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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1915)
ft efescej3)(3ic9c3e4e9e3e)f:3e3fe3c4c . FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES ' CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEW 8TAND8 FIVB CENT NGLAND AND AiilES AT OUTS OVER BALKANS British Would Withdraw Troo & ud Abandon Serbs, But France Insists On Supporting liem and the Other Allies Are With Her Allies L ed Offensive In the Dardanelles-Expected Gsrmany Will Announce Peace Terms and Her Intentions In the Balkans Tomorrow Paris, Doc. 8 England anil her al lies are reported at odds over Balkan (Situation. Against the wishes of her colleagues, England is reported in favor of with drawal of the Balkan expeditionary forces. She showed her haud, it is hinted, in tho two days war council of all the allied military heads. Yet. the other allies nrn nni.f tn Tn. Hist on continuanco of tho campaign to I niii me cerns. "If Knglaud persists alone in favor ing departure from Salonika," said a high French offieinl today, "then the remainder of the allies will continue to aid the Serbs." Sir John French, of England, is un derstood to have suggested the Aband onment, while. General Joffro and oth ers objected to leaving the Serbs to the mercy of the Teutons. France has known for some time that Knglaud was dissatisfied with Bal kan affairs, fur speakers in the British parliament have oponlv called the Salo nika expeditions useless, too lata and too small to aid the Serbs. On the other haud, French officials have, frequently proclaimed their in tention of strongly supporting Serbia, though the French newspapers have .uiggested the situation of the allied forces in Serbia may becomo perilous. Get Busy tn Dardanelles. Berlin, Dec. 8. The allies have re newed their offensive in the Dardanel les, according to n Constantinople dis patch today, but the Turks regard tho fresh movements as a "bluff." A squadron of aviators attacked the Uszukeu Kuprue station on the Adrian oplo railway, without material damage. Germany to State Peace Terms. . Amsterdam, Dec. 8. Germans terms for concluding peace, coupled with announcement of her Balkan intentions ;ire expected to bo given tomorrow by Chancellor Bethnmun-IIollweg before the reiehstag. The chancellor has pre sented his Bpeecli to tho kaiser for ap proval, henco any remarks he makes will be Germany's official position. Berlin is anxiously awaiting tho out come of the session," and interest in the forthcoming pronouncement is indi , rated ironi the fact that all gallery tickets have been taken. Aviators Bumod to Death, , Amsterdam, Dee, 8 Four fcnen iboard two German aeroplanes were unrocoguiznbly burned when their ma chines in maneuvering Monday night over Ellerbruck collided. Persons below wero horrified to see the two machines lock. The tank burst in a sudden flash of flame, and the ma chines came to earth with a crash, with tho bodios entangled in the ruins. Dofeat Was Catastrophe. London, Dec. 8. "Defeat of tho flerbinns near Kulaluma had the nature of a catastrophe," said the Bulgarian war office in a statement received here early today. This rold of capture of all the Ser Man artillerr, automobiles, the royal carriage, 320 omnibuses and quantities of munitions, Tho Serbians wore said to bo in disorganized rout, while tho Albanians were reported returning on them in tho mountains wherein they have sought rcfugo. . ' Bulgarian occupation of Monnstir was reported. Other Bulgars forces were said to be driving westward to ward Ochrida and Debra on the edge of Albania. Abe Martin Lots ' folks git credit fer knowin' what ther talkin' about V'catiso they know how t' put it over. "I'm ex- 1'cctin' a gentleman friend t 'night that just hate," said Miss Fawn Llppin rut, as the turned her wrist watch two bours fast. Jin Captured By the Turfcs. London, Dec. 8. One British mon itor was fired and four other vessels were enntured by the Turks in an at tack near Kut-el-amara, the Constan tinople war office claimed today con cerning operations of December 5. The Turks were reported too to have made a minor nttnek in the vicinity of the town to which General Townshends forces wero compelled to retire from their Bagdad expedition. Germany, to Keep Belgium. Amsterdam, Dec. 8. In driving the first nail for the wooden statuo of General Von Emmieb, conqueror of Belgium, at Liege, Count Si hulenberg was quoted today as saying "wo will hold Belgium." English Offidlas Captured. London, Dec. 8. Colonel Napier, a British attache en route from Sofia to London, and Captain Wilson, nn owner of steamships and member of parlia ment huvo been taken off the Greek postal steamer Spent by' tho crew of an Austrian submarine. Bulgarians Take Towns. Sofia, Dec. 8. The Bulgarians have occupied Dibrn, Resna and the villages of Medovo and Miranmor near tho Al banian frontier, official announce ments said today. Smnlf bands of Serbs from Monastir still hold u small portion of Southwestern Serbia but they arc being driven toward Albania by Bulgars advancing oa Othrida and Strnga. . . . . " Germans Take Trenches. