Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 11, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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jfONSIDERABLE interest Is being
manifested by the various com
mittees and the women of Salem
itiwui thA mnvintp nf tnA Y W T A.
into their new club rooms in the Roth Florence Hofer's home Wednesday ev
kuilding next week. loning, will eclupse all former similar
Through the generous eontributionsclubl. in interest and merriment,
aiil zealous efforts of the numerous! This perfecty new club, composed of
clubs and society women in Salem the;" younger belles and beaux, will meet
aew club rooms will be attractively at tne nomes of -the various members,
and artistically furnisliod.
Ja their now quarters the Y. W. C.
A. have thirteen bed rooms a large liv
ing room, club room, dining room and
office for which most all of the furni
ture has been purchased, with the ex
ception of a desk for the office and
a piano.
The board of directors are more than
a little grateful to those who generous
ly offered their time and assistance in
this beneficent undertaking and are so
elated over the culminating success that
they wish to express their deop appre
ciation. Among the many affairs and contri
butions given by the numerous society
and club women who divided responsi
bilities in making a wonderful success
of this great achievement were: The
Jitney Frolic, The Silvor Tea, The
Thursday Aftornoon Club Musicalo,
Parcel Tost Party, Mcrry-Go-Round
flub, Happy Hour club, Thursday
Bridge club, The Thursday Luncheon
club, The North Salem Woman's club,
and Miss Nina McNary's Sunday
School class. The munificent merchants
have also added infinitely to the sue-
x m as
A iS" m II m 1
a I II I 1 H A J
J . 1 Hi VJ V
When was it ever easier to do your Christmas buying?
any article in the entire store (rubber footwear alone
of at least
Tf you want to give something high
ly desirable give Gloves. Fine Kid
at (1.15 to $1.73. Mocha In various
shades of brown and gray at the
same., prices. ..FOR DRIVERS
Heavy Fur or Plush
Gloves .'.
The assortment is as vuriod ns tho
Suspenders are elaslic, which is Buy
ing a good deal.
These are handsomely boxed and
make good and OC- Cftp 7C
inexpensive giftB OMKf UV
Combination boxes of Suspenders,
arra bands, etc., at various prices.
Where is the man that goes with
out Socksf It's H safe gift to give.
Fine Octagon Lisle Huso 25o
Silk 500
Wool 25c to GOo
Matched boxes of Hose, Garters,
Neckties, etc., 50c and up
Artie Over-fihoes
for Oraadma.
Bed Top Rubber
Boot for little
cess and furnishing of these attractive
club rooms.
Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Put
nam were hosts for a charming dinner
proceeding the Ringler. dancing clans
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Putnam s guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wells.
Among the 'new informal dancing
clubs organized this winter by the
younger set, the Friday night club,
'which held its premier dance at Miss
the next dance of which will be given
bv Harry Mills Friday evening.
Those included in the club are: Bar
bara Steiner, Mary Schultz, Florence
Hol'er, Helen Dockebach, Myrtle (Al
bright, Nnnnclle Bloom, Jack Carson,
Jr., Allan Hynon, Clarence Byrd, Harry
Mills, Hollo Alley, William Hoggins,
and Earl Fogle.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith will open
their attractive home to the members
of their Bridge club Mouday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thielsen and
family returned .Friday from a brief
visit to Portland.
ProfesHOr Ringler's dancing class is
gaining 'in popularity each week and
society folk aro becoming more and
morn enthusiastic.
Tho announcement of the premier
subscrintion dunce 10 be given during
the holiday seems to have bestirred
tho smart set into learning the weird
intricacies of the new dunces as was
eviednccd by the Inrge number who at
tended the cIbhs Thursday evening.
fViFTS -for
l"t . .........
US. guinea
The daintiest of Organdies,
Laces and Nets fashioned into
the most exquisite Neck pieces,
t'repo de Chine Collar and Cuff
setB and numerous creations thnt
defy description, OCn
Pleasing gilts
The most stunning Fourin
Hands wo have ever shown.
