Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 08, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i; Christmas Gift Problems Solved Easily and Quickly at Meyers --Salem's Holiday Store
alem s.Big Toylano
i K
Xmas Sale of Women9 s
Felt Slippers
Your choiceof two styles 35c a pair
Here are two good numbers taken from our reg
ular stock one is of grey felt with ribbon trim
med top the other of black felt fur trimmed. If
you are going to give her slippers don't fail to see
these, 85c a pair.
Special prices on all Men's
Women's and Children's Felt
and leathers many styles.
In the Men's Department g
Our Xmas Sale of Men's pure thread Silk
Here are splendid quality Hose for men pure silk,
colors grey, brown or blue our regular 50c grade.
Extra special, 3 pairs for $1.00
VT IV 1u J B m I. 1
A Sale of Men's Outing Flannel Night Shirts at 85c
Men's $5.00 Silk Shirts Xmas Special $3.45
Men's $2.00 Fownes Bid Gloves Xmas Special $1.38 ff
A Sweeping Sale of Bovs' Overcoats .
Now is the time to buy an Overcoat for the boy
just when he needs it. Give him a Christmas present
worth while.
Prices Reduced 20 Per Cent on the Entire Stock I
All Around Town
Dr. Mendlesohn will be at his office
January 1, 1110. tf
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Parker, who
were married Inst Friday, will bo lo
cated in their new homo, 705 (South
Nineteenth street, this week.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
L. S, Goer has been elected delegate
to the state grand council of tho
Boynl Arcanum. The council will meet
in I'ortlnnd koiiio time during May,
Oas now 15c at Snelson's 12th street
garugc, tf
1 O. Denson has been awarded tho
contract i r the concrete foundations
of the MeGilchrlst building, and tho
pouring of the cement will begin as
soon as the wood forma are placed.
. Before placing your printing order,
Phone 2179. Ihillor Printing Concern.
Samuel Whit, a barber of 264 tSate
street, inn rented looms on North Com
mercial street near the Y. M. C, A,
nnd will open for business within a
day or two.
Dr. B. T. Mcliitire, psyslclan and
surgeon, 14 Masonic bldg. l'houe 440,
Several of the young mon who wore
members of tho Drowning Amusement
company band, will give an in-door
carnival at the Ifyan building Decem
ber 22, 23 nnd 24. A portion of the
proceeds will be givon to charity,
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Shop Now for Tlclivcry Dec.
21, The storo of Housewares
135 N. Liberty Bt
Big reduction on auto tires, tubes,
oils, and accessories, at Hudson's J-tli
utrcvt garage. tf
The Women of Woodcraft will hold
on open session ut the Odd Fellows hall
Thursday night or this weeK, A spo
eial entertainment has been prepared
and in order to do their part, the vlril
team of tho Woodmen of tho World
will put on a special drill,
Johnson Hat Works. 148 S. Com'l.
Announcement is made today that
flour has been advanced 20 cents a
barrel in Portland. Although tho Ad
vance has not as yet been mado in Sa
lem, tho prospects nrn good for n high
er price here this week, adding on five
cents to tho present prico per sack.
Dr. Asseln, dontist, Salem Bank of
( ommoreo Hldg.
Port of tho fire loss of the Woxford
theatre which burned yesterday morn
ing, is being adjusted todav by J. F.
Kcrtclien, ud.iiiBter for tho l'acifio
States Firo Insurance company, of
Portland. This is t no only old line
stock insurnnco company in tho north
west, and several blocks of. its stock
are held in Salem.
Hygrade Saloni's 6
holds its name.
cent cigar up
Dr. O. E. Cashatt, city physician, and
also registrar for registration vlistrict
No. 2, which includes Knlem nnd vicin
ity, reports 18 births during tho month
of November, 8 males and 10 femnles.
For the same month iu tiiis registra
tion district, 30 deaths were reported,
Jl males and V females, or tins mini
her, 11 were over tho ago of 00, the
olilest being Daniel Christman, at the
age of d. lint two contagious dis
cuses were reported, ono of typhoid
and ono of scarlet fever.
Heaters must go. This wook we
want to clean out all stock of heating
stoves. Early callers will profit. Uu
ren ft Tliitnltnn.
