Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i u i n I ui , ina ii ii.i ii i iiiiiij 1 1, mmmtmmmmmmmimml
The Toy Zone Has Many Attractions
Bring the Children to Meyers see the toys, dolls,
games things to make them happy in Salem's big
Toyland on the second floor. Attractive price
reductions on many lines.
A Sale of Dolls in Toyland
curled wig, 22 inches tall; shoes and stockings. One
of the biggest doll values you'll see this season. Light,
medium or dark hair. Your choice $1.38
A sale of the very popular CHARACTER BABIES
AT $1.15. One of the most called for dolls in any toy
department; taken from life; looks just like a real
baby. Extra special price tl K
Toyland (Second Floor)
Our Xmas Suggestion
Buy your wife a Dress Form and save worries and
dressmaking bills. A large variety of forms at
various prices (second floor.)
$15.00 Dress Forms, Meyers Xmas offer $12.00
$13.50 Dress Forms, Meyers Xmas offer $10.85
$12.50 Dress Forms, Meyers Xmas offer $10.00
$ 8.50 Dress Forms, Meyers Xmas offer $6.80
$ 4.00 Dress Forms, Meyers Xmas offer $3.20
-n . mm
Session Opens With Clark
Speaker and Clarke Pres
ident Pro Tern of Senate
By Bond P. Geddos,
Washington, t)oe. 0. Tho prologue of
another epoch in American history was
enacted today when the Hixty-Fourth
congress enlivened nt. noon.
Tho routine, time honored proceed
ings connected with organization of tho
assemblage betrnyed no surface indica
tions of tho important legislation to
be launched affecting domestic and in
ternational problems. A hint of tho
tremendous program however, was con
tained in governmental programs for
1017 calling for I,L'.SS,M57,()80.1fl
Bgainst t,m.O)4,lf).r5 appropriated
already 'or 1810. .
That preparedness is the dominant Is
sue was' conceded. Increased demands
for this part of tho program showed
this; and tho spirit of the house, con
firmed it. Ix'gislatora engerly awaited
delivery of to president's message to
morrow, but in tho niojintlino many
members dei'lnre.d their belief tlmt the
administration program for defense will
be materially changed before H gets
through congress, inasmuch as opposi
tion to the present program is appar
ently spreading.
Tun Administration' preparedness
measures were not introduced today, tho
lenders instead awaiting delivery of
1 lie president, s message.
The senate session lasted only 40 min
utes and Senator Clarko of Arkansas
wns chosen president pro tem, ,
The house (in the other hand required
several hours, because of long roll calls
and administration of oaths to new
In accepting the post of speaker, to
which he had just been ro-clected,
( hump Clark predicted that perpetual
sessions of congress will become nocos
anry on account of the lncrcaso In leg
islation. Ho praised Representative
Mann of Illinois as "a capable, vlligant,
aggressive minority leader," evoking
applause from the house.
Socialist Representative Tendon of
er York did not voto on tho speaker
ship, although his friends urged htm to
vote for Ken; of California, whom U10
socialists endorsed.
: Bull Moose Iiepresentatlve Rtnnhcns,
of California, Imd Copolcy of Illinois,
voted for Mann, the republican candi
date for speaker.
Her an so Mann had not completed
minority .assignments, committees were
not organixed and tho democratic, slates
were not presented.
From the speaker's! gallery I)r. Anna
Howard Shaw, president of tho Nation
al Huffrago organisation, saw ltepresen
tatlve Mondell of Wyoming, republican,
This Will Be Done Wednesday
Congress Must Then Act
Within Six Months
Portland, Or., Dec. (1. Prepared by
tho department of justice in accordance
with an opinion handed down by the
supremo court of the United Stntes, the
decree in tho Oregon nnd California
land grant rnso involving 2,HUO,000
ncres of land in Oregon, will to filed In
the United Stntes district court in
Portland Wednesday. A statement to
that effect was made today by Assist
nut Attorney llenorul Constantino J.
Tho decree already lias been sub
mitted to attorneys for tho Houtheru
l'nciria rnilrond, which holds tho land,
so that any objections they may file
may bo considered before tho decree is
According to Smyth, two injunctions
are ordered by the supremo court's de
cision. "One," ho said, will be per
manent, nnd will forbid the railroad
from violating tho restrictive provisions
of the grant under which the land is
held. That will prevent tho snlo of the
land for more than -."0 per acre, or
in tracts of more than 1(10 acres, or to
'The oilier injunction is preliminary.
