The Store of "Good Merchandise and Low Prices" Xmas Gifts Galore at Meyers Only five more shop ping days left. Shop early in the week. SALEM'S BIG HOLIDAY SHOPPING PLACE You will find here gifts to please every member of any family. Practical gifts gifts that you can give with confidence, knowing that they will prove satisfactory because they came from Meyers the house of quality. This store will be open evenings Wed., Thurs. and Fri., un til 8:30. Toyland i i l SALEM'S LARGEST AND FINEST Toyland Eleventh Hour Rush Causes Auto License Clerks to Work Nights Tlie auto owners who join the annual eleventh hour rush for license tags are now sending in dead loads of letters to the license bureau of the office of the secretary of state anil the force of clerks is obliged to work nights to keep up with the clanimor for 1910 tags. The force betran a month asio to send X out license numbers for 1916 and used I every means to speed tho auto ownors up to lessen the late rush but of little , avail and even at this time less than half of the auto owners have secured tags. The state law says that any car that is not equipped with a new license tag on Jaimaray 2 subjects that owner to I arrest and Chief of Police Welsh states ! that tho law will bo rigidly enforced In Salem. The owners have been aware I of hte fact for some timo that there i was another year duo in this vicinity T i shortly nt'ter midnight December 31, but the knowledge, has fuiled to hasten thorn to send in tho description of their cars for the license number. ON THE SECOND FLOOR HAS GREAT CHARM FOR THE CHILDREN Dolls, Dishes, Stoves, Doll Beds, Games, Mechanical Toys, Trains, Model Builders, X Engines, Drums hundreds of articles to make children happy. Bring them to see this great collection from Santa Claus' storehouse. SPECIAL SALE PRICES on Dolls, Mirrorscopes, Magic Lanterns, Engines, Wash Sets, Sewing Baskets and Hobby Horses. Sale of Dolls at $1.38; full jointed, real eyelashes, curly hair, 23 inches tall. A Christmas Sale of Char acter Babies $1,15 For years you have wished for a market like the Midget Market. Now all together, boost. The census of children of school age between tho years of six and 20, has just been completed in the Salem school district, No. 24, the total being 4,40.'). Tho census taken one year ago showed a total number of 4,510 children of school age, a falling off this year of 107. This falling off is attributed to the fact that one year ago, many were at tending school from the district adjoin ing No. 24, who were not entitled to the benefits of the Salem schools, and to the operation of the new school law. This law permits pupils from districts which do not maintain a high school to attend here, and the couuty pays the tuition. These students formerly came to Salem to live, were enumerated, and did not pay tuition. Now since the county in which they live pays the tui tion, they are enumerated at home, out side of this school district. A few sacks of No. 1 soft shell Cali fornia walnuts left at 20c a pound. Hoggins' Grocery. "The Christmas Spirit," a Juvenile cantata will be given by the children of the First Methodist church Sunday school Wcdncsdiiv evening. The story of the cantata is of the little girl who fH Amas urrrs Let us shrow you our goods. BOOKS""1" plaln and fancy 1in'11"8S' . - rirrijrn Ladles' Hand Bags, Men's Wallets and Purses, Tourists LCiUllUV Traveling Sets, Etc. BRASS-Smokers' Sets' Book Euds' Etc" FOUNTAIN PENS-Watenuau'3 Wea1, JUVENILE BOOKS"1" Eag Liuen ana cloth Bound STATIONERY-Cianes Finest papers' Etc'' Marcus warils Papers- the cup. will be worked out by tho stu dent body, co-operating with Principal j did not fee! a proper Christmas spirit J. (J. Nelson. All kinds of nuts, raisins and a lim-! ited amount of Christnins canities at closing out prices. Hoggins' llroecry. The McMinnville lodge of Elks has invited the Snloin lodge to come over anil nnv ft friciwllv visit nil the nvr'liilirr I" 1 - f - n I of January IS, when tho Salem officers will put on the initiatory work for the .McMinnville lodge. W. W. Moore of the Moore Furniture