Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 10, 1915, Page TEN, Image 10

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Christmas Gift Problems Solved Easily and Quickly at
Meyer's Salem's Holiday Store.
I Salem's Big Toyland:
Christmas Sale of Women's
felt Slippers
your choice of two styles 85c a Pair
Here are two good numbers taken from our regular stock one is of grey felt
with ribbon trimmed top the other of black felt fur trimmed. If you are
going to give her slippers don't fail to see these, 85c a pair.
Special Prices on all Men's, Women's and
Felt and Leather Slippers
Many Styles to Choose From
JMcManigal On Stand
In the Schmidt Case
examination of Ortie -K. McManigal,
chief prosecution witness in the M. A.
Schmidt dynamite and murder trial, is
expected to commence this afternoon
with Senator Coghlan of San Francisco
doing the talking.
McManigal 's testimony is rapidly
approaching the blowing up of the
Times building here with which
Schmidt is alleged to have been called.
Ho has told of J. B. McNamara corn
in? to the Pacific with alleged orders
to work under the direction of Eugene
Clancy, of Ban Francisco. Later the
state hopes to connect Schmidt with
iMcXamura in the purchase of explo
sive ior tne Times "joo."
37 ,tate street.
about it.
Ask your neighbor
House of
Chief Justice F. A. Moore delivered
an interesting and instructivte address
last evening at the spocinl exercises of
the Women of Woodcraft at their meet
ing held in the Odd Fellows' lodge
1,000 pounds more of those elegant
pork rousts for your Sunday dinner nt
the. Midget .Market, ill istato.
The prospects are favorable for Ma
rion county being represented at the
first national corn show to be held at
St. Paul, Minn., from December 15 to
Jl. Arrangements are now under way
by L. J. C'hapin for entering the best
com trom the Marion county show com
pcting in tho 10 ears exhibit.
Don't forget the turkey shoot Sun
day, December 12th, at Capital City
uod and Uun Club grounds.
During the month of November, sev
eral cases of measles were reported to
tho county health othcer, Dr. v. B
Miles, from Woodburn and the Holly
wood district. The month's report of
contagious diseases for Marion county,
according to Dr. Miles was 11 cases of
meusics, tnree cases tuberculosis, one
case chickenpoz, one case of typhoid
rover and one case of scarlet fever.
Dr. Asseln, dentist, Salem Bank of
Commerce Wdg. t
Although interfered with by rainy
weather, excavation for tho basement
of the building to bo erected at Union
and Commercial streets will be prac
tically completed tomorrow night. Ac
tual construction is scheduled to be
started Monday. A. J. Leniiuon intends
to erect a two story structure at a cost
of about $0000, which will be used for
store and apartment house pn rpnspM.
5c sic sic 5k sfc sic ?k sic sc sk sk sk sk
E. H. Martin was today pa
roled by the govornor. Martin
was convicted in Soptember,
1909 of tho murder of Nathan
Wolfe in, Portland, and sen
tenced from one to fifteen
years in the state prison. His
parole was recommended by the
parole board under Governor
West, as well as by the present
parole board. Warden Lawson
and Minto also recommended
bis parole.
All Around Town
Dr. Mendlesohn will be at his office
January 1, 1U1. tf
Dr. W. L. Fisher is re-modeling and
making several improvements to his
homo at 903 Union street.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Mrs. Henrietta Pomeroy, who has
been ill at her homo tor the past ten
days, is reported to be milking a satis
factory recovery.
Gas now 15c at Snolson's 12th street
garage. tf
Saturday night the junior class of
tho Willamette law school will enter
lain the seniors of tiio law school and
the law school faculty with a dinner at
the Spn.
Jones' Nursery, rear of armory. Dcl5
The river today is 12.7 feot above
low water mark, ami is fulling. For
the 21 hours ending nt 8 o'clock this
morning, .02 of an inch of ruin had
Jones' Nursery, roar of armory. Dcl5
The Parent-Teachers' association of
tho Hichmond school will meet tonight
in tho school building for tho purposo
of electing u new president,
Jones' Nursery, rear of armory. Dclfi
sc )c )c sjt jjc st )f( c sc it )c sc
Cut Glass is again Vogue. Com
plete line, now items,
The Store of Housewares.
Jones' Nursery, rear of armory. Dcl5
Mr. and Mrs. Everett King, of Pen
dleton, aro spending the holidays in
this city. They are visiting nt the
homo of Mrs. King's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. K. lloyt, of Hellevue streot.
