THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, DEC. 10, 1915. FIVE Indigy Do something for it, before it gets worse. Don't let it become chronic The longer that it hangs on, the hard er it is to shake off. This trouble will not right it self. It should be corrected; it may develop more ser ious results if . it isn't attended to. You can get rid of your indigestion quickly and easily by promptly taking PILES a reliable family remedy for the stomach, liver, bile and blood. They are a helpful com bination of medici nal herbs which start the gastric juices, help the process of assimi lation, and carry off the impurities that clog the sys tem and threaten to create disease. Whenever you are troubled with indi gestion, bilious ness, heartburn, flatulence, sick headache. or con stipation you can always depend on Beecham's Pills to GIFTS POUEINO IN. Washington, Doc. 9. Though Prosl dent W'ison let it be known he does not want any snver plate or such like wherewith to set up housekeeping after his weddin? to Mrs. Normau Gait, gifts are beeinning to pour In upon hit fi ancee. On of the first Is a bracelet of jam Brazilian jewels brought here by a delegate to the American congress. scientific 1 wa I AtoflcCJ At All DruggUU, 10c ZScjjjJ' womn with fff Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 Baker's Breakfast Cocoa The Food Drink Without a Fault Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure and wholesome, and iu flavor ia delicious, the natural flavor cf the cocoa bean. The genuine tears (hit tradt-mar, ani It mait only ly Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. EsUbGehed TTBO DORCHESTER, MASS. MtO UI NI Off. Four Jumps to Salonica, Second Lands on a Bedbug By William O. Shepherd. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Naples, Oct. i!5. (By mail.) Vou get your first news from the Balkan front here in Naples, second atop in the lour jumps rroiu runs to aiuiuua. It isn't news of soldiers or cannon; it's fur more important to you than that, and it comes from five American Ked Cross nien . who nave been in Servia and wait now in Naples for a i boat to take them back to the Unitcirj States. ' "Bed bug powdfr is .what vou fel lows need," they say. "Bed bugs and lice are more deadly than bullets. Ami mosquitoes why, there are mosquitoes in Herviu whose bite is certain death.' "Well, what's the answer" " t 'arry. mosquito nets."' "We don't need ours ony more be cause we're going home, thank od," mid one doctor. "Want to buy them " We make a dicker for threo dollars anil a half per net and buy three of them. Also we increase our haggnge with four pounds of insect powder. are live hours left in Annies for sightseeing and we choose the sunk en city of Pompeii. When old Vesuvi oiut belched out fire 7S years after Christ, it nearly emptied the city, but tins war, nineteen hundred and litteeu years after Christ has clone just as thorough a job. Steven human beings ouldn t gut nwnv trom Pompon when the volcano broke out and you can still see their bones lying us the volcano shock left them. This new volcano of war has also found seven persons who were unable to bent it. They are guides; sad creatures who were too old to be called to the Italian colors but, unlike the seven bony persons, they see you first. Tiiev'rush nt you. They fight over you. I STATE NEWS : Oregon City Enterprise: The Haw- ley Pulp & Paper company is plunning to extend its operations in Oregon City. At a meeting of the council Wednes day night M. D. I.ntourette, secretary of the board of water commissioners, presented u proposal from the pnper company asking for a 00-day option on the property on the cast side of Main street between Second and Third streets, upon which the inter plant ii located. The Hawley company offers to I pay ine eny ior mis piuper, iu me uvnii mo rnun nnwii - , exercised. The company anuouiiceithnt if its pliins are carried out, that it will enlarge its mill and employ 2(10 addi tional men. Med ford Mail: Hcarcity of feed be cause of two seasons of drouth in this valley made it necessary to soil the ma jor portion of the flocks on the Gram pian hills herenliouts. - me nogs weiu with the lot. It is paid by those who ought to know that there are fewer cat tle and hogs in and about Hogue River : valley this fall than for several years. That means that there will lie tewer in.timu,(( to Teat advertisements and got thiB valley for next year's market than for