Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 13, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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It's Easy If You Know Dr.
' Edwards Olive Tablets
'The secret of keeping younn Is to
Teel young to do this you must watch
your liver and bowels there's no need
of having a sallow complexion dark
rings under your eyes pimples a bu
llous look In your (ace dull eyes with no
i Tour doctor will tell you ninety per cent
f all sickness comes from Inactive bowels
and liver.
iJ?11 Edwards, a well-known physician in
Ohio, perfected a vegetable compound
mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and
bowels, which he gave to his patients for
' Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, are gentle in their action,
yet always effective. .
' They bring about that exuberance of
plrit, that natural buoyancy which should
fee enjoyed by everyone, by. toning up the
liver and clearing the system o( impurities.
Ton will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab
lets by their olive color, loo and 2 Go per
box. All druggists. r
pThe Olive Tablet Company, Columbus. 0.
Confirmation Services
at St. Joseph's Church
Confirmation services at St. Joseph's
Catholic church Sundny cuuscd tho spa
cious church to be filled to its utmost
capacity. Archbishop Christie, of Port
land, was assisted by Father A. G. De
I.orimer, of Portland; Rev. Father A
Moore, of St. Joseph's church; Rev
Father Othmar Miller, O. S. D., of Mt
Angel, mid 83 parishioners and 32 from
Chemuwa were confirmed. The choir
under the leadership of Prof. D. T. Lnn
genberg added to its laurels in tho ren
dition of the beautiful music of tho oc
casion. After high mass his grace delivered
a very stirring sermon on confirmation
and then administered the sacrament to
a large number of girls, boys and adults,
Hon. Frank Ravey acted ns sponser for
the boys, and Mrs. John Noud for the
Kev. Gall Engster, chaplain of the
Ohcmawa Indian training school, witr
20 pupils of the institution arrived at
11:20 and these too, vrere contirmed.
Archbishop Christie expressed him
self as much pleased with the progress
of the church in the capital city, and
noting the increase in the congregation,
remarked that it would not be long un
til a new church would bo required.
It was one of the red letter days of
the church, and nn occasion that will
lone be remembered by those who had
the real pleasure of hearing and seeing
the beautiful ceremonies.
Social Service Ricusses
"The Key to Power"
"The Key to Power" was the theme
discussed at the Social Sorvice meeting
at the Unitarian church last evening.
Bev. Tischer made a forceful address
greatly appreciated by Viose present.
The desire for power is instinctive in
man because power is tho basis of suc
cess, and success is the key to happi
ness. No man ever started out to fail
and no man ever found happiness in
Power is the force that lies behind all
motion, action, and progress. Of what
benefit is all of the world's machinery
without powert Of what benefit is the
human body without the power of
thought and mindt No one has yet
mensurcd tho power of thought, the ca
pacity of soul or the extent of gon
itis. By the power of thought man In
vents, discovers, operates, directs.
Thought may carry blessings promoting
life, or it may liocome a curse unto
death. As thought can heal, so also
can it destroy.
The key to nil power (as far ns man
ii concerned) lies within man. Within
his own spiritual natutro musf he be
taught to look for tho source of his
strength. Self-knowledge leads to self
Tfllinnce; self-reliance begets self-dependence,
which is the only true way
to independence, deliverance and free
dom. Why nre there so many failures
3n the world i Because peoplo have
been taught to depend upon external
authority instead of cultivating their
own innate power. Tho key to success
every man must find within his own be
ing. ' First the kingdom of the within,
all power in addition thereto. Not au
thority, but reality is the score of pow-
Minnesota May Be
Held Up On the Bar
(Continued from page one.
Meantime, federal plans aro laid.
Justice department representatives
and commerce department men will
make ' a joint probe to determine
whether spies or physical troubles aro
the cause of her disability.
Strictest orders were flashed Cap
tain Garlick today not to allow any
one aboard the vessel ahead of tho fed
oral authorities. Tho warning, however,
Booms neeiiless, in view of the cap
tain's disposition all the way up the
roast to refuse all information as to
the situation aboard the liner.
Everywhere men complain about
orbj even boys and girls in school or
business find work tedious and Irk
some, but it isn't the work half so much
as their own lack of physical strength
that makes it hard.
