fcTJLL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 40CO DAILY . r m xil' f till i J.1J II. ft (111 (1 I THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR GALLANT SERBS Before Monastir Brave Band Stands Off Twenty Times Their Number FLEE FROM MONASTIR TAKE REFUGE IN GREECE (Greece Has Not Interned Them and They Will Join . Army In Albania Athens, Dee. 4. Part of tbe Serbs under eommniul of General Vassish nave fled Monastir and taken refuse iu Greece. Semi-official advices today declare thoy will not be disarmed or intered, as it had been expected the Greek govern ment would do. They will be allowed to move eastward through Greece, it is said, to rejoin the alliog near Gueg roli. The remainder of the Monastir herbs are moving westward to make junction with the Serbs on the Al banian frontier. With the full of Monastir, the Serbs have relinquished practically all of Serbia. Both north and south, they havo eluded the invaders- and escape intact through snow-filled passes to places of safety. The gallant defense of a verv small wind of picked Serbian ooniitadiis, famed for their bravery before Monas tir will go down iu hist'orv alongside of (no daring expoit of the Light lirigade. Hnrrassing the enemv duv and night they held off 20 times their own num ber. Jn the final battle before Monastir, the comitndjis held their ground and wore slaughtered almost, to a man. Italy to Sond Troops. London, Dec. 4. lielnved Rome dis patches hinting that Italy plans to fcend troops to Salonika, Greece as well ns to Albania further complicated tho .Balkan situation today. It has beon said that Foreign Minis ter Sonnino would mnke an important ' declaration to parliament vesterdav concerning the Grecian situation, but tho censor presumably in holding up his announcement. Serbs Quit Thursday, Paris, Dec. 4. Official confirmation of the reported Austro-German occupa tion of Monastir in southern Serbia was given here today. The Serbs evacuated the citv at 7 o'clock Thursday morning, and the Austro-Gerniuns entered at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Bulgarians oceupv Kanali, near the Greece border and will enter Monastir tomorrow. General Joffre May Quit. Taris, Dec. 4 Despite rumors, it was rtuthoritntivcly stated that no success or to General Joffre will be appointed to commnnd of the operations ou the western front at present, The above messngo is the first inti mation of any suggestion to romovo Joffre, who only recently ws named to tho supreme command of the French forces on tho continent. Tho fact that iho censor permitted tho message to pass with the "at present" in it may possibly be significant of a change later. . Rumania flnt.fi ftnav. London, Dec. 4. Military authorities will commandeer nil freight shipping In Rumanian ports Monday, official Buch arest notice said today. The chief significance of this order may be thnt Rumania intends to seize vphsoIb on tho Danube, rather than in jft sft ifc jfc ))c jc 3c jfc )Jc jjc sjc )Jt sfs sfc )Jt nuM maiuii A Biblo teacher wus arrestod fer stel n' Ford in New York last week. Think twico before you apeak, an' about t week before you write. neyoDS j i KILLED BY SOUTHERN PACIUCJp NO. 54 ,red Along Track Ahead of caching Train But . nd No Heed An unidentified man was struck and instantly killed by Southern Pacific northbound train No. 64 at 9:40 this morning about two blocks south of the crossing near the Yew Park school. Ac cording to W. C. Park, who was also walking along the track the man did not hear the train approaching until it wns upon him and then was hit be fore he could get off of the track. The back of his head wns crushed in aud his left leg was broken botween the knee and ankle. Mr. Park told Coroner Clough that he was walking along the track about 100 feet ahead of the man killed. Park heard the train whistle for the cross ing and looke.il-around mid saw the man ou the trnck. A few seconds later he heard the whistle giving some extra toots and looked ngain to see the train upon tho man who half turned his head just as tho cowcatcher struck the man's legs and threw his head back against the front end of the engine and then, tossed him into the creek along side of the track. The train came to a stop as soon as possible and tho man was pulled out of tho water but he evidently had been instantly killed. When Mr. Clough found the man the pockets had been turned inside , out nnd not a scrap of paper rrmuined to