a long time. Sales of ufock this your in this vnllev huve amounted to moie than $200,000. What will the farmers do to make up the promised de ficit next yenrt That Oregon is near the top of the,.. list in the spending of money for edu- - cutional purposes is shown by the rec- ord as compiled by the government. California lends with 0..KI per capita. Then comes l:tnh and Norlh Dakota followed by Oregon, with H.34 per cap ita, the fourth state ui the union, mo states that follow are Montana. Wash ington, New Jersey, Colorado, Nebras ka, Minnesota, Nevada, lown, New York, etc. Mississippi is nt the bottom wilh $1.52 per capita. Rogue River Courier: The deed transferring the municipal railroad "i mv' gift list, the California & Oregon Coast company, of onlrM, j,y wujtj,, till the Insl the Twohy Brothers' corporation, was)(lnv j ipll,ej , mlike nie )l00r ), filed for record today. As the deed " j doiivory horses full down and 'skin thei based upon certain conditions bnnR i,,1P(.H nna I hail kept from met in the way of future railroad con-i,i,:. ,,,.. ,i uttlo miupiim lun struction, with definite time limits tor 0t in tn(1 ,inrk and rain, but I hnd had the meeting of the condition, no money i jU8(. nveii,,Bt Christinas Spirit to consideration being involved, it was not yvur$ everybody, and I am so anxious to necessary to put revenue stamps on the f(M, that' same beautiful way again, Acei. jtiuit I have fully made up my mind to r . , ,, x wait till the last minute. Oregon Tide: The hull of the Santn m Clara is still visible, according to re- Only One "BROMO QUTNTNE" ports of those who have returned from ' ,ie . cal for fll n a trip to the beach recently. The ribs j jX ATI VE BHOMO QUININE. Look of the vessel are still protruding above ;f . tllre o( K wGrove. Cures a the sand, as well as the boilers showing (, H Q Day. 23c. in the stern of the bull. What .remains j .m of tho hull is being slowly covered with 6ET AFTER TUB DOCTOR, sand. SHE PLEADS NOT GUILTY tr -ki ' nounced today Dr. Tlaiselden will be Ssn Francisco, Dee, 9. Mrs, Mary pi((,(1 t0 al)ppr before the board to Pamdis today pleaded not guilty to the;1inw PHlll)e wt,v i,j license should not charge of murdering Michael Weinstein ,e revoked as a result of his action in in a lodging bouse October 21 . when i intina Babv Bollinger sub-normal she appeared before Superior Jul(r" Dunne. Her ease was continued unti December 1(1. One hundred and fifty thousand per sons used to visit Pompeii every sum mer before the war volcano struck it, but you are the first tourists these guides have seen for a week and so tbey tell you the first reih American tourists that (have appeared in the last two months. All of the great sunken streets; the miles and miles or ancient avenues and boulevards and the hundreds of nouses, shops and cafeB which have been exca vated Irom the ashes or the ncarDy vol cano, are deserted. J He roottaus ot the tourist no longer clatter over the ancient pavements; the "oh.s" and the "ahs" of wonder are heard no more. Pompeii has been deserted a second time. All the loving care, which sci entists have expended during tho last hundred years in bringing the ancient city to light, seems to have oeen wast ed. The world isn't "restoring ruins of ancient cities these days. It's making ruins of new ones. As we leave tho sunken 'city, MeCut cheon of Chicago, who Is an artist and therefore unbusinesslike, pays , the guide double his fee. Jimmy Hiiro kicks. "Poor devils," says llef'iiteheon, "they won't see any tourists hore for the next twenty-five years." "Why do you sny twenty-five years " asks Hare. "Because nlL the tourists will go to see tho ruins of Kheiina and Louvnin," McCutcheon explains. Hare withdraws his kick and we go back to maples to pack out mosquito netting and our bed bug powder for the third .lump in our dash from Paris to the Hainan front. The third jump by train will take us to Messina. How To Get the t . ru t uuiMiuaa jpuu By ZUa McMuun. The merchants needn't tell me to shop early. I know them. You bet I do. Whut they mean is to shop early and often and buy a whole lot, and we do generally. After I had. read their slogan, "Shop Kurly," and some press agent stuff about "tired girls behind the counters," I took my Christmas tnmtrir nii.l nlimititil enrK- fincn. mill tlliH js wlttt happened: I did not see ulv.tlillK ,,, ,, uscfu things as y,.00ea stockings, fine tooth combs and cniis of beans, so I bought those