Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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vnnn Send 10c and
rKFiij ?oar bccc
dealer's name,
and we'll send a full-size 10c
cot of "PIPER" and a band
some leather pouch FREE,
anywhere in U. S. Also a
folder about "PIPER." The
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost us 20c, which we
will gladly spend because
a trial will make you a
steady nser of "PIPER."
sural CiliUraia,
't Stay Gray! Here's a
Simple Recipe that Any
body Can Apply With
a Hair Brush .
The use of Hugo and Sulphur for re
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates back to grandmother 's time.
Hhe used it to keep her huir beautiful
ly dark, glony and abundant. When
ever her hair fell out or took on thut
dull, faded or streuked appcaranco, this
dimple mixturo wus applied with won
derful effect.
But brewing at home is mussy and
out-of-dnto. Nowadays, by asking at
tiny drug store for a GO cent bottle of
"Wyoth's Hugo uud Sulphur Com
pound," you will gui. this fumous old
roclpe which can bo depcaded upon to
restore natural color and bounty to the
linir and is splendid for dundruff, dry,
fovorish, itchy sculp mid fulling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says it darkens tho huir so nuturitlly
md evenly that nobody can tell it has
been applied. You simply dampen a
sponge or sort brush with it and draw
ililn tlirnmrh vnur huir. tiikillir one
strand at a time. By morning the gray
jiair disappears, ami atier anotner tip
plieation or two, It becomes beautifully
dark, glossy, soft aud ubunilunt.
Rich Ledge of Ore
Found In Graveyard
livno, Nov., Pee. J. Tombstones are
being used for location monuments in
the new mining district near Sodnville,
".where a fabulously rich lodge of tung
Hleu ore was discovered 10 days ngo,
iii'coriling to reports to Kivio by men
who answered tho call of the desert,
rushed to get some of the claims.
Ono 3 iner located Iho village ceme
tery, und as there were no rocks near,
bo used some of the best looking tomb
atones to mark the boundaries of bis
i-lii I lit.
Othris soon followed suit, and now
tlio icliitivcs of the departed, interred
mree years ngo, would have a hard
time ri cognizing one Bravo from an
)jc sc sfc )fc )c )jt )c )c sc )fc ifc )( lt
Homier, W. Vn., Dec. 1.
While workers sought to ex-
it: jdore tho workings of the Boom-
er coal mine in which an ex-
tt plosion occurred, authorities es-
timnted today t lint the dead
may reach !)5. eighteen bodies
nave oecn recovered ami a nuin-
ber of persons are still report-
ed missing. ,,
ijc Rescuers held hopes Unit some
of the missing men, however,
will still be found alive.
HARLAN, 254 In. CORTLE'f, V,i In.
law limit ChHH,rMMr4Cs.,lM.aawi
The Law on "PIPER"
No way to enjoy to
bacco so thoroughly as
to chew it and no chew
ing gives you the rich,
luscious tastiness that
"PIPER" does. A law
yer does a mighty lot of
rumination (chewing).
Go into any law library
or court and youll see
that while he ruminates
a knotty problem he
chews good old
Cfccwfaf Tobacco Chunptfat Fliror
It helps him to think
clearly and carefully. Try
"PIPER"yourself and see.
The famous "Cham
pagne Flavor" gives
ing taste that is uniquely
delicious. Made from the finest
selected tobacco leaf,
"PIPER" is the world's high
est type of chewing tobacco
pure as a pure food, health
ful and satisfying.
Sold by daaln Terr
whr in 6c and lOe
cuti MnlUry. (oil.
wrapped, to proMrrc
tha "PIPER" flTor.
Grand Master of Grange
Pleased With Work Done
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Oregon Building, V. V. I. E., Nov. 30.
C. K. Spence, master of the Oregon
State Orange, cp.no to attend the ses
sions of the National Orange, and is re
turning to Oregon enthusiastic over the
work accomplished. While Woman Suf
frage was defeated by the National
Orange last year by a vote of 2(1 to 21,
the women won out this year by a vote
of 30 to 25. Mr. Spenco cousiders this
chuugo of front remarkable and the en
dorsement of Woman's Muffrugo as a
great step forward. Last year, prohibi
tion was treated in a rathor indefinite
way, while this year tho National
Ornngo was practically a unit in en
dorsing National prohibition. The
presont conservation policy of tho for
estry department enmo in for endorse
ment, nnd very progressive ideas on
rural credits woro adopted as tho policy
of the National Grnngo, It was decid
ed to demand thnt tho government pro
vido for rural credit purpose some cir
culating medium ns in tho case of the
regional banks. Tho grange arrayed it
self against bonding for road construc
tion, largely on the idea that road
building is still in its experimental
stage. It also doclnred in favor of
building market roads first. There wus
practically unanimous opposition to the
proposed increase of army, navy and
uivnument. The National Orange in
sists on ruising the standard of citizen
ship rathor than large sums of money
for destructive purpose. Strong pence
resolutions were adopted. It was ulso
agreed that thero should bo a uniform
ity of tax laws us affecting states, this
to prevent the tux dodging that has be
come so flagrant on the part of wealthy
citizens owning property in many
states. The National Grunge is com
posed of tho master and matron of the
state granges of the nation, and at this
ti mo 57 were preseut, representing
liractlcnlly all the states of the Union.
