU left Saturday
afternoon for rnlem, where she in
tends to remain indefinitely. Hho lias
been visiting here a tew duys with her
mother. Rosoburg Review.
Mrs. II. K. Gullickson and family left
yesterday afternoon ou tho 1:50 Oregon
Klectric trnin for Salem, where she will
spent Christmas with relatives. Mr.
Gullickson will remain here. Eugene
Willinm Taylor, of Salem, who lnul
i been iu charge of the Oregon build-
1nB nt tl,e Vamma exposition for the
'oat seven months, arrived in Kuse-
burg lnt night nnd spent todnv visit-
ing at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Kd-
ward Singleton in North Hosobnrg.
Mr. Taylor will probably continue
hi journey north tonight. Roscburg
regardless of age or station
all less
The Boy
MACKINAW 13.(10 to $5.00
GLOVES 250 to $1.00 '
BELT 250 to BOO
SUBFENDEES 10c to 25c
PUR5B llic to 50o
TIB 25c, COo .
ABU BANDS lie to 500
ISLATB 10c, 13c .
KNIFE 10c to 11.00
HAT 250 to $1.45
OAF 25c to 95o
in tops up to $1.00
JiarncS Sadh Xlere
Success of a New
Remedy for Backache,
Rheumatism, Kidneys
Folks In Balem and adjoining coun
ties are delighted with the results they
have obtained by using "AN-DBIC,"
the newest discovery of Dr. Pierce who
is head of the INVALIDS' HOTEL
falo, N. Y. Those who started the
day with a backache stiff legs, arms
and muscles, and an aching head (worn
out before the day began because they
were in and ont of bed half a deaen
times at night) are appreciating the
perfect rest, comfort and aew strength
they obtained from Doe tor Pierce's
An-uric Tablets. To prove that this
is a certain urio acid solvsnt and eon
rniers headache, kidney and bladdor
disease and rheumatism, if you've
nevor used the "An-uric," cut this
out and semi 10 cent to Doctor Pierce
for a large sample package. This will
prove to yon that " An-une" ia thirty-
seven times mot active than litbia in
eliminating urio acid and the most
perfact kidney and bladder corrector.
If you are -asufferer, go to your best
druggist and ask for a- SO-cent box of
An-onc. You run no risk for'Dr.
Pierce ' good name stand behind this
wonderful new discovery as it ha for
the pant century for his "Favorite
Prescription" for weak women and
"Pleasant PcUetB" for liver ills.
fiiiHT unircc urns
WVUI ItUUlltl lias II U
ft jfc j(c )(C s(c 31 jff 3$C 9fC
Some 30 Marion county drnggist are
looking forward to 1016 as the "Year
of the rreat donfrht" and today County
Clerk Gehlhar sent out the first set of
blank affidavit for the sole of alco
hol to M. Oeisy, a druggist of Aurora,
The affidavits come in two forms, those
for the sale of Ethyl alcohol for ex
ternal use and those for the sale of
bthyl alcohol for proscription. The
books each contain 100 blank affidavits
and cost one dollar uer book in addi
tioa it costs the druggist $2 for filing
a uonu or zou wnicn make aia bill
$-4 for the first installment. Common
carrier also have two form of affidav
it, one for delivery of alcohol for
sacramentnl purposes and the other for
the delivery of alcohol to consumers.
Each affidavit is required to be sent
in to the eounty clerk where it is filed.
if sold on a prescription the nrescriD
tion is also placed on file at the county
nl.'rV riff TV .. j 1 .
- auo rcvurus sepc are
not publie records but are onen to of
ficers of the law through their regular
Numerous subpocnacs requiring wit
nesses to appear before the enind inr
have been sent out in preparation for
the opening of department No. 1 of the
circuit court in (his county, January 3.
From some of the witnesses upon whom
suopoenacs nave been served it is indi
cated that the late fair grounds ticket
scanaai is duo lor an airing.
A suit has been filed in the circuit
court of this county by the state board
of control atrainst the Salem Hosnitnl
association and the Oregon Children's
Aid society to condemn 6.14 acres of
lanu lor the extension of the Oregon
state hospital for the insane. This plot
of ground was found to be partly in use
by the building of the Oregon state
nospitai ana tne Board of control at
tempted to secure possession of it from
ine saiom nospitai association. Tho hos
pital association is said to have offered
the ground for 25,00fl and at the last
legislature 25,000 was appropriated
for the purchase of this land. Then it
nppeara that the hospital refused to
sell for this price and the present means
is taken to 'secure the land. Tho state
asks that the ground may be con
demned nnd thut tho state secure pos
session of it for $1N,000. Attorney
Ueneral Brown Is representing the in
terests of the board of control in the
Yon get a paper full of read-
tag, no contest dope.