identify the mnu. In one of his pockets the coroner found a husking peg and some cignrette'papers nnd a package of tobacco. Tho man wore n cont that had been purchased from tho Barnes store and a hat that came from tho Plymouth Clothing com pany in this city. His clothes were well worn and he wns roughly dressed. He appeared to be nbnut 18 years of age and weighed nbout 1 10 pounds. He was five feet seven inches tall and hud blue eyes and brown hair. No one who saw the body could identify It nnd there wero no scars or marks except the soars ot a deep bum- on his left thigh. The bodv wns taken in charge by the coroner who will hold it a short time for identification. L BE Is Wanted In Connection With Crowley On Charge of Conspiracy Saa Francisco, Dec. 4. After read ing in the atternoon newspapers that a warrant was out for his arrest on a charge of bomb conspiracy, Baron George Wilhelm Von Brincken, former German armv" man, phoned United States district attorney's office tins afternoon that he would surrender him self at five o'clock, and bring with him bondsmen to furnish required bad. The warrant against Von Brincken charges him and also Crowley with conspiracy "to destroy nnd interfere with foreign commerce." Tho warrant under which Crowley was arrested charged conspiracy to violate 1'nited Stntes lnws. The new warrant wns to bo served also on Crowley this after noon. The reason the warrant wns not serv ed on Brincken Inst night when Federal officials called on him was that the state department had requested that no consular officers or diplomats be ar rested. At that time, Von Brincken de clared he was officially connected with the German consulate. Later, howev er, the authorities learned that he was not officially accredited to the con sulate, nor to tho Germany embassy at Washington. In view of this situation, Brincken was placed in a position of being a foreigner against whom the government could act without commit ting an" diplomatic, impropriety or in volving any troublo with a foreign country. Block Sea ports. If she does take such a step, Bulgarian and Austrian steam boats and barges carrying munitions to Bulgaria and food to Hungary would be seized, ft is also conceivable that Rumania doslrea to use these vessels to transport Russians up the Danube to Bulgnria, Greece Nice te Allies. Copenhagen, Dec. 4. Greece has .ii.iia ..U'jft tViA all'ma traa nu ,.t nil Macedonia railways and Aegean harbors, including navaia, according 10 me Ber lin ingeiiiau loony. "This means that practically tho ...1. 1 1. nt flfantB.i VI a n a.l t,i I a liBa Vl An n 1 1 1 1 J 1 V, U A H , IV mil Ul 111.1 .1 ' 1 11 I U MV.C WW delivered to the allies as a war base," ... . -1 t in i i. Hie paper Mid. -ureecr, noweer, u refused to disarm the central allies if they drive the entente allies into Greece." Capture German Trenches. Geneva, Dec, 4. Russian dispatches today reported capture of 13 miles of German trenches, a number of prisoners and much munitions on the road west sr& stum" KAISER III HOPES POPE WILL START Political Move Seen In Keep ing Cardinal Mercier From Consistory GERMANY REPRESENTED BUT BELGIUM IS NOT Claim Made That Germany Has Made Suggestions Tending to Peace By Alice Sohe. (T'nited Tress Stnff Correspondent.) Rome, Dec. 4. Germany has alreudy made informal suggestions toward peace action through next Monday's consistory reports current today de clared. Cardinal Hartman of Cologne is said to havo brought a proposal that Ger many will ovneuate Belgium and France and agree to tho autonomy of Poland, ii. uiu wiuruii win inaKO poweriui et forts toward pence. Cardinals from the nllies, particular ly Gnsquet of France and Bourne, of England, have been sounded out with this proposal, but it is understood thev have replied that tho allies will not countenance half peace measures. Pope Benedict will tell the coming consistory thnt tho failure of the great powers to call in Christianity made The Hague treaty a dead letter nnd thus they wero responsible for tho war. It. is understood that ho will declnre The Hague conference, wns not repse seutative of the world thought since the Vatican was not represented there in. Moreover, ho will assert that the treuty would not have been violated if it had tho sanction of tho church be cause then tho people would have known all about tho treaty and the nations would have respected it. BeJgium Cardinal Not There. Rome, Deo. 1. (Delayed.) A po litical