Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 09, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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fin d g
ay Time
is Near at Han
best values. All Linen Handkerchiefs 10c, 15c,
25c, 35c and 50c. Dainty designs. Also cheaper
lines of Kerchiefs from 2 cents up.
LADIES' WHITE APRONS-Nice dainty goods, at re
duced prices.
FOR MEN-We have nice Neckwear, Suspenders,
Socks and Gloves, i
FURS at big reductions. They make appreciated gifts.
UMBRELLAS in great variety. Nice ones at $2, $1.50
and $1.00 each.
SILK BOOT HOSIERY 25c and 50c a pair.
Officers9 Convention of
Polk County Schaols
Punch Boards Must Go
From Falls City Stores
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Falls City, Or., Dec. ft. The punch
board game of chance that has been
permitted to be carried on here by the
eonfoctionaries and dnitf stores must
discontinue. A complaint watt made to
the city council Monday night and the
city attorney, Walter L, Tooze, Jr.,
viis instructed to talie the matter up
with the district attorney. There Ib a
state law against the punch board prac
tice, but little or no attention was paid
to it. The parties who hnve been op
erating the punch boards will not be
prosecuted, but given warning to dis
continue the evil,
A complaint was also made against
card playing in some of the public
places and the city attorney suggested
iiiat tho proprietors of these establish
ments be given warning to stop the
practice. If they refuse or neglect to
do so an ordinance win do passed re
quiring a license nnd prohibiting mill'
ore to loiter about.
Administration Will Not
Brook Tedious Delays
Washington, Dec. 9. Prompt action
not delays through endlOBS debates
and exchanges of notes is apparently
to be the new American policy in the
mntter of submarine attacks involving
American lives. Demands made in the
protest to Austria against Austria sink
ing of the Italian liner Ancona, with
loss of American lives, call for early
action, it is said today in official cir
cles. This is taken to mean that the
administration is resolved not to brook
delays such ns occurred in tho Lusitan-
ia and Arabic cases, wth Germany.
The protest to Austria Is in clear cut
emphntic language It socks disavow
al of the act, reparation for American
lives lost, punishment of the submarine
commander nnd a promise against re
eurience of the incident.
The Minnesota Troubles
Were Entirely Mechanical
Son Francisco, Dec. 0 Fears that the
IIlll liner Minnesota hnd been crippled
by spies or that a mutiny had broken
cut were quieted today by tho radio
gram from Captain Thomas Oarlick, in
which he stated that the Minnesota's
difficulty is duo Bolely to mechanical
The tug Sea Rover is en route south
ward today going to nid the tugs lnqun
and Dauntless in towing tho liner into
tins port. Willi tho three tugs lowing,
it is expected tho Minnesota will reach
here enrly next week.
Tho tug Tntoosh, just In from Peat
tie, nnd equipped with wireless prob
ably will bo scut tailuy to aid in bring
ing tho Minnesota into port.
i Special Pi'ice :
$1.50 AT
Prompt Delivery
Spaulding Logging
The annual school officers conven
tion convened Saturday, December 4th.
Mr. II. J. Elliott, of Terrydale, was
elected temporary chuirnian and the
first number on the program was a
paper read by Mrs. Fletcher pertain-
: ing to some thiugs that school boards
may do to help the teacher. This was
a very instructive paper and one whioh
will be published throughout the coun
ty according to a resolution passed iy
Lthe convention.
The day was spent in the discussion
of this paper, the annual school bud
get nnd other matters of interest to
the schools of the county.
The school board convention passed
a resolution instructing the county su
perintendent to have every teacher
take one day for "Visiting Day" in
which she should visit, under the di
rection of the superintendent, some
other teacher in the county doing sim
ilar work to hers, the convention being
of the unanimous opinion that this
would strengthen the school work of
the county.
Mr. T. W. Brnnk, president of tho
association, appointed Mr. F. C. Ewing,
Mr. H. J. Elliott, Mrs. Ora Cosper, Mr.