The Man
MACKINAW $5.35 to $9.65
FLANNEL SHIBTS $1.15 to $2.85
KID GLOVES $1.15 to $1.85
FUR GLOVES $1.20, $1.35
AUTO GLOVES $1.50 to $2.85
BELT 250 to $1.00 -
SUSPENDERS 25c, 35c, 50c
PURSB lfio to 750
TIBS 25c, 50c, 76c, $1.00
ARM BAND 6c to 50a
HAT $1.45 UP
CAP 5pc to $1.45
SHOES $2.65 to $5.00
SLIPPERS 9f to $1.75
UMBRELLA 75a to $5.78
Mark SiddaO and Charles
; Leitk Eat Reindeer Meat
and Shoot Straight
Mark Siddall, president of the Salfta
Bod' and Gun club, returned to thi
city last night after sharing reindeer
venaioa and sharing honors wits some
or tne most ardent sportsmen ia Ue
state at Portland daring the recent ses
sion of the Oregon Sportsmen ' leogae
whieh was held ia that city. There were
300 present at the famous reindeer ban
quet and for the greater part- of the
dinner it was their first taste of the
deer from the far north. Mr. BiddaJl
say reindeer meat i slightly darker
and a little Com see grained than the
venison that roam the hill ef Oregon
but the flavor of the wild things te the
meat of the deer that i the work ox
of the Esquimaux.
In the shoot held Bandar Mr. fiiddau
tied for second plaee with aa average
of 94 per cent and the first honor were
carried off by Charte Leith, of Wood-
burn, who broke 90 oat of JOB clay
After New Year Mr. Siddall say a
membership campaign will be started
by the Capital City Bod and Gun cfnb
and it is hoped to secure at least 300
member. It i proposed to make the
membership more general throughout
the eounty than in the post and. to se
cure a strong' delegation to work fox
more trout fry in the Marion comity
streams. In this county are found some
of the finest trout streams in the west
but no effort have been made in the
past to have the stream well stocked
with trout fry from the state hatcher
ies. Last fall a carload of young trout
was distributed ia this eounty but there
is still room for several more of the
wiggly little minnow that grow into
the gnmey mountain trout.
At the sportsmen's meeting the sen
timent was expressed that the hunting
law sbould be amended to prohibit the
shooting of china hens and it ia even
possible that the shooting of china
cocks may be stopped in the near fu
ture. The Salem Rod and Gnn club will pnt
on a shoot tomorrow and about 15
Portland trap shooters have promised
to attend if the weather is fair. Half
a dozen professional may be en the
grounds and Miss Gladys Reid, the
daughter of Jim Jieid, will be here to
participate in the shoot. A special 50
bird race sweepstake will be put on
and a number of turkeys will be pot
up as prizes tor unnstmns dinners.
Would Supply Munitions
For Chined Rebellion
San Francisco, Dec. 22. Details of
a plot to supply tho revolutionary par
ty of China with large supplies of mu
nitions may be bared as the result of
an investigation of the steamer Catan
ia's cargo, held up by Port Collector
Davis. lie halted the shipment, con
signed to Yokohama, after ber officers
asked permission to trnnsfer it to an
other orient bound ship.
At first, it was thought the muni
tions were going to Russia but with a
revolution reported on in China, tiie
case may assume a different aspect.
Customs officials now think the cargo
was destined ultimately for China, that
it was perhaps only one of many, and
that it was sent early so that rebels
against the overturn of the republic
must be prepared for speedy develop
ments. The explosives came originally from
Puget Sound on the steamer F. H. Loop.
Tho manager of tho Catania line said
today the goods were vonsigned "to
order," hence it is thought here that
tho "order" nt the other end might
come from Chinese revolutionists.
Dallas, Or., Dec. 22. As a means of
instilling interest iu the membership in
the annual meeting, the Iallas Com
mercial club will hold a banquet the
first of the year, when the annual elec
tion of officers will take place nnd
plans will be adopted for the ensuing
year. .
Among the most important things
accomplished by the local club during
the past two years was the permanent
establishment of a county fair organi
sation with tair grounds of it owns.
The officials of the club pi poet to de
velop a new era of progress in this sec
tion next year.
Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 22. Port
Collector Kobcrt Knox of New Orleans
today snot and killed Benjamin Foster
nnd Alexander Frank.
The victims of Knox' bullets were
strangers to Knox. Friend of the col
lector say he had suffered from a aerv
ous breakdown and that this accounts
for bis shooting the men at the rail
way station.
