Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 20, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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For 90
You Can Get the Ideal
C Gift for Every Man
A crystal glass humidor jar containing one pound of
Tuxedo, the mildest, most fragrant tobacco. At
every store where tobacco products are sold. .
Last Christmas more Jars of Tuxedo were given to men through
out the United States than any other single trade-marked article!
Because Americans are learning to make suitable gifts at Christ
mas time and learning that Tuxedo is the best gift of all for a man.
Tuxedo is the mildest. nleasnnfpstf
pipe tobacco in the world made
absolutely non-biting and delightfully
mellow by the original "Tuxedo
Process" that has never been success
fully imitated.
Last Christmas the
demand forTuxedohumi
dor jars was so great that
the supply of many deal
ers was exhausted, and
thousands of people were
disappointed. The safe
plan is to place yourorder
with your dealer wow. He
will be glad to set your
jar aside for you until
111 Fifth Avenjia, Now York
This Tuxedo Christmas Humidor
Jar is beautifully decorated with holly,
ribbon and Christmas card, and packed
in a handsomi carton, for
sending by mail tr messen- U f
tr ; price complete - -
Actual Siz
In Glass Humidors, 50c and 90c ' In Curved Pocket Tin,'' 10c
In Tin Humidors, 40c and U0 lu Moisture-Proof Pouch, Sc
The Withdrawal of Federal
League's Anti-Trust Suit
Has Not Yet Been Made
J.. ..J.,-.-, ifc,,.,.-.. '.-.-. . , ,,l.i.. , .. .,i. i ..n.-. ... ,-. ! 1,1 lli-l- 1
Chicago, Doc 20. Indications were
tlint n request of tin1 dismissal of tin'
Federal league's anti-trust suit against
organized huaebnll will not be made to
day, regardless of rumors to the con
trary. Likewise, well informed persons
said the sale of the Chicago Nationals i
to Charles Weoghman will not be nego-
tinted until after the new pence meet
ing nt Cincinnati tomorrow.
It was reporled that with the rum
ored signing of n pence pact last week,
details of the agreement would be ar
ranged tomorrow. Neither faction made
any moves today toward final comple
tion of the peace agreement.
According to reports, the -Federals
will retain all their players reimbursing
independent backers from their sale lo
clubs in organized baseball ntul the
American and Nationnl leagues will reimburse-
the. Wards of Brooklyn, for
their outlay, tho Federnls on their pari
agreeing to withdraw from the field.
Trouble Ahead for Wolgast.
New York, Dee. 20. Prospects of
trouble loomed ahead for Ad Wolgast
today when the New York state boxing
commission went into session to con
sider preferring charges of breach of
contract against him.
Members of the commission intimated
Wolgast will be suspended for Fix
months. He is charged with breaking
his contract with the Harlem Sporting
club whon he boxed at Atlanta, Decem
ber 1. He had agreed not to fight be
foro his match here which took place
last Friday night.
Butte Wants Franchise.
Butte, Mont., Dec. 20. Following a
conference of business men, a campaign
was launched here today to raise it-Jo,-000,
the sum necessary to secure Butte
a Northwest leagm frmehisc. in at
tempt will be made to tqeure a site, for
n park in the central part of the city.
Are Against Football.
McMinnville, Ore., Dec. 20. Private
ly supported colleges of Oregon are on
record today as opposed to football as
"a source of evil." Resolution:! em
bodying various charges againpt the inter-collegiate
fall sport were passed at
a conference of presidnntu and futility
members of Reed, Albany and Philo
math colleges and Willamette nnd Pa
cific universities. It was asserted (hut
football is "not a good advertiser and
does not encourage friendly relations
among schools."
Only five more days to buy these beautiful Christ
mas Slippers. Fifteen hundred pairs of every known
style Ladies' Fur and Ribbon Trimmed, Men's Leath
er and Children's Fur Trimmed and Moccasins, in
cluding Comfy Slippers.
Everything in Men's and
Women's Sold at
l I J- list
All Children's and Boy's
Sold at
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth, Ore., Dec, 20. Monmouth
will hold her city election today, De
cember 20, to elect a mayor, three coun
Cilmen, a rceurder, treasurer and a chief
Of police. There are several in the race
Xor election.