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L, I. Dec. 8. Continuing their offensive in tho Champagne, tho Germans have re captured 500 yards of French trenches on Hill IDS, which the French took dur ing thoir September drive. Moreover, the Teutons hold the gains they made yesterday. Field Marshal Von Ilindenbnrg re pulsed isolated minor attacks on the liussian front. Submarine Got One. London, Dec. 8. The 2134 ton Brit ish vessel Tringa has been sunk by a submarine. Germans Are Checked. Paris, Dee. 8. Tho new German of fensive in the Artois has been definite ly chocked by a heavy rain of shells, tho war office claimed today. In the Lhumpagno, fighting continues. COSTLY BUILDINGS ARE State Buildings At Exposition Costing $864,000 Sold for $12,445 San Francisco, Dec. 8. Buildings tnat costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to construct mnv bo had for a song at the grounds of the late Panama-Pacific, exposition. A recapitulation of figures today snowed that the best offers so far made for buildings which cost $S64,0U0 to erect, totnl only $12,445. And these figures include only tho various state or foreiwti buildings. The state of New York paid $200,000 for its bnildlni, which was sold today to wreckers for $.1,050. Indiana's building cost $90,000 and the best of fer tor it yet made is $1,750. Oregon paid more than $60,000 for the haad some edifico which boused its exhibits; yet it was sold to wreckers for $1520. Similar fate will meet practically all the other stately state and foreign buildings. The Cuban pavilion was erected at a cost of $75,000. It Is on part of tho Presidio reservation at the close of the fair the Cuban commission made a present of It to the United Stntos government for military pur poses. The government today declined and the Cuban commissioner offered it free to "anybody who will take it awny." not a single offer was made for the structure. All oi the state buildings have hard wood floors, fancy decorations, costly chandeliers nd valuable structural steel. MEETING DISTURBERS PARDONED Governor Withycombe has pardoned William WilUon, Charles Seymour, Wil liam Cassedy, John Taylor, Andrew Mode and A. Gnno, who were sentenced to serve sentences in the Polk eounty jail for disturbing a religious meeting at Hopewell. The three prosecuting 0 BANKS SHOWING GOOD. Business conditions through- out Oregon are improving, indi- rating a rapid return to normal State Bank Superintendent Sar- . gent said today when he made public the combined statement of the banks of the state up to November 10. Tho statement, he added, is the most satisfac- tory submitted since September 12, 1914. Total resources were an- nounccd to be $164,481,127.14, an increase of $2,870,900.90 during tne last two months. Combined deposits are $126,- 167,402.89, an increase of $2,- 882,509.04 in two months. PEACE ADVOCATES Rockefeller's Pastor -Inti mates He Is From Missouri, ' and Must Be Shown By Charles P. Stewart, (United l'ress staff correspondent.) Aboard the Oscar II., bv wireless to Capo Race, Dec. 8. All is not peaceful aboard Henry Ford's pence ship. . Rev. Charles F. Aked, of San Fran cisco, and others, entertaining doubts as to tho success of tho peaco expedi tion havo asked to be "shown." They insist on seeing tho documents Madame Rosika Schwiiuiner, of Hungary, cluims to have from neutrals and from high officials of belligerents, suggesting a readiness to talk peace. They also in sist that Mndamo Schwimmer prove her statement that unofficial representa tives of the belligerents will attend the peace conference which Ford iH plan ning. The miidnmc, however, hns refused to show these documents on tho ground that they nrc confidential. Farmers Requested to Donate Vegetables Otners Money and Clothing The Salvation Army workers of the city have been making a thorough in vestigation of tho conditions of the poor and needy