E. E. Paddock, Mr. Henry Voth, as res
olution committee.
Mr. II. .1. Elliott, of Perry.lale, was
elected president for the ensuing year
and H. ( Seymour re elected secretary.
The spirit of the convention was of the
best, all working for tho best inter
ests of the county.
The following resolutions were
passed :
TI1AT we do heartily endorse the
team work nnd general co-operation
that is being exercised at present over
the county by the school officers and
teachers, for the - advancement of our
WE do earnestly endorse and recom
mend the Industrial club work and er
press our willingness to lend our help
and co-operation to this work. And,
we feel that this work should be con
fined especially to the more advonced
WE favor the organization of a
pnront-teachors' association in each
WE recommend the further improve
ment and beautifying of school grounds
bv the planting of trees and flowers.
'WE would urge that County Super
intendent Seymour use his influence to
the end that a visit by one member of
the school board each month be again
mnde one of the requisites in the state
standardization of schools.
Wi'B are unanimously in favor of the
resolution passed by the school officers
nt the convention on December 4 that
there bo a dnv set aside for "Teachers
Visiting Day" and we suggest and rec
ommend that this day be made a point
in the rules for standardization of .tho
BE it resolved that a vote of thanks
be extended to Stnto Forestor Elliott
for the excellent maps of Oregon wnich
he lins donated to the different schools
of tho county, and which are appreci
ated by the' teachers, children and
school boards.
WE express our appreciation of the
splendid tulks rendered by tne aitrer
ent speakers at the convention on De
cmbor 4 and expressly recommend that
tne paper of Mrs. i'lotcner be pub
lished. Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Resolutions.
The following school officers were
Mrs. H. I). Cosper, Dnllns; Mrs. J. R
Craven, Dallas; Mr. R. L. Chapman
Dallas; Mr. E. N. Keeuey, Smithfield;
Mr. T. W. Rrunk. Eoln; Mr. E. M. Mit
ty, Eola: Mr. Oeorgo W. Conner, Red
Prairie; Mr. C. C. Gardner, Bridgeport;
Mr. T. K. rook, Lewisville; Mr. K. U
Sechrist. Bnllston: Mr. Jns, A. Rob
erts. Salt Creek; Mr. P. T. Peterson;
Parker: Mr. O. A. Wolverton, Mon
mouth; Mr. F. M. Nagle, Scroggins
Mr. Henry Voth, Orchards; Mr. John
Wienert, Airlie; Mr. F. T. Romlg, Beth
el; Mr. O. B. Teats, Polk Station; Mr,
F. E. Rahe. Ward; Mrs. H. A. Lee, Per-
rydale; Mr. II. J. -Elliott, Perrydale;
Mr. .1. Hhoiles, tioosnecK; Air. r. u
Powell. Cochrnn: Mr. G. K. Wait. Rick
renll; Mr. E. F. Craven, Rickreall; Mr.
I. .1. Arehart, Oakpoint; Mr. (i. H.
.lones, Elkins; Mrs. Mary C. Fletcher,
Independence; Mr. E. E. Paddock, In
dependence; Mr. R. V. Ogle, Antioch;
Mr. F. v. Ewing, llrush College; Mr,
W. II. Pelker, Brush College; Mr. C. 8
Rnge, West Salem; M.r. K. W. Hogg,
West Salem; Mr. S, W. Leonard, Mu-
cna Vista; Mr. T. .1. Merrick, Huell;
Mr. J. W. Childers, Spring Vnlley; Mrs
Kniinn C. Childers, Spring Valley; Mr
II, Soutliwick, Popcorn; Mr. .las Stew
art, Popcorn; Mr. S, A. Lucky, Har
mony; Mr. thus. Miller, Upper Salt
Creek; Mr. .T, B. Enihrec, Montgomery;
Mr. (lus S. Lake, Lincoln; Mrs. L. E.
ltrndford, Lincoln; Mrs. Ksther Clark
Lincoln: Mr. ,1. II. Wright. Lincoln;
Mr. L. K. Bradford, Lincoln; Mr. O. P.
