THE DATLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. Dec. 9, 1915. FIVE Money In Abundance and Loans Are Expanded tW8m i mww fVr'r For scrubbihsr a tablepoonful of Gold Dust in a pail of hot water In millions of homes Gold Dust is used every day, because it abolishes rubbing and scrubbing. Gold Dust the active cleaner dissolves quickly in hot or cold water, forming an active, antiseptic clean ing solution which will not scratch nor mar the finest polished surface. Its activity begins the moment it is applied to any article that re quires cleaning. Five-cent and larger packages sold GHEEHZFAI R BAN K2sES3 S Tho Active Gicancs JOBVi A."": , V 'SB ... ' , J . --,,., . B , T ' : . iTH V i y I v - it1-' j V. , 1 ill a.v, vv JOm FiHchar la Salem girl that hi becom one of the functus film Btara. HIM Flucher Rppoarn In "The Miracle of Life" at the Ye Liberty Thurs ' - day, Friday and Baturday of tali week. Turned Runaway Car -Upon Main Line To Stop It On a Cun e Itrakfmnn M. R. Kins hud a runaway frniitht car lon.led with 80,000 pounds of wheat turned upon the nimn line in order that the wheeln might be elowed down when the oar truck the curve. Jt failed to llow down, however, and waa going at a rate of DO mile per iour when it hit a traiu coming in the 5 i i "ffli II HIM J floor, linnloum J j Use it for cleaning floors, linoleum, china. Also for cleaning porce lain, kitchen utensils, sjlver, enameled and plated ware, woodwork, windows and bath room fixtures. You will find simple directions printed on every package of Gold Dust. It is inexpensive and indispensable.- . Lj ill opponite direction in ft head-on col linion. Lurkily n farmer raw the run away ear approaching and the trnin was goinff out five miloH an hour when it met the runaway freight car accord ing to the report of II. H. Corey who returned to Hnlcm thin morning after making an invextigation of the wreck of O. W. R. & N. train No. 22 on the Simniko -rnnch, December 4. Mr. Corey wa tent up by the puhllo mrvice conimitHinn to report on the mnnshiip. It appearii thnt tho hrnlccn refnsed to hold and tJie.rar. started down grade on a switch truck. X - - T j- ' everywhere ABOUT OLD MAIDS sic By Ella McMunn. Tho, editor of tho Capital Journal lias just written something nice about Old Maids. It in the first time I havo ever known anybody to say a kind word about us, unless we said it our selves, and wc ull know that wo are under painful necessity of dealing with the truth io an elastic way. But when a perfectly nice, disinterested man pnys us a compliment, in the bulk, so to Bpenk, it sets the lot of us to bub bling with gratitude, and that is why I urn writing tliis nice picco for the Capital Journal, for nothing. - Of course there wasn't n word of truth in the, argument, but it rejoices my hoart to see that somebody bus fallen for the bluff we have put up the bluff that wo aro Old Maids be cause we like it. As ft matter of fact, we do not like it, and never did and never will, and we aro Old Maids because wo can't help it just like everybody snys, and of courso they know a lot about it. And when it is like thnt, you'd think folks would be ehnritnble; but tho world has more respect for u woman who has tak en a rolling pin to a couple or three nuHljanus, t Jinn for us, and ono funny iniug nuuut uiu .yiuius is tne tact tlmi everyone "tumbles." This, my denr fellow sisters, is due in a large meas ure to the ngonizing effort that we put forth to appear "Happy though siui(le, " and wo smile around, and smile around, nnd smile around, and Hither overdo it insteud of looking down our nose like wc reel inside. We do not mind tho pity of e folks who have had .the joy of taking 10 children through tho measles, having a few hung, and some more who ought to be, but it does not set well with ur to have young people intimate that wo nre not just' as young and beautify ns we mice, were, only moro so. As far as I am able to determine, and I believe that all who know mo will agree that I am qualified to speak on the subject, Old Maids arc a lot like other women, but we pretend to bo dif ferent for reasons that aro quite ap parent. However, this distinction marks us; we believe that there nevet was a married woman who made the idenl wife and mother thnt we would have made but the pathetic part of it. nnd a part that we never confess to each other is about men, of course. We have no unmarried men friends. Their natural instinct of self preserva tion attends to that. Occasionally a nnfely married man braves the possi bility of broomsticks and hot water at home, and looms up on our horizon long enough to muke a few remarks ttnt cheer ns on our wayi but it is to widow ers, who have had three wives, and who know just what women like, that we must look for our joy. They poke us in the ribsund chuck us under the ehir and if we have not got their whiskers pulled nut by then, they ask ni how we like being Old Maids, and of course it is all very jolly for us 1 don't think. 