Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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j ! rI
n Oc
Connect with this fast one!
Don't let their "record-making taste" get by you.
PIEDMONT Cigarettes are going faster in sales every
day. Simply because men find that here's a Cigarette
that does more than promise it DELIVERS.
All-pure Tobacco put together in a blend that smokes
as mild and mellow as a whisper.
Aho packed
20 for 10c
s, r m w mr mm
f sirr-rr h
Some shooting, boys, when you get a !
coupon in every pack! Eh? I
'i 7
14 ' 1
Seen from "My Madonna," a five act photodrama with a strong heart In
terest and a story of unusual power, with Mine. Petrova In the stellar
role, at Ye Liberty today and tomorrow. i
The thief arrested 'at a Portland
church service is another excuse for
the stay-at-home.
Get n fnta
to-d mm.
From Your
or Grocery Dealer
(Cnpital Journal Special Service.)
Miss Susan Bennett la home again
after a several months' stay in Falls
Misses Rose and Priseilla Otterbein
and I.uella Zigler attended the revival
mietiag of the Hornschueh brothors in
Snlem last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeVries, of Pra
turn, attended the Y. P. A. Sunday ev
ening. Miss Stella Stnndifer went Saturday
to visit friends in Salem.
A successful affuir was the pie so
cial held Saturday evening at the school
house. A large attendance was present
who seemed to enjoy the program as
Music Grace Baker
Recitation Harold White
Music Mr. Bowden
Recitation Frieda Standifer
Music Herbert Thompson
Recitation Dell Williams
Music Priscilla Otterbein
Recitation Raymond Williams
Song .... Dorothy and Naomi Runner
Recitation George Mcllwain
Song By Four Girls
Reading Mrs. T. C. White
Recitation Clnudiue White
tViusic Naomi Runner
Recitation Edwin Edwards
Recitation Clnudiue White
Mr. Caplinger auctioned the pies,
ably assisted by Fred Coulson. Over
$17 Was made which will be divided be
tween the school boys and girls for
school enterprises.
The dance at tho Fruitland hall Sat
urday night failed to materialize, dis
appointing several people. However,
a stag party was pulled off in a house
west of Fruitland, several from here
Wulter Ransom, .Too Fliegel and Mr.
Fitts spent Saturday evening and Sun
dny in the neighborhood.
A large crowd attended the party
at Coulsons Monday evening, enjoying
themselves with various games until a
late hour, after which luncheon was
Portlnnd, Ore., Dec. 7. One Japanese
Is dead today, another is seriously
wounded, and six aro under arrest as
the result of a shooting affuir in Arion
hall, a Japanese theatre
The dead man is Riosaku Kobitata.
H. HymiHaki was wounded. A. Nak
ano, aged 27, was arrested and charged
with the shooting. Later five other
Japanese wcro held for investigation.
The two men wero shot while trying
to proont tho murderer from making
his way to the stage. The shooting
caused a panic in the hall.
If there is anything In a name,
Crown Point is the place for crowning
next year's Rose Festival queen.
' r,
The Pan-Americaa Union of
20 republics protested the pres-
sure of European warships in
South American waters. Am-
bassador Bdrnstorff for Oer-
many protested to the U. S.
that Great Britain was buying
"mushroom" bullets in the
U. S.
Willamette River
Will Not Be Cleared
Above Corvallis This Year
Washington, Dee. 7. Snagging oper
ations on the Willamette river from
Corvallis to Eugene, Ore., were found
several years ago to be impracticable
at a reasonable cost, and for that rea
son nothing will be done in that direc
tion unless congress specifically pro
vides for it.
This is the substance of a letter re
ceived by Senator Chamberlain from
Uolonel li. Taylor, acting chief of en
gineers of. the army, in connection
with a requast from tho Oregon City
Transportation company, which de
sires to extend its service up-river to
r.ugeno. i unds are authorized to be
osed for aid to navigation at high wa
ter between Corvallis and Harrisburg,
but nothing for the section between
Harrisburg and Eugene. Originally the
project covered snagging to Eugene
but this was discontinued in 1904. .
