Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1915, Image 1

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tiL fil (! i (i Iff (i
Mill) iailSi lilt J ((ttirilM
i i i ' ' i i .. .-
Pursuers Caught la Many i g dy Traps-Austrians Invad
ing Montenegro Meetin f leroic Resistance-Germany
and Austria Will Make r On Greece If She Grants
Demands of Allies Au. i Forsees Fall of Goritz
Report of Fall of Monai ; -. Is Unconfirmed
in southern. Serbia by the
London, Doc. 1. Germany
and Austria will make war on
Greece, should she grant all the
allies' demands and allow Sa
lonika to become a permanent
base of operations, according
to press dispatches today, quot
ing an Athens newspaper.
Other press dispatches told
of hasty preparations to meet
an expected Russian attack at
Rustehtik, Bulgaria on the Da
nube border of Rumania. This
town was reported a few days
ago to be evacuated by civil
ians under the order of military
Strong Teuton reinforcements
are said to be en routo thero.
aii indications have pointed to
early surrender of the city, hence the
reports are more or less credited here
Greece Wants to Enow.
.Loudon, Dec. 1. Greece has asked
irom tlio allies a "definition of the
military foaturcs of the allies' Mace
donia requiromcuts." Officials bolievo
tins request is only a play for time,
and they are preparinfg au answer that
will leave Greece n0 further alternative
than defiance or acquiescence in the
uiueu aemands,
Swedish Steamer Sunk.
Copenhagen, Dec. 1. The Swedish
steamer Hnbrina has boen sunk bv
submarine. Her crow was rescued ami
! taken to Kmden.
Berlin, Dec. 1. To chock a junction
with the southern forces, forces of the
central powers nro pursuing the Serbs
southward through tho Albanian moun
tains. Meantime the Serb resistance
has become disorganized, and the cen
tral allies have repeatedly found them
Helves trapped in bloody ambushes.
While this chase is on, the Austrinns
!.re pushing their invasion of Monte
negro meeting with a heroic resistance
from ranks of fiery Serb men, women
una no.vs.
Whether tho Bulgars have taken
.Monnstir as reported, is uncertain
Tho latest official news, howover, de
clared me scrDB linve evacuated it and
that ft commission of civilians had
Htai'ted negotiations for surrender.
Foresees Fail of Goritz. '
Vienna, Dee. l.The war office to
day apparently saw tho handwriting on
tiio wall, as far as Goritz struggle is
concerned. Its latest official state
ment declared significantly, "it be
comes clearer that the Italians will, at
:m costs, iorce a victory near (ioritz,
',41 lL J. 1. ll . !V1 . . '
i. n is nb uu pussiuio to QO SO.
Victims of Submarine.
T .1 T. , .
i.uuuon, uec. i. rive or the crow
of the British steamer Kingswav, sunk
by a submarine, are missing. Twentv-
two haye been landed.
City Is In Ruins.
Home, Dec. 1. Tho fall of Goritz is
Hourly cxp cted. Screnming artillery
xholls have about completed their work
of devastation today's war office state
ment indicated. For the past two days
me uoniuunimeni nas Deen more con
centrated than at any time iu the
wecas since it began, and all reports
i-iiuYv mm me accuracy or tuo Italian
fire is crumbling each "day more build
ings. Tho iiustrinns delivered strong coun
ter attacks around Urssili and Vodil,
lint were driven back again with losses.
. King Staid to tlie Last.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
Dec. 1. King Peter, of Serbia fled on
horseback from Prisrend Sunday, the
tlay before tho Bulgarians captured the
town. Sofia reported today. His des
tination was unknown. Prince Trou
bctskoy, tho Russinn nmbassndor to
Serbia accompanied him.
The kin? and ambassador wero tin-
Notifies His Holiness of the
Coming of the Commission
and Of Its Objects
New York, Dec. 1. Fopo Benedict
was told today of Henry Ford's pence
congress plans.
Tho message explained that from the
delegates aboard the peace ship, des
tined to Tho Hague, Ford hopes to form
an international peace congress iu some
neutral capital. This congress would
then formulate definite proposuls and
present them to the belligerents. '
In a cablegram made public at the
Ford headquarters Ford notified his
"Realizing the hi eh and holv- inw
est which you as supreme pontiff of the
church have taken toward ending cam-
"s'i J- mmuuncc to you the peace
mission on which wo are approaching:
Europe f - B
"Beliovine that a world alfiinf int. In
which international forces must co-operate,
exists, we have planned a con
ference of neutrals to adopt means of
action for ending the most frightful
war in hiRtory. For 15 months the
peoplo of the world have awaited for
their governments to act, end have
waited for them to bring Europe out of
unspeakable agony and suffering and to
prevent tho destruction of Europe."
