Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 14, 1915, Image 1

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. 4
vC teljl iiEP '-r
Allies Entrenched Fire Miles
Inside Greek Lines,
Await Enemy
ars and Teutons Sweep
Serbia-Forcing Allies
Back to Solonica
. Athens, Dec. 14. Along the Serbo
Creek frontier a great aitiller battle
is proceeding. Dispatches report that
Hulgnrina shells are screaming across
the line into Greece, but that no ma
terial damage has been done to prop
erty. . 1
From Salonika came reports that
small bands of bulgurinns aro five
miles within the Greek border, but
these stories luck confirmation. It is
thought, t.-otigh, that tho cntonto and
central allies will' be battling within
Greece before ninny hours. The main
force oi allies is entrnnchod four mies
inside Greece, while the central pow
ers' pursuit has apparently been halt
ed while leaders hold military confer
ences. . Allied wounded have been pouring
into Salonika for 24 hours. Thev de
clined that despite the numerical su
periority of the enemy, thev could have
held the Struinnitza front' n fortnight
if necessary. They lost comparatively
rew men and scarcely any supplies,
though some reports' have' placed the
loss in men extremely high. The rear
ttuurd, it is admitted', however, narrow
ly escaped annihilation and capture.
Dulgur headquarters at Gievgeli
have been established in the former
American Ke.l Cross hospital, erected
during the typhus epidemic.
Demobilizes Half of Army.
Athens, Dec. 14. Newspapers an
nounced here today that Greece will
demobilize 50 per eout of her troops
under the-agreement she has just made
with the allies.
This agreement provided for n elenr
path to Salonika for the retreating al
ly forces. Several days ago, it was re
ported that Greece would demobilize,
as the allies desire. Whether tho re
ported 50 per cent demobilization will
be satisfactory is unknown, though
from the ally standpoint it will mean
Quite a degree of protection from any
future molestation, should Greece
abandon her apparently friendly atti
tude toward them.
French Soldiers Slaughtered.
Berlin, oy wireless to Snyville, L. I.
Dec. 14 Pursuing tho French down the
Vardnr valley, Bulgars cut off one
, group and slaughtered mnnv of their
soldiers, according to the Sofia official
statement today. Among the prisoners
was a French battalion commander.
The pursuit continues, said the state
ment. The fact that it did not men
tion Bulgarian occupation of Gievgeli
nnd Lake Doiran was taken to mean
this .fact had been delayed in trans
mission. Trouble in Russia.
Berlin, by wireless to Tuckertoii, K.
J., Dec. 14. Serious domestic disturb
mices in Russia have interrupted tele
Kinphie communication, it is reported
here today,
Montenegrins Captured,
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
Dec. 14. The Austrinns have captured
2,500 more Montenegrin fliA vunr .
fice said today. Tho enemy has with-
'i" ii MjmnwsT sua south or I'levlie
Aha Morfin
Who remember when th' two ole
parties used t' have a little sympathy
fer th' tax-payer! When th' hoss be
romes an ornament ther's goio' t' be
nome awful ornaments.
r U S,
Will SentLPhotographs
of Murder Suspect
Portland. Or( Dec 14.
Portland police wore much in-
terested today in the efforts of
v Cheyenne, Wyo., to idontify a
nian resembling George Bnr-
' "holomew, under indictment
i. re for the murder of John
Vnd, whose body wns found
a trunk in tho Willamette
. Wording to telegrams from
C. ' ne, a mnn giving the
nil -..'of Smith wan arrested
tliei .ate yesterday because of
his resemblance to photographs
of Bartholomew. He denied any
knowledge of the trunk murder,
declaring that ho could prove
that he was at The Dalles, Ore.,
when it was committed.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Dec. 14. Photo
graphs of William F. Smith will be
forwarded to Portland for police there
to viso as possibly Gcorgo Bartholo
mew, indicted for the murder of John
l.innd. While Smith answers tho de
scription of the alleged slayer, Chief
F.mbry doubts that he is the right
Not Known at The Dalles.
