Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 20, 1915, Page TEN, Image 10

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    - ...xi.it...,w.!.--...-,-.r- .... ...... , .' . . : - . .. , M,rJWw,.
nXmas Gifts Galore at Meyers
Salem's Big Holiday Shopping Place
You will find here gifts to please .every member of any family. Practical gifts
gifts that you can give with confidence, knowing that they will prove satisfactory
because they came from Meyers the house of quality.
hMOM(MMMHMWIWHWWWWmW iit in ttlt1ttttltt M(
This store will be open
evenings Wed., Thurs. :
and Friday until 8:30
If you don't know what to give him
or her, buy a Merchandise Order or
Glove Bond. These are issued in any
desired amount and the recipient can
purchase just what they want.
I On Sale at Glove Counter and Men's Section
Only five more shop
ping days left. Shop ::
early in the week. :
Dolls, Dishes, Stoves, Doll Beds, Games, Mechanical Toys, Trains, Model Builders,
Engines, Drums hundreds of articles to make children happy. Bring them to see
this great collection from Santa Claus' storehouse. SPECIAL SALE PRICES on
Dolls, Mirroscopes, Magic Lanterns, Engines, Wash Sets, Sewing Baskets and Hob
by Horses. Sale of Dolls at $1.38; full jointed, real eyelashes, curly hair, 23-in. tall.
A Christmas Sale of Character Babies $1 15
Hop Growers Asked
s to Grant -Extension
Upon All Contracts
Aurora, Ore., Dec. 2(WAt a mooting
of local members of the Oregon Hop
Growers' association, hold here (Satur
day at the call of the directors, and at
tended by about 40 members, all of
thorn but two agreed to an extension of
four months for payments on all
The object of the meeting was not
known until the session was called,
and though its deliberations wore in
tended to have been kept secret, it
leaked out that tho request by buyers
for extension of time to make pay
ments was the business in hand.
Similar meetings are to be held in
all hop growing sections of the state.
Those growers who are unable to
hold out longer for their monev will
be taken enro of on the agreement
basis of 8, 9, 10 and 11 cent purchase
price, according to grade.
All contracts expire December 31,
the extension asked being to carry them
until May 1.
Judging by the sentiment expressed
at the local mooting the extension cen-
erally will bo granted.
Ml Mill I I I -
There are many different shapes In X
is adapted to your needs.
Scientific knowledge of what is proper and correct in eyeglass shapes
is as essential as the selection of the proper lens. You will find here
the result of the very latest and most advanced steps in correcting
defective vision.
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Bldg. . Phone 109 T
; v, VliJ) i
Santa Claus
774th Wednesday Surprise Sale, December 22
A Sale of Lace Bureau Scarfs at 39c
TTniA'a rt lTf.ll1n. onl. 9 iti. 11.-1. 111 .. ....
. a . "IWI-10 w,a' W1" lnnK9 unusually desirable gifts and at a small
oumuv. uamtv Xiace :aireri Hcm-r nmn in. rdnra i BA1.Aw..i j , -
1 - w . , " " ooictm uuaigus: size loxoz, rif1!! on
f Extra Spoclal for next Wednesday lALH JjC
Sale Starts at 8:30
Uur regular prices are lower for ""pc
' better merchandise than so called j -JS
? sale prices elsewhere.
See the Window Display
.y v
Dr. T. B. Tord, district sunerintend-
ent of the Methodist Episcopal church! 5 ".T
will hold the first quarterly conference i '
tonight in the parlors of the church.
William Porter was arrested today on
a charge of assault, and drunk and dis
orderly conSuct preferred by Mux Pnb
bi. His case will be tried in noliee
court tomorrow morning.
The first of a series of lectures and
In 'his sermon, "The Cherrian Spe
cial," delivered lust evening to tlie
Cherrinns the Kov. Harry K Marshall
said that while his work after the first
of the year would take him away from
Salem, yet he would continue to hold his
citizenship here, and that he would bo
true to Salem and the Chernans. dur
ing his evangelistic work, while lit
Fort Bragg, Cat., he hoped to appear,
with the consent of the Cherrinns, in
the Cherrian uniform and toll the poo-
pie of that community something about
Shoplifters and petty thieves were
mingling with the Christmas shoppers
Inst Saturday. Merchants are com
plaining of the loss of several small
articles, such as a biush from n toilet
sot, fancy articles, and in many cases
goods of greater value. There seems to
have been more potty thieving than
ever before durinrr the holiday rush.
entertainments to bo hold at tho Jason and several stores have taken the pre
Lee Memorial church will be given caution of placing plain clothes men on
Tuesday evening, when Dr. Carl Orcce 1 m,,-i n i. nt vnn..- nbu. i,
Honey will deliver a lecture on "Jack thieves were professionals or whether
v . . tlintr liv in Sfl him I Vi la nn ihn ontn
The Christmas program of the Leslie
M. K. church will bo held Thursday
evening at tho church. Thursday evon-
Mng was seelcted for the program in or-
uor tnnt members or the church might
have their own Christmas evo celebra
tions at their homes. A special musical
and literary program has been ar
ranged, the exercises to start promptly
at 7:30 o'clock.
