Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" TIIIRSOAV KVKX1XU, December !), .1915. CHABLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager PUBLISHED EVEBT EVENINQ EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEif, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FISHER, Vice-Preaident DORA C. ANDBESEN, 8eo. and Trcas. BtJBSCBIPTION BATES y Dally by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year . . . .$5.00 . 3.00 Per month 45c Per month... ...35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH BEPOBT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-Lewis-Williama Special Agency Hurry B. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only tray we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. THAT OLD CURE-ALL, THE TARIFF Ellis Jones, who is a member' of the Ford peace dele gation, gets indignant way out in the Atlantic and boldly l 1 1 rt 1 A. TT7M 111 1 ...... " cuauenges rresiaent mison 10 maKe public the country or countries tnac America is airaid of." Now suppose the president should take him at his word what do you suppose Ellis would do about it? His action leaves one in doubt as to whether he is just mildly seasick or has the pip. Now comes Sir Francis Webster, of Scotland, who has been engaged in manufacturing linen for vears as did his Mil 1 11 , 1 . m " iatner ana granaiatner beiore him, and pronounces the Oregon-grown flax the finest ever. Of course we Ore- gonians knew this all the time, but it is highly gratifying i- l j ; i-; ! i 3 i.1 j - i i iu nave u uisunguisiieu an auinomy indorse our JUug ment. Bryan apparently has his eyes on the presidential nomination again.- The wireless tells us that he com mended most of the president s message but opposed Ihe KUFFested tax nn frasnline and the hnrsp-nnwpv nf The three congressmen from this state, Sinnott, Haw-! automobiles. If he can get a stand-in with all the autoists ley and McArthur, all find fault with the suggestions1 he will have a walk over at the election made by the president in his message as to the manner ot raising revenues; all insisting that the only proper way to get money for the general government is through the tariff. - Congressman Sinnott goes oven further and insists on the replacing of the tariff on wool, thus making, as he expresses it, "the foreigner pay for our defense." . It is passing strange how any intelligent man, and such Mr. Sinnott certainly is, can make such an assertion, for he certainly knows that the tariff is not paid by the foreigner, but by the American consumer. The foreigner does not even as a general thing import the goods on which the tariff is paid. This is done by the American wholesaler, who pays the tariff when the goods are landed, but he does not forget to pass the cost on to the retailer and the latter passes . it on to the consumer, Congressman Sinnott knows this, none better, and belittles himself and insults the intelligence of his constituents in making the statement. It is evident also that he does not keep posted on the wool question or on the position taken by the wool grow ers, who at a recent convention held in Pendleton pro nounced the tariff on wool of no benefit to the wool grow er, and admitted just what the democratic and some re publican papers have for years insisted on that it was not foreign competition that interfered with the wool market, but rags. It was asserted by them that there was only wool enough raised in this country to make 27 per cent of the goods sold in the markets as all wool, and which were in stead, shoddy. . The wool growers instead of asking for a tariff de cided to ask such legislation as would compel the manu facturers and dealers in woolen goods and their substi tutes to label their products so that they would be sold for what they were, whether wool or shoddy. When this is done the price of woolen goods will be higher than it has been and the price of shoddy when it is known and sold as such will fall. It is only by traveling under the name of wool that the eastern manufacturer has been able to The Cuban commission made a present to Uncle Samuel of their building at the exposition, part of which .was on the Presidio, but the old gentleman thought he had foreign troubles enough on his hands and declined the gift which cost the Cuban government $75,000. Another evidence that prosperity is waking up and getting busy is the telephone company rebuilding its lines and planting carloads of new poles. This will help the lumber industry some, and other things a bit more. The state buildings sold at the exposition brought at the rate 01 $1.50 for each $100 of their cost. They cost $864,000 and sold for $12,445, a loss on the lot of $851,555. BOMB PLOT CASES KEEP UNCLE SAM . BUSK Af HE JOB Federal Authorities At San Francisco Start To Solder On the Bid in$K a . f U If I"' VkiW CM I ! LJ r wi' any man who has the nerve to differ. The Jingoes have a gory creed, for which they argue, threaten, plead, but