The Dalles, Ore., Dec. 14. Inquiry
today among hotel and restaurant men
failed to uncover any knowledge of
William Franklin Smith, arrested at
Cheyenne, Wyo., because he resembled
photographs of George Bartholomew,
wanted at Portland in connection with
tho murder of John l.innd, Messages
received here stated that Smith had
said that he was a chef, and thnt he
had been at The Dulles when the l.innd
murder was committed.
Under New Conditions Sal
aries of Players Will
Be Pruned
New York, Dec. 14 Tho great base
ball war is to be ended by the elimina
tion of the Federal league or n merger
of tho Federal and International
leagues, tho Mew York Sun declared
this nftcrnoon.
Tho paper declares it has reliable
information that tho Federals huve
agreed to withdraw the law suits
against organized baseball that have
been pending in Federal Judge I.nndis'
court since last January.
"it is a foregone conclusion," said
tho Sun article, "that the Newark nnd
Baltimore Federals will be transferred
to the International league."
Under tho reported agreement, tho
Sun says the disposition of the Brook
lyn Federal league club has not been
settled. The paper asserts that "the
fact that the Kansas City nnd Buffalo
Federal league clubs are already bank
rupt" mime the negotiations easier.
H. F. Sinclair, who was once reported
ns a prospective nurchnser of thcNew
York Isationnl lenguo club and later as
backer of the New York Federal leninie
club, is a close personal friend of Presi
dent Tener of the National league and
unrry Herrmann or the Nutionnl Base
ball commission.
The Sun declared thnt Sinclair as
sisted tho magnates of both sides in the
fight to smooth out his obstacles stuud
ing in the way of pence. It adds:
"Sinclair will retain control of tho
Newark Federal league club, but it is
not known at present how ho is inter
ested financially in the Nutionul league.
The Ginnts will not be sold to him nor
to nny Federal league magnate, "
The reported agreement to withdraw
the Chicago suit is declared to have
been reached during ono of the recent
secret conferences of the warring fac
tions. When the settlement lius been con
summated, tho Sun declares the Fedei'ul
league will pass entirely out of ex
istence. Jt is understood that players
who jumped from organized baseball
clubs and signed contracts to accept
Federal league offers will renuiia under
the ban. The reported agreement would
end contract Jumping effectually, it is
"Tho American league officials took
no part in the negotiation," said the
Sun, "hut it is known that Ban John
son ami bis colleagues will be satisfied
with the outcome. Salaries of players
will generally be cut and the magnates,
who hnvo been losing heavily for two
yenrs, will now have a chance to recoup
their losses."
Exchanges Weaken
But Market Is Strong
(Copyright 1915 by the New York Ev
ening Post.)
New York, Dec. 14. Speculators con
tinued today not to be apprehensive
about future relations between Amer
ica and Austria. I'rtces on the stock
exchange moved as though no Ancona
note had been sent, If any concern wns
felt, it was extremely small, in Wall
street, because there was no resultnut
movement. Prices were higher and the
strength and activity increased until at
the close of the market it was at its
best level with trading the largest of
i the. day. Crippled telegraph facilities
anecteU.the volume of trading during
Acting Ambassador Zwied
inek Seeks Amicable
Kaiser It Is Thought
Urge Austria To Take
This Course
Washington, Dec. 14. The Austrri
Americnu diplomatic sky seemed brigh
ter today. .
Informnl nnd confidential negotia
tions betweon Austria and America in
the hope of an amicable adjustment of
the Ancona case, are being attempted.
Acting Ambassador Zwiedinek's confer
ence yesterday with (Secretary of State
Lansuig wits the first of several that
uro. linnned. Meantime, Ambassador
ren'ieid nt Vienna will confer with
Foreign Minister Burinii.
That Germany will probably exercise
a strong influence in the fin'ul miswer
of Austria is indicated from the fact
thnt Zwiedinck is consulting German
Ambassador Bernsfoi f f.
In his preliminary conference Zwie
dinek is understood t have sought from
tho sccrcWiry an idcr. as to just what
form of imswvr Amciicn wants. Lansing
is understood to consider a week suf
ficient time in vlWi Vienna shall make
reply to America's peremptory de
mands but it is scarcely thought the
first mite will be definite, nnd officials
do not expect the final rcplv within a
The iiiformul conferences are expect
ed to provide a basis whereby Austria
will concede what America wants. The
general feeling is that Austria has no
recourse but to answer satisfactorily.
