Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 10, 1915, Image 1

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lllliJlffl. -
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Expeditions Are In Grave PiV and Only Safety Seems To
Be In Retreating Into Grei -Teutons Pursuing May
Insist On Their Being Intern? Or Else Follow Them In
to Grecian Territory Situatk Such Greece Certain
To Be Embroiled Fighting Else .nere Halted
London, Dec. 10. Hungary
has resolved on pence without
the consent of either Austria or
Germany, the Exchange Tele-
graph's Geneva correspondent
reported today, saying lie had
learned it "reliably." sjc
"Peace demonstrations," bo
said, "arc occurring through-
out Hungary."
Atliens, Dec. 10. Serbia mny soon be
left entirely to its fate. The allies
continue their retreat toward Greece.
Their position is serious.
Already, the Bulgarian advance hosts
tire reported to have reached Greece.
The Brit'sh forces are bearing the
brunt of the fighting, and thc.ii- work
i more bitter because of intense cold.
Meantime, the Teutons arc pressing
i ipidly onwurd in southern Serbia to
connect with the Bulgnrs. The expe
ditions of the allies therefore nro in
grave peril unless they fleo through
Greece back to their Salonika base,
without pursuit into Grecian territory.
This phase of the situation is caus
ing grave speculation. Should the Bui
gars or Teutons carry the fighting di
rectly upon Oreek soil, the Greeks must
then decide with whom they will cast
their lot. ' Probably, Greece will not
irond idly by aud permit such a situa
tion. The British war office Inst night ad
mitted superior forces of Bulgnrs on
December 7 drove the British from the
Lake Doiraii region. The following day,
tlie Bulgar attacKs .wore repulsed, but
Mio British withdrew to now lines "to
conform with the general alignment."
Wants Definite Terms.
Home, Dec. 10. Returning to Ger
many with the pence sentiments of the
consistory, Cardinal Hurtmann will try
to obtain definite pence proposals for
transmission to the allies through the
Rioting lu Berlin.
Paris, Dec. 10. Rioting, in which
uteres and cafes wero smashed, and in
which citizens and soldiers participat
ed, were reported in Berlin, as pence
demonstrations, from Swiss sources to
day. Other reports said the riots ex
tended even to Dresden and Leipzig,
and that the masses had become con
vinced pence could come only through
( Kaiser Visits Brussels.
'Amsterdam, Dee, 10-Kniser Wilhelm
will visit Brussels Sunday planning to
remain there threo days. It is report
ed too, that he iutenrts to go to Water
loo, Conscription In Sight,
London, Dec. 10 Lord Derby's house
to house canvass to obtain necessary en
listments, expiring tomorrow, will not
bo extended. If it fails of its purpose,
the government is expected to give se
rious attention to the subject of con
scription. British Hold Ground.
Amsterdam, Dec. 10. That the Bri
tish are making a successful stand nt
Ivntel-nmnrn was Indicated bv the of-
Abe Martin
Tell llinkley says he'd rather put
oil tire thuu a dress suit. Tber's no
hereafter ivr a feller that's dead
ficial Constantinople report today,
which told of heavy British attacks.
In the Gallipoli region, the Turks, it
was said, scattered attacking troops
and drove enemy transports on the
shoals of Kimikliman bay.
Rumored Naval Battle.
Athens, Dec. 10. That a naval bat
tle perhaps occurred off Albauia yes
terday was reported here today. The
story went that an Italian squad rou ap
peared while the Austrians were bom
barding San Giovanni Di Medua, but
no details were added.
Danish Steamer Sunk.
London, Dec. 10. A German subma
rine sank tho 1,200 ton Danish steamer
Tripolitans Revolt.
Constantinople, Dec. 10. Well organ
ized bands of Tripolitans and Hinter
land natives have revolted and severely
defeated the Italians in Africa accord
ing to reports today. Tho Italian losses
were (1,000 dead and wounded and i
rebels arc snid to bo within nn hour and
a half march of the city of Tripoli,
Dupont Powder Works Es
cape Fire But City of
Shanties Has Vanished
Hopewell, Vn., Dec. 10. The Dupont
Powder works on the edge of this war
time bomb town, with a few scattered
residences, loomed up today amid charred-
and smoking ruins all that wus
left from yesterday's conflagration.
