EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 'SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1915. "SALEM'S LARGEST HOLIDAY SHOPPING PLACE" XX : Mil A Christmas Sale of Men's Handkerchiefs Colored Initial, 3 in a box, extra special at 48c a Box Excellent Gift Handkerchiefs an article worth giving to your best friends cross bar patterns nicely hemstitched and with embroidered initial in colors three different colors to eac hbox. These are a splendid value at 65c their former price Xmas Extra Special 48c a Box 'iif Xmas Sale of Men's Fine I Neckwear 75c and $1.00 Ties, some in Xmas boxes, ft Extra Special 63c Each Commencing this morning, a sale of II beautiful, flowing end Four-in-Hand Ties II just the right kind for Christmas gifts, II in tne very newest shape and rich color II effects, lhey are the slip-easy kind for they're made with a satin ribbon back, which makes this feature possible; they cannot stretch and will last twice as long as the ordinary kind. Formerly priced at 75c and $1.00, Special Xmas Sale, your choice po, p,' andkerchiefs f Gifts We've a wonderful collection of Dainty Handkerchiefs, all the newest kinds, put up in handy gift packages. Children's Novelty and Initial Handkerchiefs; three in a box-priced at 15c lgc $c an( 25c a box Novelty Baskets, Telephones and Satchels, contain ing Handkerchiefs, 3 in each priced at J5c and 25c Ladies' Lissue Handkerchiefs, initialed, colored iSalems Big Toyland second Floor ; borders, in pastel shades, at 15c each or 2 for 25c Women's plain tailored Linen Handkerchiefs, colored inUial at 25c Each Same, only of fine lawn at JQC acJj Women's Spanish Hand Embroidered Linen Hand- kerchiefs 50c and 65c each Women's Real Irish Embroidered Linen . . 25c. 35c. or 3 for $1.00 Women's American and Venice Lace Edge Handker- fhiefs 35c to $4.00 Each Women's Handkerchiefs in folders of twos or threes, white and colored embroidered initials, ready for mai,ine ; 25c and 50c Women's Embroidered Handkerchiefs in boxes, white and colors, three in box priced at ; . 50c a box BOYS! Ym mn build your ow tort Tb mol (MCKMlinj to4 hm tttc mm tvtr in v a ltd. ttlninj. Aik tm dtrk to tktm jtm ii .lUullifrW'SI.NJfd ,1 j.hiiiS. fC 4 . mW iii,!ii(WiRwl I ImA ..! lull ill iiri-uia.HCT.irivJ Don't deprive the children of a visit to the great joy land, where they can feast their eyes upon all the fine Toys, Dolls and Games that make little girls and boys happy. Scores of children visit this wonderland every day. It is the largest department of its kind in Salem and offers a varied assortment of American and for eign made Toys and Dolls. Special Sale Prices on Dolls, Mirrorscopcs, Magic Lanterns, Engines, Wash Sets, Sewing Baskets and Hobby Horses. THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD. NO BANK uurr STOCKS Oil DISCARDED MERCHAN DISE SOLD OVER OUR COUNTERS THE HOUSE OF QUALITY IVJI it immimumimmumtwttitmmumumttmtttttmtmmniatmuxmmmmitt All Around Town wmtMinmttwmmmwtmnntmtmnmtuuumiuuummnnttmmm at, Mendlosolm will be at his office January 1, 11)10. tf Next Sundnv evenlnir th rhnrni chcir of the lirat Methodist chunh will i.fltlior the senior liiKh school, nor the InVft II Plllltlltn lit IllA AllMK.llt .....I... .1... '. . .1.1 . . . . .V . ' . 1 Dr. B. T. Mclntire, pnyslclan wid surgeon, 11 Masouio bldg. l'boue 440. According to Superintendent Elliott, Rivo a ciintntn nt tlio church, under the direction of Dr. 1'rnnk Wilbur Chace, Dr. Stone's Drug more. Charles McCarty plendod guilty to a charge of begging on tho streets of Ra ima in police court this morning mid T.na given a sentence of five days in jail. Dr. Stone 'a drug itor, uCJEWELHY Jewelry. KARL NEtrOF.BAUEB Maaoulo Bldg. mi Itsll IIL'tull illllinr llinli iii'liniil Im ml win hub part iii any concert to be giv cn down town during tho lioliduys, Before placing your printing onior, mono aim, i-uiior 1'nutiug Concern. tf George O. Kisaick and Miss Julia Aokprnmn were married this morning by the Uov. 1!, N, Avliion, at the r'irxt lotboillHt. plmrfh tinmniiniTn 10 l ut Ilolcna witncnacd the ceremony. Air. and Mra. Kixtuck are both from Uonnld. New location. Dr. Mark S. Skiff, dentist. 