Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 13, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Wi iia m
Where to Find the Best and Newest
Pianos, Player Pianos, Grafonolas, New and
Up-to-date Records and Player Rolls
The Valley Music House has just received a shipment of Pianos, Player Pianos and Grafonolas right fresh from
the factory. We have added to the already large and up to date line of fine instruments the Famous Decker &
Son Pianos of New York. This fine old line has been on the market since 1856, and is a very fine instrument.
Come in and see them before you make a decision on your Christmas Piano. We have also in stock some of the
very latest styles in the Kimball Piano. They are perfect beauties. You should see them without fail if you are
in the market for a fine instrument for Christmas.
Brand new Fischer Pianos, Crickering & Sons Pianos, Emerson Pianos, Hobart M. Cable Pianos, Smith &
Barnes Pianos, Stegcr and Sons Pianos, Kohler and Campbell Pianos, Player Pianos in all styles, Chickerin'g Baby
Grands all at prices that will astonish you.
We Are Overstocked on HIGH! Cut down the high cost of
And for the next Ten Days we are going to sell one
piano each day at cost prices for the cash.
If you ever in your whole life had an opportunity
to own a fine instrument now is your chance, we
mean just what we say.
You may have your choice of our large stock
You will find here twenty different makes to select
Self Player Piano A
Big Bargain. Regular
price $600 Going to
sell for
. ill
I 1
W 1
living, buy a Piano that was J
$600 Now
Not a cat in the bag proposition, but a real Piano
at a real bargain. .You may have the whole history
of this piano by asking.
This instrument is an extra good buy. This Piano was taken in on a trade or we
could not sell it for the price we ask. You will remember that the William Knabe
is one of the oldest and finest Pianos in America, and when you have an oppor
tunity to buy one as nearly new as this, you are getting dollar for dollar value.
Come in and see this piano, or if you can't call, write us and we will refer you to
the party who bought the piano new. This instrument is in mahogany finish and
is like new inside and out If you want a high class Piano, don't delay come in
Here it is a gen
uine Packard Or
gan. This is a
Chapel Organ
and is in fine con
dition. The case
is the finest
grade of burl
wnlnnt. Thin nr.
gun sens new iwiifex'' ij'fMv.a ' m
$125 and $150?
You may have SrrCi
this one now for your school or church for
the small sum of $7.5.00
Some Very Fine Used Organs and Talking
Machines Traded in on Pianos
If you have a silent Piano, we will trade you a Self Player for it. Or, if it is an organ, we will trade you either a Piano or a Self Player.
Come in right away as many others are doing, and select your Piano. We will deliver Christinas if you do not want it now.
Smile, and the World will smile with you, f
buy one of our fine Talking Machines and
.1 117 1 I !! t . T
the world win sing ior vou
Select Your Machine Now !!
Have It Delivered December 24th j
Give us the name and number of the
records you wish and have them put in re
serve, as it is going to be a task to get the
kind you want if you wait too long.
The kind your neighbor bought at the Val
ley Music House. The kind that will give
you service ten hours every day. The kind
there is real music and satisfaction in.
Just received a shipment in the newest
finish, southern walnut They are right up
to the minute in every detail. You will have
to hear them played and play them yourself
to appreciate their merit fully. These are
not the kind that will play today and out
of order tomorrow. They are guaranteed
to play every day in the week and every
day in the year.
Football Team Signs Resolu
tion In the Interest of
Clean Athletics
Open Evenings
Until the
C. F. HULL, Manager
264 North Commercial Street. Telephone 493
High Quality,
In the "interests of oloun and honor-
i able athletics" the Salem high school
' football team makes no claims to the
j championship of the Oregon High
I School Athletic association and goes on
I record with this statement. A resolution
'disclaiming all title to the champion
j ship was passed by the high school re
cently at a mass meeting of the stu
! dents and signed by nil of the members
of the football team and, Conch H. O.
j Clancy, and a number of the most prom
j i no ii t students.
Salem relinquishes all claim to the
championship because of the fact that
Cecil M. Sarff was n member of the
team when he was ineligible though the
fact was unknown to the Btudeuts or
faculty until tho Benson was nearly
over. fSalem won all of her games and
lost the game to Washington high by a
single point and tho boys may fool
proud of thoir records not only us foot
ball players but us real sportsmen.