1f I New York, Dec P. We are passing inrougn extraordinary experiences in the money market. Funds are excep tionally abundant and easy, notwith standing an expansion of a billion in loans of New York banks during the past twelve months. We have loaned vast sums to Europe; invested in new bonds and loans at a rapid Tate and re purchased an enormous amount of securities held abroad; and yet our financial resources are far from ex hausted and still seem to have great possibilities. Enterprise is reviving. Many new concerns are being launched and old ones refinanced at a rate in volving a heavy drain upon liquid capital. In fact the absorption of various forms of investments during the Inst three months has been simply amazing, and was only partially re flected in the daily Stock Exchange transactions in stocks and bonds. There1 are many evidences of widespread busi-l ness revival. Among the most convinc-j ing were the October report of the Pennsylvania system, which showed on increase of $5,1!00,000 in gross earn-1 ings and $3,500,000 in net, and the JNew York Central statement, which re ported an increase of $2,500,000 gross and $2,300,000 net. General trade continues to expand and bank clearings Inst week showed an increasa from hist year of nearly 57 per cent, in spite of diminished speculative activity. November clear ings were 75 per cent ahead of Inst year and 40 per cent ahead of 1913. Reports from the West, where good crops nre a powerful stimulant, seem especially encouraging. West of the Alleghnnies the war counts for little and local conditions are the principal factor. Merchants in those regions re port bare shelves and a widening de mnnd for all classes of merchandise. Big retail stores in all sections of the country anticipate a good Christmas trade. The Bteel industry continues on its record breaking course, the pros-' ent rnte of pig iron production exceed ing all precedent. Trices nre again ad vancing and in some instances have reached a point that restrains orders; but profits are large und this industry is now enjoying a degree of prosperity which should compensate for the lean period which hiwl been endured foT months. Itnilroads ire heavy buyers of equipment, having placed liberal orders for mils and engines, in addition to nearly 35,000 cnrB in November, the largest number since January, 1913. Out export trade in steel is also promis ing, Bince foreign1 requirements nre in creashig whilo Great Britain nnd Ger many, our chief competitors, are di verting their energies to the demands of war. -Building operations arc also being resumed on a larger scnle under the stimulus of rising confidence nnd an easier credit situation. There has been! a decided improvement in the demand! for textiles; both cotton and woolen fabrics reflecting this change in ad ' 'T. . Blanche Sweet, who appears In a dual rolo as "Twin Sister" in the five port production "The Secre' Sin," showing at the Grand theatre today, Friday and Saturday. New Today Ads, one cent per word. t v. .ISU-WVUM'SPipiMUl1. TODAY. FRIDAY and , SATURDAY The. Salem Girl MARGARITA FISHER Iu a strong and fearless drama. Tho picture that mndo New York think. Hit the mark of public, approval from tho very first showing. Hhows tho glories nnd happi ness of motherhood in a way that brings a response In tho very heart. "THE MIRACLE OF LIFE" (Five Heels) A Masterpiece of Motion Picture Direction. PATHE WEEKLY Tho World's latest News, YE LIBERTY 10 CENTS Our Price Never Changes nttli X. lilffiiiipi I vancing prices. New incorporations re ported in November aggregated $243, 000,000, against $116,000,000 a year ago and $121,000,000 in the same month of 1913. The total incorporations record ed for the past eleven months reached $1,32,000,000, against $877,000,000 in 1914 and $1,582,000,000 in 1913. These facts show a remarkable revival of en terprise from the severe contraction which followed the declaration of war; the low ebb being in October 1914, when the volume of new incorporations was only $70,000,000. The amount of new security