Tho new training school building for
the Oregon Normal school here is nenr
iiig completion. Tho plastering is nil
finished and is now sufficiently dry for
the tinting which will be done at once
Everything gives promise of the build
ing being ready for occupancy by Feb-
mury nrst.
The Oregon Normal school students
ore now on their Christians vacation.
About 200 students left Saturday morn
ing on a speciul train for Portland.
.Vacation will be over .ranunry 3.
The students of the Monmouth high
eohool put on n play, "The Freshman,"
Thursday nnd Friday nights. The play
was well attended. Tho proceeds went
a payment on the new "Chickering"
piano tho students purchased lust year.
Tho Monmouth high school socouj
team o basketball players were defeat
ed by tho Dallas boys this week by a
score of 30 to 0.
Tho Orange met recently, having a
day's social time and general discus
sion. The following officers were elect
ed for the coming year: Mr. P. O. Pow
ell, master; J, U. Stockholm, overseer;
Maggie Butler, secretary, and Mrs. J.
II. Stockholm, treasurer. The grange
will have a program and an all duy's
"good time" on January 1.
Miller Mcaleb, a citizen of Mon
mouth, has been busying himself the
past summer catching gophers. He has
something over 1,500 of tho pests to
his credit, having received 25 Vents
each from the fanners for ridding them
of tho pests.
Graham & Ron have started work on
tho addition to their garage and if
everything goes well the building will
be ready for the spring work. They
are agents for the "Ford" and
" Dodge" automobiles,
Fanners here are looking forward to,
and hoping for nn early spring because
most of them did not get in as much
c Each
IN OUR 3c, 10c and 15c
15 Umbrellas sold at 10:00 A. M.
15 Umbrellas sold at 2 :00 P. M.
18 Umbrellas sold at 4:30 P. M.
grain as would be desired. Indications
are tliut thoro will bo a greatly in
creased acreage in wheat tho coming
season on account of the clover root
beetle which has destroyed much of the
The roads in this vicinity are much
better than usual at this timo of year.
Automobiles travel them all and will
continue most of the winter. Much mon
ey has been spent on them in the form
of gravel and oil which was applied
last summer.
Wm. Riddel, Jr., has returned from
tho various stock shows around the
country nnd is tho winner of mnny first
and second prizes. Mr. Riddel U ih
breeder of pure bred Bhenp and has
pernups rno uest noeli of their kind in
tho Northwest.
Tho Monmouth Library association
was organized recently with a large
membership. The library will be located
in one of tho vncant rooms of the M.
mouth high school building nnd will be
open to the public three duvs weeklv.
Hon. Ira C. Powell was honored by a
reception given in his honor tliU ..!,
by the I. O. O. F. lodiro hero. Mr Pn.
ell has been nn Odd Fellow 25 years and
iui presented witn a jewel in recogni
tion of his faithfulness. Rev. K. H.
Siekufooso headed tho presentation
There has been quite a dyphtheria
scare in this vicinity recently. Two
cases are reported and everyone is Ink
ing the necessary precautions to pre
vent the spread of the contagion.
At the last meeting of tho city toun
cil several sidewalks were ordered built
at once and many other Important im
provements will be evident in the neur
Monmouth will have 700 students nt
tho normal attending "summer norm
al" next summur. rnloss more build
ings are built soon thero will not be
anywhere near enough accommodations.
Tho Monmouth high school chorus
consisting of over 00 voices, are plan
ning to give a concert immediately after
tho holidays.
Owing to tho activities of tho Ladles'
Civic, club several garbage cans have
boon placed on the various Btreot corn
ers of tho city. This is something that
the city has been in need of for some
timo nnd tho ladies appear to be the
only altruists in view.
Finzer Will Escape.
