Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i : ' ' i
I Christmas Gift Problems wSolved Easily and
j: Quickly at Meyers' Salem's Holiday Store j;
;; Here you will find the largest and best selected stocks to
: : choose from. They were selected with great care and,
coupled with our courteous and efficient service, you cannot
; help but find shopping at this big store a distinct pleasure.
: : Holiday stocks are out on display ready for you. Many at-
; tractive extra specials in every section. Gifts for everyone.
t Serve Your Own Interests liest by Shopping at Meyers.
I Bring the Children to Toyland (Second Floor).
:: Our Art Section offers for Tomorrow's selling these splendid Double Woven
:: Turkish Bath Towels, bleached, large size, 42 by 23 inches- and stamped on both ::
X ends ready for embroidering. These are excellent for gift giving and are very ::
I inexpensive. They would cost at least 50c in other stores. Uttered as a special i
holiday surprise for Tomorrow at 37c Each
i Sale Starts at 8:30. See Window Display t
: : HEAD Large curled wig, 22 inches
tall; shoes and stockings. One of the
'' biggest doll values you'll see this sea-
son. Light, medium or dark hair. Your
:: cice $1.38
' A sale of. the .very, popular CHAR
i ACTER BABIES AT $1.15. One of the
most called tor dolls m any toy depart
ment; taken from life; looks just like
i a real baby. Extra special price $1,15
Toyland (becond Floor.)
The Tov Zone Has Many Attractions
: : Bring the children to Meyers see the
: : toys, dolls' games things to make them
happy in Salem's big Toyland on the
second floor. Attractive price reduc
I tions on many lines.
Dr. E. T. Mclnttre, pnyslclan and
A Surgeon, Z14 Masomo bldg. Phone 44.0.
The river today is again close to its
high water mark of the yenr, with a
gauge of 15 feet above low water mark.
The rainfall for the 24. hours before 8
o'clock this morning was ,25 of on
Dr. Stone's drug store.
The Orange club, whose members are
cither alumni or former students of the
O. A. C, will meet this evening at the
Tha Dost office will insure parcel
nost taaekasres from loss and the amount ! nil ndinir the case for rctriiil Justic
public library to decide on some form ; ' " .i i M'a"le ,u ".' ., , i
Purchase Slippers X Vm , 1 mom b -7. Bi ng in i k-"ta " "J"1" Pent i win ;"ice tb0 jury iD e cirlllt Trt
. .rl . l 'X y , (,''"&, "" arrive, or if lost, the value of package . view in suite of the fnct that
us insured refunded to tne sender, i o:n Spaded euiltv to the charge in
ni fii ' . i - ---- "
Tlirt -ifinninnl insill til the CnSO fffl
rnreo cents lor insurance up to so . z.,t,t avtanf. n enii.Wtnr is n
The auarterly-Jeting of the W. ' JlffiS 2LJ?ttZ ! F ?
F. M. S. or the First Mcf.iodist church "" ,f t , ni! V,. " ;," no taa. 6elvaut 01 ,lne. e"rv""Z. .... ..Vi -
x w "f ' " J- i Qt,,tiitn o nnnuup.rnr is h ucu iv si t-iui
for gift giving at.
Meyers. Special
prices rule on all
Felt and Leather
kinds. The famous
Daniel Green Felt t
Slippers included in t
this event.
A SALE OF MEN'S $2.00 KID GLOVES AT $1.38 PAIR Here's a Glove we will i
:: place with any $2.00 Glove in Salem; it is made of Fownes in London; it is one of ::
:: the finest Gloves you will find at $2.00; fine soft leather stock; all sizes; colors, ::
:; grey or tan. Extra Special, a pair $1.38 ::
:: V-Neck style Night Shirts of good grade fabrics; well made; full 56 inches long; :;
:: assorted stripe patterns. Extra Special for one week fife ;:
:: $3.45 The best Silk Shirt that $5.00 can buy; golf model; soft cuffs, with neck- ::
:: band for white collar; various patterns and colorings. For gifts these are un- ::
:: surpassed. $5.00 grade, special at ' -
J Salem's Largest Store
The House of Quality JjV
All Around Town
: " " it 1 1
Dr. Mendlesohn will be at bis office
January 1, 1916. tf
The steamer City of Eugene towed a
raft of logs from the mouth of the
liuckiamute to Salem for the Hpauldiug
Logging company, arriving last even
ing. Sr. Stone's Drug Store.