Handsome, large flowing ends;
striking patterns for the gay and
sombre shades for the conserva
tive. These aro ties of excellent
quality Ties that wear
25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00
Bath Rolc Blankets
with Cords to match
$1.90 to $4.00
For Men and Women
Our stock of Slippers is large
and new and comprises only such
makes as are wholly dependable
Slippers, not made to sell at a
ridiculously low price, but, made to
give entire satisfaction.
Women's Slippers
Men 's Slippers
. 75c to $1.40
, 05o to 1.78
ONE touch of Santa makes tne
whole world thrill, so let us make
this year tine banner year by
sending to every needy or lonesome
child some remembrance of the Yule-
tide season. Games, books, toys, which
are in good condition, but have been
diseardod by children who nave pieniy.
Philanthropic sections in all the clubs
must busy themselves with prepara
tions now, as Christmas looms up in
the very near future.
Charming in detail and appointment
was the dinner presided over by Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Sargent Wednesday ev
ening in honor of E. F. Sims of Port
land. Graceful crimson carnations and
ferns adorned the table which was ar
ranged for the members of the state
banking department.
Mr. and Mrs. Sargent's guests were:
E. F. Sims. Miss Ida Simmons, Fritz
Slade, Charles Stewart, of Albany, and
George H. Tracy, Jr.
Mrs. Claude Thayer, of Oakland,
California, is the Rouse guest of her sis
ter. Miss Sally Bush.
Mrs. Thayer will visit in Salera for
about two weeks.
Iiovely fragrant pink rose buds
formed an artistic back ground for the
members of the Happy Hour Bridge
club, which met witn Mrs. J. n. emitn
on Wednesday afternoon.
Four tables were arranged for the
players with high score honors falling
to Mrs. .bdgar .Hartley.
Mr. and Mrs. Asahcl Bush, returned
this morning from Portland wjcre tncy
were the guests at a dinner and the
Hockey game last night. '
Tho members of the Thursday after
noon club gathered at the home of
Here is your choice of
excepted) at a reduction
A most -valuable gift safely
bought at small cost. No worry
about sizes or colors. Any one will
fit and suit. Good quality silk and
linen or all silk covers as you choose
with the newest ffC OC
handles, up to pjXJ
And Purses. Here is relief for
man. If he can bring himself with
in eye 'Tango of these Hand Bugs
his worries nro over, Any woman
would be delighted with ono of
tjiem, All new
50c to $5.00
Initial, onch Mc and 25
Plain Hemstitched all linen 5 to 25c
Swiss handkerchiefs, embroidered
and hemstitched 5 to 25c
Linen Handkerchiefs, embroidered
hemstitched 25c to 75c
Linen hemmed with Venice Edge
l'-e 50c to $.1.00
Broken lines
throughout the
entire store re
duced 20 to 60
ft BL w l l i I I " '
Why not a Nice Casserole, with
metal frame, something useful
for Xmas.
The Store of Housewares
Mrs. Edwin Baker this week for an
attractive one o'clock luncheon, fol
lowed by an informal Kensington.
The board was aglow with beautiful
red carnations witu covers for four
teen. Mrs. Jesse Evan Slanders (Lillian
Metschun) who is the guest of Mrs. L.
F. Griffith, was the only additional
w m w
Mrs. David Eyre presided over an-at-tractive
stag dinner Friday evening in
honor of Mr. Eyre's birthday.
The table was decked with lovely,
feathery yellow chrysanthemums and
Sreens with covers for a number of
ir. Eyre's friends who are enthusias
tic golfers.
Circling the board were: Chauncey
Bishop, Guy Sargent, Carl Gabrielson,
U. O. Shipley, Ralph Moores, E. Fritz
Slade, Wiliaiu Burghardt Jr., James
Young and Mr. Eyre.
The many friends of Mrs. Charles
Gray will be interested to know that
sho will leave San Francisco Tuesday
for the east by way of Los Angeles
where sne will be loined by Mrs. Ann
Shannon Monroe for a trip to New Or
leans and Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Gray will not return to Oregon
before February.
Mrs. Edgar Hartley was hostess for
the Monday .bridge club, Monday af
ternoon. Three tables of the game were ar
ranged in the rooms, which were adorn
ed in beautiful feathery chrysanthe
mums and greenery. Mrs. Charles L.
Dick was awarded high score honors.