"Meanwhile millions of men nn th.
battle fields nro dead. Htvnunitv owes
it to millions more, who nre led like
Ashland, Ore., Dec. l.The
condition of Postmaster E. J.
Kaiser, who was shot by Postal
Clerk William. Greenfield yes-
terday, was improved today. His
recovery is expected. Two
bullets took effect. ,
The body of Greenfield, who
shot himself after wounding
Aaiser, ana Uied two hours lat-'
er, was being hold here awaiting
instructions from his mother,
Mrs. E. Greenfield, of New
York City.
Miss Nora Haley Testifying
For Prosecution Explodes
a Bomb
"Europe Acts the Rascal
America Acts the FooF
Portland. Or.. Dec. 1 "I am nnn
ing that Europe will not pay too much
attention to a hysterical American mil
lionaire, a college sophomore and an
old maid school teacher. It makes me
boil to see how home times when
Europe acta the rascal. America acts
the fool."
This characterization of Henry
Ford's peace efforts by Rev. Frank L.
Loveland, of the First Methodist
church, created a great deal of com
ment today.
Rev. Loveland 's verbal broadside
was fired dunnir an address last
0 A.C. Fl
Easterners March Down To
Goal of Aggies Almost
At Will
Big Freighter Bound For
Europe Now Headed For
San Francisco
San Francisco, Dec. 1 ner crew re-j
Testimony Makes a Discrep
ancy In Prosecution's
Strongest Evidence
Los Angeles, Cal Dec. 1. Miss Nora
ported in mutiny after facing great Haley, a witness for the prosecution in
danger in a storm that lashed her for tl10 M- A- Schmidt trial, proved the
several days, the big Hill lino freight-! fl,1,r witness for the defense today
er Minnesota is making for this port at
top speed.
1 Ins information came by wireless-
to local shipping men today but did not
indicate what, caused tho mutiny.
though authorities inclined to believe
wnen she declared that Jnmos B. Mc
Namara's signaturo in tho stute's evi
dence to be bogus.
A hotel register upon which McNa
mara is alleged to have written the
nc.no "J. B. Bivce" was introduce.!
Nothing To Indicate Cause,
But Today's Fire Awakens
it might have been because the men did na evidence by the prosocution on the
not want, to go through tho war zone. 1 grounds that liryce was an alias ns
The big ship left Seattle-more than' fumed by McNamara. Miss Hnlev tcsti-
a week ago for London, carrying a war f'ed "nt sne knew the hiindwriting of
.i. a. iicinmara.
mi-go worth over 2,000,000.
Boilers Out of Condition.
Tneomn, 'Wash,. Dec. 1. Tlie
for tho steamer Minnesota iniitlnor
about and making for SaSn Francisco
is stated by local shipping men today
as likely to bo due to trouble with her
When the Minnesota was recently
hero taking on cargo for her trip around
mo norn, water rront men sn d her in
ers wero iu very poor shapo and ex
pressed doubts as to the stimmr'
ii unity to complete the long voyage to
It Is Surmised That Rumors
of Austria Seeking Separ
ate Peace the Cause
Amsterdam, Dee, 1. The Anstrinn
emperor has accepted the resignations
of tho ministers of finance of state-
Claim Monasttr Has Fallen.
London, Dec. 1. Unconfirmed Ath
ens dispatches told today of capture of
Abe Martin I
'ihe figlit at PrisTend was short, nnd
fl.n 1J. .!....,. ., 1 , (....l i. , . .
.1..- wiMKtiia uui'iurcu npnunis oi iu,t.uu lu me snnmoies, to prevent their
"If tho Christianity of our boasted
civilization stands for tho principle.'
the great prince of peace enunciated,
this cun Tie accomplished.
"There is no nntion that has not de
clared it does not want this war We
believe there is no nation that docs not
at heart ardently lone for pence. But
the belligerents cannot find it. Neutrals
must nrrango the wny.