A dense pillar of smoke murked the
funeral pyre of the city.
But the firo which swept this place
almost off the map did not kill the spir
it of its 25,000 pioneers who had build
ed it in a few mouths on the strength
of war orders. They tfot to work to
reconstruct, along more permanent sub
stantial lines.
Temporary shacks in town and nt Pe
tersburg and City Point housed refu
gees who shivered under the sting of a
cold wave. Firemen still played streams
of water upon (10. acres of smoldering
debris to prevent spnrks from igniting
the powder works.
Not until lute last night did they
succeed in controlling the bliuo. Sev
eral times it threatened to spread to
the powder factory.
Wild disorder followed. Tho city, like
a new Alaskan gold camp harbored
within its gntes adventurers and bad
men following in the wake of the
A liegro, caught looting, was lynched
just as two companies or crack militia
from Richmond pulled into town. Spe
cial policemen had their hands full to
check disorder until tho soldiers ar
rived. More than 300 homes, it was estimat
ed today, went up in smoke, icuving
thousands homeless,
Several Reported Killed.
Petersburg, Va., Dec. 10. Reports of
wild disordor at Hopewell, the destroy
ed boom town, reached here by courier
today following failure of wire com
munication. Two persons are said to
have been killed and one negro lynch
ed. The negro wus reported hanged to a
telegraph pole. Several others, includ
ing an Italian Insane over loss of his
money in a burned bnnk, were Bnid to
have been shot down by soldiers. St:
another report declared an Italian shot
fivo persons who attempted to prevent
him from entering the burning bank. ,
The only communication with th'
city is by automobiles and wagons over
ronds filled with refugees and sight
Refugees said that only a handful of
employes reported this forenoon for
work at. tho Dupont plant. Many, spent
the night searching among ruins for
their valuables, while others, more for
tunate, slept in the open beside the
little they had saved. ,
Included in the refugees are law
yers, doctors and real estnte men, who
though wealthy from the boom, lost all,
They, however, are busy with plum for
a new city,
London, Dee, 10. The Italian steam
er Dante Alighlorl has been submarined
according to dispatches today.
One Costing $15,000,000 Will
Be Built At Mare Island
Nayy Yard
Vnllejo, Oal., Doc. 10. Vallejo cele
brated today the success of the Mare
Island navy yard in securing the con
tract for battleship No. 44 which was
awarded by Secretary of the Navy
Daniels at Washington yesterday.
The Buperdreadnaught will be of 32,
000 tons and will cost nearly $15,000,
000 when completed. Mare Island bid
$7,41.'),l.r0 for tho hull and driving con
struction. The keol of the new battleship prob
ably will be laid next August and the
vessel will be finished about two years
later. Construction will be under the
supervision of Naval Constructor Hen
ry M. Gleason, who propared the bid.
Tho contract menus much to the
state. In the next two years approxi
mately 4,000,000 will be spent in
wages, and about four thousand moa
will be ketit steadily employed.
Speculative Fever Is
Slowly Dying Out
(Copyright 1015 by the New York
Evening Post.)
New Yarn, Dec. 10. That the mar
ket today should have responded with
a sharp decline, instead of an advance,
to tho publication of nn unexpectedly
favorable United States steel corpora
tion of unfinished business showed
that the speculative impulse has turned
for the present in a direction away
from that to which tho street has com
mitted itself recently.
Only in October HU2 did the corpor
ation issue such a largo report of un
finished business. .jcIoio it was made
public nt noon, the street believed it
to be about six or seven hundred
thousand tons; instead it showed an in
crease of 1,020,000 tons.
Steel common fell rapidly in price
afterword sending the whole," list down
ward and disappointing those who had
hoped speculation would expaud.
Stolen Plans Are
Recovered In Raid
Snn Francisco, Dec. 10. Plans said
to detail military fortifications and de
fenses of California, Oregon oud other
Pacific const points, as well as the
Philippine islands, alleged to have been
stolen threo months ngo from the quar
termaster's department nt tho Presido,
were recovered today iu a raid on the
homo of James McDonald, in Glenn
McDonald, discharged as nunrtermas-
tor several months ago, was arrested.