Airs. Hartley was assisted by Mrs. U.
K. Spaulding and Mrs. .Robert Dows
The members bf the Monday Even
ing Dancing club indulged ioyousJy
Monday night in tho second of thoir
delight iul and most cherished diversion
which took place in the Moose hall.
A large number of the members
thronged the attractive. Moose ball
room lor tile second of these charming
parties, the next of which will be given
in the near future. The club members
iare as follows: Mr. aud Mrs. W. E.
! Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Haum-
gartner, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Burton, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. G. Brown, Mr, and Mrs.
; Ed Baker, Mr, and Mj-s. J. II. Hrophy,
(Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Benson, Mr, and
Mrs. Grant Honnell, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
x. i uuuiocK, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dan
cy, Mr. and Mrs. F. G, Deckebach, Mr.
ami airs, i . ii. liaiioway, Mr. and Mrs.
Merlin Harding, Mr. mid Mrs. L. T.
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hoffnell,
jM'r. and Mrs. V. M. Hamilton, Mr. and
livirs. a. a. iwrnaren, Mr. and Mrs. O,
!C Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Lewis,
I Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Marvin, Mr, and
IMrB. W. W. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
(Myers, Mr. and Mrs. O. O, McClolland,
I Mr and Mrs. NV'm. MeCilchrist, Mr. and
I Mrs. H. H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
lutiiinn, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Patto
Mr. and Mrs. Kuy Riithnrdson, Mr. and
iurs. ueo. ii. Jticnos, Mr. and Mrs. W
C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stowart
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mr. and
Mrs. 11. ii. smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. O.
Siocke, Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Wieduer,
Mr. and Mrs. O, A. Wood, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Wenderotli, Mr. and Mr O.
H. Webb, Miss Edna Simonton, Miss
Hnttin Hargrove, Miss Nelie Schwab,
vtm. a. naiion, unlph fc Wilders, W
P. Powers.
Miss Marpnret Hodgers, who re
turned with her parents. Weduesditv
from San Francisco, left Thursdny for
Portland where she is 'attending Miss
lumn s scnool.
Tho .vensington club siient a delight
fully imorniHl afternoon with Mrs. Guy
onrgent, rriilnv.
Mrs. John J. Roberts was the ouly
aoiiiomu guest.
Miss Knthrvn Slado will leave Mon
treal Monday for Chicago, where she
will join tho Clifford Browns and fle-
comnanv them home.
Miss Slado will be tho house guest of
her sister, Mrs. John J. Roberts, until
the arrival of her parents, Mr., and
Mrs. William Slade who will arrive in
Salem the first of the year to make
thoir home,
A delightful nft'nir of Friday even
ing was tho "TiOO" party for which
Mr. ami Mis. T. M. narr were the
Guests were asked for six tuhles of
the gumo including tiie members of the
Jolly (Score club and a few additional
ingii scores for the evening were
captured by Mrs. J. G. Nadou and John
Nathmaii. The club members present
were: .ur. anil Mrs. J. u. JNadon, Mr.
and i. . E. McKinnev. Mr. and Mrs.
John Xond, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nathman, Mr. and
Mrs. John Engdnll, Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Met arthy and Mr, and Mrs. Mickel.
The additional guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Juskoski. Mr. and Mrs,
Pretzel, Mrs. Frank Murray and George
Mrs. Bnrr was assisted iu the serv
ing by Mrs. Frank Pavey.
Mrs. Seymour Skiff was the charm
ing hostess lor the La Couder club Fri
day afternoon.
uoiigiimuiv intormal sewing was
lonoweu ny a dainty luiicb,
Mrs. Skiff was assisted in the serv
ing by Mrs. Mathews.
The additional guests were Mrs. Ar
min Steiner and Jurs. Holly Farmer.
Honoring Mrs. Jesse E. Slanders
(Lillian Metschnn) of Portland, Mrs.
Homer Goulet presided over an artis-
j tii-ally appointed ouo o'clock luncheon
rruiay, followed by a sewing.