All Criminal Charges
On Alleged Shortage
The charges that there Is a shortage
in tho accounts or Adjutant General
Finzer of the O, N. 0. In the amount of
2,0!M,87 will not be pressed according
to tho statement of Governor Withy
combe since there is a disposition on
tho part of General Kluxer to return
tho money to the stnte treasury. It Is
stated that among other things tho sal
ary of the adjutant general was drawn
twice on one occasion and that expense
money wus drawn from the specific
Georgia Albee, the champion speller
of the Aumsville school, was spelled
down Friday by Ruby Specr.
Mr. Henry Lorett's nophew from
California is visiting tho family for a
G. X. McN'enl purchased a largo
amount of potatoes from H. A. Cooley
this week.
Chicken thieves have been raiding in
the viciuitv of Marion. Tho Good
People of tho locality are highly in
Mr. Barber has purchased an Interest
in the store of Smith & Davidson of
f. II. MeXoat nnd wifo and little
daughter, Mildred, of Marion visited at
tho II. W. Mescal homo Mondny.
Tho Russel Brothers captured three
fino large skunks the other day. Skunks
are pretty good pickings nowadays.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Blivins of Salem
came Saturday to spend Xinas with
her mother Mrs. Emma Simpson of this
Jess Right Mire and family will soon
leave for California to take up his old
position as foreman on on LX00 aero
graiu farm. While we wish Mr. Right
Mire success we all wish that he might
remain among us.
It is feared that tho Snntinm river
may break its bounds ami cut through
it's old channel. If such be the enso
it will ruiu and severly damage several
small farms in the bottom.
Miss Thelitis Crnue was entertained
by a number of her friends Thursday
evening when they cumo lu as a sur
prise on hor in honor of her thirteenth
birlhdav. A program of .lolly and en
tertaining games were played and gifts
presented. Tho party broko up about
9:30 all wishing a happy year for their
The Priseilla Club met Thursday
afternoon with Mrs. C. D. Boone. Tho
party for tho 2d was postponed and
Portland, Ore., Dec. 20. Blucstcm
wheat is beginning to move out of the
interior, enstbound, Thero have been
renewed inquiries on tho market from
eastern milling centers and purchases
have been made in the country in the
past two days on the coast basis of $1.
So far as can be learned this is the best
price that has been paid. At the local
exchange 90 cents was offered for De
cember blucstcm and 07 cents for Jan
uary dolivcry, the samo prices that were
bid on Friday, whilo offers for Feb
ruary delivery at 90 cents were a cent
lower than the day before. Sellers asked
99 cents to $1.02, according to the time
ot delivery.
. Soft wheat is going to southwestern
points in fair quantities. Competition
in the interior for red Russian he
forced its price up almost to club val
ues. Kor prompt delivery Russian 90
cents was bid on tho local board, with
95 conts asked. Local wheat quota
tions otherwise showed but little
change. Club bids were a repetition of
Friday 'b, while January and Februnry
fortyfold wero a hnlf-ccnt lower, but
sellers mnuo no concessions.
Littlo or no export wheat is being
bought now for shipment to the Atlnn
tio seaboard, and until thero are Bigns
of a lifting of the New York embargo
no trading of this kind is expected. The
railroad lines will tnko wheat for Bos
ton nnd for the gulf, but as ocean ton
nage is not available nt those ports this
is not satisfactory to shippers.
Sulem, Ore., Doc. 20. Mrs. Elizabeth
Whitlock, over 80 years old, an Oregon
pioneer, was found dead in hor home
at Bilvcrton whore she lived alone,
tliis afternoon. She had been dead
two days, a physician believed, nud he
attributed death to heart failure.
dated for Friday 1st, when a watch ; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES
Party will ho enjoved nt tue nomo oi
Mr.s Chss. RaiiBom. Tho visitors for
the afternoon wero Mrs. O. E. Dnrby
Rate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word .
and Mrs. Clyde Blivins. Tho uiinl,One week (6 insertions), per word...
pleasant time w as enjoyed and luncheon One month (20 insertions), per word 17
served by the hostess. All ads must be ordered for stated
, . , length of time, no ad to count less tflsi
u ... .... n lu words
tho churches and the, general public Th ,R , Journft, j not b,
t -.. ......... : rm n I uiti Uv V mm .. . . . . .
lirt in'jiui nig nil n vuhmiiuiih; ..nun
to be held in Helu's Hall Friday night,
Den, 4th. In the past we have always
had a program nnd trees nt both
Churches with a full house at each, but
this year the entire town and sur
.rounding country will celebrate tho
evening together from which It is
hoped all present will profit.
fund and thou duplicated from tho gen
eral fund.
