Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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All Around Town
, ( -----
TOYLAND is the Brighest Spot in the Big Store
I Xmas Sale of Men's Fine Neckwear
Don't deprive the children of a visit to the great joy
land, where they can feast their eyes upon all the fine
Toys, Dolls and Games that make little girls and boys
happy. Scores of children visit this wonderland every
day. It is the largest department of its kind in Salem
and offers a varied assortment of American and for
eign made Toys and Dolls.
Special Sale Prices on Dolls, Mirrorscopes, Magic
Lanterns, Engines, Wash Sets, Sewing Baskets and
Hobby Horses.
75c and $1 Ties
Extra Special . .
63c Each
Some in Xmas
Commencing this morning, a sale of beautiful, flowing
end Four-in-Hand Ties just the right kinds for
Christmas gifts, in the very newest shape and rich
color effects. They are the slip-easy kind for they're
made with a satin ribbon back, which makes this
feature possible ; they cannot stretch and will last twice
as long as the ordinary kind. Formerly priced at
75c and $1.00.
Special Xmas Sale, Your Choice 63c Each
I A Christmas Sale of Men9 s Handkerchief s I
i Colored Initial, 3 in a box, extra special at 48c a Box
Excellent Gift Handkerchiefs an article worth giving to your best friends
cross bar patterns nicely hemstitched and with embroidered initial in colors
three different colors to each box. These are a splendid value at 65c their
former price Xmas Extra Special 4,c a gox
Handkerchiefs for
We've a wonderful collection of Dainty Handkerchiefs, all the newest kinds,
put up in handy gift packages.
Children's Novelty and Initial Hand
kerchiefs; three in a box priced
at" "15c, 18c, 19c and 25c a box
Novelty Baskets, Telephones and
Satchels, containing Handkerchiefs,
three in each-priced at J5C m& 5c
Ladies' Lissue Handkerchiefs, initial
ed, colored borders, in pastel' shades,
at ; 15c each or 2 for 25c
Women's plain tailored Linen Hand
kerchiefs, colored initial 25c each
Same, only of fine lawn at JQg gacj
Women's Spanish Hand Embroidered
Linen Handkerchiefs, 5()c and 65c ea.
Women's Real Irish Embroidered
Linc" 25c 35c or 3 for $1.00
Women's American and Venice Lace
Edge Handkerchiefs, 35c Q $4 eacJ,
Women's Handkerchiefs in folders of
twos or threes, white and colored em
broidered initials, ready for mail-
in 25c and 50c
Women's Embroidered Handker
chiefs in boxes, white and colors,
three in box priced at . . .5()c a 1)0X
ivy va
1 X I 1 JL
1 rioon
The best is none too good.
No bankrupt stocks or discard
ed merchandise sold over our
Oregon Power Co. Sells Dis
tributing System to Munici
pal Water Board
Ensile, Ore.. Pee. II. The purchase
ly the city of F.ugone of the electric
Uniting business of it rival, the Ore
gon Tower company, announced tonight
by the Kugcne water bonrd, Banalized
Alio Nice Lint of
j ' Masonic Bldg.
victory for municipal ownership in Ku
gene lifter u four yearn ' fight for tui
ireniHcy over tlio private corporation.
The purchase prieo for the distribut
ing system In Kugeno is iriSO.OUO, in
eluding the pole, wire and substation
enuipment. Of thin $5(1,01)0 in to lie
paid in ennli. The linlnneo is to be paid
at the rate of $1,250 n month with In
terest nt five per eent.