in the city in order to ascertain just what will bo required to carry on the work. So far, many needy cases have been located and as the win ter comes on, there will be an addi tional need of food, clothing and fuol. In order to meet these needs, an ap peal is being made to the public for funds to carry on tho work. A central depot for the receiving of food, clothing and all donations will be established by Captain and Mrs. Kelso, about ten days before Christmas. This call for help is extended to the farm ers living near the city for donatfnons of vegetables and fruits of nnv kind. The call by tho Salvation Armv for help especially at tnis season of the year is as follows: Dear Friend: It is with confidence that wo bring our needs before you at this season. We depend upon the generosity of the public to carry on our general and relief work throughout the year, and at this particular time the neod is very pressing. The cold weather is upon us with all it means to those in poor cir cumstances. More than ever our organization is being recognized .as the best medium for dispensing enhrity, and more and more tho poor oro coming to us to tide them ovor the emergency. Our ability to help wil be greatly ' facilitated by your response to this appeal. Our efforts are varied, and all re quire support general work, relief worn, Christmas dinners, etc. An early reply will enable us to carry out our plans for tho winter. "He gives twice who gives quickly." Tours in tho interest of the needy, CAPT. AND M.KH. .1. L. KELSO, Officers in Charge. P. S. Please mako checks payable to Salvation Army. Sailor Johnson Proves To Be ajjard Scrapper Los Angeles, Cal.. Dee. 8. If the fighting strength of tho United States navy is equal to that of J. ,T. Johnson, one of tho seamen, Undo Sam's fleet should be able to lick the combined squadrons of the world without exert ing itself. Sullormnn Johnson breezed Into town today, beat up sundry pedestrians along Spring street, mauled and put to flight seven policemen, was finally conveyed to jail by reinforcements, "cleaned out" his section of tho prison, knocked five trusties senseless and broke the furniture. He was finally defeated by strategy. A surgeon sneaked behind him while he was punching a policeman and jabbed him with a hypodermic needle. Jack relapsed into a gentle slumber. witnesses Interceded In behalf of the young men. They had served IS dnys of a 30 day sentence. MARION COUNTY TO RAISE $210,933.97 Provides For Share In New Bridge and 4 Mill Tax for Road Fund GENERAL COUNTY LEVY FOR 1916 IS 16 MILLS Proposed Budget To Be Sub mitted To Taxpayers At Open Meeting Dec. 31 For state purposes ..$156,217.08 For geueral fund . . 210,938.40 For county school and library fund.. 113,400.00 For general road fund 4 mills For high school fund .5 mil. $ The county court toi'ray said that the above amount is to be raised by taxa tion upon the assessable propeity in Marion county for next year. Tho totnl expenses of the county as estimated for next year are $2KI:i8.40 and with the entire amount to be raised will neces sitate a county tax of 10 mills which includes four mills for the gaucrul road fund, .5 mills for tho high Bcfcool func and will provide for this county's share of the. expenses of the steel bridge to be erected nt Salem, The total amount ruised for the gen eral fund last year was 1)1147,258.18 but this amount took in no bridge fund. Several other items of expense are to be added this year. Elections which last year cost $25U MM cost 13,000 next year. The poor account which was $17, 500 will be $25,000 next year as the county was obliged to expend about $23,000 on the poor account in IH15. The gopher and mole bounty fund for next year is also an added expense not in cluded in the budget for the past yesr, this amount is $4,252. ..The expenses of the county offices is about tho snme as the Balary list is fix ed by law and what increase is made next year in the sheriff's office on nccouut of the tax collections Is made up by the decrease in the expenses of the county treasurer's office. The budget as made up today by the county court will be presented for dis cussion to the tax payers at an open meeting which Is to be held ot tho court house December 31 at 10 o'clock a. m. The following are the totals for the different items of the proposed budget: Expenses of registration and elections $ 13,000.00 Sheriff's office 8,535.0c Clerk's office 7,450.00 Recorder 's office 3,520.00 Treasurer's office 2,505.00 Assessor's offico 7,100.00 Surveyor's office 1,976.00 School superintendent's office. 