It is felt that she would hardly cure to
risk an incrense of her enemies at this
time. For this reason, officials inclined
to take a somewhat more optimise
viow cf the situation than they had
douo heretofore.
Vienna Is Surprised.
Geneva, Dec. 14. America's sharp
tone in her note to Austria on the sink
ing of the Italian liner Ancona has sur
prised Vienna officials. Some report
say, too, that it has aroused widespread
anger. Whnt Austria intends to answer
is not hinted, however.
New Evidence In Schmidt
Dynamiting and Murder
IOS Angeles, Cnl., Dec. 14. Members
of the Los Angeles police force testified
in the M. A. Schmidt dynamite and
murder trial today. Sergeant J, A.
Adams was tho first to tuke the stand.
Ho told of responding to a call from
the homo of F. J. Zeehnndolnar, secre
tary of the Merchants nnd Manufactur
ers association on October 1, ltMO, r.fter
Officer Rico found n bomb in a drive
wny near the house,
loiter, the snme day, lie was called to
the home of General Otis. A suspicious
suit case had been lying near the house.
When Officer Rico cut the suit case
open, smoke curled forth and they heard
a startling buzzing sound, Adnms said.
The officers started and ran in all
directions. When about IfiO yards away,
the bomb exploded, tearing a hole in
tho earth and shattering tho windows
of the Otis home.
Adums estimated that when it ex
ploded the bomb was 150 feet from
the house. Tn the cross examination
Attolney McKenstlo of the defense
frequently refreshed Adnms' memory
of the occasion by reading extracts
from the transcript of testimony he
gnve before tho grand Jury, the month
following the explosion.
When asked if ho remembered testi
fying before tho grand jury, Adams
said :
"I can't recall whether I did or
The testimony of Ms brother officers
was of the same nature, and cor
roborated his own,
the morning.
The Berlin exchange rnte declined 3 8
to a new low mark, while the exchange
of Denmark and Sweden broke sharply.
Ashland's firemen aro henceforth to
enjoy a 4 hour holidny per week, and
still got the (nine pay as for tboir
previous solid seven days' week,
It Is Stated Government Has
Damaging Evidence In
Its Possession
WilllThe Fact the Count Is
Victoria Jail Spoils the
" Spy Theory
San Francisco, Doc. 14. riots to burn
the Hercules Powder company plant at
Pinole, Cnl., the Aetna Chemical com
pany plant at Aetna, 111., and the Aetna
Explosive company plant at Ishipeming,
were charged directly to Baron Von
Brincken, German nriny officer, C. C.
Crowley and Mrs. ilargarct Cornell in
indictments against them.
The alleged plots came under the head
of using the mail to "incite" Ijouis J.
Smith of Detroit to ''arson, murder and
A mysterious "B" and "P", men
tioned in ono letter to Smith were Ger
man Consul Bopp 'nnd Attache Von
Papen of the German embassy, recently
ordered withdrawn,- according to a high
official. Tho government will attempt
to trace direction of the alleged plots
to them.
A second indictment charged efforts
to delay foreign commerce destined to
the allies,
Woman in the Case.
Sun Francisco, lcc. 14. Direct
charges that Baron Von Brim-ken, C.
C. Crowley and.M, Mnrguret Cornell
sent mail matter n.ti'iided to incite
Louis J. Smith nt Detroit to burn the
Aetna Chemical company plant at
Aetna, Illinois, nnd tho Aetna Explo
sive company plant nt Ishpcniing,
Michigan, were made in indictments re
turned by tiic federal grand jury last
night. The indictments wero announc
ed in full today.
The charges, made under section 211
of tko United States criminal code,
claimed likewise that the trio sent mail
mutter intended to incite to "arson,
murder and assassination." This is a
more serious chargo than that of tho
second indictment which charges con
spiracy to destroy foreign commerce
destined to the allies.
On the first indictment, the charge
was that on August 8, the defendants
sent a letter to Smith (tho informer in
the case) at the Hotel Normnndle,
Griswold street, Detroit, intended to
incite him to destroy the two war
plants. The letter, written on station
ery of the Hotel Garland, where C. O.
Crowley resides, was partly coded and
Some Suggestions.