The resolution follows:
To the Board of Control of the Orcgen
High .School Athletic Association:
Whereas, It has como to light thut
during the present football Beuson tho
Salem high school hus been playing a
man who is ineligible according to arti-
cle six, section one, of the constitution
of tho Oregon High School Athletic as-1
sociution, although the fact of his in
eligibility was wholly unknown to the
authorities of the school until after the
game with Albany;
Be it Kesolved, By the members of
the Salem high school in a mass meet
ing assembled, that the students of Sa
lem high school have no claim and do
not claim any Tight to championship in
the Oregon High School Athletic asso
ciation, all reports to the contrary not
withstanding. Bo it Further Resolved, That we do
hereby assume tho responsibility for the
error committed, and do . express our
most sincero regret for the action as
hereintoforo stated.
Bo it Further Kesolved, That we do
hereby agree to abide by the decision
of the board of control, because we be
lieve it will be in the interests of clean
and honorable athletics.
Respectfully submitted: Signed
Roby Ratcliffe, Rufus Boutwright,
Claude Ratcliffe, Orris Fry, manager;
Oral O. Hngedorn, Daryl Franklin Proc
tor, captain;. James H. Walker, Geo.
White, Whitney Gill, H. O. Clancy,
coach of athletics, Salem; Allan Grant
Carson, Bryan Goodenough, Felix A.
Enelish. Max L. Alford, Cecil M.
Sarff, Benj. Miuton, Dick AviBon, Louis
F. Paul, Victor M. Item, Victor u.
Gradeson, Roy Willinms.
Portland Hockey Team
Will Play Seattle
Tortland, Or., Dec. 13. Portland 'b
hockey nlavers were resting today In
preparation for tomorrow's clash with
the crack Heattlo club at Seattle. The
team will leave for Portland tomorrow
accompanied by a big crowd of rooters,
and George, their AO pounu porcine
mascot, who is a skater himself. Se
attle and Portland, both undefeated,
are tied for the leadership of the Pa
cific coast hockey league.
Will Live In America.
San Francisco, Dec. 13. Miss Molla
Bjurstedt, of Norway, woman tenuis
champion of the United States, plans
to make here homo in this country, no
cording to word roceived today by Dr.
Sumner ilaruy, presnient or. tne i a
cific. TenniB association. Miss Biur-
stedt will leave Lob AngelcB, where she
has been playing exhibition mutches,
for Brooklyn within a few days.
Rate per word Now Today:
Each insertion, per word la
Ono week (8 insortionB), per word 5a
One month (26 insertions), per word 17a
All ads must be ordered for a stated
length of time, no ad to count less than
10 words.
Tho Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Clussified Advertise
ments. Rend your advertisement the
first day it appearB and notify us im
mediately it is contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
AUTO FOR HIRE Phone 144. Dec2a
Jones' Nursery, rear of armory. DclS
for sale.
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Spring Valley, Ore., Dec. 13.-Tho
Baptist Mission Circle will meet next
Wednesday, December IS, at the home
if the president, Mrs. W. 1). Henry. A
apecinl Christmas program is being pn
pared, and preparation! aro being made
for an enjoyable afternoon. All the
Indies of the neighborhood are cordial'
ly Invited to bo present,
Mrs. J. Fred IVrvino entertained re-
cently at dinner, in honor ot several
relatives from the east, who are here
visiting on their way borne from the ex
position, J. I. Miller, of West Salem, spent ev
oral days this week at tho home of W
II. Crawford.
Cloyce Matthew, of Pendleton, has
been visiting here with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. David Matthews.
Mrs. W. D. Henry went to BoJcm
Monday to have her tonsils removed, as
she ha had trouble with her throat for
Home time. Dr. Oillii performed the
operation, Mrs. Henry remained In Ha
loin, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Worth
Henry, until Thursiln
Robert Russi'
ell, of Me
Mlnnvllle. will
firench at tho church on Sunday morn
Mr. Van Winkle, of Salem, was un
able to be here for his usual Sunday
morning services so the church hour was
taken up with the organization of com
mittees to help i iiplnnuing a Christmas
tree and program.
Lewis ltraut and daughters, Fny and
Iris, visited last week at the V. S. Cut
ton home.
Despite tho rainy evening a fair sized
crowd gathered at the Zena school house
on Friday evening to enjoy the stereop
tlcan views presented by Mr. Uarriug
ton, also his lecture pn school Industrial
work. An unanimous vote of thanks
wns given him nt the close, for the ev
ening's entertainment and Instruction.