6.2P Court house uecount 5,175.00 Circuit court 11,700.00 County court and commis sioners 5,500.00 Justice court 4,000.00 Coroner's office .. 550.00 Insane examination 400.00 County jail 1,575.00 Health officer 800.00 For horticulture and agricul ture 1,200.00 Stock inspector 425.00 Indigent soldiers 1,200.00 Care of poor 2,500.00 Juvenile court 150.00 Scalp bounty 50.00 Rebates of taxes 1,000.0c Advertising 000.00 State fair 1,000.00 Sealer of weights and meas ures n.w.w Rnnds and higliwnv 180,000.00 Oophor and moles bounty . . 4,252.00 Submarines Act May Start Another Dispute Washington, Dec. 8. America ap parently faces another serious subma rine controversy. Shelling of the Standard Oil tanker Petrolite, with the wounding of one man, as reported by the Unitod States cruiser Des Moines' captain brought the administration today face to face with tho possibility of new diplomatic difficulties. Pending receipt of complete reports, official judgment and action are sus pended. If it develops, bowover, that tho Petrollto had due warning and then attempted to escape, there will bo no protest against the submarine's action. Communlpaw Is Safe. New York, Dee. Jl The Standard Oil tanker Communlpaw first reported sunk by a submarine and lator declared safe earrios 39 crew and has been en gaged in oil transportation between New York and Egypt. The Petrolite shelled, by ft submarine was formerlv of German registry, but was taken over with two othor tankers early in the war and laecd In the Stan dard Oil service under American registry. GENERAL FUND CHRISTMAS HOLLY IN BALKAN BATTLE "Peace On Earth" Seems Far Away Mid Scenes of Death and Horror By William O. Shepherd, (United Press staff correopondent.) Salonika, Greece, Dec. 6. (Delayed.) Mighty battling Is oa in the Christ mas holly woods near Strumnitza. Bloody strife marks that region where grows tho cmblom of "peace on earth, gooa will toward men." The Bul garians have been attacking since Sat urday, but thuB far thoy have been heavily repulsed. I visited tho French and British fronts Friday night and Saturday. Atop the hills stretched lines of allied bat teries, sending Bhclls screaming eight miles across a valley to mountains a mile high. The holly hills shook with the dull roars of the cannon; the scone was ghastly. The allies' artillery seemed superior to that of the opposing forces. The shells blasted the Bulgar works, and blew up whole lines of advancing en emy, while the nllies' losses were .com paratively slight. Death Amid the Holly. The sheen of holly leaves on the brood hillsides was dulled by spattering blood. Among the bright red Christ mas berries, Bed Cross workers found tho bodies of Bulbars nud allies, twist ed anil shattered, their faces marked with the death horror following hand to hnnd struggles. Occasionally, tho Bulgars broke over tho hills in wild charges, screaming like demons as they came, with thoir bay onets ready for tho slaughter. Throughout, the Balkan wars, they hnve been known ns champions with the bnyonot. But tho French zouaves were their match. In throe encounters, French cold steel caught them, stabbed them to" death, and sent them fleeing back to tho hol ly IuIIb from whence they came human targets before the slashing fire of ma chine guns and shrapnel shells. Bitter cold increases the horrors. Several outposts have frozen to death. Bitter Cold Prevails. Wounded lio in ngony on the battle line if they aro not thken immediately to tho rear for attention. Cold, more intense than that of northern New Kng land or the Dakotas, freezes them in a short time. At nigllt, eggs will burnt in thoir shells before tho crackling cold. Above the ronr of guns, one hears tho howling of a pnek of wolves, a dismal, phnstly sound in this region of infernal horror. Behind the firing line, though, is an other sight. The region looks Christ mnsy. Tents, wagons, automobiles aud horses are decorated with sprigs of holly. Overhead vast flocks of wild duck honk their way, unharmed, be cause Genernl Zarrail ordered his men not to shoot them. I spent hours beside tho allied camp fire Friday night beforo the Bulgar ian nttnek. The French sat about, talking of post Christmas seasons at home, and won dering what it would be like this year. Thoy spoke wistfully of tho pretty Ma rie at homo, and chatted about little Jean Joy, on Christmas morning. To the homesick Australian, the rem iniscences were refined