Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 13, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital-Journal"
December 13, . 1915.
Editor and Manager .
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
. . w t a rt a ' nnrcr XT
See. and Trcas.
Bt.ilv htr rnrrier. nar Tear t5.00 Per month.
Daily by mail, per year
3.00 Per month.
Now York Chicago
Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Hnrry R. Fisher Co.
Tribune Building 3 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
poreh. If the carrier docs not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation managor, as this is the only
way we can dotermino whetier or not tho carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81.
The circulation of the Daily Capital Journal Saturday
evening was 4200. Of these in round numbers 2200 were
circulated in Salem and 2000 to mail subscribers. This
was not an unusual run, no orders for sample or extra
copies were filled, and it was only a normal day in these
The Capital Journal is proud of its steadily-growing
circulation, which it believes is the largest in the .state
outside of the city of Portland. The people of Salem, too,
should take a pride in the fact their newspapers are at
last taking their place in keeping with the standing of
the Capital City of the state, the second in size and com
mercial importance of Oregon. They have not always
had this position, perhaps never before since the old
pioneer days.
The press of this country is its greatest influence, and
towns and cities are coming to be judged by the news
papers they maintain. They reflect the political and
moral character of a community and are the truest index
of its business activity. A dead town cannot boast of live
And besides daily newspapers give more than they
receive from the city in which they are published. They
are payroll businesses which gather up their cash receipts
from a large area of country as they grow and expand
and disburse them in the city of their publication. As their
circulation extends further from the central point they
interest the readers in the business houses, the stores,
shops and industries of the city, its markets and its ad
vantages. It is natural for the regular readers of Salem
newspapers to feel that Salem is the business center of
the territory in which they live. That means trade in a
constantly growing volume for the advertising merchants
of the city. It even helps the non-advertiser indirectly,
but the advertisers have the satisfaction, not only of
promoting their own business directly but also of con
tributing to the general prosperity by assisting to broaden
the usefulness of the newspaper which is the publicity
agent of the community. Salem's trade area would have
been larger had its newspapers been stronger and bet
ter in the past.
A circulation of 4200 daily means a family of 21000
regular readers. This, too, is only the beginning if the
business interests of Salem come to realize the advantages
of a strong, clean newspaper advocate as they, should.
The people generally appreciate a newspaper worthy of
the name, and their subscriptions is the best evidence of
their loyalty, but subscriptions alone are not sufficient to
meet the heavy expense of newspaper publication. The
Capital Journal is a good newspaper in many respects,
but it should be bigger and better and have a(much wider
circulation. This will be its future if the cupport of
Salem justifies it if the business interests come to
realize, as a majority of wide-awake communities has,
the value to them of such an institution.
But a large number of Salem business men,-professional
men and manufacturers do not seem to care
whether this city has newspapers or not. They never
patronize them and their loyalty to home institutions is a
minus quantity except when their own income is con
cerned. "Try Salem First" is the Commercial Club slogan,
but as long as Salem people and the people of the sur
rounding country read Portland newspapers, filled with
the advertisements of Portland stores, such a slogan will
have little effect. To make Salem grow there must be
civic pride and a united interest in the things that belong
to Salem unswerving loyalty to its business and indus
trial interests and a positive faith in its future.
The Capital Journal has shown, under adverse condi
tions due to business depression, that a newspaper can be
built up here which the people will read. Its success up
to the present time is, however, only indicative of
the still wider influence and circulation it should obtain,
if those who will be benefitted by it directly and indirect
ly will do their duty in loyal support of a home institu
tion. A better slogan for the Commercial Club would be
"Read Salem Papers: become interested in Salem people
and Salem institutions." When that idea is generally ac
cepted by the people it will not be necessary to urge them
to "try Salem first."
There is no accounting for or explaining the operation
of the mind. It does things that apparently it would not
do and it refuses to reach conclusions that apparently it
would arrive at intutitively. In discussing Trichinae in
Portland Doctor Cobold stated that the eating of one
pound of trichinous flesh would give rise to as many as
400,000,000 young trichinae, and Leuckart thinks the num
ber would be greater. Taken into the stomach it is stated
the gastric juices soon free the larvae which become ma
ture in two days and the female then gives birth to about
2.000 voung. It will be seen from this that once these
little fellows get located inside of a fellow they would
soon become so numerous as to make mm, uncomfortable.