Rich blood, strong lungs and health
ful digestion make work pleasurable
in business, in school or even house
work, and if those who are easily tired
who are not sick, but weak and ner
vouswould Just take Scott's Emul
sion for one month and let its pure
concentrated food create richer blood
to pulsate through every artery and
vein let it build a structure of Iftalthy
tissue and give you vigorous strength
-you would find work easy and would
Jook for morei Insist on Scott's.
Scott kBowBCBlooaiBcld.M.J. tf-M
Local Militiamen Have New
Lounging Quarters hi
Armory Basement
The Salem Military club opened itc
doors in the new quarters ut the armor
yesterday but the lorinul opening will
not tune place tor several days yet ac
cording to tho officers of Company ii.
The membership of the club is muue'up
of the 71 meinoers of Company ex
members of the company and a few oth
ers who have signed up us members ol
tho club. Veterans of the Spanish Amer
ican war and members of the lueul G.
A. K. are houoiury members and liuvt
tho courtesies of the club rooms at all
The new quarters arc in tho basement
of tho armory where some vacant rooms
were accumulating dust und cobweb
until Captain Gehlhur conceived the
present scheme to utilize this space in
me interests oi tne company to promote
the fellowship and social side of the
personnel of Company M.
Tho three pool and billiard tablet
that belong to the company were moved
to inc uusemeut with the tuiii.ture ol
u,o o.u coil rooms up s airs wuicn may
nmv tn llMliv.wl iitr nt in. .... vn.nj.... .ip
"'' i""!'1'"
Thft eilmitlmv iri'nurf .V Kiv Lull nll.n.
j ,m. ,
that has been stored for some time has
been installed in conjunction with u
shooting gallery which is to be used as
the regular indoor range when tin
registered scores are to bo made and
for a shooting gallery at other times.
One room is devoted to boxing am
wrestling and is equipped with all ol
the gymnasium paraphernalia owned by
the company. A rending room where
all of tho current magazines, daily pa
pers, and books are kept on hand it
located in an adjoining room. Lieu
tenant J. E. Ncer is in charge of tin
club rooms anil conducts a barber shop
in connection during the regular unioi
hours in this city. Ho also has charge
of tho canteen. A militnr canteen is
not only a small tin receptacle to carry
water iu but is also a place where the
soldiers may purchase smoking tobac
co, cigars, candy and chewing gum ami
Compuny H now has a full fledged can
teen for the uso of the members of the
In all there are about 120 active
members of the club and the present
indications aro that the ventr.ro will
prove a success from the standpoint of
the company.
Hundreds of people have been reliev
ed of tho agonies caused by weak, dis
eased or cloggod-up kidneys by using
Solvax, the new remedy that quickly
reoches tho source of all kidney com
plaints. If you suffer with pains In your back
and sides or have any signs of kidney
or bladder trouble such as rheumatic
pains, puffy swellings under the eyes
or in the feet and ankles, if .you arc
nervous, tired and run-down, or bother
ed with uriunry disorders, Solvax will
quickly and surely relievo you of your
Solvax is probably tho most potent
remedy yet deviHed for ridding tho sys
tem of uric acid and driving out all
tho poisonous impurities which cause
such trouble. It neutralizes, dissolves
and makes the kidneys sift out nil the
uric acid and poisons left by the blood,
and renders tho kidneys and urinary
organs clean, vigorous and healthy.
Many of the best druggists say that
no medicine ought to be paid for un
Icsb it docB the user some good. Solvax
therefore sells under a positivo guar
antee to quickly relieve the worst cases
of kidney trouble or your money re
funded. Try Solvax today and if you
cannot see and feel a decided change
for tho better just go to the druggist
from whom you bought it and tell him
you wnnt your money back and ho will
return it without question. This is the
strongest argument that can be offered
in behalf of any medicine. Polvnx is
sold in Salem and viciuity by Daniel J.
Fry and other leading dealers.
Says All Peoples Like
the Good Old Sengs
San Francisco, Dec. 13. Bag time
and tropical tunes may appear to be the
reigning favorites, but "Silver Threads
Among the Gold," "When You und I
Were Young, Maggie," and many other
old time songs coutinuo to "get over"
Such was tho declaration today of 0.
