Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 04, 1915, Page TWO, Image 2

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1 I '11 ill- f f n 11, v !
W .V
1 : '1.
AMONG the long list of ultra fash
ionable affairs to be Riven this
season, society has been more
than a little impatient over the pend
ing dato i'or the Premier of the Sub
scription dances, however, through the
sealous efforts of Mrs. Asaliol Mush,
Mrs. Frederic Thielsen and Mrs. Mel
yin Plimpton, the club has iBBued the
invitations and - it is desired that
the members respond us goon as pos
sible, so that a party may be arranged
for during the holidays.
Through the fastidious' good taste
and artistic restraint of the personnel
palo lemon to deep russet, was used, charming hosts for a stag dinner Wed
making a rainbow delight with' tho nesduy evening. The handsomely ap
many attractive colored gowns. pointed table was centered with an ar-
One of the delightful features of the tistic gilt baskot of beautiful bronze
evening was tho splendid musical pro- j chrysanthemums. Dr. and Mrs. Clays
gramme. Mrs. Carlton Smith, whose jruets were: Lourence Hofer, Carl
singing is .nlways deliriously refresh- Gnbrielson, E. Fritz Slade, Ralph
ing, sang "Madam Butterfly," after Moores. James You.g, and Albert
it had been effectively and charmingly
interpreted by Mrs. Richard Cart
wright. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Cart
wright were both attired in beautiful
Japanese costumes. An artistic and
beautiful- exhibition of fancy and es
thetic dancing was given by Miss
Priscilla Fleming.
Other dolightful diversions of the friends,
evening were tne piano solos ny Miss
Greta Philips, a clover skit and songs
by Mr. and Mrs. Boas, and the popular
fortune telling booth in charge of Miss
Helen Wood, wherein everyone who at
tended the function were enlightened
as to their prospects. Hal Patton with
his skillful hand work also added in
finitely to the evening's enjoyment.
miss It i til Nteiner and Miss Kllen
little doubt that they will be tho smart
est i.nd gayest affairs of the season.
These dances last year were so won
derfully successful and such good fun
that the smart set have been eagerry
longing for the gay evenings that will
once moro envelope them with music
and laughter.
One of the most delightful memories
of last year's parties was the unusual
ly good music, which had a lot of swing
and well marked tempo that made
dancing a delight. f
As yt the orchestra for this year's
parties has not been definitely decided
upon, but under the proficient tutelage
ot the committee in charge it is not
likely to be surpassed. The dancos
will bo given as last year in tho Moose
Tho reception and musical given at
the Werner Broymnn residonce by the
Thursday afternoon club Monday even
ing for the Y. W. C. A. ranks among
the most attractive social affairs given.
" A fairyland of lovely chrysanthe
mums, in every shado of yellow, from
maidens, spun the fates, at an old fash
ioned spinning wheel. '
This function which was the culmin
ation of several weeks enthusiastic
endeavor on the part of the club was
flatteringly successful. The members
of the Thursday afternoon club are as
Mrs. A. H. Dodd, Mrs. C. P. Bishop,
Mrs. J. H. Aberts, Mrs. A. N. Bush,
Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. H. 8. Wallace,
Mrs. M. N. Chapman, Mrs. J. P. Suth
erlund, Mrs. G. H. Burnett, Mrs. R. B.
Reining, Mrs. W. H. Eldridge, Mrs. C.
A. Parks, Mrs. II. J. Bean, Mrs. W. A.
Cusick, Mrs. Dnpp, Mrs. B. Catlin,
Mrs. If. W. Thielsen, Mrs. 0. J. P 'UIC0,
Mrs. H. J. Hendricks, Mrs. F. 8.-Stewart,
Mrs. C. K. Spaulding, Mrs. B. J.
Miles, Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mis. P. H.
Mrs. William Boot went to Portland
Wednesday where she will be the week
end guest of Miss Elsie Hamilton at
Alexandra Court.
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Cluy wore the
Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer Putnam
arrived home last night.
During Mr. Putnam's absence in
New York, Mrs. Putnam visited with
friends in-Bend, where she enjoyed a
round of gaieties given by her many
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sargent were hosts
for an attractive informal dinner Sat
urday evening, their guests being Dr.
and Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr., and
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts.
A delightful afternoon was spent
with Mrs. Charles McNary Wednesday
when she entertained the members of
her Kensington club. Those present
were: Mrs. Thomas I.lvesley, Mrs. Ben
0. Hchucking and her guost Mrs. Born
eo Goulet, Mrs. Thomas C. Smith, Jr.,
and Mrs. Guy Sargent.
