Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1915, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal
December 7, lfllo".
Editor and Manager
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
Sec, and Treas.
Daily by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month 45c
Daily by mail, per year , 3.00 Per month 35c
New York Chicago
Ward-Lewis-Williams Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co,
Tribune Building ' 30 N. Dearborn St.
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly phone the citculution manugor, as this is the only
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Phono Main 81, -
Mr. John D. Ryan president of the Montana Power
Company testified before the Public land committee of
the United States senate during the hearines on the Fer
ris bill, that "the payment of federal taxes is not vital to
the investors m water. power securities so long as that
tax can oe passed on to the consumer." It is not only the
tax such investors pass on to the consumer, but with it
they pass all other bills and then want an unhcly profit
ior letting tne people nave the use ot their own property,
"Let Ima come home :" a little storv in Monday's Capi
tal Journal written by Ella McMunn, is commended to the
authorities in charge of the Girls' Industrial school, not
only as a pathetic bit of writing splendidly worded, but in
the hope that it was not written in vain, and that the
hearts of "Rose" and "Tom" may be cheered and made
happy at the glad Christmas time. Why . not. as Miss
McMunn says, "give Ima as God would, another chance?"
1 ' The Oregon Voter prints and commends an address
made somewhere, it does not state the place, on the sub
ject of the development of western water powers and the
difficulties the big companies meet with in getting posses
sion of water rights on government lands. The argument
is a strong one from the capitalistic side, but as Mr.
Mitchell is pres'dent of the Electric Bond & Share Com
pany of New York City, and his and his company's prin
cipal business is. getting capitalists to invest in water
power development, it would seem that he looks upon all
laws Keeping any rights to the waters of the country in
tne nanas ot the people much as a coyote does on a wire
fence that shuts him away from the fat lambs on the
other side of it.
Nature has placed a vast reservoir high above the
valley in the Cascade mountains which will furnish mil
lions of horse power when controlled
The question is shall this vast power worth a billion
or more dollars be turned over to those who want to
develop and own it, or shall it be kept for the people to
control at least' or to develop for their own use?
True, the water running down the mountains uncon
trolled is of no, value and can only be conserved by being
. used, yet is it of not as much value to the people while
. running to waste as it is turned over to a company which
will sell it back to the people at more than it is worth?
In other words is it worth while to sacrifice the water
rights in order to let some company charge us as much
for the power as it would if it had to create the same
power by the use of fuel and steam? This is what these
development companies want, if they can get it, and Mr.
Mitchell would sacrifice every right of the people of Ore
gon and the coast in order to facilitate his business of
getting a snug rake off for putting big companies in
possession of property now belong'ng to all the people.
' The Oregon woolgrower has had his eyes opened to
the truth by only two years of practical list of "free wool."
He used to howl for a high tariff in season and out of
season and was sure he was ruined when the Underwood
' law went into effect, but instead has had the most pros
perous period in a whole generation. This fact is what
opened the woolgrowers' eyes.'and at their convention at
Pendleton last week the usual high tariff plank was
missing. Instead a demand was made for laws against! Suoreme Court Sav$
It is queer how things twist around. The Panama
building at the exposition was closed durine-the entire
fair, because the little republic had made no appropria
tion for keeping it open. So the country which in a sense
was the cause of .the great exposition was about the only
one that took no part in it.
Speaking of luck what do you think of a fellow who be
cause he had only one arm to hold up when tackled by
bandits was shot and killed? That is what happened to
Michael McCarthy of St. Louis Sunday night.
The suffragists are game and though thev lost half a
mile of petition containing 100,000 names they paraded
just as numerously and gaily as though a little thing like
that was of no moment.
Chiefs Report Shows That
Losses Were WeD Covered
by Insurance
With four cities trying to buy the national democratic
convention before it meets one can almost imagine the
good old days of Tweed and that class were again here.