bnttlo of the subtlest kind is seen in Italian circles today in con nection with tho presence of Cardinal Hartman of Cologne here and the ab sence of Cardinal Mercier of Brussels on tho eve of the forthcoming consis tory. faking advantago of the Vatican privilege of sending uncensored tele grams, Hnrtmann already has dispatch ed a number of messages to Berlin, it was understood todny. In these, it is thought he informed the Gorman auth orities about tho pope's attitude and the prospects of His Holiness acting to ward ending the war. Germany, according to the view here, realizes the importance of having the German viewpoint on wnr issues iwr- soniilly presented to the pope during me consistory, rarrieuiarly, tiermany wants her peace views aiid the sub ject of Belgium, particularly Belgian executions well presented. But, there was fear as to the effect of reports the Belgian cardinal might mnko, dip lomatic circles (believe. Hence Ger many insisted Mercier travel through? uermany to nonio. Jie desired to go by way of Franco and despite assertions that ho was afforded every facility for travel through German territory, the j result is thnt Germany is represented una nuigiuin is nor. . It is believed the Kaiser hopes the popo will start a peace move. Hart niunn's visit is regarded as a peace feeler. Germany is regarded as having shaped the situatina well, but whether the pope will meet what is regarded as Teutonic hope for a pence movement is believed to depend on his conversa tions with other members of the Sacred college as well as Cardinal Ilartmann. British Lose at Bagdad. London, Dec. 4 General Townsend's forces thnt moved on Bngdnd are now retiring toward their base, Kut-el-am-ara, 100 miles southeast of Bagdad it was officially admitted today. Far superior forces of Turks caused tho retrent. "Our casualties in the Cteslphon fighting," said the official statement, "totalled 4,r)07. Tuesday night Gener al Townskend fought a rear euard ac tion and' was forced to continue tho retreat, losing LiO mon. " Townshend s forces nfrived with 10 miles of Bncdad on November 20 and afterward were gradually driven back. Bagdad is the city on which Ger many centers its dreams for a colonial empire iu tho Near East. K BOUQUET AND A BRICKBAT Dondon, Dec. 4. Comment- ing on America's request .for withdrawal, of German Attach- es Von Papon and Boy-ed, tho London Globe said todny: "It is refreshing to find the American government acting with vigor and independence. notes, followed by more notes. then followed by nothing, had gravely lowered America s dig- nity in the eyes of friendly nations and of Americans them selves. It wns time that Washington did somduiLnir more than display an sdmlr- able literary style." PEACE . SALEM OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1915 EVIDENCE KEEPS AGCUMULATIHG IN CROWLEY CASE Witnesses Tell of His Coming on Board Vessel After Explosion TRIEDTO HIRE MINER TO DESTROY UTAH FACTORY German Consul Bopp and Vice Consul Are Among the Higher Ups May Identify Crowley. Seattle, Wash., Dec. 4. Convinced thnt C. C. Crowley, former United Stntes secret service operative, held in Snn Francisco in connection with Ger man arson and explosion plots, is the man who questioned them on the morn ing of the explosion of the dynamite barire in the hnrbnr hern lust Xtnv inn Seattle firemen, Louis Boyle nnd it. L. mirris, nro en route to San Francisco today at the request of federal officials who hone thev mnv be nlilo t, iilmititv Crowley. Buvle is nilot nnd ITfirris Htnkor m. the fireboat Snoqunlmto. After Heoinir Crowlev'u nictni-n in Se attle papers this week tho two fire men uri-tuiie cuiiviiiccu tnar ne wns tnc mnn who visited them nt 0 p. m., Muy 30. a few hours nfler ttietf vnl.iuw.n fin.i questioned them as to the damage,' tell ing iiieiu iib was u government agent. Another man was with him. He returned, tliev hav n tnu rvnnVa later aud asked if thero wero any Ger mans Kiiiea in tne explosion. Jto ex plained that he wns "checking up on Al. - -II UIU VuSl. 1 May Be Higher Hps. San Francisco, Dec. 4. German Con sul Bopp and the vice-consul appear ed today to bo the alleged "higher ups" in the C. C. Crowley, alleged bomb conspiracy, for whom officials are gunning. At the samo time, it. enmo to light thnt Baron George Wilhelm Von Brick en, consulate attache, has boen quizzed by federal officials as to his connec tion with the consulate. Thnt the locul officiuls arc after Bopp's withdrawal seems certain. One report indicated he had been asked to testify beforo the grand jury. Meantime, authorities said the net is tightening about Crowley. 