H, I.angdon, representative of a large
phonograph company, who arrived on
tho liner Great Northern after a busi
ness trip through tho mid-tropics.
Phonograph records of the "f
Tunes" sell as well in most cities of
America as do the modem dance pieces
and catchy songs, he said. In Honolulu
"Aloha" is the best seller, while in
Austrolia and New Zealand "It's a
Long, Long Way to .Tipperury," has
been working overtime.
Now York, Dec. 13 Robert Fay, Ger
man army man, accused of bomb plot
ting and his four alleged accomplices
pleaded not guilty in district court here
today. Their bonds were continued nt
25,000 each, but only Max Breilung,
and Robert Kicnzlo were able to furn
ish it.
The Serbians retook Belgrade.
A British submarine sank a
Turkish battleship and 00
men at the Dardanelles. Rus
sians cut off the Germans' re
treat from Northern Polaud.
Washington, Dee. ' 13. The
gown is finished and it fits.
As Julius Kurzmnn, of Mew
York, designer of Mrs. Gait's
wedding dress, left the Gait
residence Saturday with a line
of fitters trooping behind, ho
wagged a forefinger, and look
ed wiser than a tree full of
owIb ss he remarked: "Not a
But his vast substantial
smile showed the gown fits.
He had a No superintended
Jittin"s for Mrs. McAdoo and
Miss Margaret Wilson and ha
heaved a tigh of relief as he
came out on Massachusetts av
enue. A Story of Salem In
January Cosmopolitan
Salem is mentioned in tho January
Cosmopolitan. Not in the way of an
advertisement, but from tho fact that
the Wallark Company Players, under
the direction of Daniel Frohman,
played at tho Keed' Opera house some
time during the year 1885, and busi
ness was so bad that tho six leading
members of the company had their
photographs taken here and sent it to
Frohinnn in Portland, with tho in
scription, ''From your nice little com
pany, waiting for its salary."
Thirty years ago, 4he opera house of
the city occupied the second and third
fluor8 of the bu-Ming in whieh the
Mcver (lry ,, 8tore u j , d d
was known as Jleeirs opera house. Tho
... 1
theatre was under the management of
Leo Willis, whd was succeeded a few
years later by the Putton Brothers.
Hal 1). Patton and K. Cooke Patton
managed the opera house until 1900,
when the Odd Fellows building was
erecteu, with its present arrangement
for an opera house.
Thirty years ago, when tho Wallack
Company Players amost went broke,
the entrance to Reed's opera house wnsj
on Liberty street, up a flight of stairs
to the second story.' All stage scenory
was also obliged to take its way up
these front stuirs. The third floor of
the building, now used as a lodge room,
in those ''ays, was used as a gallery.
The building now known as tho Mc
Cornack block, was built by U. A.
Reed of Portland.
Senator Chamberlain
Proposes Conscription
Washington, Dec. 13 Conscription to
raiso the proposed citizen army, advo
cated by the administration was pro
posed in a bill Senator Chumberluin of
Oregon introduced today.
The Oregnninn proposed that all but
thoso specially excused for physical, re
ligious n other specific reasons would
be obliged to serve between the ages
of 12 and 2.1, under penalty of a $500
fine for failure to comply.
Those between 12 and 17 years of
age would bo organized into a cadot
corps while from 18 to 23 they would
be in the citizens army.
Between the ages of 12 and 14,
Chamberlain would have tho boys
traiued not less than HO hours annual
ly in calisthenics without arms. Then
for thoso 14 and 15 years old rifle
training in addition, is prescribed,
while those of 18 and 17, thero would
be an additional 10 days of military
Twentv davs of military drill and
tactics would be presented to the citi
zens army which would be divided in
to groups according to strategic geog
raphy. Persons having the equivalent
of the proposed training, either from
schools, military or other approved or
ganizations, would be excused from ser
vice in the compulsory camps.
s I
Misplaced Christinas
Spirit Ruins Trees
Saturday night and Sunday night
vanuaiB ruined three nolly trccB on tho
state capital grounds evidently takins
the foliage for Christmas decorations
and left the prints of women's shoes
around the bnse of the trees. It is
the annual raid upon the holly trees
at the state house grounds that has be
gun and Secretary of Stato Olcott as
cusioaian or the building and grounds
bas offered a reward of $25 for tho
arrest and conviction of any persons
who ruthlessly breaks branches from
the holly trees.