A pruning demonstration will be giv-
side, several of the stores will huve
their detectives mingling in the crowd.
Saturday was a real "Annabelle"
doll day in tho Capital' Journal office,
some 75 persons taking advantage of
tho offer made the evening before to
give a doll free with every month 's
subscription paid at the, business coun
ter. The success of the offer shows
the value of advertising as the an
nouncement had appeared but once and
Oil tomorrow nt'leinnnn nl '1 nln,.l, t TII1H Only I11C CVOUlUg DCIOie 111 a 411-
tho orchard of Charles L. McNary bvl1"1111 display advertisement. As the
Prof. V. K. darduer, of tho O. A. C. ex"-! Capital Journal has only two or three
tension department. The McNnry or.i hundred of the dolls, left over from
chard is fivo miles north of tho city on j 'n,t 'enr they will no doubt be gone be
the river rond, and is jiist one mile! fre 'ie week is over. The kiddies like
nortn or tne lvniser school house. This Annaneiie (lulls uener unn
You can get all you want to eat ana
have some money left at White Swan
Dairy Lunch.
A cow testing organization will bo
formed at tho Commercial club on tho
afternoon of Thursday, December 2.),
to which all fanners in Marion ami
l'olk counties arc invited. At the time,
the Jersey Cnttle Growers' association
lias formed, the organization of a cow
testing association was discussed, an, I
the meeting next Thursday afternoon in
to complete tho organization. Prof. Q.
A. Burr, of tho extension department of
the O. A. C., a specialist in dairying,
will be present and assist in forming
the organization.
Remember the man will appreciate a
box of Lu Corona cigars for Xnms.
The municipal Christmas tree, under
tho direction of tho Cherrinns is nssure.l
ns a committee consisting of Fred K.
Jlnngis, Arthur It. Wilson ami C. K
Knowlnnd were appointed Saturday ev
ening to tako tho matter in charge.
It is the intentions of this committee
to place the tree on the court house
lawn at the corner of State nnd High
streets, nnd to huve it properly decorat
ed and lighted before Christmns. The
Cherrinns will co-operato with the Sa
lem Social Service Center in the giving
of candy nnd presents to those children
who might otherwise not bo remember
ed. As yet, it has not boon decided
whether a program will be. included in
tho Christmns exercises. The tree,
decorated end lighted by electricity,
will stand until Kew Year's day.
All Around To
ur, jHonaionuiia wiu us at nis omce
January 1, lulu". tf
The Ellis will glvo a dnnco to their
members nnd Indies tomorrow evening,
beginning at 9 o'clock, Tho Klk orches
tra will furnish tho music,
Dr. Stone's Drug Store,
The river Is falling today, with a
stage of (5.5 feet nbove low wuler, A
precipitation of of nn inch win re
cnrilod for tho 21 hours ending nt X
o 'clocli this morning.
Dr. Stone's drug ttorn.
The following have recently become
good rond advocates, through their pur
chase of Studohiiher enrs: John Sieg
mil ml, M, Human, W. W. Moore nnd A,
II. Southwick,
All kinds of dry wood, sawod of 4 ft.,
lowest price. Prompt delivery. Star
Wood v,o., Phono i, Kith nnd Onk.
Jan 13
Mrs, O. Olmstod, 478 Marion Btrcnt,
received notice this morning of the
death of her mother, Mrs, W, 11. Flow
er, nt Mulr, Michigan. Mrs. Olmsted
spent severnt months with her mother,
returning homo just a few weeks ago.
Ais j.nxl,u
Maioulo Bldg.
Electric baths and mnssnirn nnW
your physician's directions. N. N. lm
us, 218 Hubbard llldg. Phono Djj. tf
The Arahlnn Knights, their wives
ami friends, will attend the perform
ance this evening nt the opera house
when Margaret lllingtuii present,
"The Lie.'' They will meet nt the
Masonic Teinpli nt 7:1 o'clock nnd go
in u body to the npejn house. Seats
huve been reserved for .100,
Dr, B. T. Mclntire, pnyslclan and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phoue 440,
The rcsldenoo of Joseph Bach nt 450
South Twenty-fifth street, was entered
by thieves hist night who curried nwnv
fivo ipinrt bottles of whiskey, fivo pi n't
bottles of whWioy and five ipiurts of
beer, The affair was reported to the
pollco but the robbers left no clue for
the police to work on.
