Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 03, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Can You Eat
Three Square Meals a Day?
You must eat to live. So take good care of your
digestive organs, for indigestion will weaken the
f hardiest constitution. A man is no stronger than his
stomach. As soon as the digestion becomes impaired
your general condition suffers. Protect your health. At the
a first hint of anything wrong with your digestive organs, take
' and guard against the train of ills which neglect is almost sure
to bring. These famous pills tone the stomach, regulate the
Due ana sena new neaitn to tne Diood, nerves ana muscles.
After taking Beecham's Pills you eat well and sleep soundly.
Your bright eyes and clear skin show how well you are.
i You look fine, and feel fine. You are ready for your meals
? and food agrees with you. But mistakes in eating will
' happen. So avoid indigestion and biliousness and save
yourself much discomfort by the occasional use of
, Beecham s Pills. Their regular and faithful use will
Bring Sound Digestion
Good Appetite-Robust Health
Th Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World." At All Druggists, 10ft, 25c
Direction oftptclal vala to womtn ore with totty boa
Strictly Modem
Free ana Private Baths
BATES: 76c, 81.00, $1.60 PEE DA'S
Tho only hotel in tlio business district. I
Nearest to all Depot a. Theatres and
Capital Buildings.
A Home Away From Home,
' T. 0. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phonos, Free Auto Bus.
s Trail Leads
To German Officials
(Continued tram page one.)
Agent Tom Howiek and Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Moodie had sweater
'liuleigh Faulkner, or Falconer, in the
county jail here yesterday. That otehr
i arrests were impending in the north
; west was declared to be almost a cer
tainty. It is understood these arrests
lire waiting on the plan to bring Smith
to Tacoma and then take him on to Se
attle to straighten out some oi' the
tnglcs left in the unraveling of the
'plot of which it is alleged C. C Crow
ley, of Hun Francisco whs a directing
KThon In RALEM. OEEOON. iitoD at force. Faulkner lias named a former
IMIMI1I UllUTI UH Ulltl Ul UlUflt? WI1U
worked with I'rowley and Smith, and
although this man is no longer in this
vicinity tne otticera want to check
what Faulkner hus told with what
Smith can show.
There is also a possibility that Faulk
ner iiinv be taken to San Francisco to
go before the grand jury there.
Brought Lot of Fuse.
Smith's activities in Tacoma began
last May. He first attracted attention
by endeavoring to secure passage to
Vladivostok on the Japanese steamer
K si i 1'n k i Maru, louding munitions here
for tne Russian port, When question
ed Smith said his mission to Kussia
was of business nature, tho details
of which he declined to divulge, He
was accompanied by a woman, said to
have been his wife. Ho declared ho
had traveled recently in Mexico, where
ne was represntativ ot a larg com
mercial concern.
Alter being here some time, Smith,
then using the name oi Walter Hrown,
made two purchases of fuse from a rep
rcjieiitiitive of -tiie luHut I'owder
company, a legating (100 feet. He al
so bought one box of dynamite. The
iiuniitit v of fuse demanded, together
w ith the small amount of dynamite was
an (ill t r. tlie nriliitnrv lluit Smifli u-tiM
ording liisked ti explnin what he Intended to
do with it. lie replied he hail just
purchased a ranch and wanted the
fuse and explosive to blast stumps. He
explaiiie.l he needed plenty of fuse be
cause he wished to experiment, his
partner having wasted powder in pre
vious blasting operations. Smith gave
an address in Tacoma which was found
to be fictitious. He left the city that
lay anil the same night the powder
barge explosion occurred at Seattle.
Smith was arrested here two days af
terward oil complaint of liritish Vice
IConsiil ('. I.ucinn Aggasiz, charged
'vith Inning more than a legal quantity
of fuse In iiis possession. When hts
i room was searched, however, only a
I small portion of his nrigiunl puivhae
remained. Smith secured attorneys and
, declared ho would fight the charge
against hlin. lie showed n receipt for
a small first pnyment on the land he
claimed to hnve bought. Tho Investi
gation was then dropped nud Smith
disappeared, A short time nIVrward
I'iokcrtun detectives came hero In
search of hi in.
Joes not invoive "higher ups. "
Officials here wero reticent on the
mib.joct of whether further arrests are
Witnesses from Detroit, Seattle, Ta
coinn nnd the east, not including New
Vork, are slated to come here liefore
next week to strengthen the govern
ment's case.