The $50,000 cush i to bo paid from
tlio profits ncoumnlnted bv the pity
during the past four years, the month
ly payment aro to be met from the
future profits of the acquired business,
according to members of tlio water
In nsorbing the business of Its com
petitor, the city takes over n revenue
nt present $:iti,000 your. The addi
tional Cost of handling the acquired
business, tho water board estimates at
$5,000, and the city also agrees to pay
tho corporation $100 monthly fur a
protection service, under which tlio cor
poration agrees to deliver tho city, lit
any timo its own plant shall fail,' suf
ficient electricity to supply the entire
The wnter board figures that the
Installments ou the purchase price, the
standing service, tho additional costs
of operation and Interest will total
$24,000 yearly, leaving n net profit of
$12,000 ncqulred by tne purchase,
The Oregon Tower company, the
city's unsuccessful competitor," Is a
subsidiary of the It. M. Hyllesby com
pany, of Chicago, It owns the elec
trical distributing system In the Wil
lamette valley, supplying practically nil
tlio cities between Kugcne and Albany,
including Coivnllis, from u huge steam
generating plant nt Springfield,
erected five years ago ut a coot of
$500,000 with 5,000 horsepower.
Four years ago the city completed
its 2,000 horsepower hydroelectric
plant upon the ilcKenio' river nt n
cost of Approximately $50,000.
Since entering tlio electrical fielu
with its own plant, the city has re
duced tho electric rate from 15 cents
to nine cents a kilowntt, has paid in
terest on its bonds and ucoumulutod
a surplus of $00,000. Further rate re
duction is promised.
Lovers of good vocal Mid Instru
mental imiBio will be delighted. Y, W,
C. A.-V, M. P. A. concert at tiio tfraiid
tomorrow night.
Washington, Dec. 14. The American
note regarding tho French cruiser Dei
enrtes stopping American vessels and
taking (lermiins therefrom was sent to
l'nrls todny. ,
We sincerely ask. Are we deserving
or your patronage! The .Midget.
Washington, Dec. 13. Tho Standard
Oil tanker (.'omniunlpnw, reported re
cently as sunk by a submarine is safe
nt Alexandria, the Mnltn consul cabled
the state department today.
Dr. Mendlesohn will be at his office
January 1, 1918. - tf
Born, Pero. to Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Pero on South 15th street, a son, Sun
day evening, December 12, 1915. Mrs.
Pero was formerly Miss Grace Lansing.
Salem people tell us we are a credit
to their city. 'The Midget Market.
After the business session this even
ing, the iioose lodge will hold on open
session W it member and friends and
for their entertainment, a special pro
gram has been prepared.
Dr. Stone's Drug store.
The Midget lard is better,
will convince you.
A trial
O. P. Hoff, state labor commissioner,
yesterday caused the arrest of Y. In-
(Inye, manager of the Oriental import
ing company, of Portland, on a charge
of working L. O. Humsbaw after 6
o'clock. The trial was set for Thurs
day. Our fourteen-inch Ideal range, $23.50.
K. L. Stiff & Son.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, jmysldan and
surgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
R. B. Houston's new position with
tho S. P. company is that of commer
cial agent with headquarters at Santa
Rosa, California. It is a good position
and in the line of promotion in recog
nition of long and lailhful service with
the company.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Picture frames and moulding, special
prices for holiday framing. Buren &
West & McCulloch today filed a mo
tion at the offices of the public ser
vice commission ' to consolidate and
hear together all of the telephone cases
handled by this firm in Portland to
compel the physical connection of the
Pacific and Homo telephone company
Before placing your printing order,
Phone 2179. Fuller Printing Concern.
Visit our art department, special
prices on ovul frames and picture
moulding, liuren & Hamilton.
A moot court will be held this even
ing ut the court house, when the law
students of the Willamette university
law department will take up tiio case
of the stato vs. Drown. Jn tho case to
lie tried, a Mr. lirown is accused of
giving liquor to a minor.
New location. Dr. Mark S. Skiff,'
dentist. 300 Musonic building. DocLSj
Sea I!. I.. Stiff ft Son for tiSAfiil i
Christmas presents.
Fiber trunks, all round corners, reeu-'
lar $17.00, special $12.95. Buren !
