ft ffT(k in) i 'm f . ,. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES c .; i CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TEATNS AND NEWS STANDS FIVB CBNT RUMANIA APPARENT REAOi TO JOIN ALLIES Order Commandeering Teign Shipping In Her Ports Puz zles All-German) shes Army Division To Borders -Immediate Trouble Would Follow Attempt to Seize Munitions Vessels On Danube-Claimed Greece Will Grant Demands of Allies in Full Athens, Dec. 0. Rumania concentra tion appeared imminent today. Presum ably to meet it, the 15th German divi sion has been rushed to Rustchnk on the edge of Ruma.nia in northeastern Bulgaria. At the same time, Russians are expected to land there, and hence the division may find it necessary to repel this move as well as to engage against the Rumanians. Germany is reported, too, to be send ing heavy artillery, to tho Rumanian border from the western front. The Rumanian order commandeering foreign shipping to Rumanian ports, "in the interests of national defense" was scheduled to go into effect today. Immediate trouble is anticipated if the Kmnnninus attempt to seize munitions vessels of the central powers, now on tlio Danube. Experts hero do not con Hider this order to bo sufficient evi dence that Rumania is joining the nl Jies, but they confess it is an extremely puzzling step. While reports concerning the attitude of Greece huvo been conflicting for several days, the latest version today !h that King Constantino will privntely unsure the allies that he will grant their demands in full. Concentrato on Montenegro. London, Dec. . Whilo comparative calm marks other fronts, the campaign tu wipe out Montenegro and the rem nants of the (Serb army driven into Al banian and Montengrin territory con tinues fiercely. The Bulgarian official statement, re ceived here early today, declared the Serbs fled toward Dibra and Scutari, Friday, the Bulgors overtook and dis persed them on tho Ljuihn left bank. Kins Teter of Serbia was said to have been carried on a stretcher be cause the march along tho Drina was even impossiblo for horses, Serbs March Back Again, London, Dec. 6. Fart of the Serbs, who fled from Monastir, have joined an nllie.i expedition into the Bulkcn thea tre vie. Greece, according to Salonika . j:t orts today. Lull Before the Storm. Home, Dec. 6. In diminished activ ity oiovnd Goritz, military experts to- d!V saw a lull before a now srnrm. in nliich fall of the beleaguemd city is expected to be accomplished. Ship Escapes Submarine. London, Dec. 6. The British vessel Jupnncse l'rincc, after a five hour hase, in which she was heavily shelled, escaped a German submarine pursuer, it yvn nffimnllv nnnounnpd frodnr.1 The press bureau said that the ship w:is attacked "recently," out tnat it "ultimately was brought safely to port." The Japanese 1'riuce was of 4,800 tons. Colli Youths to Colors. London, Dec. 0. Soldiers, 19 years UI, constituting tho 1017 class, will lie called to tho colors by Kussia early next year, according to Pctrograd dis lutches todny. All Allies at War Council. Paris. Dec. 0. The first war council with nil the allies represented, was held today with Generul dome presiding. General Sitinski represented Russia nnd l'orro, Italy; General btatonisn ap pcarcd for Serbia. Abe Martin Suffrage or no miff rage we're all for ooaw winter. "I knowed he d finny make a mistake," in Id ole Et Pash, wheu he heard o' President Wilson's conila' wed-Iia. ' Russians Lost Heavily. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I., Doc. 6. "The Russinns lost heavily in a series of determined attacks south west of Babit Lake, west of Riga," the war ornce Claimed toitay. "On the western front, mine and crre- nade engagements occurred at many points. Near Bapaume, two Enelish e emplanes were shot down and the oc cupants were killed. ' ' Back Safe From Bagdad. London, Dec. 6. General Townsend. who was forced to retreat from the vi cinity of Bagdad has reached Kut-el-nmara, his base lf0 miles from Bagdad, without further fighting, official an nouncement Baid today. Halt the Teutons. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. L, Dec, C. That tho Sorbs and Montene grins have halted at least temporarily the Teutons at tho Montenegrin nnd Albania frontiers was indicated by to day's official statement which mention ed only that the enemy's attacks south of .Syenitzn and cast of Ipek had been repulsed, without referring to the re mainder of tho borders. Will Indorse the King, Taris, Dec. C Election of a Greek parliament, favorablo to King Constan tino's non-intervention policy appears certain, according to Athens advices to dny. Former Promior Vcnizelos has ad vised his followers not to participate in the election December 19, declaring it to be illegal. A crisis is predicted when Vcnizelos is compelled to announce his attitude concerning tho new parliament. General Trombi Killed. Rome, Dec. 0. General Trombi has been killed before the Goritz defenses, it was officially announced today. Russia Places Big Orders. San Francisco, Dec. C. Russia is still placing lnrge orders for munitions in this country despite the practical com pletion of her Lugo new government plant, according to E. .W. Penfiold, agent for n number of American firms, who is returning to the Atlantic const from Russia, l'cnfield came via the Trans-Siberinu railroad and the liner Chiyo Mnru. Sunk Turkish Destroyer. London, Dec. fl. British submarines sank n Turkish destroyer and five sup ply ships in the Son or Marmora, or ficial announcement said today. BE PARAMOUNT ISSUE All Politicians Agree This Will Overshadow All Other Questions Washington, Dec. 0. Preparedness measure gnlore wero include! todny in tho flood of bills dropped into the bouse hopper upon tho opening ot tne Olth congress. Socialist Congressman London of New York, offered a resolution propos ing a peace conference of neutrals, Government manufacture of munitions was proposed by many. Representative Kottner, of Califor nia offered a bill to transfer the gov ernment exhibit at the Panama-Pacific exposition to the San Diego exposition. Delegate Wickersham of Alaska of fered a bill providing for a commis sion form of local self government for Alaska. Chairman Ferris of the public lands committee, introduced the administra tion conservation dims lor iiovciopment under leases, of public, water- power, land, coal, oil and gns resources a they passed the last house. Roosevelt Against It. New York, Dec. 0. Preparedness Is the paramount issue before the nation at tho opening of tho 64th congress, Former 1'residonU Taft and Roosevelt, governor of 21 states, former Ambas sadors Andrew D. White, C'.iarlomagne D. Tower and C. Joseph H. Chnate, fi nanciers and politicians agreed today in a "pence avmposiiim" printed in the Now York Worll. All agreed the issue should be non partisan. Roosevelt felt tho program outlined oy rresnient vt uson in nis recent -iun hattnn club speech was "utterly Inade quale and should be rejectod." sc sfc s)c sjc s( sc sjc sc )(( s( sc sft sfc )Jc )(t CONTENTS OF FORK BARBEL Washington, Dec. 8. Army engineers submitted estimates of $41,839, '10 for rivers and bar- Dors -projects. Among the larger demands are Mississippi river $10,000,000; Ohio river about $5,500,000; New York harbor $2,000,000; Missouri river $2,275,000; Hud- son river $2,670,000; Columbia river, Pittsburg landing, Ore- gon to the sea $2,502,000. Oregon: Tillamook bay and bar $40,000; Coos bay $70,000; C'oquille river $0,000; Clatskalne river $1,000; Coos river $3,000; Columbia river mouth $2,104,- 000; upper Columbia river and tributaries above Celilo Falls to mouth of tho Snake river $38,000; Snake rivor to Pitts- Durg .Landing $25,000; Columbia and Lower Willamette rivers Portland $300,000: Yamhill and Willamette rivers $47,000; Ya- quina river $3,000; Siuslaw river $5,000. THE POPE APPEALS FOREARLY PEACE One of Church's Most Im portant Conclaves Six New Cardinals Created By Henry Wood. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Rome. Dec. (1. Pone Henmliet in the consistorial hall todny held one of the ,nu imui tuui cuiinuti's ill luo uip- tory of the Roman Catholic church. i'rom tnq i ope s allocution, Vatican ircles honed there wnuM ilevulnn moves for an early end of tho war. The lirst stops of tiie new consistory wero to create six new cardinals as fol lows: Monsicrnnro Alfonso Marin M"Utru,.cj. elo, archbishop of Florence. Aionsignore Giluio Touti, nuncio at Lisbon, Munsicrnore Ginvnnni Cnelinrn. nun cio for Central America. Monsignore Andreas Furwirtb, Aus trian nuncio at Munich. Monstniore Raffaelo Scapinelli, nun io at Vienna. Monsienore Giroedo Gusmini. arch bishop at Boulogne. A seventh nri'hhitthrtn nnnnintnl iii secret and will be announced later at tne popo s pleasure. It was known that the pope would exhort tho cardinals to renewed peace efforts a lid detail again tho horrors of tho wnr. Cardinals Bourne nnd Gnsnuot. nf England; Cabriorcs of France and Hnrtmann of Gnrninnv nrn nttntwlintr Each, it is believed, brought his gov ernment's views, and from their ex change of ideas, it is felt may spring tne ueginnings or peace. Rome, Dec. 6. The pope's allocution todny contained a stirring appeal for cany peace. Five More Indictments Against Robert Fay New York, Doc. 0. "Lieutenant' Robert Fay and five others wero ac eused of bomb plots against munitions ships in five new indictments returned in federal court today. One Indictment cnarged conspiracy to murder by at taching bombs to ships leaving Amori can ports. Max Hreitimg, Herbert Kienzle, Paul Scholz, Englebot Broiiklmrst and Paul naeche wero reindicted, inasmuch as tne original Indictments cnarged only conspiracy to destroy ships at sea. Would Investigate Several Societies Washington, Dec. fl. Congressional investigation of military preparedness ond pence propaganda Including the WOrk Of tile llllVV TofKTIlA liihni.. im. tionnl pence council, the national seou- rny irugufl una mo American Defonse society was proposed today in a resolu tion. Renresontntivn Onrilnnf Xfonaa. chusettts, offered to the house, TAX LEVY TO BE 16 MILLS The county tax budget for for Marlon county as promised by the county court todav provides for a general tax of 10 mills for next year. This Includes a four mill road tax, .5 mill for special high school tax and will take earn of the coun- ty's share of tho new bridge to bo built across the river at Snlem. The tax for 191.1 was 14.7 and 'or 1914 wns 1.1.5 but these levies wore based upon a prop- erfy valuation of about $1,- 500,000 greater than the as- snssed valuation for 1915, Upon casting up its account for the year the county court found that It had on hand an unci-. ponded bulnnco of $00,000 which reduces the tax for next year about 1,5 mills and makes a good start for the bridge fund. IE LAST DAY BROKE 458,558 Made Farewell Round of the Dream City Saturday 18,875,974 WAS GRAND TOTAL OF. ATTENDANCE An Army of Wreckers Start Work of Demolition This Morning San. Francisco, Dec. 6. Where 458, 558 pairs of feet trampled through scenes of beauty Saturday, vans, mo tor trucks, grimy, smoky freight trains and equally grimy workmen today scurried through the fast approaching wrocitage or tne ranama-racitic expo sition. Where there wns sentiment and beauty last week, there is commercial ism and wreckage today. Around the once magnificent courtB gardens and palaces there are thous ands of packing crates instead of thousands of admiring spectators. The Tower of Jewels, which since Febru ary 28. the monarch of all it surveyed, today trembled as the. dawn of its ex tinction appeared,. Through the various avenues and courts, railroad tracks, hidden for ten months under millions of hurrying feet, ooro rumbling .freight trains, carrying paraphernalia for the carting away of tho exhibits. Undo Sam hat, the right of way in the clearance of his exhibits for the federal displays will be taken at once to tho Panama esfosition. They prob ably will be in shape for shipping by the last of thi- moi th. Private exhiuaiiJs Until 2darch 1 to remove their displays. This af ternoon motor trucks and vnns backed up to the state buildings and their dis entegration was under way. Up the joy zone workmen hurried from place to placo. The cries of leath er lunged barkers were supplanted by tne tnump of Hammer ant crowbar. As a sort of in memorian, the de partment of admissions issued total at tendance figures todny. The final to tal was 18,875,974. The daily average for the ten months was 65,541. The last seven days rolled up a total of CITIES TALK MONEY TO Chicago, San Francisco, St. Louis and Dallas, Texas, In the Running Washington, Dec. 0. The fight for selection of a city