company, is of tho opinion that the tur key is a lucky bird, as yesterday he sold two ranges within half an hour and attributes the sales not only to the excellence of tho range, but to the fact i that he just threw in a Christmas tur key with each range tor good measure. Why take chances and guess when you are sure at the Midget Market. i The Commercial Book Store t TOMORROWS BIG SALE-774th WEDNESDAY SURPRISE SALE. DECEMBER 22nd A Sale of Lace Bureau Scarfs at 39 cents Here's a holiday sale of an article that will make unusually desirable gifts and at J a small outlay. Dainty Lace Edged Scarfs with lace centers in several designs. Size 15x52. Extra Special for tomorrow EACH 39c Sale Starts at 8:30 See the Window Display THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD. NO BANKRUPT STOCKS OB DISCARD ED MERCHANDISE SOLD OVER OUR COUNTERS. A basket ball game will be played In I line gymnusium or me nigu scnoui I ' Thtira.l.i ir Airaiiinn Vntvnnn 1ia nliimni . ..... rw..j v.wwi.g V"" u.wu... and high school teams. Tonight, the first of a scries of games between the girls' classes of tho high school will be ployed in the gymnasium. The game Thursday evening is open to everyone, but tonight it is open tor ladies oiyy. The Midget still leads. Join the wise ones and boost. J. Peacock, the migratory bird who was arrested by the Salem police yes terday on a charge of vagrancy, was given five days in the city jail this morning hv Judge blgm, l'eacock car ried a full outfit for sleeping and eating in a pack weighing nearly 100 pounds and even carried n book of reci pes for camp cookery but it was evident that, he had neglected soap in his equip ment. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn Is having a fine time in southern California and will be back in his office January 1st. At the regular meeting of the choss and checker club this evening, n com mittee will rjc appointed to get into communication with Mr. Jordan, the champion checker player of tho world. .Mr. Jordan is 1111 r.nglislimtin nnd is now traveling on the coast nnd will be in Portland sometime this winter. The Salem club hopes to induce Mr, Jordan to stop ol f a day in the city and piny a few games with the would-be Sulem champions. but was finally brought into the right frame or miul by all sorts or iiuries, as well as spirits representing joy, hope, pence, lov and ninny others that are supposed to hover close to earth espe cially during the Christinas season of the yenr. Among those who will take somo of the lending parts in the cantata are Catherine Vincent, Emmett Sutn merville, I.eonn Oeer, Miss Grace Thompson, Helen Emir, Paul Jones, Ev ert Ctivens and Carson Hunt. The Christmas spirit of love will be rep resented by Gretchen Brown, nnd cheer fulness by Helen Mclntul'ff. Others tnking part are Dorothy Thompson, Violet Sturgil and Esther Paranangian. The accompanists nro Miss Harper on the piano, Miss Field as organist, Miss Marv Schultz, violin. The cantata will be directed by Prof. E. B. Walsh. Christinas turkey shoot, December 22nd, l'ratuin, hot lunch, special ac comodations, tine birds. Joseph Walker, living six miles south of the city, has traded for a farm in Klickitat county, Washington, and will soon move with his family to make his new home in thnt county. Tho trade was made with C'hns. D. Fults, part of the consideration being a lOnere tract south of the city and two lots in Ran dall's addition to Salem. The deal was made by J. E. Scott. Free concert tonight, 8 p. m a the Valley Music House, 2(14 North Com mercial, by popular Salem artists, fea turing Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, vocal ist; Mrs. Anna Hogers Fish, dramatic reader; Mrs. Viola Vercler Holman and Miss Mary Schultz, violinists; Misb Ceorgnbelie Booth, pianist. Yoit arc invited. Brin your friends. Warden J. W. Minto and Frank Davcy, chief clerk, went to Coryallis this morning to confer with President Kerr of the 0. A. C., regarding the school system to bo established in the penitentiary. Prof. D. E. Busc, professor of psych ology of the University of Oregon, ad