I Did It Ever
r r r . -ri
i uccur io i ou
I That those distressing: headaches from which you
I suffer are due to
Others have been completely relieved by wearing X
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Bldir. Phone 109.
The White Swan Dairy lunches are
being well patronized.
Heater bargains, The best and the
cheapest heaters ottered in Salem.
Cheerful open front heating stoves,
regular $18.00, special $13.10. Buren &
In order that O. H. Luc, the new
manager of tho commercial club, and
William Onhlsdorf, J. A. Fox, J. A.
Egnn and lleury Lee, may get what is
coming to them us new members of the
Cherrinns, tho committee having in
ehargo the initiations, met last even
ing and prepared somo well laid plans
for tho event which will take place at
tho Marion on tho evening of January
3. The committee. Hal I. I'atton, W.
II. Lcrehea and Fred S. Bynon feel
that tho occasion requires speeinl ef
forts on their part, as tho Cherrinns
on that evening expect to not only par
take of a bounteous banquet, but also
to ho properly entertained by appro
priate initiatory exercises.
Dance tonight over Pomeroy's Jewel
ry store. Gentlemen 3."c, ladies, free.
Last coll on heating stoves, $12.50
Opal heaters, ipll.H.'i. Duron & Hamil
ton. Ashland school children of the fifth
grade aro evidently studying Oregon
geography right, and in tho meantime
collecting somo very attractive adver
tising pamphlets from tho commercial
clubs throughout tho state. Writing to
tho Salem Commercial clubj Herbert
Dorun, writes: "I will bo pleased
verv much if you will send mo circu
lars. I want them for my geography
of Oregon." Elizabeth Croxall also
writes: "Please send mo some cir
culars describing Ralem and Marion
comity," If the booklets issued by nil
commercial clubs are ns attractive as
thoso issued by the Salem club, the
children will surely have a fine collec
tion. Bargain. Thursday only. Chicken
supper at St. Joseph's hall, 3:"c.
Call 337, Seamstcr Bros., for hard
wheat flour, $1.40 por suck, .soft wheat
$1.20 per sack. Wo carry a full lino of
froeerios. Deliver to nny place in city.
201 S. Commercial street.
Three car loads of telegraph poles
and a car load of crass arms have been
shinned by tho Postal Telegraph com'
pany to Salem, to bo used in this vicin
ity ror tno general re-bmlding of the
lines between Portland and San Frnit-
clsco. Car load shipments of poles
nave Doen ninuo to oil tne smaller sta
tions along the lino. Salem will be
used as contrnl point for sevedal
working crews who will he here next
week and work out of Snlem during
the winter. Besides replacing all poles
with new ones, several now wires will
bo strung, in order to take care of their
increasing business.
Bargain. Thursday only. Chicken
supper ut St. Joseph s hall, 35c.
Toasting, .Useful, Christmas
Presents ot tho store of House
135 N. Liberty St.
Attention Artisans. Remember open
meeting and bazaar at Moose hall, to
night. Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 416 U. S.
Bunk Bldg. Phone '386. Nov"
Wiliam Egan and L. J. Chapin ad
dressed the commercial club nt Albany
last evening on the general drainage
proposition. Professor W. L. Powers,
of the O. A. C, also spoke on tho ad
vantages of proper drainage. The Al
bany Commercial club, working with
tho "granges oi Linn county, is circu
lating a petition among the farmers
asking for government aid and an en
gineer lor surveys, similar to tho work
done on French Prairie. The commer
cial club of Albany entertained the
farmers at tho St. Charles hotel yes
terday and working with the farmers
to secure government aid in taking up
Removal notice. Johnson Hat Works
havo moved from 464 Court to 148 8.
Commercial, next to Journal office,
Eustace Howard was given a sen
tence of i'ivo days in jail this morning
in police court upon his plea of guilty
to a charge of being intoxicated.
Public entertainment will be given
by Silver Bell Circle No. 43 Women of
Woodcraft, Thursday evening nt 8:00
o'clock at I. O. O. P. hall. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
Seamster Brothers, grocers on South
Commercial streot, have found it nec
essary to secure larger quarters for
their rapidly growing business and are
today moving into their new quarters,
1201 South Commercial. Their new
store is on the corner, adjoining their
former location.
A guarantee. We positively guaran
tee to show anyono interested in
Christmas cards the most carefully eo-
lectod and the largest line of cards any
one .ever dared to unload in Salem.