It forbids the railroad to noil the lniid
or mako any disposition. Should
congress rail to act the railroad nuiv
apply for a court order modifying tho
injunction pruliiliituig the dispusul of
tno lima on any terms."
Anions' the Odd FAllnum wlm niuw1
ed the initiations at Dallas Saturday
evening were: J. W. Young, J. A.
Mills, John Comforth, C. O. Kngstrom,
Cnrl lachelle, It. W. Bimeral, Arthur
Tucker, Frank Kenster, ( I Cnrlsoa,
Ik A IT... I.... .1 I..1.M tir .
Cnminlngs, J, A. Patterson, Frank
I 'Itumimii .1 11 f'lmitnivrtll, I,' II Mil.
lard, William Frost, William Sleginiind,
iv. r rwvHge, 11. a. Aiuerice, A. IUU
derman, ('. V. Deadlier, Wm. Illlven.
launch tho fedoral suffrage amendment
measure. She said It was tho first time
in a half century that women had en
joyed such a complete, degree of CO'
operation from all parties.
At the opening of the session, Chnn
lain Couden prayed fervently for jieaco
Dy nrmt ration, and asked divine bless
ing on tho work of tho new session, and
upon the president and those associated
with him.
On the floor, "Cnck Joe" Cannon
and other "comebacks'' held recep
tions and reminiscent about the "good
old days." "Vndo Joe's" cigar titled
at a saucy angle was still In evidence as
of yore,
All Around Town
Dr. Mendlesohn will bo at his office
January 1, 1916.
Sr. Stone's Drug Store.
Sign on a pile of wood
High street: "This Job
For." '
on North
Is Spoken
Before placing your printing order,
Phone 2179. Fuller Printing Concern.
Batty Cooper, who has been with the
Kappabahn Transfer for several years,
is now in the transfer business on his
own account with office at the Scott &
Bynon real estate office.
Sr. S. T. Mclntire, pnyslclan and
surgeon, 211 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
For those who have not voted before
dark, there is auother chance, as the
polls do not close until 8 o'clock. In
fact, it is expected that the heaviest
part of the vote will be cast after five
o'clock this evening.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Dr. Mendlesohn leaves tomorrow
morning on the California expresB for
Chico, California, where he will visit
his daughter for a few .lays. Later he
will visit his eldest son in Fresno. He
expects to return the first of the year.
He came back. If you have any
carpets you wish woven, notity 8.. A.
Dobner, phone 1207M. Dec4
The heavy rains of Saturday night
and nil day Sundny brought the creek
near Thirteenth nnd Cross streets over
its banks and into tho road and for a
time yesterday, threatened to flow in
to tho cellars 111 the neighborhood.
The ladies of the First Presbyterian
church will servo a chicken-pio supper
in tho church on Tuesday, December
7th, from fi:H0 to 8 p. in. Thero will be
small articles on sale, nothing over SU
I Chief Deputy State Engineer E. I
Confine returned to Salem this morn
ing nfter a three via y trip to Douglas
comity. Locnting Kngineer Scott has
been moved to Onklnnd and Locnting
I'iiigineer Peters to Cnnyonvillo where
they are working on I'ncitic Highway
The White Swan Dairy lunch gives
more to eat x'or less money,
Mrs. J. 1, Murphy, who has been on
the mission field in Africa will deliver
an address nt tho Salvation nrmv "nail
nt 8 o'clock this evening. The subject
of her address will be, "Mission Work
on the ongo. " Everybody is invited
Hygrade Salem made 5 cent cigars
are sleadily gaining distinction.
Dr. C II, Robertson reported to the
police unst niht that four auto tires
imd been stolen from his gnrngo nt
his home at 277 North Capital street,
llo left tho gnrago unlocked while his
car wns out and thinks tho tires were
stolen Saturday afternoon.
Supper December 7, First Christian
ciiurch, C. 12., Ziic.
Charles Falst pleaded Builtv to
chnrgo of being drunk in nolice court
this morning and wbb given a fine of
tfiu or live lnys in inil. FaiBt had
more time than money. Thornton Mat
ney who was arrested on a similar
charge, forfeited $10 bail
Supper December 7, First Christian
cuureh, C, 12., 25c.
Twenty-seven members of Chem
ekeln lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F. went to
Dallas, Saturday evening to witness
the initiation, of ten members, the tn
lem decree team putting on the work
Following tho business of tho evening.
