Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 20, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Government Crop Report
For Years914 and 1915
Washington, I). C, -Bce. 17. A nm
wary of estimates of erop production,
snd prices, for tlio state of Oregon and
for the United States, compiled by the
Btu-onu of Crop EBtiinntes (and trans
mitted through the Weather Bureau,)
U. H. Department of Agriculture, is an
follows: '
Crop production in the Btulo this
year aggregates in quantity about 17
per cent moro than last ycur. Trices
on December 1 average eight per cent
lower than a yeur ago, making total
value of erop production, on this ba
sis, about eigiit er cent less than last
CHOI'S ' Acreage
Coi n, bu .....1015 3;i
Corn, bu 11)14 22
Wieat, bu 1915 1100
Wheat, bu 1UU 7
Oats, bu i....l15 .'Ilia
Oats, bu lt14 :Hlt
Barley, bu IU18 1110
Parley, bu 1014 122
Hye, bu lit 15 23
Hye, bu .....11114 21
Potatoes, bu. 11115
Potatoes, uu 11)14 It)
Hay, tous 11)15 8"0
Hay, tons 11)14 H,"H
President Wilson and
Mrs. Gait Are Married
Washington, lien. 19. President Wll
Ron and Airs. Kdith Dolling Oalt were
inarrlod here ut 8:30 o'clock last night,
with a simple ceremony spoken in the
bride's home in the presence of fewer
Hood's Snrsi pr.rilln has been and still
is the people's medicine becnuso of its
reliable diameter a.ul its wonderful
success in purifying, enriching and re
vitalizing tho blood nuil relieving the
common disease!) and ailments scrofu
la, c:itarrh, ihei.tni.tism, dyspepsia, loss
of nppetitn, that tirol feeling, general
Hood's Snrsupr.rilln purifies ami ca
liches the blood, and in so doin ion
tiers the liniuaii system III;' greatest
service possible. This tnedicino has
boen tested for yenrs. It is perfectly
J.uro, elo.tu nnd uhculntcly sul'o, as well
as of pc ill in r and uneipiiiled iiieiliivlunl
(let llood'n, mil get It )iow from any
drug store.
men In SALEM, OREGON, atop at
Btrlctly Modern
Free ami Private Baths
BATES: 75c, 11.00, 91.00 FEB DAT
The only hotel in the bosincxs district.
Nearest to all Depots, Thoatroi and
Capitol Buildings,
A Home Away From Home.
T. a. BL101I, Prop.
Both Phones, free Auto But.
WF Have Several Hundred of the FAMOUS
ANNABELLE DOLLS left over from last
year and we want to give them away before
Christmas. So just as long as they last any
subscriber who will, pay one month's subscrip
tion at the business office, back subscription or
advance, and present the coupon clipped from
this advertisement will be given an ANNABELLE
This offer applies to old and new sub
scribers alike and the payment must be made
at the business office, not to the carrier boys.
You get the doll absolutely. free, so long
as the supply on hand lasts.
your. The estimates are based upon
those crops whose vnlues in the Inst
complete crop census represented (18
per cent of the value of all crops.
For the United States production
this year aggregates, in quantity about
nine per cent moro thnn lust year.
Prices December 1 average ono per
ceni lower man a year ugo, masing
tutiil value of crop production on this
basis about eight per cent less than
last year; theso estimates are based up
on erotis whose valuo in the lat com
plete crop ceusus represented 85 per
cent of the valuo of all crops grown,
and inuy be regarded as representative
of all crops.
Estimates for important crops lire
given below: ' Acreage and production
in thousands, 1, e., 000 omittod.
oduction Price Production Prico
I, 100 82 :t,050,000 57.5
660 82 2,672,804 (14.4
20,000 84 1,010,000 D2.0
111,604 102 . 891,017 , 98.0
10,100 ' 117 1,540,000 36.1
12,740 45 1,141.000 43.8
4,080 (12 237,000 fil.7
3,Uli0 01 191,1)53 54.3
414 900 49,200 83.0
336 100 42,7711 86.5
5.520 0 359,000 (11.9
4,753 (10 405,921 48.1)
II, 870 9.50 85,200 10.70
1,716 9.20 70,071 11.12
thnn 30 guests,' virtually all of whom
wore relatives.
