Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 07, 1915, Image 1

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Modern Monroe Doctrig rs That United States Is Partner
With, Not Guardian Wier American Countries Hy
penated Citizens He blares Must Be Driven Out and
Disloyalty and Anart Crushed-America's Mission to
Set World Example, Buufat Be Prepared For Self
Washington, Dec. 7. "The Americas
for Americans."
This is the new doctrine for' the
United States for all the Americas and
or the world, enunciated today by
President Wilson.
"Nationnl adequacy and security,"
were the keynotes of his opening mes
sage to congress, read by him at a joint
session of the Senate and Houso.
Pan-Americanism, a partnership of
(ho Amoriens ngninst Kuropeuu aggres
sion, in common causes of independence,
liolitical liberty, economic adjustments
nnd developments of tho world war, is
the president's conception of the mod
ern development of the Monroe doc
trine Upon this broad foundation the presi
dent based his picas for preparedness,
n preparedness applying not only to the
army and navy but to nil national func
tions, industrial, commercial, of trans
portation iu a word, national ade
quacy. Marshalling of the nation's resources,
not for war but to ensure peace, in a
union of tho Americas to maintain
Hpcure from European interference,
American ideas and ideals, was tho
paramount thought pounded home by
' Iho president. The address of about
f,000 words was tho longest ever made
to congress by the president .Scathing,
neorcliing denunciation of hyphenated
Americans" who preach and practice
disloyalty, was' a feature. . . . .
Some Tilings Becommended.
Among the president's specific recom
mendations wero:
Secretary of War Garrison's army
reorganization plan.
Secretary of the Navy Daniels'
navy building program.
A naval advisory council of defense.
Laws to deal with foreign plots and
Government ship purchase.
Increased taxes without a bond Issue.
Rural credits legislation.
Conservation measures.
Philippine and Porto Riean "inde
pendence." Investigation of railroad regulation
and futuro development.
In dedication of the new era of pan
Americanism and its bearing upon
necessity for United States ' self-sufficiency
and security" the president
Crnphicnlly pictures the present and
future effects of tho war.
"There was a time when the United
States looked upon itself as In. gome
sort the guardian of the republics to
(he south of her" said tho president.
"Every thoughtful , man of America
must welcome tho altered circumstances
of tho new days in whose light wo now
stand, whon there Is no claim of guard
ianship or thought of wards, but in
stead a full and honorable association
.19 partners in the Interest of all Amer
ica. We still mean always to make a
common cause of national independence
and political liberty in America. But
tho purpose is now better understood."
Is Friend of Mexicans.
Citing Mexican affairs as au ex
ample of tho new doctrine, the presi
dent continued:
"Her fortunes are in her own
)mnds. But at least we have proved
that we will not take advantage of her
in her distress and undortake to im
pose upon her a government of our own
What you kin see o' President Car
ratma seems t' be all right, but his
whisker prevent an. intelligent estl
mate. You don't have t' bo in business
Abe Martin
V bo a cheater.
choosing. Wo will aid and befriend
Mexico, but we. will not coerce her;
and our course ought to be sufficient
proof to all America that we seek no
sovereignty or selfish control."
"The moral is that the states of
America are not hostile rivals but co
operating friends, and that their grow
ing genso of community of interest,
alike in matters political and in mat
ters economic, aro likely to give them a
new significance as factors iu inter
national affairs and in tho political
history of the world. It presents them
as in a very true and deep sense, a
unit in world affairs, spiritual partners,
standing together because thinking to
gether, quick with common sympathies
and common ideals. Separated, they
are subject to all the cross-currents of
tho confused politics of a world of hos
tile rivalries) united in spirit and pur
pose they cannot be disappointed of
their peaceful destiny.
"This is pan-Americanism. It has
nono of the spirit of empire in it. t
is the embodiment, tho effectual em
bodiment, of tho spirit of law and in
dependence and liberty and mutual
For National Defense.
Tho president then outlined his plea
for national defense.
"Great democracies are not belliger
ent," he said. "They do sot seek or
desire, war. We insist upon security iu
prosecuting our self-chosen lines of na
tional development.
