TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1915, "SALEM'S LARGEST HOLIDAY SHOPPING PLACE" t MAKEIED 68 TEAKS. Albany. Or. Dee. 17 Mr. and Mrs. Philip Swank celebrated their fiSth wedding anniversary at Tallmau yesterday. Swank is SS years of age and Lis wife 8d. Thev have lived 5i) years on the same farm, i- Throbbing Head and Tired Eyes are not the right equipment for a successful business man, Tuke time to come fcere for a SEARCHING EXAMINATION tliat will reveal the cause of your tired eyes. If you do not need glasses wc will frankly tell you so. O TTT TT FTT " Mi. M V jMm it .. . i A Christmas Sale of Men's Handkerchiefs ill Special Xmas Sales in the Slipper Section xx Colored Initial, 3 in a box, extra special at 48c a Box Excellent Gift Handkerchiefs an article worth giving to your best friends cross bar patterns nicely hemstitched and with embroidered initial in colors three different colors to each box. These are a splendid value at 65c their former price Xmas Extra Special 48c a Box Wji Xmas Sale of Men!s Fine Neckwear 75c and $1.00 Ties, some in Xmas boxes, .Extra Special 63c Each Commencing this morning, a sale of beautiful, flowing end Four-in-Hand Ties just the right kind for Christmas gifts, in the very newest shape ..and rich color effects. They are the slip-easy kind for they're made with a satin ribbon back, which makes this feature possible; they cannot stretch and will last twice as long as the ordinary kind. Formerly priced at 75c and $1.00, Special Xmas Sale, your choice 63c Each 4 I WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FELT SLIPPERS Various styles and colors to choose from, at WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS Odd pairs and short lines. Special, your choice ..... 85c a Pair Sale of Children's Leather 50c a Pair Moccasins 50c a Pair XX iSalems Big Toyland Second Floor a You cm build your own loyi With I k Amtriem MoJtt Hnl4r.' 1 ht nMMt luciMtinl nd scito lf6c imi ever invcnitd. NouttoM, duMtinf end Mltf' laimnj. Ak wr ettrk lo thorn yw.9 outfit. lt BOYS Don't deprive the children of a visit to the great joy land, where they can feast their eyes upon all the fine Toys, Dolls and Games that make little girls and boys happy. Scores of children visit this wonderland every day. It is the largest department of its kind in Salem and offers a varied assortment of American and for eign made Toys and Dolls. Special Sale Prices on Dolls, Mirrorscopes, Magic Lanterns, Engines, Wash Sets, Sewing Baskets and Hobby Horses. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD. NO BANK- Jt RUPT STOCKS Oil DISCARDED MERCHAN- DISE SOLD OVER OUR COUNTERS THE HOUSE OF QUALITY IL Y JJLcoodIgooe s - -....". 4 --"- 4 4 4444-44444 WmttttTtmtttmttmttmmttttHtmtttttTttTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTttTTtttttftf Baumgartner Hall and. 2-piece or chestra, ifS per evening, rhone 911. Woodmen attention. Special Im portant business meeting tonight. Fine banquet. W. O. V. committee. The examination car of the Southern Pacific, from San Frnncisco, was in the city yesterday, testing the sight and hearing of the Southern Pacific em ployes and the Salem Street railway. The employes must be able to read type about a quarter of an inch high at a dis tance of 20 feet. The test is also made on color blindness. This test is made with different colored lights and the colors of yarn. The examination is made on red, green, bine, yellow and white. Cream puffs Wedensday and Satur day. Koberts. Try the People's Market for your Sunilnv meats or a nice dressed cluck Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist 208-209 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 100 en. ! S44. Special salo on pure lard. I'honc The Salvation Army is making an ap peal to the people of Salem for any thing in the nay of household goods, cooking utensils, dishes or anything that might be of aid to a family living in the country who recently had the misfortune of having their house de stroyed by fire. Captain Kelso inves tigated personally this family's needs and feels they are deserving of assist ance. Anything in the wny of house hold effects for this family may be left at 2ii3 North Commercial, or tele phone Salvation Armv headquarters, ; 1820. Delicious home made candy in boxes, jc. -j.. Roberts' Court street grocery. ! Home cooked food in nice variety !or made to order. Roberts' Court street j grocery. I Beginning with the year 1916, the em ployes of the Western Vnion Telegraph A I company will be given an annual vaca fition, with pay. Those who have been with the company two years will be given two weeks off, anil those who have been employed only one year, will be allowed one week. As the company lias 40,000 employes and as the greater number of these employes have been with the company over two years, it means the giving of at least (.0"f' weeks of vacation on full pay, ench year. Woodmen attention. Special im portant, business meeting tonight. Fine banquet. V. O. W. committee. f pound of Christmas candy FREE ft I mm with each purchase of $ or more at DAMON'S Grocery, 855 N. ComM St. THIS OFFER HOLDS GOOD UNTIL CHRISTMAS EXTRA SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 2 Loaves Extra Fine Bread 5c 2 Dozen Eggs 55c 20 Pounds Onions T 25c Special line of one dollar trimmed lints for Saturday, at Mrs, Locke's Millinery Dept., Meyers store. One half price. All patterns anU trimmed huts Saturday at -Mrs. I.ocke i Millinery Dept., Meyers. J. W. Sherwood, state commander of The farmers' committee which wa appointed at the last meeting ot limn ers and the agricultural club to inves tigate the udvisubility of instituting a produce department with the Salem Fruit Union, met yesterday. As the members of the committee were not nil present, it was voted to adjourn until next Monday. This committee is com posed of (tenrge W. Weeks, .Kobeit. I'liulus, I.. H. McMahoii, A. C. l.ibby and Milton Brown. Closing out sale. We are going to out our entire stock ot millmeiy The Annex," Hi.") X. Liberty. Any II1C JJUCCHUCrs, . iv. viiwu, nunc n, i , Remit, and A. T. Moffet, past represen- j tative, attended a special meeting of the Maccabees at Turner last evening.! Tomorrow we will give to any needy j family a nice boil or roast of beef. Peoples' Market, piioue .0!4. D. A. Madison, well known in Salem, died yesterday at his home in Indepen dence. Funeral services will be held at Independence tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the Elks' lodge, the officers of Salem lodge, No. Ii:iii, officiating. He was a member of the Albany lodge. dose at hat for ifl.oO, fore 10 n. in. less. None sold be Saturday. A Little Rain Don't Hurt- And Particularly if it's a Cold Rain Like Yesterday's, in Fact it Makes Us Peel the Need of Warm CLOTHING, OVER COATS, DRY SHOES AND HEAVY UNDERWEAR, ETC .tnrammauttwmtJtnmm:tmmtmtJmmm:mmmimmttttnUHRttat All Around Town a:tmni!unttn:ntt:imjmtnmumnjnjmjmtmnjttjnnmmjJKintJjnitivr Dr. Mendlosolm will be at his offico January 1, 11)1(1. tf Tiie last meeting of the year will be held tonight by t ho Yeoman. A special program has been arranged, to be fol lowed by a dance, Dr. Stone's Drug store. The Salem firo department was call ed out to a small chimney firo nt 1027 Oak street yesterday afternoon. No diimugo was done, Dr. Htono's drug store. Within the last two weoks the follow ing parties have purchased Void cars: Stousloff ltros., .Donnld W. Miles, (jeorgo Thomason and U. D. La liahn. Elsctrlo baths snd massaira under your physician's directions. N. N. Jm lis, 218 'Hubbard lll.lg. l'hono C53. tf James O. Dobbins, proprietor of the Hollywood brick yard, and family bavo moved into 1 ho city for the winter and have takeu a house on Twenty first street. All kinds of dry wood, sawed of i ft., lowest prices. .Prompt delivery. Star Wood v.o., l'hono 420, lflth and Onk. JanlS IWATCff-Iwn" reJEWELRY mm 'W3 of Also t Nice Lino Jewelry. KARL NEtTQEBATJUR Matonlo Bldg. Dr. R. T. Mclntlre, pnyslclan and surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. I'houe 440, William Steltor, who was arrested yesterday evening by the Snlcin police on a charge of being drunk pleaded guilty in police court this morning and was given a fine of $10 or five duvs in jail. Bofore placing your printing order, Phone 217H. Fuller Printing Concern. tf A mask ball will be given nt the W. O. W. hull nt Marion, New Year's eve, December ill. A prize will be given for tho best masked lady and gentleman nud the mniiageinent announces that n lunch stand w ill bo in the hall and that good order will be maintained. Now location. Dr, Mark 8, Skiff, dentist. 300 Masonic building. DeclS A seven-acre Improved tract at HosedaU was purchased yesterday by J, W. I .a Hare of this city, who" wiil move to tho tract with his family with in a few days. The tract was purchased of P. K. Wald mid tiro transaction was made by J. L, Scott. I have moved by tailor shop from 37 State street across tho street ovor Poolo's Drug storo, No. 370 'i State street Iioom 1. John Bundin, tho Tailor. aC3tsccictct(etcatccacaft Appreciated Christmas Gifts nt Popular Prices. WM. OAIILSDORF Tho Store of HonBownres 133 N. Liberty. it Wcodmen attention. Special im portant business meeting tonight. Fine Imiupiet, W. O. W. committee. !TaIir"addres8 this evening at tho uuditoriuni of the Salem public library, (loveionr Withyeonibo will discuss, "Oregon and Its Hesourees." giving special ultenliou to water power and forests. This lecture is one of tho regular course for tho winter. Tho Midget has grown but the prices are the same. Only seven-tenths of an inch of rain was recorded by tho government's water gunge at the O. C. T. docks for tho 24 hours ending at o'clock this morning, which ralher indicates that the storm all day yesterday was most ly storm with but little rain. The river is falling and is now 0.4 feet ubove zero. Woodmen attention. Special Im portant, husiness meeting tonight. Fine banquet. W, O, V, committee. Captain Siover, assisted by R. O. Miller and the superintendent, will hold meetings next Sunday in the interest of tho Commons .Mission nt the Friends church in North Salem nt 11 a. m., and nt the Frionds church in South Salem at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Miller will render excellent music accompanied by his guitar and nlso Blunging by the Mission niulo quartette. 