Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 11, 1915, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    A i
Mysfery 5Ap Minnesota
Maintains Strict Silence
partment of justice Dt Washington to
begin limitation without delay s
soon ns the liner drops anchor, and is
endeavoring to obtuin the use of a rev
enue cutter to meet her.
nicamsnip inspectors J. P. Dolan and
James Guthrie
are in receipt of order
from hupervising Inspector John K.
Mulger, who in in Scuttle
the Minnesota as soon us possible to
conduct an investigation into the boil
er and machinery trouble.
The Minnesota's boilers were filled
with mud, oil and scules, indicating
either gross negligence or malicious in
tent to destroy them, according to a
wireless report.
Marine (Superintendent Wilev declar
ed today that it is silly to believe that
officials of the company at .Seattle
would have permitted tlio vessel to sail
on such a long voyage without having
everything in good condition.
'this was in answer to the statement
of C.ermnn Consul Bopp that he ha
positive information that the boilers
were in a state of deterioration.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 11. Acting
under orders from tho department of
juetice iu Washington, A. M. Blanford,
local agent of tho department, early to
day attempted to board the disabled
Hill liner Minnesota, which it being
towed up the coast to Kan Fraucisco
Blanford was unable to locate the
Minnesota, which passed Una Pedro
harbor earlier than expected.
He was fleshed rush orders' to board
the vessel if possiblo when it was re
ported that an attempt would be made
to take a man off the ship as it passed
this port. Blanford intended to defin
itely ascertain what had happened
board the ship. Her officers and ngontB
of the Hill line refuse to toll how the
linor, en route to England with food
and dynamite was disabled.
Blanford 's instructions wero issued
by Chief Bielsski of -the bureau of in
vestigation, Washington.
Failing to find tho Minnesota Blan
ford spoke with her from tho Marconi
wireless station, San Pedro, at 4:30 a.
m. His wireless couversntinn with i,.
was the first held directly with the ves- May Reach Port Tonight !
Bel by other than agents of her own-1 San Luis Obispo, Cal., Dec 1 1 The '
era since she was disabled. Who gavo disabled Hill liner Minnesota wocced-'
her position as off Santa Barbara, well slowly up the coast in tow is not !
within the three mile neutrality zone. , expected off Port Harford ' before :
It is believed a most serious men- night. The Minnesota is reported about ;
ace to the Minnesota might lurk outside midway between San Luis ObNpo and
tho throe mile limit, as she is running an Pedro. Another tog will arrive
a constant risk by hugging tho shore, ''ere this afternoon from Pun Francisco'
I he tugs towing her could hardly keep o assist in towing the crippled vessel
her ott the rocks in tho event of a according to tho warfingcr '
storm, it is believed. ! .Special Agent Eathbun and a staff!
imjuwum ions or tiynnmito arc "ion prohnbly will board her wln-i I
sno readies the Cohen (late. Tn,i;,.n
work hf
included in nor cargo, according to in-
mriuimou secured ny federal investi
gators. Blanford did not secure confirmation
of the report that Captain Gurlick was
not in command, or Hint ho had been
replaced by the chief mate.
Not Due to Accident.
San Francisco, Dec. 11. With the be-
tions are they will
secretly ns possible..
try to
10c 10c
Charles Chaplin
Tworeel Side-splitting Comedy
Tomorrow SUNDAY
3 ACTS 3
Hawthorne's Minstrel
In A Night of Minstrely
5 Pretty Girls 5
2 Clever Comedians 2
The Dervish Whirlwind
World's Greatest
Matinee 1 5c
Evening 25c
The state banking board to
day appointed E. Fritz Slade, of
.Salem, assistant superintendent
of banks at a salary of $135 a
month. Mr. Blade will succeed
E. 8. 'Sims, who recently re
signed. . To his new' position Mr. filnde
brings an ability gained
through long -service as a dep
uty ander Bank Examiner Bar
gent. B. C. Bargh, of Portland, will
take the vacancy created by
Mr. Blade's promotion. This '
pays $110 a month salary.
Washington Awaits News.
Washington, Dec. 11 While awniiinir
wire reports from Ban Francisco ,.,,.
ecrniiig the mystery surrounding the
crippled food ship Minnesota, depait-
lief in lncnl slnnnin,, " ' . . . ' ' W ' " " im ITPO tlHIH.V
l -- --- Kn..,iiK iney uiu not eiieve Her breakdown u.i
stronger that tho boilers of tho liner accidental uituKiiown h.is
wJlUrn-11"'!" 4,"n,l'"c,,witl1- Ud I On the other hand, they expressed 1,,..
took JIZ "Z"0' Pwrt. that there is 'a connection be
took steps to secure permission to tween evidence in the alleged Pacific
thTo'ii nrrnmmn',Ih!ly 8''e f'","' hm"h I'Iot" n''d ntial.ap to the
through the Golden Gate. ship. They refused, however, to " ve
Preston is undo orders from tho de- any definiate particulars.