Brooks, North Dnllns; Mr. L. W. Plum
mer, North Dnllns; Mr. Robt. M. Sach
tier, North Dallas; Mr. L. II. Conner
Knterprise; Mr. O. B. Suver, Huver;
Mr. R. .1. illinmson, Crowley; Mr,
Finlev Edijnr, Crowley: Mr. H. A. Os
tran.ler, McTimmonds Vnlley; Mr. J.
T. Huntley, Greenwood; Mrs, Lettio
Huntley, Greenwood; Mr. ('has. Applo
irnto. Fir Grove: Mr, M. II. Aehcson
Fir Grove; Mr. V. A. Fishback, Sunny-
slope; Mr. Otto II. Hosenan, loncoru;
Mr. Guy Lee, Concord; Mr. Joe Mur
phy. Oiikdalo: Mr. Jame Ross, Oak
duie; Mr. L. A. Guthrie, Guthrie; Mr,
G. F. Mi-Roe. Liberty; Mr. L. II. Mc
Bee, Liberty; Mr, E. M. Haley, Falls
City; Mr. J. J. Summons, Fnlls City;
Mr. Fred Huppe. Pioneer: Mr. L. B
Mtorrav Onkhurst; Mr. Barney Phillips
Oakhurst; Mr. Frank DeVtitt, Uak
hurst; Mr, L. Orice. Mountalnvlew;
Mr. J. O. Anderson, Hopville; Mr. W
N. Alexander, Uliihland; Mr, C. W
Huddleston, Pleasant Valley) Mr. L. I.
Buraell, Mistletoe; Mr. T. J. As'p, Mis
tletoe; Mr, C. Nelson, Mistletoe; Mr
T. .1. Werth, Volley Junction; Mr
Mike Oruber. Fern; Mr. Dale I.
Fowler, Fern; Mr. John 8.' Edigcr, Or
This report has been delayed for
nearly a month owing to the fact that
two school district were late in (end
ing In their report! and we are atill
report would have been out some time
The total number of parents visiting
school on this day was 1,31(1 and GUI
other visitors. This is not quite as
many as we had last year, but owing
to the weather being' such that all
could be working, it helped to cut down
tho attendance, as the majority of vis
itors were women.
The places were won as follows:
One room rural schools:
First, Mistletoe, 9 parents in dis
trict, 9 visiting school, 100 per cent.
Second, Gooseneck, 14 parents in dis
trict, 13 visiting school, 92.8 per cent.
Third, ..ose Garden, 19 parents In
district, 9 visiting school, 90 per cent.
Schools of from two to five rooms:
First, Bethel, 38 parents in district, 29
visiting school, 70.4 per cent.
Second, Smithfield, 29 parents in
district, 17 visiting school, 08.0 per
Third, Airlie, 50 parents in district,
31 visiting school, 55.5 per cent.
8chools of more than five roomB:
First, Monmouth, 140 parents in dis
trict, 05 visiting school, 40.4 per cent.
Second, Dallas, 594 parents in dis
trict, 274 visiting school, 40.1 per cent.
Third, Falls City, 310 parents in dis
trict, 109 visiting school, 35.1 per cent.