Lon't Look Old! Try Grand
mother's Recipe to Dark
en and Beautify Faded,
Lifeless Hair
.mith Leaves Trail.
Tuconia, Wash., Iec. II. Ac
to one of the federal officers working
on the case, Louis J. Smith may be
liroutiht hero from San Francisco with
in the next two weeks to retrace his
movements at the time of the Seattle
ler barge explosion last May.
This hint was dropped after Special
Lu'1.nid LINDEN l
I.iNnr ti In. LI Wuxr?Uin.
m.l'KTr. I'KAIUH'V OO., In-.. Mtkitra
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brewing
a mixture of Sugo Tea and sulphur.
Your hair is your charm. It makes or
mars the face. When it fades, turns
gray, streaked and looks dry, wispy and
Bcriiggly, just' an application or two of
Hugo and Sulphur enhances its appear
ance a hundredfold.
Don't bother to prepare the tonic;
you can get from any drug store a 50
cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phtir Compound,'' ready to use. This
can always be depended upon to bring
back the natural color, thickness nnd
lustre of your hair and remove dan
drut t, stop sculp itching and falling
Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and
Sulphur because it darkens so naturally
nnd evenly that nobody can tell it has
been applied, lou simply dampen a
sponge or soft brush with it and draw
this through the hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the gray
hair has disappeared, and after another
application it becomes beautifully dark
and appears glossy, lustrous and abun
New York, Dec. ,1. Mary Mnrguret
Roberts, New York 's defective baby,
died at the Babies' hospital hero today.
She was three weeks old. I'hysicians
refused to prolong her lifo by perform
ing an operation.
! ' "'. iV
S H ! s H K l s
Laredo, Tevas, Dee. ,1. Felix
Diaz, once mighty in Mexican
affairs, is reported today to
to luive lauded at Oaxaca with
L'.OOO men. In view oi reKrts
that he has lluertista, cicnlifi
co and Catholic backing, it is
thought ho is fomenting a for
midnnlc hill i t'll niuiza revolution.
Jv -1 I.
iDlll lull, u,,.,.. u . - . ..
muiiniiHMiivN riueitt ivanwui.
: Dashing
and Captivating
la the Great Play, of
The Brink
How the powerful head of an
organized system of robbery
moot defeat ami destruction
at the hands of hla 'catspaw',
A Mutual MasterplcttU'e iu
Four Big Reels
Always the Best Pictures.
10c ffgSlECBTOBft 1 10c
No Agreement Reached Over
Freshman Dispute Hence
New Arrangement
Portland, Ore., Dec. 3. With the for
mation of a new Pacific Coast Inter
collegiate conference, to include the
Universities of Washington, Oregon
and California and the Oregon Agricul
tural college, it was believed that a
rupture in the Pacific northwest con
ference had been averted when it met
today, provided that representatives
from Washington State college, Univer
sity of Idaho and Whitman college con
sent to the plan of allowing Washing
ton, Oregon and O. A. C. to remain mem
bers of two conferences.
Because of the refusal of the repre
sentatives of Washington State, Idaho
and Whitman, to adopt a rule prohibit
ing freshmen from participating in in
tercollegiate athletics, delegates from
the Universities of Washington, Ore
gon and O. A. C. invited the represen
tatives from California and Stanford
to attend a new conference meeting
late last night. Stanford was noon elim
inated when its representatives an
nounced that Stanford had no intention
of adopting American football and that
the student body was opposed to the
freshman rule. The Pacific coast con
ference, with Washington, Oregon, O.
A. Q, and California as members was
then formed.
According to the plans of the repre
sentatives of the coast schools, the new
conference will In no way affect the
former NorthweBt conference. Both
conferences will remain intact, they
contend. However, it is believed prob
able that Washington State, Idaho and
Whitman will withdraw from the north
west conference and will ask the Uni
versity of Montana and Oonzaga uni
versity to join a new conference also
to be known as the Northwest confer
ence. The following football games in the
Pacific Coast conference were sched
uled: October 21 Oregon at Berkeley.
November 4 Washington at Eu
JNovomuer 18 Washington at Berke
ley. November 30 (Thanksgiving) Cali
fornia at Seattle.
Dr. E. J. Stewart of the Oregon Ag
ricultural college, will complete his
football schedule today. Ho has al
ready arranged to meet Syracuse uni
versity iu Buffalo and Portland, Mich
igan Agricultural college in Lansing
and also in Portland.