Gas now 15c at Snelson's 12th street
garage. tf
H. F. Madison, of Independence, has
been in the Salem hospital since last
Saturday with Mastoiditis. He is now
under the care of Drs. Steeves and
Find ley.
Last call on ehating stover, $12.50
Opal beaters, $9,85. Buren & Ham
ilton. The Ladies' Aid society of the First
Methodist church will bold a bazaar in
the chinch parlors next Friday. Meals
will be served and for the evening, a
splendid program has been prepared.
Before placing your printing order,
Fhone 2179. Fuller Printing Concern.
Attention Artisans. Remember open
meeting and bazaar at Moose hall to
morrow night.
The Ladies Aid society of the United
Brethren church, on Seventeenth street
will meet with Mrs. tame (.base Wed
nesday aiternoou, December 8. To this
mrctinp. all tho ladies of the church
are invited.
Attention Artisans. Remember open
meeting and bazaar at Moose hall to
morrow night.
The musicians' local ' organization
will elect officers for the coming year,
next Sunday. For the past year, Oscar
Steelhammer has been president of the
organization, Oiin Miles, vice-president
and Ivan G. Martin, secretary.
Heater bargains. The best and the
cheapest heaters offered in Snlem.
Cherful open front heating stoves. Keg
ular $18, special $13.13. Buren & Hamilton.
r-- i
Court Holds That Conductor1
Has Legal Right To Eject j
Drunken Man !
John Spain, the buckeroo of Round- j
up fame who -considered himself dam
aged $4,000 worth on account of being
put off of a train and charged with i
being intoxicated, came in for a j
lenirthv review at the hands of Justice
E. T. Sims, state bank examiner, has i McBride in the supreme court this:
resigned to accept the position as morning. Spain was riding on tho 0. j
caanier or ino riaie isann oi iiuriu v. K. JN. irom Boise anu at nunuiiK
Powder. The resignation t take ef-: ton was forcibly ejected from the train
feet December 10. State Superintend-1 an(i turned over to an officer of the
ent of Banks Sargent states that he ; c;ty wn0 locked him in jail. Spain
has made a tender of the position to j pleaded guilty to a charge of drunken
another man, but is not realy to an-nes9 011(i ptt;li j,;9 fine. Then he sued
nounee the name. fhB i-nilroail comrmnv for damages on
. ". , the ground that he was assaulted by
Another of those famous chicken ! .!, ,i4.
suppers at St. Joseph's hall on Chem-. T, - ilnnil0n'e(i October 19, 1912, after
eketa street, lnursday evening, -ue- sm;n had been injured in a roping
cember 8 5:30 to 8:00 o'clock, by the jt wtile giving an exhibition at
Catholic ladies. Halfway in Baker county. Spain won
The "Twin BedsTolnnanv was one the silver mounted saddle at Peiidloton
ine iwm ueos company was one . 1912 th b t brollpho buster and
of the cleverest that has visited balen, JU . f d horges wa
tor some time and a goos.zed au.li- " ivin exhibitions of skill
euce greeted the players. P. Paul Par- wiil7AB tLw his rone and it
S.gnor .umiti, and .uarian t in lha ',, H11(1
norse ran iiirongii iu "
to the hone causing Spain's hand to
be amputated.