The executivo committee of the Ma
rion County Principals' association is
now in session at the court house, di
cussing with Wnlter Smith, county
school superintendent, the program for
the next meeting of the association,
scheduled for January 8 at the Salem
high school.
Tho committee will also discuss the
matter of revising tho constitution of
the athletic association of tho county
schools and will report to the principals
at the January meeting. Those attond-
ing today's session are: County School
Superintendent Walter M. Smith, B. II.
Conkle, of Bilverton, Superintendent W.
C. Gauntt, of Stayton, president of the
principals' association; T. W. Codwnrd,
of Marion; A. N. Arnold, of Liberty.
Washington, Dec. 11. President Wil
son returned here today from Colum
bus, Ohio, where yesterday he made
two speeches. Ho rested most of the
way back.
FOR SALE 7 acres, 4 acres under cul
tivation, set to young mixed orchard,
balame in timber and pasture, lino,
3-room house, hen house for 400 birds,
new burn, 1 horse, buggy, cow, fresh
ens February 15, harness, 130-egg Cy
phers incubator, 1 plow, 1 harrow,
heating stove, post hole digger, 1
rake, 1 shovel, 1 potato fork, 1 pitch
ford, 1 manure fork, 1 stand of bees.
Located 1 mile west of Bosedulc.
Good rock road all the way. Tele
phone nnd rural delivery. Good well.
Price .i0, ijUOO down, balance 3 1-2
years. Cost originally $1,950. Own
er going aw ay. Beo
124 South Liberty. Phone 037
Btopped by Frenchman.
New" York, Dec. 11. The steamer
Sun Juan today wirelessed that a
French cruiser stopped her and took
off two Hermans of New Orleans. This
makes tho third New York-Porto Riean
liner thus held up.
Y. M. . A. Committees
Were Appointed Today
.President W. I. Btaley, of the Y. M.
C. A. today appointed his several com
mittees for the general work of the
association for the coming year. In
each of the special committees, several
now members have been named, al
though each committee will include
part of the working force of the pres
ent year. The financiul committee, will
remain the same ns for the past year.
The appointments are as follows for
ench of the different committees:
Religious work A. A. Lee, Geo.
Hatch, Glen C. Niles, Albert Copley,
liov. James Elvin.
Membership R. C. Bishop, Ernest
Blue, Hny linker, Lee Cnruh, Ben Wil
liams, Oscar E. Price.
Executive J. H. Farrnr, J. II. Lew
is, A. A. Lee.
Physical Carlo Abrams, Curtis B.
Cross, R. C. Bishop, .1. H. Fairar.
Entertainments H. (.'.. Epley, Carl
D. Gnbrielson, John F. White, F. 1'.
Slade, R. F. White, R. R. Jones.
Hoy s work Jos. Albert, Glen C.
N'ilos, ( has. Knowlnnd, Harold Eakin,
Geo. ,f. Watson, A. C. Davidson.
Educational II. B. Thielsen, J. II.
Lewis, B. L. Stoeves.
Social i. B. Albin, Ernest Hunt,
Jus. Young, Kay I. Kichardson, Dr. F.
L. Utter.
Boxing nnd fencing L. II. Compton.
Wrestling, O. B. Kransite.
Finance Paul B. Wallace, R. J.
Hendricks, T. B. Kav, Jos. II. Albert,
W. T. Jenks.
Now Dig Up Your Old
Clothes for Bundle Day
Now is the time for all good citizens
to show their Christmas spirit and
rummage through their old clothing,
bundle .them, and te'.ephone 302, to
Ivan G. McDaniel, secretary of the Sa
lem Social Service ('enter. Monday
will be known as "Bundle Day" and
it is these bundles of old clothing, shoes
and children's clothes that are so badly
needed hy the Center for immediate
dintriburton to the needy in the city.
Througu the kindness and also the
efforts of the Bnlem Woman's club, of
which Mrs. P. H. Raymond is chairman
of the Social Service committee, auto
mobiles have been secured to collect
the packages Monday afternoon.
There seeniB this year to be a much
greater demand for "clothing and espe
cially for children s clothing than ever
before. These calls for children's wear
are continually coming in to the so
cial Service Center and to Mrs. 1'ickett
The program for those who have the
disposition to help and to especially
help that many children may have the
necessary clothing for attending school,)
is as follows: First, make a bundle or1
all the clothing of every kind that one
can afford to give to the needy. Sec
ond, telephone 302, Commercial club,
Monday morning. That's all. The
autos from the conimctcial club will do
the rest.
