Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 02, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Did You Ever Hear of Select
Xmas Footwear Selling at
Sale Prices at This Time
of the Year ?
That's What Must Be Done
To make room for mv stock; some of it from my former Commercial Street
Store I am compelled to act. Xmas Goods-House Slippers, just the thing for
Winter evenings; you can afford them at the prices. I make. Shoes for Winter
wear at unheard of prices. For the next few days you can buy Shoes of me
and save yourself dollars.
344 State Street
The Shoe Man
Doctors Head the List, State
Employes Second and Law
yers a Good Third
Memorial Services to Be
' Held By The Salem Elks
In accordance with the custom of Elks
lodges in all parts of the country to
hold annual memorial services, the 8a
lom lodge, No. 330, B. P. O. E., will hold
their services next Sunday afternoon
at the ouera house, beginning at 2
o'clock. The members of the lodge
will meet in the lodge rooms and march
in a body to the opera house.
Pnrt of the service will include the
calling of the names of those who have
died since the founding of the lodge in
1897. Since the memorial services held
one venr ago, tho following members
of th'i lodge have died: F. E. Newber
ry, John Minto, Jos. Harris, Will F.
Jones, Jos. McKinney and Harry Y.
Minto. -
Hon. Fred 'W. Willson, an attorney
of Tho Dalles, will deliver the memorial
address and Walter E. Koyes, a mem
ber of the Salem lodge, the eulogy.
The program for the afternoon is as
Selection Elks' Orchestra
Opening Ritualistic Ceremonies
. .. .Salem Lodge, No. 336, B. P. 0. E.
Solo Elegie J. Massenet
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith
Violin Viola Vcrcler Holman; piano
Sirs. W. H. Burghart, Jr.
Ritualistic Ceremonies. .Lodge Officers
Opening Ode .... "Auld Lang Syne"
Lodge Members.
Great Euler of the Universe,
All-seeing and benign;
Look down upon and bless our work,
And be all glory Thine.
Oh, hear our prayers for the honored
Whilo bearing in our minds,
The mem'ries graven on each heart,
For "Auld Lang Syne."
Invocation Chaplain
"How Many Hired Servants"
, Sullivan
J. Ross Fargo.
Selection Elks' Orchestra
VjJ Hill '
For ears to Come
In the erection of modern buildings the primary
thought is for endurance.
The same thought should be given to building our
own body and brain but few give it. This building
process requires certain essential food elements
which, within the body, are converted into the kind
of brain, bone, nerve and muscle capable of enduring
the severe tests of work and time.
is scientifically made of whole wheat and malted bar
ley, and supplies, in splendid proportion, all the
nutritive values of the grains, including their vital
mineral salts, which are all-important for life and
health, but lacking in much of the food that goes to
make up the ordinary diet.
A daily ration of Grape-Nuts food is good "build
ing" for sound health of years to come.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers everywhere.
Hon. Fred W. Willson, The Dalles, 303
Solo My Task E. L. Ashford
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith
Eulogy .... Hon. Bro. Waltor E. Keyes
"There Is a Land" .... Cronninshicld
J. Ross Fargo
"March Heroic". T. H. Rollinson
Elks' Orchestra
Members of the Salom lodge wh6
have died since its organization 18
years ago aro:
Armstrong, J. W.j Brown,-H. M.;
Brown, J. C.; Byrne, Prince; Budlong,
R. M.j Burton, John H.; Bollen, Jas.
W.: Bonicke, A.: Campbell, F. H.; Car-
michaol, J.; Collins, Geo. E.; Craig,
Jas.) Dearborn, F. 8.; Dalrymplo, J. J.;
Duniway, W. S.j lord, Tilmon; Harris,
Jos.; Hemphill, C.j Hughes, Geo. P.;
Herrcn, E. C; Holcomb, W. 0.; Hay
den, S. L.; Jones, Will F.j Kaiser, W.