2,000 pounds of those elegant pork roust for nsturdny. Tho Judgot Mar ket. 371 State. Saturday morning the children will have their second series of Christians stories at the public library. This is the Inst story hour boforo January 8, as both Christmas and New Yenr's day For Christmas give her a Din ner Set from tho Store of Housewares WM. GAIILSDORF 135 N. Liberty St. fall on Saturday. All children are in vited to this story hour, to begin promptly at !).-:i0 o'clock Saturday morning. Our market is clean, we invite your , inspection. The Midget Market. The White Swau Dairy lunch will give you all you can eat and not take1 all of your money. Postal cards ol irregular size will j not be accepted at the postoffice. Also what is more important, those 'improp erly addressed will bo held up. There is n regulation size, and a proper place for the address and nil that does not i come under these regulations cannot go 1 through the mails. The proper place for an address on a postul card is on the right hand end of the card. The department rules permit writing on t li left hand end of the card. Don't swear, learn to say Midget. Woodmen attention. Special im portant business meeting tonight. Fine banquet. V. O. W. committee, E. W. Stubbs, of the Salem police force, today closed a deal through which he purchased the tailoring estab lishment and stock of Frank Light nt 542 State street, nnd his son, O. C. Stubbs, will be placed In charge of the shop. O. C. Stubbs formerly conducted a tailoring business in this city and has many friends here who will be glad to know that ho is entering business for himself. Mr. Light is leaving this city to locnto elsewhere. Hygrade cigars will bo appreciated as Xmas gifts, , Veal, veal, veat, extra milk fed. A ronst for nSturdny. The Midget Mar get Market. 371Stnto street. Enjoyed nt , evory meal, a Universal IVreolarnrj complete line at the Store of Housewares. WM. QAHLSDORF 133 N. Liberty St. Bad roads may have kept some away but the public generally have learned of the genuine bargains we are passing out, know too of the class of merchan dise they always find here, realize that the prices we are quoting really mean a saving of from 25 to 35 per cent on every article advertised, so they brave the elements and come anyway. Some one wanted to know today if we had anything that would be suitable for a Christmas present for a man? What a question to ask when we have worn the ribbon off our typewriter tell ing people of the scores of practical presents for men of every taste. Right here we will name a few articles that would please most of the men, and par ticularly so if someone else was paying for it. Solid leather suit cases and traveling bags. Men's bath robes and smoking jackets. Hundreds of elegant neck ties and suspenders. Umbrellas plain or silver mounted. Linen or silk hand kerchiefs. Box of Holeproof or Phoenix socks. Athletic sweaters, etc. Now a little more about Clothing and the prices they're going at MEN'S SUITS $10 ones at $6.48, $12.50 ones at $8.68, $15 ones at $9.88, $16.50 ones at $10.48, $18 ones at $11.98, $20.00 ones at $13.48, $22.50 ones at $14.98, $25 ones at $16.78. $10.00 Overcoats at $6.98, $12.50 ones at $7.38, $15.00 ones at $8.68, $20.00 ones at $11.48, and $25.00 kind are now $13.98. MEN'S TROUSERS $2.50 kind at $1.98, $3.50 kind at $2.68, $4.00 kind at $2.98, $4.50 kind at $3.38, $5.00 kind at $3.73, $6.00 kind at $4.48. You can't get away from our prices on Men's Underwear for we are selling the 50c heavy ribbed cotton and the 75c Swiss ribbed shirts and drawers at 35c, Cooper's Australian wool, regular $1.50 grade at 98c, Cooper's spring needle wool, the $3.00 kind at $1.13 the garment, $4.00 extra heavy wool at $1.28 each, $5.00 fancy ribbed wool, athletic neck, $1.63, $6.00 French ribbed silk and wool at $1.78 the garment are every one rare bargains. Packard's Shoes for men are recog nized standards. We have them in black and tans, lace or button and the prices are $2.48 and $3.98, you never bought such shoes for these prices. Neckwear is selling for less too, $1.25 ties in leather cases are now 73c, 75c combination tie and pin in fancy Xmas boxes are 38c, and the 50c and 75c fancy ties are the same price, 35c ties are now 21c, and there are dozens of 25c ties in fpney boxes at 19c each. Men's $2.00 hats are only $1.13 and $1.98 for the $3.00 ones, all good styles, too. A lot of small sizes in odd coats and vests that are worth up to $7.00 and $8.00 are selling for $1.48. Don't overlook our sweaters, the $2.50 wool sweaters in gray and maroon are $1.48 and the $2.00 and $2.25 V-neck Jersey knit ones are now only 98c. Those Oxford bags in 15, 16 and 17 inch that were $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 are now $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48. Umbrellas that sold for from $1.00 to $5.00 are now going at 65c to $3.50. 50c wool socks heavy or light weight at 38c and the 25c ones are 18c. Remember the only articles reserved are Idc Collars, Holeproof and Phoenix Hosiery. Make an effort to come Saturday if possible. G. W. Johnson & Co.