"We do more than that. We de
mand it also for others. We have set
America aside as a whole for the uses
of the independent nations and political
"Wo regard war merely as a means
of asserting the rights of a people
against aggression. We will not main
tain a standing army except for uses
which are as necessary is times ot peace
as in times of war. But we do believe
in a body of free citizens ready nnd
sufficient to take care of themselves
and of the governments which they
have got up to serve them.
"But war has never been a mere mat
ter of men and guns. If our citizens
are over ,to fifiht effectively upon a
sudden summons, they must know how
modern fighting is done. And tho
government must , bo their servant;
must supply them with the training
they need to take care of themselves
and of it. The military arm of their
government they must properly use to
mnke their independence secure and
not their own independence merely, but
the rights also of those with whom they
have made common cause, should they
also be put In jeopardy. They must be
fitted to Dlav the great role of the
world, and play in this hemisphere for
which they are qualified by principle
and chastened ambition to play.
Navy and Merchant Ships.
"It. is with these ideals in mind that
the nlans of the department of war for
more adequate national defenso were
conceived which will bo lnid before
you, and which I urge you to sanction
and put into effect as soon rs they
con be properly scrutinized and dis
cussed." The nnvv building five year pro
gram, endorsed iu detnil, was said by
the Dresident to involve "only a short
ening of tho time within which plans
long matured shall be carried out."
Trade and shipping is another prob
lem of national adequacy, the president
declared, urging the government Bhip
purchase bill. He did not recommenu
any specific appropriation.
''It is of capital importance," he de
in..o,i 'nnt nnlv that the United
States should bo lis own carrier on the
seas nnd enjoy the economic importance
nntv an adeauate merchant
marine would give it, but also that tho
American hemisphere as ft whole should
cnioy a like Indopndent self suf
ficiency, if it Is not to be drawn into
the tnnglo of European affairs.
"Moreover, we can develop no true
or effective American policy without
ships of our own not ships of war",
but ships of peace, carrying goods and
carrying much more: creating friend
ships and rendering lndlspensible sen
Ice to all Interests on this side of the
water. Thev must move constantly
back and forth between tho Americas.
Thev are the only shuttles that can
A ... .l. j,.i;at fnhrin of ivmwith.v.
comprehension, confidence and mutual
dependence in which we wish to clothe
our pollcv of America for Americans.
r b ....... eMrtrMiHnnil.
"alteration and re-
nt th T'hilinnlnes government and
publlo justice to the people of Porto
Rico," were urged by the presiuem.
Tni-nina to revenue needs, the prest
dent said if the present "war" tax and
(Continued on fair Six.)
Pope Benedict Says Peace
- Can Be Reached Only By
P Comnromise
By Henry Wood.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Borne, Dec. 7. Pope Benedict hopes
to make tho Vatican a clearing house
for peace ideas.
This is the outstanding conclusion
generally drawn' here today from his
allocution as made public, in full.
"While we seek with all out resourc
es to alleviate the doleful consequences
of war, the pope told the consistory,
"wo feel obliged by our apostolic of
fice to inculcate anew the only means
that can quickly put an end to this
trnmjtnilitna ..mi fin Mi-fl t Tftn "
In this, it is generally thought, he
meant that the Vatican should have a
powerful hand. The means of reaching
peace, he suggested is by compromise
on all sides, lest prolongation of the
struggle "mean for Europe the begin
ning of decadonce from tne degree ot
prosperous civilization to wiucn tne
Christian religion has raised her from
At the same time, ho suggested that
an end ought to bo mndo now "so as
not to assume before tlod anil man tne
enormous responsibility for the contin
uation of this shedding of blood, of
which history records no counterpart."
Germany Will Not Be Told
Are Not Wanted '
Washington, Dec. 7. The state de
partment's formal refusal to give Its
reasons for asking recall of Boy-ed and
Von Papeu, German embassy attaches,
was forwarded last night to Berlin and
given to Ambassador Von Berustorff,
it became known today.
The embassy interpreted this action
as "very unfriendly."
The embassy cxpluined, too, that the
Berliii foreign office had asked that
America's reasons be given secretly, if
tho state department did not care to
makn them public. Secretary Lansing,
however, the embassy said, refused any
State department authorities did not
minimize the effect the refusal reply
would have on Berlin, but they pointed
out ti nt Lansing is merely abiding by
a fctrict custom.