iourtn, independence, AVo parents in
district, 127 visiting school, 32.1 per
Following is a complete list, by dis
trict number, of the number of parents
in the district, parents visiting, per
cent of attendance, other visitor and
the total number of visitors:
Dist. Parents Parents Other Tti
No Dist. Visiting . Visitors
1 18 7 9 16
2 594 74 637
3 29 17 10 . 27
4 32 19 8 25
5 15 -7 6 13
0 13 10 8 18
7 21 14 5 19
8 19 8 7 13
9 6 20 12 38
10 20 9 2 11
11 14 6 6 12
13 140 65 25 90
15 30 9 5 25
19 56 31 10 41
IT 38 9 34 63
18 28 17 3 20
19 23 10 4 14
20 64 33 6 39
28 7 4 0 4
23 14 13 13 26
24 0 2 1 3
25 30 14 11 25
27 17 9 -. 18 25
28 33 17 2 19
29 395 127 99 226
30 30 11 3 14
31 37 18 . 10 28
32 48 26 11 . 37
33 30 10 4 22
34 30 . 11 7 18
35 38 6 17 43
30 23 16 10 26
37 8 9 0 15
38 8 4 4 8
39 22 IS 0 15
40 17 10" 4 14
41 24 IS 5 24
42 18 7 3 13
43 28 7 0 12
4i 7 4 13 17
46 4 0 2 2
47 20 9 4 13
48 8 7 7 14
49 12 3 3.6
50 18 0 3 9
51 17 11 2 13
52 5 3 2 0
53 18 7 5 12
54 23 10 . 5 15
55 39 14 4 18
50 27 0 2 8
57 310 109 0 109
58 20' 10 0 16
59 0 4 8 12
60 17 4 2 6
61 .10 10 2 12
63 47 IS 7 25
04 32 6 1 7
60 19 11 14 . 25
67 9 9 5 14
68 1 11 1 12
69 14 6 8 14
70 28 18 1 19
71 19 9 2 11
72 22 7 3 10
73 10 9 6 14
2895 1316 001 -1817
p J fl p
Now that the social season Is here,
bo especially careful to keep your skin
in fine condition, lou know now con
spicuous complexion defects appear un
der the bright light of tho drawing or
ball room. Also how very evident are
Home makeups when similarly illumin
atod, I have myself discarded cosmet
ic entirely using a process which
leaves no trace on the sain. . At night
I smear on a thin coat of ordinary
mercoll.ed wax, washing it off next
morning. This gradually absorbs the
devitalized particles of surface sain
just as gradually the more youthful
skin beneath comes forth, providing
complexion as clear, smooth and deli
cately tinted as a young girl's. Get an
ounco of mercolized wax at your urug
gists and try this remarkable treat
Remember, too, that wrinkles, even
the finer lines, are not easily con
cealed in a brilliantly lighted room.
You ran quickly obliterate these hate
ful marks by bathing your face in a so-
utlon of powdered saxolite, 1 oz. dis
solved in witch hazel, 1-2 pt. And your
face won't look sticky, as after using
pastes, Aunt Sallv In Woman 'a Realm
The undersigned will receive sealed
bids up to 0 o'clock p. m. Monday, De-
comber 20, 1915, for improvement
bonds of the city of Salem, Oregon, to
tha amount of (6,709.67. Interest at
the rate of 0 per cent per annum pay
able semi-annually at Salem, urogon.
Right is reserved by the city to reject
any ana an bids.
City Recorder,
December 10.
A Journal New Today wlU
convert wait Into wealth.
1 1
e: Oc
A winner always J
PIEDMONTS have been gather
ing in friends by the thousands
ever since they hit town.
Easy answer: PIEDMONTS
contain just the kind of all
pure Tobacco that most men.
Try them or not it's up to
you. But while you're wait
ing to make up your mind,
there are thousands of men
'getting a heap of enjoyment
from smoking PIEDMONTS.
