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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1915)
A FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES 0 CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY ' 51 THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS s-US P.i I. m m mm tor FRENCH AND BEATEN Two Assaults Against British ? t the Bulgars 8,000 Troops-Attack 0a French, hough Successful, Was Costly In Lives Allies Are treating Into Greece, Some Reports Say In Disord -Greece May Remain Passive If Bulgars Enter Tc.-..ory In Pursuit of Allies CONQUEST OP SERBIA, Berlin, bv wireless to Sny ville, L. I., Dee. 13. The Teu tonic conquest of Serbia is com pleted, for tbo Anglo-French forces have been completely driven out of the oountry. Bulbars under General Todo roo occupied Lake Doiran and Gievgeli, the war office an nounced today. Two Knglish divisions were annihilated in the final lighting. Athens, Dec. 13. The allies reported evacuation of Oiegveli and Lake Doir on, in the southern corner of Serbia,, was confirmed today. Pressing forward slowly, t ho Bulgars are said to be five miles from the Greek border. Wince .Saturday, the allies have been retreating into Greece iu disorder feme reports indicate. But they are expected to make a stand and fight ff the pursuers at almost any moment. It is understood hero that in the event the liulgars enter Grecian territory and continue their onslaught tiguinst the allies, Greece will not oppose them. Though the Bulgarians have done valiantly, two assaults against the Uiitisli front cost them 8,000 troops, 'i'hey swept forward in mass formation through a heavy fog to within 500 yards of the British line. Then .ma chine gun mid rifle fira shattered their ranks. As f:r tho Fronch, the Bulgrs squeezed them against the ltiver Var dar and then battered them southward toward Greece. Hero again a fierce re sistance mndo it costly for the assail ants. By a successful flanking attack the liulgars,- however, forced the French to ovn;uate stamp positions in the hills mid their artillery thereupon wrecked the French second line, "There nro no more free French or English in Montreal," tho statement paid. The last Serbian regulars have fled into Albania, while the Bulgars ore pursuing them by way of Struga and Ochrida. Moreover, with tho exception of a few hundred Sorbiun guerillas, no hostile forces remain in Serbian terri tory to oppose tho central allies. Sunk by Submarine. London, Dec. 13. The 2847 ton Bri tish vessel Pinegrovo bns been gunk by u submarine and 22 of her crew were Ml ved. Will Avoid Conscription, London, Dec. 13. England, it is believed- today, will avoid conscription. Lord Derby 's recriting campaign is re ported to have brought 3,000,000 men to the enll of "your king and country." Consequently, Derby, it is thought, will loll parliament that compulsory service measures aro unlikely In the near fu ture, Have Sunk C08 Vessels. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I lice. 13. Austro-German submarines have sunk 303 vcsscIh of a total tonnage of ( 7,811) since the war started, it was announced todnv. 3(t 3(C l(C jc )(c lf( )c )(C )c I Abe Martin Between wntehln' th gasoline quo UUions an' stock n' grain markets th' farmer has Httlo time fer nickel theaters an' war news these days. f all th" good advice, "Stop an' Thiuk" Is th' best. BRITISH BY BULBARS 4f 4t 4? ff b? 4t 4t k T T P T P GREECE YIELDS A POINT. Salonika. Dec. 13. A satis- factory agreement has been reached between the allies and Greek authorities for freo movement of the allies between Salonika and the frontier, tho zoiio in which tho allies must retreat. . As part of the agreement, the allies took over the Salon- ikn customs house. A Greek division now a few miles northeast of Salonika will be trnnsfcred to Seres 35 miles northeast and less than 30 miles from Bulgaria. Italians Make Gains. Rome,. Dee. 13. "In tho difficult lofty zono between the Giudicaria nnd Coucei valleys," said the war office today, y a succession of brilliant of fmsives have won us tho possession of strong heights which assure us of com plete possession of tho Beniizegge basin." Captured Six Thousand. Vienna, Dec. 13. Six thousand pris oners have been tnken by the Austrian invaders of Montenegro, west of Ipek, the war office cluimed today. The in vaders hnvo arrived at Korita and Kozaj. , . " . Trying "Economic Pressure." London, Den. 13. Great Britain in tends to inflict nil possiblo economic pressure on Germany in an effort to win the war. Under Foreign