and wrapped them up in tissue pnper, and stuck anti-tubercular Sunta Onuses up on them and sat back satisfied for awhile. But opening the packages every day or two, for it Incited three weeks till Christmas, I got rather tired of them, nnd decided they wouldn't do. Ho I took the money I bud laid away to buy a Mub for the calf and went down town again and bought some tin whis tles and limbcrger cheese and feather beds nnd vvrapped those up in tissue .,.,,. nnj 'tu(.k n,istlctoe on them and wn3 Htisfiecl for awhile. But I con- to feeling Christinussver and Christ massyer until it lacked 24 hours of the important ev out, and I went again. Of course that time I had to take the mon ey I had saved up to buy me a shirt, but when you get properly inoculated with tlin 1' I'liriNtmiiM Htiirit. vnn do t (.Brp fnP Hi,;rtH or nnvtliiilg, but mlli(jn(, ,l0,,lp hnppv. I bought oceans of t,jK8 for Hm()St nothing, that is il seemed like nothing at the time. It wns all such n jolly grub at the stores that X forgot who I was buying for or what I had already, or how much I had left, or anything. Afterward I hnd a fnint recollection that there was a good deal of tinsel and isinglass and cotton about them, and when I'd sobered up n little everybody does after Christina I realized that what I had bought n' the last wns about right for a Ilotten- l.,t lint tlmrn unl'oii '1 nnv nf tlinnn nn Springfied, 111., Deo. ft. Secretary Drake, of the state health board, an- t-hild. die without snrgionl aid. This will probablv be at the January meet ing in Chicago. MEXICO HAS AMBASSADOR Washington Dec. 1). Kliseo Arrendo. previously head of the (nrrauzista iuntn here, has been appointed Mexican ambassador to the United Htntos, the state department announced today. WAE ODDITIES Paris. Probably the world's family WHr record is held by Bernard Gtiiohard, laborer of Soane et Loire Department, whose 17 sons are fighting ami whose IHth will be, shortly. London. -Three cignrs, pro- sented te the Captain of the Whit Ktnr liner Teutonic by King Edward, the Duke of Ed inburgh nnd the Raiser, sold for Alio for tho Bed Cross at Henley. IS At periods in most'childrens' Uvea theyfail to relish their meals and refuse to eat even the, delicacieTprepared to tempt their appetiteS ' They lack am bition, and grojth'jjeems impeded, which causnxiety and worry. T com' eat is a grave mistake, becausenutrition is impaired. Healthful exercise tn fresh air and sun shine is important, but equally import ant is a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion three times a day to feed the tissues and furnish food -energy to improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen their appetites The highly concentrated medicinal food in Scott's Emulsion supplies the very elements children need to build tip their strength. They relish Scott's it ia free from alcohol y. 8eoU ft Bowne.BuxHnfleld.N.!.' jat 15-M KEWARD 18 OFFERED FOR ARREST OF BARTHOLOMEW I September, mule 21, .female 17 total Portland, Ore., Dec. 10. Reward of'H. $500 fur the arrest and conviction of The sumo report gives the marriages Ooorffe Bartholomew ns the murderer nf John I.inud was offered in circulars mailed broadcast today. I.inud 'g dis membered body was found iu n trunk iu the Willamette river a month ago. A MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shows No Favor. A. merciless judge is Father Time, Before hint the weak and the wanting go to the wall.' Only the truth can stand. For years the following state ment from a Salem resident has with stood this sternest of nil tests. A. J. Vood,733 North Front street, "Salem, says: "Kidney complaint got so bad in my case that I knew l would have to check it or suffer more serious results. Just after getting up in the morning, the complaint was worse. I had heard of Doan's Kidney Pills doing good work in similar cases. I began using them. Tn a short time I was free from kidney complaint. 