Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Salem Y Toyland
Second Floor 4 :
Santa Claus' Headquarters !!
Bring the Children, Find Their Wants
and Shop Early
Men's Smoking
All coats are included in this sale. No
reserve. Colors and materials are the
newest, including Brocaded, Chinchilla,
Cheviots and Tweeds.
Less 20 per cent
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist In fitting i Ribbon sale Friday
glasses eorrectlr. U. S. bank bids. 337 Court.
at Compton's,
Sacramento, Ctil., Doc. 1. Word re
ceived at tho capitol today from Sun
Francisco was that Governor Hiram
Johnson is seriously ill with bronchitis
at his residenco in thut city and may
not be able to return to Sacramento for
at least a week.
December 10, 1915 at Central Howell
hall, comedy, "It's Great to Ho
Crazy," and silc of Xmas pnrcols, con
taining luncheon for two. undies kind
ly bring luncheon for two wrapped as
Xmas parcel to be sold at auction. JS'o
admission charged.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 1. Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul passengor
train Ko. IS, "The Columbian," eust
bound, was wrecked today by a broken
rail ono mile east of Freeman, Wash
ington, Brakcmnn Otto Huberts, of
Spokane was killed and threo passen
gers injured.
A much-needed root. My heavy prac
tice makes it necessary for mo to take
a vacation and recuperate and 1 will
leave for California in a few days and
will bo gone until January I, HIHJ, If
any one wishes to see me they must do
so at ouce. Dr. M. 1'. Menillesohii.
t Our Correction of Defective Vision
by Glasses is the very best that
scientific, skill nnd conscientious,
painstaking work can mako it. Our
prices arc within reach of all.
Miss A. McCuIloch,
2(lS.()l) Hubbard Hlils. Phonel09
One More Week Necessary Owing t the Great
Demand for Spaulding's Wonderful Plaster
' To All Who Are Troubled With
We Know
What They
Can Do
The past week wo havo
persuaded Spalding's rep
resentative to stay another
week with us to meet tlio
peoplo and explain about
these wonderful absorbing
We Want
You to
For Rheumatism, Sciati
ca Lumbago Chest or Lung
Diseases, Weak Hack,
Kidney and Liver Com
plaints, Pleurisy.
Add That Piano
To Your Home This Xmas
Sec the finest line of Pianos in Salem at 421 Court
Street Formerly occupied by Howard Piano Co.
"Quality" our Motto. Terms te suit everyone.
Cherrington & St. Helen
Piano Company
Salem, Oregon
Say L. Ferguson, of Amity, has ac
cepted a position at tho Barnes Cash
Store. Until tho lust few months, he
has been associated with his father in
the mercantile business at Amity.
Chicken pla dinner, December 1st,
UuUy church.
- The announcement that Claude Bar
rack would ' address the members of
the lodge on "Citizenship," brought
out an unusually large attendance or
Knights of Pythias last evening.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Ed Jackson, who was arrested yester
day on a charge of begging on the
streets, entered a plea of guilty this
morning and was given five days to
partake of the hospitality of the city.
Before placing your printing order,
Phone 2179. Fuller Printing Concern.
E. E. Buckles, of Jewell county, Kan
sas, is in tho city looking for a loca
tion in the woy of a ranch. He is visit
ing at the homo of W. F. Shank, 1550
South Liberty street.
Dr. B. T. Mclntire, pnyslclan and
surgeon, 211 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
The lecture to be given at the public
library Friday evening has been post
poned, as Dr. Hector Macphcrson who
has been announced to lecture on "Ru
ral Credits," has been culled to Chi
cago. Dr. Stone's drug store. -
Miss Francis Elliott, who has been
mnlnveit nu n fltpnnirt-fi nliflr in flip
bookkeeping department of the state
iiwliiutrt.il finifliiii t nnmm, aai mt lina ,a.
litvnu.l nn.l Trill rntum in lioi ltnnin ill
McMinnville where she has accepted a
Chicken pie dinner, 35c, tonight at
Unitarian church.