Secretary Cecil told commons today. Ho said that tho commercial agreement assuring that articles Denmark imports from England will not go to Germuny involved no chnngo of policy. Russians Capture Post. Berlin, by wireless to Snyville, L. I.. Dec. 13. The Russians have captured a post near Riga, but tho gain is not important, the war office claimed to day. Asks for $502,482,214 For Five Year Period and $217,652,174 Now Washington, Dec. 13. "Tho lesson of tho European wnr warns us that it is better to spend money in times of peace for preparation than to run the risk, however remote, of sorely want ing shins and munitions if suddenly needed." This is the key note of Secretary of the Navy Daniels appeal for more ships to defend America as outlined in a nnvnl report published today. In this report to congress, he asks 217,0ii2,174 for a starter. His five year totnl is $j02,42H,2H or about 3,000,000 more than tho general board recommended tho first time a secre tary has ever asked more than tho board counselled. His program is for only fivo years, becnuso a further time might 'menu thnt new inventions would replace the equipment and vessels now highly mod ern. In 1021, under the present plan, the navy will consist of 2i first line battle ships, six battle cruisers, 25 second line battleships 10 armored cruisers, 13 scout cruiers, IS other cruisers, IDS de stroyers 17Q submarines 18 of which would be ocean going, 20 gunboats and a number of auxiliary ships, in add ition, Daniels would iinve a well train ed iiaval reserve. Jap Kills Wife Just Like a White Man fctm Angeles, Cal., Dec. 13. Two bul let riddled bodies lay In the morgue todny as the result of a quarrel be tween Kozoro Fokudn, Japanese ranch hand and his wife. After the wife left Fokudn ' house he practiced revolver shooting with her photogroph as a target, then went to the residenro of another Japanese; where she had gone, and opened fur on her, limiting a gun in each hand. Following this killing the man waited calmly until a posse appeared, then WAR BREAKS OUT ON FORD'S PEACE SHIP By Charles P Stewart. - (United Press staff correspon dent.) Aboard tho Peace Ship Oscar II by wireless to Lnndscnd, England, Dec. 13. Wnr has broken out aboard the Henry Ford's peace argosy. Several of the delegates, whom the Detroit automobile maker asked to help in straigh tening out Europe's war tangle, are preparing to quit the ship at C'hristiania, Norway, and return to America, because they allege, the extreme pacificists have adopted an insulting attitude towards those upholding Presi dent ' Wilson 's preparedness doctrine. Ford himself Is trying hard to prevent an open break. He de nies responsibility for "steam roller" tuctics, employed by tho extremists. As n matter of fact, the accu sation is not directed against Ford, but chiefly against Rev. Dr. Charles F. Akcd of Snn Francisco, and Jeukin Lloyd Jones. A complete split is imminent. The row broke out Friday. The Snn Francisco divine in troduced a meeting of- the pence voyagers a resolution signed by Ford and 23 others, opposing preparedness. Aked intimated that those who refused to sign this document would be unload ed at the first port. While Ford denied that they would bo thus unloaded, he continued to support the anti-preparedness group. Tho conversation veered into altercations in which the lan guage became not only persouul but profane. Then when tho situution mndo cooler heads fearful of a split, they tried to rcunito the war ring parties. Those suggesting a compromise proposed a resolu tion opposing competitive armaments,, but avoided refer ence to tho president's prepar edness program. , Johannes Van Koolbergen . Posing As a Count Found In Canada Snn Francisco, Dec. 13. Whilo the United States commissioner prepared to give a preliminary hearing to Baron Von Brincken, alleged bomb plotter, and the federal grand jury reconvened perhaps to indicto both Von Brincken and C. C. Crowley, the government hud its linnds today on u new and much sought witness. This man, who had pusscd as a scout, was arrested in Can lulu. - Authorities say his name is Joh amies Van Koolbergen, and that lie was an assistant of Brincken. Brincken on the other hand, says he was an ac quaintance associated with him for a time until he learned thut ho was nn adventurer. In social circles, the "count" passed freely here. His wife, though, Baron ess Von Brincken declnred she recog nized later as her English governess. Knows Nothing Of It. Montreal, Doc. 13. The registrar of alien enemies professed todny to have no