"For this undertaking, most holv
father, wo bespeak your good will and
The remainder of the message dealt
with the plans for crention of the in
ternational congress.. Tho pope has not
yet replied.
The copy of the cablegram ?ivon out
here showed it to be addressed to Pope
Benedict VIT. Pope Benedict VII
died in (Wit. Tiio present pope's name
is Benedict XV. .
Alton B. Parker, once presidential
candidate, today ridiculed tho pence
voyage, callen Ford a strutting clown
and declared the government ought to
revoko the -nssports of the voyagers.
Colonel E. M. House, Louis Brnndcls.
Senator LaFollette. and Dr. Anna How
ard Shaw declined Ford's invitation
and Luther Burbank wns silent. !
according to
ntonor and commerce
V lenna advices today.
Hie resignations are nssoclnted with
reports that Austria is seeking a sep
arate peace. It is believed that these
ministers favored such a step and were
Tho minister of finance is supposed
to have quit because of inability to
raise money to continue the struggle;
while the minister of interior retired
because lie could not organize the gov-
"Is this signature written in the
handwriting of J. B. McNamara?" ask
ed Chief Defense Counsel McKcnzio.
"It is not," tho young woman re
plied. According to Schmidt's lawyers, Miss
Haley's testimony shows a discrepancy
in the prosecution's strongest evidence.
Captain J. B. Hunter, head of the dis
trict, attorney's secret service, iden
tified a tolegrnm as having been writ
ten by Schmidt after his arrest in
Iew York.
ciition win ns a s- role
Schmidt's handwriting when experts
tostiry as to sclimidt'B signature on
hotel registers. It wns presented to
tno jurors ror tneir inspection
Wilmington, Del., Dec. 1. While
searchers still hunted for the gruesome
remains of victims of the Dupont Pow
der company explosion, the officials to
day throw about tho plant a double
gunra as protection against possible
bomb plots.
Meantime, investigations sought to
ascertain tho cause of the explosion
which Killed 31 persons and fatally iu
jured six others.
Only ruins mark the crater of the
packing houso whorein tho explosion
It was reported that the allies' em
bassies at Washington inquired as to
tho cause, being interested because the
compnny is engaged on allied war con
tracts. Meantime, the police held the
theory that pro-Uorman agents were
responsible for the blast though the
company suggostod merely that the
causo may nover bo known.
Searchers told horriblo stories today
of finding shreds of flesh impaled or
limbs of trees some distance from the
O. A. C. Position Syracuse.
Moist L. E. R Travis
Smyth L. T. R.... Johnson
Anderson... L. G. R White
Bissott C. .. McDonough
Cole R. G. L..8chlachter
Laythe R. T. L Cobh
Billie R. E. L Dumoe
Abraham.. '.L.'H. Q.,..Moehan
Allen R. H Rafter
Alworth....L. F. L Rose
Locoy R. F..F.. Wilkinson
Officials: Varnell, Spokaao,
referee; Stott, Portland, um
pire; Francis, Portland, head
FIN AI-SYRACUSE 28, 0. A. C. 0,
Portland Ore., Dec. 1. Arjnroximato-
ly 10,000 peoplo crowded the grand
stand and bleachers this afternoon
when Syracuso university and 0. A. C.
clashed in the first game betweon far
eastern and tar western football teams
in many years.
Iho weather was ideal. It was
cloudy, but a wintry tang in the air
p.?sago(Ta lively game.
Syracuse chose tho south goal. Tho
wind was from the west. Colo kicked
off to Syracuse's 30 yard line with-a
seven yard return. Rose made three
yards through left tnckle. 0. A. C.
penalized five yards for offsido. Rose
Railroad Company Still Ad
heres to Every Single Point
Gained In Court
Assistant General Manager
lampbell Has Power To
Settle Controversy
.Tiado threo yards nround right end. A
packing houso, while othors reported
This telegram the titoc- T 8 , " , e
fire today did slight damage at tin
company's blending mill at Carney 't
Point but resulted in no casualties.
After discovery of tho first fire to
day, a second small one was found in
the Hagley plant. Officials scouted tho
idea, however, that oither was connect
ed with yesterday's tragedy. Only 12
of tho 30 known dead have been iden
tified. Arrangomonts are under way
for a penoral funornl.
In connection with warnings to th
company, it hud refused for a long tire
to employ any Austro-Gornmn laborers.