The rol'usal hag the effect of call
ing for a show down from Berlin.
Germany probably will ask that
Berustorff now confor further with
Lansing on tho subject.
With these developments giving a
new tinge of seriousness to German
American relntlous, it was admitted
that negotiations over the German tor
pedoing of the liner Lusitnnia will bej
hopelessly muddled if Germany makes
good any diplomatic bluff she may bo
attempting in the Boy-ed-Von Papen
cases. For either breaking off diplo
matic relations or a complete acquies
cence in America's demands arc Ger
many's only alternatives, unless the
state department permits a long series
of conferences which would keep Boy
ed nnd Von Papen here indefinitely
pending outcome of the sessions.
To tho moment of going to the cap
itol to address congress, tho presidout
discussed with his cabinet concerning
the Germnn-Amcriciin situation. From
them he gained approval of the scath
ing denunciation of hyphenated Ameri
cans he delivered to the house and son
ate, , I
Relations Are Strained.
Washington, Dec. 7 Diplomatic rela
tions between America and Germany
nre nearer severance than they have
been for months or else Germany is
nuiking a collosnl diplomatic bluff.
Such was the view today of officiul
Washington after thoroughly consider
ing Germnny'g request for reasons for
this government's request for rocull of
Attaches Boy-ed and Von Papen of
the Germnn cmbnssy, coupled with the
bint that Germuny intends to refuse
tho request. .
The outcome of the situation Is as yet
uncertain, and a series of eventualities
impossible. If Germany carries out her
intimation that she will contest the re
call, and this government does not re
lax In Its position of refusing infor
mation on the matter, severance of dip
lomatic relations might indeed bo at
There was no sign early today of n
immediate solution of the deadlock over
Germany's demands for reasons for re
calling tho two diplomats. The state
department, however, is striving to
avoid a curt, luminary dismissal of the
two diplomats, which would be the only
recourse of this government, should
Germany refuse to detach them.
At the same time, differences as to
the question of safe conduct for the
I pair are serious.
Germany has. Intimated (he wants the
Every Seat Filled and Aisles
Crowded? As President
Reads His Message
Blind Chaplain Prays That
Congress "May Act Calmly,
Discretely and Wisely"
Washington, Dec. 7. President
Woodrow Wilson today made his tenth
appearance before a joint session of tho
house end senate.
The lure of seeing him nnd of get
ting a glimpse of his fiancee in the
presidential gallery; the desire to hear
his views urged on one of the most mo
ntcutour. congresses in the nation's his
tory drew great crowds. From early
morning on, they came. Hundreds were
turned aside in disappointment, how
ever, for nnly 5(i5 admissions were is
sued, and all of these were used.
The diplomatic and executive gnllcri
ies were filled. Bents reserved for for
tunate ticket holders among the gen
eral public were filled long before the
president entered the hall of the lower
house. Some of the early comers
brought their lunches, prepnred to camp
out nil day; doorkeepers shattered their
plans, however, refusing them admit
tance until they had laid aside or ent
en the lunches. The usual group of old
ladies, with their knitting, too, were on
A Boar of Applause.
.Beforo the president's arrival, the
floor and gallery ,)..yfil with eouvcrsa
tion. When the president, escorted by dele
gates from the senate and house, enter
ed the chamber, a mighty roar of ap
plause burst forth, and then the as
semblage suddenly hushed.
The blind Chnplain Coudon rose. His
prayer was that congress might receive
the president's mecsnge and "act calm
ly discreetly, and wisely, and so as to
servo the people's interests."
For those to whom the opening mes
sage of the 64th congress meant only a
spectacle, the center of attraction with
Mrs. Norman Gait, the president's fian
cee. Smiling, handsome, dressed in a
dark blue broadcloth suit adorned with
a bouquet of rare orchids, and wearing
a dark hat, she made her way into the
executive balcony shortly after noon.
With her were Miss Margaret Wil
son, Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, Mrs.
McAdoo and Mrs. Boiling.
Germany Not Represented.