Ho charged that tho jail in Hunting
ton where he was incarcerated was
dirtv, infested with vermin, and unfit
for human habitation, also the heating
plant left much to be desired nnd he
caught cold in his arm and was obliged
to have it reamputated. He sued the
company for $4,000 for damages alleged
i In have heen sustained oy ine euimuc-
tor causing ms arrest aim um m
.Tm1ie Oustav Anderson's court award
ed him damages in the sum of $1,522
with $79 costs. The company appcai
o.l from the deccsion of the circuit
In reversing the lower court ami re
cast, as
Lord, ai
the stars of the company and they
were capably assisted. "Twin Beds'
is a decidedly funny farce and inter
est was keener because Margaret Mayo
one of the authors, was a Salem girl,
well yjniemberel by many in the audi
ence. That it was a decided hit was
attested by the almost continuous
laughter nnd applause which greeted
the witty sallies and ludicrous situa
tions wliich comprised the dialogue and
All Day Bazaar at tne Methodist
church, December 10, two hot meals,
25c a plate, looked food, fancy ar
ticles, comforts, rug9 and everything
for Christmas on sale.
Orango dance.
, . . ...'Packages may be insured for their full!
ii it s saw you warn,, Bo iu amount uul the charges are as follows:
ill lu nnaii unity juik-ii,
will lie .cm tomorrow arternoon at ine nnd reccipta are
m. .u.a. aj. ... " stamp WllHlOW.
ecutive meeting held this summer in
Los Angeles.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church will servo a chicken-nio supper
in the church on Tuesday, December
7th, from 5:30 to 8 p. m. Thore will bo
small articles on sale, nothing over 50
purchased at the I
:in.l ns a peace officer the company if
not liable lor nis actions uut as a con
-.. .. -r.iZZ u. Iduetor the company is liable to a suit
a8,t f,lmi Z"mv a"y ""f.r'lfor dumnces. In illustrating the case
Attorney General George M. Brown
will sneak this evening at tho First
Methodist church before tho Six
O'clock club, on the subject, "The
Knforcenicnt of Oregon's Prohibition
l.aw." lieioro tno amiross, tne mmes Ctt8tern p01Ilts t)ic exJ,rei)s on these
of tho churca will serve a supper, by boxes average9 about four cents a
Willamette Vallcv Prune association
report un exceptionally good business
in their Christmas boxes of prunes and
loganberries and prunes assorted. These
lire appropriate presents to send to
friends back east and the boxes of
five, ten and twenty-five pounds are
pachel in attractive cartoons. Be
sides being practical giving, they are
the best of advertisers for, the products
of the Willamette vuley. To places
within one thousand miles, the boxes
are sent mostly by parcel post. Over
tnis Jinnt, tney arc sent by express. 10
ilk yearn nnd bnasta of the
On the alleged grounds that her hus
band says he has not bathed for 50
At Bay
By Geo. Scarborough
A B Act Photoplay feature wltJa
the beautiful
The Real American Play In
3 Reels.
Theatre JTT
10c 10c
Tcmpleton today filed a suit in tho
circuit court for a ilivoive from Hubert
.U. Tcmpleton, commonly known ns
Marion Tcmpleton, In addition aha
says that he diil not wash his feet dur
ing their entire married life, which
lucked two days of being two months.
They wero married in Vancouver,
Washington, September 211, of this year
and it is ulleged they separated No
vember 27.
The plaintiff stales In her complaint
that both parties had been married bo
fore anl hud children bv former miir-
riuges and us they wero both ovor 50' Frank O. Deckebach was unanimous'
pours of ago tiiey iniirrled for mutual ly elected King lling of the Chcrrians
cointort in inoir declining
Frank G. Deckebach To Wear
Crown and Wield Sceptre
for a Year
ginning at 0:30 o'clock.
La corona spells fragrance with ev
ery whiff. Salem's best 10 cent cigar.
The Joists for "the W. W. Moore
building on Court r.trcet are being lnid
today und the super-structure of the
bi.ilding will now be pushed to comple
tion !8 soon as possible, to be ready
fur the tenants by the irst of next
rtijrnury. Dulrymple & Buley have the
Good program, free, at the Methodist
bazaar, Friday, December 10.