dressed tho Monday meeting of the teachers of the three junior schools nnd the high school yesterday afternoon m the auditorium of the high school. Another musicale. Manager C. F. Hull, of the Valley Music House, has decided to give another free concert, similar to the first which was such a hit n few weeks no. Tho program will be bv popular Salem musical and lit ernrv people featuring Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, vocalist; Mrs. Anna Hogers Fish dramatic reader; -Mrs. 101a Vercler Ilolimin nnd Miss Mary Schultz violinists; Miss (ieorgnbelle Booth, pianist. Tonight, S p. m. All invited. The contract for the wiring and light- j ing of tho municipal Christmas tree, to be erected by the Cherrians, wns awarded last evening to George I'ettin gill, who has done the work for the past two years. The Cherrians have for the past two years placed a Christmas tree on tho co'urt house lawn, lighted and decorated. An anticipated concert of the week will lie the program to bo given by a group or Salem s popular musiciu mm literary people tonignt at s ociocu hi the Valley Music House, under the management of C. F. Hull. The eon cert will be free and similar to tho on iovable musicale recently given under Mr. Hull. Those who will take part ! -will be Mrs. iVola Vercler Holman and ! Miss Marv Schultz, as violinists; Mrs. 1 W. Carlton Smith, vocalist; Miss (ieorgabelle Booth, pianist, nnd Mrs. ; Anna Hogers Fish, dramatic reader. j Xmas Specials At Damon's 8 Lbs. of Sweet potatoes for 25c Creamery Butter (not storage Butter) 33c Best Mixed Nuts 15c Best No. pound . 1 Soft Shell Walnuts, 20C All Around Town tmttmmttWtmHffltuHmninmtttn; Dr. Mondlosohn will bo at his office January 1, li)l. tf The Loyal Sons of the Christian church will hold a special business meeting this evening at their club rooms in the church. Bofore placing your printing ardor, rhono 21711. Fuller Printing Concern. tf J, Peacock, who looked anything but what tho proud namo might imply, was arrested und lodged in the city jail to day on a churgo of vngniucy. Dr. R. T. Mclntire, pnyslclnn and urgoou, 14 Masonic bldg. Phone 410. j The river Is rising today, with a stnge' of 11.7 feet ubove zero. The rainfall for the ill hours before 8 o'clock this morn ing wus .72 of an inch. Eloctrlc baths and massage under your phvsicinn's directions. N. N. lm us, 218 Hubbard Bldg. Phono 055. tf Now Is the time to buy a farm, ac cording to a real estale dealer who not only sells farms, but his nisi noted thnt mnny farms are now being offered for sale at prices nboul nneluilf of the valuation of four yenvs afo. I have moved by tailor Bhop from 37 evening the Chamber of Commerce of Portland will banquet both , tho mem bers of the Imitation ('onmess and the j Development league. Got your Christmas geose and tur keys of C. it. Sperling and Son. Wires are coming down on High, Court nnd Cottngo streets, tho proper ty of tho Portland Railway, Light and Power company, which have been until recently leased by tho Oregon Electric. Tho O. K. is now taking its current from tho wires strung ulong Front street. Tho poles on High and Court street will come down in n few days, complying with tho city ordinance. Dr. W. D. McNary, superintendent of the eastern Oregon stnto hospital nt Pendleton, is in the city to consult with the state board of control. Best No. 1 Imported Walnuts, 2 pounds for 35c 3 Lbs. for Fine Christmas Candy 25c One Pound of Christmas Candy free with each purchase of one dollar or more. Damon & Son NO RENT LOW PRICES PHONE 68 New Today Ads, one cent per Word. BRITISH CRUISER IN GULF. I ! i uaivesTon, Texas, vw. s. y-, ilentified British cruiser with four fun- j . nels appeared off here today, but do-IT dined to respond to wireless cnlls. It ' ? is believed she is tho same one that pa-, trolled near here recently. i Appreciated Christmas Gifts at Popular Prices. WM. OAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares 13.5 N. Liberty. Don't fall to visit the Midget Mar ket this week. Meats extraordinary. o- Onions are cheaper, oranges are com ing down, eggs are or will be at a