. .
A most attractive one o'clock lunch
eon was that presided over by Mrs.
Elmer Ludden on Tuesday. Circling
tho table which- was artistically ar
ranged in golden yellow chrysanthe
mums and candles were the members
of a Kensington club which meets
every two weeks. Those present were:
Mrs. George Gray, Mrs. Connell Dyer,
Mrs. Clyde Grahnm, Mrs. Frank Spears,
and Mrs. Ted I.udlum.
Miss Caroline Dick and Miss tin
Spaulding returned the first of the
week from Albany, where they have
been the house guests' of Miss Imp.
1. enke since Thanksgiving. While in
Albany Miss Dick and Miss Spaulding
were delightfully entertained.
Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith were
I charming hosts for the Merry-Go Round
(&.' .: '( X
1 J ' I '
" hi '
I . . . ' I
Miss Winifred Byrd, who is spendin g tho winter in New York City.
3 li EI
club Tuesday evening. Six tables of
"500" were arranged for the players,
with card honors falling to Mrs. Rolliii
K. Pago and William Allen.
Mrs. George Waters was hostess for
an informal bridge Tuesday evening.
Two tables of the game were arranged
for the players with high score honors
falling to Mis. Harvey Wells.
Mrs. Edward Thielsen was the motif
ia vnnn rmKvm c
Direct from New York.
By all odds the most
elaborate assortment we
have ever shown. . Wo
believe you will look a
long time to find the
equal of these at 2w to
1.00, Less 10 Per Cent.
There are no reservations, "Con
tract Goods" or other hoodwinks
everything with but one ex
ception (Rubber. Footwear) is
reduced at least
Light and wnrm, like
walking on air. Red,
grey, brown and light
blue, plain or fancy at
$1.15 and $1.35. Hard
sole Folt Slippers, rib
bon or fur trimmed at
$1.15 and $1.40, Less 10
per cent.
20 to 50 per cent on all Broken Lines
Big- Bargains
In Shirts
A large lot of fine
shirts for men; Golf and
Soft collars, good pat
terns and splendid qual
ities, reduced 20 por cent
to 30 per cent. Heavy
Wool Loggers Less 20
per cent. All other
Shirts Loss 10 per cent.
of a delightful informal dinner pre-1 ability to create atmosphere in all that
sided over by Mrs. Cliauncey Bishop I he siugs: he shows the vision of tho po
Tuesday evening. The tablo which ;et and. the composer to his audience,
was aglow with red carnations and
greens was arranged for six. I tl i a .. . . , ,
members of the Priscilla club
I were entertained by Mrs. A. L. Brown
Mrs. Taul Schmidt was hostess for .Thursday,
the La C'ouder Kensington club Friday The afternoon was enjoyably spent
afternoon. iwitJi needle work, a,t'ter which Mrs.
After an enjoyable afternoon of'Brown served dainty refreshments, as
sewing, Mrs. Schmidt served a dainty sisted by Mrs. A. T. Wolu.
luncheon assisted by M rs. Boggs, Miss I Mrs. Llovd Mott was the only nddi
Fdna Josse and Mis Mary Rekerlin. jtional guest besides the club members.
Gathering around the table, which j
was jdecacd with beautiful white chrys- .A (leli(htfu Kensington of Thurs
anthemums and greens, were the fol- (lav aftp?nooa was that given by Mrs.
ri? Ti,bir":- Mr"' IMrry ' Olmstcn.l, comidimenting Mrs.
deroth Mrs Louis Josse Mrs. V alter jraU(e ( ox. 1 h
Ha"l m-i xr TPrKP',art' Ji-"' Mrs- Olmstead's guests included:
hL 8' HP-lun. Ar'min Steiner, Mrs. K. A. Kings-
Seymonr Sk.tf Mrs. ( hester Cox Mrs.!, Mra .,- M';, Mn), ,.,iar9
. .... , :. -, ""T:B,"" ;" ""! Beers. Mrs. John Simpson, Mrs. Ar
V l Z'I',,T I,,71,vk''r "' M"" thur Simpson, Mrs. M. K. Pojjue, Mrs.