1110 usual nanquet was served.
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Belle Mc-
Cnddnm, who died suddenly Saturday
morning, wns Held this morning nt the
f irst -Methodist church, tho Kev. H. w,
Avison, officiating. Accompanied by
her' son, tho body wns forwarded this
afternoon to ltathdruni, Idniio, for
1 :i 1 ! i 1 , .1
The Men's Liberal club will meet
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the
I'nitarian ciiurch. liural Credits will
be presented for discussion and able
speakers aro expected to bo present to
nine part in tne general kliscussiou. All
men are invited.
The Elk lodge will entertnin its mem
bora and friends next Friday evening
with nn Artnpollo concert, given by
.umn I'rnuni jin'incs, assisted uy local
laicnt. 1 no Artapoiio is a pinno plnv
er nnd In her entertainment, Miss Diet
rich uses two pin mm. After the con
cert, there will be an informal dance.
Don't miss bazaar sale, tomorrow,
Kpiscopal church for dainty embroid
eries, tnncy and useful aprons, and
mysterious packages for 2," cents.
Colonel Clonard McLouirhlin. of the
Third Iteglment, O. N. t),, will pay nn
official visit tn Cnmimnv At. nt this
city, Tuesday night which is the regu
lar (inn night tor (lio local company.
Colonel Mclaughlin is visiting all it
the companies of the regiment on their
drill nights in his official capacity.
Dr. Mendelsohn leaves tomorro for
California to bo gone until January 1,
n 10, aim ir any or nis mends or pa
trons should bo so unfortunate m to
hl-milt vnll nlnuuit. vi.ii will l!.) I.n
exact duplicate nt Mr. Pomeroy's,
The rainfall from Saturday evening
at 5 o'clock until Sunday oveulng at
the same hour was 1.27 inches, the
heaviest experienced in this section
since February 2(S. 1014 when 1.H3 inch
es were recorded In 24 hours. The river
raised three and one half feet since
Sunday moriiinir and Is now 12.6 feet
abovo low water mark.' '
Alaotn Petroleum at Coal Co. Stock
holders. Important information for
you, A postal card with your name and
address mailed to llerrin It Rhodes,
Inc., Ill) Cherry street, Seattle, will
bring it to you.
Eegular meeting of Eodson Council
No. 1, R. & S. M,, this evening. Elec
tion of officers, A full attendance is
requested by order of the Thrice 111.
Master. Visiting companions welcome.
' From a social standpoint, everything
will be quiet this week among the high
school pupils. Friday evening, the
seniors will entertain the faculty of
the high school, this being the only
event of the week.
Plum pudding, delicious cookery,
fancy candies, tomorrow, Episcopal ba
zaar. The city council will meet this even
ing and will take up the ordinance es
tablishing permanent stands for auto
mobile or jitney drivers. The ordinance
to be voted on this evening provides
mat each automobile tor hire snail be
given a certain place to be definitely
marked, and that the police will have
the enforcing of the ordinance.
We wish to notify the public that
the parties .selling Cox s Farm Ac
counting book have no authority to use
our name in connection with the ad
vertising or coupons in the book. The
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company.
Tno advance tip that sugar was
weak and would be reduced 30 cents
h'Midred last week was all wrong. It
should have been just the other way,
.is grocerB received notice by telephone
tins morning that sugar had advanced
15 cents a hundred, which will effect
the retail price just that much, bring
ing tne Best sugar up to i.u a hun
dred. The annual bazaar of the Ladies'
Aid society of the Hural Congregation
al church, Fairvicw avenue, will be
held on Wednesday evening, December
Jotn. A cmcken pie supper will be
served trom oi.io 0 clock until o:UU
Price for -supper is 25 cents.
H. H. Corey, secretary of the state
public, service commission, left yestor
day for Morrow to investigate a wreck
Hint was reported on the railroad near
Shanico, It was reported that a car
loaded with wheat got loose from a
siding and wandered out on the main
line unci took a joy Tide down grade.
It stopped when it hit and piled up
iiireo ouicr ireignt cars.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to very earnesty thank the
neighbors, friends unci fruternnl organ
izations that assisted us so grcutly dur
ing the illness and death of our hus
band nnd father.
Jllt-S. ('. L, KOADltUCIC.