W. T. Jenks, of the Willamette Val
ley Prune association is in San Francis
co this week, looking aftor the displays
of tho association and of the Oregon
Fruit Juice company. During his stay
in San Francisco, he will attend, as rep
resentative from this part of Oregon,
the meeting of tho Dried Fruit Packers
C'f tho Pacific coast, to be held at the
1'h luce hotel, December 8 and 0. '
Supper December 7, First Christian
church, C. K, 2oc.
State 'Commander of the Maccabees,
.1. W. Sherwood, of Portland, will ad
dress the members of the organization
tomorrow evening. Ho will particular
ly expluin to tho contesting team tho
manner iu which they will be judged
in their eompctitutive drill to be held
next Saturday night, when the homo
drill team, Willamette No. 6 will com
pete with the Portland No. 1 team in
this city. '
Big reduction on auto tires, tubes,
oils, nnd accessories, ut Snelson's 12th
street garage. tf
P. Waldo Davis, of DeMoss Springs,
Sherman county, Oregon, is in tiio city,
visiting nt tno homo of nis inoinor-in
Artisans and friends attention. The
charter of the Salem juvenile lodge will
bo closed on December 15. The com
mittee in charge of this work is very
anxious to obtain all the acceptable ap
plications possible immediately, in or
der that the chidren may be trained in
the work which the Salem children will
exemplify in Portland on December 18.
All members and friends having chil
dren and are interested in having them
carry a little protection and at the
samo time enjoy pleasant associations
under competent supervision will kind
ly notify Mrs. Ella -Watt, 3!2 South
High street, or Mrs. Elsie V. Matlock,
1910 Waller street. Until the charter
is closed no initiation fee or medical
feo will bo charged.
Heaters must go. This week we
want to clean out nil stock of heating
stoves. Karly callers will profit. Bu
ren & namiton.
A course of three lectures and a home
talent musical entertuiumcnt are plan
ned by the Juson Lee Memoriul
church for the. winter. The first lec
ture is to be given by Dr. Carl Gregg
Douey, December 21, who has taken
for his subject, "Jack Horner." The
second1 lecture, February 17, will tie
delivered by the Rev. A. W. Leonard,
of Seattle, speaking on "Commemora
tion of Events." The Inst lecture of
the course will be delivered by the Kev.
T. W. Lane, of Portland, speaking on.
"A Part (irentor Than the Whole,"
March 11. The last entertainment of the
course will be given by home folks nnd
will be in the nature of a musical and
Justice McBride related the story, in
his opinion, of the bishop who was rep
rimanded by tne King ior swearing.
"J swear as a private person, nut ut
a bishop," said the cleric.
"But," said the king, "if the priv
ate p'.irsou goes to hell for swearing,
what becomes of the bishop?"
So, says Justice McBride, when the
conductor and the peace omcer wear
tho mime skin it is difficult to define
tho point whero one leaves off and the
other begins, uut no lieia tnat tne pow
ers of a deputy sheriff were granted
not in order that the company might
csenpo liability, but in order that the
peace anil dignity or tne train migin
be. better served.
Another point brought out was the
"quotient" verdict. It appears that
three of the lurymcn favored the rail
road company and held that Spain was
not entitled to damages. Nino of tbenil
faiored damages for the pluintiff but
could not agree on the amount so they
encn put down tho amount they thought
iust and divided it by nine mid return
ed a verdict in this amount which was
U,522. It is a rulo of law that any
verdict winch is reached upon any oth
cr than the grounds of sound reasoning
is illegal also the affidavits of jurors to
impeach this kind of a verdict will not
bo received. The case was tneretore re
versed and remanded for uuother trial
in the circuit court.
The other opinions handed down were
us ioilows:
Lane Goff et nl appellants, vs. Grace
Kelsey ct nl, appealed from Union coun
ty, action to enforce oral contract for
the conveyance of land; r opinion hy.lus
tice Harris, Circuit Judge Anowlcs
jjilgment for defendant affirmed,
tl. F. Hull et al vs. Catherine Ore
Development company, appellant, ap
pealed from Union county, suit to fore
close a mortgage on land, opinion by
Jitiee Burnett, Circuit Judge Know
les' liulirment for plaintiff reversed.