Circing the table which was a har
mony of vivid rod geraniums and fra
grant verbena intermingled with smi
lax were: Mrs. Slanders, Mrs. William
H. Dancv. Mrs. L. V. Griffith, Mrs. Kd-
Lasting, Useful, Christmas
Iresents t the store of HoobO'
135 N. Liberty St.
win Baker. Mrs. George Brown, Mrs.
Komeo Goulet, Mrs. Harry Olinger and
the hostess.
The Breakfast club spent a jolly in
formal evening Thursday, when Miss
lla Spaulding, Miss Caroline Dick, Miss
Irene Curtis, Miss Kuth Schultz and
Miss Olga Gray, entertained them at
the home of Miss Spaulding.
Included in this little breakfast club
are a bevy of the younger set, who are
Miss Caroline Dick, Miss lla bpauld
ing, Juibs Barbara Steiner, Miss Vivian
Hargrove, Miss Ruth Schultz, Miss
Irene Curtis, Miss Retha Hughes, Miss
Clarice Harris, Miss Ethel Frazier,
Mise Olga Gray, Mis Edna Howd, Miss
Marybelie Keiuhart and Miss Lois
ThA HaIa nf Pn,1 Crnaa fltnmni la nnw
On in HnlATIl SnJ Ihiaa daaipinn naala
tor their Christmas packages may se
cure mm ai Kiisn s Dank, the drug
stores, Patton's book store and Com-
uivrcuu dooh store.
Among those who sold stamps during
the week at Lsdd & Bush's bank were:
Mrs. Mclvill W Plimnfon U.o In..,,l,
Reinhart, Mrs. J. P. Jones, and Mrs. B.
C. Hill.
An invitational musTpntA will h nlv.
en Monday evening at the Congrega
tional church when Miss Beatrice Shot
ton will present the Misses Alice Bak
er, Laura Arena, Ruth Schultz and
Genevieve Yankee. They will be as
sisted by Miss Margaret Hodge, vocal,
lurs. Dinncue usion XNiemcyer, who
will read from lien I Fur TIia Anonl ,i,l
Shepherd with musical accompaniment,
au .iAii.il iuury ociiuuz, ij.rs. viola
Vereler Holmsn. in vinlin tmf m.
will be Mrs. Holman's final appearance
in rniiai as sne leaves ror California
the first of the year.
This is thA first nf a nt m,,,;.
calcs thut are to be given by Miss Shcl-
. ft ft ft
A delightfully informal sewing bee
gtv.'n -nionaay attcrnoon by Mrs
George Meyers for her daughter, Mrs
Edward Thielsen.
Mrs. L. U. Josse -was hostess Wed
nesdav ufernoon for thn HlimArli linn
sinirton cluh.
An euioyable afternoon of sewing
iunuweii ny tea served by Mrs.
Joeso and her ilanirhtAr. Mia K.lnu
ft ft ft
' The Elks concert nnd dance whic
took place Friday evening at their n
tractive club house was rich with
things to remember.
A musical combination of excellent
quality was given. Appearing on the
programme were: Mrs. Carlton Smith,
VOCIll NOlns: Mi Afnrv K,. l,,,li ,.
solos: Lan Lungenberg, solos; and Miss
u mum Piemen, wno gave dclightfut
numbers on tho Aitnnnlln ,.f i,o
most wonderful piano players of the
ij. iiero is me programme:
Vocal: Good Bye Tosti
Dan F. Lungenberg, Basso, Can
tante. Two pianos: Concerto F. Minor
(Allegro) Arensky
Ursula Dietrich nnd Artnpollo.
(This number will be rendered on
two pianos Miss Dietrich playing the
Oreiiestra Dart on mm ninnn witu 4i,
"Artapollo" playing tho solo part.)
ioiiu; (hi nieaiation trom 'Thais'
V Musse.net
(b) lunnwiiik Mazurka- Wioniakskl
. Mary Schultz, violinist, accom
panied by Artapollo.
Mjss Dietrich and Artapollo: Valso
f'arisienne Lee S. Roberts
(This number will bo pluved alter
nately by the Artnpollo and Miss Diet
rich, showing by this close comparison
that there is absolutely no difference
between the playing of the "Artupol
lo" nnd a finished musician.)
Artapollo: (a) Caprice Vennois ....
