Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 10, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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You arc especially invited
new basement on that
fxlPresident Is Given
to visit our store and our
day December 1 1 th
a I e
To Each and Every Resident of Salem and Vicinity A
Santa Claus with his prancing reindeer and loaded sleigh has been stopping here very
frequently indeed, and our store radiates the Christmas spirit to a most remarkable de
gree. It is filled with that which will give geod cheer and comfort, and in order to enable
you to get your remembrances at most reasonable prices as well as 6upply your daily
needs at a GREAT SAVING, we have instituted this IMMENSE HOLIDAY SALE
Buy Here and Buy Now - It Will. Be Greatlv to Your Interest To Do So
i 100 Pairs Oregon Shoe
Store Shoes, Values to
$5 pr. 1 Sc
In Our Basement.
Only one pair to an in
dividual. These are good
shoes, up to the usual
Oregon Shoe Store shoe
quality, but these are
the last of our splendid
buy. For an opening ad
we offer 100 uairs of
shoes for
1 Sc pair
Gingham Petticoats
15c each
This is another ad for
the new b a s e m e nt.
These are made of good
ginghams, plain blue or
blue and white striped.
These are short petti
coats but many of them
are as long as the pres
ent style of dress skirts.
Each 15c
for Bovs'
Values to
$1.50 '
Now 15c
These are not knicker
bockers. Only one pair
to an individual. Just
one of our basement
15c pair
None to Merchants ;:
$3.00 Black Silk Waists jj
Sc i
Ovation in Columbus
Columbus, Ohio, Dei-. Ill If America this process of American business with
keeps her poise and self possession, dissatisfaction.
President Wilson today told the chain-. "I am, as most of yon know, a demo
ber of commerce, she "should be t.ie crut. And 1 am n militant democrat,
mediating influence in reconstructing I hold to the belief that the republi
the shattered nations of Kurope after cans are mistaken and the democrats,
-t-tlthe war is over." ' i right. J am, for instance, one of the
The pence will "row out of this war few men. who believes in every word
will not be a compromise, a "natch- and letter of the Virginia bill of
up" peace, ho believed but instead a rights. ' .
peace wheroin is a universal fellowship Of Mexico, he said:
that can never be broken. "The Mexicans may not know what
His speech was on Statesmanship of to do witli their businesses, but that is
Industry-1 an appeal for business pre-'none of ours.' That is what 1 mean it
parednes and for creation of an Am-Us to. be a democrat. I believe, in the
erican merchant murine, an attack on common man aud believe that he ought
the protective tariff, a pronouncement j to bo consulted as to how he is to bo
that Mexicans' business .is none of our governed, ami that he should be given
business and an appeal, for democracy j the same opportunity as every other
with a small d. Mis 1500 listeners' man. ''
Have you visited our
Suit Department,
tried on and priced
our Suits? If you
have, you know how
very extreme the
price cutting is, qual
ity considered. Come
and let us have the
it ' pleasure of showing
t d.
you our suienuiu ouus
and Coats. Prices the
Bovs' Long Trouser
Sizes 29 to 34
$20.00 values $16.00
$17.50 values $14.00
$15.00 values $12.00
$12.50 values $10.00
$10.00 values $ 8.00
$ 8.00 values $ 6.80
Boys' '
Knicker Suits
$10.00 values $8.00
$ 8.50 values $6.80
$ 7.50 values $6.00
$ 6.50 values $5.20
$ 5.00 values $4.00
$ 4.00 values $3.20
$ 3.50 values $2.80
Can you beat this price ?
Only one to an
Holidav Sale of
You will need a new
Suit or Overcoat for
Christmas', and our
large showing of nifty
clothing, j'ust what
the particular, man
and good dresser ap
preciates, will afford
you a splendid oppor
tunity to outfit your
self, and the prices
i Decidedly Reduced
; : AU Furs Above $40.00 Now
1-2 Price
Those Below $40.00 Now
- 1-5 or 1-3 Less
X Large and Small Kitchen
Utensils .