Basketball, track and baseball sched
ules are being arranged today.
Syracuse Team Arrives.
r;an Francisco, Dec. 3. Tho Syracuse
university football squad arrived here
today from Portland and will leave to
night for Los Angeles where Occidental
college will be played tomorrow.
WUlard to Get $32,500.
New Orleans, La., Dec. 3. Jess WU
lard will get $32,500 for meeting Fred
Fulton, of Rochester, Minn., here next
March, according to announcement to
day by the promoters of the battle. The
right will take place March 4.
Our entire stock of Ladies' and Chil
dren's Hats, Frames, Feathers,
Plumes and Materials
Ladies' Hats, vaL to $1.50, now $2.25
Ladies' Hats from 50c up
Ladies' Hats, vaL to $7.50, now $2.25
50c Gowns now 40c
75c Gowns now 60c
$1.00 Gowns now 80c
$1.25 Gowns now 95c
$1.25 now 90c
$1.50 now $1.15
65c now .49c
$1.00 now 85c
$1.25 now 95c
One line of $1.25 now .85c
$1.25 now 90c
$1.50 new $1.15
Large assortment, all linen, fine as
sortment, dainty patterns; prices 50c,
35c, 25c, 15c, 10c, 5c. Some 25c Hand
kerchiefs half price, 12 lic
Every one a special good value.
240-246 North Commercial St.
Flush the Kidneys at Once
When Back Hurts or Blad
der Bothers Meat
Forms Uric Acid
To Honor Schaeffer.
Berkeley, Cal., Dec. 3. Jimmy
Schaeffer, who recently retired as coach
of the university of California foot
ball squad will be paid high honor this
afternoon when the entire student body
will gather upon the campus to say
farewell to him. Schaeffer will be one
of the principal speakors.
Oninian May Meet Cross.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 3. Ralph Grit
man, fortiand lightweight, expects to
meet Leach (Jross or Johnny Dundee in
a 10 round bout in New York during
the next few months. He made this an
nouncement today following his arrival
en routo east where he will confer with
his manager, Billy Boche.
- Big Golf Tournament.
Del Monte, Cal., Dec. 3. A big New
Year's golf tournament for men and
women was announced today by the Del
Monte Golf nnd Country club. The qual
ifying round iu all events will bo hold
December si nnd mntch play win con
tinue until January 2.
Ellbane Beats Brarmlgan
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 3. Jimmy Dunn
looked around today for some more easy
money for his protege, Johnnny Kil
banc, following tho featherweight
champion's easy victory over Patsy
Hrannitrnn iu a 11) rouud liout here lust
night. Kilbane staggered Hrnnnigan
with four hard smaslies to the jaw in
the fourth and Pntxy never had a show
Fast Being Realized by Salem People.
A littlo backache at first.
Daily increasing 'till the back is
lame and weak.
Urinary disorders may quickly lol
low j
Dropsy and often Bright'! disease.
This frequently li the downward
course of kidney ills.
Don't take thii course, jrollow the
advice of a Salem citizen.
W. II. Bradley, farmer, 614 S. 21st
St., Sal om, sayss ''About two yearB
ago kidney trouble came on me. First,
my back began to ache, then pain
seemed to spread all over my body, like
rheumatism. The kidney secretions
wore unnatural and I knew that my
kidneys were disordered. I rend an en
dorsement of Doan ' Kidney Pills given
by one of my neighbors, and I got
some. Before I started the second box
of this medicine I was almost entirely
tree from pain and my kidneys acted
regularly. I have used Doan'i Kidney
Pills since with good results.'
Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't lim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
loan Kidney lllls the same that
Mr. Kradler had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
No man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which clogs the kidney pores so
they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from tho
blood, then you get sick. Nearly all
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation, dizziness,
sleeplessness, bladder disorders come
from sluggish kidneys.
Tho moment you feel a dull ache in
the kidneys or your back hurts,
or if tho urine is cloudy, offensive, full
of sediment, irregular of passage or
attended by a sensation of scalding,
get about four ounces of Jad Salts
from any reliable pharmacy and take
a tablespoonful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia and has been used for gener
ations to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to activity, also to neu
tralize the acids in urine so It no
longer causes irritation, thus ending
bladder disorders.