tortirc. "Oh, damn the holly; I'd like to be home," ' ho oxc.lnimed. HiB body, they told me, was found tho next day among the holly shrubs. Germany Receding Her Position On Recall wna1.1.trrfnn Ttiw 8 flermnnv IH fiy HI.,, --. " j --- yielding, from her position that she must know tne tncts on which nnu-.icn ,,.ln,l rnonll nt AtllU'lll'H Vnn I'll 1)1' II and Boy-cd of the German embassy. This belief among officials today caused a mnrksd relaxation In the ten sion over the incident, whilo unofficial information led to tho belief that uer- ... ...Ill .r.n nrr-nn in YUO tSn nt. II1II1IJI Tllll ITIV, " fending diplomats without a further de mand for detain. AV.nan.ln Vnn TOnrnnt Af f i IITwIfll. 11 III UilBiHIU"" lull .ui ..n.i.i . - stood to havo recommended acquics once In these demands after he was con vinced that President Wilson would risk a breach in Germnn-Amerienn re lations rather than meet Germany's re cjuent. in view or tne cienring oi um mum Ham 1 v.. nvnnntiwl Mmrn wnnld be lluii, IV "n ,.v.v. w.-. early resumption of negotiations over providing sate conduct lor mo mo at taches. A .lmlnluf vnf inn nnmlfl flneClllnted to whnt course England might pursue should tho United States ask safe con ducts, nt this time when Teutons have taken oft ft UreeK vessni a nritisa ui in.lia nt. vnutn fi-ntn Hnfin tn London. That this situation might tnd to make England Hesitate to grant me saio con ducts was a general view here. GALE SAGINO ON THE COAST Aberdeen, Wash., Dec. 8. A heavy southeast galo raged throughout the night hedo. Several hundred feet of tin false work on the north jetty were washed away. Shipping in the lower bay had difficulty maintaining anchor age. The highest tldoa of the year are predicted for tonight. NO SEP ABATE PEACE POSSIBLE London, Dec. 8. The nllies are willing to discuss any se rious peace proposals from en emy or neutral sources, Pre mier Asquith declared today in the house of commons in reply to Philip Snowden, who in quired if the government would reject proposals based upon Germany's evacuation of con quered territory. Asquith repeated, however, that none of the allies will enter peace negotiations without tho consent of the others. This is in accordance with an agree ment signed by all the entente powers a few days since. When peace negotiations are actually begun, he addod, the govern ment will take parliament into its confidence. SEPARATE PEACE FOR IS If Allies Abandon Balkans She May Lose Interest in the War By J. W. T. Mason. (Written for the United PresB.) New York, Dec. 6. The possibility of serious disagreements among the nl lies is developing with Great Britain's reluctance to mnke a major military ef fort in the Balkans. Russia and Serbia at least aro urging redoubled resist ance. France, however much her Russian in vestments might incline her to support them in these urgings, must secretly approve the British attitude, if it means a greater concentration of forces on the western front. For, certainly, France and Belgium cannot bo freod by driving the central powers' troops out of Sorbin. On the other hand, if the central allies dominate the Balkans nt the end of the wnr, Russia will con sider herself defented. At this point, there enters tho pos sibility thnt Russia will conclude a sep arate peace to save her prcstigo at least to an extent, in the near enst. It is probable that 700,000 central al lies are ready for future operations in the Balkans. If Franco and Great Bri tain match tliom man for mnn, it is dif ficult to see how they can hope to make the major offensivo on the west ern front which tbey undoubtedly want to try. Republicans Will Not Fight "Preparedness" Washington, Dec. 8. Senate republi cans will not fight the administration preparedness program, provided it is kept out of tho democratic caucus, Re publican Leader Gallinper toid the president today in a hnlf hour confer ence at the Whito House, Gnllingcr told tho presidont thnt while republican senators strongly fa vor preparedness, they will not sup port the program if it goes into tho democratic caucus. Tho president assured Gnllingor thnt the administration will not muko the measure a party issue. STOCK MARKET UNCERTAIN MANY EXTRA DIVIDENDS (Copyright 1915 by the New York Ev ening Post.) New York, Dec. 8. Until the lutor hours, the price movements in today's stock market retained their recent des ultory unccrtniniiess. Tho reported sink ing of the Standard Oil tanker Com munipaw, with nn interesting nrrny of extra dividends for wnr