Before placing your printing order,
Phouo 2171), 1'ullor Printing Concern.
After A lccturo tour of three months
in the eiut in the interest of home mis
sionary work, tho Kov, r. 10. ltmior is
homo for tho holiday. At one time,
Mr. lliiuer was pastor of the First Con
gregntionnl church in Nilcin Mini later
wns ill Alaska in tho intnests of home
mission work,
A fifty year Christmas present
--Ciiiuiniinity Silver seven com-
plcto designs The fcjtoro of
1:1,1 N. Liberty St.
I have moved by tailor shop from 373'
Stnto street ncross tho street overl
I'oolo's Drug store, io. .170'i Stuto'
street. Hoom 1. John Sundin, tho'
i uiior,
Floyd Bailey, who was arrested yes
terdny on n charge of being intoxicated
forfeited $10 bail by his failure to ap
pear in police court, this morning. Wil
liam Steter. wlm nniil Ci.,.. ..i Am
on the snine charge lust Friday was nr-t
rented ngnin Sntnrdiiy and this inornin1
wns sentenced to five dnvs in tho citv!
jail. " j
New arrival of 40 inch crepe" do'
chine, special .Villus sale, OSc per yd.
Kal'onry Hros.
Tho Sunday school of tho Unitarian
church will celebrate Christinas Wed-'
nesduy evening nt the cluych. A Christ-!
mas tree parly has been nrnmgcd, ulso
ft program consisting of recitations,'
songs and music. All members nnd
friends of the CMinn-,imi;., ,.. :.,..:i.wi
to make the occasion a huppy success
by their presence. Tho celebration will
begin at 7:30 o'clock.
Wo Will remain nnnn avaiiIiio-o nttn
Xinns. K. L, Htiff & Son.
A picture of Madam Jcnno Jomolli!
holding n baby appenrod in the Suudnv
Issuoif the Portland Journal. This!
Imliy wns the sevon-inonihs-old daugh
ter, of Sol Roberts, steward nt tho
Commercial club, whose wife died n few
months ago. The child was placed in
the Hnby Home In Portland a short
time ago. It Is for this baby home
Hint Jomolli will present the opera
"lioineo nnd Juliet " early next year.
A ftllA ' AASArttllANt. nt flitltlrAitta
Xnms furniture at special prices. K. h.
Stiff & Hon. j
Mrs. Elijnbeth Whitlock, nn Oregon
pioneer and a former resident of Nv I
iem, wns found dead in her bed nt licr
homo nt Silverton lust Saturday nfter
neon. She is survived by a daughter, j
Mrs. Klisubeth l.nmb, nnd a niece, Mrs.
J, ri. Moore, both of this city. Mrs. I
Whitlock lived uluiie at lior homo in
Silverton nnd it is thought she had been
dead since Thursday. Physicians de
clared that death had been caused bv
heart failure. '
Only 5 more days to get that fine 42
pioco set of dinner ward free with that
new range. ' L. .stiff & Sou.
Tomorrow will be rather a short day,
if one works according to tho rising
and c.tting of the sun. According to
the best of nlmnnncs, the sun will rise
over this section of tho Willamette vnl
ley nt exactly 10 minutes until 8 o'clock
nnd continue on its way nbovo the hori
zon i.n til 2S minutes after 4 o'clock.
Beginning with Wednesday, tho duvs
will lengthen, tho nights shorten and 'in
tinio the robins will como again.
Will pay highest market price for
veul and chickens at all times. Price's
Meat and Poultry Market. 3J."i X.
Coin'i. Phono "L'J2.
The state insurance commission if
sending out warnings ns to tho dangers
of Christmas trees decorated with col
ton nnd tinsel mid lighted by candles.
Klectric lighting of the home treo is
now ono of the possibilities. Several
trees in tho city were lighted lust venr
with the small electric, lights nnd it is
astiinnted Hint n treo of average family
size can bo lighted, including the cost
of the cords nnd lights for u nnd up
ward, according to the number of lights
Arabian Knights attention! Mem
ber of tile Aruhuiti Knights club nnd
Indies attending the Margaret llling
ton peiforiniiine at Opera House this
evening, please meet on fifth floor of
Masonic Temple and secure their tick
ets. Party will leave for Opera House
at. 8 o'clock prompt. Nobles bring your
f ez.
demonstration is given for the benefit
oi an prune growers.