low er price beforo the end of tho week, sugar costs one cent a pound less thnn one yenr ago and butler is selling for lesg than one week ago, all of which is cheering news for the housekeepers with the big Christmas dinner to pre pare. And added to all these reduced prices, is the fact thnt beefsteak and pork chops are cheaper than nt any time during the yenr. Cook, eat and be merry for the Cliristmns season is now nt hnnd and the cost of eating coming down. No guess work at the Midget Market. Yon are sure to get what you want. The closing of the schools for the lunches while doing your shopping anyone seen McOlashan? The Has tho Dr. fltono's Drug Btore. The Rev. HaiTy E. Marshall and fam ily will move from their homo in tho Baptist pnrsonngo the latter part of this week nnd take looms in tho ( ourt apart ments. Dr. Stone's drug store. A. Ii. Page, with his parents, arrived in tho city a few days ago and are sinking their homo for tho present at lllofl Court street. They are from Al berta, but intend to remain hero perm anent ly. All kinds of dry wood, sawed of 4 ft., lowest prices. Prompt delivory. Star Wood v.o.. Phono 4-0. Kith and Oak .TaiilS Stnto street across the l'uolo's Drug store, Xo. street. Kooiu 1. John Sundin, Tailor. Dr. M. P. Mondelsohn writes from Fresno, Cul,, thnt with the fine weath er they have been hning in that sec tion of the state, ho has grently im proved and that he expects to bo a well man when ho returns hero January 1 to tnko up his prnctice. , Fresh ranch eggs, 35 cents a dozou. C. h. Sperling nnd Son. The annual home coming of Company M, O. N. ()., will bo celebrated at the armory tomorrow night. All Spanisn wnr veterans and former members in good slnnding nro invited to attend this aniiunl event. An Informal program bus been prepared and an effort will be made to make everybody fell at home and enjoy himself. Fresh ranch eggs. 30 cents a dozen. C. L. Sperling and Son. Tho Oregon Dovoloumont league will hold its soskIoiis this week in I'm Hnnd Immediately following the close of the Oregon Irrigation congress. Thursday streot ovor following letter was received today at 37UVj Stato.tho Commercial club: "I am trying to loento my uncle, llionuis JMcGlnslinu, who is supposed to be farming in the neighborhood of Sulem, Huve henrd he had a livery barn and ulso some stock running horses 10 years ago in Salem. I hnvo important news for him from Scotland. Alex Mcdlnslian, Wilnictte, Illinois." ER t OUR SALE A HUMM Although we were advised not to start anything at the present time we are well satisfied and more than pleased with the success of our efforts. There are people and plenty of them, too, right here, that are willing to save a few dollars, in fact it helps a whole lot about Christmas time. Enjoyed at every menl, a Universal Percolator) complete line nt the Store of Housewares. WM. OAHLSDORF 135 N. Liberty St. Don't overlook the White Swan holiday vacation will be observed at the high school with exercises Thursday af ternoon. Tho orchestra and glee cluti will take part in tho program. Short talks will be made by pupils from the public speaking department of the school nnd the girls of tho gymnasium class will givo an Indian club drill. This entertainment, ns well as all pro grams given in tho auditorium of the high seiino, is open to tho public, nnd to the Thursday afternoon exercises, the citizens of Sulem nro invited. Did you sny guess? Come to the Mid- ! get nnd be certain. Ho will appreciate a box of Hygrado Salem made cigars. To aid in the establishing of a pro duce market by the farmers in this community, the Salem Fruit 1'nion of fered spneereo of rent to the commit tee of farmers and members of the ng riculturul club nt their meeting held yesterday, No formnl action was taken, as it was decided to call a meeting of the farmers early in Jnnunrv when Dr. II. E. Olinger, chairman of the entertainment committee of the Cher- j rinns, has called a meeting of all the sub-committees to meet nt tho Commer cial club this evening nt 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of going ovor the plans for the nnnual banquet, January 3, and to further develop the work of that ev ening. It is understood nmong the Cherrians that tho several committees intend to ninko the work of that even- tho mnttcr Will lirt tlmrmmlil V il iuciiHum! Opinions of experts as well us farmers! inR 80 interesting thnt for yeijTs to come will bo expressed nt this coming meet- JnnmiTy 8, 1015, will be recalled by tho ;;JEWELRY.