Mr, Spence spent considerable time nt
the Oregon building mid on tho exposi
tion grounds and expressed the confi
dence thnt Oregon has made ft wonder
fully effective showing here, one from
which tho state is certain to derive
great benefit. B. O. I.eedy, of Corvnllis,
formerly master of tho state grange,
wns also here, and was equnlly enthus
iastic over the Oregon showing,
fc sc ss sc )( st )fc yt sfc jc sjc )jc jc )c ic
tVrpotiinlly wavy, curling hair Is now
within the means of every woman to
possess, All ono need do is to get a
few ounces of plain liquid Bilmerine at
any drug store nnd .apply a little of it
occnsionully, Thl is remarkably effec
tive In producing a beautiful curliness
and satiny gloss which bear no evidence
of artificial making. It is neither
sticky or greasy, and it will not streak,
stain or Injure air or scalp in tho least.
After one trial, the seorchlna. hair-
destroying curling Iron will never more
oe used. The best way to apply the
siliuerine is with a clean tooth brush,
drawing this through the hair from root
to tip. If this is dono before retiring,
a look Into the mirror in the morning
will nfforj a most agreeable surprise.
Fortlund, Oro, Dee. L Indi
cations thnt the liquor interests
hnvo given up all hope of pre
venting state-wide prohibition
from going into effect January
1, were seen here today when
only one suluon proprietor made
application for a renewal of
license under the old law. Yes
terday was the last day for fil
ing applications.
Betting Is 10 to 7 In Favor
of Syracuse Sporting
News From Everywhere
Scuttle, Wash., Dec. 1. The
University of Washington
board of control officially ac-
eepted Oilmour Dobie 'a resig-
nation as football coach lust
nignt. Dobie was given uncon-
ilitional freedom. No attempt
wus made, as had been suggest-
ed, by tho board, to hingo the
resignation on Dobie agreeing
not to conch at .another college
next year.
Sjc wfc sc sc sC jjc )( sfc lyt s( jC 3C
Portland, Or., Dec, 1. Every indi
cation pointed to fine weather when
Syracuse university and O. A. C. meet
on Multnomah field this afternoon to
decide whether eastern or western foot
ball is superior.
As it will be the first real game be
tween Pacific and Atlantic coast teams
in mnny years, interest was intense.
Football funs from all over the north
west gathered here for the fray.
Syracuse was favorite in the betting.
Wagers with odds of 10 to 7 were free-.
1 laid early in tho day and toward
noon the price lengthened to two to
The crippled condition of Tackle
Laythe and End Schuster, of the Ag
gies niny keep them from the game.
Laythe has a bad case of poison oak
and Schuster has not recovered from
the hurts he sustained in the game be
tween O. A. C. nnd the U. of O. ten
days ago. The loss of these two boys
would bo a severe blow to the Oregon
Practically all, If not all, of the reg
ulars will start for Syracuse.
To Attend Conference.
Stanford University, Cnl., Dec. 1.
Graduate Manager E. C. Behrens left
Stanford for Portland, to represent
Stanford nt the sessions of the North
west Athletic conference to be held
there tomorrow and Friday. Although
not a member of the conference Stan
ford has accepted the invitation to
send a delegate. Together with Ore
gon university, Washington State Col
lege, Oregon Agricultural College. Ida
ho university and Whitman college,
Stauford will oppose Washington and
California on the freshmen competition
question. All but the last two institu
tions are said to favor freshman dig
ibility to varsity teams.
Work Begins Next Month.
New i'ork, Dec. 1. Ground will be
broken early next month for the new
Federal leuguo baseball park here, ac
cording to announcement by James
uumore, president or tho league today.
rue parK will cost a million and
quarter, he declared.
League Business Meeting.