"Enclosed find clipping. This stuff
goes to . I am sure they (believ
ed to refer to the (lerninu consulate)
would give 5(10 tor each and newspnpor
cuppings ami wspntcnos to snow.
"What do you think f
"Ishpcming, Michigan nnd outsido
Gary, Indiana. Let mo hear from you.
.otinnir else new."
The enclosed clipping referred to wan
a Gary, Indiana, dispatch telling of in
creased wai'es in the Aetnn companies.
1 lie proposition nliont "clippings to
show' is held to mean thnt Smith was
to do the binning job, anil get the
5u0 when ho produced proof through
lispatchcs. 4t
Still another count in the mail in
lictment claimed that tho alleged plot
ters mailed other matter to Smith in
tending to Incite him to burn the ller
cues Powder company buildings at Pi
nole, California.
The letter referring to tho Pinole
burning was August 11! on Hotel Hurt
bind stationery to Smith at Detroit,
ami read:
"Your last letter, with rliimings. to
nanil today anil note what you mi V. 1
have taken it up with them and B is
awaiting the decision ol P in New
ork so cannot advise you yet and
win do so us soon as I get word from
Bopp and Von Papen Meant.
The 1( and P referred respectively, a
high official said, to Consul Hoop, and
Attache on Papen, who recently was
recalled tor activities displeasing to
the United States government.
"iou might size up the situation
there," the letter continued, "In the
meantime. Enclosed find letter to the
proper persons In Germany. You will
see1 it is addressed to me and will no
doubt be sent to mo and I wil then
forward it to you. I send It to you
that you mav sen it Is on the way. En
closed find postoffice order for GOO
and then register too letter anil ad
dress It as follows on the envelope,
'Des Koenigl, Stnnts Archive, in Mar
burg An Der Lohn.'
"And on the lower left hand corner
write 'Via Holland, Direct Host.' "
This letter, like the Aetna letter,
was signed "C. "'
While the letter Itself did not make
it clear about the Pinole job, officials
explained thnt tney bad telegrams and
(Continued on Page two)
Two Feet of Snow Blankets
City and 40,000 Men
Clearing Streets
Is Intense-Sixty Mile
Gale swept toastAn
other Coming
Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 14.
Thirty inches of snow has fall
en in the Berkshire hills in tiie
past 24 hours, and the storm
was still raging today. Traffic
is blocked through tho moun
tains in this, the worst storm
since 1888.
New York, Dec. 14. New York City
and the east const today are storm
bound. Snow piled in high drifts has stalled
trains at many points, and wire service
is interrupted. Intense cold, too, has
brought suffering in the train of the
storm, und no relief is in sight for the
weather bureau forecast predicts north
west gules, more snow and colder
Two trains from Boston due lust
night finully battled their way through
the dntts mi (I readied here nt 7 a. m.
today. New York, New Haven & Hurt
ford trains along the A'ew England
coast arc tied up and in many instances
pnsHongers spent the night in cold cars,
with no town as a haven within miles.
At Otisville, N. Y., 20 persons were
injured when an Erie triHn plowed into
a crowd crossing the truck to board an
other train. At Springfield, Mass., one
death resulted from exposure.
Blizzard Raged.
Now York is in a hard plight. Two
feet of snow blankets the city at many
points, whilo 40,000 men are enguged
undor direction of the street commis
sioner in a hurried effort to cleur the
The New York Central and New Hav
en systems put on huge gangs to clear
their tracks and restore communication.
Tho Hudson river valley is just
emerging from a storm of blizzard pro
portions. More than a foot of snow fell
in Troy and Poughkeepsie. Tho latter
place reported the Central New Eng
land railway, connecting with Hartford,
Conn., crippled.
The Empire rstnto Express, lost for
five hours, stenmcd into the Grand Cen
tral station nt 3:.'I0 this morning with a
cover of snow and ice.
Business at Standstill.
Some commuters living only 15 miles
outsido the metropolis, found them
selves imprisoned in trains for nine
Telegraph companies experienced dif
ficulty in handling business between
Boston und Philadelphia and Hs fur
west as Buffalo, N. Y., and iliirrisburg.
The property loss is heavy.
Philadelphia reported one man killed.