1 have never had a sign of kidney complaint since." A Permanent Cure. More than six years later, Mr. Wood said: "I have never had a return symp tom of kidney complaint Bince Donn'B Kidney Pills cured me. I willingly con firm my former endorsement of this medicine." Price 50 cents, at all dealers. Don 't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney PillR--the same that Mr Wood has twice publicly recom mended. Fostor-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. NOW VILLISTAS ARE WHIPPED Douglas, Ariz., Dec. 10. Confirma tion of the report that the Villistas un der Rodriguez had been defeated nnd scattered by the Cairanzistas wns awaited hero today. Although yester day afternoon Rodriguez was winning the battle, the Carranza commander Klins 'alios reported Inst night his soldiers had routed the rebels, cap turing 100. . DONT SUFFER LAUGH AT STOMACH MISERY Daniel J. Fry Will Return the Money If Ml-o-na Does Not Relieve Dyspepsia. Among all the remedies in Daniol J. Fry's popular drug store, there are few that he is willing to sell on a guarantee to refund the money if they do not cure. Mi-o-na, the famous dyspepsia remedy tina helncil so nuiliv of his customers that Daniel J. Fry says, "If thisj remedy does not relievo you, come back! to my store and l mil cucenuiiy re turn your money." Anyone who has dyspepsia, indiges tion, hoadnc.hes, dizzy feelings or liver troubles, should tako advantage of this chance to be made well without any risk of spending their monoy to no pur pose. Mi-o-na will rcliove you, will Tegulnte the digestion, will enable you to eat what you want. If it docs not do nil this it will not cost you a cent. Daniol J. Fry has sold hundreds of boxes of Mi-o-na in tho last few weeks and has yet to receive the first com plaint from any customer. Such a record is simply marvelous and Bpenks volumes for the merit of the remedy. It is easy enough to fill a column with the symptoms afflicting those who have dyspepsia, but there is no need of describing their condition. What they want is relief and they can got it in Mi-o-na. Do not suffer a day longer with disordered digestion. If Mi-o-na relieves you it costs yon 80 cents a box, if it does sot, you have Daniel J. Fry's personal guarantee to return your money. A WELL STUFFED PILLOW ' Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 10. A lodg ing house pillow stuffed with silver and bills led todny to the arrest of three nut of four youthful bandits who yesterday hold up tho Western Hlute bnnk, for the landlady told the police of her find. The fourth bandit, with most of the :,0(I0 loot escaped. HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets Tr vaiip skin la vcllow romolnxlon fiallld lonsTUo coated appetite poor you have a had In hi a in your mouth a lpr.y, no-nood loclln you should take Olive Tabid -1 Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets a Sub. mltute for calomel were preen red iy 7 wnn bis patient Dr. Edwards' Ollvs Tablets are a pur, ly vegetable compound mind Willi olive oil. .Vou will know them, by their olive Color. If yon wsnt a. rlear, jt'nk skin, brltrlit vp, no pimples, a feclhiar of buoyancy like cUilduvod days, you uiuH get at the cuuse. an - Pr, SdworiW Ollva TsMla net nn Hie) liver nnd bowels Ilka calomel yet have no tlaiiReroua aiUr efloeta, - iJTIiey start the bllo ana" overcome eon aillimllnn. That's whv mlUioriN nt tmxcai T I aro sold nnntulljr at 10g and 2Sc per box. I AH ttruiritlswi .. i Tk one or twif nightly hnd note the )c pleasing results, ivThfl Ullvfl Tablet Company, Culumbus.v Tells of Goiter. Cancer. SmaD wvaiva, vwvvi, fl Vff I If ' rox, measies, marriage and Other Troubles According to tho quarterly bulletin of the Oregon state board of health, just issued for the quarter ending Sep tember 'M, the births in Marion county were as follows: July, male 3D, female 23, total !:i. August, mule 20, female 22, total 42. September, male 29, female 24, total ."ilt. Tho deaths for the three mouths in Marion county were us follows: duly, mule 17, female 1 1, total 2S. August, mule 2!, female 20, total 4H. " -Marion county lor the three as follows: July, 31. August 20. September, 27. Very few cases of typhoid fever were registered during the threo mouths. Dining July, tour cases were recorded with no deaths, August hnd six cases ith one death, and Septem ber showed no cases reported. The only cases of meusles reported luring the three months were in Aug ust, when 12 cases are of record, wit:i no deaths. Ope case of small pox was reported in Marion county in July, one case in August und none -in September. in the entire state, September was the most popular month for marriages as 39(1 arc reported for that mouth, 33(1 for August and 341 for July. In u discussion of goiter, the report states that while it is possibly true that the specific' cause may be carried in water, yet it is by no nieuns proven, as goiter is found in many flat oun tries where there is littlo