TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY. DEC. 10, 1915. UNCLE SI MAY YET Social and Personal HIP LEY 9 ALINE THOMPSON T WERE is a little story about "Pad r Ay Long Legs" which is now playing in Portland, at the ITcilig Wat will oe or interest to saiein folk. Jean Webster, the author of "Daddy Lonr Legs," named her heroine Jndy Abbott, for Jerusha Eleanor Eakin, of Astoria, the daughter or Mr. and Airs. W. T. Eakin, who formerly lived in Balem. Jean Webster, who is Mrs. Glenn Ford MeKinney in private life, is a eonsin of Airs. Eakin 's, and so when she named her book after little Judy Kakin she sent her an autographed copy of the book and a long letter about how Judy in "Daddy Long itfffs was named. On Saturday Mrs. Eakin and little Judy will come up from Astoria to see Judy of the play at the Hcilig. Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush went to Portland this afternoon where they will join friends and attend the hockoy game tonight at the Ice Hippodrome. The Salem Woman's club will meet in the public libary on Saturday, De cember the eleventh. The dramatic recital which was to lave been given Saturday has been postponed until a later date, and Pror. Wallace MacMurray, who has gained uch flattering popularity in Salem, will give an interesting" and brilliant lecture on liorky. I The club women will no doubt be particularly interested in this treat Saturday as Professor MacMurray is especially qualified as a, lecturer, and has an inherent figt of mnstering any ubject or topic which he may give. Mr and Mrs. A. N. Moores returned Tuesday from Snn Francisco, where they attnded the exposition. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dwyer was the scone o a pleasant sur prise party Tuesday evening when a number of friends gathered to celo brate Mrs. Lwyor's birthday. Games formed the evening's enter tainment, followed by refreshments. Those present werei Mr. and Mrs. Bolus, Mr. and Mrs. Covert, Mr. and Mrs. IVmbcrton, Mrs. Kooronian, Mrs. Hoyce, Mrs. Shovor, Mrs. Gibbs, Miss Morterson, Miss Shovor, Mrs. bovee and Alfred Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. George Rodgcrs and daughter, Margaret, returned Wednes day from a delightful sojourn in Cali fornia wlioro they attended the expo sition in Han Francisco. ft " ft As Monday night, the dnte of the Musiciain iinll, draws near, it becomes more and inoro apparent that the affair will be a success, not onlv for the reason that there will be a 'wonderful twenty piece orchestra, but that tho music wil probably bo tho best ovor iad at any similar affair in Salem. 'I no lollowing musicians, under tho Bulah Ratliff in Highland on Wednes day afternoon. After a brief business session the remainder of the afternoon was spent in a social way followed by refresh ments. The members present were: Mrs. C. T. Mclntyle, Mrs. E. M. Bencridge, Mrs. Orpha Bailey. Mrs. Marie Wcy ant, Mrs. A. M. "('lough, Mrs. Evelyn Kyder, Mrs. B. P. Waller, Mrs. A. Gregson. Mrs. M. L. Bryant, Mrs. C. W. Davis, Mrs. Emma Minton, Mrs. E. 8. Durkee, Mrs. Alma Bennet, Mrs. Drake, Mrs. Grace Keuseher, Mrs. P. L. Frazier, Mrs. Bulah Ratliff. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wickland on South Twelfth street, are being con gratulated upon tho arrival of a son, born December the ninth. The seniors of the high school will give their annual reception to the mem bers of the faculty tonight at the high school. The committee in charge of the af fair have arranged for a unique entertainment. ft sjt j(c )Jt fc )(c sfc )Jt )(t sfc )jt sjt 3)1 st 3fc ft PkRvflfuATQ 1 lillWUAliU Purchaser Gives Consent and Waives Rights Offer Not Yet Accepted Lloyd Bamsden went to Albany this morning. Fred G. Buchtel went to Portland this morning. A. S. Walker, of Eugeno, was reg istered at tho Bligh yesterday. J. B. Dimick, ot Woods, Tillumook county, wos in tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Taw, of" Silver ton, are in tho city today on business. A. E. Aufrancc, living east of the city, was here yesterday on business. VV, 0, Knighton was a passenger on the Oregon Electric this morning for Portland. Dr. II. C. Epley is spending the day in Portland. Ho win Jcturn