Fritz Kreisler
Played bv Felix Fuure.
(b) Silvery Brook Waltz Bruhm
Vocal; At Dawning
Clinrles Wakefield ('adman
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, soprano.
Two pianos: Invitation to the
I'nnce Weber
Ursula Dietrich and Artapollo.
(Miss Dietrich played the first
movement of this number in conjunc
tion wiith the Artapollo, the two instru
ments" alternating the solo and orches
tro parts.)
Artapollo: (a) Serenade, (b) Pun-
eb'nello Victor Herbert
Played by Ferdinand Steindel.
Another delightful affair for tho Y.
W. A. was the box social which was
given by the ladies of the North Salem
Woman's club on Wednesday evening
at the home of Mrs. E, E. Fi'shor.
Vases and bowls of lovely pink rose
buds and greens adorned the rooms.
Games, music ami tho raffling of tho
boxes which contained delicious edibles
formed the evening's divorsion.
Tho Indies of this club have been
very successful in all of their under
takings for the benefit of the Y. W C
. ariu over lour dollars was made
from these boxes Wednesday evening,
which were 'not sold for more than
twenty-five cents each.
Mrs. LeRoy Hewlett entertained the
I-rulies Aid society of tho Relief Corps
Thursday, with an enjoyable sewing,
followed by a dleightftil programme
and refreshments.
The rooms were prettily nrrnnged in
gay colored dahlias, delicate roses and
Assisting tho hostess were: Mrs.
Uura McAdams, Mrs. Frank Thomp
son, .urs. Marion Snoder and Msr. Mor
gan. Tha Loyal Woman's Class of the
First Christina church met this week at
the homo of Mrs. E, J. Canatsey on
North Center street.
The rooms were -in bright Christmas
bells, mistletoe and other decorations,
suggestive of the season.
The short bimiuAMB niAAtin, ,..
sided over by the new president, Mrs.
Thomas Ilninli, and was followed by
vtoi vocai solos ny Mrs. T. H. Gnl
lowav. reuitinir bv Mi. V v tv,,.. .
vocal duet by Mrs. F. T. Porter and
Mrs, l. s. Wins.
Later the hostess served dainty re
freshments. The present were: Mrs. C. 8. Bliss,
Mrs. J. p. Barber, Mrs. F. T. Porter,
Mrs. W. Msr Mr., f w n-.,L- m
IJ. V. Morrison, Mrs. 0. O. Witxei! Mra!
I t 1IT 11, I L .r n -r .. ' .
i, r.. nrmcner, airs. c. j. .;anatsev,
Mrs. 8, E. Stone, Mrs. It. C. Eppley.
Mrs. Mulsev. Mrs. J. Camnbell. Mrs.
Dr. ...ercer, Sirs. Glndvs Canntsey,
..... n n r.-A..A.i. r n ii m...
art, of Hufchinson, Kansas, Mrs. T. H.
Galloway, Mrs. 11. S. Kntcliff, Mrs. R.
K, Wilson, Miss Anne Aline, of Wood-
Home Reading
To Be Thoroughly
Should not tire the eyes and be followed with a dull headache
If when reading, your eyes blur, tire or ache, come to mo for a pair
made for your especial use, only after an expert examination of the
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Bldg.
Margaret Mason Writes of
Gotham Fads and Fashions
By Margaret Mason. j
'Round the world milady goes !
To devise bar boudoir clothes;
Often she reclines at ease
In a eoat and pants Chinese;
Oft' an Oriental shawl
Is her only robe at all;
Japanese kimono too
Will enfold her, gay of hue;
Grecian robes, shell often wear "em;
Also trousers a la harem.
Thus to view the exploitation
Of her robes of relaxation
Is, without exaggeration,.
Geographic education.
New- York, Dec 11. Just bear in
mind that bare feet aro the essential
accessories of the newest Grecian negli
gee. At least, they are bare sinco silver
sandals are almost their solo covering.
A lovely Grecian model of silver gau
and scarlet is offered upon tho sartorial
shrine of 1916. The skirt is of silver
gauze nnd the short tunic is of silver
figured in scarlot with binding around
the low neck and flowing Grecian
sleeves A fillet of silver and scarlet at
the head and silver sandals at the feet
prove extreme attractions of this artis
tic new negligee Helen of Troy may
have had something on the nuitlorn
maiden thus attired, but it's barely pos
sible that she had any lefs on her.