for the democratic national convention next summer open ed in deadly earnest todny. Representatives of Han Francisco, St. Louis, Chicago and Dallas, Texas, were on hand, talking in money terms. Dnl- las had tho coin to show. The various other cities wore ready to offer nuiir- antees, all of th em attractive. St. Louis claimed to huvo 17 pledges already from national committeemen, Meantime the president withheld any advice as to whero the convention should be held. Borne backers suid Han Francisco had a good chance; others shouted ns loud ly that their cities would be selected. Reports that Fred Lynch, of Mimic sota, or Homer Cummins, of Connecti cut, might succeed Chairman McCombs of the national committee were uncon firmed by committeemen, but there was nevertheless some talk of a fight against McCombs. Tom Tnggnrt, of Indiana, said that talk of repining Marshall as vice-president had started a boom for Governor Ralston, of In diana, as the president's running mate. Fossil in thinking of changing its name. It should be changed, for many people aro apt to think the Oregon town is in Washington or California, THE WEATHER Oregon: Tonight and Tuesday fair, cooler tonight In east; unsettled, probably rain In -west portion; and southerly winds. ALL THE RECORDS BIQ I3U3 UT CONGEESS' PROGRAM NATIONAL DEFENSE, NAVY Five-year expenditure, $502,000, 000, for 10 dreadnoughts, five battle cruisers, 10 scout cruisers, 60 destroyers, 15 fleet submarines, 85 coast submarines. 11,500 more men, 76 more officers, 250 more Annapolis cadets, $6,000,000 for aviation, $25,000,000 for reserve amunition, $7,000,000 government armorplate factory, federal projectile factory, laboratory and increased militia reserv. ARMY Four-year expenditure oi $500,000,000; increase regular army to 141,000; retain 129,000 militia, organize 400,000 continental reserves by enlisting 133,000 citizen-soldiers annually for six-year per-, iod, with two years on active list requiring two months annual train ing and four years subject to war call; also $20,000,000 annually for coast fortifications and $26,000,000 for ammunition and supplies. GOVERNMENT SHIP PURCHASE From $25,000,000 to $50,000, 000 for ships bought or built and operated in trade by government shipping board and available for use as transport in war. REVENUE Extension of war taxes another year, possibly adding bank checks; continue present sugar duties; extend income tax to smaller incomes; graduated inheritance tax; raised levy in large in comes and possible taxation of war munitions. WAR MEASURES New penalties for neutrality violations, bellig erents' criminal conspiracies, passport frauds, etc. Protection of American ships from seizure. Amendment of registry laws. Prevention of foreign manufactures "dumping" goods on merican markets. CONSERVATION Water power and dam. measures, Government land, coal, gas and oil leasing svstems. WOMAN SUFFRAGE Susan b. Anthony amendment to fedoral constitution, granting right of nation-wide suffrage to women. PROHIBITION Dry ameudmeut to federal constitution and a dry District of Columbia. RAILROADS Extension of government control with possible ulti mate government ownership. Government supervision of securities. Increased powers for Interstate Commerce Commission. Train safety bill compelling use of steel cars, block signals and other life saving dovices. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONES Government condemnation and operation of all Buch lines. FINANCE Rural land credits and porsonal rural credits. National budget system, with new system of House supervision. May abolish comptroller of the currency. TREATIES Ratify those with Colombia, Nicaragua and Haiti, pay ing Colombia $25,000,000 as result of Punama canal acquisition, $.1,000, 000 to Nicaragua for exclusive rights to canal route, and establishing a 10-year American protectorate over Haiti. PRESIDENTIAL TERM Limitiug president's tenure to one term of either four or six years. PRIMARY ELECTIONS Presidential primaries and abolition of pnrty conventions for all purposes except tho drufting of party plot forms and nominee-ratifications. IMMIGRATION Literacy tests for immigrants and also tho ex clusion of all Asiatics. CLOTURE Prevent senate