SIX THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8, 1915. 23223223 222232332222222222223323322223 13322222223233222232333 g j ' il i " "f j y I J I The Most Woederfol Sale iri History of 1 iTHF PRfCF SHOF COMPANY 3 il Ji iiJL il JLLilviLa II II sJs EILIL Jiil M il jj I n a , I RI ' It II II II Given Away Hundreds of Beautiful Presents During This Great Sale One Hundred Beautiful Dressed Dolls. One Hundred Pieces Artistic Hand Painted China. One Hundred Fancy Japanese Hand fl a Bags (or the Ladies. One Hundred Large Knit Balls in all colors for the Children. Thousands of other presents for Boys' and u jj Girls and the Babies. Every Child will receive a present on the Eight Gift Days. At nine o'clock on each of the Gift days we will give away a large portion h of the above presents. Watch the papers for the announcement of gift day, the first will be Thursday the 9th, the other seven will be before Christmas, ri One Hundred Envelopes will be given to the first hundred entering our store on Gift Day. At least forty of the envelopes will contain Gift Tickets and the if other envelopes will contain blanks. Don't Miss This Opportunity to Get Christmas Gifts Without Cost We have just bought at a tremendous sacrifice over 1700 pairs of Men's, Women's, and Children's House Slippers which we are going to sell at a large reduction on the wholesale price, we will sell them just as cheap as if you were buying them in car lots. Men's Leather Slippers Black and Brown, Ladies' Fur Lined Ribbon Trimmed and Comfy s, Children's 65 cents, all others . . . . . mm m A Few of the Many Bargains To Be Offered (n This Sale 95 c Men's Dress Shoes; regular $3.50 and $4.00 i Ladies' Dress Shoes; regular $3.00 grades; grades; now go at ....! $2 95 : : noW g0 at $1.95 now go at Men's Dress Shoes; regular $G.OO and $7.00 i Ladies $5,00 Dress shoes Boys' $5.00 grade High Top Boots; hand! Men's Short Rubber Boots; regularly' sold made, same as men's shoes; now go at 3.95 t at now go at 1250 i Ladies' Dress Shoes; regular $3.50 grades; ,,,v i fa-w u Men's Dress Shoes; regular $5.00 grades; t now go at $295 ; Boys' $4.00 High Top Boots, best grades;! Men's Short Rubber Boots; regularly sold II now go at $3Q5 I Ladies' Dress Shoes; regular $4.00 grades; t now go at $1 i at $5.00; now eo at (K H i -. - 1. mn mi- I r.wr I tvt.fl t Boys' $3.50 High Top Boots; all sizes; good I Men's $7.00 Hip Boots: best snag proof; 13 grades; now go at $4.95 J now go at J3.95 l grades; now go at $2.95 now go at 95 p II El tl M II tl ti H I! 11 II 14 IJ II !! II it 11 !i Tim o pecia ii Men's $8, 16 -in. high top boots, the best grades, double stitched buckles, $5.95 Men's $7.50, 12 -in. high top boots, best grades, dbl. stitched, waterproof, $4.95 El We've these two lines in all sizes, plenty of them; we're going to close them out J mm tj Children's ? 1.50 Shoes, all stvles, now go at 95c Children's $2 and $2.25 Shoes, all stvles, $1.65 Boys' $2.50 Shoes, best grades, all stvles, $1.95 Boys' $325 Shoes, best grades, all stvles, $2.65 B Children's $1.75 Shoes, all stvles $1.35 Children's $2.50-$2.75 Shoes, all stvles, $1.95 Boys' $3.00 Shoes, best grades, all styles, $2.35 Boys' $3.50 Shoes, best grades, all styles, $2.95 N 11 I Special on Men's Logger Boots, big line $6, some $6.50 and $7 Boots, now at $3.95 AAAAt.AAAAAA.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAJ.A.A.AA.AAAAAAA.AAAA 4.&AAAA11A.. A.. ........ K t T Tyy ttttt t tttttttttvTTTTTTTTTTTTTt tt t Tttt t tttt t t t t t T Ttf f T tf f f f f f t f M ttftttttttMttfttttttftfMftttftffttttftttMMMMMMMMMM4M a OUR SHOE REPAIR DEPARTMENT IS. THE BEST IN THE CITY. ALL SHOE REPAIRING AT REDUCED RATES Ladies' Half Soles 50c Men's Half Soles 75c Rubber Heels 25c and 50c All Leather Heels 25c M ttitttiitittttAttA.iAi4ttu4iimtAimtttitt4Ai44i4iiA4tAi.i..i..ii.i .................................. , YTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 4 i "Dux Bax" Shoe Oil the only oil that ab- ;j solutcly makes shoes waterproof, and the only oil with a guarantee of your money i! back for the empty can if it does not do all ti U we claim for it and more. II II rs n n ii tl ri ii n ii Buy Ever Wear Guaranteed Hose, the nicest thing for Christmas. Ladies', Men's and Children's cotton 25c. Men's and Women's Tl silk 50c. Better erades in Women's. 75r. i A new pair if they do not wear better than any other hose. awill mm iiwh hm- i mm mm iwimmmmi mnmnitniini m 1 ii : M " " ,ww " ti mm m k ii tmmmnuk mm mmmu J