Both in thnt city and here, ninny ac
cidents resulted fm the storm. Along
the New England const a til) mile gale
ripped its way, but hud subsided to
day for the most part.
In Atlantic ports, ships kept to their
moorings, fearing to tnko a chance on
tho sons.
During tho day the seaboard feraiiu
nlly recovered from demoralization of
its traffic and crippling of its com
munications. Many stalled trains ar
rived with cold snd hungry passengers.
Tho worst situation arising from the
bliz.iml is the existence of a milk fam
ine here. Crippled communication pre
vented much of the minions of quarts
of milk from reaching here from New
York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey
Chicago, Dec. 14. Edward Borry, his
wife, and A. Buradio were burned to
death, and six persons were injured to
day in a fire which destroyed their
boarding house on East Grand ave
Dawson, Y. T Dec. 14.
While Andrew Johnson, line
man on the Yukon telegraph
line, was trnvcling about 50
feet behind his dog team, a
meteorite whizzed down and
bored a hole In the earth 50 feet
in diameter wiping out tho team
and outfit. Johnson was ren
dered unconscious for several
Dude In Society
Cave Man at Home
San Francisco, Dec. 14 That her hus
band played "cave mnn" tactics to
ward her because "all women like cave
men" were charges Mrs. Augustus
Jesse Bowie, Jr., made today in discuss
ing her suit for divorce charging the
uisaing society mnn with cruelty.
At one time, she charges, he told her,
"1 will crush you as all the Bowie
men crush their women." Again, she
claims, he replied to her request to be
passed a dish on the tablo, "the Bowie
women wait upon their men."
As to his alleged irresistible attrac
tion for the women, Mrs. Bowie claimed
he had said he was so handsome no wo
man could resist him. Once he struck
her, she alleges, and asserts cruelty
drove her from home several times.
But outside, she admits, he was suave,
polished. Society knew him as gallant
and courteous. At home, however, she
charges he constantly tried to prove his
contention that "all women like cave
Scans Treated
Bull Moosers Liberally
Washington, Dec. 14. Independent
republicans and bull moosers wore
treated liberally in committee appoint
ments which Minority Leader Mann an
nounced today. The rule of seniority in
service was followed consistently in ap
portionments to the important commit
tees, except that "Uncle Joe" Cannon,
Representatives Longworth, Hill and
other "come backs" landed on favor
ed committees.
Representative Kahn of California,
remained the ranking minority membor
of the militnry affairs committee; Rep
resentative Kent of California went on
public lands, nnd industrial arts and
expositions; nnd Representative Elston
of California to mileage, public build
ings "and grounds.
Buy Seven Steamers and
Will Operate Them In
' Oriential Trade
Sun Francisco, Dec. 14. Shipping
circles here were jubilant today over
flic prospects for a trado revival with
the Orient, following the announcement
in New York that the American Intor
nntionnl company lius purchased tho
sevon remaining vessels of tho Pacific
Mail Steamship company, and will oper
uto them in the Pacific.
' For the present the vessels will oper
nte under the old Pacific Mail sched
ule to Balboa, Panama, but later they
will bo diverted to Orient ports. W. R.
Grace & Co. will represent tho Amer
ican International.
Purchase of the vessels is only the
beginning, according to bankers affili
ated with the American International
here. The group of finnncinl kings,
with unlimited capital behind thcin,
will go after the South American trade,
and will attempt to get the business
which the French nnd Germans have
been forced to drop on account of the
iv nr.
The eastern corporation plans the de
velopment of n fast und luxurious fleet
of passenger and freight vessels for the
Orient trade.
Gorman Line to Come.
Los Angeles, Cnl., Dec. 14. Kurl
Von Ilclmolt, general miinnger of the
North Gorman Lloyd Stcumshlp com
pany offices in New York declared here
today that vessels of his corporation
would ply between Bremen, Germany,
nnd Los Angeles, Kan Francisco nnd
ports in Oregon and Washington when
the wur ends. He anticipates n big
increase in the freight traffic, between
the Pacific coast and Germnny.
Cnrmi, 111., Ilec. 14. Mrs. Betsy Stor
ey, who has just passed the 103 year
mark, advises against corsets. Hho at
tributes her longevity to simple living
and no corsets. She smokes a pipe,
but tobacco isn't harmful, she says.