$ft Also a Nice Line Jewelry. KARL NEUOEBAUER Masonic Bldg. lug ns to the most prnctlcnl ways of marketing farm produce. Now is the time to corns to the aid of the market that luit meat prices where they belong, Tlie Midget, N'uf sed. Ill order to encourage athletics in the four cltiNses of the high school, the Civics club has offered n silver cup, which will bo presented to the school Thursday morning by Dr. J. X. Smith, president and Hollin l. Page, secretary of the Civics club. The cup is to be the permanent property of the high school, the clnsses winning having their numerals engraved on the trophy. The details of tho events in competition for oldest inhabitant Cherrinn. Coffee purchased from the Store of Housewares, lies blend ed in the green state for (1 to 8 months and not mixed after or immediately beforo roasting. WM. OAHLSDORF 135 X. Libert v St Phone 67 One man bought a pair of three fifty shoes for two forty-eight and saved the price of five pair of good sox. Another bought a fifteen dollar suit for nine eighty-eight and saved enough to pay for a hat. and two suits of woolen underwear; and we might go on down the line but it's not what we've done but it is what we are going to do that we want to tell you about. We are go ing to make a desperate effort to do as much business in the next three days before Xmas as .we have done in the past seven days. Can we do it? If prices count for anything, Yes! HERE THEY ARE, TAKE A LOOK: Men's Suits $10 ones at $6.48, $12.50 ones at $8.68, $15 ones at $9.88, $16.50 ones at $10.48, $18 ones at $11.98, $20.00 ones at $13.48, $22.50 ones at $14.98, $25 ones at $16.78. Men's Shoes in black or tan, lace or button, the PACKARD make, all lasts, including the popular English, at $2.48 and $3.98. Men's Trousers $2.50 kind at $1.98, $3.50 ones at $2.68, $4.00 kind at $2.98, $4.50 kind at $3.38, $5.00 kind at $3.73, $6.00 kind at $4.48. Men's Shirts $3.00 ones for $2.28, $2.50 ones for $1.88, $2.00 ones for $1.48, $1.50 ones for $1.13, $1.25 ones for 88c, $1.00 ones for 48c, $2.50 tan corded shirts with military collars, new ar rivals at, $1.48, flannel shirts that were $1.50 to $3.00 are now 78c to $1.98. ODD COATS AND VESTS One lot, small sizes only, are going at $1.48 though worth three times as much. Men's 50c heavy derby ribbed cotton Underwear and 75c Swiss ribbed athletic neck, are each 35c, $1.50 Coop er's Australian wool shirts and draw ers at 98c, $3.00 Cooper's spring needle wool at $1.13 the garment, $5.00 fancy ribbed wool athletic neck for $1.63 each, and our regular , $6.00 French ribbed silk and wool is a bargain at $1.78 the garment. Men's Hats at $1.12 for the $2.00, and $1.98 for the $3.00 kind. We also have men's cloth hats for rough weather autoing, etc., the regular $1.50 and $2 are now 98c. Men's $1.25 ties in leather case are 73c, 75c tie and pin combination set in fancy box, 38c, 50c, 75c and $1.00, Xmas tics at 38c and 50c, 35c ties at 21c, and a few of the 25c ones in fancy boxes left at 19c. Umbrella weather is still with us, the $1.00 umbrellas arc 65c, and so on up to $5.00 ones at $3.50. Then there's Oxford bags in 15, 16 and 17-in. at $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48, that were $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 and $2.50 sweaters, for $1.48, $2.00 and $2.25 V neck Jersey knit sweaters at 98c, 50c wool socks at 38c, and 25c wool sox for 18c. For men's gifts there are solid leath er suit cases, and travelling bags, bath robes, smoking jackets, hundreds of silk and linen handkerchiefs, etc., fancy suspenders, belts, etc. In fact the entire stock with the exception of Ide collars, Holeproof and Phoenix hose is on sale. G. W. JOHNSON & CO.