To claim a fortune left him by his
uncle in England, James Murray, a local
linotype operator, left this morning for
Kugland, and will sail from New York
City on January (i on the White Star
liner Finland for Liverpool. Ho has al
ready secured his passport from Wash
ington and is prepared for a stay in
England of several months. His wife
accompanied him and will visit ut Strat
ford, Ontario. It is understood that
Mr. Murray expects to receive about
$15,000 as his share of the fortune .left
by his uncle. ,
Forty-two piece set white and gold
dinnerware with each new range sold
this week. E. L. Stiff & Son.
Do you realize the number of fam
ilies that were compelled to do with
out meat, until the Midget came.
The United Artisans in Portland will
pass next Saturday in an all day ses
sion, celebrating the founding of the
order in Portland 21 years ago. Head
quarters will be established at the Im
perial hotel and the morning will be
devoted to the registering of visitors.
To take part in the celebration, the Sa
lem United Artisans will attend about
100 strong, taking a special ear on the
7:15 morning Oregon Electric. Satur
day afternoon the "Court of Fairies"
of the homo juvenile organization will
put ou their work at the Eleventh
street theatre. The program for the
evening will include exercises nt the
theatre, to be followed by dancing at
the Woodman's hall, 128 Eleventh
street. Governor Withycombe and oth
er prominent speakers will address the
meeting in the afternoon.
Attention Moose. Special entertain
ment tonight... Musical program and
dancing. Open meeting, bring your
friends and families.
James Miller, well known among
band musicaiis, assisted in the playing
for the musicians dance last evening
at the armory.
It is your duty to protect your
neighbor as well as yourself, against
tho high price of nient bv patronizing
the Midget Market.
The Salem Festival chorus, under the
Mr. F. H. Reasoner, the well known coffee expert
and roaster, leased his plant to us and is now con
nected with our firm. Mr. Reasoner comes to us
highly recommended as an expert in his line. He
knows the coffee business from start to finish.
IT SOUNDS GOOD. We are now ready to
furnish ROTH'S SPECIAL BLEND at 30c lb.
ROTH'S GEM BLEND at .... ; 35c lb.
We invite a trial order of these coffees. Our aim
is to give you a coffee that will cope with any 40c and
45c coffee at 35c a pound. Remember we have no
middleman to pay. You get it fresh and from .jfirst
Roth Grocery Company
direction of Prof. Mendcnhall, will
meet this evening at the First Presby
terian church. This will be the last re
hearsal of the year.
Attention Moose. Special entertain
ment tonight... Musical program and
dancing. Open meeting, bring your
friends and families.
The funeral service of Henry B.
Brophy, who was accidentally killed
early yesterday morning, will be held
Wednesday afternoon nt 2 o'clock from
the chapel of Went) & dough, the' Rev.
F. T. Porter officiating. Burial will
take place at tho City View cemetery.
Decidedly the musical treat of the
season. Fifty cents for the best scat
in the house. Y. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A.
concert at the Grand Wednesday night.
The Rev. S. C. Butler, who will ad
dress the Pilgrims' club at the First
Congregntionnl church this evening,
was for many years a clerk in the Ray
L. Farmer hardware store. For the
past eight years he has been located
at Hubbard ami has been successful in
his work in that community. This
spring he was sent to Xew Haven, Con
necticut ns a delegate to the national
Congregational conference.
Commercial Club
May Change Its Name
Shall the Palcni Commercial club
change its name and be known ns tho
Salem Chamber of Commerce, or just
hold on to its old mimef This is tho
question that is exciting considerable
interest among the members of tho
Commercial club today. The motion for
I the changing of tlio name will be mnd
ny Hcnjumin erica, wno gave notice
at the meeting one mouth ago that ho
would bring the changing of name bo
fore the meeting tomorrow night.