Before placing your printing order,
Phono 2179. Fuller Printing Concern.
Ripe raspborries in the wintor is not
1111 umisuul occurrence in Salem, J?. Jl.
Dnngherty of tho Knglewood section
picked enough for his dinner table
Thursday which were of splendid color
uml of delicious flavor,
Jones' NurBery, rear of armory. Dcl5
Wllioin Baker, formerly in the state
printim' office, is in the city, coming
from Woodland, California, whero ho.
has been located for tlio past two
years, Mr. linker will not return to
California, but may locate in this city,
Jones' Nursery, roar of armory, DclB
The Salem Choss and Checkor club
will meet this evening to continue their
series of games, to eventually deter
mine the championship of tho city.
Harry Irwin, of the Portland News,
will bo here to tuke part in the games.
Big reduction on auto tires, tubes,
oils, anil accessories, at Suelson's 12th
ttrcct garage. tf
Flro partially dostroyod the homo of
Frank Flint, living nboiit five miles
north of the city in the Kaiser Hot
torn. Painters who were working near
the house discovered the fire and with
Mr. Flint, put it out before the flames
were bevond control.
Dr. Stono's drug store.
The hiErh Reboot will Via recmlanrinnt.
! tonight on the occasion of the annual
1 senior reception in honor of the faculty.
1 Tile student committee hns inndn elab
orate arrangements for tho entertain
ment of guests.
Dr. B. T. Mclntire, pnysiclan and
surgeon, 211 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
Tho children will be entertained to
morrow morning at the public library
with ihristmns stories from other
lands. Miss Flora Case, school librari
an, will tell the stories mid nine
I charge of tho chidren's hour, beginning
in n:.)u 0 ciocit Saturday morning.
Altogether, Boost for the Midget.
The next meeting of the Polk-Yam-
liill-Mnrion Medical society will bo
held nt tho regular room in' tho medical
college building, Salem, Tuesday even
ing, December 14. 'Hie program for
the evening will include a paper by
Dr. LF. (Iriffith, of Salem, on "Ifor
derlnud Diseases." Dr. W. H. Morse,
of Salem, will discuss "Sex Hygiene."
Both papers will bo followed by a gen
eral discussion. "
If you got that Sunday roast at the
Midget, you will uo pleuscd. I171 Stale
The Rov. Richard N. Avison return
ed this morning from a week's visit
with his sister at Vancouver, British
Columbia. Ho will occupy his pulpit
Sunday for both the morning and ev
ening services.
Bazaar and cooked food sale' at the
Court street Christian church, 17 ami
Court, Saturday afternoon and evening,
December 11th. program 7:.10.
SC jg jj I
Why not givo her n good last- 1
ing' present, a Hoover Electric
135 N. Liberty St.
The Store of Housewares
10c I Today
The New York Evening Sun's $1000 Prize Film Story
Tomoirow Only, Added Attraction
VILLE 3 BIG ACTS 3 Including
Hawthorne's Minstrel Maids. Special
Orchestra. Matinee 1 5c, Evening 25c
That the People
of Salem and vicinity appreciate
the fact that we are selling
groceries on a small margin of
profit, is evidenced by tho large
increase in our business. While
we realize that tho exceptionally
low prices we have been quoting
has had considerable to do with
the steady increase in our busi
ness, still there are other fea
tures that the public demands,
FACTION. Grocerios offered
by us are not second or third
rate goods, bought at a cut price
in order to mislead the public,
but tbe very best that money
coula buy, and the kind that
have made a reputation for
quality for Damon's store. Re
member, we guarantee entire
satisfaction with each, and every
order, or money refunded. A few
prices follow which make Da
mon's an interesting place to
Best Valley Flour
sack $1.10
23c Coffee, our price 20c
Spuds, per sack . . .$1.00
6 Pounds of Rice . ,25c
.Pure Strained Honey,
3 pounds (1 qt.) . .25c
Did you ever eat any
pure Maple Syrup.
We have it at, per
gallon $1.65
Pure Eastern Buck
wheat Flour (makes
fine cakes ). This
would go good with
the maple syrup
sack. 60c
Best No. 1 Soft Shell
Walnuts, our price,
pound 20c
No. 10 Lard Compound,
pail $1.05
7 Bars White Laundry
Soap, special for Sat
urday 25c
2 Loaves BreadfoFSaT
urday 5c
3 Pounds of fine Christ
mas Candy, chocolate,
etc., for 25c
Buy your Christmas
Groceries now at
these low prices.