300 Masonic, building. DoclH W. A. Sbowalter and Jajiiea Sweeny pnld the balanco of their finea yenter dnv and were rclcnitcd from the cltv jnil. They were arrested ISatiirdnv nlijlit on a charge of disorderly conduct nt the Lincoln inn and were fined M each. The tiuio icrvod counted at tbo rnto of $2 per dny. Helen I.iitle, the woman who was arrested with them, wan lined $(() or $20 days niul is Ht i ) 1 in the city jnil. Electric baths and massage under your physician 'a directions, X. X. lin ns, 218 Hubbard Hhlg. 1'hone 533. tf The last dance to be given by the Klk 's lodge for the year is nnnouueed for next Tuesday, December 21. Hegiif ning with the new year, tho committee hi cnargo expects to give a ounce ev ery two weehs. Make Win happy. Buy cigara that will please. Jlygrnde, Salem made. Judge P. II. D'ArcT. who returned from California a few dayg ago, states mar as yet no detinue plans have been inude regarding the Wexford theatre, which was destroyed by fire Inst week. Fibre trunks, all round comer, num. Inr ! 7.00, special $12,03, Uureu & iiniuiiion. Governor Jam Wttlivmmha wnf. to 1'ortland todnv to attend the funer al of his brother, John Wlthvcombe. who iliml In thufe citv fon.lnv. TiiA governor will roturu to nlem this evening. A large orchestra la a feature of to night 'a concert at the (iraml for the benefit of the Y. V. l A. and V. M. ('. A. (let your ticket while good seats are available, i'ifty cents, Hartmnnn's Qibralterised trunks,! reggulnr $17.00, special $12.03. IturetiJ & II am i 1 1 on. I The Woodmen of Uie World are send- ing out notices tu their tneinbers to t- tend the session next Friday evening,! when business of importance will conic before the lodge. After the business session, a fine banquet will be served.' Try the Spa lunch, from 11 to 2. Mean changed daily. Jeff onion A. Pooior, president of the( Snlem Sewer I'ipc company, celebrated his birthday last evening, with the help of the pastor, the llev. Carl H. Klliotti and the members of the session of the1 I'resbyterinn church. Mr. Pooler is a nntive of Oregon, his father coming to the state in 1832. j Special meeting of Mult nomah Chapter No. 1, H. A, M.i this evening. Work in tho K.i A. degree. Visiting compan- ions welcome. i ft T.arge lino of useful Christmas Presents at the Storo of Housewares WM. OAHLSDOEF laj X. Liberty Ambitious Young Men Med by Fake Schools Turning Out Detectives Secretary of State Olcott has received numerous requests for state licenses from young men who have completed a courso in a correspondence school which graduates them as a finished detective. The state Ian no license bureau for de tectives which are almost always hired by the cities or towns where tliev mo employed and most cities prefer to train their own detectives whose usefulness iiepeniw more upon a thorough knowl edge of the city and a wide acquaint ance with the faces of criminals than it does upon anv set of rules for'eot,.!,. ing law violators. I It appears that these detective schnnla nilvnrtiun in nl.Ann ' that they can turn out a full fledged detective for the small "sum of a few dollars and that a high salarv awaits the "graduate." The amateur detec tive usundy gains a lot of valuable experience and insight in human nature when he endeavors to get a job and is usually content to go back to a steady .job driving a dray or clerking in a store. Picture frames and moulding, special prices for holiday framing. Uuren & Hamilton. Dr. B. P. Pound Is removing his dental ctficc from the second flooT, room 202 of the U. N. National hank building, to the third floor of the build ing, rooms 301, 302 and 303. Buy your groceries now at going out of business prices. Huggins Gro cery. John A. Woodard left today for Sac ramento, California, where he will per manently represent the 8paulding Log ging company, as agent for the Indiana silo and the Easybilt barnes. His head quarters will bo at Sacramento, from which he will cover the