Charles Craig this morning began his
duties as filing clerk in the offices of
tho stnte industrial accident commis
sion, Mr. Craig has gnined considerable
renown ns a baseball pitcher and will
now aling ink to keep his salary wing
in condition
Don't miss that great mass meeting
at Ve Liberty theatre, Thursday, 8:00
p. m. Free.
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, president of
Willamette university will leave next
I'Tiilnv lor a weok s visit in the onst-
ern part of tho state and to several
points in Jihilio, nicluiliiig Boise. Jie
will deliver addresses at Boise anil 01 ti
er cities on tlio benefits of tne higher
education and at. the samo time sny a
,'ood word tor Willamette.
Chickon pie dinner, 35c, tonight at
Unitarian church.
During the month of November, the
highest temperature registered at fivo
o'clock in the afternoon by the govern
ment thermometer at the 6. V. T. docks
was 59 degrees and this was on the
first dnv of tho month. The lowest 5
o'clock teiniieruturo was 34 degrees, on
tno last day of the month. Tlio river
this morning was 12.1 feet above zoro,
a fall in 24 hours of six inches.
That mass meeting at Ye Liberty
theatre, December 2, 8:00 p. m., will bo
an eye opener.
An Anti-Sunday law mass meeting
will bo held Thursday night at the Ye
Liberty theatre, at 8 o'clock. Tho
meeting is called for the purpose of
discussing the principles underlying all
attempts at the making and enforcing
Sunday laws. The placard announcing
the call for tho mnss meeting states
that ninny or tno present laws are i0'
ligious and should not bo enforced.
Chicken pie dinner, 35c, tonight at
Unitarian church.
The commandor of Sedgwick Post
No. 10, (1. A. If., to succeed tho late
eoiiiiuuiiilcr F. L, Pound, will not be
elected until Saturday, December IN,
the regular election day. At this time
the coininaiider will be elected by ac
clamation and it is generally under
stood that this honor will be conferred
on K. C. Ilalley.
Fluff rugs Mado from old carpets,
Northwest Hug company agent will be
at Argo Hotel this week. Phono 1000.
Leave address. Decl
Memorial exercises for Louis R.
Stinsnn will be held at the Salem
Knights of Pythias lodge on the even
ing of Tuesday, December 14. Kot only
will members frmi surrounding lodges
attend the exercises, but it is expect
ed that lodges from all parts of the
state and many state officials will be
present to assist in the memorial ses
For trade. 15 acros Income property,
will t ratio for well located Salem prop
erty. See owner, 441 X. High.
I ,
The Willamette Encampment No, 2,
1. O. 0. F. will go to Dallas Saturday j
evening to put on special degree work,
ns tho Dallas lodge already has ten:
candidates in readiness. Special rates'
have been mado and as they will be
gooil returning tho following Monday,
it is expected that a Inrco number will!
nttend. Ilesides the members of the 1
Salem Kncampmeiit, several state
grand officers ars expected to attend.
Dr. Asseln, dentist, Salem Bank of!
Commerce bldg.
A moot court was held last evening
at the county court house by tho law
department of Willametto university.
Tho case tried was Lamb vs. Knott, a
ease in ejectment. The attorneys for
the plaintiff were Miller McGilehrist
and Alias Smith and for tho defendant,
Messrs, Walker nnd Lamport. Tho law
yers for the defendant pat up such a
heartfelt tnlk, that the Jury was over
come and decided for their client.
"You are cordially invited to attend
jo"y good smoker and reception to
our now manager, Ottomar H. Luck, at
Salem Commercial club rooms, Friday,
December 3, at 8 o'clock p. m. Come
and have a royal good timo. Don't
miss it." This invitation has been re
eived by the 825 members of the Com
mercial club and tho chancos are there
will be a full representation of the
Commercial club present to have a jolly
good smoker and to shake hands and be
come acquainted with the new manager.
Big furniture values. Our December
sale now on. Buren & Hamilton.
Patrolman James GilL of the Port
land police force, who accidently shot
and killed himself in the police stntion
at Portland yesterday was a cousin of
De9k Sargeanc Al Poland, of the Salem
police, and the two were born and rais
ed together in Perkinsville, Indiana.