: ;(:
To keep the face smooth, whito and
bountiful all winter, there's iiotliini
(uitd so (rood as ordinary iiiereoli.ed
wax. Hough, chapped or discolored
gently nlsorb,-"iI by the. wax and' re-;' 'tended Confession Is Really
piuccu nv tne newer, iresnor siun no-!
non t h. The face exhibits no trace of
the wnx, the hitter being applied at bed
time mill washed off mornings. Creams
powders nnd rougcs,..on tho other hand,
uro npt to appear conspicuous at this
season, because of alternating expan
sion nnd rout i ndicia of the skin, duo to
changing temperatures, I advise yon to
try this simple treatment. Got nv
ounco of mercolized wnx at any druir
Claims Smith Who Made Pre-
a British Spy
San Francisco, Dee. 7. The govern
ment's, accusations against Baron
(ieorgo Wilhelm Von Brincken and 0.
C. Crowley, alleged anti-ally bomb plot
ters muy be termed a "frame up"
when the case comes to trial.
ClkllllVlll ',,, fill, rlnfllllBA itnlinn f nil na
si ore a nd uso like cold cream. Ibis much today when it suggested Louis J.
will help any skin at once, and m a (Smith, alleged fellow worker with
week or so tho complexion will look Crowley, is in reality a British spy,
,-,imi i..,m ,t mini mi mm niiuiii,. turning informer to make a case
Winds and flying dust often enuso against tho baron nnd Crowley,
squinting nnd other contortions which Meantime, there is some question ns
make wrinkles. Yon can quickly get to what part Consul Bopp and Vice
rid of every wrinkle, however produced, Consul Von Shack of tho German con
by using a harmless face bath made by solute will piny before the government
dissolving 1 oz. powdered saxolito in is done with its probe. Hints of nrrest
I-- pt. witch luizel.
the substitution of rags for wool only 27 per cent of all
alleged woolen goods being made from real wool. The
argument of the free wool men for years that "shoddy"
ana nor, Australian wool was tne greatest menace to the
and acknowledged.
Denver Must Be Dry
have been current
Bopp is frankly disgusted with the
whole affair. His withdrawal from
service, ho intimated today, would corne
as a welcomo relief from charges nnd
innuendoes against him and his staff.
His arrest, he suggested, would not
trouble him vastly.
Denver, Colo, Dec. (1. Denvor, in But his attorney hinted Germany
common with the rest of Colorado, will would havo something to say in either
,i.., ; au: ... t, i r it . i,. i i he drv utter January I, tor the Colo- event, me attorney claims tlio coiniee-
8heep industry in thlS COUntry has been fully established mdn supreme court today ruled that Hon of Crowley with tho consulate has
the c 1 1 v s "home rule wet ' amend- nil along been an open book to the
meat was invulid and ordered revoca- I nitou Mates district attorney, that
tiou of licenses extended beyond tho the bitter was taken frankly into the
enii ot I 'ocelli her. consulate's continence.
' The court ruled the city could not bo Tomorrow indictments from the
wet miller the plea that because she grand jury aro expected.
1....I til.., t ....I . .. j I i. ..i.- nil.- .... l !
I iii" i uiMiiii urn- nun Min'ii wet boo i no guvoruinoui is niuuiresuy llisup.
I nr..;. I... I I'.... ....I.. ! I - 1 I, 1 l'l tf
ii'iwi:i in,, inn- mi ii'n ii inn iiiu n;- iiiuiiii'ii uei-iiuse uu itiicuuu uei er or
The doctors of John Hopkins University are some to
monkey with a couple of monkeys, and as a starter fit
them with glasses. These classes will be like manv that
humans Wear, misfits, and Will Strain the eves The ,lll,i"'1,'r ol' "10 Nta,t' l)V t"1' majority Smith litis disappeared and thero seems
.., ,ln,,;or, j:,,;,-!,- iU- . a l iu i-i ..which decreed 'the state ns a whole no wnv of getting him buck hero. This
aesculapian disciples expect this to affect the thyroid si,ui, go dry. ,, it is said, to bo an important
gianci, ana tnus tney will get at the reason for. many dis
figuring diseases that they believe have their origin in
the gland. It is tough on the monkeys but they will be
forced into the four eyed class in a good cause, and let us
hope prove of benefit to the more highly civilized branch
of their family.
witness to bolster up tho story Smith
has related concerning operations of
Crowley uud Von Uiiiicken,
Smith Talked in Tacoma.
