TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DEC. 7, 1915. . mill Social md Personal ALINE THOMPSON sT" AN FRANCISCO vivacious, yield in to the lyrical mood of its MDg and laughter-loving nature caw the greatest year of its History to finish Saturday in a burst of glory probably not to be matched -in the ex iperiences of the generation. Throngs of Salem people have visited and enjoyed the magic beauty and spell of the great exposition during the year suid although memory wil always be nriehed by reason of these experi ences, most of them came home after a few days spent in that glittering, chic mart, hard faced city with a whole some oontent. Among those who are still in Cali fornia and who saw the great brilliant exposition closed are: Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Bodgers, Miss Margaret Rod ger, Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre, Mrs. Joseph Alberts, Miss Mary Jaaa Al berts, Mrs. William Lord, Miss Eliza beth Lord, Mr. and Mrs, A. N, Moores, d r&ul Wallace. A delightfully informal sewing bee was given Monday by Mrs. George Meyers, when a groups of Irionds call ed to spend the afternoon with Mrs. Udward Thielsen, who is here from San Francisco. Mrs. Edwin Baker will entertain the members of tne Thursday afternoon club, at a charming one o'clock lunch eon Thursday. Last night's dance given by the members of the Monday Night club in the artistic Moons hall, proved one of tne merriest ami most delightful par ties of the season. Splendid music and a congenial crowd made the evening a gay one. Mr. and . Mrs. Harvey Wells had as heir week end guests Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Alger, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Fowls and Miss Lorna Gnnong, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Giltner and Philip I"atterson,' of Portland, were week end guests of the Isaac Patter Sons, at their country place west of town. ' Mrs. J. N. Smith will be hostess Wednesday afternoon for the members of the Hapiy Hour Bridge club. Tho members of the Elite Embroid ery cluo spent an enjoyable afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. V. llyder, Thursda". The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Edith Kane and Mrs. W. L, Bryant. The additional guests were: Mrs. Edith Kane, Mrt. Grace Mikloson and Mrs. C. Cleaver. Mrs. L. E. Bean and son, Alexander, were the over-Sunday guests of Mrs. O. P. Hobs. J. R. Dillon and Mrs. Malto Bolle, of Oregon !ity, visited at tho home of Mrs. 0. W. Lucas over Sunday. Ms. Balph E. Wand, of Sawtelle, California, is visiting at the home of her son, Bert Wand, on South Commer cial street This is Mrs. Wand's first visit to Salem, since her departure ten Tn honor of her week end guesi Mrs. William Reynolds, Mrs. M. E. Rogers entertained with a five hundred party. Seven tables of the game were ar ranged in rooms adorned with feathery (yellow chrysanthemums. Haying at the tables were: Mr. and Mrs., Uaiils dorf, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Aufrance, Mr. and Mrs. William Clements, Mrs. Car rie Fisher, Mrs. Joseph Bach, Mrs. William Koynolds, Miss Minnie Moul ler, Miss Florence Smith, Miss Rosalie Bach, William Fisher and Edward Os tendorf. Mrs. Fisher and A. E. Aufrance were awarded the prizes. The annual Red Cross stamp tale is on in Salem, and those desirous of ob taining seals for their Christmas par cels will be able to secure them at Ladd Bush's bank, Patton's book store, Commercial store, and the drug uteres, The' Olive Homestead No. 973 Broth erhood of American Yeomen, will give another of their jolly dances Friday evening December the tenth In the Mooee hall. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Plummer, opened their home on South Fourteenth street, to a jolly number of young folk Friday evening. Games and music formed the even ing's etnertainment, followed by a dainty collation served by the hostess. Those present were: Mrs. Harriett Claggett, Miss Esther Brown, Miss Grace Hunt, Miss Letha Shopard, Miss Florence Smith, Mrs. Z. J. Riggs, El mer Ross, Donald Evans, Homer Hul sey, Philip Jnskoski, Roland Rhine hart, Earle and Francis Dimick. The members of the Philothea class of the First Bnptist church spent a pleasant evening with their teacher, Miss Nina McNary, Friday. Musical selections were enjoyed on the phonograph during the evening, after which Miss Margaret Btolz as sisted tho hostess in Berving dainty re freshments. The ladies of the Unitarian church, were