TWO Social ALINE Tie Methodist bazaar will be opened in the church parlors on State street, beginning Friday, and continuing throughout the entire day. Han" artistic and beautiful articles &ave been fashioned by the ladies and will be for sale at the various booths, which will contain an array of suitable Christmas gifts. In the evening a de lightful and interesting programme has been arranged, and during tlie lunch eon and dinner hours, a delicious re ftast will be served for the meager sum of thirty-five cents. Mrs. vVilliam II. Boot returned Mon day from Portland where she has been the guest of Miss Elsie Hamilton, at Alexandra Court, for several days. - Mrs. B. J. Miles was the charming hostess for the members of the P. E. O. society Monday evening. A delightful programme was arrang ed by the hostess, and three interesting papers were read by Mrs. Miles as sisted by Miss Marguerite Mile, the subjects of which were: Baltimore, Washington and Philadelphia. Later the members enjoyed dainty refreshments served by the hostess and Miss Marguerite Miles. At the armory on Tuesday evening the Sons of Veterans hold their regu lar mooting and elected officers for the ensuing year. Those elected wero: Commander, Ttfiv. F. T. Porter; senior vice-commander, John Siegniund; junior vice commander, J. A. Kemington; Chaplin, Itov. Carl H. Elliott; treasurer, W. P. Itinglor; secretary, E. .1. Knymond; council, David Drager. II. R. McWhor ter and 8. Drake. On Friday the state organizers of the Hons of Veterans will go to Stay ton. It is expected that about twouty W. R. C. ludius uud sous will go alto gether. Mrs. F. A. Elliott returned the first of the week from a fortnight's visit to tho exposition and other points of interest around the bay city. Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre returned Tuesilay evening from a fortnights tr?p to Han Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Evre were among thoso who saw the groat brilliant exposition closed Saturday night. Paul Wallaco returned the first of tho week from a delightful trip to Cal Makes Stubborn Coughs Vanish in a Hurry Sarprlalnglr Good Cough irrup Easily and Cheaply Made at Horn If some one in your family lias an ob stinate cough or a hud throat or chest rold that lias been hanging mi and refuses to yield to treatment, get from any drug tore Vfa ounces of Pinox and in tike it into a pint of cough syrup, and watch that cough vanish. Pour tho 2ty ounces of Pino (!0 rents worth) into a pint bottle and nil the bottlo with plain granuluted sugar yrup. The total cost is about 04 cents, and gives you n full pint a family wipply of a most ollctivo romedv, at a saving of $2. A doy's use will usually overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared in & minutes full directions with Pine. Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste. Children like it. It's really romarkahle how promptly nd easily it loosens the dry, hoarse or light cough and heals the iniliimvd mem branes in a painful cough. It also stops (3j (2) w oooof uniui cniign. n also aUipalnmr, Mis. P. A. Palm i of phlegm in the throat I nrk m... xr k,, i tubes, thus ending tho per- 1 ' ' :ough A splendid remedy Mrs-, A-;, 1 ' """J"' .5rl iim inniiaiion and bronchial KlBlent loose CO for bronchitis, winter eoliirliH. lirntN'liint asthma and whooping cough. Pinex Is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pino extract, rich in guniacol, which is bo beuliug to the membranes. Avoid disappointment by asking your druggist for ounces of Pinex,"' and do not accept anything else. A guarantee f absolute satisfaction goes with this 5 reparation or immev promptly refunded, lie Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, liid. Specials Worth Reading THERE ARE JUST 18 RAINCOATS AT ABOUT TWO THIRDS THEIR FORMER PRICE. DOESN'T THAT TOUCH ABOUT THE RIOHT SPOT THESE RAINY DAYS? lilghl grey rubberized Raglan in sizes 10 mid ff7 2. 10.U0 Cent now .'. $.UU Handsome tun slip-on coats in 40 and 42. Bcgular prieo U2.