Ho will be arraigned on the charge of
violating penal code 442, which deals
with tho theft of federal secrets. Tho
warrant was sworn out by Cnptnin B
L. Dinley.
Tho recovered papers are said to havo
contained information invaluable to a
hostile nation.
Wife Will Clerk While
Little Hubby Will Cook
Tncomn, Wash., Dec. 10 The perilous
encroachments of tho female of the
species upon the time honored prerogn
five of the mule office holder in this
suffrage stnte, is emphasized hero to
day by the result of Tuesday's munici
pal election nt Republic.
J. C. Caie was city clerk and a enndi
date for ro-clection. Mrs. Eva B. Cnie,
his winywus also a candidate for the
office on a non-pnrtisan ticket. Cnie,
however, thought, he had a cinch. But
he knows different today, for his bet
ter hulf was elected and the defeated
husband will now be given n chance to
show how good he is lit housework
while friends of his wife look after
the city's business affulrs.
Marriage In the Way
of Holding the Job
Marslifiold, Or., Dee. 10. The vil
lage of I')ast Side, near Marslifiold, is
in a quandary today. At a recent elec
tion it made' Mrs. jlen Wright a mem
ber of the town council. It developed
today that Mrs. Wright's husband is
not a citizen, and the council, with
Mrs. Wright a member, fciirs that busi
ness it may transact will be illegal.
The attorney general of Oregon prob
ably will be asked to pass on tho case.
Washington, Dec. 10. With congress
reconvening today after its brief re
cess, advocates of cloture rules in the
senate announced they hnd dropped
their fight until n real filibusetr ap
pears. The sennte turned to organiza
tion of committees, while in the bouse
a resolution for continuing war taxes
after new years was ready to be of
fered. Other revenue measures, it is
expected, will be postponed until af
ter the holidays, while the ship pur
chnso bill will not be reached until
next month.
Montreal, Que., Dec. 10 Fire In tho
Grand Trunk munitions shops at Point
St. Charles today was con fined to Hire 1
Say Chancellor Yon Hollweg's
Speech Has Made It Now
Intimate War Must Go On
Until Germany Is Brought
To Terms
By Ed L. Eeene.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
London, Dec. 10. German Chnnrellor
Von Bethmnnn-Hollwegg's pronounce
ment of Germany's peace terms has
practically ended all talk of early peace
so far as Great Britain is concerned.
Several high officials, whom the
United Pres3 interviewed today, declar
ed their conviction that not even the
most anient pacificists see a quick end
ahead. Newspapers riot only shared this
view, but some of them declared that
peace is more remote as a result of
Hollwegg's speech, than at any time
since the war began.
All resented the chancellor's attempt
to place responsibility on the allies; it
was regarded as for home consumption
to appease the growing demand for
peace within Germany.
Referring to the chancellor's sar
castic fling at England concerning al
lied view of German violation of Bel
gian neutrality the Westminster Ga
zette said: "If Germany had entered
Rclgium on invitntion and then ha'
found herself iu difficulties through a
sudden chnngo of Belgian policy, the
analogy might begin to be debatable."
Tho Evening Stuhdard commented:
"It is certain that Germany aims to
surpass her previous efforts this win
ter and next spring. Let us therefore
be forewarned aud forearmed."
The Star's comment was: "Wo see
now, as we saw iu August, 1014, that
Prussia's military domination is incom
patible with the liberty ami public law
of Europe. We have no delusions left.
Wo accept proudly tho foremost place
in this war of liberation. We havo
counted the cost and weighed the sac
rifice. We have endured much bnt we
are ready to endure to the end."
English Press Angry.
London, Dec. 10. Angry comments,
mingled with sarcasm, constituted the
London press reception tojlny of Chan
cellor Bethmann-Hollwegg's pence talk
in the German reichstag yesterday.