One of the svmptoms of their presence these doctors state
is "a total indifference to surroundings, but a great fear
of death." This is why we remarked that the operations
of the human mind are unaccountable, for with some bil
lions of these bugs in a fellow he should naturally be
reconciled to death.
The English press commenting on the Chancellor Von
Hollweg's speech in the reichstag expressed considerable
contempt for his opinions. Some of them, however, made
it up by the profound admiration they showed for Eng
land. The star with becoming modesty this alludes to Eng
land's position in the war. "We have no delusions left.
We accept proudly the foremost place in this war of liber
ation. We have counted the cost and weighed the sacri
fice. We have endured much but we will endure to the
end." Considering how England has been willing to fight
until the last of her allies' soldier were dead upon the
battle field, this sounds rather egotistical on the part of
"the mistress of the seas," the main part of whose armies
are still bravely guarding the tight little isle, and staying
at home. ' ':
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Di'pesit Boxes
Now another gang of faddists is in the field with the
intention of forcing still another ireak idea into the
school rooms. This time it is thrift; "not," as the repre
sentative faddist in Portland explained, "penunousness,
but thrift as it has to do with the conservation of the
body, of health, of mind." There are so many fads in the
schools now that the pupils have no time for reading,
spelling, arithmetic, geography, history, or'any thing else
really worth while in the way of education, and with each
of these new tads the cost oi their maintenance is in
creased. There is some hope of the end being in sight for
the matter has arrived at a stage where the ability to
pay the bills has been reached. ' When the faddists can
no longer saddle the cost of their phantasmagoria on the
public they will cease to mention their dope dreams.
Here are some reminders that might be useful in the
direction of making us more satisfied with present condi:
tions, since a proneness to forget is one of the weaknesses
of mankind: Remember when you used to sell hogs at
four cents per pound? Thirty cents was a right good
price for corn" in those days, wasn't it? Now, actually,
are things as far out of plumb as the kind of men who-ran
the recent equalization conference would have it appear
Sioux City Live Stock Record. And we also wonder if
it is remembered here in the Northwest when hogs were
from two and a half to three cents per pound? Port
land Live Stock Reporter.
The warring nations are all anxious for peace and
we believe their statements in this respect sincere, lhey
value peace no doubt far more highly than do the neutral
nations because, they are having an object lesson on the
horrors of war.
n;1 r
Asks That Immediate Truce
Be Declared We Wait
ing For Him
New York, Dec. 13. The wireless
aboard Henry Ford's peace ship today
clicked out a peace appeal to all the
crowned heads of Europe, according to
a wireless inessuge received by the Uni
ted Press direct from Ford.
Tho message was an urgent appeal to
tho rulers to halt tho slaughter and to
prevent wives and mothers from being
further bereaved. It suggested an im
mediate truce, after which, through me
diation and discussion in the Ford
peace court, the war might be ended
and soldiers instead of "facing anoth
er bitter winter in the trenches" may
be sent back to their "labors and fire
sides." Settlement, Ford suggested, is
not impossible in view of the fact that
all of the war nations are fighting from
a love of country, mid for the best of
their national traditions, and in such
circumstances have a common ground
on' which to meet in mediation and dis
cussion. The Ford Message.
The message to the rulers said:
"Sirs: We come in this time of trou
ble, not to add to your burdens, but to
help lift them, not to consider which
nations are most to blnme for the dis
aster thnt has befallen Europe but to
end tho struggle, not to intrude our
selves upon your national life and
ideas, but rather with earnest desire to
understand them and with a heartfelt
desire to aid in realizing them.
"The love of country for which ev
ery day tens of thousnnds of lives are
sacrificed in tho same in every land.
Your nation, like the peoplo of the oth
er belligerents, is fighting for nation
al existence, for the best national tra
ditions, so there can be no irreconcil
able difference. Such common ideals
surely must afford a basis upon which
to establish a magnanimous and honor
ablo peace.
"Enough blood lies been shed, enough
agony endured, enough destruction
wrought. The time has come 'to stop
the bloodshed and save the people from
further slaughter, and civilizations
from anarchy and ruin.