The Washington Junior high school
is preparing for indoor athletics this
winter by the organization of Bevcral
basket ball teams. In the ninth grade,
the boys hnvo organized four teams
and the ants two. The seventh and
eighth grndes have also organized sev
eral teams and ns soon as a few games
have been played, a regular schedule;
will be "layed among the teams in the
school. .
An organ recital will be given this
evening at tho First Presbyterian
church by- Prof. Frank Wilbur Chaco,
of Willametto university, as tho third
number of tho faculty lecture course.
Mr. Chacc has played on scvornl of the
largest organs in the country in con
cert. Ah an orgnnist of ability, he is
perhaps better known in the east than
in the northwest. The recital will be
gin nt 8 o'clock and is free with the
public invited to attend.
The debating societies of the Oregon
high schools this winter will debate
military service, the exact subject be
ing, Resolved, That tho United States
should adopt the essential fentures of
the Swiss system of militury trnining
nnd service. At tho try-out last night
tennis were chosen as follows: Affir
mative Frank Ifosebrangh, Mnynnrd
Sawyer, .lames Wolkcrj alternative,
Lloyd Case, Negative Harold E111-
mel, Tra Mercer, Thomas McOilchrist;
alternative, Carlton Savago.
The funeral of Ellis Ross, the 17
year old high school student who was
killed Saturday morning on tho South
ern Pncific track, was held this after
noon, the Kev. F. T. Porter, ofticint
ing. Hurinl wns in the City View cem
etery. Although tho young man wns
lulled nhout ten o'clock Maturdiiy
morning, tho body was not identified
until lute Saturday evening. His pnr-
cum, wiiu iimi nnutit inreu null's iroin
the eitv, became alarmed when ho did
not return home. It wns not until
they hail uindo inquiries as to bis
whereabouts titnt they came to town
and identified the young mail lis their
- Artisans and friends attention. The
charter of the Salem juvenile lodge will
be closed on December 15. Tho com
mittee in charge of this work is very
anxious to obtain all tho acceptablo ap
plications possible immediately, in or-
lor Hint the chidren may be trained in
the work which the Salem children will
exemplify in Portland on December 18.
All memliera nnd friends having clul-
iren nnd are interested 111 having them
entry a little protection and at tho
same time enjoy pleusant associations
under competent supervision will Kind
ly notify Sirs. F.lla "Watt, 302 South
llig'u street, or Sirs. F.lsio V. Matlock,
lino waller street. Until the charter
is closed uo initiation feo or medical
fee will be charged,
To aid In tha nuiklnir nf Christinas
boxes for tho needy, the girls of the
Grant junior high scnool met Saturday
at tho home of Sirs. C. H. Pickett, at-
leiiunnco ouicer, mo nign scnooi 1.
V, C. A. girls are also taking up spe
lal work this week under the dlrec
: , n n mi.. v.iMw..i. , v, n
i.vm v. ...,1 11 n, MB, iiiu a. ,,i.;
teacher. Not only are the girls from
oe nigner grades in mo scnoois assiot-
liff It, tlm maLInn nt I 'I, . lal ton l,r-
-R ... ... ........... -v.
ents of a practical nature for the
eedy, out the elementary pupils are
la. .hftvlnff 41ia .1 .Ann Imli.lnV m.trit
........... , 'I'VI ..v. .,,
as they have already mado twelve
comforts, which wil be presented by
Mrs, Pickett to those most in need of
PAY $1 000 FOR SET
Viewers Appointed To Make
Final Selection of Plans
The FoTmty court has appointed three
viewers for the proposed bridge across
the Willamette river at this place and
the viewers have been authorized to
pay $1,000 for plans for the bridge.
Bridge, engineers will submit coinpeta
tive plans and specifications for the
bridge in both concrete and steel and
the engineer whose plan is accepted
will receive $1,000 when his plans are
completed. The viewers have called
for plans for the present site at the
end of Center street only which indi
cats that this will be the only Kite con
sidered. The county court appointed
12. T. Mct-ornack, J. A. ilaker and W.
J. Culver s viowcrs.
The government engineers favor the
present sit for the new bridge in the
interests of navigation and as the old
bridge could be used in place of a false
work while the piers for the new one
were being put in plaeo and again the
piers for the new bridge would serve
as a falsework while the old bridge
was being wrecked. Engineer Holmes
estimated that the saving by the eliin
inaiton of the expense of falsework
would offs-t the expense of a ferry.
The viewers called for plans for a
bridge' with a 30 foot deck and two
sidewalks six feet wide in addition.