more than a little elated over the success of their bazaar last week. Through their enthusiastic and ar dent efforts the sum of one hundred dollars was realized. Dr. and Mrs. W. L, Mercer arrived homo Monday from California, whore they visited the exposition in San r'ran- cisco and other poiuts of interest. Tho organ recital at ihe First Fres byterinn church last night given by Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace, of the Wil lamette college of music, drew forth a crowd that packed the church. The rendition of the music showed clearly that Dr. Chace is an artist in the in terpretation of the works of tho mas ters of music. The absolute quiet of the audience while a number was being given showed that the music, was ap preciated to the fullest by every one present; a great help to the audience was the printed programmes which ex plained each number that was , to be played. in nil ten selections were rendered. warn mmmmmbhmm III 300 PAIRQ OR MORE ITIIw OF WOMEN.S S H O ES - At Genuine Barnes' Cash Store Reductions Not old shoes that have been buffeted hither and thither to be offered at ridiculous quotations, but good, clean stock lines that have been broken within recent monthsat substantial reductions. Women's Shoes In Kid, Patent and Gun Metal, Lace and Button; all good shapes. $1.90 Shoes for $1.50 . ' $2.75 Shoes for $2.20 $3.25 Shoes for $2.60 $3.75 Cushion Soles $3.00 $4.00 Shoes for $3.20 Misses' Shoes Broken lines in Kid, Box Calf and Heavy Chrome Leathers, $1.25 to $2.00 Shoes, now $100 to $1.60 Men's Shoes Good styles of splendid Gun Metal, Button or Lace Footwear $2.75 Shoes now $2.20 $3.50 Shoes now $2.80 $4.00 Shoes now $3.20 $4.35 Shoes now $3.45 $4.75 Shoes now $3.80 Heavy Work Shoes $1.50 Shoes now $120 $2.20 Shoes now $1.75 $3.00 Shoes now $2.40 $3.50 Shoes now ...$2.80 $4.15 Shoes now $3.30 Broken lines of Boys' High Top Shoes Reduced 20 Per Cent Every Purchase Discounted at Last 10? Except on Rubber Footwear All Men's and Boys' Suits and O'coats Reduced 20 J Household Economy 5 S Bow Bt tke Bnt Cowk 5 Rtmtdy mm Save 12 ky A 1 MaklBc It at Bom 3 Cough medicines, as a rule contain a large quantity of plain svrup. A pint of granulated sugar with pint of warm water, stirred for 2 minutes, gives you as good syrup as money can buy. Then get from your druggist 2H ounces Ftnex (60 cents worth), pour into a pint bottle and till the bottle with sugar srup. 'ihis sires vou, at a cost of only 64 cents, a full pint of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for 12.50 a clear saving of nearly $2. Full directions with Finex. It keeps perfectly and tastes good. It takes hold of the usual cough or client cold at once and conquers it in 24 hours. Splendid for wliooping cough, bronchitis and winter coughs. It's truly astonishing how quickly It loosens the dry, bourse or tight cough and heals and soothes the inflamed mem branes in the MHR rtf nainfnl iwiur.1. It also stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus end- i"K iue ircroieient loose cough. Pinex is a highly concentrated com pound of eenuina Norwav nino Tlrut combined with guaiacol, and has been used for generations to heal inflamed membranes of .the throat and chest. To avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex." and don t accent anvthina eU A of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt ly reiuiiura, goes wuu tins preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. The programme given is as follows: "Prelude and Fugue on the Name Bach" Franz Liszt Largo from "Zerxes" George Frederick Handel Scherzo James H. Rogers Toccata and Fugue in I) Minor John Sebastian Bach Tho Morning (Peer Gyua Suite, op. 40) Edward Griee Symphonic Poem "Finlandia" Jean Sibelius Pastoral Suite (new) .. Clifford Demarsct 1. Sunrise. : 2. Rustic, Dance. 3. Sunset. Thanksgiving, Evensong Edward F. Johnson "And far away through the arch- th dim, A sad, sweet melody, Like the wind as it wails its evon- ing bvmn Over the rustling sea, Rises now like a bird on the wing Now sinks to an amorous niuruier ing." March from "h Organisto Modcrne." Lefeviero-.Wcly Argentine in 1) Flat Lemore The uipe organ seemed at time dur ing the recital, according to the num ber being Tendered, to be a living an imnto thing that was voicing its sen timents unci feelings to the crowd. The mind was made to imagine many scenes as the composers thought wandered Irom one subject to another; from an appreciation of natural seenjc beauty, to an enaeavor