central part of tno siiue. Heaters. The best open front heat ing stoves, 23 per cent off. Huren & Hamilton. The fifty employes of the Meyers store will be the guests of II. W. and M. L. Meyers at a banquet to be given this evening nt the Gray-Belle. This banquet has been an annual event with the Meyers store for the past seven years. After the banquet they will go in a body to attend the entertainment at the opera house. Try the Spa lunch, from 11 to 2. .Menu changed daily. That prosperity is on the way and good times are soon due is indicated by tho fact that William Klunipp has quit taking in washing. William Klumpp & Company conducted a laun dry in Portland and today were given permission by the corporation commis sioner to dissolve the corporation which was capitalized at 3,000. HMH TtH Throbbing Head and Tired Eyes are not the right equipment lor a successful business uiun. Tuke time to conio aere for a X 8 E A H C II I X G EXAMINATION that will reveal the cause of your tired eyes. If you do not need glasses wo will i'ranlily tell you so. Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist 208-209 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 109 T Visit pur art department. prices on oval frames and moulding. Buren & Hamilton. o- Special j . Bazaar, and cooifld food sale, Cen piuturo trill Congregational church. Friday, I December 17. l'Vee entertainment, tj ip. m. E. L. Stiff and Son, who have been in the second hand store business in The moot court of the law depart this city for the past four years, havoiinent of Willamette university, tried a been doing such a satisfactory business case of giving liquor to a minor, mid that within a few days they will open j although the stato and defendant were a branch store at Albany- The Bon l)(,th ablv represented, the trial result -Hudtel store has been purchased and(.,i jn ' iunr jury. Messrs. Smith, the store room adjoining leased, andBrooks and Bayne appeared for th'i the linn expects to open their new 9tute nmi Messrs. Grant, Fletcher uml Hyrd tor tlio defendant store with a large stock That's the place to go. White Swan Dairy Lunch. Good coffee and fresh pastry. Because the Increasing number of pa tients at the Oregon JState hospital has utilized all of the room in the audi torium in tho future the public will bo excluded from the regular Thurs day night entertainments. Tho public was not permitted to dance but a limit ed number were admitted to watch the patients. You can save on your grocery bills. Buy of Huggins' grocery at cost prices. All kinds of dry wood, sawed of 4 ft, lowest prices. Prompt delivery. Star Wood o., Phone 420, Hith and Oak. Janbi The Cherrian band, under the man agement ol John U ruber, will take part in the exercises of the Cherrinns nt their annual church service to be held nt. the Baptist church next Sunday ev ening. The C'herrians will meet nt tl Commercial club nt 7 o'clock Sunday evening and march iu a body to tho church, led by the Cherrinn band. Mrs. Galloway's Solo will long be re membered s a finished piece of art. Tonight at the Y. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A. concert at tho Grand. Fifty cents. L. IT. Huggins Is preparing to close out his grocery store on 121 South Cornmoiwiiil street, and hopes to mnko final disposition of his entire stock bv the first of the year. Hereafter, he will give nil his time to looking after hit farming interests in this county and tit Hcod iliver. Many informal dancing parties have recentlv taken place in llnumgnrtnnr hall. A 2 piece orchestra and hall fur nished for $S.OO per evening. For rcser valions, phone 911. Banjainin Brick is so sure that tho ! Rulein commercial club should change lils name to tlmt of the Siilom Chamber iof Commerce, that eacn metier atteiul- Oas 15c, auto tires and accessories at wholesale prices, this week only. Snel- sons, 12th street garage. The Cherrians will put on their white suits and go to church Sunday even ing. This is tiieir anuuiil church ser vices and will be held nt 7:30 o'clock Sunday oveninn nt the