Given an oblong shawl of gold em
broidered gauze, or oven a vividly em
bellished Carmen shawl of silk and
fringe and, with a little time and two
pins, any bright young thing can
bum, Mrs. Amanda Aline, Mrs. M. J.
Hunt, Mrs. Geo. 11. Dunstonl, Mrs. fc. i
I. Tnwnuoml. Mrs. .1. G. Hull. Mrs.:
ChaB. Davis, Mrs, M. J. Peters. Mrs. N.j
Scritchlow. Mrs. J. E. Peck, Mrs. I. h.
Acheson, Mrs. A. Porter, Mrs. 1', vt..
Rider. !
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miles were hosts
for a charming dinner Sunday evening.;
ric'linir ihu tilhlfl which WUH lirtistic-i
allv adorned in fragrant . piuJi.-rosea' and !
ferns, were: 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril I'runer, -Wbs
U-irminritA AlilAA Miss Kc.Lnnn. Lonu.'
Miss May Ranch, Bob Roberts, Claude
Ranch, Charles Randall nnd the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shipp entertained
the Oaks Lodiro club Wednesday even
ing at their home on South Fourteenth
street. Five hundred formed the even
ing's diversion with the prizes falling
to Mrs. John Saipp and Wilbur Camp
bell. The guests were: Mrs. Davis, from
California, Mr. and Mrs. J. Print., Mr.
and Mrs. P. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Donelson, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Campbell,
Miss Eva Printa, Miss Dnvis and Wil
bur Campbell.
Mrs. A. Fetch entertained the Pyth
ian Sisters club at an enjoyable after
noon Friuay.
During the refreshment hour the
hostess honored Mrs. liechtel- with a
glittering birthday cuke adorned in
pink caudles which Mrs. Bechtel cut
and served to the guests,
Mrs. Fetch was assisted bv Mrs. J.
F. Davis.
The Pringlc Four O'clock club met
with Mrs. H, St.'ipletrm on Thursday
afternoon. An enjoyable social after
noon was spent followed by a dainty
collation. ThoHO present were: Mrs.
R. C. Johnson, Mrs. W. Wevdcmever,
Mrs. J. R. Walker, Mrs. C. Heavilin.
and daughter, Vivien, Mrs. F. C. Wil
key, Mrs. W. Edwards and daughter,
Kliioni, Mrs. N. Suinpter, and son, Del
mer, Mrs. J. Fabry, Mrs. T. Clare ami
daughter, Ada, and Miss Pearl Wiltscy,
Tine Websterian-Adelante halls were
the scene of a formal party of the two
societies last evening.
The halls were tastefully decornled
with potted palms and ferns. Fourteen
tables were arranged iu the rooms for
Progressive Rook, the popular college
card game, during which tune delight
ful selections were given on tho vie
trola, Later tho guests enjoyed an In
teresting programme followed by re
freshments, The numbers given were:
Piano solo, Professor Walluce .Mac
Murry. Reading, Mr, Harry Bowers.
Vocal solo, Miss jean Mclnttirff.
Instrumental duet, Misses Eva llngue
and Genevieve Avison.
Professor and Mrs. Morton E. Peck
and Professor Wallace MacMurray
chaperoned tho party.
Mr. and Mrs, W. M. persons enter
tained n number of the citv letter car
riers and wives, during tiie week at
their home on 12(Hi North Commercial
Cards and music furnished the even
ing's entertainment, after which tiie
hostess served a dainty lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris (Blanche
WhitA whn ftuffl ninrrii.d f thA tiri,t'
home nunday, December tho fifth.
wore me niuui or. a aciignuui surprise
shower Thursday evening.'
The bride and groom were the reci
pients of uiauv useful and utractivo
8'f' ....