to give an unucrstanu ing of the expression of human nature. Ir. Chace has the power of putting his personality into his playing, and ono studies not his technique, while he is playing, but rather they feel that mimic is something real and cogniz able, that its message is as realistic as is that of poetrv or prose. The faculty lecture course is proving highly successful and the large crowds attest to the fact that worth while men and women, who are college pro fessors, are regarded highly in their own community. The series have been so prepared that the lecture to tie giv en will cover a wide range of ground. ine next mi inner will occur on Janu ary 10, at which time Prof. Robert E. Htanffcr, head of the department of Cnglisu literature will speak on, "Ha bindranath Tagore; Hindoo Poet and Mystic." The United Artisans have arranged for another of tiieir pleasant social evenings which will take place Wed nesday in the Moose hall. Following the delightful programme which will bo given during tho evening, there will m a sale or runcv articles, Another merry making feature of the evening will be the installation of a mystery booth which promises much enjoyment. . PERSONALS Mrs. T. C. Jnndn is here today from Aiimsviiie. I). C. Walker, of Donald, was in the city yesterday. jerry PeMiirt was hero yesterdny from Silverton. Gilbert McDonold, ,of Scio, was here yesterdny on business. T. I,. Billingsley and wife are in Portliiud for n few days. Richard B. Yntes, of Alsea, is here to spend a few days with Will P. Hudg-ins. t . I. Poolittle of ( orvallis. spent the week end in tho city, the guest of .Mr. ami Mrs. .). It. Evans, North l oin nierciiil street. J. W, Hcamsfer, motormnu of the He lem Street Railway, and wife, will leave this week for a visit to Mr. Nenmster's former home in Kansas, (1. I.. MucGibbon. of Portland, is here today and will remain in the city for several weeks. He tins been extended the privileges of the Commercial club. The Rev. W. R. Jeffries, pnstor of tne nrst .Methodist church of Rose burg, is in the city visiting his daugh ter. Miss Dorothy Jeffries, who is a student of Willamette university. HEED ON AMERICAN SHIP V'sshiiigton, Dec. 7. Secrotary of State Lansing this afternoon announc ed receipt of a message indicating that an Austrian subiunrine fired on tho American vessel lVtrolite, a Standard Gil tanker between hrcto anl Tripoli. One man was wounded. "- M-M The Christmas Gift Store We invite you to visit our store and inspect our full lines of new and up to the minute merchandise. You wiU find every part of it filled with the best and most suitable articles for Christmas presents. Whatever you buy here will please and be a continual reminder of your good judgment and taste. We have too many good things to list hence- we want you to come in and see them. You are welcome, whether you buy or not. AU our goods are new, spick and span, direct from factory, many coming daily by express. No old stock. KIMONOS HANDXERCHIErS BATH B0BE3 UMBRELLAS SCARFS NIGHT GOWNS CORSETS, HOSIERY BRASKIEKS SILK PETTICOATS HAND BAGS SILK SWEATEES DRESS GOODS WAIST GOODS SHIRTING DOMESTICS DRAPERIES GINGHAMS SILKS, VELVETS VELVETEENS SHEETS PILLOW CASES ART WORK IVOBY GOODS NOTIONS PANCY STATIONERY BLANK ET3 BED SPREADS TOWELS, DAMASK CRASH, RIBBONS LACES DRESS TRIMMINGS EMBROIDERY EMBROIDERED INITIALS, HANDKERCHIEFS THREE IN A BOX, Per Box 25c Useful Gifts Do Not Lose Their Val- ue the Morning After FOR HER One of our lovely All Silk Crepe de Chine Waists will Make a most charming and acceptable gift for mother,wife, sister. orjsweetheart Spl price JJJ 98 COLLARS Fancy Collars and Col lar and Cuff Sets speci ally priced at 25C & 50c UMBRELLAS Big a s s o rtment to choose from fine val ues. Special 85c Q 5 HANDKERCHIEFS An enormous variety of Handkerchiefs for every member of the family, selling here at nearly half their values from lc up. Ladies' Handkerchiefs embr'd corner, reg. 10c, spl 5c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, regular 15c, special ..... 