Falls City, Ore., Pec. 21. The heavy
rains Inst night and today have put
tho I.iiekinmute higher than at any time
this season.
A part of the dum belonging to the
electric plant was swept out this after
noon, but the water is still so high u
to furnish sufficient power for light.
Providence, R. I., Dee. 22. Jlrown
university football players left here to
day for Pasadena, California, where en
New Years Day they will play Wash
imrton stnte coile'p.
Cheap nbstltutes cost YOU price.
Meat Packer Says Kind To Be
Killed Would Prove
Tough Chewing
New York, Dec. 22. New
York will be the first American
eity to permit sale of horse
meat for food. The new ruling
goes into effect January 1.
Pari eats horsemeat Why
net New York
"Horsemeat is not objection-
able- as food," said Health Of-
-fieer Emerson today in reply.
"It can be a valuable 'and a
cheap addition to the tables of
Ue thrift. The horse, fnrther-
more, is renerally so free from
disease that it requires les sn-
pervisioa than cows, hogs and
sheep. Likewise it will lower
the cost of living."
San TVanpien TW 99 Vt Vn.V
may dine on horsemeat if it wishes;
o T : i , .. i
ou xraneisco, nowever, Dars it ana
will COntinllA tn rin n linlaaa tha
States department of agriculture puts
n-n . a. tnereon.
Health Officer Hassler explained to
day an ordinance already prevent sale
of the meat here, and he saw no chance
of it being; served any time soon on
Moat company said tho kind of horse
mac would sen lor its flesh or nide
wouldn't be the kind anyone wanted
to seat
Not Any For Oakland.
uaAiono, ..ai., iiee. zz. A. m.
would not permit the sale of horsemeat
iur ioou. --until me government de
crees that horseflesh is edible," he
said, "this office would proseeute mar
kets or others attempting to sell it. We
nuuinu iiavw iu snro me aeparcmenc
of the interior would sanction such an
idea. Personally Oaklanders are too
well fed to start eating horses. New
York always goes into things with a
A Matter of Taste.
San Dieffo. Cal. TV 9? "Pin
horseflesh is largely a matter of per
sonal taste." said Health Officer
Bank here tndnv. "Wh.lA th
iis fair, the fiber is more tough than
uim ox orner animals. There i no
objection to horseflesh from a stand-
iwini or neairn. it is more a matter
Of taste. I lln HO like fn halinira tha
'custom will become popular in the
west, for a time at least."
Food For the "Angels."
Los Angeles, Cat., Dec. 22. Horse
flesh can be sold for fnnrl in T.n An.
geles, so long a it is not hung in the
sumo reingerarors with beef and other
meats, according to City Attorney
Stephens. There is no city law govern
ing the sale of herseflesh, so Los An
geles may join with Now Yorkers in
ordering horse steaks if dealers want
to put them on sale. Stephens said he
iwrsonally was not opposed to dining
on horse, as it was, ho said, probably
just as good as any kind of meat.
No Oojectiona In Portland.
Portland. Or.. Dec. 22 Rhnnlil th
horsemeat vliet become popular in
Portland, no action will be token to
stori it, said Dr. Marcellus, city health
officer, today.
"There's no law against it," said
the doctor, "and they say it's perfect
ly good food."
San Francisco Dec. 22. The divorce
complaint of Mrs. Alice Stout, granted
an interlocutory deereo of divorce to
day, would indicate that her former
spouse, Charles 8. Stout, Pullman con
ductor, had a mind for detail. He did r
overlook the small things of life.
Sho alleged that ho deserted in May,'
1912. after thev hud been livirritiil I
three, years. Before leaving, however,
he wrote a note reminding her there
was still $5 to bo paid on the encyclo
pedia which they were paying for in in
stallments. Don't forget that there
is some more to be paid on the 1911
year book," be also admonished.'
"Please be kind to the cnt and feedi
bim regularly. 1
Olyinpia, Wash., Dec. 22. "There is;
going to be a state wide cleanup," is!
the latest word today from Governor!
Lister, in connection with the probe'
into the looting of the state industrial I
The governor indicated that there,
would be definite action before long.;
It was not improbable, he intimated,
that there may be sensational develop-,
men In within the next 24 hours. j
This morning Prosecuting Attorney
Yautis, Assistant Attorney General
Tnuner and State Fish Commissioner
Darwin were iu conference for several
hours, it ia believed in this connec
(Capital Journal Special Service.) j
Woodburn, Or., Dec. 22. Clavil Ogle!
of V. of O. is home for the Xmas
vacation. I
Miss Nell Binkley went to Portland
Monday to see Lillian Kussell at the!