filibustering by rules limiting dobato on any given subject. PHILIPPINE AND PORTO RICO INDEPENDENCE Providing both self government in given time. f. tfi -1 J Sailor Hired to In Boilers of Minnesota San Francisco, Dec. 6 While the big Hill linor Minnesota, laden with a big food cargo for England, flounders dis abled in tho Bcas off Coronada Islands, British secret service agents here are said todap to have unearthed details of a plot to cripple her. W. A. Martin, water tender, and al leged "spy' aboard her, said to be in irons, is reported to nave agreed with higher ups that the vessel would not reach its destination with its valit ablo food cargo. So great was the trouble in shipping a crew for the Minnesota at Seattle, that Martin managed to get aboard de spite warnings to Balfour Guthrie com pany, 'local agonts, from the secret ser vice men. ivlartin is declared to have smuggled aboard a quantity of acid which he put into the boilers. Before sailing ho is quoted as remarking that tho -hip would nevor come back "alive." As a result of these alleged discov LIGHT VOTE CAST South Salem Councilmanic Race and Charter Amend ment Main Issues CITY POLLING PLACES. Ward No. 1. Basement (lur field school on North Cottage street. Ward No. 2. City Hall. Ward No. 3. Basement Ma sonic building. Ward No. 4. Hendriclt 's build ing, 221 South Commercial street. Ward No. 5. Red Ja way's building, corner Hood and Sixth streets. Ward No. 0. Clark's Grocery building, corner State and Twenty-third streets. Ward No. 7. Poisal & Shaw's store building, corner Com mercial and Miller streets. Polls will be open from 8 a. in. to 8 p. m. City election day was quiet sad aroused little interest if csrly Indica tions may lie taken as Indicative and except in South Salem where there is a contest for alderman few opinions were heard. The proposed amendment to tho charter providing for tho foreclos ing of improvement liens was tho vital question today but where the voters wero talilnir no Interest In this matter the voting was light. At the city hall where the voting place for ward 2 Is located but 33 votes had been cast at noon today out of 9.10 registrations, Th women, however, appear to bo taking greater interest than they did ELECTION . h 1" i . -1 - "i" -1 - , -1 - i " -, - Put Acid eries, a thoronuh investiagtion will be made in Seattle where the reported plot was hatched. Local officials are of tho opinion thnt several Germans now miller suspicion here is alleged widespread bomb plots knew of this affair and possibly went to Seattle to aid in carrying it out. Tho tug Dauntless and tho Wrecker Taqua, which put out at top speed from here Friday niuht after first notice of her plight were duo to como up to the Mmnasoia todny otr uoronaio jsinnus. A second wireless Inst night showed that the condition of tho vosel was serious. No Message From Ship. Snn Diego, Cat., Dec. 6. Fishermen, arriving hero early today from points along tho west coast of Lower Califor nia, reported that they saw no signs of a vessel in distres off the Coronado Is lands. Radio operators deny that wireless calls from tho Minnesota havo beon re ceived here. in tho primary election. ino pons will remain o pen mis even ing until 8 o'clock and It is expected thut a heavier vote will bo cast be fore tne closing hour us many workmen will not cast their ballot until after the day's work is over. Charged With Using Mails To Defraud Portland, Or., Dec. fl. Charged with using the mails to defraud a bunk at SigoumiA', lown, of $1110, Mrs. Olga 1'orrv, the pretty wile or Cloudo terry of Corvallis, Oregon, was under arrest hero today. Federal officials allege that Mrs. Ferry cashed checks intend ed for another Mrs. Ferry, whieh came Into her hands by mistake. She was arrested at Denver. FORD DELEGATES GET TO Day Spent In Organizing Com mitteesCopenhagen To Be Headquarters By Charles P. Btewart. (United Press staff correspondent. Aboard S. S. Osrar II., by wireless to rittcorisot, ly. I., Dec 0. Henry Ford, promoter of the peace ship and pence congress plan to get Europe's warriors out of the trenches hy Christmas, turn ed todny to organizing ponce commit tees. Theso committees will comprise ' clergymen, students and others, includ- I lug