issues recorded in Novem ber was- $230,000,000, against $28,000, UO0 a year ago. This was the largest sum in many months, except February last when the total was swelled by sev eral large railroad bond issues, includ ing $100,000,000 by New York Central. In the face of such facts no very pro longed reaction in stocks can be ex pected. In spite of satisfactory trade condi tions, flattering railroad earnings, phe nomenal activity in steel, ctciythe stock market showed a steady declining tend ency This was attributed partly to continued liquidation, to foreign selling and the approaching opening of Congress. A lot of new problems have lately been pressed upon public atten tion, such as preparedness, revenue, tariff, shipping, etc., and tho political situation is further complicated by the coming presidential campaign and the excitement and uncertainty which that movement is likely to produce. There is no reason to anticipate any more dis turbance than usual during the next election, and when the president's mes sage reveals the administration policy for tho coming session, a sonse of relief will probably bo felt. One important factor in the reaction was tho weak ness in the munition shares. Exagger ated war profits will not be repeated. The Allies hnve secured enough am munition to tide over the emergency, and Great Britain will now be ablo to muke its own munitions at much lower cost than supplies drawn from the United States. Of course, while tho war continues further onlcrs may be ex pected, but they will be less urgent, less treqnent and at lower prices than the first series, loncerns with orders at oarly prices that will keep them occu pied for some months to come must con tinue to show Kd results, but it is a question whether these havo not been exaggerated and fully discounted. In directly the war continues the most tin portant factor. Financial conditions havo been adjusted to present circum stances, thus discounting all known in fluences. Any important developments in tho strugggle would, however, be promptly reflected in this market, I'ence talk is plentiful, but the chief belligerents show no disposition to come to terms and the outlook is for the struggle to continue through the winter -at least, nlhoiigh surprises may happen at any date. HENRY CLEWS. He H WAR ODDITIES , London. King Georgo has 1 H given Upper Lodge, a beautiful $ old house in Kushou l'ark, to j the Canadian Red Cross to bo used as a convalescent home. Hi - $t ! London. "Billy," tho fa- j mous King Penguin at the Zoo, $ I died of grief soon after his i $ keeper, enlisted in tho army. j London. Keep a goat and I reduce your milk bill 40 per i $ cent. A newly formed league j called tho National Utility Gout $ club, wants this done.- 1 London. England 's latest sfc rumor about tho German J(t j Crown Prince declares that Wil- : $ helm has lost his mind and is I now a prisoner in ono of the j Imperial German palaces under : cure of specialists. 4c Yoodkrn School Building Ready For Bids of Contractors Aaron IT. Could, architect, Henry building, Portland, has plans completed for tho proponed school building to li built lit Woodliurn, Ore. Bids for tl structure will bo opened nt 5 p. ni., lie comber 20, by the school district di rectors, of which E. J. Stiiunrd is clerk. Tho structuro is to bo strictly mod ern, two stories nnd part basement. Bids for a general contract will bo received, nnd the plans and specifications muy be soen ut the offico of K'. J. Htannnrd, district clerk, nt Woodbiirn, or at the architect's offico in Portland. WALL STREET WILL CUT MANY GOOD MEL- ONS FOR CHRISTMAS ' New York, Deo. (). Wtill street will celebrnto Christmas in her old-timo wuy. Hho will forget expense, and scatter to employes of the ex- change vast amounts of largos- so. "War brides" and "war babies" are the answer, "Clean tips" of recent montiin under boom time orders mean that $ clerks and employes of all firms will get bonuses Hint wilt swell tho Christmas sock to enormous proportions. Already 11 corporations have announced that tney aro von- tompluting increased dividends. Slicing of melons is in tho air, so Cnnta Cluus will be lib- ernl this season. Phone 81 for better carrier aerrlce. Co-operation Among Farmers and Combined Credit Would Solve Problem "Rural Credits" was the subject up for discussion last evening ut tho meet ing of the Men's Liberal club of the Unitarian church. The principal speak ers of the evening were Dana H. Allen and Percy Cupper. The discussions following the ad