Taconin, Wash., Dec, 7. Tho state
ment Hindu by his attorney that Louis
.1. Smith, under arrest nt San Fran
cisco, is iu reality n liritish secret ser
vice agent, wns uuiile by Smith during
Pnvflinl'o cfnfilr eJinur innin'inr, Rn (- ,.U l.:. ' t ln t is to dissolve it, then you
. , . ... . 1 :Y" " "'"i' entirely, to uo this, lust net nnnnt Sinitli told n local business man.
There is one sure way that has never
failed to reiiioi dandruff nt once, ami his sojourn in Tacoinn
the largest circus tent to house the exhibit. Some of '"the
finest stock of all kinds is there to be seen, and it is well
worth the time and money expended in taking a run down
to see them, especially if you are interested in the growing
of livestock of any kind.
Oregon certainly has no kick coming over the share
she gets out of "the pork barrel." Her share of the
plunder according to the budget as submitted is $2 G(i2,000.
This is nearly one-fifteenth of the entire sum proposed to
be appropriated.
I 'in just fooling 1 110 flermnns,"
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1SGS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
toi.r ounces of plain, common liquid nr- ('. 10. ,. Aunssiz. ltritisli vice consul
von from nny drug store (this is nil here, and British secret service agents
you will ticoil), apply it at night when' positively denied toilav that Smith is
retiring; use enough to moisten the or ever wns connected in any wnv with
scalp nnd rub it iu gently with the fin- the Hritish government.
,'jcr tips, m i '
liy ninming. most if not all, of your sk
daii.liiilt will be gone and three or four $ $
i.ere applications will completely dis- FAMOUS BEAUTY TELLS
solve and entirely destroy everv 'single HAIR CURLING SECRETS
sign nnd linen or it, no matter how
much diinilruff you may have.
ion will find nil itching and digging ..
'vI',il":..rl, M,ill "'"J! iT'""!''''. "T 8'v condemn the
. V" ' ,''",f-v! ,lrtrw,",I " f the hot curling iron." savs llita
i. i : " . """ '"' Moya. "It mean death to tho
'w urn iiiiirs neiier
From January 1 to December 1
loss by fire in this citv totnleit sn .
5.'1.07 according to the report of Fire
Chief Harry Hutton which was sub
mitted to the city council lust night.
Of this amount $40,279.97 was on build
ings and m0,.U3.30 was on contents
while tho total insurance was .f7!l,!H2.
34. In the 11 months 115 fire alarms
wero turned in and resnomled in hv th
department-and four calls worn ninili.
for the pulmotor. Three of these cnlls
were iu bolinlf of drowning persons
uhu uuiy one or Ttiem wns successful,
that of a little child at 827 North. I. il
erty street, tho other culls wero sent iu
after heart action had stopped. One
cnll was sent in from the Oregon State
Training school in the case of a youth
who failed to recover from an nnesthe-tie.
Tho chief's report stntes that there
aro 4,350 feet of 2 1-2 inch cotton hoso
in service of which .1,050 is in good con
dition and 500 feet is reported fair.
The apparatus in uso at tho present
time consists of one auto unmoor, nnn
uiiiu iMieuiu'iii aim nose wagon una one
horse drawn chemical and hose wagon
all in good condition. In reserve is one
horse drawn steamer in fair condition
and housed at tho East Salem station is
one Selby steamer in bad condition and
one horse drawn chemical and hose
wagon in good condition. There are
also two horses in good order.
All hydrants in the citv have been
inspected by Chief Hutton and Engin
eer Fred E. Anderson and all hydrants
have been flushed and hose connections
oiled. Of these hydrants 2S4 were
found to bo in need of repairs which
were made by Engineer Anderson.
Inspected all firo escapes in the city
nnd oiled all hoso connections on stand
Pulmotor calls four:
liny 2ii, at 8:10 p. m., nt 82" North
Liberty street, enuso drowning. '
July 1, at 8:10 p. m., at Hill creek,
near Fourteenth street, cause drowning.
July 4, at 5 p. m., at West Salem,
cause drowning.
October 20, at 4:05 p. m., State
Training school, cause anesthetic.
I wish to stntc tliut the little child
of 827 North Liberty street, was saved
by the pulmotor. The other enses had
no heart action when gotten from the
water. .