knowledge of tho reported arrest of " Count" Van Koolbergen, us a witness in the Sun Francisco bomb plot investi gation. Berlin Exchange Today Reaches Lowest Point (Copyright 11)15 by tho Now York Ev ening Press.) New York, Dec. 13. From the man ner In which our note to Austria in the Ancona case was displayed, and from the serious character of the comment concerning It, it might have been Imag ined that the stock market would be stirred appresensively. There was do such result, howevor. A slightly lower rnngo in opening prices, and a brief spell of irregular activity, wns follow ed by a Inpso into dullness. The calm of the market In the fuce of the note reflected the belief that Austria bns no recourso open but to yield. Tho most striking movement wns the break in Berlin exchnngo to 77 12, wherens the lowest previous mnrk was 71 1-4. This is the largest deprecia tion In any belligerents exchanges, ex cept that of Fetrogrnd. KILLED 4000 RABBITS. North Powder, Or,, Dee. 1.1. Four thousand rabbits, shipped to the Sal vation Army at LaOrnnde, composed the bag of 300 hunters who engaged In a rabbit drive here yesterdnv, Kubbits have done heavy damage to farms here recently. walked out to do buttle, driving two other Jnpnncso ahead of him as shields. At the first opportunity they fled in opposite directions, however, and Koku da dropped, as the posse began shooting. Ue died at the county hospital. if WHY IS T NEAR VEST SALEM Shotgun, With Muzzle Under His Chin, Discharged As He Closed Gate HAMMER CAUGHT ON THE WIRES OF PASTURE GATE Former Warden of State Pen and Well Known Citizen of Polk County Henry B. Brophy, a well known resi- dent of Polk countv was killed about 8 o'clock this morning by the accident al discharge of his shot eun near his home one milo- south of West Salem. Mr. Brophy pastured his cow in a hnii yard across tho Dallas, Falls City & Eustern railroad tracks and every morn ing led her down to the pasture gate. Wild ducks frequently alight in a small creek near the gate and Mr. Brophy usually carried Ins shot cun down with him and several times had brought ducks back with him, ' Ho took his shot gun nlonir as usual this morning and from the. indications ni i no sceno ot the accident it was ap parent that tho hnmmer of the Gun caught on the wins of the gate and the gun was discharged as ho held it in his arms. The rliurge of shot struck him just under the point of tho chin und ranged directly upward tearing the whole front of his face off up to his eyebrows, He fell backward and was found by Coronev ''laugh with the gun Ivinp between Imh ItTini.a uwii charged shell in the chnmbor. Tho gun u n gauge nunimer gun and the muzie was but a short distance from his face when discharged us his neck was badly powder burned. The body was found when the Dnl las train came along at about 8:15 this morning und Coroner dough wns im mediately notified. Tho coroner from Folk coui,ty also enmo to tho Bceno of tho necident and with Coroner dough reviewed the conditions leading up to tho deuth of Air. Brophy which con vinced them that it wns purely an acci dent. The gate thnt led to the posture was of iron entered with wire and was hung on pulleys. Tile gato did not close readily and it wns necessary to give it several hard jerks before it could be closed. It was evident that in his ef forts to pull the gate up to tho post thnt tho hammer caught on a wire and then slipped off as Mr. Brophy held tin gun in front of him. Mr. Orophy is survived by a widow and cue son, J. E. Brophy, and wns well known both in Murion and Polk counties. He wus warden at tho Oregon stnto pen from 1S05 until March, lHOil, undei Superintendent A. N. tlilbert dur ing the Lord administration. Ho wns known as one of the best wardens that ever served at tho pen and under his management the first system of hand ling affairs on the Insldo to tho mutual advantage of the stuto and the inmates wus instituted. After the end of his term ns warden Mr. Brophy raised hops in partnership with A. N. Gilbert mid 1. L. Patterson near Eoln nnd continued ns a resident of Polk county after ho retired from the hop business. Ho purchased the farm ono mile south of West Snlem where he resided at the time of his death, Henry Brophy wns born jn California 03 years ago and enme to Oregon when 18 years of age. In 1878 he wns wedded to Miss Catherine Nenl, of Ashlund, nnd one son, John E. Brophy, was born to the union. He wns a member of the wooamen or tno world and tlio United VVnrkmnn InilirnM nf Miilnm Vntinptil nr. rangemcnts will bo