stocks wero the features in ttcw developments which influenced tho mnrkot. Toward the closing, the activity con verged on industrial shares in which professionals were manifestly making tlio most of the dividend incidents. MONTENEGRO WANTS TO MAKE SEPARATE PEACE Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, I,. I., Doc. 8. King Nicholas, of Montenegro, has suggested to the allies that thety allow him to conclude' a separate poaco because Montenegro is exhausted, ac cording to the Frankfurter Zeitung to day. Tho nllies replied, the newspaper claimed, that if Montenegro moves sep arately, they will never diplomatic rela tions and withdraw the assistance they have hitherto granted her. KAISER POSTPONES WEDDING OF HIB SON Amsterdam. Dec. 8. Tho kaiser has postponed the wedding of his son Oscar and Princess Vonnnhnlt until the end of February, hoping tho war will bo endod by that time, it was reported today. If the war is not ended by thnt time, It Is declared, the kaiser wilLpermit only a quiet ceremony. FOURTEEN WOMEN SHOT. , El Paso, Texas., Dec. 8. Though one victim was about to become a mother, Villistns turned deaf ears to tho pleas of H women, alleged to bo spies, and shot them to death at Casas Grnndes, according to tho story nn American travel- er told upon his arrival here. ST. LOUIS CKt! DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION CITY Clans Will Gather Wednesday, "June 14 Committee Meets Dec. 20. PRESIDENT WILSON IS SURE TO BE NOMINATED Chicago It Is Thought Wul Be Selected For Republi can Convention Washington, Dec. 8 Chairman Mc- Combs of the Democratic National com mittee will meet here December 20 to make preliminary arrangements for th St. bonis national convention June 14 next. Headquarters of the convention and national committees will be estab lished in St. Louis in the spring. Tho president was host today to the committeemen, at a luncheon in the Whito House. In a short address to his guests, tli prosident predicted democratic success in 191(1 and declared the party h.m lived up to its promises. Ho did not, however, mention his at- titudo toward ronominntion. As for tho next convention site to be picked tho republican it was believ ed horo today that Chicago would lanti it. tducngo and Dallas delegations- mnnfiested no outward Boreness over thoir dofeat in tho democratic ranks. Wilson Will Be the Man. Washington, Dec. 8. President Wil son is slated for renominntion Juno 14, 1910. The place will be St. Louis, Missouri. ' ' That city won the fight for tho Dem ocratic National committee's choice, with Dallas, Texas, and Chicago trail ing behind. San Francisco apparently had no look-in, for there were no bal lots In her favor on the show down. The committee took no action upon pleas of suffragists for committee en dorsement of tho federal suffrage amendment. Vocational Training Causes More Interest and Larger Attendance Tho throe thousand mark has bee reached by the Salem public schools, as tho enrollment for tho month of No vember, according to the report just issued by Superintendent Klliott, wa H004. Although a few have dropped out since tho report, others have coma in bringing tho totnl attendance 43 higher than one month ago. The parents seem to bo showing a moro active interest In the school this month, ns 188 havo found time to com to the schools, comparod to 112 visit in October. No pupils nro In the schools under tho ngo of six. In the classification of those attending betweon the ages of six and nine, there are 344 boys and 331 girls. Between the ages of nine and 12, the girls are in a majority, a the boys number 303 and girls, 375. Tho 'reports of November, as well as for October, show that between tho ages of 12 and 14, the boys and girls number about the same, as this month 20(1 boys or registered an I 208 girls. Tho increased attendance of the Innt month has been mostly in the higher grndes, between the oges of 14 and 2(1. In November, 488 boys between these ngos were attnding, and eUnO girls. Over 20 years of ago, tho boys num ber 20 and girls 8. Although tho census this yenr will show no Increase over that of last yenr, the- nttendnneo has beon- Increas ing. This may be attributed to th fact that the school work in the upper grades is more prncllcal through voca tional training, and It is this vocation al work that is keeping tho boys in school. THE WEATHER )ft )c )fl )J( ifc sft Qt sft jtfAlf POM ) TO Oregon: To night and Thurs day rain; colder tonight east pur tlon; southerly winds. (JET