tomorrow morning. Mrs. E. E. Unmoyer, of Harrisburtr. San Francisco, Dec. 10. The hand some Oregon building at the Panama Pacific exposition grounds will be used by the soldiers of the Presidio reser vation as a club bouso, if the United States government will accept the of fer of the Oregon cdmmissioners to turn over the structure free. This announcement was made today by Oeorge M. Hyland, secretary of the commission, who dVclared! simultane ously that the difficulties that had threatened with P. E. O'Hair, wreck ing contractor, who purchased the building had all boon smoothed out. Last week, O'Hair bought the build ing for $1,020 and at once began to advertise its lumber for sale. Yester day, however, tho Oregon commission ers decided that they would prefer to have Uncle Sam's soldier boys have I the building for their club house and accordingly mnae a rormai oner or tne structure to Major General J. Franklin Bell, commanding the western depart ment of the army. The only condition attached was that the government should permit the men to use the building for their own am usement as long as it stands on govern ment property. This action seemed to bring a con flict between the commissioners and O'Hair but the contractor voluntarily came to tho rescue today. Ho appear ed at tho Oregon ouilding and said he would co operate with the commission to the fullest extent. Ho offered to re leaso the commission from any obliga tion to sell the structure to him and the offer wiib accepted. The government lias not yet accepted the commission's offer, Portland, Ore., Dec. in n.., T n ''H1C'!'' viHiti"g hor if", roomy building at the Sun Francisco J.U. Littler. ,,,, (exposition-wilf be made a club house j-,r.i, .uiirnn ,ana .101 or.i 11 re- for nrmv men if the federal govern turned tins morning from a week s trip mcnt wili Hel,vft it 8 a ift, Tfli8 WB( to tho Alsca country decided by the Oregon exposition corn er, ami mfS ueorgo r. nodgers itnct mifjSjon a SI.coil meeting here. The Miss Margaret Rodger returned last only conditions of the gift is that the from San Iruncisco where they Dllildin(, must be Mcd T the "3 cxP09'tl0 dur"'g the clos- dMi(,nnle(1 a,i that it shnli b ' ' r. J. L. Buell, Southern Pacific right of way agent, with headquarters at Eu gene, is in the city todiiy. Ho is on his way to Monmouth to spend the week Says Building is His. Snn Francisco, Dec. 10. Who owns end with his daughter, Miss Edith, who the. Oregon building at the Pnnama-l'a- 18 inKing a courso at the state normal C1E exposition? school. GREECE SHORT OP COAL If tho state of Oregon has already sold it to P. K. 0 'Hair, wrecker, how can it give it awny to the United States government f 0 Hnir repeated these questions to- Athens, Dec. 10. Shortnco of conl in direction of H. N, Stoudennieyor, will 1 Greece is thrntening suspension of navi- day when newspaper men questioned Rive tho concert proceeding the dauco Ration and railway service. The gov- lm regarding his cluini to the struc and play during the evening. ernment hus uppcalod to England for ture. Last week it wns announced that Jnrst violin, Lily Strge, Mrs. Thomas Tcllf- I aa wrecker had purchased the build ing winch cost JKW.UUU tor J-l.uzu and he Holmnn, Miss Mary Si-liultz, and Miss .Toy Turncrr second violins, C. J. Kurth, and L. MickelNen; pianos, eorgin Booth and Mrs. Wnrren Hunt; flutes, Miller Bevier and W. V. Skin ner; clarinet, Hans Meyer; oboe, K. H. Savage- cornets, Dr. Ward Fischer and Miss Martha Swart; trombono, Herbert Stiff and Oscar Steelhamniflr; stringod base, Bert Iiussell; cello, B. IT. Riley. The Ladios Aid society of the Jason Jjfa church, met at tho homo of Mrs. This message possibly indicates that insists that lie has a perfectly legal pa England, in exerting fresh pressure on VT proving his purchase. Greece to get what she desires, has Now comes a dispatch from Port withheld cnoal from her. Greece, how- land stating that the Oregon commis ever, might counter with a notification sion decided to give the structure to the that she was unable to carry the allies' government to be 'used as a club house troops on tho railroads without the coal, for enlisted men of the United