They left soon afterward for a two
weeks' honeymoon in the south,. at Hot
Springs, Vu.
Shortly nftor 10 o'clock tho President
nnd Mrs. Wilson entered a waiting
White House automobile and motored to
Alexandria, Va., across the Potomac, to
take their private ear there nnd avoid
u crowd at the railroad stntion in this
' Evening Cool and Pleasant.
The president dined ns usual ut the
White House nt 7 o'clock with his
dnughters nnd afterward drove to his
bride's home, about ft mile from the
executive mansion. A, cold, driving
rain, which swept the city all day, clear
ed off nt sunset and the evening' was
cool nuil pleasant.
Hecnuse of the wedding arrangements
anil the hour of the ceremony hnd been
kept n close secret, there wero few nu
the streets about the White House, but
near the bride's home the crowd was
held back by police lines spread during
the afternoon.
Ceremony is Without Music.
Everything wns in lend incus for the
ceremony when the president arrived
nnd it proceeded wit hunt music. Neith
er the president nor Mrs. Unit had any
attendants and there were no ushers or
flower girls. Neither the army, the
navy uor the diplomatic corps was rep
resented and tho occasion wns cssentiul
ly what both had wished it to be-n
home wedding.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 20, Wire com
munication wns disrupted and n portion
of Portland thrown .into darkness Inst
night by a wind storm. Electric signs
nnd awnings In the business distiict
suffered. No henvy dninnge wns done.
ltlch Hill, Mn Pec. 20.-Several
men were reported killed In an explo
sion on the Oiivall much today as tliey
wero prcpnniing to dynamite slumps.
Tho shuck was felt fur 30 miles.
. . .. . m
''"-'-"'3 F. , ,.,ll,.lt---..'r'-"."":1---'-l
This coupon entitles the holder to one Annabelle
Doll free, by paying one month's-subscription to
the Capital Journal at the business office.
It is good until the supply of dolls is exhausted.
Indianapolis, Dec. 20. Cnrl
Fisher, the father of speedway
auto racing, nlso likes indoor
sports, lie has built himself
a $27,000 indoor tennis court.
Fisher built tho Indianapolis
Speedway, the first ever con
structed. Hope to Realize $1,000,000
By Holding Their Hops
Willamette Vulley hop growers ex
pect to realiM! $1,000,000 from their
hops now unsold, by holding until May
1, 1910, and have voted to extend tho
contrnct four months. The present con
tracts of tho growers in tho Oregon Hop
Growers' association were to expire De
cember 31 but at a meeting held lust
week in several sections of the coun
try nil of tho growers agreed to ex
tend the contracts for four months or
util the price of 15 cents per pound is
Secretary Clark reports today that a
Dumber of hop growers who did not
come into the association earlier in the
year are now silking to enter nnd that
they will increase tho pool several hun-
r Ah .
i.i' i
"Tables Turneil," u womiin ' trust,
a iiitiii h duplicitv, a loyiil friend, n
posed mock marriage that Is a real cere-
, , . ,
mony, and tin. tangled web thnt Is wov.
en in the lives of many because of it
makes n story that thrills the heart and
Weak, Weary Women
Learn the Cause , o Daily Woes and
End Tnem
When the back aches and throbs,
When housework is' torture.
When night brings no rest nor sleep,
When urinary disorders set in,
Women's lot is a weary one.
Doan 't Kidney PUls are for weak
Have proved their worth in Salem.
This is one Salem woman's testimony.
Mrs. Geo. Stotlar, 1796 Mission St.,
Salem, says: "I am subject to spells
Of kidnev COmnlninh and (ho liinnu
i-action becomes weak and disordered.
My back gets lame . and sore, too.