Colonol Taylor summarizes the pro
ject, upon which money may be used
a.i including the removal of obstruc
tions and construction of controlling
works to secure 12 feet at low water
from Portland to Osweeo. seven miles:
dredging, Bnaggihg, dam and revet
ment worlt to- secure a channel of two
and a half to three and a half feet
at low wntcr froth Oswego to Cor
vallis, 112 miles, and snagging in aid
of high water navigation from Cor
vallis to Harrisburg, 33 miles.
ia view of the positive tooling that
no r;ew projects or extensions are
likely to be authorized by the next
congress, there is little prospect for
extending tne scope, of worn on tie
W Ulamette.
One Girl Has Not Been Absent
or Tardy In Five Years at
Victor Point
Tariff of Less Concern
To Sheepmen Now
Pendleton, Ore., Deo. 0. With elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year
and a banquet at the Hotel Pendleton,
the Oregon Woolgrowers' association
concluded its convention Saturday. A
number of resolutions were adopted at
the close of the session.
It was resolved that since the I.aFol-
letto seamen's law is working an injury
to American shipping, it be condemned
and that congress be asked to repeal
the law. ...
The association went on record as fa
voring the nonpartisan nntionnl tariff
cemmission and such, tariff regulation
as is Consistent with the attitude
the sheepmen in former years, and in
structed tho dolegatcs to 'the National
Woolgrowers' convention - to petition
congress to enact a suitable pure-fabric
The ragman, not a low turiff. is the
enemy of the wool growers, declared
Charles Copley, of Portland, who ad
droBsed the convention. He asserted
that tho truthful branding of fnbrics
would in a short time at least double
the wool production of the northwest.
"What wool men need," he said, "is
not tariff protection, but protection
against old rags, the rag man bcir
chief competitor of the wool grower.
'1 lie world's supply of fleece wool is
only 27 per cent of that which is sold
for all-wool products, and tho wool
grower should begin to look into the
matter of getting protection ngninst
counterfeits which are put on the mar-'
ket as all wool. You havo had tariff
enough; tariff has not helped you, nor
nas it given you protection against old 1
The following officers were elected,
for the coming yean Wm. Barrett, of!
iteppner, president; is. V. Johnson, of
Wallowa, vice-president: J. N. Burgess,
of Pilot Rock, C. C. Berkeley, of Hay
Creek, A. N. Ingalls, of Keating, D. O.
Justis. of Heppner, and J. E. Dobbin,
of Joseph, oxecutivo committee.
i m i
Christmas greens along Portland's!
streets should be accompaniod by tho
reu glow or tne rnriHtmas spirit.
' H-
Come on in and Enjoy Some of the Good Things of Living !
Within a few months, $xcK has been heralded all over the world as one of the few periodicals regularly
received by the Crown Prince of Germany at his military headquarters
It has been quoted from the pulpit of a New York church, and Its attitude made the text for a sermon
It has been characterized by an organization of national advertising men as the only periodical in the
country that has accomplished anything new in publishing history in recent years
Its daring solution of the problem of our national defense has been taken up by College Presidents,
Generals of the U. S. Army and newspapers from coast to coast, and has been the subject of a lengthy editorial
in the most widely circulated daily paper in America.
Ask Your Newsdealer for a Copy of "America's Cleverest Weekly"
Marion county schools are showing
a marked- improvement regardless of
the fact that they were in good shape
to begin with according to the report
issued today by County School Super
intendent W. M. Smith for the month
of November. Eighty-five out of the
137 districts have above 95 per cent in
attendance for the month and five of
these school, Independence. Oak Glen.
Summit, Elkhorn and Cedar Camp
have perfect attendance for the month
which means that every pupil was at
school every morning on time.