10c Each
Holiday Sale of
Children's Coats and ::
Suits Prices Down ::
to Bedrock
nave him a war. reception,
The real strength of the nation's se
curity, he said, is in the ability to uc-
Turning to lite question of interna
tional relations, the president declared:
1 do not believe that there is gemg
omplish successful undertakings audi to be biiv patchup pence. I believe
promptly ami effectively to mobilize : that every mini in every country wants
resources under immediate Jcmuud. in universal fellowship that can never
The Masonic temple shook with three be broken,
minutes cheering aud hiindcluppiug; "The Instrumentalities of justice
when the executive arose, v. lien calm ' will be exacted nbove those of force.
Did It Ever Happen to You?
By Mort Burger
ok ' "-
Grandma's Recipe of Sage
Tea and Sulphur Darkens
So Naturally That No
Body Can Tell
Almost evoryono knows tho Sago Tea
and Sulphur, properly compounded,
bring back the nnturnl color and lus
tre to tho hair when Aided, sreaked or
gray; also ends drndruff, itching scalp
and atops fulling hair. Years ago tho
only wny to get this mixture was to
mako it nt home, which Is mnssy and
troublesome. Nowadays, by asking nt
any drug storo for " Wyeth's Hugo and
Sulphur I'ouipoii'.id," you will got n
largo bottle of thin famous old recipe
for about 50 cents.
Don't stay gray! Try it! No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
yonr hair, ns It dues it so naturally and
evenly. Vou dampen a sponge or soft
brush with it nnd draw this through
your hair talcing mm sum lb strand nt a
time; by morning tho grn.v hair disap
pears, ami after another application or
two, your hair . becomes beautifully
dark, thick and glossy.
Don't make Junk of it, If use-
ful try a Journal New Today.
returned he Inuucued into an insistent
plea in behalf of a merchant murine
thing tho American flag. Such ships,
he said, must be provided if America
aud if America preserves her poise and
self possession she may have the priv
ilego of being tho mediating influence
in showmar the world that here is a
intends to keep puce with her growing, country which has nlwavs wanted bet-
export trade. Jn this connection lie re-jter feeling in all forms of relations
culled that the "sens were full of j with other countries.''
American ships in 1HI2 when the na- From this subject, he reverted to tho
tion was small, whereas now wo have ' country s (financial situation, ileelnr-'
become a great nation aud the seas ureiing that for the first time in history,
almost ourren of our vessels."
The protective tariff, he assailed
"American businessmen," he said,
were so interested to be protected
this nation's credit is current.
" Husinessmen " he continued "have
for the first time participated in
bringing this about by their work in
the federal reserve system. like to
against the Business of other nations j think that the American business mail
thnt thev proceeded to protect them- may, without hesitation, match his wit
selves against each other. The objectwith that of any man iu the world."
to organize should not be exclusive
ness, but c.ficiency. The spirit of ex
clusion and inonopoiy is not Aniericnn.
So we iiave reason to loon back upon
He urged his listeners to "apply
yonr minds to your business as if you
were building up for all the worl-l a
constitution of the United States.
Elevators With 550,000 Bu
shels of Wheat Burned
At Erie
Krie, l'n., Dee. 10 Half a million
bushels of Canadian grain, consigned to
the allies were destroyed in a fire do
ing $850,000 damage in the elevntors
of the Anchor line here early today.
Ineeiidinrism was the rumored, but un
confirmed cause.
State aud government investigators
at once turned to hunting for tho sup
posed fire bug, though the owners said
there were indications that the fire re
sulted from spontaneous combustion.
If spies fired the elevators, they se
lected a particularly opportune time,
for the city had discontinued its fire
tug service and streets surrounding the
elevators were blockaded with freight
trains. This delayed the firemen, while
the "flames ate through three elevators
housing OaO.OOO bushels of grain, five
grain laden Btenmers close by pulled out
to a safe distance. .