As tho president delivered his scath
ing denunciittion of hyphenated Amer
icana, the diplomatic galleries listened
intently. No Teutonic diplomatic, rep
resentative was present. But tho am
bassadors of Great Britain, Japan, Rus
sia and Argentine were on hnnd, with
the ministers of Persia, Panama, Sal
vador and Sweden, minor nttaches and
(Continued on oaire twoi
United Stntes to seek such guarantees
from England to seek such giiarnnteeB
she will refuse to mnke a flat request
for such action, thereby leaving the
matter strictly up to this government.
The administration, however, may not
feel that It desires to risk a rcfusul
from ttnglnud on a request for safe con
duct. Von Bemstorff Angry.
Certainly, nothing in international
law requires thiB government to guar
antee the two men's sufe journey homo.
Moreover, thero is nothing cither
diplomatic etiquette or international
law whereby this government would be
compelled to give reasons for n request
for withdrawing representatives of n
foreign government, in fact, it is he
here that Germany practically trans
gresscs rules of diplomatic etiquefi
when she asks reasons. Hitherto, it hns
been customary for a nation to accede
gracefully and immediately to a witl
drawn! requott.
Meantime, Ambassador Von Bem
storff is angry over the situation, nc
cording to those in touch with him.
For this reason, further negotiations
may be handled directly between Ber
lin and Washington.
The German ambassador arranged to
see Secretary Lansing at 10:30 o'clock
and meantime, the gtate department
felt seriously that a diplomatic clash
was Imminent.
Recall la Rumored,
Washington, Doc. 7. Reports that
Germany had recalled Attaches Von
Papon and Boy-ed of tho Germnn em
blssy, as requested by this government,
wero current here today. Tho state
department said that while no such dig'
patch bad been received at noon, it was
not unexpected.
Wilson Backs Lansing.
Washington, Dec. 1r In his decision
to refuse Germany's request for Amer
ica's reasons for recall of Attaches Von
Papen and Boy-ed of the Gorman em
bassy, Secretary of State Lansing has
President Wilson's express backing, it
became known today.
In Some Places There Were
Lively ContestsIn Others
Little Interest
Falls City Only 1.69 voted
out of a voting population of
Willamina Andrew Kershaw
re-elected; vote light.
Sheridan S. E. Dillcy elected
mayor for third time.
Lafayette Only eight votes
againBt Eugene Courtney for
Newport Election hotly con
tested. R. A. Bensell elected
Sweet Home Woman chosen
to council for one-year term.
Her name, Lulu Smead. .
Molalla W. W. Everhart, re
elected mayor; vote light.
Tillamook S. A. Broadhead
elected mayor and Standard Oil
granted franchise for distribut
ing station. A
Turner R. O. Thomas wins
mayoralty by eight votes.
Jefferson Dr. AV. Wallen
elected mayor, lu listless elec
tion. Stayton Dr. H. A. Beau
champ named mayor.
Lebanon City defeats plans
to take over W. C. T. U. library.
Pendleton Dr. Best defeats
John Montgomery for mayor.
Albany L. M. Curl re-elected
mayor by a large majority.
Mayor Wins by Eight Votes.
Turner, Ore., Dec. 7. At the election
hero yesterday R. O. Thomas was elect
ed mayor over John Watson by eight
votes. The total number cast was 140.
Two ties developed, one in the race
for treasurer, whero Harry Crawford
nnd 0. A. G. Moore divided the vote,
nnd in the councilmanic contest, where
Henry Chieson and H. L. Earl tied. W.
Smith defeated Iko Small for council
man by one vote. For city recorder,
Frank Hall won over Irvin Robinson
by six votes. ,
At Tails City.
Falls City, Oro., Dec. 7. With a total
vote cost of 109, out of a voting popula
tion approximately of 000, the annual
election yesterday passed off quietly.
Contrary to expectations, little enthus
iasm was manifested. Thero was no
well-dofined issue presented. Out of
a field of eight, winning candidates for
the three vacant counciumnnic posi
tions were N. Sclig, with 115 votes;
George C. Marsh, with 82 votes, and G.
W. Brentnor, with 79 votes. ,
No other offices were voted upon and
for the first timo in the last five elec
tions held In Falla City there were no
initiative or referendum measures usb
mitted for consideration of the voters.
Stayton Elects Physician.
Stnyton, Ore., Dec. 7. Dr. H. A.