Stntet- ' army, rejecting all bids. O'Hair in- sists that he will not permit any such New Today Ads, one cent per action, in view of tho fact that ho has Word. already udvertised it extensively and has even Bold some of the lumber. Gift Hints Bishop Suit Silk Hose Roberts Hat Toilet Seta Military Brushes Jewelry Boxes Slippers Dent's Gloves MaJlory Hat Umbrella Bath Robe Shirt Underwear Raincoat Collar Just Wright Shoes Cuff Buttons Garters Hosiery Lounging Robe Blue Serge Suit Cap Scarf Sweater Coat Sweater Vest Suspenders Women who shop for men like to come here at Christmas time 1. Because this is a man's store, spec ializing in the things a man likes to wear. 2. Because here we've made a profes sion of studying a man's likes and dislikes. 3. Because we're ready to exchange any merchandise that isn't right in size, style, or pattern, either before or after Christmas. N 4. Because we'll hold purchases made now until just be fore Christmas, and mail, express or deliver them so they'll arrive at the right time. 5. Because we're ready with practical suggestions for gifts that will please any man. SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE Passes San Diego Captain Refuses to Show Up-Tried to Stop Wireless . San Diego, Cal., Dec. 10. The dis abled steamer finneflrtfn inn TinflRer) this port, evidently making for San iedro. Assistant Harbor Master Mug. ler made this report to the United Press today, after he made a fruitless trip to sea for the purpose of extending the courtesy of the port to Captain Gar lick. The Minnesota now known as the "mystery ship" should reach 8a Pe dro about-11 p. m. She is making a little better time than yesterday, indi cating that some of her boilers are working again. Had she been making for San Francisco, harbor authorities sav, she would have probably been fur- iner out 10 sea. Radio men here say Captain Garlick was. doing his utmost to prevent his destination from becoming known. He failed to communicate with the wire less stations here today and it was not known until Mugler's return that the Minnesota bad passed on her way north. Federal officials at all Pacific ports are on the lookiut for the Minnesota. A federal grand jury probe of condi tions aboard ib freely predicted, al though local officials would not dis cuss tho case. Despite reports to the contrary, it is believed that the Minnesota troubles are not mechanical ones. Ii they were mechanical, the secrecy which has been maintained by the captain would scarcely have been necessary watcr- rro;ic men say. . Newspapermen who attempted to communicate with Captain Garlick late yesterday returned here today. They were unsuccesstul. railing to get the captain on deck, they shouted to mem bers of the crew. "Is there a man named Martin on board the Linnesotal" tiiey asked. " Ves," came the reply. ', "Where is hef". . Three sailors clasped their hands in front of them as if manacled and then pointed towards the bow, as if to indi cate tuat there was a man in irons and confined in the ship's brig. A sharp order from an officer standing near cut short further conversation. At that time none of the Minneso ta's boilers were working. Captains of the tugs Taqua and Dauntless, which had tho Minnesota in tow, reported that Captain Garlick ha-1 refused to even intimate as to the 1 nause of his trouble, or us to the con ditions aboard. The opinion here today is that the Minnesota's boilers were out of com mission by acid. The Minnesota car ried a record cargo of foodstuffs for Grent Britain. All of the Minnesota's engines are out of commission."' Captain Garlick refused to come on "Seek when hailed, and the captains of the tugs laqua and Dauntless said he had refused to indi cate to, them what .the conditions aboard the Minnesota really are. "He even tried to suppress my wire less," said Captain Mitchell of t'.ie laqua. A thorough prolo by a federal grand jury is predicted here in case the Min nesota enters this port. Captain Garlick, of tho Minnesota, sent conflicting reports as to whether ho would enter Snn Diego harbor or continue north, it. became known that federal officials here are ready to take some action if the Minnesota docks iice. The vessel bad not been sight ed at 0 a. m. , The captain of the Minnesota is not in command of the vessel, those who attempted to board her late yesterday related here today. The first mate is in command, they say. Officers of the Mimfesota threaten ed to shoot the first man who attempt ed to board her. This Is Going to Be the Best Christmas Ever Make this Christmas a happy one for all. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money. Just good sensible presents. Our stock is filled with all kinds of popular priced holiday merchandise. A walk through the aisles will lift a big load from your shoulders. .A glance at our prices will enable you to fill your list with a present for all. EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ON Dolls, Toys and Games Oarlick's Mouth Closed. T.os Angeles, Cal Dec. 10. Silence of Captain Garlick of the disabled lin er Minnesota today caused tho federal authorities here to adopt art attitude of "waiting to be shown" hefort mak ing nny plans of action in the event the vessel enters San Pedro harbor. John B. F.lliott, collector of the port of I.os Angeles, when informed by the uiiiii'u r-resR mat tho .Minnesota had pnssed Snn Diego and might dock here said: I 'My impression has been thnt the Minnesota would continue up to the t-onsi or nan r rancisro. The federal of ficials here nre, of course, nhsolutelv In the dark with regard to- what has Happened on the vessel. He will not take any steps until wo are informed of what has occurred. "Our regular men will be at the wharves when the Minnesota docks, if sue noes so, ana in nny action wo may take we will be guided by circum stances of which we are in ignorance at the present time." At tho harbor here it was considered likely that tho Minnesota would wait until Saturday morning before entering if sho makes for this port. No ar rangements for docking her hero have been mndo. "You will notice that the Minnesota is staying within the three mile neu trality zone," said one federal officer hero today. He refused to comment, further. It is understood that federal officials have been fully informed as to the Minnesota's difficulties. Gloves Hosiery Sweaters Blankets Bedding Perfumes Ribbons Christmas Cards Dennison's Novelties Parisian Ivory Hurd's Stationery Richardson's Linens Silk Petticoats Infant's Wear Handkerchiefs . 4 Umbrellas Knit Underwear Muslin Underwear Novelty Jewelry Lingerie Waists Leather Goods Extraordinary One rack of Women's and Misses' Suits, special at $7.50 One rack of Women's and Misses' Coats, special at $5.00 Every Suit, Coat and Dress Greatly Reduced in Price Women's Blanket Bath Robes, full range of sizes, grey, tan, cardinal and two tone styles , 25 Per Cent Less Than Regular Price Women's Fine Lingerie Waists Crepe de Chines, Georgette Crepe and Lace Combinations, regular prices $6.75 to $7.50, special at $443 Regular Prices $10 to $15, special $75 Ostrich Neckwear Plain black, white and two-tone styles. Sample line. One-Third to One Half Less thah Regular Prices. Pictorial Review Patterns U. G. Shipley Co. Salem, Oregon 145-147 North Liberty Street. FUR TRIMMED CLOAR DIED. WI1.SOX To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Wilson, Rural avenue and Saginaw streets, December H, 11)15, a son. LEADLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Martin ( . I.emilcy, at the home of Joseph Barber, 1.11)5 South Liberty street, Fridsy, December 10, 1U15, a daughter. 1 or1 I v : r I i two hours doily military training was introduced today by Representative Stephens. MAY INVOLVE CROWLEY- San Francisco, Dec. 10. Federal authorities will board tho disabled food ship Minnesota when she reaches here and start an investigation into the mystery surrounding her crippling. That ('. C. Crowley, alleged bomb plot ter, now under arrest, may bo involved was the hint from high quarters this afternoon. HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MILK Unless you say "KORUGK'S" you may got a Subatltuto. I CITY NEWS ixce: The model of this attractive cloak . which is three-quarter length is made of white cheviot and hangs loosely from the shoulders. It is belted half way at the waist Raccoon fur at the neck, sleeves and bottom