Doan 'a Kidnev Pill! nltrov. vtn ,
and rid me of ihpnJt sftnoba i
Price 50c, at all : dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan'a Kidnnv Pilljthi .,,, iu
Mrs. Stotlar had. Foster-MUburn Co.,
i rops., xiuiiaio, is. x. 1
dred bales with their holdings. The
sates lor tne pnst two weeks are few
and far between nnd tho price ranges
about 10 cents per pound. The associa
tion claims, however, to have received
better offers than this but are not dis
posed to sell until the price of 15 cents
, is offered and perhaps not then if the
market appears to be on the up grade.
S i ii-4-:
wins the svmputhies. A compelling
sup-istoiy of inn.-cnliiie strength nnd wenk-
',ow "ml " """" f'tl- produced
for the screen in five acts from the
.iKill, ,,v nitlr,, T
lloran, will be shown t Ye Liberty
Tuesday and Wednesday.-
. You know, and every physician
knows, that when any-sickness has
passed, whether it be 'throat trouble,
organic disturbances, contagious dis
eases, or even a severe cold, a relapse
is feared, because sickness robs the
system of Nature's resistance and
leaves it subject to lingering germs.
Drugs never build up a worn-out
body only food can do that, and the
Arst thing to take after any sickness is
the concentrated, blood-making oil
food in Scott's Emiilsion, which feeds
the tissues, benefits the blood and
strengthens both lungs and throat.
Physicians prescribe Scott's Emul
sionaftersickness. Nurseseverywhere
advocate it. Scott's is pure medicinal
food, without alcohol or drugs.
Scott & Bowue, Bloonifield, N. J, 15-22
.New' Switch 'Board for
Lighting Opera House
The trustees of the Odd Fellows'
building have been instructed to secure
a new switch board for the entire light
ing system of the opera house, to take
the place of the present wood and as
bestos switch board which was install
ed when the building was erected in
The new switch board will be four
feet wide nnd five feet high, on slate
ono nnd one-half inches thick, supported
on nn nnglc iron frame. It will be
equipped with the latest manufacture
of switches to tnko care of the 48
branch circuits. These 48 switches will
give that number of combinations of
The stage lighting includes five bord
er lights. These are on fivo different
circuits with colors of white, red or
blue nnd will be controlled by a master
switch by which all eaa be turned off
or on at one tune.
Tho wiring of the opera house will be
entirely overhauled. All wires will bo
placed in metal conlluits, ns approved
by the National Board of Fire Under
writers. Architect F. A. Legg has been
instructed to draw up plans and spicifi
cations for the new system, which will
be installed early in January.
Stock Market Shows
: Some Slight Advances
' Now .York, Dep. 20. Higher prices
ruled on the exchange today in spite
of a decided falling off in speculative
I interest. The ( hi'istmns spirit nppar
! ently is affecting business,
j During the morning there was mod
erate activity, representing execution
, of orders delayed by Saturday's storm.
Otherwise business typically of holiday
character with activity lessening to
ward the close.
Nevertheless, a number of substan
tial advances were registered by in
dustrial stocks, liuilronds were almost
neglected. . ,
. a.
Chicago Firm Would Take
50 Carloads of Onions
Can money be made raising onionB?
The nverngo farmer would probnbly say
yes, and then put in a clincher against
raising them by saying there was no
Manager O. H. Luck, of the Commer
cial club, in taking up the proposition
of markets, wrote one of the largest
commission houses in Chicago, Coyne
Bros., 119 West South Water street, as
to whether they wero in tho market for
onions. By return mail a reply was re
ceived stating the firm was in the mar
ket for from 25 to 50 car loads of Wil
lamotte valley onions, and that each
community having a supply should mail
This is a chance for quick action on
the part of communities having several
car loads to ship. The Coyne Bros, is a
responsible firm, and will buy in lnrge
quantities but do not want any ono or
two car shipments. This seems to set
tic the question of mnrkets, ns far ns
the raising of onions is concerned.
County School Supts.
. Meet Here to Correct
- : . Examination Papers
- :, .''V- . ' .
Th(.;eouiiry school superintendents of
this state began coming Into the office
of the .state school superintendent to
day to act upon the examination-bonrd
which will correct the papers handed in
by the tenchers who took the recent
stnte teachers' examinations. With the
exception of a few from the counties
in far eastern Oregon nil were on hand
this morning. The others nre expected
to arrive tonight nnd the examination
work will begin nt once.