Those gathering for tho jolly little
afl'nir were: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mor
ris, Mr. and Mrs. W. R White, Mr. and
Mrs. L A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Nash, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Richardson,
Mr. aud Mrs. li. f. Wulliug, Mr. and
Phone 109 T
swathe her figure in the luring draper
ies of a bewitching aud original negli
gee. Borrowing an Oriental pattern for
Occidental material, Miss Up To Date
uow wears in the privacy of her bou
doir, (or if she hasn't any, tho privacy,
of her hall bedroom will do), a coat,
and a pair of trousers like perfect
ladies affect in China. Miss Up To
Date's aren't real Chinese embroid
ered ones, however. Goodness, no!
They were worn last season. This year
her 's are made of chiffon velvet banded
around the bottom of the trousers and
tho coat in gold or silver gauze.
If you are simply panting to be coni-
:..!. . v, 11 !,,,
in these newesr, pamy negligee. i
however, you yearn to be ndorntily cud-
dly and feminine invest at once in ono
I uf the dainty pastel tinted chiffon out
piece kimonos edged all around and u
' uiid down in fluffy white swniisdown.
You'll look like an idealized powdcri
That will lbo sure to tako the shine
off of any other negligee worn in your
Peculiar Tacts About Well Known
Berlin, Nov. 11. (By mail) During
the Lusitania note discussion Ambassa
dor Gernrd alwuys wore a red necktio
w,hen he went to tho German Foreign.
' office. Asked ono day why ho did this, .
j he replied: "Fire red, you know, shows
I that you meun business."
Beaver StatePrinters
Society and Commercial Z
Printing'. 1
Phone 1612. ' T
Rooms 1-3, Pattern Block f
Mrs. O. L. Wcssela, Mrs. A. E. Cheno
weth, Mrs. Martha Addison, Miss lnet
Fishmank, Miss Martha Addison, Mie
Hazel Flcencr, Ivert White, J. Rubeit.
ddison, and Virgil White.
The Silver Bell Cirdo No. 4il of thb
Women of Woodcraft, met Thursday
evening in I. O. O. F. hall.
This meeting which was the closing
of the membership compnign was large
ly attended, there being over three
hundred present, with a number ef vis
itors from out of town circles.
Among those from out of town worn
Grand Guardian C. C. Van Orsdell,
Mother of Woodcraft, of Portluud;
'Grand Bunker Bertha S. Leacho, of
Portland; General Orgunizer Jenniu
Green, of Colorado.
During the evening a programme
was given by the following:
Address of weeome, Honorable F. A.
Moore, chief justice of the supremo
Selection by the orchestra.
Readings, Charles Dillurd, of the An-.
:ia Rogers Fish School of Oratory.
Vocul solos, Miss Ermine Bushnell.
Introduction of the grand guardian
by Marie Moore.
Address by Mrs. Van Orsdall.
Reading by Beatrice Walton.
Fancy dress drill by the W. O. W.
drill team of the Salem camp.
Address, Mrs. Leache.
Fancy drill by tho Silver Bell Circle,
who in honor of Mrs. Van Orsdell,
formed her initials, ('. V. O.
Later the members adjourned to
thei club rooms in tho MeCornuck Bldg.
where delightful refreshments werf
served in rooms decorated in holly anil
other flowers typical of tiie holiday
season which added to tho cheer of
tho occasion.
The Salem high school parent-teachers'
association held a meeting last
night in Community hall.
A delightful programme was given
by the school, followed by a jolly so
cial hour and refreshments.
Mrs. Gerald Volk was tho week end
guest of friends and relatives in Dal
las last week.
Tho Garden Road Ludios will meet
Thursday of uoxt week Instead of Fri
day. , Professor Wallace McMurrny's fifth
number in his lecture course ou mod
ern druma was given in Eaton hall last
Tuesday evening to a medium sized au
dience. Tho subject for consideration
was tho "Master of Russian Litera
ture, Fydor Mikhailorich Dostoerskl."
Tho professor took up first a sketch of
the author's life and then read ex
cerpts from sevcra 1 of tho authors'
works and then summarized the work
of Dostoerskl and showed how his en
deavors were for the betterment and
tho development of modern drnmn. A
short resumo of tho lecture is given
(Contiiucd on Parte Three.)
An appreciated present Com-
munity Silver, seven dosigni,
The store of Housewares
135 N. Liberty St