Nanck Skaife The add.t.onal guests c Mrs. Donald McCarthv,' Miss
Merlin Harding. of ftlBmarh paII. who , 10!lt t
lipf mother. Mrs. Pntrtip. fia lluvel
MiRS Mary SllllltZ 'went tO Albany iolmatvn,! niuf,.it hr mnth,r in .orv.
this morning where sho will play for ing.
the Klks memorial services tomorrow. I
While in Albany Miss Sehultz will 1 ..
be the house guest "of Miss Ann Daw-1 The Snikpon" Dramatic, club of
gnu, , .the Salem high school were enjoyably
; entertnine.1 ny Miss Vivian neck ami
wr,rr. v. . uii i . Miss Blanche Drake, Wednesday even
Women who are busily occupied with in , f. homfi . .!
other duties and are desirous of ob-
., ; .1 i i .... J ' The first of tne evoning was devoted
taMgittnct vo and useful gifts for , the n,a(i of , ..Metillg Pot ..
'mpatiently awaiting the Slld th initt;on of two ne. ,;.
opening of the tliuld bazaar which will int0 the ut
take place in the Episcopal church tormfi the evenmg' .livcrsioil.
" Tucfldtty poy"'b the! TjBi,, refre9hments were served at
fifth This year a special feature will ft tnble ,)rettily decorated with chrys
be the delicatessen and cooked food antheimims.
booth which will be stocked with de-l The members present were; Miss
hcions pierr, mince moats and all sorts Alice Baker, Miss BeatrU'0 Walton,
of coaxing delicacies.. The matrons Miss Vesta Smith, Miss Marcella By-
ami maids who facnion the dninty ar- on, Miss Kuth Schultz, Miss Vivian
tides for this bazaar, are noted for Hargrove, Miss Odell Savage, Miss
Give Him
Sllppors are nlwaya
acceptable. Wo, have
them in tan or black
at from itOc to $1.05
pair. An especial
ly fine Slipper as il
lustrated at $1.75.
All of these Less 10
per cent,
For Absentee
Kid Gloves
Not a gift more con
venient to send by mail
and none more appre
ciated. Various shades
of Kid and Mocha
OIllCM lit frmn tl 1 fC n.
1.65 a pair. Silk lined
at 1.83. All Us. 10
per cent.
All Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats including
Cravenettes, Gabardines
and Slip-On Raincoats
10 per cent
For Everybody KM
ine universal Christmas
(tift. And why not, especi
ally such an array of
Handkerchiefs as you will
find here. Dainty crea
tions at all prices for men,
women and children. All
Less 10 per cent.
Scarfs For
Cold Mornings
Angora Scarfs, the kind
you wrap about the neek,
good aseortmcnt of colors.
deep fringo, each 03c, 88c,
ana si. i.
Silk Scarfs In pretty
combination of colors, at
1.13 and $1.45. All Less
10 per cent.
KA I ' ffl
Perfect combinations
of Vanity and Utili
ty held togother by
u n f a i 1 ing clasps,
Everything that's
new in sliapo or fin
ish will be found
in this vast assort
ment. 80c to $5.85,
all of them less 10
8 Bargains in Coatings. 20 to 50 per cent discount
if VnSw ,
ft fLihrivtrmrPi!
their lovely array of well made gifts.
Miss Marlorio Kay went to Portland
Friday to attend tho foot ball game
and to visit over the week end with
Mrs. Milton Meyers entertained the
m moers or we woman s Alliance or t,e given in the Grand Opera House by
nm, iniiiiiu vuuruu yt-Birruuj. ut u the Salem Klks tomorrow afternoon.
Kthel ifcOilchrist, Miss Oral Lemnion,
Allan Carson, I-yle .Bartiiolomew. Ed
ward Kaiuh, George Doust, Prank
Rnsehraugh, Victor Taylor, Victor
A programme to which one may look
with legitimate hope of enjoyment is to
informal afternoon of sewing, which
was followed by tea.
The Honorable Fred W. Willson, or
The Dalles, will deliver the impressive
memorial address. Hero is tho pro-
fine of tne most delightrul informal gramme:
affairs of the week was the dancing Selection Klks' Orchestra
party givea by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Opening Ritualistic Ceremonies
Smith, Wednesday evening. I Salem Lodge, No. 33H, B. P. O. K.
Vnees, baskets and jardinicrs of 80)0 Elegie J. Massenet
lovely fliiffv chrysanthemums shading Mrs. W. Carlton Smith.
from tho pale yellows to the bronzes Violin Viola Vereler Holmnu; piano
formed an attractive foil for the dano- Mrs. W. H. Burg'.mrt, ,fr.
ersi Mr. and Mis, Smith's guests mini- Ritualistic Ceremonies....Lodgc Officors
bered twenty. 1 Opening Od "Auld Lang Syno"
I Lodge Members.
tr n,l Mr. Pnv Tturtnn nnra lin.fa Great Killer of the UnivCrSO.