Lexington, Ky., Dec. 11. Hazing, it
is believed, was responsible for the
death of Thurber Sweet, first year
cadet of the Virginia military institute,
whose body was taken to Chicago today
by his parents. Sweet deserted in Oc
tober, claiming he had been hazed. He
exhibited bruises and Inter, in tho hos
pital, spinal paralysis developed.
Washington, Dec. 11. The state de
partment hud no information today of a
report that Yuan Shi Kni had accepted
the throne of China, after tho eouncil
had tendered it to him.
mjm w That
Rk, , i ( W lhat
Pay You to Investigate If
Why not buy Xmas presents at a Furniture il
Store? Our store will save you money.
have hundreds of useful articles that make acceptable j !;
Xmas presents and the prices are right.
For Mother
Johnson Bros. Imported China, 50 piece set. . .$ 8.50
White and Gold 50 piece set ; $ 6.50
Comfortable Rockers $1.25 to $27.50
Rugs of all sizes 75c and up
Dining Room Sets $12.00 and up
Dressers $6.50 to $18.50
Polished Top Ideal Range $26.50
Carving Sets $1.50 up
Roasters 75c up
Clocks $1.00 up
Cedar Chests $8.50 to $16.50
Aluminum Ware.
For Baby
Irish Mail $1.50
Chairs and Rockers 15c to $3.50
Wheel Borrows 35c to $1.25
Wagons 90c to $6.50
Drums, Rocking Horses, Roller Skates and Many
others too numerous to mention.
For Father
Smoking Stand 95c and up
Easy Chairs $3.00 and up
Easy Rockers $3.00 and up
Hand Bags $2.75 up
Trunks $4.50 up
Card Tables ...$1.95 up
Reading Lamps $3.50 up
Suit Cases, prices right.
Many other articles that father will enjoy and prices
For Sister
Princess Dressers $8.50 to $18.50
Sewing Rockers $1.50 and up
Brass Beds $8.50 and up
Writing Desks $6.00 to $18.50
Bed Room Rugs $3.50 and up
Dressing Tables.
Many others, see us.
Maccabce Drill Teams
Yill Compete Tonight
The drill team of Maecabeo Indim.
T'ortland No. 1 will compete this even
ing with Balem lodge No. 6 at tie
lodge rooms following a short business
session, it is expected that at least 40
members of the Portland lodgo will ac
company their drill team. Several
Maccabees from Cervais will attend in
cluding II. D. Jlars, editor of the Gcr-
vais star.
The drill judges are J. II. Van Win
kle, former postmaster of Albany, and
,Mr. Bhafter, of Liuton, who will" select
a third judge.
After the short business opening, the
Tortland tenm will drill, and this will
be followed by a banquet, about 9:.'!0.
Balem team will then put on their
work, under Captain J. A. Hooring
er. '
While the judges are making their
decision, a short program will be ren
dered, which will include short talks
by prominent Maccabees.
These competing drills arc under the
supervision of the state officers, and
will be .continued until finally ono
team is warded the honor of being tio
best drilled in the state, and will re
ceive the state bonner.
Grand ThcatreToday
Last Presentation of the Paramount Production 1
The Good Little Devil
nn 1 r -
g i he thorus Ladv
Grand Theatre, Mon. Dec. 20
Suit has been filed against the Ore
gon Electric Railway company by T. H.
Claro who lives on North Front street.
It is chnrged that when tie railroad
constructed its fill and enbankment in
front of tho plaintiff's homo the work
was done without consulting Clare and
resulted in the blocking of egress from
the property mentioned in tho com
plaint The property is said to have
been worth $2000 at tho time the rail-
Ijroad started work and is now worth
fil but 5U0. Damages in the sum of
$1000 and costs nro asked. Grant Corby
is attorney for the plaintiff.
Circuit Judge Galloway has ordered
a non suit in the action of tho People's
bank, of Silverton, against Kmily O.
Lee, of thfc sanio city. The suit was to
collect an alleged unpaid balunco on a
promissory note of t'MO.
Pesertion for more than a year is the
ground on which a divorce has been
grantnd Charles A. (lunt, from Kliza
beth tJantz now in Indiana. Property
rights were settled out of court.
We sell for less because our expenses are the lowest
The Store ::
Where :
You get
Prices i
Frnnk Morrison, W. V. Buchner and
D. Webster are named by the county
court us appraisers of the CBtato of Al
exander M. Oifford. of which Oliver
Jory, of this city, is guardian.