:At this time it is expected that some,
special work of interest to school super
intendents and tenchers will be given
under the direction of Superintendent j
Churchill. The following superinten
dents will compose the examining
J. F. Smith, Baker; H. K. Cannon,
Corvnllis; J. K. Colovun, Oregon City;
O. H. Hyland, Astoria: J. W. Allen.
Saint Helens; K. E, Tinker, Conuille; .1.
12. Myors, Prineville; (1. W. Smith, Oold
Bench: O. O. Brown, rioscliurg; .T. C.
Slurgill, Condon: 1 M. Hamilton
Buchanan; C. I). Thompson, Hood Hiv
er; Mrs. Yillian Wntts, Culver: Lincoln
Savage, flrnnts Pass; Fred Peterson,
Klumiilh Fulls: C. K. Oliver, T.akeview;
K. J. Moore, Kugene; K. P. (loin, To
ledo; W. I.. Jackson. Albnnv; Miss Fnv
Clark, Vale; W. M. Smith, Snlem; S. K
Notson, Heiipner: A. P.. Armstrong,
Portland: H. C. Sovmonr. Dnllns; F. K.
Fagan, Mora; W. S. Bool, Tillamook: I.
E. Young, Pendleton; Mrs. A. E. Ivan
hoe, l.n (IrnniVe; J. C. t'onley, Enter
prise; C. T. Bouncy The Dalles: B. W.
Barnes. Ilillslioro; H. J. Simmons.
Mitchell; S. S. Duncan, McMinnville. .
SMITH Tn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Smith. West Sn1om. twin boys, Sun
day, December 10, 1015.
The boys have been named Kenneth
Lee and Keith Arthur. Mr. Smith
drives a milk wagon for the Clover
Leaf Dairy.
Simple Experiment May Lead
. Them to Tap the Wrong
Wire Ouch Dead
Youthful electricians are warned not
to follow diagrams given in stories in
popular magazines relative to electrical
experiments as they ore likely to seize
the wrong wire sometime and then
some slow music that Willie won't hear.
A story Appeared last week in n maga
zine of national circulation which told
how wires might be tapped and mes
sages sent out in the Morse code over
electric light wires. Diagrams wore
given and any youthful electrician
might be tempted to try it once any
way. Since the amateur is as likely to
to get hold of a wire carrying 20,000
volts ns he is to tap an incandescent
circuit of 110 volts tho Public Service
commission engineers have issued a
statement relative to the case:
The article entitled "The Third
Light", purports to convey certain in
formation based upon prncticnl elec
trical standards and practices. In
this, however, it is in error, ns there
appears a drawing of equipment uud
circuit arrangement which is mislead
ing nnd not in conformity to the
thought expressed by the writer of the
The dnngers surrounding an experi
ment of this kind by the amateur elec
trician are many.
The general regulations governing
overhead and underground construction
of the Public Service commission of
Oregon, Section 14, require the ground
ing of all neutral wires of low poten
tial secondary) distributing systems,
and, where the neutral is not accessible,
the grounding of one wire of the sec
ondary or commercial lighting or power
circuit. These regulations became ef
fective October 1; 1913, and previous
to that dote a great many installations
of transformers with secondary (110-
220 nnd other voltages) lighting and
power circuits had been installed with
out ground connections. Therein lies
the real danger to the youthful experi
menter, for, should nnd ungrounded
transformer secondary or house light
ing wire be used to make the Third
Light" experiment, and the transform
er be faulty or leaky, the person mak
ing the experiment might receive the
full 21100 volt current, the result of
which would be tho maiming for life if
not the instant death of tho experi
menter. '
Wiring conditions in Oregon are such
that the experiment would -tnil' unless
it were made in some locality where
the transformer secondaries or low po
tential distributing wires are not
The principle involved in the "Third
Light" experiment while it appears in
tricate, is very simple, nnd iB nothing
more than the substitutinc of a ground
connection for the middle conductor of
a circuit of two lights in sorics. It iB
therefore obvious that Biich nn oxjieri
nient can be made with batteries and
small electric lights, such as aro found
in "flash lights" and without t'ne in
herent dangers surrounding experi
menting with the honso lighting wires,
whether they aro properly grounded or
Exiierinientino with commercial or
residence lighting wires is not condu
cive to the success of the "Safely
First" movement, and it is strongly
recommended that such experiments be
left to the advanced students or profes-j
sor and be not nttempted by the ama
The Great Adventure Star
. ; , TWO EEEL8
Featuring the Celebrated Star
10c BIO SHOW 10c
11.00 per ton until further notice,
cash only. Chopping tl.50 per,
" ton. We have the boat roller In
the city, equipped with suction!