(K), now. Dark gray medium weight Bain Coats In sizes 38, 40 nd 42. A regular Christinas gift Ifl.H.T Coat for Knit Slipper Specials Women's $1.45 Slippers $1.00 Ken's $1.75 Slippers..., $1.25 Thaw are made of good quality leather out soles with spring heel kid lamb s wool liisolct. Nicely knit with fancv turnovers and trimmed with pom poms. Colors! for women pink and white, lavender and white, grey and red, red and white, blue and white. Kor men grey and red, red and black and brown and gold. Otre Quality and Newness of Merchandise your careful consider auon and you will soon disoorer the difference between truthfulness and absurdity In advertising. Personal THOMPSON ifornia, where he attended the fair in San Francisco. On Tuesday evening the Order of Eastern Star held a meeting and an nual election in the Masonic temple. The following officers were elected for tho coming yaar: Worthy matron, Miss Minnie Moeller; worthy patron, Judge .1. C. Moreland; secretary, Mrs. Ida Babcock; treasurer, Mrs. Katherine Bernardi; associate matron, Mrs. Eliza beth Shafer; conductress, Mrs. Faye Wright; associate conductress, Mrs. Stella Smith; trustees, Mrs. Minnie McC'auler, Mrs. Josephine La Fore, George Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Breitenstein were hosts lor an enjoynme auu" party at their home on South Twelfth streot Tuesday evening. Five tables of the game were ar ranged in rooms effectively decorated with various colored chrysanthemums. High score honors were awarded to Mrs. U. S. Page and Herbert Stiff. Music also formed another diversion for the evening's entertainment. The guests were: Mr. and Mr. E. C. Quinn, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Nadon, Mr. and MHr. Frank Davey, Mr. and Mrs. John Noud, Mr. and Mrs. If. K. Mer win, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Page, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert St f, Mr, and Mar. K. Lewis. The hostes-- was assited in the orv- ing oy Mrs. Quinn and the Misses Miarie and Cora Breitenstein. A delightful Christmas programme ib outlined for the Ynlctido vesper ser vice next Sunday afternoon inthel'hil odosinn halls at which Professor Mat thews will preside. Many Christmms hymns and carols will be sung by the students, the ladies' club will give "Holy Night," a quartette of men's voices, tho Messrs. Gillette, Steeves, Chnpler and Lyons, will sing an ap propriate carol aii.l a violin solo will be given by a member of Miss Tur ner's class. The fact that Professor Matthews will preside is a treat in it self and, added to this, the other tul onted artiBts, nssures n vesper hour of much interest to every Willametto stu dent. Mrs. W. .T. Hngoilorn, who has been the guest of "nor daughter, Mrs. Fnul Hnuser and other friends for 'several days, returned homo this morning. Tho ennip fire girls in charge of tho JNortli Salem Woman s club ami spon sored by Mrs. John Dubois, arranged a candy booth in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday ovening to secure money for their indiim suits. Tho club was very successful in this undertaking and were well sold out at the closing hour, The North Snlfm Woman 's club will meet Tuesday with Mrs. Frank Pur vino on North Fifth street. A delight ful programme has been arranged. f Mis. Any Smith returned Tuesday from a brief trip to Portland. The ladies of -the United Brethren church of the Englcwood district spent a pleasurable afternoon Wednesday when they were entertained by Mrs. Carrio Chase and iicr mother, Mrs. M. Koe. During the uf1ornoon an enjoyable programme was given. Miss Lorettu Dork rendered several piano selections. Miss Olive Sutter and Mrs. H. It. Dork gave a number of readings, and Mrs. Chase sang a solo. After the programme and business meeting tho hostesses served refresh ments. Those present were: Mrs. A. rnl- nier, Mrs, 1". A. Palmer. .Mrs. II. H. S. I'. Hale, ra. 11. 11. Niniii- bniigh, Mrs. K. Nat'tzgor, Mrs. K. Me Elroy, Mrs. II. Pascoe, Mrs. C. ( liuse, Miss 0. Sutter, Mips Loiittu tork, Card of Thanks, We wish to kindly thank our firends and neighbors for tiioir sympathy shown during our Into bereavement. J A M ICS SMITH AND FAMILY. Joitoa' Nursory, rear of armory. Dcl5 THE DAILY CAPITAL Most Eminent Medical Authorities Endorse It. Dr. Eberle and Dr. Braithwalte as well as Dr. Simon all distinguished authors agree that whatever may be the disease, the urine seldom fails in furnishing us with a cine to the princi ples upon which it is to be treated, and accurate knowledge concerning the nature of disease can thus be obtained. If backache, scalding urine or frequent urination bother or distress you, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheu matism, gout or sciatica or you suspect kidney or bladder trouble just write Dr. Pierce at the Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y.; send a sample of urine and de scribe symptoms. You will receive free medical advice after Dr.Pierce's chemist has examined the urine this will be carefully done without charge, and you will be under no obligation. Dr. Pierce during many years of experimentation has discovered a new remedy which be finds is thirty-seven times more power ful than lithia in removing uric acid from the system. If you are suffering iroin Dacnacne or tne pains ol rneuma tism, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50-cent