First Baptist church. The sermon of the evening will be delivered by the Rev. Harry K. Marshall, who was recently elected for the second time chaplain of tho organ ization. ( Hear Tom C. Ordeinan and George C. L. Snyder nt the Grand tonight. Fifty cents for any seat. Ward Wolf states that the entertain ment to be given by tlio boys' band of Salem will be given as previously ar ranged, and that it will take the form of an in door carnival to be held at Hyun's hall, December 21-24. The nd- nussiuii is tiaccil Hi luur ceuiw, uui me , ... . .;ii i... bnv. ..f. tn mnkn their , f-nm : 'ng the meeting tins evening, w ill bo several entertaining features of the 1 presented with p, card, insenbel ns io carnival order. The last chance to get tickets for the V. W, C. A.-Y. M. C A. concert lines? " Are von a live wire; J.ieetri- (V Ihe Hip Van Winkles with a current of Progress and voto the Salem Com- ..... ... in nierciul cluos uniuo io im r 'pi" . ... ... . . . . n i-i- tonight at the Grand. A few choice! the m i namner oi vuu.me.. seats still available for fifty cents. I J'- Be a 1 roaresmve. RS FOR THIRTY YEA this firm has stood the test. Its critical Patrons who have demand ed the very best in clothing, shoes and furnishing goods, found us ever striving to maintain the highest standard of the manufactorers art and design, and at no time sacrificing style and quality for price. In the mean time let us say, our sale goes merrily on with ever increasing interest, eagerness and enthusiasm. So far "the man with the grouch" has failed to put in an appearance. Of the hundreds of men who have "taken a look" a big majority have found it to their advantage to biyy, if not Clothing, then some of the other scores of arti cles displayed for their selection, for there are Shoes, the celebrated Pack ard Make at $2.48 to $3.98, in button and lace, black and tan. Shirts at $2.28 that were $3.00, $1.88 for the $2.50 ones, $1.48 for the $2.00 ones, $1.13 for the $1.50 kind, 88c for the $1.25 quality, and 48c for the $1.00 ones. A line of $2.50 tan colored shirts with military collars are $1.48 and $1.50 to $3.00 flannel shirts, double or single breasted, at 78c to $1.98. Overcoats, the $10.00 ones, at $6.98, $12.50 ones at $7.38, $15.00 ones at $8.68f $20.00 ones at $11.48, and the $25.00 kind at $13.98. MEN'S SUITS $10 ones at $6.48, $12.50 ones at $8.68, $15 ones at $9.88, $16.50 ones at $10.48, $18 ones at $11.98, $20.00 ones at $13.18, $22.50 ones at $14.98, $25 ones at $16.78. ODD COATS AND VESTS. Small sizes only, worth $5.00, $6.00 and up, for $1.48, with a pair of odd trous ers, makes an inexpensive suit, and trousers are selling like this: the $6.00 ones at $4.48, $5.00 ones at $3.73, $4.50 ones at $3.38, $4.00 ones at $2.98, $3.50 ones at $2.68, $2.50 ones at $1.98. ' $2.50 wool sweaters at $1.48, colors neck Jersey sweaters at 98c, in white, red, blue and gray. While Underwear prices are away down business in this line is brisk. The $6.00 kind silk and wool French ribbed are $1.78 the garment, $5.00 fancy ribbed athletic neck are $1.63 each, $3.00 Cooper's spring needle pink wool are $1.13, and the Cooper's Aus tralian wool are 98c each; $4.00 extra heavy all wool are $1.28, 75c Swiss rib bed cotton are 35c and the heavy derby ribbed cotton that are sold everywhere at 50c are now 35c. ' Men's Hats are $1.98 for the $3.00 kind, and $1.12 for the $2.00 ones there are several styles from which to choose. You never saw such neckwear sold for 19c, hundreds in this lot put up in Xmas boxes. 35c neck ties 21c, 50c and 75c ties hundreds of them 3Sc each, 75c tie and pin in fancy Xmas box 38c, $1.25 tie in leather case 73c. Men's 50c wool socks 38c, 25c grade, light or heavy, 18c. Oxford bags that were $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 in sizes 15, 16 and 17 in., $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48. Hundreds of useful, practical pres ents for men included in this sale, in fart the nnlv Artirloa rpsprvrri nrp IHi Collars, Hole Proof and Phoenix B Hosiery. ' G. W. Johnson & Co. -