"Has not war been tried for lfi
months? Is it not proven that war
cannot solve tho problem, but leads
only to loss and misery?
"Must more wives and mothers' be
bereaved? Wo come because we recog
nize that Europe is bleeding to death
and that tho wound must be stuunchedf
Will Perfect Peace Terms.
"The rising desire -of the peoplo of
neutral nations to convert barren dis
interestedness into active good will has
promised us of America to sail to Eu
ropo on the steamer Oscar with the se
rious purpose of joining European neu
trals in an organized effort to help re
store pence upon an honorablo and just
basis; to facilitate direct negotiations
between you and other warring nations.
We neutrals aro about to join in a con
ference which will without delay from
and submit to you and tho other bel
ligerents, proposals as a basis for a dis
cussion leading to a final settlement.
"Therefore, wo earnestly entreat you
and the rulers of other warring nntions
to declnro au immediate truce. Let the
armies stand where they aro. Then let
negotiations proceed that tho soldiers
may bn delivered from another bitter
winter in the trenches, and be Bent back
to their lnbors and firesides. As there
is no other way to end the war, except
by medintion und discussion, why waste
another precious human lifo for the
sake of 1'umunityf
I built me a handsome shack, and painted it out and
in, the color scheme green and black; 'twas roofed with
the best of tin. My heart swelled with honest pride; my
cottage was smooth and hne; I laughed as I
stood beside my hgtree and pumpkin vine.
Then came a tornado wild, and juggled that
house around, and on me its fragments
piled, and flattened me to the ground. I
5 crawled from the ruins then, my hair full
V. C 1 J i.' .1 . , . .
vi giass anu un, aim sprung, in ine view oi
men, my patented duplex grin. I said to
the scowling skies, "You've taken a fall
from me, but out of the wreck I rise I'm
still in the ring, you see." While others
indulged in screams, and wept in the
cyclone's track, I gathered my joists and beams, and built
me another shack. While others deplored their loss, and
put up a line of wails, I searched for my household joss,
and gathered my rusty nails. Again by my figtree tall,
again by my pumpkin vine, I look from my cottage wall,
and the prospects's strictly fine. No man on the dump
heap lies, who says, when misfortunes frown, "Oh, out
of the wreck I rise there's nothing can hold me down !"
Ily a railroad change which took
effect this week, Junction City loses
its popular Southern Pacific agent,
Mark Montgomery, who has served the
local public in that capacity for the
past fourteen vears, says the Junction
City Times. Mr. Montgomery has been
imnslerred to Albany, wliero ho will
have entire charge of that important
division point. A. A. Mickel, who 1ms
been station agent at Albany, is now
located at Salem.
Mr. Montgomery is a man of thor
ough railroad experience, and his trns
I'er, which means a considerable pro
motion with an increase of snlnry, is
well merited, He has been in tho cm
ploy of the. Southern Pacific company
for twenty five years, having been sta
tioned at Aunisville, Drain, Albany nnd
Snlcni prior to his appointment here.
Mr. Montgomery took up his new du
ties the first, of the week. He will be
joined shortly by Mrs. Montgomery.
The local vacancy will be filled for tho
present by William M. Knott, who is
next in ine at the Junction City sta
for cold
-rjrr fill
J41 I
Perfection Oil Heaier
A sure remedy for the cold,
damp days. Inexpensive to op
erate easily carried from room
to room. Smokeless and odorless.
Dealers everywhere.
For best results use Pearl Oil
Standard Oil Company
i (California)
10 GO 10 ST. PAUL
Marion county will havo 210 ears of
the finest coin it ever raisod on ex
hibit at tho First National Corn show,
to be held at St. Paul, Minnesota, De
cember 15 to ill.
The prize winning coin from tho Ma
rion County second annual corn show
was selected tor tho exhibit. The ex
hibits were packed and selected Satur
day evening by L. J. Chapin and for
warded to St. Paul. In making tho
shipment, each ear was carefully
. i im, i ..!, vi,;i.;t on, I
with the name of the grower.
Twenty-four entries of ten ears were
shipped, fifteen of yellow dent corn
and nino of white dent.
Thoso whose corn will be sent to St.
Paul aro as follows:
Yellow dent Kenneth Coomler, Mt.