8. 8. Murphv a Utah miner, is said to bo sluted to testify Monday to tho grand jury that Crowley sought to employ him ns an aid in blowing up a powder factory at Bachus, Utah. Still other reported witnesses will be Louis Boyle and K. L. Harris, employes of a Seattle fire boat, who are slated to tell of Crow ley coming on thoir vessel soon nftcr the bombing of a munitions barge iu Seattle harbor last spring. Denies Knowing Smith. .Tust what the officiuls sought to de velop from Von Brincken is n mystery. That he had been associated with Crow ley seems certain but, in common wit' the consul, Von Brincken declures Crowley was hired meroly us n detec tive to get legitimate information for tho consulate There was some- suggestion that Bopp intends to repudiate Crowley later. As to L. J. Smith, alleged Crowley un derstudy says merely thnt ho has never seen him, Regarding the alleged efforts of Crowley to got the aid of the Russian ambassador's wifo in expediting "dried fruit" shipments to the Russian Red Cross aboard munitions steamers, Bopp expressed doubt that such n letter was evor written. If it wero, he suggest ed, it certainly was without his know ledge. Heavy Rain Fall In Southern California Los Angides, Dee. 4, Intermittent showers today marked the end of the storm which swept into southern Cali fornia from the north early this morn ing and is now drenching Nevada. Reports from southern California cities indicate that the damage was slight, although the rain was accom panied by winds which attainlned a velocity of 48 miles an hour along the coast. Ranchers were pleased with the down pour, as, it came at an opportune time for crops. The precipitation was heav iest around Los Angeles and toward the sea, growing lighter as the storm moved toward the mountains. Blicds were top pled over bv the gale around Oxnard. Treewero uprooted in Ixis Angeles and water rushed through tne streets like a small flood iu the southwestern part of the city, tor tracks were undermined and electric light service temporarily put out of commission at some points. The football season In Portland ends tomorrow, and here's hoping it ends right. THE OSCAR II TO START ON TRIP Bryan On Hand To Do Hand Shaking Stunt, Will -Join Party Later HALF THE PASSENGERS WRITERS OR MOVIE MEN Will Perfect. Plans During Trip Ford Is Confident of Success New York, Dec. 4. With bands play ing and hundreds crowded on the dncks cheering, tho Ford pence ship, bent on establishing pence in Kurope, departed at 3:15 this afternoon. Bryan bonided tho Oscar half an hour before tho ship sailed and was warmly greetea oy too crowds at the pier and on the boat. Ho shook hands with the delegates, but returned to tho pier ho foro the vessel put out to sea at 3:15 p. m. During tho excitement nt tho dock, some ono shouted "Gott Strafe (God punish) them all," Ford 1b Confident. New York, Dec. 4. Henry Ford's peaco ship sails today. With the slogan "Out of the Trenches" by Christmas' ns an ideal, but admittedly perhaps on ly an Ktenl, tho Oscar 11 was slated to get under way oarly this afternoon. Around the Hotol Biltmore, penco headquarters, delegates in excited groups made tho last arrangements this afternoon. At least a dozen of them woro too late to sail, forthoir pass ports could not be produced in time. Hundreds of persons planned to be nt tho dock to see tho party off and to wish their mission success. Former Secretary of State Bryan promised to bo on hand to shake hands with all the pilgrims and say good luck. The pence Bhip is slated to stop' first at Christiania, Norwuy, about Decem ber 14. Thonce it will go to Stock holm, Copenhagen and The Hague. At the latter place, Ford intends to leave an intornationnl peace court sitting, to which the nations at war could appeal when they desire to start peace nego tiations. Though ridiculed from some quarters, though mooting with doubt in many, Ford is confidont of success. Just what tho party will do is still some what vaguo. Plans , however, will be crystallized aboard ship. Ford de clared that the world will think differ ently of the project beforo it was dono. Former Secrotnry of Stato Bryan may join the party later. Present plans call for a six weeks stuy abroad, but Ford admitted this timo may be con sidornbly