box of "Anuric" put up by Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for weak women and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for tne Diooa nave been lavorably known for the past forty years and more. They are standard remedies to-day as well as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels. You can ret a sample of any one of these remedies cy writing ut. Pierce. Doctor Pierce's Peflete are nnequaled sb a Liver Pill. One tiny, Sugar-coated Vtllet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. VVUKimhlK liiiuvnniAj L. A. Jones is in the city, from Oer vais. (Scorne W. Weeks is in Portland on business. Georee F. Ttodgera went to Portland this morning. E. Austin, of Gervais, was in the city yesterdav. CI rf ford Cramer, of Portland, is hero today on business. David incobsnn was in tho city yeB tfrda.v, from Tnlbot. F. A. Bovington, an attorney of Sil vertou, will locate in Salem lind form a law partnership with O. S. White. Mrs. Ella Watt is in Portland in structing the juvenile organizations of the United Artisuns in tho ritualistic work. Mis. W. J. Uudley, of Turner, re turned to her hniiio today after a few lnv9 visit with her ssiter, Mrs. C. E. Scott. "died . IHTONT At a locul hospital, Decem ber S, 11115, Julius Dupont, at the ago of 5(1 years. The remains were forwarded by the Terwilliger Par lors to St. Louis, this morning, where funeral services were held with burial in the local cemetery. Literary and social entertainment in 'Scandinavian church. A literary and social entertainment- and, Ladies Aid society sale will be held in tho Scandi navian church, corner South liith and. Mill streets, tomorrow evening, Fridnv, December 1(1, at 7:30 o'clock, refresh ments will be served. Free admittance. All are most cordiully invited to at tend. Committee. Jones' Nursery, roar of armory. Drt5 JORDAN IS MUCH BETTER Phoenix, Arir.., Dec. 9. Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor of Stanford university, who hns been ill with pneu monia here, was much better today. He was pronounced out of danger. Jones' Nursery, rear of armory. Dcl5 Everything in the entire store (with the exception of Rubber Tootwear) reduced at least 10 JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, "A SHIP OF MYSTERY" No Definite Information But Beh'ef Is Captain Is Secret ing tie Truth San Francisco, Dee. 9. That either Captain Oarlick of the crippled HiU liner Minnesota, struggling northward in tow along the coast is not telling all ! he knows of affairs aboard, or that the agents here are conceaing some infor mation was the belief prevailing along the water front'today. Port Captain Wiley of the line claim ed Captain Oarlick denied any mu tineers or spies had crippled the ves sel mat tne troubles were BOlely me-1 chanical. ! On the other hand, it was regarded as particularly significant that the! steamer City of Para, landing here tyl day, picked up a long code message! from Captain Oarlick to the Hill line here. That this, indeed, revealed much to clear up thfi mystery of the crippled food ship is generally believed. ! Some suggest that the length and I secrecy of the message indicated that it revealed something more than a mere statement that the vessel is af flicted only By mechanical ailments. A deep silence meantimo has settled ovor those who may know all the de tuils. Thero is from them no explanation of early reports tnat the ship has aboard mutineers in irons. San Diego reports that Captain Gar lick had refused to answer wireless re quests for information, sent by news papers arm oilier interested parties, si-emeu siL'iijucanr. WIllAMETTE NOTES The inter-class basketball games are arousing considerable interest in that sport. Last evening the sophomores defeated tho academy, and tho fresh men lost to the D. D. club by a score of 15 2. The freshmen Inter plnvcd a team from the cHy Y. M. C. A. "and won by a 21-J5 score. Tho Kloshe Klub team will piny the Commoners this afternoon mid the jun iors will battle with the ministers, or Kimball college team. The regulars for tho varsity team were given suits last evening; those who received suits were: .Tewett. Shislor, Brooks, Irvine, Jackson and Tobio. This does not necessarily mean that they will compose the first team but it gives them a cood mnrcin toward .cinching the place. niiisier and Jcwett. Inst year's for wards, are in fine condition und are al ready able to drop the bull into the basket from all parte of the floor. Irv ine and Tobio are showing themselves up well at the gwrn-d positions whilo Brooks and Jackson, are stretching out to their limits to determine which is the highest jumper at the center nosition. Jackson