Jad Baits is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a dolightful effer
vescent llthia-wator drink which all
regular meat eaters should take now
and then to keep the kidneys clean and
the blood puro, thereby avoiding ser
ious kidnoy complications.
result in improvement in the conduct
of tho war, while parliament will recov
er the spirit of democracy, thrust aside
because of supposed military require
ments. Many mistakes in the war are at
tributed to the breakdown of parlia
mentary criticism. The conservatives
have failed to play a critical part, be
cause they feared the charge that such
a course would be unpatriotic,
The government-is tacitly consenting
to the organization of this opposition
party, without which the British sys
tem is unable to work satisfactorily.
In this connection, Marquis Lansdowne,
the government's spokesman in the
lords, declared that tho ministry would
welcome criticism.
In his efforts to create this critical
opposition party, Carson is drawing
strong aid from Sir ilenry Dalziol, a
strong radical member of the house of
Washington, Dec. 3. Enrope
is at leant curious as to the
Ford peace ship and congress
plans. This was shown today
by continued inquiries at the
state department as to whether
the expedition has, in any way
the sanction of the United
States government. To all such
queries, the department has
given a negative answer.
The passport bureau is busy
grinding out papers for the
Bhin party. These permit trans-,
portation only to noutral coun
tries. Some have been rejected
because of faulty application.
Raymond, Wash., Dec. 3.
From 1000 to loOO workmen
will bo required on Willapa '
harbor, In addition to those ul-
ready employed, if present in-
dications of lumber revival are
borne out early in the new
year. All men now on the har-
Lor aro employed. There is a
log shortage for the first time
in years.
Aberdeen, Wash., Dec. 3.
More than 400 men will be em-
plo'-evl in tho camps of the Che-
talis County Logging and Tim-
ber company which will open
soon near Montcsano after a
shut down of more than three
Centralia, Wash., Dec. 3.
Of the huge tie order placed re-
contly with mills of the north-
west by the Union Pacific,
Gray Harbor mills wore award-
ed contracts for 640,000 ties.
Orders for a total of 1,000,000
ties were placed in tie north-
Organizing Party to
Criticise Government
By J. W. T.'Maaon.
(Written for the United Prens.)
New York, Dee. 3. Sir Edward Car
son, former .English cabinet member,
is organising a non-partisan national
party to act as a patriotic spur to great
er activity on F.ncland's nart. If his
Company Blameless
For the Explosion
Havensdale, Wash., Dec. 3. The
Northwestern Improvement" company
stands freed from blame todav for the
explosion in its mine here which killed
31 miners November 16.
A coroner's jury which for two davs
has been hearing evidence as to the
cause of the disaster and with a view
to fixing the blame decided yesterday
that the company was not guilty of
failure to enforce existing regulations
for safety but the verdict urged new
laws which will insure greater safety.
The jury found that the exact cause
of the explosion was probably coal duBt
and fire damp.
Teal To Represent
Coast Lumbermen
Portland, Or., Dec. 3. J. N. Teal,
who will represent the lumber produc
ers of tho Pacific coast at the federal
trade committee's hearing Decembor
Id, left for Washington today.
The committee will review condi
tions affecting the lumber trade in the
United States.
Tho hearing will be a continuation of
those held in Portland and Tacoma a
few months ngo.
Tell your neighbor of the sat-
Isfaction of reading the Cap-
ital Journal.
Let 'er Rain! -
If you've a man's
work to do, wear
Tower's Fish Brand
The coat that keeps
out all the rain, Ke
flex Edges stop every
drop from running
in at the front
Protector Hat, 75 cents
Satisfaction Guaranteed OWEfir
Send or frit catalog Vjfi ,
.i BOSTON JftBRltf
SNOWFLAKE Sodas and all the other
Swastika goodies are now easily re
cognized by this uniform label. Look
for them on your dealer's shelves.
Always Watch This Ad"
Changes Often
We have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saw and Equipments -'
for the woods.
All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs and Buildings. '. '.
A good $800.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for one foarth original - '
eosl "
116 AND 20 NEW OVEBOOATS AT $8.00.
I pay l 1-2 cents per pound for old rasa, ' i
Z pay highest prlos for hides and fur. .
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half Million Bargains.
3UI North Cnmmare.ial Htnwt il - ui T
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
(nana are tuccesslul, they aro certain to
. . . . . ..... . , rnon. wo.