Fred Purvine and L. K. Bradford at
tended the stock show In Portland this
Victor Simpson of Unlonvalo, Is work
ing for R. O. Shepnrd.
Roy Marshall of Hnlem, spent several
days here last week at tho home of lv
O. Shepard.
A. Ruge and wlfo have rented their
farm on the river road, and have moved
to West Snlem.
Tho Snlem high school basketball
team has scheduled two games with F.u
genc high. The first game will be
played in Kugene, January 14, and a re
turn game will occur in this city Feb
ruary 4.
Rural Schools Plan
To Enter Athletics
Dans for athletic activities for tin
schools of tho county outside of this
city were discussed at a meeting of
the executive committee of the Ma
rion County Principals' association,
held at the court house Saturday.
A committee wns appointed to de
cide whether to form a debating
league among the rural schools of the
county and another committee was ap
pointed to plan for the Industrial work
of the schools, A constitution and by
laws committee appointed at the meet
ing Is to report nt the next meeting of
the association to be held In this city
January tl, tho date of the lecture of Dr.
Sheldon of I'ulvorsity of Oregon, who is
delivering a series of lectures on educa
tional topics at the high school.
Those present at the meeting yester
day were County School Superintendent
W. M. Smith, Prof. W. C. Oauntt,
Stavton; Prof. G. W. Oodward, Marion;
Prof. B. II. Conkle, Silverton; County
Supervisor John W. L. Smith, Salem.
St. T.ouls, Mo., Dee. 13 Anna Schrlv
er had black hair. She wanted auburn.
She dyed her hair, then she died. Lead
poisoning, aatd the coroner.
Tuxedo Christmas
Jars Will Go Early
Fairly purchases are necessary for
the man or woman wno desires to got a
crystal glass humidor of Tuxedo to
hacco, bountifully decorated with a hol
ly ribbon and a Christmas card.
Last Christmns, tho demand for Tux
edo Christmas Humidor Jars was so
great that the supply was exhausted,
and thousands of people woro disap
pointed, You know you should do your Chrlsl
maa shopping right now. The safest
Slan la to place your order with your
ealer rli'ht now he will be glad to
set your jar aside until Christmas.
The spirit of Christmas la the spirit
of cheerfulness and good will to men
and that Is tho Tuxedo spirit.
That is why a jar of Tuxedo will win
a heartier welcome, and higher appre
ciation, than many a gift costing much
more money. Tuxedo goes to the in
ner man soothes, comforts and cheers
him; filling him with good-will to all
men, and to the 'ver In particular.
When you consider that ast Christ
mas more jara of Tuxedo tobacco were
given to men throughout the United
States than any other single trade
narked article, you can readily appre
ciate that America ns are learning to
make suitable gifts nt Christmas time
and learning thnt a jnr of Tuxedo Is
one of tne best gilts for a man.
When you can et the ideal gift for
a man, why not got it for every smok
er on your Christmas list! Be sure
it is Tuxedo and know that yours is
the most acceptable gift.
His Father Will Come
. To the Rescue of Son
Portland, Or., Dec. 13. The home
ward path of Clinton E. Sitler, alleged
absconding tax assessor of Tamaqua
borough, Pennsylvania, will be cleared
of difficulties by his wealthy father,
It was reported today after Si tier had
received several long telegram from
his sire.
One of the messages read: "Will
arrange all matters. Come home and
make a elean breast of everything.
We are glad to have you back.'
Sitler, according to the police, con
fessed to having abstracted more thas
$15,000 from the borough ' fund. Ho
was arrested here Saturday.
Phone. 81 for better carrier
tarvlc. ,
Eilbane Is Sick.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 13. Physici
ans attending Feutherweight Champion
Johnnie Kilbane here today said the
fighter probably would be able to meet
Ritchio Mitchell December 15, the date
decided on after tonight's bout was
postponed. Kilbane. was taken ill yes
terday and his physicians refused to
permit him to enter the ring tonight.
For Baoeball Peace.
Chicago, Dec. 13 An intimation thnt
pence between the Federals and or-
unnized baseball will be discussed by
the National league representative tho
week before tho meeting, was made by
Ciiarlos Wccghmun, president of tho
Chicago Federal league club before he
loft for New York. It is rumored that
the Federals may take over three of
the national league clubs.