J. H. Mcllargue vs. Alex Calchina
appellant, appealed from Union conn
Aty, action to recover damages for re
moval of timber, opinion by Chief Jus
tice Moore, judgment of Circuit Judge
Knowles for plaintiff modified.
Andrew J. Hegdule. appellant, vi,
literary event. The entire course and Albert A. Wade et al, appealed from
iiome uncut en emu, ment is in con ge ylMimr sui, 0 rescilia contract for
ui me A-uuiea --mi oui-it-ij ui nit-
Mini I'i.m fl... nntii ii.. ...... a :....'
... vu.,...,K j.t.i, in inu mi'i'iiiiN! ... ii a Hnwsiin. Mr. Davis is a
bsks or i,uuii permanent alimony, an held last evening nt tho Commercial l1.rfornll,r nll . 1,i,.nl instrument
I undivided one third intercHt in tho do- Club. To assist Mm in properly ad- known as the Golden Chimes, nnd has
feudal! s property, .I50 for use wlulo ministering tho duties of his high of- been plaving in the itato buildings at,
t ? S ' JfJ', , '";,',,r"r'' fil'. to following true and loyal, the sin 'Francisco fair and in several
fees end .5( Mo bo used in looking up chcrrinns wero selected: of the churches of that city. On his
oviduuee In hasteru Oregon. Lord Governor Wood W. II. Lereli- return to the city next spring, he ox-
O. M. Jones was committed to tho
Oregon state hospital for tho iusiino to
'lay by County Judge llushcy after un
examination by a physician. Tho pa
tient resides four and one half miles
southwest of this city. Alcoholism is
given as the cause of his insanity.
Chancellor of the Bolls Arthur R.
Keeper of the Orchard D. W. Eyre.
Duke of Lambert Fred 8. Bynon.
Earl of Waldo Larry Hofer. '
Marquis of Murischluo -t George
(Jueen Anne Consort James Young.
King's Jester Hal D. Patton.
Archbishop of Ulckreal Kev. Harry
J'.. .Mnrsiinu,
Tho following members wero elected
111 be initiated at the
and ritualistic, excr-
McCleery and Alvln Charles McCleerv. V"" nt th8 on nl Tuesday,
Tho Inventory shows the fstato to con- ;"i',y , when the new officers are
int of real anil personal property of lntallods William (lahlsdorf, J. A.
the vauo ot 7,032.50. The appraisers Pox Henry Ieo, J. A. Egan and the
were John I), tilirdwlck, August Hil- ntvl manager of the Commercial Club,
fiker, and J, II. Hawthorne. l. It. Luck,
An Inventory mid apprnlement wns
filed In probate court today In the
matter of the guardianship ef Florenco .
I. t .nt . in. i ... 1
n. in c i leer v,
A. MeClcory,
Kmer Lawrenc
ne guardianship ef riorenco , Th followltia
y, Alia 1. McCleery, ltuth i., '
v Edith Leila McCleerv, ln"t ! ! n'1 w
mce McCleery, Geneva May nnn'i Nnqnet
ity next Bpri
pects to appear in concert.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church will servo a supper in tho
church on Tuesday, December 7th, from
8:30 to X p. m. Chicken pio, cranberry
sauce ami other good things to cut.
There will be small articles ou sale,
nothing over 50 cents.
Lamar Tooie, the XX. of O. representa
tive on tho Ford peace commission,
wired his father, Walter L. Tuozc, from
Cleveland, Ohio, Inst night, that he
would reach New York today, and that
he would receive his passports from
Washington through the efforts of
Congressmen llnwley and McArthut in
time to sail ou the Frederick Wednes
day for Europe. Tho University of
Washington representative will ulso
sail on the Frederick.