It Is believed generally, s nssertel
bv General Kinzvr that the alleged
shortage is due to enroles bookkeeping
and it is admitted that too affairs or
tho office when turned over by General
Kiuzer wero iu bad shape.
sponsible for more than one insertioi
tor errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Read your advertisement tht
first day it appears and notify ui lm
mediately it is contains an error.
Minimum charge, loo.
JONKS' NURSERY Roar of armory.
AUTO FOR HIRE Phono 144. Dec2
THREB POUNDS Fine Christmas
candy for 5o at Damons. Dec24
Many styles in both the men's and Women's Slip
pers sold up to $2, and every pair is equal to any slip
per you can buy in town at twice what we ask for
The two next Gift Days. Be on hand when the
store opens at 9 o'clock and get a present. Remem
ber, only two more Gift Days.
All Shoes sold at reduced prices. Give a pair for
Christmas. The most acceptable gift.
Store open evenings until Christmas.
Ladies' Half Soles 50c. Men's Half Soles 75c
Rubber Heels 25c, 50c. - All Leather Heels 25c
Dux Bax Oil
the only oil
that will not
injure the
leather and
will waterproof.
m ww am M
Ever Wear I
Hose . make
the best
PIGS FOR SALE Phono 53F22. Dec22
FOR RENT Two houso keeping rooms
et 330 North liiga. Phone 4." tl
work in respectablo family. P. O.
Box 254, Turner, Oregon. . Dce21
FOR SALE Team, harness, wagon and
two rresn cows, cox ou, enro oi
Journal. . Dcc21
ROOFS REPAIRED And gnarantoed
not to leak. O. L. DonoJdson, phone
644R. Doc20
CLOSING OUT Nursery stock at your
own price, wee ai, li, vt aring, iirss
houso west of Swegle school, Garden
TAKE your broken umbrella to 343
JN, Commercial street to oe repaired,
and rocovcrod. Dec22
FOR SALE Buff Orpington chickens
and eggs for hatching purposes
Phone evenings, 69F2. Jaa9
FOB SALE Cheap, good family cow,
fresh, rich milker, also nice heifer
calf. 1407 Center street. Dec22
with house work or care for children.
193.1 Lee street. Dec 80
STOP1 LOOKI Two lot on car line.
3.r.0. tonus. . D. C. CoreV. 1303 N.
17th. Jans
3.60 per cord. Phono 2219. tf
4.00 cord. Phone 937. , tf
GET YOUR TURKS, ducks, chickens,
pork, veal, vegetables, at the Pub
lic Market, next Thursday. ueczi
FOR SALE Victor talking machine.
with 40 records, cheap. 1156 South
13th street. tf
FOR SALE Good Yellow Jorsey cow,
years om, win iresnen in lew nays,
715 South 12ti street, up stairs.
FOR SALE Team, good young gentle
mares, wen nroken, weight Z4UU.
Price reasonable. Call "00 North 21
Btreot. Dec2I
WANTED TO TRADE A high grade
jersey Dull, agei is months for
Shorthorn or Uolsteiu of equal value,
Phone 90F11. Dee23
NOTICE Noxt delivery of apples
Wednesday. Phone order evenings,
or drop a card Walter Z. Pearmine,
Route 8.
CALENDARS FOR ' 1916 Large fig
ures for practical use. Call or phon
Homer II. Smith, tho Insurance Man.
McCornack Bldg. Phone 90. Janiltf
FOR BALrfoR TRADE-o'acreiTf
land, located 5 miles south of Salem
In tho famous Liberty district. Will
take small tract for difference, f),
care 0 Journal, Dec25
have a team, work hnrnoss and
. u .a ..-..in, u
wngnn, fresh Jersey
rsey heifer, vearlinir
heifer and calf. Will trade for auto
or lot in Salem.
of Journal
Address F24. car