Fire hydrants: Installed 10 New
Corey hydrants at tho following loca
tions, to-with:
McCoy avenue nnd Hood streets
Lincoln street nnd Fnirmount avenue,
Rose nvenuo nn,1 HiMilnnil nvnmio
Coluinbia and Broadway streets, Colum
bia and Liberty streets, Columbia nnd
Front streets, Laurel nnd Hickory
streets, itivcr ana Worth Commercial
streets, Hood and North Commercial
streets, Seventeenth nnd Oak streets.
Taken out and reset nine hydrants nt
the following locntions:
Fourteenth and Stnto streets, Front
and Ferry streets, Union and Church
streets, Thirteenth and Ferry streets,
State nnd Front streets, Center and
Church streets. Mill anfl Church streets,
Court and Church streets, Onk and
Liberty streets.
Installed two guard posts for hyd
rants at Twentieth and D streets nnd
Soventocnth and Lee streets. Built
new concrete oil house for storing nil
oils ana ncitts, also cement wall around
Better Cake and Biscuits
In all receipts calling for
baking powder, use Royal Baking
Powder. Better and finer food
will be the result, and you will
8afeguard it against a possible
dangerous compound.
J.ook out for adulterated bak
ing powders. Do not permit them
to come into your house under any
consideration. They may add an
injurious substance to your food,
destroying in part its digesti
bility. Doctors will tell you
this and it is unquestionable.
- Housewives are sometimes lad
ito use inferior baking powders
because of deceptive foaming or
boiling tests or apparent lower
cost, but there is very little
difference in practical use
about one cent for a whole cak9
or pan of biscuits a mere trifle
when you consider the vast dif
ference in healthfulness in favor
of food made with Royal Baking
Hew York
Met'redie will take four catchers In
to his training iniiip: .Fisher, ('arisen,
linrtholeiny an. I Fish, the latter an ac
ipiisitiou from the Philadelphia Na
tionals. Fight Was a Draw.
New Orleans, La., Dec. 7. Fight
fans who witnessed the 20 round bout
between Kid Williams, bantamweight
Fear Concerning Fate
of Liner Minnesota
In Mutineers' Control
Sun Francisco, Dee. 7 That firo
may be smouldering in her holds, whila
a mutinous crew prevents tho captniu
frmn uenilimr full i n t'lii-mn firm nulwtva
cnanipion, nun rraniiie minis, w.in-ii. wn9 the fear among marine men todav
went to a draw, today expressed the ,. oncoming the crippled food steamer
opinion that .lonnny Krtle, of St. Paul., Minnesota, wallowing off the coast of
claimant ot tho bantam title, is at Lower California,
least to be seriouslv considered. Krtle r i . , , ,
knocked out Young Diggins in 4.1 sec- "CW J'ht l'n'"e f,'"1 to,1a.v
onds at Philadelphia last night. at,'r frollt fllul ller ROts
The bout between Hums and Wil-Krew hourly more worried. Her po
lianis was fast and furious from the Slt'" hni1 llot been ivcu sinfft ll,8i
start, but neither bov could gain nu I night ami tnen only reluctantly, it
advantage. Both carried the fighting p'"110'1 t0 xioiis men here. i
homo, but lacked the ability to -put What,, asked mariners, is tho reason
M nnui nxni rLil,ll, j n.iiv,, un iu uri ' jmai tlUII. XiUXJll
to'lenrn it brought a reluctant MiBwer
Inst night, but authorities still claim'
to know naught of what happened,
Teams Behind Record.
New 1 nl'k. lice. 7. MilUiiiir mi twin-.
ly a mile of the distance thev were lie-i ''board her
hind the former record, the thirteen j They merely hint that their Infor
teams which are leading in the six day ; motion indicates sho is wallowing in
oicycie race nere were still bunched atj'e ocean, with all lioilere damaged
8 a. m. today. Up to that time, tliey: the work of n spy aboard. Indications
had covered seven hundred nnd five; today wero that she is the victim of
miles, or lit) miles since midnight. two attempts against her machinery. :
o . , t ,r . . I Whether the recsue vessels from here
President Hnnnnford of'the Northern have yet como up to her is doubtful.
Pacific is a self-confessed business ( ertninlv, her captain has asked no
optimist nnd he has tho facts to back j government aid, and this adds to tha
lns optimism. puzzle concerning her.
(Toilet Tips.)