In all branches of the course of study
good records are being made and the
Victor Point school boasts of one pupil,
Miss Lola Jones, who has been neither
absent nor tardy for the past five
years. Miss Alice .Jaquet of the same
school has not missed a word in spell
ing for the past three years.
Mr. Smith's report follows:
The following schools have averaged
above 05 per cent in attendance:
Donald 97.5; Case 97.1; Middle Grove
96.5; Silverton 97.5; Rosedale 90.7;
Sublimity 97; Rickey 98.1; Macleay
96; Evergreen 96.5; Aumsville 96.3;
Jefferson 97; Hubbard 96.8; Parish
Gnp 98.1; Hall 97; Brush Creek 97;
Marion 96.9: Gates 98.3; Pringle 96.3;
Aurora 96.6; Salem 97.2; Battle Creek
97.4; Looncy 98.4; Ilihee 98.8; Evans
Valley 96.5; Belle Passi 99; Silver
Cliff 96.8; Mission 96.8; Central How
ell 95.1- Union Hill 95; Independence
100 (Myrtle Tavlor, teacher); West
Woodburn 95; St. Panl 96.9; Croston
98; Prnttim 96.1; North Howell 96.2;
McAlpin 95.3; Grassy Pond 95.6: Butte-
ville, 95.6; Pleasant View 98.1; Dist.
58; St. Louis 96.3; Bothany 97; John
ston 98; Prospect 96: Liberty 98.2: Me-
hama 97.7; McLaughlin 97; Gervais
; Btnyton y.5; Turner 99; Oak Glen
100, ( Mjnnie Schaller, teacher); Park
ersville 95.1; Centorview 98.8; Sum
mit 100, (Marie Moritz, teacher);
Koizer 96.3: Oakdnle 96.4; Mt. Angel
97.1; Davis 99; Sunnvside 96.5; Howell
!in.; Oak Kidge 90; Woodburn 96.8;
Union 97.2; Abioua 96.2: Hullt 96.5:
Fair View (Dist. No. 110) 96.5; Victor
t'oint, H7.7; Fruitland 96; Elk
horn 100; Marion Holmer, teacher;
Noble 99.6; Niagara 95; Auburn 97.1;
Hall's Camp 100, Verna Garner, teach
er; Minto 98.6; Clear Lake 95.4; De
troit 95: Crawford 90.4: Bethel 96:
North Santiam 95.6; Salem Heights
.; Mill city Hll.5; Cloverilnle 95.5;
Cedar Camp 100, F. II. Hadlev, teach
er; Waconda 99; Talbot 95.
St. Paul now iins one of 'the most
modern school buildings iu the state.
Sanitnry toilets and septic tank were
installed this year. Tho board contem
plates moving the old school house to
the rear of the new, and fitting it up
as a gymnasium.
The new school house at Waconda is
a beauty. The two rooms aro arranged
so as to be thrown into one assembly
hall. The plan is strictly modern and
furnishing is excellent. Gas lighting
has rccenty been instnllod.
Huuoard is justyl proud of her new
scnooi Duuaing wnich is neanng com
pletion. Work will probably begin soon on
the new Woodburn high school.
The x nomas Bchool (Diet. No. 67) is
constructing a play shod, the plans call
ing for a 40 by 40 foot building. A
large part of tho cost of the same was
met by tne proceeds of a box Bocial
which was a very successful as well as
enjoyable affair.
County Superintendent Smith and
his supervisors are now checking up
the points on standardization attained
by the several districts of the county.
The points are as follows: Flag, prop
er lighting, equipment, heating and
ventilating, attractive rooms, pictures
(framed), grounds, sanitation, teach
ers' qualifications, library, attendance
and length of term.
St. Paul and the Case school have
met all requirements and are entitled
to pennants of standardization. A num
ber of schools aro short one or two
points, but will be able to meet these
A box social was held at Marion re
cently, Abont $50.00 was raised, with
which a gymnasium will bo erected.