dresses were participated in by J. R. Robertson, Gideon Stolz and L. H. Mc Mnhon. Dana H. Allen took the stand that the greatest need was that of co-operation among the farmers in purchasing producing and marketing of farm pro duets, and that tho farmers should ac complish this through their own ' ef-. forts, rather than through the assist ance of the state or federal govern ment. He nlso advocated that farmers combine their eredit for securing better accommodations, following the system now in vogue in parts of Europe, where communities combine their inter ests, float their loans in tho way of bonds, thereby securing a low rate of interest. Loans of this nature are made where it is agreed thnt the funds are to be used in improving tho property. Mr. Cupper advocated stnto and fed eral legislation and endorsed the Duffer plan of state legislation by which mon ey at six per cent could bo secured for agricultural purposes through tho state treasury. The Hev. I?. F. Tischor stilted that the meetings of the Men's Liberal el' wero held for the general discussion of the most important nnd pressing sub jects of the day. Tho discussion of rural" credits will be continued at the next meeting in January, when Judge Charles McNary will express his opin ions. At the election last night tho follow ing officers were elected: Dana Allen, president; James Molt. Jr., first vice-president; Rev. R. F. Tischer. secretary; Gideon Stolz, treas urer; Walter Denton, Dr. W. S. Mott and Benjamin Williams, evecutivo com mittee. After the discussion Inst night, re freshments, were served by tho hospi tality committee of the cliib. Watt Shipps Win From Woodman Pin Smashers The Watt Shipp bowlers won two out of three from the W. O. W.'s lit tlx Club alleys and piled up a total of 2HK0 while the lodgemen wero making 2635. Noud rolled the high gamo of 259 nnd tho high nverngo of 214. Tho scores follow: w. o. w. ' 1 2 S Av. Wilson 20(1 100 172 Mean .141 179 143 154 Lloyd 140 37(1 KI0 Hit Donaldson 199 205 178 192 Kress 193 205 17.8 192 Total HNS 912 8:18 Total pins, 2035; average, 175. Watt Shipp. 1 2 .1 Av. Noud 18.1 259 200 214 Fraser 180 15(1 172 Hiddnll 1.1.1 1:12 150 1.1S A. Snmp 190 9 1l!8 185 Craven 190 204 1(17 187 Totals 8J(I 917 857 Total pins, 2(180 ; average, 179. WIDOW GETS 86,000,000 Battle Creek, Mich., Dec. 9. Valuable real estate here and nt Santa Barbara, Oil., and $(!, 000,000 of the Post estate have been nccepted by Mrs. C. W. Post, widow of the Battle Creek cereal manufacturer, us her shore of her husband's proper ty, it was nnnounced today. The bulk of tho fortune, about 20, 000,000, will go to Post 's daugh ter, Mrs. Murjorie Post Close, :! Yon -re paying for news ill the Journal, not prizes. Makes pumping bo easy Man Wanted I How about a gift for HIM? It's always a hard problem this buying a gift for a man so many ladies claim. And it should not be so, especially if you drop into our store and look around and see what a host of attrac tive things we offer. Furnishing goods are always most ac ceptable gifts and you will find a beautiful assortment here and at prices much lower than Tortland's. HAM0iNDBISH0P CO. Leading Clothiers The Toggory 167 Com! St EC IE GRAND THEATRE TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Popular Photoplay Star BLANCHE SWEET In "Tho Paramount Produc tion." TheSecret 1SIN In Five Parts In tliis production the ver satile Miss Sweet appears In a dual role as "Twin Sis ters." The story is laid In San Francisco's "China town," amid exciting acenea of Chinese dens," 5c and 10c is 1- u "rrmrhni ilM t in Today, Friday and Sat. THE 1915 WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP. Baseball Series IN TWO Bia REELS Showing President Wilson, Mrs. Gait, Christie Mathew son, Ty Cobb, and all the main plays of the games, in nHtln . 1 1 K m - our roguuir pic M tur Program and VAUDEVILLE 4-PE0PLE-4 BLIGH THEATRE Matinee 10c. Evening 15c We want a man to act ns local distributor, Attend t o shipping out to farmers, and make himself generally use ful. The above cut represents our Advance Pump Governor an article which has proven to be the greatest seller on the market. If you want to get into a small permanent busi ness of your own here is an opportunity which will stand the closest investigation. Re quires $200 to carry first shipment of stock on hand. This work will net you $100 per month by giving it your attention. If interested, see me Thurs day and Friday at Room 304, Marion Hotel. MR. BROWN. any child can do the work. .