every sane man flouts it; our bulwark and our shield is Peace, and I can hold the consumer up for the price of wool when he was maul the axle grease from any man who doubts it. Peace selling him the cast olf rags ot the pauper laborers ot is the balm tor every sore, Peace is the welcome at the Europe made over for American consumption. door, the greeting and the blessing; if any man says 'No' nousands oi tons or tnese rags are imported every, to that, I'll knock his jawbone through his hat, and leave year and after being worked over by the thrifty down easter are good enough for the American who is paying a tariff on wool to further help the schemes of the shoddy maker. As a matter of fact it matters not how the money is raised to carry on the government, whether by tariff or direct taxation, the consumer pays the bill. his backers guessing." Sim Francisco, Doc. 8 Federal auth orities started this afternoon to screw the lid down on publicity in the al leged bomb plot cases of Baron Von Brineken, Herman military man and C. C. Crowlev. his alleged lieuchman. Strenuous notion against newspaper men who qui?, grand jury witnesses was hinted at. Meantime, the identity of a mysteri ous man who is never out of the sight of federal authorities was withheld. Some thought him a new prisoner. Oth ers suggested that in a conference of ficials held with Judgo Dooling there hail ben request for a bench warrant for his arrect. Nobody was disposed to throw light on this situation. Her Letters Did It. New Vork, Dec. 8. The name of a prominent New York and Newnnrt. so ciety woman, whose identity is shield ed, was dragged in today in tho inves tigation of the alleged pro-Gcrnmn activities of Franz Von Rintelen in this conntr". Rintelen is now held a prisoner by British authorities at ixm don. The authorities there found on Rin telen letters from tho woman, which they forwarded here. In these, she vie- nuuiicu me aiiministration's attitude in the UerniiinAeniirciiu situation. It is reported that through her so cial connections, tho woman arranged for Rintelen to inspect sections of war ships. The letters have not been presented to the federnl grand jury and author ities are silent as to whether or not tho woman will bo indicted. Meantime officials are investigating Kinteleu's alleged activities in spend ing a half million dollurs to start a Mexican revolution to divert America 's attention from Europe. .... DANDRUFF SURELY DESER0Y8 THE HAIR ft' dills if you want plenty of thick, beautiful, iglossy, ilky huii;, do bv all means get rid of dandruff, for it' will starve jour hair and ruih it if vou don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get lid of dandruff is to dis solve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four' ounces of or dinary liquid nrvon: nnnlv it at niiht. the only righteous plan, and I can larrup Zscaamf rutrnt.ywr! finger tips. By morning, most if not nil, of your dandruff will be gone, nitd three or four more applications will completely dissovle and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it. You will find, too, that all itching and digging of tho scalp will stop, and your huir will look and feel a hundred t linos better. You can get liquid ai'von at any drug sturo. It is inex pensive and four ounccB is nil you will need, no mutter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never tuns. GET IT FIHST f I0T LflST i" When a cold grip$ your system it is ' I convincing proof that your condition is 1 weakened remember that. It is risky j I indeed to simply trust yourstrength to i I mrow k on, oecause neglected colds have brought more serious sickness than any other one thing, while weak ening cathartics and stinmlatingsyrups are often depressing and dangerous. The one best treatment for any cold the one so often relied on when others fall.isthe powerful blood-nourishment in Scott's Emulsion, which feeds the very sources of bodily strength t.o sup press the present cold and eenerate strength to thwart further sickness. Get Scott's first, not last and insist on the genuine always free from al cohol and injurious drugs. ocoti at nownc, BloomncM, N. J. 1J-3J Dr. W. A; COX WaltMdton, PEACE ADVOCATES The statesman who's demanding peace a lasting peace that will not cease, until we're ages older seems always-in defiant mood; he struts around the neighbor hood, a chip upon his shoulder. His every action seems to say, "I'm bound that peace shall come our way; if any man opposes, if any men would block my schemes, or side track my pacific dreams, I'll surely pull their noses. Why breed the blood lust in our sons? Why purchase-endless ships and guns, and make our taxes suffer 7 Peace is Red Cross Seals Onjale at These Red Cross seals are now ton snln nr. tho Lndd & Bush bank, the Commer cial book store and Patton Bros. Book store. The Oretron association for the prevention of tuberculosis hns charge of the Bale of these stamps in Oregon. Mrs. W. E. Anderson is chairninn nf the Snlem