The tcachors' examination will be
held at tho First Christian church, Sa
lem, Oregon, beginning on Wednesday,
December 15. 1915, at 9 o clock a. m,
Mnrion county now has eight stand
ard high schools, as follows: Salem,
Woodburn, Silverton, Stayton, Jeffer
son, Turner, Scotts Mills and Aurora.
To meet the requiromentjh, most of
those schools had to purchase from
$1100 to $000 worth of apparatus and
reference library books, including a
standard encyclopedia and at least one
dictionary for each twenty pupils. Non
resident pupils attend these standard
schools free of charge The enroll
ment of non resident pupils at present,
is as follows:
Salem 130; Woodburn 38; Silverton
35; Stayton 17; Jofferson 14; Turner
14; Scotts Mills 8; Aurora 7:
The board of directors at Union Hill
has purchased some new blackboards
and will soon make some other Im
provements. Miss Ida L. Denny is the
The patrons of Triumph school are
thinking of building a new up-to-date
school building in a year or so. Miss
Elizabeth Trimbergor is the teacher.
The boys anu girls in Center IVew
school, district No. 86, are very en
thusiastic over making their school
standard. The teacher, Mrs. H. 11. Pa
get, is getting splendid results in pic
ture study.
Miss Lola Jones, In the Victor Point
school, district No. 112, has been neith
er absent nor tardy during the past
five vesrs. Miss Alice Jaquet of the
same school has missed do word in
spelling during the past three years.
Mis Ava J. Darbr Is the teacher.
A parent-teacher association has
been organized in McAlpin school, dis
trict No. 54. Miss Mable Va Vleet,
Misses Mable Albee and Marie
good plans for school improvement un
der consideration.
The parents of Rocky Point school
and the tai her, Miss Maybelle Wagner,
serve the school lunches each day.
On December first, a parent-teucher
association was organized in Una
Grove school. Miss Bertha Doerfler,
William F. Bent was born at Am
herst, Novia Scotia, June 10, 1870, and
died nt the home of his daughter, Mrs.
F. G. Hule, 840 South Liberty street,
Sulem, Ore.( November 29, 1915, afte
an illness of several years.
In June, 1890, he married Miss JeS1
Bie Shannon, who, with an only daught
er and two gramlchildreu, survive him.
About eight years after their mar
riage they removed to Boston, Mass.,
where they lived till 1910, when thej
came to Oregon.
Ho was converted about 10 years ago
and affiliated with the Saints of God,
living a faithful Christian and dying
in the full assurance of faith.
Besides his wife and daughter, he
leaves an aged mother, three brothers,
Charles L., Walter D. and Frank B.
Bent, and two sisters, Mrs. Nellie
Johnson, and Mrs. Herbert Newcombo.
The mother, two brothers nnd one
sister still live in Amherst, Novia Sco
tia, the other sister living in Syracuse,
N. Y.
Resure of President's
Message to Congress
(Continued from page one.)
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos
trils and End Head-Colds.
sugar duties were discontinued and the
national defense program enacted, the
1917 treasury deficit would aggregate
The first year's cost of the prepar
edness program, he said, would be
$93,800,000. By retaining the present
"war tax" nnd sugar duties he esti
mated additional revenues of $112,000,-
000 annually must be provided to cover
the national dctense expense.
Disapproving of a bond issue, the
president said:
"I, for one, do not believe the people
approve postponing payment of their
'We should be following an almost
universal example of modern govern
ments wre we to draw the greater part
or even the whole of the revenues we
need from income taxes."
Income and Other Taxes.
Lowering of present limits of income
taxes and increase, step by step, of sur
taxes on larger incomes, was suggested.
New internal taxes mentioned by the
president "which can justly be resort
ed to witnout nampering tne industries
of the country or putting any too great
charge upon individuals expenditure"
Gasoline and naphtha, one cent per
gallon, yielding $10,000,000.
Horsepower of automobile and in
ternal explosion engines, 50 cents per
horsepower, yielding $15,000,000.