M.; Lawrence, A. C.; Loder, A. K.;
La ier, h. u.j Matnieu, r. a.j ai alli
um, U. A.; Mctvuiney, Jos.; .Minto, Har
ry P.; Newberry, i. E.; Pornne, t: v.;
PnrkhurBt. E. F.: Pettviohn. J. C;
Russell, J. I.; Stnpleton, John; Scholl,
Chas.; Skipton, J. L. ; Townsend, J. H.j
Terrell, G. P.; Talkington, F. P.;
Vaughan, David D.j Wade, W. 8.; Wil
helm, F. H.; Wood, E. M.; West, W. L.;
Westacott. W. G.: Williams, W. E.;
Young, E. C.j Zcyss, Ed.j Minto,
"Tho faults of our brothers, we write
upon tho sands:
Their virtues upon the tables of love
and memory.
Officers of Salem lodge, No. 336, and
members of the memorial committee are
as follows:
Exalted Ruler A. J. Anderson
Esteemed Leading Knight
II. J. Wenderoth
Esteemed Loyal Knight.. A. L. Wallace
Esteemed Lecturing Knight
Geo. C. L. Snyder
Secretary W. E. Slutcr
Treasurer Chostcr M: Cox
Tiler Elmer Giles
Esquire A. E. Huckestein
Chaplain P. H. D'Arcy
Inner Guard 0. J. Myers
Trustees: H. W. Meyers, H. II. Olin
ger, Geo. E. Waters.
Mcmoriul committee: H. J. Wied
mer, Chas. K. Denuison,- 0. J. Myers, E.
A. Kurtz, Frank Light.
Here and There In
the News of the Day
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. George W.
y orris, of Nebraska, and Georgo W.
Norris, of Pennsylvania, both are to
speak before the annul meeting of the
National Civic Service Reform league
here today. Civil service commissioners
from throughout the country are ex.
pectcd to attend.
Ouincv. 111.. Dec. 2. Every Missis.
sippi river point business mun will
write his congressman and senator a
letter urging national improvement of
the river for water traffic, according to
a plnn of tho river improvement asso
ciation meeting nero touay.
San Francisco, Dec. 2. Every kind
of a child's pet, from a prnirio dog to
a Shetland pony nud a, yaller purp was
exhibited at tho opening of tho two-
days' children's pet animal exhibit nt
tho exposition here today.
Chicago, Dec. 2. General discussion
of tho grain nnd elevator questions and
rn addiess hv former American Am
bnssadoi to France Myron T. Horrick
en rural credit and farm finances gen
erally, will close tho national market-
inn nud farm credit conference which
has been in Bossion here sinco Monday.
In the classified list of members of
the Commercial club, a copy of which
was mailed this week to every member,
under the class of statesmen, there are
two members, Governor Withycombe
and Congressman Hawlcy. And under
the classified list of laundry men comcB
Hop Lee and the Japanese laundry, all
of which indicates that in the selection
of its members, there has been no re
strictions as to race, or previous condi
tion of servitude, although it is taken
for granted that statesmen are serving
the public.
If all the doctors who are members of
the club would always turn out at each
meeting, the attendance would be larg
er than some of the past meetings, as
the classified list includes the names
of 45. Lawyers and state employes
are staunch supporters of Sulem's busi
ness organizations, as the list includes
41 of each If tho lawyers and doctors
and state employes would pull together,
they could register 127 votes.
The farmers are represented Dy ivi
members. Among the miscellaneous
merchants, Woo Sun is listed, and eight
minictora are entitled to attend nil
meetings and cast their votes for the
good of tho city.
The members in each of the classified
list is as follows:
Doctors 45,
State employes 41
Lawyers 41
Clerical 35
Grocers .' 28
Salesmen 27
Bankers 23
Capitalists 22
Manufacturers 20
Lumbermen 19
Insurance men '. 19
Farmers IV
Hop dealers 18
Publishers and printers if
Real estate 15
Educational 13
Garages 12
Dry goods "
Clothiers H
Market men 10
Druggists 10
County employes 10
Wholesalers 9
Cigar dealers .". 9
Miscellaneous merchants S
Sporting goods
Laundrv men
Painters 6
Hotels and restaurants o
Hardware men 6
Implements ' c
Furniture (t
Electricians 6
Feed and seed 0
Confectioners '
Dairies "
Barbers ,8
City employes 5
Undertakers 5
Cleaners 4
Fuel dealers 4
Hailway employes
Shoe dealers 4
Transfer men 4
Book stores 3
Abstracters 6
Music dealers
Jewelers 3
Nurserymen .' 3
Miscellaneous a
Photographers 3
Architects 2
Federul employes '
General bakers 2
Liverymen 2
Statesmen "
Everybody Is Getting Ready for
Our wonderful, bargains in CLOTHING
are surprising the purchasers.