Thursday evening for tho Wednesday All-seeing: and benign (
night five hundred club. Loolt ('own "Pn anJ, "lr work,
Sii tables were arranged for the uu.ue K"ry mum.
club and a number of additional vn nfar our P'yef or tlio honored
"!? . "... .VuA.
ey way of varving from tne nsunl " "l,r """""i
ar.l tinnnm nriip. nrnr.l,t ,lup. The mem ries graven on each heart,
ing the lunch hour, to those being for- j',or "Auld Lang Syne."
timate in the securing of a chair with "S"1'"" :.u"l"'
a bow of ribbon tied on it. Miss Wil- "ow Mny tutcn servants
son and Iul Johnson were the bnppy Sullivan
winners. , "uw 1 " ,
selection r.iKs urcliostia
upon the sands;
Their virtues upon the tables of Iova
and memory.'
A pleasurable afternoon was spent),
by tho members of the birthdi.y clut
"An Suit" last Friday afternoon nff'
the home of Mrs. Hay Lewis.
Five hundred was the diversion oC
tho afternoon. Three tables were ar-'
raiiKed lor tiie players in room effect.-.:
ively decorated in delicato pink ami
white chrysanthemums. Mrs. Elnica
McKinney was awarded tho first prizo
au.l Mis, J. D. Nadon the consolation."
IHiring tho afternoon the club wim
reorganized and Mrs. Nadon resigne'l
her position , as prcudent in favor of, .
Mrs. John Noud for tho coming year. '
Guests bidden besides the club mem-
bors were: Mrs. Elmer Mc Kinney,
Mrs. Thomas Nadon and Mrs. Stephen
Mrs. Frank McDonald assisted the,
hostess in the Berving.
... ;
Mrs. Jewel Williams of Albany, who,
bus been tho house guest of Mrs. J.
Hardin for several. days, returned homel
Friday. v
Mrs. Paul Rasmussen was the motif)
of a pleasant surprise Thursday even-
ing, when a merry aumber of friends
gathered at her aoino to celebrnto hen
birthday and wedding anniversary.
Mrs. August Schafer and Mrs. Jessa"
Savage were tho instigators of the de
lightful affair. Five hundred was
played at four tables during tho even
ing with card honors falling to Mrs,
Paul llatiser. The hostesses were as
sisted by Miss Jessie Kceton and Miss
Mablo Rasmussen.
. tt
Mr. W. J. Hiigedorn, is the week end '
guests of her daughter, Mrs. Fuiil
. tt r
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Houston left Fri
day for California where they will visi
the exposition before its closing. They,
will al.-o go to I.os Angeles beforo
their re turn and will be away fur
altout two weeks.
. tt
The members of the Needle Crntt
Club spent a pleasant afternoon at the,
homo of Mrs. A. J. Baccy on Capitol
street. The club members preseun
were: itrn. Fred Bynon, Mrs. Molliw
Denison, Mrs. 1.. W.' Stueckle, Mrs.
Ruth Di uison, Dr. M. E. l'omeroy, Mrs. ,
E. K. Gilliam, Mrs. Louis Bechtel, Mrs.
A. J. Aiiderson, Miss Argie Knycs. The'
aiUlition:,l were: Mrs. Hollyhan, of Dn- ;
kota; Mrs. C. C. Witzle, 'Mrs. Velina
Hunt, Mrs. F. E, Necdham. Mrs. Basey.
was assisted by Mrs. Stoeckle.
Complimenting Mrs. Divis, of Cali
l'ornia, Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Campbell-;
pleasantly entertained the Oak Lodgei
dub at their homo on Wilbur street
Wednesday evening. "
Five hundred was tho diversion of
tho evening. High score honors were
awarded to Mrs. Joiles and KoyCnmp-
bell. The club members nresenfc were: "
jMr. and Mis. P. Jones, Mr. and Mr.
K. Donaldson, Mr. mid Mrs. j. Printz, '
Mr. and Mrs. J. Shipp, Miss Eva,'.
Priiitz, .Hiss Davis, Miss Myrtle Shipp
and Wilbur Campbell. '
. a
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steusloff left Sim
Francisco Friday and are expected -home
tomorrow. Tho Mtensloffs hnv
been away for about Direo weeks, Dur- '
ing their visit in the south they attend-.'
nd tho San Francisco fair and other'
points of interest, going south us fur us
Los Angeles.
, .