8c Ladies' Handkerchiefs, regular 25c, special 15c EXTRA SPECIAL Beautiful Bath Robes, only $2.98 LINENS Imported Hand Embroidered Linen, round and square Table Covers, Runner Scarfs, Doilies, etc, and a big variety of Embroidered, Crocheted and Drawn Work. Remember, none to be had when this lot is gone. Prices Less Than Half the Vahies-From 10c to $5.00 OUR REGULAR PRICES ARE LOWER THAN MOST OTHER STORE "SPECIALS" KAFOURY BROS. The Store for the People 115 NORTH LIBERTY ST. NEAR STATE 11 MEN AND BOYS GLOVES TIES HOSIERY SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS SUSPENDERS HOSE SUPPORTERS UNDERWEAR. BATH ROBES NIGHT SHIRTS UMBRELLAS : BELTS HAIR BRUSHES I LADIES AND MISSES SILK WAISTS NECKWEAR CAPS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR GLOVES MITTENS FUR SETS HANDKERCHIEFS DRESS MATERIALS TOILET ARTICLES TANCY TIES 15c, 25c, 50c i-4 44-44 -44k4444--- Creatures of Passion, Disloyalty and Anarchy" Washington, ' Dec, 7. Going far be yond any utterances he has made thus far concerning hyphenated Americans, President Wilson today sizzinfily de nounced them in his meseagc to eon greaj. "Creatures of passion, disloyalty and anarchy," he branded them. Ho counselled laws to deal with their machinations. Their activities, their speech, he said, had poured the "poiB on of disloyalty into the very arter ies of our mt'.inai life." They Iw i. truded into the. sociel placvn 'f the got eminent; t;i?y heve constitute.! ia this time of world peril, the "gravest threat against our national peae and safety," he said. Their purposes have been "vindicated;" they have sought tu "bring the authority and good name of our government into contempt" and "to destroy our industries wherev er they thought it effective for their vindiciixe purposes to strike at thein. ' The number of these hyphenated Americans, who have dealt thus harshly with America, the president said, is "not great as compared with the whole number of those sturdy hosts by which our nation has been enriched in recent generations out of virile foreign stocks. " But, he added significantly, their number is sufficient "to have made it necessary that we should promptly make use of processes of law by which we may be purged of their corrupt dis tempers. ' ' 4 In urging the congress to enact laws to deal with these persons, the presi dent declared this necessary for no less reason than to save the honor and self respect of the nation. Infinitely malignant," be termed thsn, adding that they have formed plots to destrop property; they have compired against the neutrality of this government; they have tried to' pry into tontidentinl government matters fe serve interests alien to those of the United Elites. The president's remarks created a profound stir. TO EXAMINE SLIDES Washington, Dec. 7. To aid the pres ent engineering force, the government will send to the raim'ma canai Decem ber 11 a committee of 10 noted scien tists to investigate slides which are now blocking the big ditch. Yon can mak money by reading the Journal New Today column. GRAND THEATRE The Home of Paramount Pictures Something Doing Every Day Today and Wednesday MARIE D0R0 In the l'nmous rUyers Film Co. Production "THE WHITE PEARL" Tuken from Kdith IWnard Dela no's great fanciful romarofo of the Orient. South American Travel Series) COMING BLANCHE SWEET Thursday, Friday ud Saturday "THE SECRTE SIN. ADMISSION . . 10c-6c President Is Given Mighty Ovation Today r ...... . . i uwiubu jrujn j ago vne. women members of the corps. Borne of mem were gma to find psaces in the aisles. Surrounded by secret service men and police, the president reached the capitol at 12:20. Capitol guards and city police kept the crowds awuy from his ear, and cleared a path to a private elevator. From there, he was taken to tho second floor of the capitol to .Speaker C'lnrk's private room, whore he shooX hnuds ' cordinlly with the speaker and greeted the members of the house and senate delegations. Twenty minutes Inter, escorted bv the delegates, the president entered tho nouse. Applause broke forth In a miehtv volume. .Members aroso from thoir seats, clapping their hands for what seemed minutes, while galleries joined in the ovation. Above the din of applause, sounded the "rebel yell" from a southern ad mirer of the executive. The president was dressed tn a frock coat and gray trousers. As he started his address, his voice eesaed faint, but as he progressed i grew stronger. Ho spoke slowly, em phasizing his words carefully and paus ing after his pharses. ' The congressmen heard the presi dent's argument for Pan-Americanism at first in silence, but when he re affirmed the Monroe dostrine, particu larly with reference to equality and in dependent of all American nations, there was vigorous handclapping. Then, too, there was a brief round of applause when he declared "we will aid und be a friend to Mexico but will not coerce her." For the most part, however, the listeners were engronsel and silent, taking