seems to have a fairlv good cnunco, as nc nns nail considerable ex perience at the game having played two years on the fust Kinmett, Idaho, high Bcliool team. Prof. Wallace McMurray gave a lec ture on "Dostoevoski, the Master of Russian Literature," Tuesday night, a large crowd was present to hear the lec ture and expressed their appreciation of the intensive' study of the drama which Prof. McMiirtay has made, and is making. Friday evening the Adelaides and Webstcrians will hold their semi-annual formal party in their halls. TMb party is looked forward to by both societies with a great deal of pleasure an it is one of the few occasions when the two societies meet jointly for. a jolly good time. The conventional "scratch list" has made its appenrnnce, already and passed on, and now nothing remains but to en joy the time when it comes. The results of the competitive essay contest will be mndo public Friday morning nt clmpel. The first prize is a large Willamette Indian blanket, the second prize is a large W. U. pennant. The judges will complete their mark ings on the manuscripts Thursday ev ening and the winners will be presented with their prizes the following morn ing. A number of good essays were pre sented and the winning one will be well worthy of the prize. The Washingtoninu club met yester day to decide upon an arrangement by which Washliigtonioiis who will not go homo for the holidays may entertain i and enjoy the vacation days in Sn lem. The election of officers resulted in i Walter Gleisor being chosen, president: Charles Rnndall, vice-president j Miss! Blanche Baker, secretary-treasurer; j Miss Ruth Perrington, reporter. A com mittee was appointed to arrange a so cial program which will be held at the! home of Dr. und Mrs. Frank Chace. Tho Wcbsteriun Literarv societv Inst! night in their discussion of the pro posed amendment which would provide labor for tho unemployed reached the conclusion that the amendment, as it is now stated is by far too idealistic and although iu theory it might be feasible, yet In practice it would be inadequate. A hot discussion over the matter was carried on for nbont on hour and a half and then a motion to lay it on the table for another week prevented n negative opinion of its acceptance from being adopted. Tho Y. W. 0. A, have adopted Thurs day as official sandwich day and from now on tnese dainty articles will be di- Mnsed to tho hungry mob every Thurs- uay morning after chapel hour. TO OrEN RESERVATION Washington, Pee. 0. The rich Colville Indian reservation In Washiugtfln state will be' thrown nen to homestead en try Julv 1, Secretary of the In terior Lane announced todav following a conference with bnatom Jones ami Poindeiter and Kenresentative Dill, of Washington. THURSDAY, Dec. 9, 1915. Only 13 More Shopping Days Left Until Xmas Shop Early Today Large Assortment New Styles 15c to 50c Silk Web Suspenders and Garters to match 65c. Large assortment of fine Umbrellas good assortment of handles, no two alike, ex tra good values, 85c each. We make no big splurges with big sales; we are here with new goods and meet the prices. 115 N. Liberty near State Four Jumps From Paris To Salonica Trenches By William O. Shepherd. (United Proas staff correspondent.) Salonicn, Oct. 31. (By mail.) The four jumps from Paris to tho Salonika front take three weeks; they are full of waits, interest and excitement, of submarine dodging, sightseeing. Per haps you'd like to take the trip. John McOutcheon, the American cartoonist, and James H. Hare, veteran wnr pho-togrttiher,-aro in the party. Very well! It's 10 at 'night in the P. L. M. station in Paris and you're climbing into the sleeping car. You've been worrying, Four days ago you re served berths and paid a bonus to your hotel for securing them. As tho train pulls out you discover that the car is practically our private car. Few folks are traveling toward Italy in war time. You ask the porter for a detachable lamp for your berth. "Haven't you got any extra ones!" . 