The papers referred to the chancel
lor as "merely repeating the old bluff
and brag. ' '
The Daily Express: "He had the
temerity to warn us thnt the longer thft
war continues the harder will be Ger
munys terms, when in fact it is com
mon knowledge that Germany is neces
sarily becoming weaker daily and less
able to carry out the giiindioso plans
of her rulers. Fortunately for the
world, tlx' leader of Germany has de
termined to rush on to irretrievable dis
aster. The allies will read his speech
with relief ami satisfaction."
The Chronicle: . "Speaking of so
cialist Schiedemnnn's warning that Ku
ropo will commit suicide nnd tho Uni
ted States will be victor that is a re
flection which Germany might hnvc
taken to heart before plunging into the
war. But it isn't nn argument for stop
ping when the situation is most advan
tageous to those who provoked it.
"The allies do not regard Germany
as invincible, und no mure so because
llollwegg asserts it."
Standard Oil Company
Only Partly Dissolved
Washington, Dec. 10. The Standard
Oil corporation is only partly dissolved,
said an interstate commerce commission
correspondent to the sennte today.
The report said that the stockholders
in producing companies are ulso Inter
ested in pipe lines. The South Penn
sylvania company was nnmed ns ex
ample of this.
In a general way the condition is
good, it wus said,
New York, Dec. 10 With the
steel corporations announce
ment that It hnl 1,0!M,0!I7 in
creased unfilled tonnnge In No
vember, over October, the stock
went up 7i points immediately.
South Bethlehem, Pn., Dec, 10. One
man was killed and 13 seriously hull
In an explosion Bt the lledlngton Fuse
plant, u part of the Bethlehem Hteol
company this afternoon. The explosion
was in the powder pellet building.
AH the Judges Concur In Con
clusions Two Write
Separate Opinions
All Quihbh'ng and
Red Tape
Niceties of Law Are
Swept Aside
Olympia, Wash., Dec. 10. By a unan
imous vote of the supreme court of the
Btnte, the prohibition law, adopted
through the initiative by the people,
is sustained in a decision handed down
nt 11 oclock this morning,
Six of the judges concurred in the
opinion written by Judge" Parker, while
Judges Chndwick and Fullerton wrote
separate opinions arriving at the same
final result, however.
Judge Bailsman, recently appointed
to the supreme bench, did not partici
pate in the decision beenuse he was
not a member of the bench when the
case was argued.
Concurring in the opinion written by
Judge Parker are Chief Justice Morris
and Justices Ellis, Holcomb, Main and
The Tarker opinion is contained in 5,'i
typewritten pnges. It held the court
would not tnko judicial notice of de
fective or insufficient publication of
election notices, even though the attor
ney general consented thnt it should do
no. It was on this point thnt Justice
Chndwick wrote a soparatc opinion, de
claring that he was not entirely in ac
cord with the other judges in their opin
ion of "judicial notice," but that it
had no .hearing in determining his vote
upholding the dry law.
Technicalities Ignored.
Judge Fullerton 's opinion stated gen
erally that he did not agree with all
of tho reasoning oftho majority but
there was no question about the correct
ness of tho final conclusion.
The Farkcr opinion held that the
court must presumo all the necessary
steps had boon taken by the secretary
of state which tho lnw requires him to
take in tho way of giving election no
tices and other publications; that the
prohibition law did not fail of public
ity, as a matter of fact; that the inter
state commerce act was not violntod by
the provisions of the lawj thnt the Ken-yon-Wobb
federal act established the
constitutionality of tho Btato law; that
though the initiative amendment to the
constitution provided for laws to go in
to effect 30 days after the people's
ratifying vote, and the prohibition lnw
provided it should not go into effect
for over a year, thero was no defective
The court held tho "prohibition lnw
was in effect since December 1, 1014,"
though its active operation is not to be
gin until January 1, 1010.
Other objections ruised by Attorney
Howo in behalf of the "wets," the
court held, nro not proper ones for con
sideration in the present suit.
M. and K. Gottstein, wholesale liquor
deulers of Seattle, wero the original,
contestants, represented by Attorney,
Harold Preston. Later several other
parties joined in tho suit as co-coin-plninants,
including the Hotelmens as
sociation anil n number of breweries.