Gill had been on the force for about
six years. His gun dropped from its
scabbord and discharged when the
hammer struck on the cement floor and
he was almost instantly killed.
New shipment silks at Compton's,
special prices Friday.
The artistic arrangement of the com
munity displays of corn at the Marion
county corn show is due to the work of
H. S. French, who has taken general
charge of several of the displays. In
stead of being merely laid out where
it can be seen, the coin is arranged on
the wall and hanging from tho coiling
and on tables in a most attractive
form. The show will continue this
week in the Linn building, formerly oc
cupied by the Rodgers Paper company,
on State street.
You get a square meal at lunch
prices at tho White Swan Dairy lunch.
As part of the Marion County Corn
show, which is being held in the Linn
building this week, a Marion County
Jersey Cattle club will be organized
Friday. The preliminary session for
the organization of this cnttlo club
will be held Friday morning at tho
commercial club, and the regular or
ganization effected in an afternoon
session. Robert Burkhart, president of
the Oregon Jersey Cattle club, with
other state officials will be hero to aid
in tho organization.
Fumed oak dining set, 6 chairs and
pedestal table, regular $31.00, special
21.00. Huron & Hamilton.
Woodmen of the World are feeling
especially pleased with tho reception
given them by the Dallas lodge last
evening, where, the drill team of the
Salem Camp and 75 members put on
tho work and initiated 17 candidates.
Following the initiations and banquet,
which really was a banquet, addresses
were made by tho Rev. H. B. Dorks,
William A. Marshall and. ('. O. Mat
lock of the Salem lodge and tho liev.
K. A. Dennett and S, A. McCann, of
the Dallas lodge.
Dinner plates sold, patterns, 6 plates
50e, Genuine English ware. Huron &
The Knights of Pythias, at their ses
sion last night, ninde the nominations
for the officers of the lodge for the
ensuing yenr. The election will be
held next Tuesday evening. Nomina
tions were as follows: Chancellor Com
mander, J. G. Heltzel; vice-chancellor,
Walter i.enon, Lloyd Rigdon and W. G.
Plunk; master of work, C. E. Harcour
and H. 11. Turner; keeper of records
and seals, v. B. Gilson nad J. W. Cox;
;iiaster of exchequer, E. W. Hazard;
master at arms, Wallace Rhodes; inner
guard, John Shipp; outer guard, J. H.
Garrison; trustees, J. U Terry for three
years, and George Will and W. G.
Prunk, for two years.
Try a La Corona cigar to relieve
that tired feeling. Salem made, 10
Work, before and after school hours,
is wanted for boys who are attending
the public schools. Many of theso
boys live with their parents, but rtie
conditions ure such that tho boys are
obliged to earn money for their cloth
ing nnd for hooks. Unless these boys
are given odd jobs, many of them will
soon be obliged to stay out of school.
Those having any work whatever that
Thursday, Friday, and
First appearanco of the new
Mutual Star
the fascinating young actor In
The Protest
A Romance of Political Con
Theatre ri
Emprss S. & C.
Sunday Only
Matinee 15c
Evening 25c
a boy could do, are asked to notify
Superintendent Elliott at the high
school. Among certain people, condi
tions are much worse than last winter
and it is among these that boys must
h Given work to earn monev. or be
obliged to stay out of school.
Buy your heater now. All heaters
reduced about 25 per cent. E. L. Stiff
and Son, Court and Liberty.
The ladies of the Leslie M. E. church
of South Salem are holding their an
nual bazaar this afternoon. A dinner
will be served this evening from 6 un
til 8 o'clock, to be followed by a pro
gram. Besides selections on the Vic
trola, a recitation will be given by
Daryl and Rason -Cbapin, Mrs. Lois
Tower will sing, and a reading by Mrs.
J. Montcalm Brown. The parlors of
the church have been tastefully ar
ranged with booths Showing fancy
work. Mrs. Rose Kightlinger will be
in charge of the fancy work booth,
Mrs. Amos Vnss the booth for the dis
play of handkerchiefs, Mrs. J. Carson
the domestic booth and Mrs. J. 0.