Boauchamp was elected mayor of Stay
ton yesterday by 212 votes, having no
opposition. J. Greer was chosen city re
corder over John Thorn. The vote stood
189 to 68, respectively. John Down
ing defeated Wess Riggs for city mar
shal 192 to 03. J. R. Gardner and
Charles Luthy were elected councilmen
over their opponents, C. M. Holford and
G. M. Murphy. Tho vote stood: Gnrdner
158, Holford 87, Luthy 140, nnd Mur
phy 105.
Uncle Sam Will Need
What United States Govern
ment Expects to Spend
In 1917.
Legislative department es
timates, i:t,8I0,10l.71.
Executive department esti
mates, $008,950.
State department estimates,
0.1 22.298.70.
Treasury department,
Independent office, $7,007,
202.61. District of Columbia $10,303,
C70.34. War department, $212,013,
643.51. Panama canal $27,.rr),4O0.13.
Navy department, $220,477,
611.24. Interior departmnct, $211,
034,870.17. Postoffico, $1,770,480. -
Postal service, pnvable from
receipts. $3 10,364,879.
Postal deficiency, $8,000,000.
Agriculture, $29,763,089.
Commerce $15,430,238. -
Labor, $4,093,270.75.
Justice, $11,029,546.
Total 1917 estimate, $1,285,.
Total 1916 appropriations,
Washington, D. (!., Dec. 7. The gov.
ernment of tho United States want a
billion and a quarter dollars for run
nini expenses In 1917.
This estimate today was transmitted
Germans Seek Junction In Order to Make Clean Sweep ;
of Serbian Territory and Drive Allies Back to Solonika
-1250 Prisoners Taken When Teutons Captured Ipek
In MontenegroGermans Recapture 250 Yards: of
Trenches Taken by the French Last September
Athens, Dec. 7.7--Severe fighting in
northeastern Montenegro and a sudden
Bulgarian assault on the right French
wing in southern Serbia today marked
the renewal of bitter action in tho Bal
Ipek, in eastern Montenegro, is about
to fall beforo the Austrians. Alban
ian;, Montenegrins and Serbs, who
huve checked the Teutons there for two
days by valiantly assailing their right
flank, arc reported retreating, leaving
the town to the fate of tho Austrians.
In the south, the action ia report
ed stubborn. Whether this marks tho
beginning of au clfort to throw the al
lies buck toward Salonika cannot yet
be determined, however. Absence of
information .is tu Field Marshal Von
Mackenseu's position meantime is add
ing to the nnxiety of the allies, for it
is lelt perhaps he intends to join the
Bulgars in cue mighty effort to pound
the allied lines out of Serbia, and
through Greece to Salonika.
French Submarine Sunk.
Paris, Dec. 7. An Austrian warship
sank the French subinnrino Frcsnel
Sunday, capturing 20 prisoners, the ad
miralty was informed today.
The riirel tower wireless oy listen
ing in" on messages passing botwoen
wireless stations in Germany obtained
the information, which is assumed here
to be true.
The destroyed submarine was built
six years 11 no. .
Capture of 12.1O prisoners by the
AustrO'Gcrninns in taking Ipek, cont
ent Montenegro wns reported. The
French have evacuated positions in
the Gerna-Vnrdar region to escupe be
ing outflanked.
120,000 Serbs In Albania.
Athens, Dec. 7. One hundred and
twenty tbousaad Serbs have taken ref-
ugo in Albania before the sweop of tho
Teutons, it was estimated hero today.
Scattered Serb bands aro fighting in
"Montenegro and a few aro still engaged
in extreme southwestern Serbia. Ar
rival of fresh allied forces on the An
glo-French front in southern Serbia wus
lopovted today.
Sharon, Ta., Dec. 7. One'
hundred machinists today pick
eted the Driggs Seabury Ord
nance corporation where 900
men are affected by a strike.
The company hns $30,000,000
worth of war contracts, and the
men are asking au 8-hour day
and a 1." per cent increuso in
and a Quarter
to congress by Secretory of the Treas
ury McAdoo. The total reaches the
tremendous sum of $1,28.,857,808.10.