in eveTy word. It was noticeable that when the president spoke of army and navy needs, and the question of preparedness these matters were generally not ap plauded at all. : QUINABYNEWS (Capital Journal Speeiul Service.) Quinaby, Or., Dec. 7 Mr. Deicht and wife of California are visiting ut the home of Mrs. aHroli. Fred Hargral'ou and wife, of liose dale, made a week end visit to their parents over SuturJuy and Sumloy, CI. G. lieckner, Jesse llulier, J. 1'. Zielinski and J. 0. AlcKarluno each made a business trip to l'ortluud re cently. It is rumored that we are to lose one of our blacksmiths. It is reported that. Mr. Tanquary will move to Hop mere and open a blacksmith shop at that place. If the activity in tho lumber busi ness is a forerunner of good times sure ly better times are at hand, as J. C. McFarlane has disposed of four cur loads of lumber in the last few weeks. New buildings and improvements seem to be the order of the day. Mr. Liskey is building an addition to aud finishing his house. Alex Harold has completed a very handy ami commodious burn in the place of the one recently burticd. J. P. Zielinski will also build a new barn. - Benna Crest school kouso has be come the social center for tho entire community. The school is progressing nicely un der the management of Mr. Giro "l and Mj.s Nash, The liternry society meets every Fridav evening. The young peoples' singing society meets on Sunday even ing, .Sunday school and preaching on Sundays. The younger members of hto literary society have challenged the older mem bers for a contest in a literary pro iam, tho losing side to furnish the winning lido a supper. The vounger members rendered their program on last Friuay evening the 3rd inst., which was very good and ful ly enjoyed by a full house. The older members are doing their bst this week to go tho younger Bet one uetter and win the supper. The ladies of the older set, served coffee, cake and sandwiches on Inst Friday eveuing, letting the proceeds go toward paying for the organ. The younger set will serve refresh ments on next Friday .evening and will endeavor to show the old folks how to serve and also how to extract the coin from the pockets of the mnlc members. ! BORN JORY To Mr. and Mrs. K. If. Jory. hi Mill street, .Tuesday, December 7, 11M5, a daughter, Wexford Theatre Is Entirely Destroyed (Continued From Page One.) time but this was crushed down over his head and ho fell to tho floor. Tho backs of the seats held the blazintf roof oti of him while the fire men re moved soino debris and Smith crawled down thn nisle on his bnnds and knees. Tho theatre building belongs to P. ' II. u'Any and the show was operated by E. K. Dennison who recently took. : charge of it. The origin of the tiro is unknown but from the nppenrunco of the wooden walls when the firemen ar rived on the sccno it had been burn ing lor some time when tho ulnrm was turned 'n. Mr. D'Arcv being in San Francisco the amount of insurance, if any, could, .lot be leu rued. WOMEN J)FOREGON ! Women Everywhere Endorse this "Favorite"' Lanta, Oregon. "In my yonngnr jrn uuvo wiw Kicuuy iivuuicu wiiu Ignit on my etomnch: it gave (De lot ol trouble. I began lining Dr. Pierce's medicines and. received such relief Mint I can recommend them to otlicrs, " I linve raited large fiimily and 11 in a nmiti urn mi mother and have always insisted that mv danizhters-iii-luui nun n. Pi...n Hvnnte Prescription when expecting to become mother." Mhs. B. b, Sekley, Mil 04th Street. 8. E. Thousands of women who are now blessed with rohnst health cannot understand why thousands of other women continue to worry and Buffer Irom ailments peculinr to women when Iney ran obtain for a trifling stun Dr. lierco'i Favorite Prescription, which Will surelv and nmr-LI., Kn:cl. u distress and misery and restoro tho womanly functions to perfect health. ioang mothers who preserve (he chnrm of face and ilgnre in spito of ... ,m .cnciMK luniiiy unit me care ol growing children are always to be envied.. Doctor Piorco'a Favorite rW scriplion gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood de pends. It prnciically does away with the pann ol mulornity.. It ennbles the mother to nourish the infnnt life de pending on her, and onjoy the hourly happiness of watching the develop-' meut of a pcrfeotly bonlthy child. IIPOHTAUT NPRCMI. OFFER TO OF Till hi .APt.-An Z" Eul"!' ? W ' P" Pwrki's Common SIirI T ,h"iM mni ta taawh.ifwmi rstura mail, all chanm prepuL - . Phone 81 for better carrier service. .