We under sell all Salem
stores because we buy
and sell for cash. Pay
no rent and have less
Ask any of our custom
ers. DAMON & SON
855 N. Com'. Phone 68
Hurt while trying to purchase a
ticket for the Musicians' dance at the
armory next Monday night. 20 piece
The Artapoiio concert this evening
at the Kilo' lodge promises to be an
entertainment of uunsunl interest,
something different from the usual.
Miss Ursula Dietrich is a recognised
expert on tho Artajiollo and is able to
show the player to its best advantage,
liesides the playing of Miss Dietrich,
the program will include a solo by Mrs.
V. Carlton Smith, singing bv Dnn
Langenberg and violin solos by Miss
Marv Schultz. The concert is invita
tional to tho Elks and their ladies.
The lunches are right and the prices
right low at the White Swan Dairv
The state requires half a million dol
lars less in its coffers this year than
it did last year, according to the figures
of the state tux commission ratified
this morning by the state- board. Whih
Marion county will pay tho second lurg
est amount of nay of tho counties a
reduction of more than 820,000 is made
over last year's apportionment. For
INKS tho state requires $2,550,000 i
which this county will contribute 112,
280.70. Tou cannot make a mistake if you
sny Hyrudc when you want a cigar of
Initiating the 1915 basketball season,
a picked team of men from the senior
class of the V. M. C. A. will meet the
Riekreall Athletic club five on the lat
ter 's foor tonight. The Saem team is
under tho management of Joe ilinton
and Ben Clinton is to net as referee.
The following men will make the trim
1 Jackson", center; Dean Curtis, and
Glen Ackennou, forwards; Frank liar
us ami Atnin jrvine, guards.
The ladies Aid society of the First
Methodist church nro holding their an
nual bazaar in the parlors of the
church. These have been heautifullv
decorated, and the fancy work and the
Christmas presents have been artistic
ally displayed in the several booths.
The ladies will serve a dinner this
evening, to be folowed bv n program,
which is thrown in with the dinner,
just for good measure.
They say Charley W. Fairbanks is
tho choice of Kentucky republicans for
president, but no other state has re
ported Mich a killing frost.
WW w- 'I
riome Keaaing
To Be Thoroughly Enjoyed
Should not tire the eyes and be followed with a dull headache
If when reading, your eyes blur, tire or ache, come to me for a pair
made for your especial use, only after an expert examination of the
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
Phone 109 t
208-209 Hubbard Bldg.
There is no use to shop around
tent with quality, all the time.
Sugar, pure cane, 13 lbs. ...$1.00
TWur, Drifted Snow, sack .$1.50
Flour, Crown, sack $1.60
Flour, Snow White, sack . ..$1.45
Flour, Five Star, sack ....$1.35
Flour, soft wheat, sack ...$1.25
Potatoes, Am. Wonder, bu. ..75c
Potatoes, Burbanks, bu 60c
Beans, small white, 14 lbs. $1.00
Beans, Limas, 12 lbs $1.00
Beans, Bed Mexican, 12 lbs. $1.00
Bice, best head, 12 lbs $1.00
Bice, Jap Head, 16 lbs $1,00
Coal Oil, bring your can,
5 gal 65c
We make the very best prices, consis
Country Butter, per pound ....30c
Beef, best stew from ....lie up
Pork, "Fresh Side" ..12 l-2c lb.
Pork, shoulder steaks, ...10c lb.
Pork, shoulder roasts ....10c lb.
Pork, loin steaks 15c lb.
Pork, loin roasts 15c lb.
Pork, hocks 6c lb.
Veal, stews 10c lb.
Veal, shoulder steaks. .12 l-2c lb.
Veal, shoulder roasts.. 12 l-2c lb.
Veal, rump roast 15c lb.
Veal, hind quarter steak 20c lb.
Veal, hind quarter roast.. 20c lb,
We handle Salem made Bread,
"Royal." Try it firBt
Workmen will tonight begin remodel
ing the Midget market on tate street
of which Ben Levy is proprietor. The
new store will occupy its present space
and the store now occupied by John
8undin, tailor. It is Mr. Levy's in
tention to put iu a new front and en
tirely new equipment. Several hundred
dollars will be spent at this time and
later a modem refrigerating plant ex
tending across the entire back of the
store will be installed.