Our wonderful $15.00 seller is making a
great hit, and is the talk of the town
REMEMBER We fit you from head to
foot at LOWEST PRICES, and give you a
square deal in everything you purchase.
London, Dec. 2. Peace talk
is stirring, in one form and an
other, within Germany. .
ThiB was demonstrated today
in Amstordam dispatches in
dicating that the Berlin Vor
waerts has taken exception to
the censors' efforts to muffle
such talk. Tho papor was quot
ed as declaring that the peo
ple should be infodmed of any
peace moves, inasmuch as they
would be disinclined to accept
Marion County Corn
Show In Full Swing
The Marion County Corn and Potato
show is now in full swing, with an ex
hibition of yellow corn that is a re
minder of the big corn grown in the
Wabash valley of Indiana-, or on tho
! rullinz prairies of Iowa. Instead of a
WAR NEWS or owe
In Flanders, 700,000 allies
began a drive against 600,000
Teutons, with Kings George
and Albert and Lord Kitchen
er at the front. Premier Sal
andrn urged armed Italian neu
trality. A Russian offensive
against tho Gerninn left flank
in .Middle Foluihl was begun.
peace if it enme suddenly
out their full knowledge of the
situation. . .
Watt Shipps Take Two
Out of Three From Blighs
The Watt Shipp bowlers took two
games out of three from the Blighs
Inst night at the Club alloys, llnge
dorn rolled 24.) for high game and also
scored the high average of 193.
Tho score follows:
Watt Shipp.
1 2 3 Av.
Noud 1H2 178 209 190
Fraisior 172 184 18 181
Siddjiill ISO 163 107 171)
Craven 10.1 M 185 172
A. Samp 172 135 165 157
Totals 809 828 914
Totals pius, 2612, team avcrago 174.
1 2 3 Av.
L. Price 189 157 194 180
Hagcdorn 245 160 174 193
W. Sump 122 180 134 115
Humphreys 141 ia Jitu jio
Wheeler na JU4 in 1.1.1
OAK WOOD $4.50. Phone 413. tf
AUTO FOlt HIBE Phone 144. Dec2a
CLEAN Eli Phono
jtfe j
Walla Walla. Wash., Dec. 2. The
northwest's export corn growers bognn
their anmiol corn show nero toaay.
Pri7.es of implements and cash aggro'
rntlmr 81.000. will be awarded when
tho show concludes Saturday.
Annv Places Anther
Order With Cannery
Additional orders to supply 150 cases
of canned beets ana 150 cases of can
ned carrots to be shipped with, the
12.000 cans of cabbage recently ordcrod
by the L'nlted States government, fod
soldiers at San Francisco, were receiv
ed this morning by J. O. Molt, man.
ager of the Eugene Fruit Growers' as.
sociation. Each rase contains twenty-
four cans and the total amount will be ;
3600 cans of beets and a similar
amount of carrots, I
The cannnry is working to full c
pacity on the rabhnge consignment and
about one-thirl of the order is already
filled, according to Mr. Holt No ship-,
ping orders or dates have been received 1
from San Francisco. The cabbage or-1
dor will be completed bv the end of
this week but the canned goods wilt b
held In Kupenn until a shipping data is
received. Eugene OuadJ.
Remove the original
cause and you can remove
the resulting diseases. In
testinal poisoning auto
intoxicationis the cause
of 80 per cent- of all
re the ir.ienlific combination of
the helpful principles of the tour
milk cultures of Uulgaris, where
people frequently resch 125 yean
of sge. If pertinently taken they
tend to prevent biliousneis, head
ache, nerve and ilomach disorders,
purify the system, remove the chief
internal cauieof inorganic ill health,
add zeal to your life and efficiency
lo your work.
$1.00 per bottle week's treat,
ment atk for it today
Cll lody (of enpyof "Prwuanwa Old Am lit
Cmjm and PravanbW By Or, A. V, dcSouu.
liMMli-Pennifl k mack xckaively by
Tho Berlin Laboratory, Ltd.