or no snow falling and where glaciers are unheard of. The report states there is doubt as to the cause of goiter, although for years it has been supposed to be due to water trom the mountains, especial ly as in Switzerland, many cases are toiind. Another theory to be exploded, says the report, is that cancer is caused by (he caffeine in coffee. While it is true that the taking into the stomach of very, very hot coffee may irritate the lining cells of the stomach, that the caffeine therotrom is the cause ot cna cor has not boon proven. Through its children's bureau, the United States department of labor will celebrate " liah.v week,-' .March 4 to 17. Regarding this "Baby Week" the report, as issued by the Oregon Btute board 01 health, has the following: "This is not to be a baby show where babies are brought to some cold store room to be stripped naked and viewed by a committee consisting of old maids and childless divorcees, bu a sane sensible effort will lie made to instruct the whole people ns to the pos sibilities of proper child hygiene.", TO INVITE MRS. YOUNG Portland, Ore., Deo. 10. The grade teachers' association of the Portland public schools will invite Mrs. Kiln I'lngg Young, former superintendent of schools at Chicago, to visit Portland ns their guest and deliver nn address to Oregon teachers. Clears Away Pimples There is one remedy that seldom fails to clear away all pimples, blaclt beads and skin eruptions and that niukcs the skin soft, clear nnd healthy. Any driiKKist can supply you with zomo, which generally overcomes nil sklu dis eases. Acne, eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, black heads in most cases give way to zenio. Frequently, minor bli-ni-Hies disappear overnight. Itching usu ally stops instnnlly. onto Is safe, clean, easy to uso and dependable. It costs only 25c; nn or.tni laiRc bottle, JjiLlKl. It will not. stain, is not greasy or sticky nnd Is positively sate ior tender, seuuiuvc skins. Zcino, Cleveland. Many Dollars Worth of Farm Knowledge forYou in Every Issue of For the past sixteen years the Western Farmer ha3 been fijrh'linp; the battles of the Pacific Northwest Farmer from its very inception its advice and counsel has proven the short cut to profits for its readers and the exten sion of its influence is shown by the fact that Western Farmer is Read in More Than 60,000 of the best farm homes This 60,000 circulation is more than double that of any other farm paper in the Pacific Northwest. , Join the ranks of the progressive farmers in this territory. Become a subscriber to Western Farmer now and read the 1916 articles by Western. Farmer's special staff of writers pertaininjr to every branch of farming. You can Ret Western Farmer for a whole year, two issues each month, by taking advantage of our special clubbing offer with the DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL-Call at the office of the Daily Capital Journal and learn how to secure both of these splendid pa persThe Daily Capital Journal which is Salem and Marion Coun ty's foremost newspaper and the WESTERN FARMER the best edited and most practical farm paper of the Pacific Northwest, at a special clubbing price, or write direct to WESTERN FARMER P0RToNsDeoK.NE Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. A New Remedy for Kidney, Bladder and All Uric Acid Troubles. Dr. Kberlo and Dr. Braithwaite as well as Dr. Himou all distinguished Authors agree that whatever may bo the disease, the urine seldom fails in fvrni8liing ,,",yvi1tu.a ?1ub th i""- ,es U1)0n wlncll u .a tu be trcBt . a,.l ..,.. .1 . and accurate knowledge concerning the uniure oi uisease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu matism, gout or sciatica or you Buspcet kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at tho Surgical Institute, Buf falo, N. Y.; Bend a sample of urine and describe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr. Pierce's chemist has examined the .urine this will be carefully done without charge, and you will be under no obligation. When you're In Portland visit the fine big plant of the Pacific Coast Biscuit Company. See them make thousands of delicious0.T.,TT , the , OTde. of SNOWELAKE SODAS your dealer the NEW FAMILY PACKAGE Fresh, crisp delicious Snowflake Sodas, packed in a sanitary and useful tin box. Only SO cents. Every dealer hu them or can get them quickly fresh irom our ovens PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COfc