A total of l,:t00.41, of which 14.
000 is real property is included In too
estate of Mary Williams for which 8.
A. Williams has rendered a final re
port as administrator.
Final accounting of the estate of I
Minerva Ann Pico has been submitted
to and approved by tho county court.
Orlena K. Bteiiror is administrator.
11 IMPTftM
"A t'ful actrtss in a real flay." N. Y. IIhald,
, 'Inifiring, rtvirbsrniittg triumph." I
, Amy I ri.ir, in C iiirm Ntw.
Prices $2, $f .50 and 75:. Mail Orders Receded
lifo they have attained to. The book
will be of interest to those who lire in
terested in Willamette, as many of her
graduates have held high positions in
stnto and national life.
Under tho direction of Pr. Poney
and with the aid of tho faculty a new
series of bulletins are to be issued quar
terly and sent out to the high schools
of the state and also to tho patrons and
friends of tho institution. The bulle
tin will have short nrticles on tho value
of a college education and a grist of
Willamette news.
A letter from Taul T. Unman, '1.1,
to Professor James T. Matthews, de
picts the life of tho American student
at Oxford university in Knglund. Mr.
Unman states thnt everything is dull at
the university, only one-fourth of the
students remain, tho rest huvo gone to
the front. Tens nnd hrenkFnuia or..
about the only social events, while in
athletics an occasional football game
and some tennis murk tho extent of
athletic activities.
Mr. Human spent the summer travel
ing in the Alps of Switzerland in com
pany with several other American stu
dents. Ho is tho second student from
Willamette to enter Oiford as the win
ner of tho lihodes scholurship.
Miss Itosniuond Gii'nert lias a guest
for the winter, Miss Mildred Johnson,
of Bt. rnul, Minn. Miss Johnson at
tended tho University of Minnesota
last year.
The yuletido vesper services to bi
Riven by the Y. M. C. A.'e last Bun
day afternoon in the Philodorian hallx
at 3 o'clock promises to bo nn insuiia-timial-
service. Professor James T.
Matthews will speak on "Tho Christ
mas Bpirit." Christmas songs will bo
the nuturo of singing by the Btudents,
while the Ladies' Cileo club will give.
" Holy Night." A male quartet will
sing a Christmas carol, nnd one of Misn
Turner's violin pupils will piny a solo.
Mr. Perril Koxford will give a voenl '
solo. This will bo tho last meeting of
the associations for the year, as the.
holidays begin on next Friday after
noon nnd most of the students will hnvn
gflno homo for vacation. Townspeople
uro cordially invited to this service.
The county court has nnnointed Ar-
thur (Ji it'lin administrator of tho estate)
of Julian Dupont who died Pecemebr
H. A total of 7o0 is involved.
The new charter i.imHp.l in tin. ..I.....
tiou at Bcio Monday, as did all tho can
didates on the charier ticket. II... t.
cd members aro as follows:
MnVor. Pr. A. fl. Prill: rncnr.l..!. i
B. Bticha: treasurer, Hoy V. Bheltnn;
marshal, iNormun Long: enuneilinHii, P.
If. McPonuld, N. 1. Morrison, F. T.
Bilyeu, John Wesley, it. M. Cain.
Tho winners in the yell contest have
been decided upon. Tho Misses Cathey,
Wutsell and McCiilley wero the writ
ers of the yell which won tho W. V.
sofa pillow, and Miss Catliey was the
winner of the second prize, a large W.
U. pennant embossed with tho WiMnn
ettn seal.
Prof. Ilobort K. Btnuffer, head of the
department of Knglish literature, is or
ganizing an Kugllsh club that will meet
for the first time after tho Christ
was holidays. At this meeting Mr. '
H. Jasper will present a pnper on "The
Literature of tho American Imiui
graut." Mr. Jasper is a student of
sociology and his work along socialistic
lines should recommend that the pa
per will ba a meritublo on and one
worth hearing.
The acuity committee, consisting of
Professors Matthews, Kirk. Hevnnlds
and Ford, are setting tho "Who's Who
of Willamettor' almost competed; this
book when finished will give thn name
and address of every Willamette
alumnus who has graduated since IHfit.
Besides giving tho address it will nlf.ii
state what they are dninu, what they
Staging and Piano m a Comedy Sketch
Sunday BLI0M Mat 15c
7"i -i- n-"- ir Tf- -r pm
10 c
Sunday and Monday 10c
The eminent Diamatio Actor In a 5 Reel rioturlzatlon
The Song of a Wage Slave
rrom "Tie Spell of the Yukon and other verscii by Robert W.
Always k Always
10c lgEtWOI iqc
have accomplished and what station in