An affair which O. A. C. student. -and
alumni ore looking forward with. .
keen interest is the dance which hsu .
been tentatively arranged for by the
Orange club of this city which is com-'
posed of the alumni of the ., Oregon .
Agricultural College. The dnnee will
serve as a pleasont reunion for the O.
A. 0. ulumni in the city and the .
students of the college who will bn
home 011 their holiday vacation. Al
though tho personnel of tho committeo
in charge of the dance have not com-
plotcd tho final arrangements, it wilt
probably take place between the Christ
mas and New Year holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. nenry Vandervcrt en
tertained at a delightful duck dinner .
Tuesday evening. The floral decora
tion of the table was most artistic;.'
an arrangement of feathery yellow
chrysanthemums and greenry being
used. The guests were: Dr. and Mrs.
B. L. Stceves, Mr. and -Airs. E. B. Mi)- '
lard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. l.egg.
Mrs. W. O. Pmnk very pleasantly
entertained the Marigold club at her
home on South (liiirch street, Wednes- .
day. Mrs.R. Hceder assisted the hoso
ess in serving a dainty luncheon.
Those enjoying the' hospitality of
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner was host-
ens for a prettily appointed luncheon
Thursday. Seated around the table
which was adorned with vivid red car
nations and ferns,- were tho members
of the Thursday afternoon club. Mrs,
Ada Strong and Mrs. L. A. Westncott
were the only additional guests.
The music lovers of Snlem are eager
ly awaiting for the opening of the con-
ert season whicn will bo onenen ny
Kmilllo de floaorza, the famous bari
tone, Monday evening, February the
seventh in the armory. A large num
ber of prominent people will act ns
IKitrons and patronesses for these ex
cellent concerts, and are earnestly
woT.mr to establish nnd promote the
mneicnl artists course.
What delights one so in de Gogorza
work Is the individuality with which
pie Invests every song ho sings. He is
never the singer dlspnying his own ac
complishments for the admiration of
it audience. He is aiwnvs tne artist,
sincere, often inspired, delivering
through the medium of an art brilliant
ly etjiployed the mesngo thnt music
and- words are intended to convey. It
is this which makes his achievements
ednrattver and Inspiring this which
lends to all his work a unique, unfnil
if charm. , .
Not only Is- his technical equipment
umarkufcle, but he possesses the rare
Hon. Fred W. Willson, Tho Dalles,
Solo My Task B. L. Ashford
Mrs. Carlton Smith.
Eulogy Hon. Pro. Walter E. Keves
"There Is a Land" Cronninsiiicld
J. Muss .Fargo.
"March Heroic" T. II. Rollinson
Klks' Orchestra.
Members of the Salem lodge who
have died since its organization, IP
years ago arc:
Armstrong, J. W.; Brown, H. M.;
Brown, .1. C; Byrne, Prince; Budlong,
R. M.; Burton, John II.: Ballen, Jus.
V; Benickc, A.; Campbell, F. II.; Car
michael, J.; Collins, Geo. E.; Craig,
Jus.; Dearborn, F. H.; Pnlrymplo, J. J.;
Duniwny, W. S.; Ford, Tilmon; Harris,
Jos.; Hemphill, C; Hughes, Geo. P.;
Herren, E. C; llolcomb W. O.; llnv
den, S. L.; Jones, Will F.j Kaiser, W.
M.; Lawrence, A. C. Loder, A. K.;
La Bier, II. ().: Mnthleu V. X.; Matti
son, C A.; McKinney. Jos.; Minto, liar
rv P.j Newberry. F. E.; Porrine, F. '.;
Pnrkhiirst, E. F.j, Pettyjohn,-.!. C:
Kussell, J. T.; Stnpletnn, John; Sclmll,
Chas.; Sklnton, ,1, U; Townscml, J. II.;
Terrell, O, P.; Tslklngton, F. P.;
Vsiigiisn, David D.; Wade, W. S.; Wil
helm, F. 1L; Wood, B. M.j West, W. L.;
Westacott, W. G.i Williams, W. K;
Young. E. . r.t Zinus. Ed.! Minto.
John. 1
The faults of our brothers, wo write
(Continued an Pure Six.)
Beaver StatePrinters I.
Society and Commercial
Phone 1512.
Rooms 1-S, Patton Block
When you use Luce r ine
Bath Tablet, pure, frag
rant Luxurious
Price 10 Cents
We also carry many
other toilet articles, it
will pay you to call and
see us.
Poole's .
Drug Store
372 State. Phone 276