New York City
TotalB 815 810 881
Total pins 2512, team average 109.
Used Whenever Quinine is Needed
Does Not Affect the Head.
Because of its tonic and laxative ef
will ue iminu hotter than ordniury
Quinine for any purpose for which
Quinino is used. Does not. cause nerv
ousness nor ringing in hoad. Kemember
there is only one "Drotno (juinine."
Look lor signature or a. w. itrove. lioc.
(Capital Journal Special Sprvi.1T)
ethel, Or., Dec. 2 (lovemor Withy
combo will give an addrcKs at the
Bethel si'lioolliouse Priday evening
Docemher 3 under the auspices of t.i
Bethel literary society, lucre will al
so bo a program.
Inn program last irnlny evening
was as follows:
Hong by four girls.
Hecitation .,p llattin Psetak.
Violin solo bv Frank Kuncitor.
Hecitation by Christino Bahiibcn,
Heading by (.'. F. Johnston.
Song by John Zak.
Hecitation iy Herman Donpy.
Hong by Pnul linker, Frank Kunolt
cr, Uco. Matten and ltov Alurcnaud.
Heading bv Gustavo Bitli linen,
Music by l'aul liuker and 0o. Mat
Hecitation by Mrs. C. Pago.
Keritntion by John Clark,
Hong by four boys.
Mr. and Mj-s. (1. L. Johnston are the
proud parents of a twolvo pound boy
born Monday morning. Their friends
and neighbors extend to ihcm hearty
Tho men's meeting of the Christian
Endeavor last Sunday evening was well
attended considering the weather. The
meeting was led by Frank Kunclter.
Mr. iMiontman is putting a new roof
on his shod.
Someone drove his car into the ditvh
near the schoolhoiise Sunday morning
at about jut 0 clock. Toe car over
turned and one man was injured. The
cause or tho accident Is unknown
There wore wo men and two women In
tho car.
(,iark and Mr. Nichols have re.
cently uoucbt a largo, quantity of
atumninir nowdnr.
On Wednesday of this week Mrs. J.
I). uinrK was made 1110 victim or
'pleasant surpnso party lu honor of oer
lew small booths of corn with a soft
f a lonesome look, this corn show now
being hold in the Linn building at the
foot of Stato street, is really one of
tho greatest ever held in the northwest.
The exhibitors have not brought in .-just
a few fine ears, but thoro is 011 exhiuit
hundreds of bushels of as fine corn as
ever was grown in tho codu bolt of tho
central states.
Besides the prize displays from tho
six different communities in Marion
I'ouiity, Polk county has a fiuo exhibit,
nnd also one from tho Oregon state hos
pital. In order that tho citizens of Salom
mny have a chance to see the largest
and most complete corn show ever held
in the state, tiio building will be open
evenings from 7:30 until 0 o'clock, and
Mnntlny atternoon tronv a until 0
0 'clock,
Austrian Situation
Caused Kaiser's Visit
By 3. W. T. Mason.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Dec. 2. Resignation of
three. Austrian ministers following the
Inline. I's visit to Vienna indicates thnt
international differences necessitated
the meeting of the emperors.
It is p.bablo that the domestic sit
uation 111 Austria in most threatening,
or otherwise the kaiser would not havo
interfered as he seems to have done.
The financial successors of the three
who ouit are rtrobublv selections ninde
by Oeriminy, Germany a long time
since assumed supremo direction of the
war, and hor victories date- from that
Apparently, too, Germany has also
assumed responsibility for Austria's in
ternal 11 it airs, inn result will uo to
give Austria new Ufa for a time. But
the Germans cuiinnt spiue their own
resources to heln their neighbor. On
the other hund, liowovor, they cun pre
vent wnsto in Austria, though better
organization patterned after tho Ger
man pin ii, and inn ku a fair .distribution
of supplies nrriving from Turkey uml
the Biillduis.
Phone 827 W. Dec
COWS TO TR ADR For hay or grain.
Phone 96F11. Dect
FOR SALE Italian prune trees-, 4 to
. 0 feet. H. J. Boock, Boute 4, Box 28.
- neca
DO YOU NEED tho "llaudy Man."
rnone anv. Dee
WANTED Second hand Beardsley
Hop Baler. Good repair, riione 5SI.