Tho elevators had been under eon
stnat guard since the allies stored their
wheat there.
Instead of burning the life out of
your hair with a heated curling iron,
vou can add to its life by using plum
liquid silmerine, and at the same time
secure a far better nnd prettier result.
Your hair will have a delightful curl
and naturul wavy appearance, no mat
ter in wjiat form it is done up, it yon
will simply apply a littlo of this harm
less fluid nt night with a cean tooth
brush, drawing this through tho hair
from root to tip.
A few ounces of liquid siliuorine from
liggtst will Inst you a long while.
This will not spot tne scalp or streak
the hair, and it is neither sticky nor
greasy. It is without question the best
hair curling method yet found and no
doubt will soon be us popular here ns
it is abroad.
Barge Load of Dynamite
Causes Leaving Homes
Seattle, Wash., Dee.' 10. With viv
id memories of the havoc wrought by
the explosion of a barge load of dyna
mite in Seattle harbor Inst May, the
residents of Port Madison, a settlement
of about 300 inhabitants across the bay
from Seattle, became terrified when
they nwnke four mornings ago and
found a seow loaded with 100 tons of
lynnmito, moored 300 feet off shore.
So fearful were thev that some war
plotters would touch off tho explosive
that tney beiran abandoning their
homes. .
Today the town was practically de
serted, a majority of the inhabitants
having moved several miles inland,
lui't and baggage.
the scow uppeared mysteriously ov
ernight. It was in charge of the J rule
pen. lout Towing company, of Seattle.
According to the towing company.
the dynamite was shipped here from
California and is being loaded today on
board a steamship Tor one of the bob
ligcrent; countries in Kurope.
Paris, Dee. 10. A sliliio hand found
Mary (iardeu s pearl. She offered him
either a kiss or ,t-0.
Now, altogether, "wel what did lie
No, yon 'a wrong.
Ho t'rok the L0.
Great Britain has raised Ihe nmbnrio
O'.i tobacco for Germany possibly hop
Simple Home Treatment Destroys Germs
of This Dangerous Disease.
The reason why so many people who
suffer from Catarrh never seem ablo
to get cured is that they are continu
ally seeking tho momentary relief of
sprays, douching, greasy creams, oint
ments, etc. Such things do open up
the swollen nostrils and clenr the head
temporarily, besides stopping for a
while the disgusting blowing, hawking,
spitting and choking, but they never
dure. To" drive out Catarrh for ood
you have got to get down to itB real
cause. Catarrh is a germ disease. Tho
air is always full of catarrh germs
thrown off by ono person and absorbed
by another and- when the system does
fail to throw off such germs they find
permanent lodgement in the nose,
throat and head and multiply rapidly.
The germs of catarrh can be best
destroyed by inhaling the pure medi
cated air of Hyomoi (pronounced High-o-nic).'
This splendid and powerful
combination of oil of Eucalyptus with
other healing agonts lias a wonderful
germicidal action. You breathe its air
into your nose, throat and lungs by
menns of a small hard rubber inhaler
which Daniel J. Fry and other leading
druggists here in Salem and vicinity
supply with every treatment. This
medicated air is certain death to the
germs of Catarrh and drives them com
pletely out of your system, and when
the germs are destroyed the catarrh
with all its disagreeable symptoms will
stop. Even two or three minutes use
will give refreshing relief, while, if
you will uso it tow or thdee times a
day for a few weeks it will completely
banish catarrh- and every symptom of
catarrh. As Hyomoi is pleasant to
breathe and is always sold by drug
gists everywhere with a positive guar
aniee or successrui results or money
back, surely no catarrh sufferer should
go long before trying this simple home
Oregon's flax experiment is further
evidence that , experience is a good
rencner, nut rawer expensive.
Sticmminmi r-T inn i n..! m,m 4
Smile With Him!
Read Our Serial
J. Rufus Wallinsford
Sec ihe Moving Pictures
A Galley o Fun!