Washington, Dec. 10. At-
Inches Vou Pupon and Boy-cd
of the German embussy have
been recalled by their govern-
me nt ns requested by the Uui-
ted States government on nc-
count of their displeasing activ-
ities in America.
Ambassador Von Bernslorff
so telephoned Secretnry of
State Lansing this afternoon.
At the same time the ambas-
sndor requested America's good
offices to get from England
snfo conducts for the attaches
and their successors. The sue-
ccssors have not yet been
Safe conducts for their sue-
ccssors, however, are in grave
doubt, '
The kaiser himself recalled
the two attaches becuuso he
personally appointed them. He
intimated that ho gave tho mat-
tcr deep consideration and do-
sired to preserve nmlrnble re-
lutions between the two nn-
Bernstorff conferred fur n
sort time with Secretary Lain-
lug during the afternoon, but
afterward declined to discuss
the nature of his cull.
Say Announcement of Terms
Is "Satisfactory" They
Are to Them
By Carl W. Ackerman.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Berlin, Dec. 10. Socialists of the
reichstag are with the government in
its peace attitude. In caucus, they do
cided today that the chancellor's an
nouncement of terms yesterday was sat
isfactory. With only a few radicals, in
cluding Herr Liobknecht dissenting,
they voted, therefore, that thero is no
reason for hostility toward the govern
ment "whose enemies are continually
stating that Germany favors annexa
tion of conquererd territory."
-From the press today camo unanim
ous approval of Hollweg's stand.
The Lokal Anzcigor commented typi
cally: "The chancellor expressed clear
ly that Germany's desires are peaccablo
now just as they were before the war
started. He notified tho world that wo
are willing for pence tho sooner tho
better, if it brings what we absolutely
The public, is almost as much interest
ed in Prosidont Wilson's rocent attack
on "hyphenated Amoricans" as in
Hollweg's decision. The general view
is that he meant Austrians and Ger
mans. And, an admiralty official told me
that he could not help believing thnt
Washington is unfriendly toward Ger
Each Is Watching For Own
Interests Hence So Much
Dilatory Action
By J. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Dec. 10. Indications are
that the nllies general war council is
meeting with the common fate of coali
tions and is failing to satisfy. . l'or
sistent reports from Paris report se
rious differences of opinion among the
military leaders. In fact tho council is
proving itself no grand general staff
for direction of tho war, but insteud an
exchango bureau for examination of
policies. The council now is ongngcd
in examining the advisability of con
tinuing the Balkan campaign. Mean
time, British and French forces are be
ing hurled back from Houthorn Serbia.
This examination into tho Balkan
problem, however, is not a mntter of
determining how to defeat the Teutons
and Bulgars, but rather what is good
for the individual allies,
A truly united policy acceptable to
all the allies is impossible. Russia
wunts the Balkan situation continued
for the sake of ber prestige In the'
region, while tho otlfer allies are not
entirely content with continuing on and
neglecting possibilities of another ma
jor offensivo in tho west.
Britain takes a leading part In oppo
sition to Russia's desire to have the
Balkan campaign nt all costs. Italy is
reluctant, to contribute mon ns Ion"
the central nllies keep out of Albania
the territory on which sho keeps her
jealous eye. At the same time, France
wants to reserve her forces for her
own defense.
A compromise, therefore, would lenvo
misgivings, if not actual suspicions
among the contending groups.
None of the allies, however, can op
pose Russia, with un easy mind, for
despito her agreements with ull the
other entente powers, she might make
n separate pence if thwarted in her
Balkan desires, and this would be a
serious blow to the ambitions of the
Senator Hoke Smith
Scores Acts of England
Washington, lce. 10. England was
accused of bold nnd reckless disregard
of the laws of nations today when Sen
ator Hoke Smith of Georgia mnJo the
first speech of the senate session.
"The stato department, lie said,
'has failed and congress must act if
America ii rights on tho sens nro to ho
protected. Diplomatic protests to
Great i.ritnin against her orders in
ouncil havo brought only increased
"In fact, England s conduct has
been in bold and reckless disregard of
International law, Ilnr crime is the
more flagrant because sho sends to
neutral nations the snino materials,
wiiii'h she docs not permit us to send.