Prices 3 cents to $1.50 each. Tho Frame
Shop and (littery, 279 North Commer
cial street.
That Marion county stock men are
being recognized outsido of local live
stock circles is shown by the fact that
llaron Duke 123, the Cotswold Ram
exhibited by F. A. Koser, of Nickrenll,
is attracting wide attention at the
Portland Livestock show. This ram
was a prize winner at both tiio Salem
state fair and the San Francisco expo
sition. The date for the conference of the
sub committee on the disposition of the
O. & l railroad lands hns been set for
Pridav forenoon. C. R- Spenco will be
,,.,K1 I. ......I ...1 W r Vatufni. u
confined to his home on account of ill
ness. Li. k, Dean, Sam uarluim, u. w.
Campbell, general manager of tho 8.
P. lines in Oregon, and Attorney Ralph
Moody will meet the state officials at
the conference.
i ' '
An appreciated present Com
munity Silver, seven designs.
The storo of Housewares
. 135 N. Liberty St.
Program of Popular and Clas
sical Selections Will Prove
With every member of the chorus and
all the soluiso in attendance at to
night's rehearsal, the final touches will
be put on the musical program for the
big Y. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A. concert
which is sehedulcd for presentation nt
the opera house Wednesday evening,
December 15.
As a matter of fact there is scarcely
need for more rehearsing as the soloists
have their offerings well in hand and
the chorus work has been brought to
the point where it can be presented
with great effect, through dint of hard
Tonight's rehearsal is set for 7:30 at
the association hall and speciul request
that every member of the chorus be in
attendance as this will be the last
time practice is to be held together
until the final dress rehearsal at the
opera house next week.
Results accomplished thus far have
There is no use to shop around
tent with quality, au tne time.
Sugar, pure cone, 13 lbs. . . .$1.00
Flour, Drifted Snow, sack .$1.50
Flour, Crown, sack $1.50
Flour, Snow White, sack ...$1.45
Flour, Five Star, sack ....$1.35
Flour, soft wheat, sack ...$1.25
Potatoes, Am. Wonder, bu. . .75c
Potatoes, Burhauks, bu 60c
Beans, small white, 14 lbs. $1.00
Beans, Limas, 12 lbs $1.00
Beans, Red Mexican, 12 lbs. $1.00
Rice, best head, 12 lbs. . . . .$1.00
Rice, Jap Head, 16 lbs. ....$1.00
Coal Oil, bring your can, .
5 gal. 65c
We make the very best prices, cousis-
Beef, best stew from ....11c up
Pork, "Fresh Side" ..12 l-2c lb.
Pork, shoulder steaks, , ..10c lb.
Pork, shoulder roasts ....10c lb.
Pork, loin steaks ., 15c lb.
pork, loin roasts 15c lb.
Pork, hocks 6c lb.
Veal, stews 10c lb.
Veal, shoulder steaks. .12 l-2c lb.
Veal, shoulder roasts.. 12 l-2c lb.
Veal, rump roast 15c lb.
Veal, hind quarter steak 20c lb.
Veal, hind quarter roast, ,20c lb.
We handle Salem made Bread,
"Royal." Try It first.
augured well for the success of this
year's concert. A better musical pro
gram and greater care in the arrange
ment of details assure a finished enter
tainment. The best musical talent in the city
will nppear on' the program, such ar
tists us Mrs. Carlton-Smith, Mrs. Gallo
way, Mr. Tom Ordeman and Mr. Frank
Barton. The orchestra will be ono of
the most popular iu Salem.
Forty voices will comprise the chor
us, and a mixed quartette is now work
ing on several selections. The well
known and justly popular sextette from
"I.ucia," a request number will occupy
a place on the program and for thin
offering the management lias the pink
of Salem talent.
The Willamette Conservatory (,r
Music is to bo represented with n pick
ed company now perfecting their part
of the entertainment.
Lovers of popular music will find en
tiro satisfaction ns well as those or
a more classical taste. In fact, ono
of the most promising features of tin
show is to be "Twenty Minutes in
Dixie" said 20 minutes to be devote I
to southern melodies.
ay Men ! Ho I oM ;
It's Something Everybody Should Know and if
you were not one of the many who were I
present today, then you missed some
thing and it is of this we want to tell you.