"After the circus parade had pnsseJ
yeaterday," wearily said the landloit!
of the I'olkville, Ark., tavern, "them
two young ladies, Maxine and Lucile,
that wait table here, got' Into sort oi
a dispute over which of 'em It wai
that the clown winked at, each claim
In' the credit, or discredit, I don'l
know which. One illustrated her views
by beating the other head with tlx
dinner-bell, while the other voiced het
oplnltsn with a ketchup bottle. 01
course, I understand how, being work;
lug ladies, they resent all Insinuations
that they are In any way Inferiors;
but still, after the Ketchup bottle had
spread most of its contents over thj
scene, and the clapper bad flown ouf
of the bell and broken a window, 1
sorter felt called upon to Interfere and
stop the fracas.
"No, it ain't worth while to fire 'em.
1-ndten will be ladles, and there ain't
no help for it."
The betting Is 13 to 5 at present
:hat the Duke of Dedbrooke will not
id out of goal In t lino to attend the
oronation festivities of King VA
ward's successor. The Duke is "in"
.'or 14 years. i
Tho Baroness Ellk-Blff .announces
:he coming-out party of her accom
plished niece, the Hon. Muriel Sponge
'.o take place at nn early date at the,
5ne old country place of the Baroness,
'Queensbury Hall." Odds of 3 to 1 his
Dtfered that the Baroness has nit
niece; and 9 to 2 that If she has, she
won't have the nerve to bring her out.
Lady Lackdough will signalize the
opening of the Fall season with an
immense ping-pong dinner to over
guests. Betting Is brisk at 12 to T
that the bailiffs will be Ihe first guests
to arrive.
Society Is at a complete loss to un
derstand why Mr. William Waldorf
Astor should have presented a, hand
some hunting-case watch to old Sir
Michael Misspent. At any rale, it In
universally predicted that Sir Michael
will have the ticker up the spout by
Thursday week; and, so far as the bet
ting goes, It's a case of write your own
One of the real events of the sea
son, the garden party of the popular
Marchioness De Lush, is on for next
month. Odds of 100 to 9 against pre
vail that the Marquis will not be sober
enough to appear.
Young Lord Looseends came In for
his inheritance late last week, the es
tate consisting mainly of the title anil
a kennel of hounds. At the Platypus.
Club-they are making up a pool as to
whether he marries an American heir
ess or a Gaiety Girl. .
No doubt 8lr Tranby Croft is a for
tunate card-player, but you can obtain'
even money in any Mayfair drawing
room -that he possesses more skill
at games of vhance than he does at
games of skill.
They are nothing it not original at
Ihe Trepanned Club. One of Its mem
bers recently laid another 4,000 even
that a horsefly could fly further than
a fly horse coultl flee. So far as 1
known the stakeholder has not- yet
rendered his decision.
Bishop Boldnag Is a game old
fportsman, and one who can not sen
that a friendly wager Interferes with
with his standing as a dignitary of
Ihe cloth. The Bishlp lately offered
to bet the Hon. Willoughby Wlldrako
that the latter would go to Hades
when he died; but the Hon. Wlllough-
by declined the wager, even at liberal
The engagement Is officially an-'
nounced of Lady Audrey Axtartar to
Lieutenant Henny-Henny, of the Life
guards Green. The odds on 'Change
are 23 to 8 that the old Dowager
Duchess Axtartar bulldozed Henny
Henny Into It: nnd 17 to 5 Is also of
fered that he will eventually leave tho
country rather than come up to the
"Every student of history known
that our Christmas customs are a de
velopment of the Roman Saturnalia.'
"O, surely not all!" .
."I think so."
"No, no! There's no reason to sup
pose, for Instance, that the liomiins
were all the time being hunched to
do their Snturnnlian shopping early."
Aunt Sarah (a spinster) Now, dear.
If you would only watch ma closely.
you might learn how to crochet.
Littlo Bessie Oh! I'm goln' to get
married when I grow up!
ing the Teutons will go up in smoke.