Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 20, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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I Ml:U :V:i Sr- -T" Tuvs
Practical Watch Maker,
Jeweler and Engraver
Diamond setting a specially.
I also cary a
nice line of
and many other
372 State Street
tttttf ttf f tttt ftfttf f f TT'
ii Special
Order Today
X We lave all kinds of Xmas Cakes I
and Pas try.
240 S. Commercial. Phone 378 I
Flue Imported China Sewing
Baskets fillod witk our Dott
Oandlei 12.50 Thl would make
an Ideal Xma present.
Fancy Bos Candle from .
250 to $10.00
Our touches are without an
: Gray -Belle
' Tell your neighbor of the tat-
S. lsfactfam of readlnc tte Oap-
:i Ital Journal.
Feisf fie
f What About a Beal Xma Gift -f
t A phonograph that plays any I
disc record on the market. Took I
f th prize at San Francisco for
clearness and Bweetnos of tone, f
Will play soft or loud without
changing the needle. Hear this
Instrument played. '
121 Court.
Phone 187 I
Miss Myra OilMlan, of Helena, lion
tana, was a guest at the C. A. Sawyer
home a few days lant week.
An entertainment will-be given nt
the grange hall Thursday ovening, De
cember 23. All are invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engleson and
ion, Robert, of Woodburn, spent sev
eral days in this section last week vis
iting relatives and friends.
Little Agnes Morgan ie very ill at her
homo with pneumonia,
The following were guests nt Ellis
Rtovens' Tuesday evening: Mrs. Vm.
Oddin, Mary Hall, Gladys Oddie, Jes
sie Hawyer, Katharine Coomler, Mr.
end Mrs. Lester Waltmnn, Kenneth and
Ovid Coomler, Alvah Cowan, Carl Mik
kelson, John, Andrew and Peter Russ,
J. E. Wnltman Mid family have
moved into their new residence recently
mmlo rendy for them.
Miss Maude Beer is the possessor "f a
new piano.
Mrs. W. Watklns was the gueiit of
Mrs. Willis Hundny. Oervais Star.
I lie
The Maples !
I Confectionery
I and Lunch
Choicest Candies, Nuts, and
Fruits, Peanuts and Popcorn.
I We are serving regular dinner.
Give Us a Trial
New Location .
at 447 Court
at Grand Tonight
Two ef the lending male members of
Miss Margaret lllington's company in
"The .Lie," which is oy that distin:
guished Knglish playwright, Henry Ar
thur J ones, is Air, O. Auhrey smith and
Mj. u. w, Anson, Mr omitli ib a woll
known leading man, and has made
seven trips to this country to support
American starB. As "Noll Dibdin,"
in "The Lie," he interprets the part
of a chnp who" is supposed to be the
tlaaflnnAnnt if a ('thtptAnn mnnv.lia
penny mrsture man," whose solo am
bition in life seems to be to ease hie
conscience of a burden saddled upon
him along with a fortune made by a
forbear from a patent medicine called
the "Gift of Health." Mr. Smith
plays the part delightfully and adds
much to the comedy of the play. As
"Sir Robert Shnlo," that well known
Knglish character actor, Mr. 0. W.
Anson, who is this season celebrating
hiB 50th year upon the stage, gives a
picture of the dissipated old Baronet
that is most realistic. It is said to be
a life-like study of the run down at
the Bool master of Shale- abbey. The
other players to be seen in the sup
port of Miss Illington were all with
her during her engagement at the Har
ris theatre. Now York, last season,
where "Tho Lie," was seen for a
whole year. Miss Illington is said to
bo seen at her best as "Elinor Shale,"
the self-sacrificing sister, and will
bring the play to tho Grand Opera
Hon so tonight, December 20.
Miss Emma J. Bnyder returned last
night from a month's visit at San
Francisco, where sho atateuded the ex
position and visitod rolutivea.
Mayor Hadler came- home from the
Bollwood hospital Sunday, nccomnnnied
oy -Urs. Sadler who wont down Thurs
day. Mr. Sadler Is not yet able to be
out of the house,, but hopes to bo able
to resume bis work soon.