Orpheum. I
Mrs. Homer Alleman spent Sunday
i Oregon City.
Mies Madge Scollard who is attend-;
lag normal at Monmouth, Ore., is at
hm. I
Linn Parr who attended the Univer
sity of Oregon is spending Xmas vsca-
tion at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. ('has. Tarr. I
Farewell of
The World's Greatest Actor
Seats Thursday
XiOwer Floor 2, $1.80,
.Balcony 11.50, tl.oo; -Gallery 75c
Come to the Store Thursday
1 lb. Parisian Cream Candy
1 lb. Beauty Mixed Candy
1 lb. Beet Mixed Fata
1 lb. Povcoro
1 lb. Dates
1 Doz. Banana
15 Naval Oranges
Total Value $L2fl
A Popcorn Popper full of corn for . . . 20c
Price on these specials apply at store only. You must come -to the
store to order them at these pri.-es.
Fresa Candy under glass .... .....10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 16c, 18o and 20c per lb.
Mixed Nuts ; 10c and 20c per lb.
Ward K. Richardson
2395 N. Front
The member of the "Ravelins" met
at the home of Miss Ethel Booney lust
week. After a delightful hour was
spent in sewing Miss Uonney served a
delicious .lunch, she was assisted in
serving by Misses Delia Beck and Al
etbia Bitney. The - members present
were: Misses Sadie Richards, Lila
Jerman, Lois Beebe, Nora and Delia
Bock, Avon Mc.Kinney, Mary Scollard,
Nedd and Gladys Binkley, Hazel and
Aletha Bitney, Delia Buyers, Nettie
Broylest and Ethel Bonney.
Miss Mc.Kee of Gervais was shopping
in Woodburn Monday.
Rex Coleman who hag been in Des
Moines, Jowa, for the last two years,
has returned to his home in Woodburn.
The Oween Esthers met Wednesday
evening at the M. E. church and af
ter the business part of the meeting
they packed their Xuias boxes to be
sent to the poor.
Miss Delia Byers who has resided in
Woodburn the past year, left Satur
day for her home in Monitor.
Now for Xmas
We have contracted for J. V. Beach's Fine Grain
Fed Turkeys. Send in your name before it's too late.
These birds are fine. We warrant them to be up to
the usual Roth standard.
Roth's Fresh Roasted Peanuts, all you want, 10c lb.
Christmas Candy, fine quality . : 2 lbs. for 25c
Fancy Mixed Nuts, all No. 1 Nuts, . .20c, 2 lbs. for 35c
We have secured a large shipment of the finest qual
ity Sunkist Oranges. The largest size. Beautiful
color. Sold at 50c per dozen. Special Price 40c Doz.
Fancy Sunkist Oranges, 30c and 35c, according
to size.
Extra Fancy Ripe Bananas ...... .25c and 30c Doz.
Table Raisins 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c lb.
Cape Cod Cranberries, extra quality 15c
Home Grown Celery 5c and 10c lb.
Ripe Olives 10c per pint and upwards
Artichokes, Egg Plant, Head Lettuce
Pin Money and Heinz Pickles
He don't roast his competitors, but blends and
roasts good coffee. Such as the Roth Grocery Co. is
proud to have under their own name. Compare our
30c, 35c and 40c blend with any brand sold in the city.
If you buy coffee from us you get it fresh roasted,
perfectly blended and warranted to satisfy. Phone
Us today.
mil a .av r7ju -wmwi , m mm -
Over 5000 time, in England
and America Most remark
able Flay of tliis generation.
Phone 491
Geo. Richards who. has been in Ban
Francisco for the past eight monthc,
is visiting at the home of his parentn. ;
Fred Dose spent Friday in Portland '.
on business.
Miss Hazol Bitney spent a few dnyt
in Donald last week as the guest et
her aunt, Mrs. Fred Yergen. '
H. F. Bushong, of Portland, sport
Friday in Woodburn. '
The "Ravelin" Club held a Xmirn ;
tree party at the homo of Misses Ai- '
etha and Hazel Bitney Friday even
ing, at a late hour refreshments were '
served by the hostesses.
Mertle Campbell who has been visit-,
ing friends in Woodburn, has returned
to hex home in Portland,
Mrs.'Chus. Ogle is visiting her sons
in Portland thiB week.
Adolph UlBtt of Portland Military
Academy, is visiting at the homo ot
his parents.
Mrs. L. M. Bitney entertained the
members of the Priscilla club nt her
home Saturday afternoon. .