Spencer the Larkins bootj.
Dr. 0. Hartley, specialist, inflamed,
bleeding gums and pyorrhea. 410 U. S.
Bank Bldg. Phono 180.
The month of November was quiet in
police circles, only 22 arrests being
mado. Eight of these were made when
tho police raided a room in Chinatown
and two wore made at the request of
Portland authorities. Of the other
twelve, eight were on drunk charges
and one was was arrested three times
on the same charge. One arrest was
made on a charge of arson and three
for begging. Officer Stubbs made or
assisted in 13 arrests, Varney 13, Nich
olson 10, White 4, Victor 4, and Welsh
2. Fines totaling 50 were assessed
and Judge Elgin imposed a total of
50 days in jnil sentences while $200 is
now deposited as bail money. During
October 34 arrests were made.
$5.00 worth of aluminum free with
every range sold this week. Prices:
$23.50 to 142.50. E. u. Stiff & Son,
Court and Liberty.
Judging of the exhibits of the Ma
rion County Corn show was in process
this afternoon and will continue tomor
row until nil awards are made. There
is a spirited rivalry among the com
munity exhibits and partly tor the rea
son that each community corn show is
loinc its best in arranging its displny
artistically. The Linn building on its
lower uoor is entirely mien wiiu coui
mmiity booths and also an exhibit
from Polk county, under the manage
ment of Mrs. Winnie llraden, secretary
of tho Polk county fair. Besides Polk
county and the exhibit from growers
of corn near Salem, the prize winning
corn from the following communities
are shown in specially arranged booths,
Mt. Angel, St.- Paul, Aumsville, Silver
ton, Woodburu and Aurora.
A good Cnristmas present, one of our
carving sets tree witn every rnngo sold
up to December 25th. Buren & Uain-iltou.
Last night, the Salem Social Service
Center let it be known that positions;
were open fur three good men. All day
today, applicants tor these positions
have been pouring into the Commercial
club to interview Ivan G. MeDa,!
secretary of the Center. The three
positions were soon filled, and numbers
of men, ull willing to do nny kind of
work were disappointed. AH 6f wh:
goes to show tlrnt there really is a
shortage of work for men who can do
only manual labor, such as wood cutting
nnd farming. -Many ot these men nave
families and the call is again sent
out by the Salem Social Service Center,
asking that those who have work of
any kind to offer, communicate at once
with Mr. McDnniel at the Commercial
Buy an Opal range and get a beauti
ful iw.00 carving set free. The Opal
sells for $29.50 up to $."3.00, fully guar
anteed, inircn & Hamilton.
The Old Guard meeting of the Wood
men of the World is expected to bring
out all those who have been members
of the lodge now living in the city at
any time during the past 25 years. The
lortgo was organized 25 years ago with
72 charter members. About 25 of these
mo living in Salem and vicinity.
Among those who signed the original
charter and who are expected to put in
an appearance Friday night are: A.
M. ( lough, Gideon Stolz, F. A. Kurtz,
W. W. Johns, 11. A. Johnson, Dr. H. C.
Kpley, Dr. J. -i. Smith and II. S. Hello.
Will Go To Finzer
For Target Practice
Company M of the stnte militia will
go to Finzer Sunday fortheir annual
target practice and to make a record to
compete with the other eleven com
panies in the state for the bankers'
trophy. This trophy 'js .given by the
bankers of the state for-trie company
making tho highest target practice rec
ord, one third of the strength of the
company competing.
The militia boys will leave early
Sunday morning and will stay at tho
target range all day. Meals will be
served on the ground in regular army
stylo and tho government puys all the
At the target shoot Sunday, 28 or
more members of tho com puny must
take part and an accurate record taken
shooting at 200 yards kneeling and 300
yards, prone.
To give a correct idea of shooting at
a target 200 yards, the distanco is
equal to that from the coiner of the U.
S. National bank building to tho en
trance of the Salem Bank of Com
merce building. Shooting at 300 yards,
the distance is from the corner of the
Ladd and Hush bank to the sidewalk
on the east side of High street, across
from tho Oregon Electric depot.