announced lutor. STORM TRAVELB SOUTH Snn Francisco, Dee 13. The storm hovering over the Pacific coast is moving southward and Los Angeles and southern Cali fornia will soon get the brunt of the gale, the weather bureau stated today, Rainfall has been general in the eentrnl and northern parts of tho state, the Hur.rnmcnto and Santa Clara vnlleys getting a drenching which will Insure bumper crops. Twenty-eight inches of snow Is reported at the summit of the Sierras. No ships will leave Ban Frnn Cisco todny, except tho north const passenger steamers. .Sacramento reported 4.04 Inches of rainfall at 7 a. m. to day. The local weather bureau predicts a hoavv rainfall all through the Sacramento valley during the neit 24 hours nnd has warned nil the cattlemen to remove their stock from tho lowlands. ACCIDENTALLY SHO Chairman Hilles Has Won the 1916 Election By Perry Arnold. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Dec. 13. The republi can national committee meets tomor row. It will choose a convention city and date, and then adjourn confidently awaiting the Novoniber 1916 verdict which its leaders Bay, will be against the democracy. Among those on hand today there was more than tho usual buoyancy and hope. tnairman Hilles of the national com mittee summed up tho confident con victions of his colleagues thus: "The democratic party has been tried before the bar of public opinion and convicted. The verdict will be at four years vacation for them. The cor rective measure which the people will apply will oe four years of republican- i. 'The committee is not hero to select a candidate. The republican ranks con tain half a dozen or more possibilities, behind whom the ever growing senti ment nguinst democratic lneltieiency would crystalize. " I 'The democratic party is divided E San Francisco Chinese Al ready Raising Money To Finance Revolution By Thomas F. Millard. (Editor China Press, Shanghai.) (Written for tho United Press.) Washington, Dec. 13. The signifi cance of Yuan Shi Kni's reported ac ceptance of the Chinese throne does not nppear on the surface, but lies behind he veil of diplomatic intrigue with Japan, the prime mover in the game. i'hero is, however, nothing iu the change itself to disturb China nt pres ent or to menace tho pence of tho Far East, as tho Japaneso foreign minister is reported to have said. China is not now, menacing, nor has she ever recent ly menaced the peace of tho Far East or any- part of the world. Without doubt, her reversion to n monarchy after a brief trial of the re publican form of government suits the vast majority of Chinese. They prefer, too, to hnvo Yuan Shi Kni continue at the head of the government. Moreover, most foreigners think that a monnrchy iB better suited to China's position nt present. As far ns China herself is concerned, this chnngo makes for ordo and pcaco not for disturbance. Japs Run a Bluff. Tokio, Dec. 13. The Japanese press today indignantly denounced Yunn S1, Kni's acceptance of the Chinese throno, and declnred he had openly flouted Jnpnn's advice not to turn the republic into nn empiro nt this time. The pnpers urged thnt Japan make proper representations. Why then this talk of disturbance In certain quarters! The answer is found in tire history nf events of tho Inst four yenrs. The revo lution found Jnpnn intriguing to fe ment internnl strife in Cliinn by sup porting both sides. When lendinu Chinese snw this trap nnd compromised on a nominal republic, Japan fomented the nbort.ivo rebellion 1013 hemled by Sun Yat Sen. After the rebel leaders fled, they took refuge in Jnpnn. I have seen convincing evidences of this duplicity, shown mo by Ly Yunn Hung, lender of the revolution, who is now vice-president. There is not the slightest danger of disorder in Chinn because of the chance of government unless nn outside power provides tho revolutionaries with nrn'v nnd funds. Jnpnn hns wnrned Chi"" thnt disorder may iiceur, which will justify Jnpnn in interferring. And we can he sure that disorder will occur if Japan can start it, thus providing a pre text for seizing control of China's ad ministration while a mnjority of the other Interested powers lire Involved In a great, war. Americans should understand thnt if China follows Japan's course, the H' doctrine would probably bo destroyed and its "open door" will be finally closed. Chinese Are Excited. Ran Francisco, Dec. 13. The revolu tionary f Initio In Snn Francisco's China town wns funned todnv by excited or ators who denounced the acceptance of the throno of China by President loan