20 for 10c r
Ciqa??atte of
Reach for tha Coupon
in Every Package
waiting for these two. Otherwise, the
Says Wife's 111 Health i
Was Cause of Her
Peevish Disposition
That his wife, by reason of her ill
health and suffering from an incurable
malady, became peevish and fancied
wrongs which never existed is the al
legation set forth in an answer filed in
the circuit court today by Oeorge Fich-
tel in answer to the divorce proceedings
brought against him by Mattie L. Fich
tel. Mr. Fichtel Btates that at the time
of their marriage in 1901 they were af
fected with the common ailment of
poverty but Mr. Fchtel was possessed
of a robust physique and a willing dis
position to work. He exhausted every
means to remain steadily employed at
his trade but when not able to find
work at his trade, worked at anything
that came to hand. In order to secure
higher wages he stateB they moved to
Han FrauciBCo whore he secured em
ployment at his trade and would have
remained steadily employed had his
wife consented to remain with him but
she left and went to the home of her
Bv reason of his wife's ill health the
defendant answers that it was only by
strict economy that they were able to
purchase a home from his savings and
to pay 4205 on an adjoining five acres
which they were afterward obliged to
allow to revert to the former owner. Ho
further alleges that with money which
he gave to the plaintiff to provide
household necessities she purchased
land in Columbia county of which he
had no knowledge. He asks that the
complaint be dismissed and that the
plaintiff be declared to be the owner of
their property in trust only. Smith &
Shields are attorneys for the defendant.
Weekly Report of -
umon mock iaros
North Portland, Ore.. Dec. 6. Cattle:
There being no choice stuff offered to
day, tho real strength of the market
could not be ascertained. Top steers,
however, are quoted at $7.25. A few
cows brought $5.50. Today's run was
more liberal than for some time.
Over 7,000 hogs were on the market.
Prices were maintained and trading
was active throughout the day. Quality
was somewhat bettor and buyers were
more liberal than usual, lops brougnr
$t), bulk at 5.U5.
Sixteen hundred head were received
for today's market and buyers were
eager to buy at slightly advanced
prices. Lambs again brought 47.50, aft
er a weakness in the markot for a cou
ple of weeks, all other classes remain
Representative Sales.
4 steers 1193 7.25
28 steers 1110 7.10
11 steer 13.14-7.00
24 steers 117f-.R5
10 cows 1175-5 f
25 cow 1250-5.2S
12 cow BOO 4.75
8 cow 1010 4.50
105 hog 2W 1.00
B4fl hogs 215 5.
435 hogs 1 200-5.90
70 hogs 202 5.8f
140 lambs 79 7.50
123 lamb 2 7.15
359 ewes 105 5.50
117 wethers 108 (1.40
2 bulls lfllO 4.00
1 stag 1540 fl.00
2 he! fen 0 5.R0
1 calf 450 4.50
Colonel McLoueMin
Pavs OfSrial Visit
To CoJJ otitis City
Colonel Clenard McLoughlln, of tti
Third Beglment, O. N. Q., paid an or
fiolal visit to Company M last night at
their resmlar drill at tha armory. "Col
onel McLoughlln complimented the
company on their excellent rating last
Six German submarines un
successfully raided the admiral
ty harbor at Dover. Germans
captured Przsynsz in their
drive on Warsaw from the
north, Germany, France and
Russia discussed peace terms
but did not agree.
year and expressed the hope that they
keep up their past record at the an
nual inspection which has been tenta
tively set for March 8 at the armory.
The other dates for the annual federal
inspection ns announced by Colonel Mc
Loughlin last night are: Co. A, Mc
Minnville, March 6; Co. I, Woodburn,
March 10; Co. K, Corvallis, March 7;
Co. L. Dallas. March 9.
The officers of all of the militia com
panies of the state will attend a meet
ing at Portland, December 29, in the in
terests of the improvement of the serv
ice. Colonel McLoughlin visited the
McMinnville company Monday evening
and next Monday evening will visit the
Corvallis company and the following
night will be at Dallas.
Used Whenerrer Quinine Is Needed
Does Not Affect the Head.
Because of its tonic and laxative ef
will be found better than ordmarv
Quinine for aay purpose for which
Quinine is used. Does not cause nerv
ousness nor ringing in head. Remember
there is only one "Bromo Quinine."