fan that removes ' all the dirt
and dust without extra charge.
D. A. White & Sons
2-i State St., Salem, Oregon
' Backaches, Headaches, Lumbago nnd
Rheumatic Pains Quickly Disap
pear Before New Bemedy. -
It is no longer necessary for any one
to suffer without effort to euro with
headachy, all run-down feeling that is
often the result of kidney trouble,
It is no longer necessary for you to
contend without treatment with . dis
agreeable bladder and urinary disorders
or he tortured with rheumatism, stiff
or swollen joints or the heart-wrenching
miseries that follow ns n result of ne
glected or poorly working kidneys.
Solvnx is designed to quickly and sure
ly relievo such troubles.
Solvux is a wonderful discovery that
has always been so widely successful
that every package is sold under a posi
tive guarantee to refund the money if
it docs not relieve the worst case of
kidney disorder.
"Your money buck if you nniit.it,"
is the way all the best druggists are
soiling this great, kidney remedy. A
guarantee like that speaks eloquently
for the merit of Solvnx.
Do not suffer another minute until
you see if Solvux will not relieve you.
If it doesn't, tell the druggist that that
you want your money buck, and he will
cheerfully refund it. Sold in Salem by
Daniel J. Fry and other leading dealers.
"Avenging Conscience" ;
At Oregon Next Week
"Avenging Conscienco" is iny" su
premo nchiovomcut. It is a greater
picture than my 'Birth of a Matiou.'
It is two years ahead of its time."
So writes D. . W. Griffith of his
mastcrpioce in six rcols, which willjio
at tho Oregon theater next Mondav uud
Jn the picture is perhaps tho most
notnblo east over assembled iu uny one
picture, including Blanche Sweet,
Henry B. Walthall, Mao Marsh, Kobort
Harron, Enlph Lewis, George Siegman,
Josephine C'rowell and - Spottiswoude
Aitken in fact, tho entire cast of
"The Birth of A Nation," with tho
addition of Miss Swoot.
Tho stato rights for the pieturo aro
owned by Orton E. Goodwin and Sol
Baum, who outbid all other agents iu
obtaining tho picture. It is declared
to bo tho most costly picture ever
shown in this city.
In addition to its week 's run at tho
Hcilig Theatre, Portland, ''Avenging
Conscience," broke all attendance
records at the Strand Theater, New
York, whoro tho manager declared it
was tho grootost picture ever in -his
house. At Seattle, the Mclnioulno
Theater showed it to greator throngs
than saw "The Birth of A Nation" in
that city.
Tho wonders of film production linvo
been taxed in" producing "Avenging
Conscience," and it is for this reason
that Mr. Griffith declares it is' two
years ahead of tho day. . From many
standpoints it marks an outirejy new
crar in-itotion pieturo prbtography.
The showing1 of "A,vonging Con
science" in Salem will be, a notable.
A Journal New Today will
' convert waste Into wealth. '
rf A Five Act Supreme
leaiure jrom tne ong
- lnal story by
The International
Stage Favorite
TUES. and WED.
Always 10c
never more
Ye Lib er r y
. Always the Best Pictures j
Salem Royal
Owing to congested freight
conditions on account of the
closing of the Panama Canal,
we are obliged to use plain
wrappers on our bread, until
about February 15th, when our
printed wrappers are due to ar
rive. Ask for Salem Royal Bread.
Royal Bakery