It is stated that the vandals break
off whole limbs and the treeB aro of
ten ruined entirely, it taking years
xur inem to grow out again, they being
very slow growers.
Last year a niglitwatchman was
kept on the grounds for several weeks
before Christmas.
Seattle Policeman
Buried With Honors
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 13. Patrolman
L. 10. Knst, shot in a battlo with three
bandits Friduy night, is. dead today,
and the police department is planning
to bury him with honors. Ho will be
buried in his uniform, and his star,
No. 105, will be pinned on his breast.
This number will never be replaced.
Kost was 24 years old.
Lato Saturday afternoon he positive
ly identified a photograph of George
W. Gunther, a former convict as one
of his assailants.
Kost's mother will receive $2,000 in
Life insurance, because Miss Cora Anlt
man, cashier in the Mutual Benefit Lif
Insurance company's local office was
persistent in her effort! to inform
Kost, Frioday that he had but a few
hours in which to pay his premium if he
would save his policy. Kost wu In
dignant because he had been summoned
from bed by the girl's telephone call.
But luter in the day he paid the prem
ium and apologized. That night be wai
New York, Dec. 13. While snow and
slash made going bad here today, a sec
ond warning to shipping against a
storm off tho New Jersey coast, was
flashed out by the weather bureau.
ftmi t1-! in' in im i
Bishop's All Wool
Suit or Overcoat
$10 to $25
Four Jumps to Salonica;
We Sail Through Mountain
By William O. Shepherd.
Athens, Greeec, Oct. 29 (By mail )
Your Italian liner across the Adriatic,
and the Ionian seas toward Greece
with all lights out at night and the
hearts of passengers and erew in their
Any moment the big Bang may
come. They tell you what life boat to
got into. Your seat is reserved for
you like a seat In the theatre.
The boats won't be crowded this
trip. Thero aro fifteen big boats and
only thirty passengers.
At Inst, on tho second morning, you
sight land. The ship runs straight to
ward a rango of hills. Closer and clos
er to the hilly shore wo go.
Suddenly you see we are heading for
a nicho cut through the mountain
range. It is straight as a string. You
can see its further entrance five miles
away whero it opens into the Agean
This is the Corinthian canal, plan
ned and begun by old Nero himself
and finished just as the twentieth cen
tury opened fifteen years ago.
It is church time Sunday morning.
In a little village near tho entrance
to tho canal a bell is ringing. It sounds
like a church bell, but when you put
your glasses on tho village you dis
cover that you are hearing the clatter
of a Greek railroad trnin pulling into
a ltitlo stntion on tho outskirts of
tho town.
"What town is that?" you ask a
Greek fellow pnssenger.
"That's Comilh."
Why, there aro two books in the
Biblo named for this little town. And
hero's a train drawing into it past a
water tank just like a tank in any
Kansas town and stopping at a sta
tion just like any station in tho In
diana country.
Sunday morning and here before you,
is Corinth. Part of It is hidden, it. is
true, by a ship full of Greek soldiers,
bound for tho Balkan frontier.
Tho Great War leaves Its mark on
Corinth just as it has left it on every
thing else in the world, from tho lat
est stock quotntion in Wall Street to
the tourist-deserted streets of Pompeii.
Wo get. the ship's Biblo ond brush
up on Corinth. Ht. Paul established ft
little church here onoe.
As wo run over the two letters which
he wrote to tho folks in tho church
that onoe stood in this town, we found
out that there were times when fit.
Paul was worried about the way things
were going with the church folks.
Home one in this little town that lies
before us ona day received one of these
letters from Paul, which had come by
boat, perhaps over this very bay of
Corinth. He opened it and hit eyes
were tho first to read that passage
which, no matter how wars have come
and gone the world bas never forgot
ten. It begins:
"Though I speak with the tongues
of men and of sngels and have not
charity, I am become as sounding brass,
or a tinkling cymbal."
From tho plateau behind the old
town a road winds down to meet the
village main street. With our glasses
we can see a long brown worm moving
If it is a Man's gift
-that means
For the Ladies
This list of helpful Suggestions
-but the men will find it use
ful too.
Every gift is a practical one for a man that's what in
sures true appreciation.