Stamp tax on bank cheeks, yielding
Pig iron, cents a ton, yielding
$10,000,000. .'
Fabricated iron and steel, 50 cents a
ton, yielding $10,000,000.
Keturmng to necessity for laws to
leal with foreign plots and conspira
cies, the president declared:
Jtiypnenatea uitizens.
"I am sorry to say the gravest
threats against our national peace havo
been uttered within our own bordors.
There are citizens of the United States,
l blush to admit, born under foreign
flags, but welcomed under our natural
ization laws to the full and free oppor
tunity of America, who have poured
the poison of disloyalty into the very
arteries of our national life, who have
sought to bring the authority and good
name of our government into contempt
to destroy our industries wherever they
thought it effective for their vindic
tive purposes to strike at them' and to
debase our politics to tne uses of for
eign intrigue. Their number is not
great as compared with the whole num-
Ton feel fine in a few moments. Your
cold in head or catarrh will be gone.
Your clogged nostrils will open. The air
passages of your head will clear and
you can breathe freely. No more dull
ness, henduchc; no hawking, snuffling,
mucous discbarges or dryness; no strug
gling for breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
in your nostrils, let it penetrate through
every air passage of the bead; soothe
and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous
membrane, and relief comes instantly.
It is just what every cold and catarrh
sufferer needs. Don't stay stuf fed-up
and miserable.
ber of those sturdy hosts by which our
nation has been enriched in recent gen
erations out of virile foreign stocks,
but it is great enough to have brought
deep disgrace upon us and to haver
made it necessary that we should
promptly make use of processes of law
by which we may be purged of their
corrupt distempers. America never
witnessed anything like this before. It
never dreamed it possible that men,
sworn into its own citizenship, men
drawn out of great free stooks such as
supplied some of the best and strong
est elements of that little but now he
roic nation that in a high day of old
staked its very life to free itself from
every entanglement that had darkened
the fortunes of the older nations and
set up a new standard here that men
of such origins and such free choices
of allegiance would ever turn in malign
reaction against the government and
people who had welcomed and nutured
them and seek to make this proud coun
try once more a hotbed of European,
passion. But the ugly and incredible
thing has actually come about and we
are without adequate federal laws to)
deal with it. I urge you to enact such
-laws at the earliest possible moment
and feel that in doing so I am urging
you to do nothing less than save tii
honors and self respect of the nation.
Such creatures of passion, disloyalty
and anarchy must be crushed out."
Some Business Plans.
- Another grave question was for steps
to mobilize United States economio
measures in times of national neces
sity. The president indicated he plana
to use prominent men in manufacturing
and transportation to consult with
army and navy officials to aid in solu
tion of particular probloms of nation
al defense.
Conservatoin of national resources
by the enactment of conservation bills
is urged. We should put into early op
eration some provision for rural cred
its but did not specify any particular
The transportation problem is an ex
ceedingly serious and pressing one.
Tho regulation of the railroads by a
federal commission has had admirable
results, he continued. The question is
whether there is anything we can do in
regulation for bettering the conditions
under which the railroads are operated
and for making them more useful ser
vants of the country.
Aids Digestion
Promotes Health
Stomach Bitters
It is Nature's best aid in com
bating ailments of the Stomach
and Bowels.
A poor or inferior butter will make the best
bread distasteful
Marion Creamery Butter
"Meadow Brook"
It costs no more and you Get the Best
Always Watch This Ad Changes Often
FOR the wnnnQKjf a m
Wa ha all kinds of Axes, Sledges, "Wedges, Saws and Equlpmeats
for the woods. "
AU kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Boots and Buildings,
A good $800.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly nsed for one-fourth i oriajsal
X pay 1 1-8 cents par pound for old rags. .
a pay ugiun pnes zor mass and for. i . T
m. steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million Bamlns.
SOS North CommerelAl Rtrut ...
Smith, of the Shaw school have some