of the clonk enhance its beauty. Ths cloak may be worn with almost any, .costume though in combination with, a white suit or dress is unsurpassed- Root Plays the Game For Political Notoriety Washington, Dec. 10. A general rc- fubhc.nn assault on 1'residcnt Wilson's "an-Americanism, tariff and prepared ness views, insofnr ss the latter relates to government battleship and armor plate construction was precipitated by Senator Root. AN UTOPIAN BOAS Washington, Dee. 10 Construction of a luu.OOO.OUO national defense high way, circling the United States, giving muloymeot to thousands of unemploy ed and at the same time offering them An impromptu reunion of South Da kota friends took place when A. S Chesbro, of Aberdeen, S. Dakota, en tered the office of If. A. Johnson, on State street Thuisdiiy. Mr. ( hesboro was greeted by Kngcne Morning, H. .Mumtord, O. ti. Zell, H. Y. Mnmford, J. S. Austin and I. (). Curtis, all form erly of Aberdeen. Mr. Chesboro stop ped in Salem on his way north from the San Francisco exposition. At the Social Service Meeting at the Unitarian church Sunday evening at 7:30, Kev. Tischcr will be the speaker. His subject will be "Tho Key to Suc cess." Success is the hopo and muni tion of every man as well as of tiic warring nations. There aro many ways and means of attainment mid yet there can only be one right way. What this right way is, Rev. Tischor will en deavor to present. --.11 friends of pro gressive thought are invited to these nieetini's. December 19th -MrB. Anna Rogers Fish will give a reading from "The Passing of the Third . Floor Back." The state went on record today as favoring the standard tux rolls for county assessors. Iu Wasco county the loose leaf system has been in use for two years and has not been thorough ly tried out so that its merits or defects are not fully apparent. Book compan ies have, taken noto of the innovation and aro trying to sell various kinds of new rolls to the counties. This the state board feels, would result in complicat ing matters for tho state if every as sessor were allowed to use his own judgment as to what form ho would use in making up his roll, Former Governor West, In a letter to the state tax commission, declares that tho Southern Pacific is claiming tide lands in Lincoln county to which it is not entitled. At present 204,000 acres are ssscssed to the railroad and claim f'Tr an additional 300,000 acres is made. This claim is bswd on railroad com pany maps. Assessor Ball of Lincoln county, says he is assessing to the pa tentee or whoever holds title accord ing to the records. His office is now tracing ownership of all tide lands in the county for the past five years. The stnto board today decided to lay Mr. West's communication en the table un til Assessed Ball has sn opportunity to present .the matter to the board. When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY' jTlio only hotel in tho business district. I Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and, I Capitol Buildings. I A Home Away From Home. I T. G. BLIGH, Prop. - Both Phones. Free Auto Bus. i i i i . ! : i 0. Capital Journal Only Complete Paper Sold Tho Capital Journal is the only evening daily published in Salcin that Is a complete newspaper. Tho Portland papers peddled here are printed iu the forenoon about 11 o'clock, are simply the regular edition of the day before with some changes on the first page. They are only extras made up for street sales and out of town circulation, making no pretense to being real newspapers. Tho Capital Journal on the other hand, contains the complete leased wire service up to 3:30 p. m., which is 6:30 p. m. In New York and past, midnight in Europe, the scat of the great war. it also contains all tho local news of Salem and sur rounding Jorritory that is worth while. It is a complete after noon newspaper and the only one circulated in Salem. When you pay your money for a Port land evening paper here you aro merely being "faked" into buy ing a cheap extra with big headlines on tho first page and yesterday's news everywhere else. The Capital Journal sells on the street for 2 cents. Pay no more, . ' Subscribe for the Capital Journal. All news, no con- tests. ' f