Some of the most beautiful booths
ever mn.lo for a bazaar will be seen
at the Methodist church Friday, De
cember 10.
The Men's Liberal club has been en
joying some fine discussions of viti
questions which should be of interest
to nll men. Tho club is noii sectnrian
and Btl men nre welcome to its meetings
and ought to become members. A num
ber of prominent men from out of town
were heard before the club last year,
and it is hoped that a similar program
and plun will be carried out this year.
"Hnral Credit" is one of the growing
questions confronting our country anil
particularly the grout farming interests
and agricultural states. This question
will bo discussed before the club Wed
nesday evening at the Unitarian church
by Mr. Percy A. Cupper and the Hon.
Dana Allen. Both of these gentlemen
have given the subject careful study
and consideration and are well prepared
to speak upon the question. Tne usual
free discussion which lends so much to
the interest to these meetings will fol-i
low. All meu ore invited to thesc-nieet-1
the purchase of lnnd, opinion by Jus
tice Moore, Circuit Judge Biggs' judg'
"The White
A Comedy Worth
Roberts Elected Councilman
In Ward 5, and N. D.
Elliott In Ward 7
The proposed amendment to the city
charter to change tho method of for-
closing on property for the non-payment
of assessment liens for street ini
nrnvenieut, did not have much of
chan with the voters yesterday, as it
was defeated by a vote of 2.13 for, to
070 against. The total vote cast wan
12411, which was J'4 more man cast ar.
the primaries November 1. The total
voting strength of this city is a little)
less thnn 5200.
In Ward -i, C. M. Huberts defeated.
Levi MeCrackcn for alderman by
vote of 200 to 144. X. D. Elliott won
in ward 7, receiving 102 votes ngainst
130 for John F. White. Mr. Roberts)
will succeed Levi MeCrackcn, the pres
ent incumbent, Mr. Elliott will sueeecil
G. ('. Millet, who was not a candidate.
Following is the vote by wards:
Ward No. 1 For amendment 10,
against amendment, 58; total, vote 74.
Ward No. 2. For amendment 30,
against amendment 112; total vote 1
Ward No. 3 For amendment M,
against amendment 28; total vote 42.
Ward No. 4. For amendment S3,
against amendment 127; total vote Mi.
Ward No. 5. For amendment 53,
against amendment 201'; for alder
man, C. M. Roberts 200, Levi Me
Crackcn 144; total vote 349.
Ward No. 0. For amendment 19,
against amendment 16o; total vote 183.
Ward No. 7. For amendment 64,
against amendment 219; for alderman,
X. D. Elliott 102; John F. White KID;
total vote 301.
Elks Organize
Bowling Teams
The Elks have organized four bowl
ing teams and will begin a series of
games, with the first game this even
ing. The four team captains nre A.
L. Wallace, M. D. Pilkenton, W. II;
Prunk and A. L. Fraser. Games will
be played every Tuesday and Wednes
day during the winter. For December,
games have been arranged ns follows:
Dec. 7 Wallace vs. Prunk.
Dec. S-Fiaser vs. Pilkenton.
Dec. 14 Prunk vs. Eraser.
: Pec. 15 Filkonton vs. Wallace,
i Dec. 21. Prunk vs. Pilkenton.
Dec. 22. Wnllaco vs. Fraser.
Dec. 2S. Wallace vs. Prunk.
Dec. 20 Pilkenton vs. Fraser.
The games will bo played ut tiio
bowling alley in tho club rooms.
Hient for the defendant affirmed.
Petitions for rehenring were dericd
in State ex Tel vs. Rider, Kalian vs,
Home Telephone company.
The Tigress of the Tilms.
Olga Petrova
Appearing Today and Tomorrow in the Superb Picturizatiou of
My Madonna
Picturized from "The Spell of the Yukon," by Robert W. Service.
A Colorful Play of Primitive Passions.
Produced with a Cast of Stellar Artists.
Theatre &
Always 10 Cents. "Always the Best Pictures." . Always 10 Cents.