Court Stenographer's Record
In Cleveland, Ohio, Re
sponsible for the Story
Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 1. An attempt
to end the lives of President Wilson
and Secretary of War Garrison with
liquid fire on their clothes was pro
posed recently by "two men in high
official life," according to informa
tion alleged to have been obtained by
County Prosecutor Locher through a
court stenographer's record purporting
to have been takeu while Locher exuin
incd E. W. Hitter, a chemist.
Bitter, however, denied ho had ever
made such a statement.
Charles DcWoody, a special agent of
the department of justice, who has been
investigating bomb plots, swore out a
warrant charging issuance of a fraud
ulent $50 check by Bitter.
Ritter admits thut he invented the
original "liquid fire."
Bitter asserted that his "enemies"
caused his arrest, misled by Miss Mc
Darby, to whom ho gave tho alleged
fraudulent check.
Ho is held in $5,000 bail on the check
charge but he maintains he is ignorant
Of any munitions plots.
He passed hero under the alias, of
Von Rettaghe or Rcttigi, the self-styled
son of an Austrian count. He is 38
years old.
The stenographic report was in part
as follows:
"Two men, high in official life, came
to mo and proposed that my liquid fire
be sprinkled on President Wilson and
Secretary Garrison,"
"No, no," I exclaimed, "that would
be terrible. I'd never do it."
"Why wasn't it proposed to shoot
the president"
"They said shooting would mean ar
rest. With the liquid fire, so yon
shoot it from n rubber ball upon a per
son's clothes and leave. In a few
minutes poof and the liquid fire is in
flames." '
DeWoody has ordereiV the alleged rec
ord sent to Washington.
The Man-Spun Silk
Luxite is a reproduction
not an imitation, of the
product of the silk worm.
It must not beconfounded
with other attempts to pro
duce a substitute for nat
ural silk.
We sell Hose of Luxite
because Luxite has the lus
tre and luxury of worm
spun silk, together with an
amazing strength and dura
bility, and it "costs only hall
as much.
Hose of Luxite comes'm
aill the fashionable shadesc
25c and 35c the pair for mem
SOc the pair for women
G. W. Johnson & Co.
141 N. Commercial St.
His Story Is False.
Washington, Dec. 1. Special agents
of the department of justice who in
vestigated the liquid fire story- of E.
V. Hitter at Cleveland, reported his
story false, Agent DeWoody reported
hero this afternoon. Ritter has been
turned over to the Cleveland author
ities for alleged swindling.
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAY
The only hotel in tho business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Hoquiani, Wash., Dee. J. The Pa
cific Logging Congress will convene
next yenr at Portland and alter tin
first day will adjourn to Hoquiani,
then to the camps of the Poison llron.
Logging company and thence to Puget
Sound for the closing session.
Marion County
Corn Show
Salem, Dec. 1 to 4
An Exhibition of Growing Agricultural Industry. See the corn that
Makes Fat Hogs that Makes Fat Fanners.
On sale daily Dec. 1, 2 and 3, with return limit Dec. 0, thus allowing
a stay over tho week-end, if desired,
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Ore.
Pacific International Livestock Exposition, Portland, December 6 to 11
Panks, Ore., Dec. 1. Ill for several j
months, A. Bradley, a middle aged well
to do farmer, hanged himself at his i
homo near here last night or early to-
day. I
Opal ranges sell for $29.50 to $55.00.
A 5.00 carving set given with every,
range sold between now and Christ- J
mas. Bureu Hamilton. j
A marriage license was issued today
to Louis Henry Probst, a tnolder of
this city, and Stella E. Yarnell, a tele
phone operator of Sulem,
The Store That Saves You Money
Xmas Suggestions
Electric Lamps Priced From
$2.50 to $12.50
Leather Seat Rocker Priced From
$500 to $25.00
All Leather Rockers Priced From
$18.75 to $30.00
Suit Case, Hand Bags, Library Tables, Sewjng
Rockers, Davenports, Rugs, and Various Other
Articles priced from. 75c to $50.00
aThe Store for the People,