Angel; W. C. Kinyon, Aurora; Clair
Honker, Aumsville; Alen Bros, 8t.
Paul; S. Merten, St. Paul; Frank Bor
gelt, Salem; D. C. Minto, Salem; Wil
liam make, Jr., Salem; August Hil
fiker, Saem; Oust Hoyden, Salem; F.
W. Peterson, St. Paul; L. L. Ernst, St.
Paul; Conrad Winnoll, Woodburn; A.
T. Cline, Mt. Angel; S. II. Van Trump,
Mt. Angel; J. B. Hawthorne, Salem.
White dent .T. Vf. Kav, Aumsville;
I. Hurle; St. Paul; Peter' Stcffem, Sil
vcrton; 0. A. Dahl, Silvorton; Elmer
Smacker, Aurora; A. E, Hughes, Wood
burn. For tho first time since it has been
demonstrated that corn can bo raised
in this state, the Oregon product will
be on exhibit beforo the growers of the
corn producing belt of the country. The
exhibits will do much to dispel the old
ilea that Oregon could raise everything
excepting corn. Manv of the furmors
who hnve lived in the contral states,
feel that this Hisnlnv of Mnrlnn ennntv
corn will do much from nn educational
at,..ii.n;..f .i...n..u,.n:.. i
(T.uin ii i, ui iiiuuni tit i ii Hint I'lfKUIl
may uow be considered among the corn
growing states. j
Police Arrest Three
In Lincoln Inn On
Disorderly Charge
The Salem polico arrested Hellen
Little and W. A. Showaltcr and James
Sweeney at the Lincoln Inn at Cli.'t
Ferry street Saturday night and
charged that all three were occupying
tho same bed. All pleaded guilty to
tho charge of disorderly conduct in po
lice court this morning and the Littla
woman was given 20 days and the men
each a fine of $25 or 12 days in jail.
The woman came to Salem from Al
bany lust week end and told the police
that she expected her husband to come
yesterday. She was unable to meet
him at tho train.
.Toliet, 111., Dec. 13. James Foley,
deaf mute, is willing to serve two years
in Joliet prison, for no crime at all, if
he can learn a trade.
London Families who have
gained their livlihood on tho
Eastcoast by ''shrimping" for
180 years have hnd their in-
dustry cut off for the first time
by tho war and aro in poverty.
London A recruiting incident
is told from a large recruiting
station where a man anxious to
join the army was quizzed about
his religion. He had none but
was anxious to oblige, promptly
asking the recruiting officer
whnt particular religion he was
short of. He was enlisted with-
out religion.
Amsterdam Dutch customs
officials at Bcek seized enorm-
ous quantities of fats and oils
about to be smuggled into
'tiennnny disguised as rolls of
Cnnfield, ilnrothy,' Ilillsboro people.
Dickens, Charles, Christinas stories.
Fillmore, P. II., The rosie world.
Haddock, F. C Power of will.
James, (t. W., In and out of the old
mission of California.
Mackenzie, A. S Laws of gravitation;
Memoirs by Newton Bonguer & Caven
dish, Merwin, Pnnincl, The honey bee.
Paine, H. !., Greater America,
lfnli'h, Julian, Our great west.
Singleton, . Esther, Historic build
ings. Sinpleton, Esther, Historic buildings
of America.
Smith, E. 8., Christmas in legend and
Stunrt, R. M., Solomon Crow'i
Christmas pockets. '
IT. S. Civil Service Commission Man
ual of examinations Ifll.t.
Venuble, E. C, Pierre Vinton.
Wells, II, O., Futuro la Anlerica.
To Mr. Husband:
Financial mismanagement is Amer
ica's besetting sin. We are a hurry
ing, hustling, spendthrift race, eager
. ly grasping the Almighty Dollar, but
once we have it, carelessly throwing
it away. Start thriftiness in your
home today. Give your wife a check
ing account in this strong National
Bank; it will help her to economize
in the household expenses. With the
small savings she thus affects, give
her a Savings Account in our Sav
ings Department. It will earn inter
est and can be withdrawn any time
without any notice.
Your money is under United States
Government Supervision here, be
cause this is a National Bank and a
member of the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco.
United States National Bank
Salem, Oregon