As it will require a two-thirds volo
to change the nanio of tho club, Ben
jamin Brick has secured proxies of
quite a .number of the leading members
of the club, which will entitle him t
vote their proxies in favor of tho
change. Among: those who favor tho
change in name and whose proxies aro
held by Mr. Brick are J. L. Stockton,
11. W. Movers, C. H. Hamilton, Theo
dore Roth.'H. E. Bolinger, Z. J. Biggs,
P. E. Oraber, A. B. Tool, K. . Myers,
J. A. I.upton, M. R. Eoff, George Bros.,
T. T. Lamport, F. S. Burton, T. . Bligh,
Dr. H. C. Eploy, I.. M. Goer, Ivan U.
Martin, E. Cooke Pntton, Roy Burton, '
George Riches, K. B. Millard, M. K. Cox,
L. H. Burnett, Edward Schuuke, C. O.
ITnrtmnn suid others.
Besides the question of changing tho
nnnie of the club, the members will bo
asked to express their opinions re
garding the work of the chili and to
make recommendations that may be of
benefit in its work the coming year.
The session will begin promptly nt S
o'clock Wednesday ui the Coinmerciul
club rooms.
Pick out your seat today. Box of
fice open. i'. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A.
concert ut tlio Grand tomorrow night.
Fifty cents.
The Fanners' Warehouse, Paul Trag
lio, manager, now boasts of having the
only attrition mill of the 1!) 1 (t model,
west Oi the Rocky mountains, in fact,
there are but four of these mills on tho
const, two older models in Portland,
and two of the 1!M5 models in Stock
ton. An attrition mill will grind two
tons nn hour. The grinding plate
makes U700 revolutions a minute nnd
will grind three times ns fast as an or
dinary mill.
La Corona, Salem made 10 cent
cigars, have no equals.
They are all eating at the White
Swan Dairy Lunch. Whvl Nono better.
The Pilgrim's club of the First Con
gregliiionnl church will meet this ev
ening at (1:30 o'clock. After tho din
ner which will be served by tho ladies
of the church, addresses will be made
bv the Rev. (leorgo Paddock of Port
hind nnd the Rev. S. C. Butler of Hub
bard. Their discourses will be mostly
in telling of the national conference
which they recently attended at New;
Haven, Conn.
Hoaters. The best open front heat
inir stoves, 2." per cent off. Buren &
Hamilton. j
Electric baths and massage under
your physician's directions. N. N. lin
ns, 21 Hubbard Hldg. Phono 5oo. tf
The entertainment which was to
have been given by several of the boys
of the Washington junior high school
nt Ryan's hall has boon called off, or
at least that part in which the boys
were nttennipting to rniso money by
scllint tickets. The selling of tickets
of any kind, even tlio four cent ones,
is absolutely forbidden, and action wns
taken by the scnool board of directors
last evening by which tho boys who
sold the four cent tickets for their en
tertainment will refund the money nnd
discontinue selling.
Hartmann's Gibralt(Mlscd trunks,
regular $17.00, special $12,115. Buren &
The Saloin Poultry and Egg Circle is
grndunlly extending its membership ns
the work of the Circle Is becoming bet
ter known, according to tslicrrill Flem
ing, who has charge of tho Circle in
this city. At present the Circles from
Corvnllls, Dallas ami Lebanon are send
ing their eggs to Suleni for shipment.
An election of tlio officers of tho 8n
lent Circle for the coming year will bo
held in this city tiio first week in Jan
uary. The ofiicers now arc: Oeorgo M.
Voris, or Morningslde, president;
Frank Gibson, of Polk eouuty, vice
president; Sherrill Fleming, manager
and secretary. Dr. D. X. lleecher, J.
W, Yates and Shcrrill Fleming consti
tute the executive board. Hineo the
Circle was organized last April through
the efforts of Professor Lamb, of tlio
O. A, C, It has been gradually growing
in mem.,ership,
Eat that New England dinner at the
Leslie M. K. church tonight. Every
body's going, so nro yon, Hear the
Hard Time program, 6:00 o'clock, liie,
23c and 3.1c. Don't miss it.