The main part of the bridge is to be
780 feet long and the approaches 900
feet long. The general plans call for
a structure strong enough to carry a
40 ton street car on the car track and
a 20 ton truck 011 the roadway which is
to bo paved.
The plan of calling for competativc
bids for the bridge was adopted upon
tho objection that if the county court
favored either a concrete bridge or a
steel bridge that their decision would
exclude the builders of the other struc
ture. As a result the plans submitted
will determine which is tho chenpest
and best structure and this' will be
erected. Any standard type of draw
span may be submitted.
The letter Bent out by the viewers to
the engineers stntes that plans may be
received and filed up to 10 oclock a.
m., December 24. This will ullow the
necessary levy to be pluced in the bud
get before December 31.
The instructions to engineers by the
viewers follow:
Plans will be received for both steel
and concrete structures and must be
enclosed in sealed wrappers, addressed
"Hoard of Viewers, Proposed Jntor
County Uridge, Care of JIux flclilliar,
County Clerk, Salem, Oregon." De
signing specifications and profile may
be hud upon application to Mux Gehl
har, County Clerk. A fee of $101)0 will
bo paid tor tiio plans adopted. The
right is reserved, however, to with
hold payment of above fee until bids
are received nnd contract awarded.
Tho right is further reserved to re
ject any or all plans submitted.
Tomorrow, the bazaar of bazaars.
Quality not quantity. Attractive prices.
At Episcopal church. Opens 2:00 p.
The Salem fire department wag call
ed out at 4:15 Saturday afternoon to a
chimney fire nt tho residence of Sirs.
Applegato at Fifteenth and Chemeltcta
streets. No damage was done.
Despondent from continued ill-health,
Ella Power, 30, a muid nt tho Slarion
hotel, drank denatured alcohol yester
day afternoon. She wns taken to the
Snlem hospital, and today is reported
to bo making a satisfactory recovery.
The funeral of Mrs. Grace Steelham
mer, who died last Friday, was held
this morning from the chapel of Webb
& dough, tho Hcv. JnmcB Elvin, offici
ating. Burial was in tho Odd Fellows'
cemetery. Sirs. Steclhammer was the
wife of Louis Steellinmnier, of Pendle
ton, and was born in Snlem. Her pa
rents were pioneers of tho state. Be
sides her husband, she is survived by a
sister of SIcxie and I.eah A. Martin, of
Portlnnd, nnd Newton and Eny J. Mar
tin, of Pendleton.
a. E. Bchaefer, of the New York Life
Insurance company, is here today after
a week spent nt Tillamook and By
Viow, According to Sir. Schnefer, the
recent storms hnve been particularly
disastrous tp Buy View, ns the hotel
was washed away, and the only store
will bo torn down this week, to avoid
the fate of the hotel, ns an unusunlly
high tide is expected on the 10th of this
month. The rnilrond company is driv
ing henvy piles around the track hoping
to snve it from being wnshed away
when the high tide of Friday comes in.
The study of law is supposed to be
exceedingly wearisome, and the young
mini who tackles Blnckstone, is natural
ly expected to bid good-bye to all
flights of fancy iu the poetical world,
or ambitions to become an nuthor of
prose stories of fiction. But Ernest Ev
erhart Baker, one of the lending young
attorneys of the city, appears to have
combined the study of law with the
writing of poetry, ns lie has recently
submitted a book of poems to an east
ern firm and has received a flattering
offer for its publication. Sir. Baker
has written for several mngazincs and
papers nnd is not hy uy means a new
hand at the writing gnme. As yet, it is
not known whether Mr. Baker will ac
cept the offer for the publication of
his book.
Saturday, December 18, the Juvenile
orgaulnation, the Court of Fairies, will
go to Portland to put on their ritualis
tic work. The Eleventh street theatre
has been engaged for the occasion. The
children will put on their work In the
afternoon, ami the older folks their spe
cial drills and work in the evening.
This visit will be quite an event In Uni
ted Artisan circles, is Madam Jomelll
has been engaged to sing, Governor
Wlthcombe will deliver nn address, and
talks will be made by Slnyor Alhee, of
Portland, C. I StcKenna and Judge
Morrow, After the evening's program
Did It Ever
i Occur to You
That those distressing headaches from which you
suffer are due to
Others have been completely relieved by wearing
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist
208-209 Hubbard Bldg. ' Phone 109.