Stated meeting of Mult
nomah Chapter Xo. ), I?. A.
M., this evening. Election of
officers. A full attendance is
requested by order of the E.
H. P. Visiting companions
Alaska Petroleum & Coal Co. Stock
holders. Important information for
you. A postal card with your home
and address mailed to llerrin & Rhodes,
Inc., .1 l!l ( berry street, Seattle, will
bring it to voti.
The Salem Woman's club will meet
at tiie public library .Saturday, Decem
ber 11. at 2:.'i0 p. iu. Professor Mac
.Murray will give his lecture. on Muzine
Also a Nice Line of
Masonic Bldg.
Washington, Dec, 10. The Vnite.il
States Steel Corporation vvns given a
dean bill of health in the matter of al
leged rebating, by n representative of
the interstate commerce coianiissiou to
the senate today.
Lasting, Vseful, Christmas
Presents at the store of House
135 N. Liberty St.
Is to Tell The Plain Facts in as Few Words as Possible
Brevity is the Soul of Advertising, a
rare jewel possessed by too few.
The public care naught for the whys
and wherefores, it is FACTS, VALUES
and PRICES that interests the masses.
A few inches of space, a few truthful
assertions and a few genuine price
quotations that people read are better
than pages of guff.
Yesterday's business reached the
high tide, our sales exceeding those of
opening day. As the time goes by the
true significance of such a sale at such
a time is more apparent and as we re
marked yesterday, "Men will talk" and
a satisfied customer is pretty apt to tell
his friends and so it goes.
The way they are buying Clothing
and Shoes shows that our prices please.
Paul wears a smile that won't come off
and Clyde will soon be complaining of
over-exertion, but you know what I
said about brevity. .Here's what you
want to know: Ten dollar Suits are
$6,48, twelve fifty ones are $8.68, fifteen
dollar suits are $9.98, twenty dollar
ones are $13.48 and the $25.00 kind are
now only $16.78.
We still have a few odd Coats and
Vests which when matched up with a
pair of extra trousers isn't half bad.
These coats and vests are selling for
$1.48, though worth four times that.
Extra trousers are $1.98 for the two
fifty ones, $2.68 for those that were
three fifty, $3.38 for the four dollar
kind, and the five dollar ones at $3.73.
Overcoats went well yesterday at
these prices $10.00 ones $6.98, $12.50
ones $7.38, $15.00 ones $8.68, $20.00
ones $11.48 and $25.00 ones $13.98;
figure it out for yourself, only a little
over half price.
You'll have to hurry if you get in on
our Underwear sale. Six dollar silk and
wool $1.75 the garment. Five dollar all
wool at $1.63 the garment. Three dol
lar Coopers spring needle $1.13 each.
Cooper's Australian wool at 98c, the
75c Swiss ribbed at 35c each, and
regular 50c Derby ribbed are 35c each.
Everybody buys neckwear and why
not? 50c and 75c Ties are 38c, and the
25c and 35c ones are 21c.
Hats are worn this season too. Our
$2.00 ones are $1.12 and the $3.00 ones
are $1.98.
50c heavy or light wool sox at 38c
and 25c ones at 18c.
And here is some more Shirt talk:
$1.00 shirts at 48c, $1.50 shirts at $1.13,
$2.00 shirts at $1.48, $2.50 shirts at
$1.88, $3.00 shirts at $2.28, and $1.50 to
$3.00 flannel shirts at 78c to $1.98.
Are you going away? If so get an
Oxford Bag. 15, 16 and 17 inch Bags,
regular $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 at $2.48;
$2.98 and $3.48. Never again these
Yesterday's fair weather brought out
scores of the fair sex to help swell the
crowd, and right here we want to make
the prediction, if they use as good
judgment in voting as they do in buy
ing, Oregon will have better laws.
Our little shoe talk helped a whole
lot Packard Shoes, values at $2.48 to
$3.98 is something new to Salem people.
We have them in black or tan, button or
lace, all lasts including English.
Christmas goods too are on sale but
will have more to say on this subject
later on.
Tomorrow (Saturday) our store will
be open until 10 p. m. Nothing re
served except Ide collars, Holeproof
and Thoenix hosiery.
G. W. Johnson & Co.