Did you ever notice how many people will give you advice
free. One of our fellow merchants told us that a success
ful sale could not be given in December because the pub
lic could not be convinced that it was legitimate.
Excuse the slang please, but "what
do you think of that." Must we wait
until our friends have bought their
Winter's supplies and Christmas pres
ent as well, and paid the regular prices,
wait until they have already spent their
money for something perhaps they
didn't want?
We believe in getting while the get
ting is good, there's the trouble and just
where so many fail in their efforts.
However one does not always have to
listen to free advice and the first five
days of our sale has convinced us that
we got in just about right. Show the
majority of men that you are on the
square, that the values are there and
the prices are right, and the sale is
Monday's paper was scarcely off the
press when before we were entirely
sold out of some of the goods adver
tised so must revise the list today for
there's no use disappointing people.
However there is a plenty left yet.
Men's suits- $10.00 ones at $6.48,
$12.50 ones at $8.68, $15.00 ones at
$9.88, $16.50 ones at $10.48, $18 ones at
$11.98, $20.00 ones at $15.40, $22.50 ones
at $14.90, and the $25.00 ones at $15.78.
Ten dollar overcoats at $6.98, $12.50
ones at $7.38, $15.00 ones at $8.68,
$20.00 ones at $11.48, and the twenty
five dollar kind at $13.98.
Men's odd trousers, the $2.50 ones are
$1.98, $3.50 at $2.68, $1.00 at $2.98, $4.50
at $3.38, $5.00 at $3.73, and the $6.00
ones at $4.48.
Odd coats and vests, small sizes only,
at $1.40 each are surely finding ready
Packard Shoes at $2.40 and $3.98 will
not stay with us long. They come in
button and lace, black and tan, all lasts
including the popular English.
Three dollar shirts at $2.20, $2.50
shirts at $1.88, $2.00 shirts at $1.48,
$1.50 shirts at $1.13, and $1.25 shirts at
88c and a lot of $1.00 shirts at 48c has
helped swell our sales. We also have
heavy tan corded shirts with military
collars worth $2.50 at $1.48, and a brok
en line of double and single breasted
flannel shirts that were $1.50 to $3.00
at 78c to $1.98.
Underwear sales are fine, thank you.
The $6.00 kind silk and wool French
ribbed are $1.78 the garment; $5.00
fancy ribbed athletic neck are $1.63
each, $3.00 Cooper's spring needle pink
wool are $1.13, and the Cooper's Aus
tralian wool are 98c each; $4.00 extra
heavy all wool are $1.28, 75c Swiss rib
bed cotton are 35c and the heavy derby
ribbed cotton that are sold everywhere
at 50c are now 35c.
Gray and maroon colored wool
Sweaters that were $2.50 are now $1.48,
and a lot of $2.00 and $2.25 V-neck
sweaters colors blue, red, gray and
white for 98c; think of it.
The $2.00 Hats are now $1.12 and the
$3.00 kind at $1.98.
Men's heavy and light weight wool
sox, the 50c ones at 38c, and our reg
ular two bit ones are 18c.
Men's Xmas Ties and Scarf Pins put up
in fancy boxes, never sold for less than
75c, are now 38c, fifty and seventy five
cent neckwear, all new, nifty patterns
of the latest makes go at 38c, thirty
five cent ones are 21c, and you never
saw such a line of regular twenty five
cent Neckwear as we arc now selling at
19c, put up in fancy Xmas boxes too.
Men's ties in leather collar boxes that
were $1.25 are now 73c
Only a few of those Oxford bags left ;
they come in three sizes, 15, 16 and 17
inches, at $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48 instead
of $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50.
Ide collars, Holeproof and Phoenix
hosiery are the only lines not reduced.
G. W. Johnson & Co.