Shi Kal. A campaign for funds to support a revolution In China, is In full swing, and lnrire sums nro said to have been received from the Chinese throughout tho United States. Leading Chinese merchants predict todnv that China will be torn witii revolution within a short time, "Yuan Shi Knl took our republic from us and ho shall suffer," declared Tong Klnir Chong at a tong meeting, "Although we may not gain our lib erty in, this generation, wo will keep fighting until we succeed. Wo will bleed and die for our country) we aro no loncer slaves." A nation-wide petition will be pre sented to President Wilson urging him not to rocognizo tho new monarchy. against itself. The tarifi! or democrat ic tinkering has reduced the treasury balance, and that party is going ahead with a tremendous program of national preparedness without even the fore sight of considering whence they will draw the necessary money to pay lor this program. On the president's own admission, even without expenditures for armament the government will face an enormous and unprecedented deficit by tho eud of tho fiscal year next June. "And, aside from tho question of their record, the democrats split among themselves, will face a united harmoni ous republican party in the future." The St. Louis delegation Is on hand, fervently rooting to get the republican convention, in the wake of the demo cratic. Chicago, San Francisco and Philadelphia delegations tomorrow, however, will put up a strenuous fight against her claims. The committee will probably docide that it has no power to impose a pri mary upon states that have not passed a primary low, according to Soerotary Reynolds. Two thirds of the conven tion delegations, however, will be elect ed thus. HELD UPBY THE BAR Expected To Reach Bar This Afternoon May Not Try To Cross It Snn Francisco, Dec. 13. With tlm disnbled Hill liner Minuosotn expected to reach the San Fruncisco light ship this afternoon, shipping circles doubt ed that the vessel would bo ablo to pass through tho (lolden (late, owing to the southwesterly galo blowing oft the coast. Two additional tugs left hero onrly today to assist in towing tho Minnesota through ,ic north channel. This will make five tugs towing her. Tho 10,000 ton cargo prolmnly will bo discharged at Mission Hock before tho vessel is taken to the Union Iron Works for repa i rs. Marine Superintendent Wiley, of tho Great Northern Steamship company, to dny refused to discuss the contents of nn important radiogram received last night from Cuptuiu Thomas Oarlick of tho Minnesota, , After health officers have boarded tho Minnesota when she drops uuehor in the harbor. Collector of Customs John O, Davis, United States District tAtorney John W. Preston, United States insiec,tor of Hulls and Boilers, James Guthrie ami J, P, Dolan will go aboard. TlilnVi It Her Boilers. Oakland, Oil., Dee. JHj That tho boilers and propelling mechanism of the big Hill liner Minnesota wore in such a deplorable condition that Chief i Engineer Allen refused to lenvo Sc uttle as officer iu eiinrgo and thnt Al len is ncting in the cnpncity of as sistant engineer on this trip after years of service s chief becaiiBo of this conviction, is the statement mndo today by Mrs, Earl Downing of Plens untou, who has for years been intim ately acquainted with the liner's of ficials ami made many trips aboard the ship, "Wo who know of the big liner and the numerous times she hns linil trouble with her boilers in the past, are not so inclined to believe thnt war plot ters lire the cause of the ship's pres ent trouble)," snid Mrs. Downing. "Chief Engineer Allen, who is ono of the most competent of steamer engin eers, is known to have remarked be fore the Minnesota sailed thut alio would not reach London in tho condi tions she was in und flatly refused to assume the responsibility of taking her around the Horn, "Ho shipped ns first engineer fot the first time since his promotion years ago, just because of this. If members of my tainilv nnd my self did not happen to know these facts L should, lino otiiers proiiamy, no in lined to believe thut the vessel's dif ficulties wero due to meddlesome ones on boa nl but under the circumstances I cannot but believe tho .Minnesota is but u victim of his own troubles and this is but another one of the numer ous oecnsions when she has succumbed to her internnl mecfaiinicnl weakness. "It must lie remembered that the Minnesota Is tho lurgest freight and passenger carrying ship in the world nnd thnt she lias boon afloat for over fifteen years. So ponderous