extended. Sailing on the Oscar are 140 delo gates, including a number of news papermcn, magnzino writers and movio men. George P. Putnam Says Prosperity Heads West George Palmer Putnam, private sccre tnrv to Governor Withycoinbe, who re turned last night from a three weeks' trip east, says that throughout the mid dle west and eastern part of the coun try prosperity is evident in abundance and that It is rnpidly heading west. "Not only is business booming through war orders but all lines of com merce are on a decided uplift nnd it is only a question of time until the in fluence will be felt on tho Paeifie. Coast in a flood tido of prosperity. Without n doubt thero is a universal sentiment of optinusism and cheerful ness," said Mr. Putnam. President and AFTERNOON To Marry December 18 Washington, Dec. 4. President Wil foil and Mrs. Norman Gult will wed De cember 1H. Announcement of tha date was made this forenoon by the Whito House. The Whito House statement said. "It was unnounceed by the White House today that tho marriage of Mrs. Norman Gait and tho president will be on Saturday, December 1H. As pre viously stated, the wedding will be at tho Gult home, J.'IUH Twentieth street, northwest. Tho only guests will be Mrs. Gait's mother, her brothers and sisters, the president's brother and sis ter, his daughters and members of his immediate household. No lnvitutions will bo issued." The hour of tho wedding and the name of the officiating clergyman were were sot anuouncea. PRICE TWO SENTENCED 10 PEN Judge Says Sentence Severe For Purpose of Deterring Others New York, Dec. 4 Dr. Karl Bucnz, head of the Hamburg-American line, was sentenced today to 18 months in the Atlanta federal penitentiury fol lowing his conviction on charges of customs violations in connection with supplying German warships at sea. Similar sentences were imposed on his fellow conspirators George Kootter ana Adolpa Hochmeister, while Joseph Poppinghause was sentenced to a year and a day in Atlanta, ' The Hamburg-American line was fined a nominal sum. Defense Attorney Rand immediately made application for a writ of error upon which the case will go on appeal to the court of appeals. This, too, act ed automatically to stay execution of sentence. The defendants were released on 10, 000 bail each, double the bail required while they were on trial. Judge Howe previously overruled mo tions to set aside the verdict nud to ar rest judgment. Then United States District Judge Murshall moved sen tence. "It is desirable," he said, "that punishment shall be substantial not so much for its effect on these defend ants, but as a warning to others." Attorney Rand interposed that the defendants had been' actuated by no wrongful purpose and that they regret ted if they had done nny wrong. More over, ho asserted, others had cxeuted the orders of Buenz. Although convicted on two counts, sentences wero imposed on only one. Iu tho Buenz case, Judge Howe said he would recommend that tho warden nccord the prisoner leniency on account of the fact that he is 72 yeurB old. RECALL OF CONSUL Washington, Dec. 4. Recall of Amer ican Consul General Von Nubor of Now York is imminent, according to indi cations today. , In its "elcjin up'' of Teuton ngents, displeasing to this government, tho ad ministration may likewise reach even higher diplomatics, it was strongly hinted. These wore the outstanding facts to day in tho situation arising from Austro-German activities, which hns already resulted in tho recall of Austrian Am bassador Dumba, nnd the request yes terday for withdrawal of Attache Boy ed and Vou Pnpen of the German em bassy. Just what will be the outcome of a request for safe conduct of Boy-ed and Pnpen is unknown. There is no doubt here that Germany will nt once ac quiesco in the government's requost for their withdrawal hut it is possiblo that they will meroly be sent to some other part of tho American continent, thus obviating tho need for an American re quest for an allied safe conduct. sc 3C sjc 3(( j(c j(c )fc 3(C 3(C 5c THE WEATHER st jjt iff )(( sc )c ifc jfc j(c it )(t sfc st sjc 9( Oregon: Tonight and Sunday oc casional rain in the west, unset tled,, and probab ly rain or snow cust portion; and colder tonight in east portion, and southerly winds. Mrs. Gait The president, however, made it known that no wedding gifts are do sired. Despite this, however, diplomats, royalty and high officials aro likely to make splendid presents. Whut the