E. E. C. Von Klein, who served a sen
tonco in the Oregon stnto pen on a ' office
charge of robbing an amorous widow of Dr. R,
her diamonds, is still in the diamond
business according to a letter received
by Secretary of State Olcott today. Von
Klein writes from Minneapolis where he
is the sales manager of a large jewelry
concern and is soliciting business on the
other kind. If you want one read the
advertisement und follow tho instruc
tions nud you will get one, unless the
supply runs out before you get to the
E. lee Steiner, superintendent
of the Oregon State Hospital for the In
sane, returned to his desk this morning
after several weeks absence during
which time he experienced a major op
eration in the hospital. Dr. steiner has
not entirely recovered but is able to
attend, to his duties. " -r
335 X. Liberty St. riiono 07
Do not bo mislead Our Fresh
lioastcd Coffee is rousted and
blended by ono who knows how
and by tho open flame process.
The Store of Housewares.
I Tell
That they want to hear, make it plausabie, mak it brief, give them absolute facts
and they'll read it; not only read but heed it. Expensive cuts, flowerv language, detailed
descriptions ,and perfect rhetoric makes a fine looking ad, but the plain heart to heart
talk straight from the shoulder one has the kick and brings the business.
If in doubt ns to what to give
for Christmas call and see tlto
Store of Housewares,
135 N. Liberty St.
For the past week we have beer tell
ing of prices we are making on
GOODS, ETC. Talks that meant dol
lars to every man who took the trouble
to investigate, told in as few words as
possible the whole story, with the net re
sult of an increase in our sales of fully
four fold.
When you have finished a close in
spection of the following prevailing
prices you will readily understand how
this was possible.
$10.00 Overcoats at $6.98, $12.50 ones
at $7.38, $15.00 ones at $8.68, $20.00
ones at $11.48, and $25.00 kind are now
$10 ones at $6.48, $12.50 ones at $8.68,
$15 ones at $9.88, $16.50 ones tat $10.48,
$18 ones at $11.98, $20.00 ones at $13.48,
$22.50 ones at $14.98, $25 ones at $16.78.
Men's Shoes in black or tan, lace or
button, the PACKARD make, all lasts,
including the popular English, at $2.48
and $3.98.
$2.50 kind at $1.98, $3.50 ones at
$2.68, $4.00 kind at $2.98, $4.50 kind at
$3.38, $5.00 kind at $3.73,. $6.00 kind at
$4.48. -
$3.00 ones for $2.28, $2.50 ones for
$1'.88, $2.00 ones for $1.48, $1.50 ones
for $1.13, $1.25 ones for 88c, $1.00 ones
for 4Sc, $2.50 (an corded shirts with
military collars, new arrivals at $1.48,
flannel shirts that were $1.50 to $3.00
are now 78c to $1.98.
. One lot, small sizes only, are going
at $1.48 though worth three times as
Men's Hats, too, are selling at $1.12
for the $2.00 kind and $1.98 for the
$3.00 ones; good selection of shapes to
choose from.
Men's 50c heavy derby ribbed cotton
Underwear and 75c Swiss ribbed
athletic neck, are each 35c, $1.50 Coop
er's Australian wool shirts and draw
ers at 98c, $3.00 Cooper's spring needle
wool at $1.13 the garment, $5.00 fancy
ribbed wool athletic. 'neck for $1.63
each, and our regular $6.00 French
ribbed silk and wool is a bargain at
$1.78 the garment.
Neckwear is finding ready sale. Sat
urday fourteen dozen of those 25c lies
in fancy boxes at 19c each were passed
out. The 35c ones are 21c, 50c and 75c
line arc only 38c, $1.25 tics in leather
cases are 73c, and a beautiful line of 1
f- - .1 l' l -1, l H
toe ue anu pin comumauon sei in lancy
Xmas box at 38c.
Other items are men's woolen sox,
50'c kind at 38c, 25c kind at 18c, $2.50
grey and maroon sweaters at $1.48,
$2.00 and $2.25 Jersey knit wool sweat
ers at 98c, and three sizes of Ox
ford bags 15, 16 and 17 inch regular
$4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 at $2.48, $2.98 and
Then there are Bath Robes, Smoking
Jackets, Suit Cases, Suspenders, Belts.
Handkerchiefs and scores of olher
articles of men's wear on sale in fact
everything except Ide collars, Hole
proof and Phoenix Hosiery.
Umbrellas sell well this week. Reg
ular $1.00 to $5.00 at 65c to $3.50.