uowspapermen. Their purpose is tu meet corresponumg cominniee irum neutral nation aboard and to cn-nper- ato In election of an International pnce commission to sit in Copenhagen for ' the remainder of the war. This body i would receive and offer pence proposals ' but Its business primarily would bo to give publicity to peace suggestion in 1 fmnlruHf tn tlin " Hirnf dililiinmnv " d( SUFFRAGISTS PARADE GIVE LIFE Democratic National Commit tee Present Gives Political Touch to Event . GALLAGHER IS CHOSEN REPUBLICAN LEADER Hearings On Defense Meas ures Will Be Open to the General Public Washington, Dec. 6. The certainty of a determined and sorious opposition to the adminitsration's preparedness1 program hung over the opening of tho 04th congress todny. ' The presence of the democratic na tional committee slated to select a tim and place for the national convention in its session tomorrow rave the day an unwonted political nspect. The spectacular feature, attendant upon thai opening, was Biipplicd y the parade; of siiftragists, welcoming their envoys from San Francisco with a monster pe tition bespenking presidential and con gressional aid for the federal suff rage amendment. This demonstration was marred, too, by the loss of a half mile of signatures 100,000 names. ThcBa were expressed from Wilming ton, Delaware, out coma not Be round. A bleak, raw day, however, cast somewhat of a pall on the procession. uespito tins, nowever, a big throng marched bravely. A band, and escort of Atlantic City citizens, honoring Rep resentative itacnaracn auaea an enliv ening touch to the day. In the senate, Secretary Baker pre sided pending the election of Senator Clarke as oresidont pro torn., . Vice President Marshall was absent be cause of Ii'ib wife's illness. Previous to the sounding of gavel at both ends of tho cnpitol the scenato re publicans in caucus namod Oullinger of New Hampshire as their leader. Ilowinc to tho necessity of support for its preparednoss program, the ad ministration leaders agreed to take the republicans into their fullest confi- -dence in framing tho bills. Hearings on the detonco measures will be open to the public except when high offi cials may bo present to disclose diplo matic nnd defense secrets, gathered by representatives abroad. YAQUI INDIANS ARE Friends Turn Against Former Leader Who Now Flees For His Life Douglas, Ariz., Dec. 0. While Fran cisco Villa and his cxhaustod follow ers fleo through tho Sauhauripa dis trict, 200 miles suutli of the border to day, they uro pursued by V ilia's former friend Urbulejo and 200 Yaqul Indiana determined to hunt down the demoral ized rebels and carry tho body of their leader to Carriiu.a headquarters. This report wns mndo today by Gen eral M. Dieguoz, Curranza military com mander of tho states of Sonoru, Siiialoa, Topic and Jalisco, who is hero for a conference with (ienerul Obregon. Dieguez made tho report to Captain Frederick O. Knabenshuo, Twelfth cav alry, brother of Roy Knubenshue, th aeronaut. Dicguez told Kuabenshua that after Crbulejo and his mon sur rendered at Tuniche the Indian offered his services to the Carranza govern ment, promising to follow Villa to the death aud bring buck his body as proof of victory. General Trujillo, another Villa com mander, surrendered in person to Die guoz at Hermosillo. Reports from the fighting zone today indicated that Villa was "neur the end of his tether." In addition to tho In dian pursuit, Villa is trying to get away from General Estrada's Carran zistus, who have already beaten and scattered his rear guard under Colonel Jesus Pelt run. This Deltrnn is the man who was reported to have killed the Amorican Kdgar lleane at Cananea. Af ter scattering Villa's rear guard, Es trada sent buck couriers to report that tho Villista were wore out and falling; dead by tho way. Many of the remain ing animals are carrying two or three men, and other fugitives are marching afoot. the past. Home of the peuce delegates including Ford and other loadora, probably will attompt to cross Germany from, Den mark to Holland. Despite the fact that their passports read only to neutral countries it Is beliovcd that the auth orities will not dare to interfere with this mission, . j TO QPENIFIG DAY