. The method lure suggested for the
removal of superfluous hnir is quick
nnn certain unit unless the growth is
extremely stubborn, a singlo applicn
tion iloes the work. Make a stiff paste
wnn some powiiereil itelntone anil
water: apply this to the hairy surface
and after about 2 minutes rub it off,
w-nsli the skin and tho hairs are gone.
To avoid disappointment, be sure your
druggist sells you delutoue.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 7. Mrs.
eventually. Moreover it is entirely
unnecessary. Tho hair can bo niinle
beautifully wavy and curlv to any ex-
I tent and in nny form desired merely by
Alice K sunt h siuipio tiling us pure bii-
llir.ihlii-r.,i ,,i,.,.i ki ineriiie. i it in peiteetlv harmless liuuul
Huns ..ihborgV;: " Piud busUe. to .ho hair with a
irir.,.l,l,r,r.,r .I... I,,. i i .i iienuiuui natural wave ami curliness
1, ,1 The ! i h T '' "lto.l, mid the effect will last a
ill, K ii I h!,fT '"" c.nsiderabH. time.
n 1 iL r ,l,,e"",rp",,';l ll,;r ,,r"in- "The liouid silmerine very bene-
,yor " !";furt,.,t" J!'1"- fieinl and Is not sticky or grensv. Nol
r.,l L r . f , a? ?"'' ,'", il I'wk the hair or stain the
,K! J", Xr'V''L 0i, 'mVe "''I'. Von need not get more than a
r i ' ) ,.Jllr,11ll.r,',bTK"r f"w 0,,l,,,' fro, 'r druggist. The
married ''limnt'' Paul Gottlieb, Hop..l,Mt way is to divide the front and
tember 13. Her suit for divorce is now, back huir Into from four to six strands
pending, (lottlieb is in jail here on a and to moisten each strand thoroughlv
lorgery charge. , I from root to tip." '
Peace Is In SiVht -
For California
Talo Alto, Cnl., Dec. 7. With the
report today of P. H. Wilson, president
of the student body, and Graduate"
Manager Ilehreus, Stanford's, represen
tatives nt the northwestern conference,
strength wns given to the belief thnt
peace between Stanford and California
is iu sight. It is generally felt on the
campus that Stanford is just about
ready to reliniiiish her stiind on the
freshman eligibility rule and to resume
relations with tho Uerknley institution.
It is understood that the students
will be given nil opportunity to voice
their opinions on the mutter tomor
row. '
Boavera May Los Bates.
Poitlnnd, Or., Dee. 7. Inspired to
verbal activity by reports from Xew
York that Third Unsemnn Kav Dates.
of the Beavers, will sign a 'Newark'
Joilorn! contract before the week is
out, Waller Met'redie held forth to
day upon the probable personnel of the
lllil Portland infield,
"While 1 don't believo that Dates
will go to the Federals," McCredie
said, "we will be well fixed if he does.
We can use either Hollickcr or Stumpf
nt third base. Chuck Ward will be ut
short. With Hill ltodgers at second
and Quimi at first we will have a real
"Weaker, Sex"
. uvmiii, uuujr lg important to every
Woman. Women cannot go happily about
their work or duties when they feel weak,
tun-down, nervous, listless or depressed.
Many women are seldom really ill, but
eufferat times from lassitude, loss of appetite,
sick headache and other ailments which
interfere with health and take the joy
out of living, and make work irksome.
No woman should neclect her health,
hat digestion, her nerves or good looks.
She should take proper care of herself, and
fortify her system arniinst b j;a
peculiar to her sex, by promptly taking j
A remedy hng used and highly prized
ty women, for the good it does. These
harmless but effective pills increase the
supply of pure blood, right a disordered
digestion and remove constipation. They
rapidly tone the nerves, improve the general
health and help the organs to function
properly and regularly as nature Intended.
Made entirely of medicinal herbs.
Beecham's Pills may be safely taken by
women, whenever needed, with most happy
results. They create appetite, help tho
digestion, clear the complexion, brighten
tho eyes and bring strength to mn-down
news. For over sixty years, In all parts
of the world, Beecham's Pills have been
or untold benefit ta vnmiiniinj tu
Uare always prompt and sure, and may be
depended on, to promptly relieve, help and
L Strengthen
i1' inns ' m m m
weait women
VMMS vkk Mff Wft