W. 0. Kinvon, of ituttovillo. and El
mer Smucker, of thta plaeo, are corn
growers who sent corn to the national
corn show at St. Paul, Minnesota. The
formor sent yellow dent and the latter
white dent. Both wore prize winners
at tho Salem corn show.
Hy defeating tho fast Hubbard ouin-i
totte ov a score or an to jx. Aurora
had the honor Inst Thursday evening
of winnin the first game of basket
ball ever played here. A big crowd
witnessed the pamo though some pres
ent did not iully understand it.
The Maeksburg basketbau team put
one over on the Aurora team Saturday
night when they won hy 21 to IS. Tie
Aurora team were handicapped by a
strange and rather dark hall, over the
school rooms. It is said that they al
lowed the Macksnurger to- "rough"
them a bit. though it is admitted that
the Maeksburg team is a strong one.
The local quintette appears anxious to
meet their latest opponents In the
home hall. The crowd was good and
the gitme well worfa seeing.
A pleasant surprise party wn given
nt thii home of Mr. and Mrs. JV A.
Huffetutter near Buttevllle, last Sat
urday evening, in honor of their son,
Murill. A large number of friends were
present. Among whom were present,
were! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ijottmnn,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Huff stutter, Miss
:: 5c, 10c, 15c & 25c Store
337 Court Street
Htv ft
t To your home this- Xmas, See f
the finest line of piano in Sa
lem at 421 Court street, formerly i
f occupied by Howard Piano Co.
"Quality" la our motto. Term
to suit everyone,
! Cherrington
St. Helens
421 Court Street
Elsie Kenvon, the Misses Kllcn add Ida
Graham, Miss Pntmio Xenyon, Miss
('out Cooler, Miss Esther Nelson, Mjss
Esther Holloway, M1h Jlculrice Hock
man, Ht-rbcrt, Viotor and Ernest
H.'holtr, Joe Graham, Alfred Goodwin,
Earnest Henumaan, of Halem, Wm.
CampRell. Charlie ). Kenyon and Hon
netb Johnson, Various games were
plnvcd by the young people and at mid
night a- daiuty luncheon was served
which was enjoyed by all. Abserver,
Spokane, Wash., Deo. 20 Crrstnlllr.a'
tion of an I-beam in a stool chord sup-1
porting the middle spun of the bridge I
that collapsed here Haturdny, sending'
five persons to death j caused the ncnl-1
dent, according to' a report of bridge
experts, on file today with the city au-1
thoritics. ,
Hnquiam, Wash.r Dec. 20. Hoqulnm I
"amatnur" wireless stations reported, j
today that they had heard the station j
at Halnoa, Panama, sending during the
still hours of Inst night. This is be
lieved here to he a record for amateur
wireless apparatus. 1
20; 1915.
rancy Christmas
Candy Boxes
Are just the thing for Gifts See Our Display
New Christmas Novelties 20c Each
First Time Shown in Salem
The Spa
382 State Street
A Large Assortment of
Beautiful Poinsettias,
xim,nw. ceauuiy tne nome dunng Holidays
with a nice plant.
Carl F. Ruef
n. Liberty st.
Will there be a Victrola in
The Only
The Victrola is the only instrument for which the
world's greatest singers and instrumentalists make t
The only instrument they consider able to do full t
justice to their magnificent voices and superb art.
The Victrola is the only instrument on which you f
can hear the greatest artists in your own home just J
as clearly and true to life as if you were hearing i
mem un me opera concert or theatrical stage. : ;
We will gladly demonstartc or play any record for : :
you ai any ume.
Wiley B. Allen
It. F. PETERS, Mgr.
Ma's Apple Butter
The kind your mother's grandmother need to make.
Made by Commercial Older Wortti,
If your grocer hasn't It, phone 8104. Also Pure Apple Older for
everybody. Eemember yen should bare a barrel In your basement, Now
la the time while we hare apples.
Commercial Cider Works
Cyclamen, Primroses, Ferns,
Phone 381 i
Yoar Home This Xifias
rvws. '