'Whyt" "This is war time." "That's silly," you say angrily. "Say! I used to run ou the Orient al express from Vienna to Constanti nople," says tho French porter, who is also conductor. "Didn't I use to see you hanging around Vienna!" "Never been, in Vienna," you lie. But what he has said cools you down; he's practically telling you that if you don't shut up about the berth lamp he'll charge you with being an Aus trian spy. Hii's got the drop on you; you're nothing but a poor, helpless' for eigner in France in war timo. So you go to bed without tho lamp; no chance of reading yourself to sleep this night. There's a dining car hitched on for breakfast. But there' o nothing but coffee und bread; no eggs, no bacon "it's the war!" There's no diner for lunch. Same reason. For Buprter you jump off at a station, buy a cold chicken, pickles and bottled wutor and get the crumbs all over the carpet of your compartment. The second morning you're in Rome. Your trunk doesn't show up. It's back in Paris. Same reason as no eggs. Preparedness The Vital Factor not alone in affairs of the Nation, but with the health of every citizen. One seldom knows when the common enemy, sickness, in one form or another, is about to strike; and the best form of preparedness is to keep body and brain healthy. Active brains and vigorous bodies Vre the result of right living food plays a big part. FOOD made of whole wheat and malted barley,supplies all the bone- and brain-building, nerve- and muscle-making elements of the grains, including the vital salts- phos phate of potash, etc, often lacking in the diet of many, but imperative for bound ing good health. Grape-Nuts is easily digested comes ready for table directly the germ-proof, moisture-and dust-proof packet is opened. With good milk or cream Grape-Nuts supplies complete nourishment. A ration of Grape-Nuts each day is a safe play for health, and There's a Reason sold by Grocers everywhere. Handkerchiefs An enormous variety of Handkerchiefs for every member of the family, soil ing here at nearly half their values from le up. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, embroidered comer, reg ular 10c, special 6c Children's Handkerchiefs, 4 la Xmas box, 15c Men's Xmas Sets Men's Silk Handkerchief and Tie to match In Xmas box, 60c Men's Silk Tie, Handker chief and Socks to match In Xmas box, (1.00. KAFOURY BROS. At the American embassy you find Ambassador Thomas Nelson Page greatly worried as to tho welfnro of his son-in-law, a major in tho British army. A British transport has been sunk near Salonica; the chances are his .son-in-law was on it, but there is no way to learn. Will you carry letters to Salonica for the mujor and try to learn something as to Ins welfare? It's an errand you gladly assume. You're going right into tho fog of war and you may meet the major there if the ambassador's fears are not well found ed. There's a day lay- ever in 'Rome and ; you go to see the ruins of the torum. It 's a sadder sight than it hns ever been in all it's 2,000 years. It is de serted, except for two old guides, pro-i fessor looking persons; the pntlis which I hnve been pounded by the feet of scores of thousands of American school tench ers, of girls from American finishing schools, mid nf ft few otlior tourists, ! are empty. The two euidea ouarrel for von. in n professor-like and dignified manner and you take the One whoso frock Coat is the shabbiest. "You're the first American tourist that have been here for five months,'' he says. "We're wnr writers," you explain, "not tourists." "The two Americans I took throne-' five months ago were war correspon dents, too," he says. "The only tour ists in Italy are war correspondents. J .1. 1a. x i il: ana uu v uuv i oee a.,, um,K . . ! FVt COURT HOUSE NEWS On account of tho rush of business in this county at present none of tae members of the Marion county court was able to attend the state conven - tion of County Judges aud Commis- Grape-Nuts Mm The Store for the People sfc Sfc Sfc )fc ' . NOTICE. We wish to announce thaf we aro in no way connected with, the former Salem Needlecruft Shop. Our stock is new and we are prepared to do all kinds of stamping and make a special ty of doing embroidery work. NKIiOD & WARNER, ' 315 State St. . Tell your neighbor of the sat-. isfaction of reading the Cap- y ital Journal. . I itifcMcaas)ciE';kicit:fci'li'fc- sionors which began in Portland thin i morning. Judgo llushoy had intended i to attend but was obliged to postpone his' trip tins morning. Some of thu meuibcrs of the court will pmbabl.yj visit the session luter in the week. . ' Tho county court at its regular sc sion yesterday received tho petition of J. J. Moo and others to gravel t'.i road to iiilvorton and placed the peti tion on tile. In the matter of the peti tion of W. ,T. Howell nnd Al A. (irinde 'relative to the assessment of a thresh " nns machine tho assessment was can-' . warrant was ordered drawn- for $-0 in favor of Clara Anderson an "i'', r f,'cs- A warrant in tho H1lm of jtlH.itO whs ordered ilrnwn in sum ol . I .!) was pavment. of the county's share of indemnity claim presented by W. Small. ' H. County School Superintendent W. M.' Smith went to Woodburn today to pay an official visit to the Woodburn I schools, This evening ho will visit tho 1 Belle I'assi school and tomorrow will visit the Silveiton schools. ; : : ' .