plans for tho presidential honeymoon aro is still a secret. It is believed, however, that the couple will take a trip either to the south or to Now Jersey. This must necessarily be short for congress convenes and his brido will formally open the socinl soil' son January 7 with a reception for del ogates and wives attending the Pan American congress. Tho brilliant New Years reception which has marked other administra tions will be missing because of t'.ie fact that all diplomats are supposed to attend this, and under war conditions their meeting together would be embar 1 WOJl'ig.. "MOW WOUtb CENTS s- S THOUSANDS SEE BIG EXP0SIT1! Roar of Cannon Opens the Day, and Bright Sunshine Floods Scene CROWDS GROW SILENT AS FLAGS COME DOWN Aviator In Letters of Fire Will Spell "Good Bye" Across the Sky LAST DAY ONE OF BEST. San Francisco, Doc. 4. At 8 o'clock the turnstiles had reg istered an attendance of 197, 948. This makes closing day tho third lnrgest day of the exposi tion's Jiistory, exceeded ony by tho opening day and Sim Francisco day. This brought tho total attendance up to 18, 649,883. Closes in Blaze of Glory. Snn Francisco. Dec. 4. The nation ' gem city within a city the Panama- racine exposition throw open wido its gates today for the last time. Song nnd dnnco nnd play sped the hours. Th thousands who crowded past the turn stiles game promiBe that the total at tendance mark would exceed 18,500,000 rnr oeyonu tne dreams of the men who founded tho exposition to commemorata the wedding of the wntorB of tho At lantic and Pacific via the Panama canal. At noon, in an impressive Bilence, tha throngs nt the beautiful court of the universe heard tho crackle of the wire less sending forth President Wilson's ' tonst to the exposition. President Mootb figuratively then relayed it to the world and sent to President Wilson. an appre ciative response. As tho last spark died out of the wireless, a band burst forth into tho Star Spangled Banner, cannon on war ships in the bay beyond, boomed a faro woll salute, whilo thousands, stirred. stood with uncovered heads TMb afternoon, flags on tho the va rious palaces were hauled down with coromony, whilo elsewhere through th grounds thousands mudo merry with dnncoB and sports. Tonight just before the midnight chimes sound across the bay solemn services will bring the fair to an of ficial close, while "Dare Devil Art" Smith writes in letters of fire against tho sky, with his aeroplane "farewell P. P. I. E" Though bitter winds and sheets of rain threatened yesterday to mar the exposition, tho sun came out bright anil fair todny, and not a sign of a cloud showed. At daybreak 21 guns boomed forth tho national salute Forts around tho bay echoed this salute and durinpr the day and night other cannon roared their message of farewell. Tonight more than 000 bombs will burst iu mighty uproar ns tho good by to a fair which far exceeded the ex pectations of its promoters both in at tendanco uud financial returns. Tho services at noon, when Presi dent Wilson's toast flushed over tha wireless were particularly impressive. Thousands jammed into tho court of tho universe to hear tno toast and "Tim Builders," George Sterling's imprc sive poem dedicated to tho exposition. Other thousands in "overflow" session heard tho toast ut the ruce truck. This afternoon, Art Smith startled specta tors with mi exhibition of flying antics, more daring than any he has yet at tempted. Whilo boneath tho strain of morri mont the singing und duncing, the games and tho sports there ran s sense of the sadness that marks tho passing of an Institution, the throngs refused to lot tho day seem like its name "Auld I.ang Syne Day." From early morning on, vaBt throngs streamed through the gates. Street rail ways and jitneys found it difficult to hnndlo all tho crowds. Restaurants, throughout the grounds found thom solvos unable to keep puco with busi ness. But it was a good natured crowd. Only when it came to the toast and to the national nnthoms at noon did an impressive silonce cover the festivi ties Tonight exposition officials antici pate an even more rollicking and en ormous crowd than marked the day ' attendance. DEFENDANTS WIN. i,ti,,.,,l Cir T)ei 4. dud ere Kav- anaugh in 'circuit court here today held in tuvor or tne oeionuanis, rreuunc Krih on, I W. N. Jones, timber man- nates in tho $040,000 suit brought by 'arker Stennlck, trustee oi ma uann- nipt estate of J. Dodge. COME TO AH of Riga.