"Knilnnd and (leriniinv havo both
been our foes, but America owes to her
citizenry to maintain tho neutral rights
of all citizens."
New York, Dec, 10. Tho eleven
leaders In the six duv hlcyclo race had
covered lill miles at 4 o'clock this
afternoon, which Is -II miles better
than the previous record.
imirop ip
IfllllLOO 10
Both Crowley and Von Brinck
en Are Gay Baron
Brings Wife
State Department Officials Ir
ritated by Bopps
San Francisco, Dec. 10. Hearing in
tho cases of Baron George Wilhelin.
Von Brincken and C. C. Crowloy,
charged with German bomb plotting,
went over today to Tuesday upon the
government's request. In the mean
time, it is expected, indictments win do
mado against them.
Crowlev was in high spirits and
joked with attendants of the United
States commissioners office and news
papermen. His attorney said ho would
be freed luter, undor absolute proof of
Bnron Von Brincken, dashing cav
alry officer of the kaiser, created a,
stir bv coming to tho hearing with his
beautiful wifo. He laughed and chat
ted, too, never onco losing the monocle
thnt ho wore with almost English ac
curacy. His lawyer his fnthor-in-law
expressed himself ns anxious to have
rue caso xrieu sunn, ho me puuuu wwim
know thnt the baron had been malign
ed by his arrest.
It May Be for Bopp.
Tiiia unnftlnuinn frnlned around lierA
todny in connection with work on th
alleged nnti-nlly bomb conspiracies of
Baron Von Brincken and C. C. Crow
lav, Bopp's employes.
Preliminary hearing In the two case
seemed likely to be postponed.
ronfimn mitlinritieti hart rounded
up a new witness, Mrs. Margaret Corn
ell, admitted secret helper of Crowley.
From her t'nov gained no information.
Laughing at 'the offieors, sho defied
them to' indict her, as sue ays moy
threatened to do.
Hl, iwlimttnil allA tinil WfirllCil for.
Crowley, but this was all officials;
could get from Her. nno rurnisneii unii.
Mn ehnrirn is laid against her: sho it
held merely as a witness.
Intimations thnt tho crippled liner
tu intmuntii liml linnn ilniiiiiire.l bv Ger
man agents drew from Bopp today tho
ut.itnntif tlint hn liml i nf nrmul inn that
tho boilers wero in bad shape whon
she loft rucnttie and mat ner uisuuiiiig
was from natural causes.
Criticisms Irritate. '
Wnshintiton. Dec. 10. Although the
stato department has no official knowl
edge of tho recent statement issued by
Gormnn Consul Bopp of San Francisco,
such statements irritate state depart
ment ol'iiciuls. it was admtited today.
Newspaper reports of his remarks.
criticising, uirerentiuliv nt least, inact
ivity of federal officials against the
San Francisco British consul elicited
til is comment,
"Austria and Gormiinv fail to ronli.a
tho uroat difference between a con
spiracy to disrupt and destroy Ameri
can industry and commerce, and viola
tion or the uiitieiilisimeni law wun,
which Britishers were charged.
"The former is a direct slap in the,
faco nt America; too latter merely in
volved iu a minor degree, our neutral
ity toward belligerents."
Suggestions that pernnps .nuaciio
Von Pnnen of the German embussy bud
mime hand in alleged nnti-nlly activi
ties un the Pacific coast during his
September visit there havo been heard,
but the department or. .insiico inti
mated it had proven nothing of this
nature His visit Is believed to havo
been merely the result of his desire to
escape unplciisuut nntority.
llnrtln lb in Virxf official ncwa
ii..,f A iti.ii'Hin lnw) iiwlcctl recall nf At
taches Von I "a pen and Boyod was
printed todny in tins announcement:
"Tim American government hns ex
pressed tho wish that Germany recall
its military nnd naval attaches at the
embassy nt Washington. Further details
concerning the request are not at hand.
Neither m it Known on wnat gruuima
America came to mis pumamuun.
'wt ti! lfit?
Si' C4R.
Oregon: Tonight
and Saturday in
west, rain; raiu
or snow in cast
portion; wiirmer
tonight, in south
and east portions,
increasing south
crly winds.