In Tuesday's Capital Journal we an
nounced, a ten days Clothing Sale be
ginning Wednesday morning and made
the prediction that it would be the
SENSATION of the season for we felt
quite sure that the rediculous prices we
quoted would make a lot of men sit up
and TAKE NOTICE. We told several
thousand men of POLK and MARION
County just WHAT we were going to
do and WHY, and they knew it was
TRUE for some, yes MANY of these
men have known this firm for THIRTY
YEARS and in fact we dare say, not a
few who read our ad have BOUGHT
their CLOTHING right here most of
the time. Well as soon as the doors
were opened all hands got busy.
Here are some of the good things
that are going like sausage and hot
cake of a cold morning.
First are a few of the rare bargains
we are giving in Clothing, for instance,
a line of ten dollar suits at $6.48, the
twelve fifty ones at $8.68, fifteen line
are $9.88, the twenty dollar suits go at
$13.48, and so on through, saving about
thirty-five cents on every dollar.
Then there are overcoats, from the
ten dollar ones at $6.98, and the twelve
fifty ones at $7.38, fifteen dollar line at
$8.68, the twenty dollar kind are $11.48,
and a few regular twenty-five values
at $13.98.
Men's extra trousers are reduced all
the way down the line in about the
same proportion. Two fifty pants are
$1.98, three fifty ones at $2.68, a line of
four dollar pants are $3.38, five and six
dollar kind are $3.73 and $4.48.
There's underwear too for men of all
sizes and any weight you may want.
French ribbed silk and wool the six
dollar kind is now $1.78 the garment,
five dollar fancy ribbed athletic neck,
the garment $1.63, and the three dollar
values go at $1.13 the garment; this is
the Coopers spring needle pink wool.
Another line of athletic neck ribbed,
our regular three dollar seller at 98c
each; Cooper Australian wool goes at
the same.
One lot of extra heavy wool Under
wear sold elsewhere at four dollars, we
are closing it out at $1.28 a piece. Cot
ton swiss ribbed shirts and drawers,
the seventy five cent kind are now 35c,
and Men's heavy cotton fleeced fifty
cent the world over are marked for
this sale 35c.
In this sale are stacks of Men's Shirts
of everv stvle and Drice. there are three
dolllar ones at $2.28, two fifty ones at
. i 1 14 1 . 1 (tit JO J 1.
31.8, iwo aoiiar Kinu ai qu.io, me une
fifty one at $1.13 and a line of regular
dollar values that are now only 48c;
there is a broken line of single or
double breasted Flannel Shirts that
were one fifty to three dollars now sell
ing at 78c to $1.98.
We are sole agents for the celebrated
Packard shoes for men. We also have
Men's high cut shoes and your price
will be about the right one for they
must go.
A look through the store is necessary
in order to learn the true significance
of this remarkable Sale.
On one table are a lot of odd Coats
and Vests for small men, as we have
34 and 35 sizes only; they are worth up
to Eight or Ten Dollars, marked now
$1.48; also a lot of Cotton Trousers,
sizes up to 34 waist, worth one dollar
twenty five cents they'll go at 28c.
Two dollar fifty cent Jersey Sweaters
are $1.48, and two twenty five V-Neck
Sweaters for 98c, all colors of them.
Odd Vests worth up to two dollars for
18c. Two dollar Hats for $1.12, and
another line of three dollar Hats at
$1.98. A broken line of woolen Under
wear for just 1-3 the regular price.
President Suspenders, good ones to, at
17c. You'll wonder how we can do it.
Men's heavy or light weight wool Socks,
the 50c ones are now 38c, and the twen
ty five cent ones are 18c. There are
also Men's Oxford Bags in fifteen, six
teen and seventeen inch sizes, regular
four fifty, five and five fifty at $2.48,
$2.98 and $3.48.
Xmas goods go along with the bal
ance so 75c Tie and pin in holiday boxes
are 38c; one dollar twenty five cent Tie
in leather collar box 73c, fifty and sev
enty five cent Neckwear will be 38c, and
the twenty five and thirty five kind at
21c We might go on for there are
scores of other equally attractive bar
gains but prefer to "Show You."
Let us say in conclusion, the only
reservations made are Holeproof and
Phoenix Hosiery and Ide Collars.
G. W. Johnson & Co.
" II