Los Angeles, Cnl.. Dec. 14 Mayor Se
bastian today drafted a proclamation
calling on all pastors to offer prayers
for universal penco when their congre
gations meet for tho Christmas services,
A memorial will also be sent to
President Wilson from this city, urging
him to use his influence in ending the
Luropeun war.
Oregon: Fuir
tonight, collier
east portion;
Wednesday fair
east, increasing
cloudiness fol
lowed by ruin or
snow west por
tion; westerly
winds, shifting
to southeasterly,
Delegates Hoping Roosevelt
Will Support Anyone
But Himself
Chicago Is Selected As Place
For Convention June 7
Is the Date
Washington, Dec. 14. The
Republican Natioual conveu-
tion will be held June 7, a week
ahead of the Democratic, the
. national committee decided to-
The committee this afternoon-
voted for Chicago for the con-
vention city. Chicago had 30
votes, San Francisco ' 13, St.
Louis 7, and Philadelphia 1.
Inusmuch as this date neces-
nitntes earlier primaries in
South Dukota Mud Maine than
they had set for them, the com-
mitteemen from theso states
objected and suggested June
27. Tho earlier time, however,
carried bv a voto of 37 to 13. Nt
Chicago claimed to have a
majority of the committee
for choice of thnt city as the
convention place. On the pre-
liniinnry Dallut, howovor, ban
Francisco expects a large com-
plimontary vote. Chicago is re-
gamed as the probable winner.
The committee ratified a ro-
duction of 30 in the southern
representation. .
By Perry Arnold.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Washington, Doe. 14. With the Re
publican National committee doing it
DOBt to coux duck into the U. U. P. the
gun-Bhy progressives, tho republican
dovo cote is aflutter toduy because it
thought it had discovered a schemo to
insure the parly convention's "abso-
luto rcgulnrity."
Tho "maclnno" men's activity on
behalf of tho uninstructed Oklahoma
delegation and on split delegations from
other stutes, caused the nrogrenaivca'
discovery thnt the regulars have been
fostering an interchangeable sentiment
for Weeks or Hoot for the presidency.
This fostering centered in tho Atlantis
seaboard and southern status, inasmuch
as these give the majority of delegates
in tno convention.
Playing Two Ways.
Progressives allege that the machine,
men told their subordinates in the place
thnt Colonel Roosevelt would support
Weeks, while clsowhcro they announced
that he would aid Hoot. Moreover, tn
guard ngninst defections, tho alleged
regular" lenders havo been workinir
in tho sumo wny in several western
Agitation for St. Louis or Philadel
phia as the convention city is still an
other evidence of the attempt as "reg
ular" control, it is alleged. Tho envir
onment in these places is displeasing to
tho progressives nnd Chicago is their
choico for the meeting place.
As the committee gathered today it
appeared that they would bond over
backward in an effort to conciliate the
One progressive said: " You can any
on high authority thnt Roosovelt will
not support Hoot. I do not know about
others but we absolutely will not sup
port him."
Hughes or Roosevelt.
Washington, Dec. 14. Wheel horsea
of the G. O. P. swung into linn today in
the session of tho republican national
committee while lobbies huzzod with
prosidentiul possibilities chatter.
All the "possibilities' were cither ,
on hand in person or had just loft. The
most conspicuous absentees were Su
preme Court Justice Hughes and Col
onol Theodore Roosevelt. Of them, th
lobby chatter was that if oithor would
run, thoy would upset the other 11 can
didates. Townrd Hughes, tho general attitude
wns summed up thus: "If wo can in
duco him to run, we will win with a
Itegarding Roosevelt, the delegnte
expressed themselves as hoping ho will
support some enndidnte other than Col
onel Roosevelt. In last night's ban
quet of tho committee, mention of hi
name wns applauded, nnd then thosa
who perpetrated this applause stopped,
looked sheepish, and wondered If thejr
really meant it. Several speakers ex
tended the olive brunch toward him
with announcement thnt ho would b
welcomed back to tho G. O. P. with
From the banquet talks, It was evi
dent that the campaign will b based
on opposition to President WllBon'a
foreign policies no less than on nil
tariff aland, .w