PORTLAND, OREGON FRUITLAND NEWS (Capital Journal Kpecinl Service.) Fiuitliind, Ore., Dec. 1). M. 11. Stiin difer is doing some grubbing with a capstan. P J. Kggles is doing some, tiling. Thursduy evening your correspondent attended- the aiiti-Nuiiduy law mass meeting at Ye Liberty theatre. The building was filled to crowding by un audience which gave strict attention to the speakers, Prof. C. H. I.ongacre of Washington, D. C, editor of "Liber ty," a monthly publication, and W. H. Heady of Man Diego, Cal. Doth speak ers scored good points and wero fre quently applauded. Judging from the temper of those as sembled the speakers hail their sym pathy. I cannot here for want of space give even n synopsis of the arguments used by these clever and wide awake speakers. They should be heard to be appreciated. In a comprehensive way I may say tho argument was, runduy laws, are, always have been, and ever will be iu the nature of religious legis lation, which has been relegated to a pust .c' as contrary .to tho Bpirit and genius of our republican form of government. Also such legislation has resulted in religious intolerance und persecution being a logical outcome of such luws. Nalurdiiy night the pie supper at the school house drew a big crowd of pie' eaters. Some specimens of the culinary invention sold for well up to two dol lars each. A two dollar supper consist ing of an individual pie might not fill a long left want but It might a hollow stomach. Fruitlund pics are good first class I tell you; never cause night marc nor kill nn Indian. V. F. Kuplingcr did the selling, and what Kap don't know about nellingi pies is not worth speuking of. He being I u bachelor probably concocts his nun pies, mill if so knows the value of pep-1 sin tablets. At the school house a new flag will I be soon unfurled to the breeze. The dis trict not long ago bought some supplies of a Portland linn. The same I think could have bcoa bought in Kulem for the same money, maybe for less. Hut there wus the glib-tongued agent and the charm of buying tilings uwuy from home. . Wednesday evening a "Dime lie citttl" was given nt the school house. Prof. Himmons "entertained," an ox school teacher, gave several numbers which were highly appreciated, The night being rainy and very dark I lie at JESTElfiPMBR THE FARMER'S FRIEND Dr. Pierce during many years of expert mentation has discovered a new remedy which is thirty-seven times more pow erful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering from backache or the pains of rheumat ism, go to your best druggist und nsk for a 50 cent box of "An-urie" put up by Doctor Pierce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for'wcaK women and Dr. Pierce's Uoldcn Medical Discovery lor the blood have been favorably kuown for the past forty years and more. They aro standard remedies today as well as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the livor and bowels. You can have a sample of any one of those remedies in Tablet form by writing Dr. Pierce. Adv. Tiir sii."lJ'V tendance wus not good us it might have been. There was the usual annoyance on the part of soino boys who period ically disgrucu this cuminunity. - It is strange parents who are some times present, will allow such conduct. A good jail sentence might be a means of grace for such smnities. When strang ers come uaiong us and held meetings and are insulted by such young scula wags, what cua they think of the com munity and its moral influence t They probably think it a good locality to avoid. In future the names of such dis turbers should bo secured for publica tion. They would look well in print. J10 TOE PRIZE TWO-LIP T.os Angeles, Cal., Dec. 10. A $10 kiss fcutured the opening festivities of the poisetta fete at Hollywood. It was given by a pretty girl and auctioned off to O. Kciirloia. - OREGON MAN CHAIRMAN. Washington, Dec. 1). V. W. Hodsoa, of Oregon, was today named chairman of the nomination committue. of the na tional rivers and harbors congress. 0 SURROUND yourself with Comfort- doy--a v3eek-all time- '. stop at HOTEL . NORTONIA The house of Gracious Service--of Unobtrusive Ministrations. The home of the Satisfied Guest where delicious Viands with the natural HOME-LIKE flavor com. pet friendship. Rmi With privilegs of blth $1 or more the day. Rooms with privit bath $1. SO or mora ttw itf Ths thing that pptiltmolmt priest. llfholT Wuhington 12m snd , Wuhintlton Portland I of 111