New York, Dec. 1. The fng end of
tne Dimness details of the season just
closed and the preliminaries for the
i if l ti busebnll season will be attended
to by tho National league Docembor
14. President Tenor announced today
twit ne nnd called sucn a meeting.
Disputes Cornell's Claim.
Pittsburgh, l'u., Dec. 1. Pittsburgh
university disputes Cornell's claim to
tne eastern football championship and
wants to see tho rival claims settled.
Chairman. Thompson of tho football
committee, todnv awaited reply to his
telegraphed challenge to Cornell to play
a game within the next fortnight on
some neutral field, the proceeds to go
to cnnritty.
Jim Flvnn Is Out
New York, Dec. 1. Jim Flynn is
through in every wny except his abil
ity to assimilate punishment.
This was the general verdict of tho
fight fans today after they saw the
terrmc beating .lack Dillon, of Indi
annpolis gave .the Pueblo fireman last
night in a ten round bout. Thoug'.i
Flynn outweighed Dillon nearly twenty
pouiius, tne jiuiianan mauled hint un
Rumor Set Them Wild.
Madison, Wis.. Dec. 1. Under ernd
nates of Wisconsin university were
wnuiy excited todav as the result of a
rumor thnt Kddie uhun, lute captain
of Harvard would bo engaged to conch
the Badger football squad next season.
mo faculty director of athletics, how
ever, declared no conch hsd been
agreed upon as yet.
Pitcher Wicker Released.
Spokane, Wash., Dec. 1 The uncon
ditional relnsn nf Pitelier Itnlinrt. Wi.'lf.
or by the Spokane Northwestern league
leiim is uuiioiinceu nere today, wick
was formerly with tho Chicago K
General Villa Is
Said To Be Insane
Nogales, Arir.., Dee. 1. Decisively
beutou by General Mnnuel Dieguez at
Hermosillo, Sonora, his troops scattered
and driven from the border by Obro
gon'a Carraimistas, General Francisco
Villa is reported today to be wandering
about northorn Mexico, alone and
According to reports reaching Gen
eral Obregon here, Villa became vio
lently insane upon losing the Hermosil
lo fight. Villista prisoners arriving
here say the rebel chieftian has not
been seen for several days. Ilia forces
are reported scattered and breaking up
luto small guerilla hands.
Wife naa No News of Htm.
Los Angeles, Cnl., Deo. 1. Mrs.
Francisco Villa does not know the
whereabouts of her husbnud. Rumors
that he was in Los Angeles are deuied
by her today.
New Today Ads, ona cent per
Hood's Sarsaparilla surely and ef
fectively removes scrofula, boils and
otlior blood diseases because it drives
out of the blood all the humors that
cause these diseases. They cannot be
successfully treated in any other way.
External applications for their re
moval have proven almost useless, be
cause they cannot drive out the impuri
ties that are in the blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure rich
blood, perfects the digestion, and builds
up the whole system. The skin becomes
smooth, clean and healthy, This great
blood remedy has stood the test of fortv
years. Insist on having Hood's, for
notning else acts like it. There is no
real substitute. Get it todav. Sold bv
all druggists.
Rumors of Bribery
In FootbaIl Game
Portland, Ore.. Dec. 1. The board of
managers of the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club will investigate thorough
ly rumors that bribery figured in the
Thanksgiving game between the Uni
versity of Oregon and the club football
teams, it was stated today.
A preliminary investigation is said
to have revealed nothing savoring of
crookedness aud the general belief wns
that a "mountain had been made out
of a mole hill."
The nwaors had their Inception when
Patsy O'Rourke, star tackle of the club
is said to have remarked that he had
beon offered $150 to "lay down" and
inquired of tieorge Philbrook, a team
mate, if he was in on it.
Philbrook is reported to have told
O'Rourke that he was not, but would
like to bo. Philbrook then told Manager
Pratt, of the team and Dow Walker, su
perintendent of the club of the conver
sation. During the Thanksgiving game
O'Rourke was benched and afterward
turned in his suit O'Rourke has refused
to comment on the alleged bribe offer,
but J. C, Mc.Elroy, a well known stock
man, is believed to have shed some
light on the affair.
After hearing that O'Rourke was not
to play in the Thanksgiving game, Mc
F.lroy told him that if such were the
case he had about $130 to bet on Ore
gon. Mc.Elroy said that bribery was furth
erest from his thought and that he did
believe that O'Rourke had so interpret
ed his remark. "I do not think that
anyone else said anything to O'Rourke
about money and believe he was look
ing for information when he mnde the
remark to Philbrook," said McElroy.