sale. The board is com posed of President A. L. Mills, Port land; Leslie ButUir. vice Trpiflenf Wood River; Mrs. Radio Orr Dnnhnr. Portland, secretary; Dr. G. C. Bellinger I of 8nlem, assistant secretary and trcas-1 urer; Rev. ft. N. Avison, superintend ent. J. A. Churchill, Dr. H. J. Cle ments, B. A. Harris, T. B. Kav, Dr. W. B. Morse, George V. Rodgers." und Dr. i: n. rt 15 .11:. . i. . .... i Di-iiiiiuer are directors in this citv. Any indigent person in or near the city of Hulem who is unable to pay for treatment may be nided by the funds from the sale of these stamps by applying to Mrs. W. E. Anderson, 141)1 Court street, the local chairman. THE NEW HOME TREATMENT FOR UGLY, HAIRY GROWTHS ! ! (Boudoir SecretsV Hero is a simple, yet very effective method for removing hair and fuzz from the face, neck und arms: Cover the objectionable hairs with a pasto mane uy mixing somo water with a Uttlo powdered delatone. Leave this on for 2 or 3 minutes, then rub off. wash tho, skin and tho hairs hno van ished. No pain or inconvenience at tends this treatment but results will be certain if you are sure to get real delatone. in I Colonel McLaughlin iSalem Is To Have Two Compliments Company M Colonel E. McLaughlin, Third, (). N. I., during a visit to the nrmorv Tucs i.... ........ : ... i: ....i t. JlU. US lUf U IUgU UUiU US IX revenue JJIUUUCCI, US ll)Ilg.u on tlieir nttciulnnee anil upon the as the war continues the idea is absurd, since our importsIX11' have been practically cut off. There could be no material !" the non commissioned officers. revenue from this source since practically no foreign 1 1,,;!;'';,:',: wou.d t:!": goods are coming in. Ui course Congressmen llawley "i-gnni.cd as it is nt present until con and Sinnott know this to be true and even McArthur Young Bandits Hold Up and Rob Girl Cashier "ought to grasp the idea in at least a hazy kind of a way. ?"!","! t'l,,t , 'T- llH'l , i,','ol"l,ltiim V ,., . . ,v ,, , . " i led linn to believe that miineuve The war is acting now like a tariff wall against foreign. m, extra large scale would bo ci commerce, so high that it is almost prohibitive. If we want to raise money at this time for government ex- licusc it niuni twine nuiu ouiiu; ouici wun-c uiuu uuira uiii ,,, wiM llot i, ,wkM ml llti P0I,. imported goods because there are no imports to speak of. I k, i"'"'" tho appropriation for the state militias, ' The colonel nlso announced that (he annual federal Inspection would be The department of justice down in San Francisco is '"'J',1 M,"','M v11""- . getting ready to begin, to prepare, to start, to investigate for ".rier ran"!'' thecharges against Crowley and others as to their con- giw"n , ,;- iieeuim vitn auine iyuiu ml vvii&Jiia:y iu sinri, uiuvv up, our m tne nun. Tiie colonel also noted i iu inci tnnt ompnny m unit the High est per eentngc of attendance in the stale nnd that in military tactics, it was equalled by only one company iu the state. Colonel Mclaughlin Is In command of the Third Regiment, O. V. U. nnd nlso n on it it i n In the regular army, His headquarters are in Portland. office stations after tho first of the year. The sunslation at tho Kmita grocery near the fair grounds will be continued, ami the new station will be opened at the rown Drug store, Stnto street. I! res made known ils policy ns to tho A short time after the close of the National Guards in all the states. Ho Htn,e fair, ettorts were made to ro that "love the fair grounds stntion to n era nn . more central location down town. IV carried 1,11 ,h0 signed remonstrance of those nut next spring dining tho regular en-lllvi,llf nonr t'"1 ir grounds, tho mut iiimpnieut when the National Guardster wiis held up, pending tho arrival of Idaho. Washington mid Oregon will ,,f nn Inspector, who was here about participate. The place for this man- BIX voon ago Contract Post Offices Following tho recommendations of Inspector ( . . Linebniigh, of Port- Chicago, Dec. Three young bandits laud, hulem will have two contract post today held up Miss Emma Hchlinske, aged 2i years, cashier of a branch of fice of tho Prudential Life insurance company, tied her and a girl clerk to gether nnd escnped with $7,000 in cash. Before attacking the cashier, the bandits bound the watchman in his chair, and then awaited tho arrival of Miss Hchlinske with the pay roll she Portland Woman Thought . Brother Was "Corpse" Portland, Ore., Dec. !). Never having usea tne mini -1e" in her own spell ing of the word "corpse," Mrs. Mar celine Germain, of Donaldson, .Mich., was prostrated with grief upon receipt of an official communication announc ing the fact that her brother, Joseph Kli .lollicouer, had joined tho U. 8. Murine Corps and had named her ns next of kin to be notified in case of denth. "If my brother is a corps, of whnt did he diet" she wrote to Captain H. T. Swuin in churgc of the local recruit- destroy, burn, wreck and annihilate something or other, somewhere, some time, some how. The prosecuting attor ney and a small army of detectives have been keeping the wires hot about it for weeks while they are rolling up their sleeves and doing the getting ready stunt. A weary public hopes they will soon shoot or give up the gun. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAL - $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aids Digestion Promotes Health HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters It is Xatiirc'i best aid In com bating ailments ot the Stomach and Bowel). iow everyiioily will ho nappy, .as the residents near the fair grounds will hnvo their sub-station, and at the same time, the establishing of a down town station will be of great convenience to those in tho business district. The stntion to be established at the Crown lrug store is known ns a con tract station and the employes iu the drug store do not come under the civil service rules. At this station, stomps win ne sold, money orders issued and letters registered, and that Is all. No panel nost piu kagcs will be received or Weighed. The only business is' Hint of first class mail, and money orders. All other business will be transacted as usual nt the postoffice. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oswald Becker et ux to N. O. Hy liind, lots 3, 4, ,1, 1, I'redninn acres.' 1'J- K. Spyker to .1. M. Knvnnmiuh, lots 11), block 2, Burlington Add. Hu lem. Kntii Holmes et vlr In A. -W. and A. O. Lowrcnce, lot. and 10, block 8, Fnirmoiint Add. Kalcm. W. K Doty ct nx to N. II. Dotv, V. K. Doty claim, 4H, It. 3 V. Catherine Vrcdenbnrx to Frederick Marsh, I). 8. llonne.v claim, 47, B, 1 Ollvf II, Kyle et vlr to Rmmn flj Katon, in trust for Hallelujah Village of Calcutta, India, lot 5, block 11, De pot Add. Kum. M. A. Barber et nx to J. L. and Cora A. Kmith lot 8 I.Ik 14, Marlon. Oeo. W.. Jeuklnt t us to John T. and Imd just drawn from the bank When she and Miss Mamie Ilnin, the clerk arrived, they were overpowered, ami tne youths then tied in an tiuto- moinie, Deafdes9 Cannot Be Cured by local applications, ai t fij oannot rcncl. the dittt'aacd portion of tho ear. There la only one way to cure dcafncii, and that la by oonatltutlonnl rflmedles. Dfiifiii'ai Is cauii'cl by an Intlaim-d condition or thi1 mu coua lining or the Kuitachlun Tube. When thla tub la inhumed ynu have a rumbling aound or Imperfect hearlnc and when it ia entirely cloaiMl, Dt-afmoa ia the rcault, and unh'Ba the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube reetored to lia normal condi tion, hearing will be deitroyed forever: nine cneoa out of ten are cauaed by Catarrh, which la nothing but an tntlamfjd condition of the mucoua surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dnltnri for any caae of Deafneea (cauaed by catarrh) that cannot be . cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. Bond for circulars, free. F. J. CHRNBY A CO., Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Drugglaia. 76c. Take Hull's Family PI1H for conatlpatlon, PAINLESS DENTIST 303 State Street SALEM, ORE. BEFORE THE NEWYEAR SPECIAL PRICES ON PAINLESS DENTISTRY DURING DECEMBER YOU CANNOT ENJOY YOUR CHRISTMAS DIN NER IF YOUR TEETH ARE BAD Examination Free Lady Nurse Modern Office Courteous Treatment Phone 926 ing stntion of the United States Mu rine Corps, who had enlisted the man and was responsible for the notifica tion. . . . ' Tho recruiting officer, ! liy return mail, bade the sorrowing sister cease, mourning, and assured her that tho "corps" to which her brother had late ly attached himself was tho ''livest" kind of nu organization. 0 SURROUND yourself with Comfort. -t aay-.a tfeelfall time stop at HOTEL NORTONIA The house of Gracious Service.-of UnobtrusWe Ministrations. The home of the Satisfied Guest e where dalicious Viands with the natural HOME-LIKE flavor com- pel friendship. Rooms With privilege of bath $1 or mora the day. Rooml with prW ata bath $1 .5 0 or mora the itf Th thing that appeali-moderate pricei. 1 ! 1,A,0t $mrrf lj Washington Y mLS'll I Ufa .nd JMtL Lr . Waihington LtT3S r Portland Anna C. -livers, pt Isnac Durban el 2S-7-aV.; Ann Wootlsidc cl 74-7-2W. 1). I. llussell to A. T. Moffitt lot li) J. V. McDonnM Fruit tracts. "Ill" GLADDENS M, J! FEET "TIZ" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight Away go the achea and pains, the conn, calloutes, blisters and bunioui. "TIZ" drawa out the acida and poisons that pull up your feet No matter how hard you work, how long you danoe, now far you walk, or how long J'ou remain on Tour feet, "TIZ" brings restful foot comfort "TIZ" ii won- dnrful for iteml aching, ftrnlleti, smarting feel Your feet Just tingle for joy j ilioea niver hurt or occm tight Oct a 25 cent hox of "TIZ" now from any drupgiit or department atore. End foot torture forever wear imaller ihaea, koep your fect li'tial), iwoc mi Uppy. A poor or inferior butter will make the best bread distasteful THEREFORE ASK. YOUR GROCER FOR Marion Creamery Butter "Meadow Brook" It costs no more and you Get the Best