Pick any one of them and you can almost hear him say, as
he opens the package on Xmas morn, "Well, here's some
thing I can use."
When you've decided on the nature of the gift, you'll need our
services to help you determine sizes, patterns, colors all the
little details that must be carefully thought out to make his
satisfaction complete. Only experience makes possible set
tling every question of detail just right and we've had lots
of experience.
slowly down the road toward tho town.
It is made of the soldiers of Greece,
marching to the Corinth wharf to sail
away toward the war.
Aeroplunes in this war have flown
over Nazareth. Jerusalem is in the war
zone and here before your eyes Greek
soldiers are threading tho strcetB of
Corinth. On our left is Mount Parnus
sus, where the Greek gods used to
live, and as we sail into tho high
walled canal we see a Greek sentry
standing on a jutting headland, with
the old home of tho gods behind him.
Salonica and the Balkan front f a
night's ride away.
Death Comes to Both
On Wedding Anniversary
Ran Francisco, Dec. 13. Three curly
haired, blue eyed children wept toduy
in the home ot Hubert r). Nelson, a'
construction superintendent and won
dered why there was so much myBtery
and silence.
In a dimly lighted room, where their
15th wedding anniversary was to have
been held, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson lay
joined in death.
Nelson died of pneumonia; his wife,
driven temporarily mad, stood before
iier mirror and Bent a bullet into her
"Oh Bob, oh Hob," tho distraught
woman moaned when her husband pass
ed on. Then to mourners, who had been
bidden to the anniversnry celebration
she said, "lie brave. I'll show you
how brave I am."
A little later, a shot startled those
within the home. Sho had been
Government To Be Easy
With Oil Land Owners
Washington, Dec. l.'t. Only in cases
where there is evidence of ftii'.v', or
when government interests would be
irreparably harmed, will the attorney
genera) act against occupants of Cali
fornia and Wyoming oil lands with
drawn from entry in 1H00 by President
This is tho governmental policy as
outlined in a formal statement by At
torney Gonial Gregory. He declared
that suits already entered, or to be en
tered are solely on this basis. The
lands occupied are worth millions of
dollars, but the government does not
desire to work undue hardship on any
eicept thoso whose tito bears strong
evidence of fraud, or in cases where
government Interests would not bo
served by further privato ownrsiip,
The Royal Arch Masons, Multnomah
lodge No. 1, have elected the follow
ing officers for the coming year:
High priest, R. I'1. Richardson.
King, Glen C. Niles.
Kcribe, G. O. Brown.
Captain of hosts, Dr. 0. A, Olson.
Secretary, Russell Brooks.
Theasnrerf William II. Dancy.
Other officers of the chapter are np
pointive. The Installation will take
place Wodnesduy, Dccomber 22.
- get it at the man's gift store
Salem Woolen Mills Store
Several Witnesses
Corroborate McManigalj
Los Angeles, Cal., Dee. 13. Wituess- j
es from the east and Seattle, whose
testimony toiMod to corroborate that
of Ortie Mr Mimical, occupied tho wit
ness stand in the trial of M. A.
Schmidt, allegod McNninnra accomplice
Kmie Patterson, a watchman, who
was employed by a construction com
pany at Vernon, 111., declared that ho
had seen a man whom ho lutr identi
fied as Ortie McManignl at tho build
ing which his company was erecting- 2
nights before an explosion took place.
McManignl, accordin" to tho witness,
drew him in conversation, offered him
a cigar and asked if he did not some
times take in a show during tho early
Ho replied that ho did not. Two
explosions occurred two nights later.
Tho watchman declared that ho heard
only one because the first was of such
volume that it stunned and deafened
He said he was sleeping about forty
yards from the explosion.
Heveral letters purporting to bo writ
ten by H. W. Bolcmnn, business ogont
of Seattle local to J. J. McNumara in
Indianapolis, wero admitted as evi
dence. Extracts were read by Special Prose
cutor Noel to the jurors.
Superior Judge W. I. Anderson, of
Yolo county was a visitor sitting be
side Judge Willis.