Lloyds Will Gamble
On Any Old Thing
(l.'uited Press correspondent.)
London, Nov, 2 (By mail.) Lloyd's
today is offering the risk of three to
one that Ferdinaud, king uf Bulgaria,
will nut be on his throne June 1, 1916.
The risk started at 20 to 1, but the
turn of affuirs ia the Baikuns drove it
Most" persons who have taken out
policies on the Bulgarian's head are
Englishmen with business interests in
tho Balkans and Bulgaria. Their losses
will be great if Ferdinand retains his
throne aud they are preparing tor tne
minimum loss.
On tho duration of the war Lloyd's
offers 10 to 1 that it will not lust be
yond December, 1910. A new risk some
thing like their Easter insurance
against rain on new bonnets is the one
wherein the soldier bets with Lloyd's
that ho will not be killed. This risk,
8 to 1 against death, is said to be
heavily patronized.
Here and There In
the News of the Day
Chicago, Dec. 1. Delegates from 38
states attended the second day of the
national mnrketing and farm credits
conference hero. Crop and market ex
perts from every section of the country
talked their IdcaB. Conference Secre
tary Holman, just back from Ireland,
advocated tho adoption of the Irish co
operative marketing and credit system.
Cincinnati, O., Dee. 1. Tho National
Association of Employing Litogrnphors
began the annual convention hero to
day. St. Louis, Mo., Dee. t. Evidence on
the proposed increased freight rates on
packinghouse products and fresh meats
It is an unusual thing for a druggist
to sell medicine under a guarantee to
refund the money if it does not cure.
Yet this is the way Danlal J. Fry, tho
popular druggist, is soiling Ml o-na, the
standard dyspepsia remedy.
Novor before has he had so large a
number of customers tell him that a
medicino has been successful as with
Mi-o-na. People who a fow months ago
looked like wulking skeletons have put
on ticsii and today are ruddy and vig
orous with perfect digestion and good
There Is no longer any need for any
one suffering or making their friends
suffer on accouut of dyspepsia. Mi-o-na
can always be rolled upon. The per
centage of cures is so great that there
is little risk to Dauiel J. Fry in guar
anteeing to return the money if the
medicino does not relieve. And he
stands ready to do so without any ques
tions. Headaches, all forms of Indigestion,
specks before the eves, dlity feeling,
poor sleep, ringing la tha ears and all
forms of liver trouble are helped by
Mi o-na, A few days' treatment should
show considerable gain In health while
a complete cure often follows rapidly.
These days are the best In the whole
year for the entoyment of good health
and Ml-o-na will put you In such perfect
condition that you can enjoy every
minute or. tuem.
1-.vl.-.-.L u. i it u.w t t t 7
mmtUKmmtmHmKmmmKmm w iwnw n t am mi iiihiiihiw turn
' " From ihe daylidKi
ill info ihe dctyhdhi S ' llil
w 3 ' tea
'mm iiiiS il mm inmts
nil nil ii ji . . nil nil ml
'' '""i 'mm 'sa ,,ll;.ll;..,;.,,';:
I mm mm
WEWM 'fPl Iffi fill tea ipiiHaa
wmmmmm mm ' mm wmMmmn
Wrf5 w, i mm . ?
yf3 ' uMn m mm r ?j
k 'Wlf lw PP HHj rA vH
(5 From a daylight factory)
THOSE who step each morning into the Sterling Factory do
not exchange the daylight of the open streets for the musty
gloom of some dark corner.
They come into kitchens flooded with light kitchens as sunny as
modern construction can make them.
From this clean, bright home Sterling comes to you a pure, finely
flavored confection.
' .. .This thought, no doubt, will reassure you in looking for the 7th '
point of Sterling excellence.
' ii Crowded with flavor 4 Sterling Purity - ',
!2 Velvety body NO GRIT 5 From a daylight factoryV f
3-Crumble-proof " , 6 Untouched by hands
was heard by a representative of the
Interstate Commerce Commission in
the Western Hate case rehearing here
This For Benefit
of Hunters Only
Under tho stnte game laws, no per
son is allowed to kill ducks or other
migratory birds before sunrise or after
sunset. The following table showing
the exact minute when tho firing mny
begln and also when it must legally
Btop, is published for the benefit of
hunters who get up early and stny out
The tablo is computed on Fortland
time, which is practically the time for
Walem and vicinity. It will be noted
thnt for the last six days in December,
the sunrise is given as seven minutes
until 8 o'clock and from the fifth to
the twelfth of the month, the last gun
must be fired after 26 minutes after 4
Sunrise. Sunset.