... .. . - Uec3
HE CAME BACK If you have any
carpets yon wish woven, notify S. A.
Dobner, Phone 1207M. Dec4
GOAT MEAT First class only, 3o per
pound, delivered to any part of city.
150 S. 12th. Phone 24111. Doc 19
M1LL1NEHY Trimmed huts at $1.00
nnd 2.00 at Mrs. Stith, 328 Hub
bard Bldg. Dec3
es position as housekeeper. Phono
012.M. Dc3
RUMMAGE SALE Now on at 260
State, by the Court Btrcet Christian
church. tf
FOK BENT Two houses, paved street,
two blocks Wiibliinyton school, 1.15.1
Marion St. He:7
Tho United Artisans, at their meeting
last night, elected the following of
ficers! Mnster Artisan O. O. Matlock.
Superintendent Ivan O. Aim tin.
Inspector Mrs. Sarah Oliver.
Secretary C. Z. Randall.
Treasurer A. A. Gueffroy.
Senior Conductor Ernest Burlier,
Muster of Ceremonies Harold Cook.
Junior Conductor Hurry Holt.
These officers will bo installed the
first meeting night in Jununry.
HE CAME BACK If you have any
old carpots you wish woven into
fluffy rugs notify S. A. Dobner.
Phone 12U7M. Dec!
North Commercial street and hnvo
thorn repaired and recovered. Dcc3
APPLES FOK SALE First class and
cooking, send orders to W. II. Egan,
Gcrvais, Ore., Ruuto 2. Phone 3F1I.
responsible parties, ( all 40 I S Hub
bard Bldg, or Phono 254, or after of
fice hours, 1722. Dec3
WANTED To hear from cwaer of
good ranch tor sale Send cash prieo
and description. D. F. Bush, Minne
apolis, Minn. Dccl
FOR SALE OR TRADE 3'i acres Im
proved, o car lino, ulno 2 two aero
tracts, Seo owner, 323 llulilmrd
HMg. Dccl
Silverton, Ore., Dee. 2. John Mosrr
ono of tho oldest residents of Murion
county and among tho first settlers of
hilvcrtf.n. is lyinir, at the point of death
nt tho homo of his son, J. H. Moser, in
this city.
Mr. Moser in 00 years of age and
crossed the plains with his parents in
1852, locating near this city. Besides
John, there tro four other members of
tho family living here, nnmcly, Alonr.o,
fif. years old; Mrs. Betsey Whitlock, 82;
Mrs. John Stanton, NO; and William
Moser, 71. All are in good health,
Los Angeles, Cul, Dee. 2. Ooorgo
W. Camp, El Monto rancher, today
blamed the high prion of gasoline for
his shattered romance. lie is undor
arrest chargod with eloping with, but
failing to marry, Caddie Longnc.ro, aged
17. C'nmp says thot after filling his
automobile's gasoline tank for the wed
ding trip, he didn't havo enough cash
left to pay the minister.
FOR HALE ' heap, ono heating stove,
grain sacks, two choice Chryslul
Whito Orpington cockerels. Cuino
quick. 154 Columbia street. Dec3
WANTED About 10 acres unimprov
ed land on good road within five
miles of Siileiu. No agents. A-10,
care Journal.
.f- in.
Portland, to trade for acrengu near
Salem. 1 1 assume some. J. C.
euro Journal. Doci
FOR SALE Good driving horso, har
ness and rubber tired buggy, $U0
takes the outfit at quick sale, l'huuo
0l2, or call 1410 Court, tf
WANTED To trade 7 room house and
lot In Riverside, California, for a
bungalow in Salom, or small acrcngO
near Salem. W. A. Liston Doc
FOUND Pounut and popcorn wagon.
Lost on Liberty stroot. Friends in
terested will find same at 147 N.
High, opposito Court House, Tho
Huffman Confectionery. tf
O. W. EYRE and U 0. Cavanough are
buying fat hogs and paying highest
Cfteh prices to ship to Portland.
Phone 0. W. Byre, 2200M! or L. 0.
Cavanaugh, 2183 M. t
Mrs, II. 0. Hummel, club offers, best
prices, quick service Order gift sub
ecriptlons, now, will call for vour
order. Phono 2007.1. i'oca