To Train In California.
Tortland, Or., Dec. 13. The Beavers
will train at Sncramento or Mnrysville,
California, for the 1916 season, if tho
plans under consideration today by
Manager Mclredie materialize. Mo
Credie has not yet been notified form
ally of the railroad decision whoreby
Portland will get sufficiently favor
able rates to permit the club to remain
in the league, but he is going ahead
with plans, satisfied that tlie matter is
definitely settled.
Don't ranks junk of It, if as-
ful try a Journal New Today.
Prompt delivery. Novl3
candy for 25c nt Damons.
lady. 1935 Lee Btrect. DecH
3.50 per cord. Phone 2249. tf
FOR RENT Two house keeping rooms
at 3JU iNortn Align. Pnone "4." tf
only 16c gallon. Phone 79F14. Dcl3
WORK WANTED By voane man of
food habits. What have yon to of
er. Address T, care of Journal, tf
DRESSED BEEF For sale by the
quarter, 7c a pound. Phono 1156W.
maid or housework. Phone 1527J.
Dec 13
FOR RENT 7 room house, Enelewood.
Cheap to responsible tenant. Phone
1844. Deel8
FOR SALE Buff Orpington chickens
ana eggs for hatching purposes.
Phone evenings, 69F2. - Jan9
FOR RENT Clean modern 5 room
houflo, furnishod, $11. Phone 1156J.
Call 495 S. 17th. Dccl5
RUMMAGE SALE Now on at 260
State, by the Court street Christian
church. tf
gcr, $225.00 cash.
3, Box 149.
Good Buick five passen-
Phoue 51F12, It.
COW FOR SALE A fresu milk cow
with first culf Fred Minzenmier,
2157 Fairground road. Dec 13
MAN AND WIFE With no children,
wish position on ftmil. Address 0-5,
care Journal. DeclS
WANTED A position by an experi-
encea rnim nana ana gardner. w..
care Journal.
FOR SALE Or trade, about 35 head
of goats, inquire 510 State strces.
phono 56.
$350, tornis,
Two lots on car line,
D. C. Corey, 1363 N.
LOST Part of gentleman's watch,
fob, Saturday on Cottage street. Re
turn to Mcyors store, Reward. Dec 14
FOR SALE Victor talking machine,
with 40 rocords, cheap. 1156 South,
13th street. tf
LOST A package containing 3 photos
on Court street. Finder return to
Father Moore and receive reward.
LOST Watch fob, with black ribbon,
gold lettorB, A. L. R. Finder plenca
return to 252 North High street. Re
ward. Decl3
TO TRADE Improved 5 aore tract,
for improved 40 to 60 acre Tanch,
will pay cash difference. A. H., care
Journal. Dec 13
FOR SALE Cheap if taken soon, Bix
lots, four room house and good barn
on a main thoroughfare. Will sell or
trade. Square Deal Realty Co., 304
U. S. Bank Bldg.
WHEN IN SALEM Stop at foe Cnp
itul hotel, nicely furnished rooms,
all modern. P. W. Borncman, corner
State and Commercial street. Phona
630. Salem, Oregon. Janll
FOR SALE Small mnre and saddle.
Cyclopedia Mod
ern Engineering Practice. Owner
going away. C64 University street.
Set of Ridpnth's History.
aia of Arehiture.
Japs Driven Out By
Mob of White Miners
Wonatchcc, Wash., Dec. 13. A mob
of 200 white men drove two Japanesav
from the mining town of Oroville,
Washington, last Friday, according to
word reaching here today. The laun
dry the Japanese had established was
wrecked, the contents of the building
dragged to the street and burned, anal
the Japanese driven from their shelter
by a stream from a fir bore.
Accompanied by the owner of tha
building they bad rented, the Japan
ese have started for Spokane to lay
the matter before the federal offi
cials. The mob is said to have been
determined that Japanese should no
enter business in Oroville.
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
W have U kindt of Axes, Sledges, Wedge, 8wi nd Equipments
AU kinds of Ooimnted Iron for both Boofs sod Buildings.
A good $800.00 LsundiT MsngeL slight. used for one-fourth sriginsj
I pay l l-a cent par pound for eld rag.
X paj highest prioa for hldea and fur.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bargain.
802 North Commercial Street. Phone 808.