Deducting the sinking fund of $00,
727,000, put nwnv for the redemption
of bonds and the estimated postal re
ceipts or' $310,304,879, the administra
tion s estimate of the cost or running
tho government is $908,705,929.10 iu
Tiiis is nenrly $9 for every man, wo
man and chihl iu the United States.
The estimates are an increuso of
$107,831,401.01 over 1916 appropria
tions. J nc reuses in the war ami navy
departments account for $1 40,857,235.32
of this amount. Tho Kuropeun war en
tailing new work wns directly respon
sible for a large part of the increase in
tho state department ostiinutes.
Details of the dereusc program aro
shown in the war and navy .depart
ments Increased estimates as follows:
War department:
Pav of the armv inc -eased from $49,-
300,732 to $03,700,307; supplies, ser
vice and transportation from S.).4Sa,-
079 to $56,382,702; medical department
from $750,000 to $1,104,105 engineer
ing equipment from $48,000 to $000,
000. Ordinance stores $100,000 to $3,-
383,000; manufacture of arms from
250,000 to $1,012,559; ordinance stores
and supplies rrom f i,ooo,uoo to va'r
500; automatic machinery from $150,-
0O0 to $1,400,000; armored motor cars
from $50,000 to $150,000; tor encamp
ments and militia maneuvers, from
$250,000 to $4,390,000.
An increase from $6,060,078 to $23,
305123 is shown in the coast and other
defenso fortifications, gome of the
items being:
(Continued on Page Thres.)
- Attack on Gorita Renewed.
Vienna, Dec. 7. After a brief halt
in the cyclonic shelling of Goritz, the
Italians are again directing their fire
against the crumbling city. The war of
fice admitted today that the battle ia
particularly intense against the bridge
head, and that the village of Sankape-
ter near Goritz, is under heavy fire.
Concerning southeastern operations,
the war office indicated that the Aus
trians will soon be in possession of Ipek
in eastern Montenegro.
Teutons Capture Town.
Berlin, Dec. 7. Ipek in eastern Mon
tenegro hag fallen into Austro-German
hands, the war ffice said today.
Under heavy Bulgar attack in tho
south, the French were said to be retreating.
British Frontier Perilous.
Berlin, by wireless to Tuckerton, N.
J., Pec. 7. Tho British position at tho
Dardanelles grows daily more perilous,
tho Constantinople war office reported
today. Owing to stormy weather, tho
invaders cannot lund their winter pro
visions, and tho troops are suffering,
too, from luck of water.
Allies Hold Conference.
Paris, Dec. 7. Representatives of tho ,
military forces of the allies mot today .
in the second session of their general
war council. Belief grew that tho ses
sion portends developments of tremend-,
ous importance In one or more theatre
of war.
Duma MeetlngPostponed.
London, Dec. 7. Czar Nicholug hns
indefinitely postponed the meeting of
the duma sc.hoduled for tomorrow, ac
cording to Petrograd dispatches today.
The reason given was the failure of tho
budget committoo to complete its
Germans Capture Trenches,
Berlin, Dec. 7. The Uormana havo
recaptured 250 yards of trenches east
of Auborive which tho French took in
the Soptember offensive in the Chani
pagno, it was officially announced to
day. IS
Firemen Have Narrow Escape
From Serious Injury When
Roof Falls
The Wexford theatre burned at 2:40)
this morning and tho show house is
now a totul loss with only tho firo
walls and the brick walls in tho rear
standing. The, firo wns discovered by
the night police who turned in tho
alarm. When first discovered tho firo
appeared to bo confined to the picture
machine room alone. The sheet iron
or steel coiling prevented the firemen
from getting to tho roof from the in
side and served as a flue to carry the
flumes to the rear and in a minute tho
entire structure wus boiug scorched by
tho flames.
lloseman Elmer Smith and Chief
Ifutton wero inside the building when
tho roof fell and Smith was slightly
injured, v hicf Button was alongside
tho wnll ami the ceiling as it slid down
formed a narrow covered arch along
the wall through which he escaped.
Smith wag near the center of the floor
and when the roof and ceiling fell in
it lunded on Inn of Smith's head. Ho
was wearing a heavy helmet at tho
(Continued on Psj?e Bix.l
iiiu minima
Orogon: Bain to
night and Wed
nesday; winds In
nesday; south
easterly winds,
moderately nigh
along tho coast.