December 1 7:33 4:37
December 2 7:34 4:27
Decembei 3 7:35 4:27
December 4 7:30 4:27
December 5 7:37 4:20
December 8 7:38 4:2
December 7 7:40 4:20
December 8 7:41 4:20
December 0 7:41 4:20
December 10 7:42 4:20
December 11 7:43 4:20
December 12 7:44 4:20
December 13 7:45 4:20
Docembor 14 7:40 4:20
Docembor 15 7:47 4:20
December 10 7:47 4:20
December 17 7:48 4:27
December 18 7:49 4:27
December 10 7:40 4:27
Decomber 20 7:50 4:28
December 21 7:50 4:28
Docembor 22 7:51 4:20
December 23 7:51 4:29
December 24 7:52 4:30
December 25 7:52 4:31
December 20 7:53 4:31
Docember 27 7:53 4:32
December 28 7:53 4:33
December 29 7:53 4:33
December 30 ,. 7:53 4:34
December SI 7:53 4:35
Riverside, .al.. Deo. 1. A sharp
earthquake shock was felt here at 6:10
this mornine. Tne undulations were
from the northeast. No damage was
done but ail late sleepers were awaken
ed by the shock,
Thepoint dum
Long Island
Sons of Revolution
In Oregon Are Active
A cordial invention is extended by
the Oregon Society Sons of the Amer
ican Revolution to nil eligible gentle
men to become members and unite in
the patriotic work which this socioty
is doing. The important qualification
is descent from someone who assisted in
somo capacity in establishing American
independence. The society has an ex
cellent library, which includos tho of
ficial lists of revolutionary soldiers
from all of the original states, except
Rhode Island, tho Carolines, and Ooor
gia. The library includes a number of
genornl works such as 8af foil's Revolu
tionary Records and Heitman'a Regis
tor of the Officers of tho Continental
Army, in which nro found muster rolls
and names of soldiers from the four
missing stntea. The society Is there
fore in a position to furnish evidence
of ancestral service to eligible gentle
men in most canes if they have their
family history in hand.
The society is the only organization
in Oregon which keeps alive the old
patriotic memories growing ont of the
revolution. It has in hand at the pres
ent time a most useful work in the nat
ter of instructing aliens and assisting
in making the naturalization ceremony
impressive. It is earnestly desired by
the officers of the socioty thnt a mini
bor of members be secured in the city
of Salem. Whllo the membership of
the Oregon socioty is scattered through
out the state and a majority of the
countios are represented, there is no
member from Marion county, except
Mr. Wlnthrop Hammond, whose place
of business Is 107 North Commercial
street. Mr. Hammond will bo glad to
confor with any gentleman intending to
join and information may be secured
by corresponding with Wallace McCa-
Always Watch This
We bt all kinds of Axe, Sledges, Wedges, Baws and Equipments T
4n that wsvVfl
All kinds of Corruimted Iron
A good (800.00 Laundry Mangel,
i cost
I pay 1 1-2 cent per pound for old rags.
I Py highest prlcsj for bide and fur.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The Hons of Half a Million Bargains.
SOI North Commercial Street.
Suitable rewards
for Ihe discovery of
the 7th point will
be offered later
City, Greater New York
Austrians occupied Belgrade. M
the former capital of Mervin.
Servia was reported seeking aid
from Russia.. Heavy fighting
was resumod in Plunders. 41
A Balem Citizen Gives Information of
Priceless Value.
When you suffer from backache,
Headaches, dizziness, nervousness,
Fool weak, languid, depressed,
Have annoying urinary disorders;
Do you know what to dol
Borne Snlem people do.
Read tho Btutcment that follows.
It's from a Salem citizen.
Testimony that can be investigated:
C. W. Hill, wagon maker. 1939 Uortbi
Front street, Salem, sayB: ''I had mors
or lens backache and my kidneys wer
disordered. Doan's Kidney Pills hav
always relieved me in a nhort time. I
know of Bovernl other people who hava
takon Donn'a Kidney Tills with good
results. You may continue publishing
the statement I gave before, recom
mending them."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Hill had. Foster-MUburn Cos,
Props., Buff nlOiNY,
mant, 920, Northwestern Bank building,
Portland, Ore., who is president of tha
Oregon society, or with Alfred F. Park
er, 330 Northwestern Bank build inf,
Portland, Ore., who is registrar of tha
Oregon society. The expenee of mem
bership is small, the dues being as low
as it is possible to make them and
maintain the society.
Ad Changes Often
for both Roofs and Bulldlnm.
slightly used for one-fourth original T
Phon 808.