E. T. Judd, of Salem,
Will Have Charge of
the State
E. T. Judd, of Salem, lias been ap
pointwed by Governor Withyeombe as
state exhibit agent to have charge of
the state's permanent product exhibit
in Portland. This is a new posi
tion and Judd will draw a salary of
$100 a mouth, lie is now in Son
Francisco arranging for the transfer
to Portland of the Oregon exhibit
from the Panama-Pacific interna
tional exposition, which closed yester
day. Sir. Judd is the father of former
County Judge E. C. Judd, of Clatsop
The transfer of this exhizit to
Portlnnd to become a permanent ex
hibit was provided for by the 1015
legislature, which appropriated $15,
000 for the collection of an exhibit
of the state's products. Of this amount
$9,000 was to be expended for the
transfer to Portland and $0,000 for the
maintenance of the exhibit at San
Francisco during the fair. Of the latter
amount $5,087.13 has been used.
The legislature of 1013 appropriated
$175,000 for the construction of the
Oregon building and of this amount
thero is left unused $24,845.47. The last
legislature appropriated $10,000 for the
establishment at tho exposition Of a bu
reau of mines and geology and all ot
this has been used but $710.47.
I see by the papers that Thomas Lar
sen, of tjiiinaby, has asked permission
to take his daughter Ima from the
liirls' Industrial school and has been
I have known Ima all her life, and I
never knew her to harm anyone. When
she wns a littlo girl she used to take
mighty good core of her little brother
and sister and nil the other children 111
the neighborhood. She used to work
hard in her little garden to raise flow
ers for her grandmother's grave, and
she helped her mother on washday, and
all week. 1
I hnvo picked hops by the side of her
when blood dripped off her ringers, but
sho was too gritty to quit, nnd I have
heard thnt she has worked nt the insti
tution, milking cows, and the likes of
that, tor there arc no men thero ami
those city bred girls don't know n
' cow 's tent from a sack of oats.
I never could seo why tho stnte of
Oregon got up on its hind legs over the
affair anyway, but whatever it was, it
is between her and God, nnd I think
He'd be willing to give her another
chance, when it's so nenr Christmas
when Christ came for you and me
and littlo Imns; all over the world.
Rose and Tom they are her father
and mother but everybody calls them
by their first names because they like
them, they sit up to tho fire and try
to talk about Christmas, but they can't
do it, for over in the comer is Ima's
piano that has been silent a long time,
and her picture is on top. They get to
thinking about that other Christmas, 18
yearB ago, when together they bent
over the little crib and showed the
baby tho things Snnta Onus had
brought the rings and rattles and
things, nnd she mado gleeful little bub
bles on her chin and took a firm hold
on her father's black hair the same
hnir that is getting a littlo gray, now
that Ima is gone.
Of course somo of us can't help being
lonely this year for its the first time
all our folks won't be here the clear
folks out there under the sod and the
rain but someway I'd like to see poor
little lmn come homo to Hose nnd Tom
for Christmas.
Will Not Recall
Boy-ed and Von Papen
Washington, Pee, 0. Oerinnny will
not recall Attaches Boy-ed and Von
Papen, as requested by the American
government, unless the stnte depart
ment informs the Oerman foreign min
ister of specific charges against them
ami arranges lor a sole conduct lor
them and their successors, n high offi
cial of the (icrmnny embassy said to
day. "Papen and Boy-ed," he continued
"like all of us, are hoping to leave a
country where we see ourselves brand
ed ns criminals in the papers every
The reply of Berlin to the embassy's
messiige notifying Oormnny of tho ro
call request has not yet reached here.
It is regarded ns probable that of f B
cers now convalescing from battle front
injuries will succeed the two attaches,
if England grunts a safe conduct.
in the Eleventh street theatre, the Ar
tisans will ndjourn to tho United Ar
tisans' hall where dancing will con
clude the day's program.
Word wn received today from Dr.
and Sirs. W. L. Mercer from San Fran
cisco, thnt they expected to.be home
by iuesiiny or tnis ween, xney Teport
a' fine time at the big tnir and a very
satisfactory visit with their son, lialph,
who is uow on the battleship Oregon.
The armory is now being made espe
cially comportuble for tho boys of Com
pany SL Club rooms are now furnished
with pool and billiard tables, writing
desks, barber ship, and many of the
comforts of a home, Including things to
eat. And what is more important from
a soldier's view, is tho fact that ar
rangements will be made for in door
rifle practice.
At Bay
By Geo. Scarbourotigh
A 5 Act Photoplay feature with
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