is she thut it is not at all surprisiuu tho tre mendous Ion, I her boilers and engines have been compelled to curry havo weakened under the terrific strain." Mrs. Downing is a member of n well known northern family and nindn her home in the district where tho Minne sota's officers live, for years. She Is one of th" best posted women in Cali fornia on Pacini; const snipping una watches the movements of all tho ma jor vessels with an unusual Interest. ho News Until Tomorrow. San Francisco, Dee. 13. No effort will be made bv federal authorities lie fore tomorrow to board the buffeted and crippled Hill liner Minnesota even should sue innKO tne uoMcn unie ue fore morning. (Continual on Pag F1t.) AUSTRIA MUST COME TO TERMS 7 IT HOUT DELAY Note Sent Her Over the Sink ing of the Ancona De mands Answer DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS MAY BE DISCONTINUED Emperor Is Told the Demands Must Be Acceded To Without Quibbling Washington, Dec. 13. America will brook no delny from Austria in satis- tying demands made upon the latter in connection with the torpedoing of the) Italian liner Ancona with loss of Amer ican lives. In short, crisp terms the noto, published broadcast today, de mands denunciation of the act, punish ment of the comniandor, reparation for lives lost. In words, bluntly frank, Austria is told of America's abhor rence of such nn act. How Germany will advise her ally Austria to answer is tho big question iu officialdom todny. Tho note points out thnt Austria is fnmiliar with tho notes America hns sent Oerinauy. The kaiser, as Greeting spirit of tho coal ition, is expected to do tho directing. Ono probability is that Austria will feel out America with a partly sat isfactory replv. Vet the note is a warning against such a course. Ta fact diplomnts declared tho docn- mont employed the sharpest and most emphntie language America has ever used to another nation. Austria is scarcely expected to liko tho note; but as indiented to the United Press Satur- ilay by a hiir'a official, tho kaiser will probably counsel satisfaction in view of the fact, thnt in his proBont position ho enn scarcely desire to have the forces of tho enemy augmented. After pointing to .its evidenco that tho Austrian submarine commnnder pursued n wanton course in shelling; and sinking tho liner, particularly be- forn tno pnssenirors Had time to got to safety, the note expressed tho view that tho act was a violation of inter national law and of humanity, and de manded: 'As tho good relations of tho two countries must rost on a common re gard for law nnd humanity, the gov ernment of the United States cannot be expected to do otherwiso than do mnnd that the imporial nnd royul gov ernment denounce the sinking of the Ancona as nn illegal nnd Indetonsihle net; that tho officers who perpetrated too deed ho punished; nnd that repara tion by the payment of an indemnity bo mado for tho citizens of tho United States who wero killed or injured by tho attack on the vessel. "Tho government of tho United States expects that tho Austro-IIun-garian government, appreciating the gravity of the case, will accede to it demand promptly; nnd it rosts this ex- pnctution on tno lieliei taut tne Austro HnnL'iiriun uovornmont will not sanc tion or defend an act which Ib con demned bv the world as inhumane anil barbarous, which is nbhorrent to all ivili.ed nations, nnd which has caused the death of innocent American citi- ns." While tho document does not men tion the ullernalivo in event of n re fusul, a break in diplomatic relations U regarded the only outcome Bhould Aus tria fail to comply. Actinir Ambassador .wiedinek nr- ranged a conference wilh Secretary of Stuln Lansing today, and whilo he did not indicate wlint he desired to discuss, it was believed ho Imped to explain em barrassing diplomatic correspondence bearing his name, rather than tho An cona case. Haa Askod for Passport. Wiishinnton. Dec. 13. That Acting Austrinu Ambassador Hwiodinok hud asked for his passports wus tho report current today following his '10 minutii conference with Secretary of State. Lansing. EX SENATOR COCKREIJ. DEAD r....i li.. 1'l Vnrmnr Hin- W HHII I Mil LOll, l.. v . - . v. 11 ..I i;uu.,ri .lu ll niiir rnini in w ... -"n- at his residence here toduy nt the ngo i... i :.. f,.:i:n k.Miltlt OT HI. 110 I1IH1 IMM-ll I" iuiiihh for several months. THE WEATHER I TUP Tonight UV. ."m ....... ... s. i iiritunn: j anil i nesting, t- ts cnsional rain in west, accosional rain or snow la east portion; the winds aro mostly southerly. L- C TUB I trurel