Business is good today nt tho Com
mercial Club as today is buiidlo day
for the Salem Social .Scrvico Center,
ami Secretary McDuniel at tho Com
mercial Club is busy receiving the
hundreds of bundles (if clothing that
the good citizens of Sulein urn sending
in for tho deserving poor, in fact,
never before iu the experience of tho
Social Center hnvn the citizens re
sponded so generously. And this is
especially true of children's clothing.
Tho fact that children woro staying
out of school on account of tho need
of clothing appealed strongly to the
generous instincts of many.
Besides clothing, other donations
were made for tho poor, and tho auto
mobiles offered tho club wero busy
this afternoon collecting. .These will
at onco be sorted, and given to thoso
most in need without any delay what
ever. Trust Would Control
Foreign Lumber Market
Washington, Deo, IX Wostern lum
bermen today pleaded with tho fcileral
trade commission to permit the
"trust" to control foreign markets.
Joseph Teal, of Portland, Oro., submit
ted a voluminous brief.
Representatives of lumber men in all
parts of the country covering nn in
vested capital of tl!,O()0,O0),000 and
with 700,0(K) employes pleaded for per
control prices as far as exports are
concerned. Such control, wltiiout spe
cial sanction, would constituto a trust
and impnrper combination under the
Sheriunu law,
Billings, Mont., Dec. 1.1. C. L. Dog
gett, of Harding, Mont., is deud, Fred
Gift j
Hose ; ;
Roberta ' '
Toilet : :
Sets 4..
Brushes ;
Jewelry ' '
Boxes ',. '.
Slippers '.
Dent's Gloves ;
Maliory . .-
Bath, Kobe -;
Shirt ' ' '
Raincoat ; ;
Collar ' '
bo :;::
Just Wright
Shoes ; ;! .
cuff ; ;
Buttons ; ".
Garters ''. '.
Lounging -
Bh : I'.'.
Serge ; ;
suit : .
cap : :
Coat i-'
Sweater -
Vest ; ;
Overcoat "'
. .
- . .
Boxed "
Holiday Set
Scarf tn .
Neckwear '.'.',1
. .
Rome, iec. IS. Austria has
called youths who will be 18
next year to the colors, a Zu
rich dispatch said toduy.
Senator Lanes Plan
To Restore Peace
Washington, Dec. 1,1. Senator Lano'
of Oregon proposed today a congress
of ncutrul nations to suggest peace
terms on tho following principles:
Evacuation of invaded territory.
Liberation of oppressed nations. '
A referendum iu Alsace-Lorraine,
Finland and Poland on the question of
independence or allegiance.
Kqunlity of tho Jews.
Freeilom of the seas.
Gradual and concerted disarmament
An international court of arbitration
with a commercial boycott as a weapon
for enforcing its mandates.
Sacramento, Cal., Dec. 13. The first
lot of signatures on the vlrys initiativo
petition was filed with the secretary
of state tod"V. There were ISli sig
natures all from San Benito county. It
will require 71,136 vnlid signatures to
let the initiativo measure on the ballot
next year.
The measuro proposes "to stop tho
sale of intoxicating liquors in Califor
nia utter HUH and the manufacture of
sucii liquors lifter 100.
Wulsnnvfllo, Dee. 13. With threo
inches of rainfall between It a. m. ami
2 p. m. today, Vatsonville was threat
ened with inundation in midnfternoon.
Stores nn tho main street wero flooded
und the ruin continued. The fall wis
the greatest Walsonville recollects. In
some quarters bouts woro in use.
Portland, Ore., Doc. 13. An autopsy
having shown that death was not due ti
heart failure, an analysis wan ordered
today of tho stomach contents of David
V. Hawkins, brother of Martin Hawk
ins, internationally known athlete, who
wns found dead in bed.
David Hawkins, a salesman, was tho
guest of John Fleming Sutunlav night.
Shortly before noon yesterday Fleming
went to Hawkins' room and found his
bodv. Huwkins hnd been in excellent
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 13. Convinced
that the mine at Iiavensdale, which a
few weeks ago entombed and killed 31
men, following an explosion never can
be mode safo, tho Northwestern Im
provement company today decided to
abandon it. Minors formerly employed
thero will bo given work at tho other
mines of tho company at Clo Elum and
Duval was believed to bo dying today
and Martin Schroop was suffering
from possible fatal injuries sustulneil
when a train struck an automobile In
which tho trio wero driving.