Look for signature of E. W. Grove. 25c.
thereon at the rate of 7 per eent per
annum from the 6th day of September;
1911, until paid and the further sum of
One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollar,
attorney's fees together with the costs
and disbursements of said suit taxed at
Thirty-seven and 15-100 ($37.15) Dol
lars and costs and expenses of said
execution. I will on Saturday, the 11th
day of December, 1915, at the hour of
11 o'clock A. M. of said day at the
west door of the County Court House in
Marion County, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
in hand on the day of sale, all tho right,
titlo, interest and estate which said
defendants and all persons claiming un
der them subsequent to the date of the
mortgage herein foreclosed in, of and to
said promises hereinbefore mentioned
are described in said execution as fol
lows, to-wit: Beginning at the quarter
section corner between cection 0, in
Township 9, South Range 2 West of the
Willamette Meridian, and Section 32, in
Township 8, South Range 2 West Wil
lamette Meridian, Marion County, Ore
gon; thonce South 11.19 chains to the
center of the county road running be
tween the place of Hilleary and Miller;
thence South 80 degrees 45 minutes
West 15.80 chains following the center
of said county road to the center of a
water ditch; thence North B degrees IS
minutes West 14.08 chains to the town
ship line between townships 8 and 0
above described; thence South 89 de
grees 44 minutes East 17.80 chains to
the place of beginning.
Said sale being made subject to re
demption in tho manner provided by
Dater this 8th day of November.
Sheriff of Marion County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the final
account of Noah Welch as administra
tor of the estate of Frank G. Welch,
deceased, has been filed in the County
Court of Marlon County, State of Ore
gon, and that the 13th day of Decem
ber, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock
a. m., has been duly appointed by such
Court for the hearing of objections to
such final account and the settlement
thereof, at which time any person in
terested in such estate may appear and
file objections thereto in writing and
contest the same.
Administrator of the Estate.
Notice is horoby given, That by vir
tue of an execution duly issued out of
the Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Ore-
iron, for the County of Marion nnd to
me directed on tho 6th day of Novem
ber, 1915, upon a judgment nnd de
cree duly rendered, entored of record
and docketed in and oy sam uourt on
the 28th day of October, 1915, in a cer
tain suit then in said Court pending,
wherein R. A. Cnvanaugh was plaintiff
and Richard Dakin. a minor, C. A. Leo
and J. M. Lee wore defendants in favor
of plaintiff and against said defendants
by which execution I am commanded
to sell the oronertv In said execution
and hereinafter described to pay the
sum due the plaintiff of Eighteen Uun
dred ($1,800.00) Dollars, with Interest
Estate of John Caxmlchael, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that William
Bell, the duly appointed qualified and
acting administrator, with the will an
nexed, of the estate of John Oarmich
ael, deceased, has rendered and present
ed for settlement, and filed in the
County Oourt of the State of Oregon
for Marion County, his final report and
account in the mntter of the eetute of
said deceased, and the said Court baa
by order appointed Friday the 17th day
of December, 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m.
for the hearing of objections to the said
final report and account, and a settle
ment thereof.
Dated and first published this 18th
day of November, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that the final
account of Caroline Seine as adminis
tratrix of the estate of Fred W. Heele,
deceased, has been filed in the County
Court of Marion County, State of Ore
gon, and thnt tho 27th day of Decem
ber, 1915,. at the hour of 8 o'clock a.
m., has been duly appointed by such
Court for the hearing of objections to
such final account and the settlement
thereof, at which time any person in
terested in such estate may appear and
file objections thereto in writing and
contest the same.
Administratrix of the Estate.
Always Watch This Ad- Changes Often
4 MM
We bare all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saws and Equipment
lor tne wooas.
AU kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs and Buildings.
A good $800.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly need for one-fourth eriglnal
X pay 1 1-2 cent per pound for old rags.
X pay highest prioe for bides and fur.
H. Steinbock Junk Co. .
The House of Half a Million Bargains.
Ml North Commercial Street. Phone MS.
1 $