Workmen believe that an autside age
caused the explosion inasmuch as there
genorally was nothing within the pin
ing houso that could have caused t'
ernmentnl distribution of food nnd cope
wit n popular discontent over tho food
situation, iho ministor of commerce
presumably agreed with the other two,
though these suggestions -are merely
Vienna offered no explanation of tho
lOregon: Tonight
ond Thursday, in
west, rain; rain
or snow enst por
tion; southeaster
ly winds, increas
ing to gale force
along the coast.
Is At Lowest Point
(Copyright 1915 by tho New
Evening Post.)
New York, Dec. 1. Prices on tho
stock exchange vniicd fractionally to-
Iny with a few scarcely noticed sharp
advances and declines in minor indus
trial issues. Tho market weakened dur
ing the closing hour under professionni
London exchange reached ikt.71 1-8,
1 tho highest mark sinco October 4.
Following is the correct statement of the actual circulation of the Daily
Capital Journal of Salem, Oregon: ,
' If you pay cash Christmui won't roll
uround so fast. We've all grown so
tillous rendin' war casualties that it 'is
hard t' git enough folks interested in a
funeral t' give a pe-rado.
Ford Joins Tomorrow.
New York, Dec. 1. Henry Ford and
his family will arrive here tomorrow,
ready to embark on the peaco ship
Oscar II. en routo to the Ford peace
congress. Former Secretary of State
Bryan is expected to come, too, frrm
Florida, but ho will n t sail, though he
admittedly sympathizes with the Ford
Re-decoratlon of the pence ship start
ed today. This included removal of
militaristic books unceremoniously
from the ship library.
Total Average daily circulation for the 26 days of pub
lication during the month of November, 1915
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of December, 1915.
(Seal) Notary Public for Oregon.
The circulation of the Daily Capital Journal for the month of November
was divided as follows:
Average daily circulation in city of Salem, 2161; average daily circulation
by mail 1912; total average daily circulation 4073.
This circulation statement is printed because the publishers of the Capital
Journal believe that businessmen have a right to know what they are paying for
when they buy advertising space in a newspaper. We make no circulation claims
simply a statement of circulation facts, which any advertiser is at liberty to in
vestigate for himself. . Our mailing lists, carrier lists and press run figures are
at his service. We have no circulation secrets because we have" no cause to be
ashamed of our subscription list, and no good reason for misrepresenting it in
I any respect.
The Capital Journal believes that it has by far the largest circulation of anv
newspaper attempting to cover this field and it is a legitimate subscription
not padded by fake voting contests 'or wholesale distribution . of premiums.
Furthermore, 97 per cent of this circulation is in Marion and Polk counties,
directly tributary to the City of Salem.
forward pass, Mcehan to Rafter, netted
Syracuse zl yards. O. A. C. ngnin pen
nlized five yards. Rafter, Wilkinson,
on rivo plunges made lis yards. Wilkin
sou then went over for a touchdown
after six minutes of play. Wilkinson,
kicked goal. Score; Syracuso, 7; 0,
A u., u.
Colo kicked off -10 yards with a 14
yard return. Syracuse penalized five
yards, otrisde. Wilkinson wbb caught
holding and Hyrncuse penulized l!i
yards more. Wilkinson mado threo
yards through center, and on a fako
punt formation Mcehan ran 35 yards.
Syracuse then gained seven yards on a
criss cross. Wilkinson, on four plunges
mndo Heven yards through the lino.
Wilkinson punted to Meehnn on 25 yard
line in front of goal and he went over
tor the second touchdown. Wilkinson
kicked goal, wcoro: Hyrucuso, 14; 0
A. C, 0.
The first quarter ended here.
In the second quarter noithor side
was ublo to score, although tho ball
was in O. A. 0. territory most of the
time. Syracuse was playing a wonder
fully bruiny game, seeming to know
whut to do under all circumstunccs.
Penalties for offsido wero administer
ed to both teams in tho second quarter.
Syracuse also penulized 15 yurds for
holding. Hyrncuse completed two for
ward passes for II) yards, but Abraham
for O. A. C, spoiled two that -wero at
tempted. X)rcgon attempted two for
wurd passes, both of which failed of
completion. The half ended: Syracuso,
11; O. A. C 0.
Third quarter; Rose kicked off 40
yards with eight yards return. 0. A. C.
lost the bull on a fumble. Wilkinson
and lioso hit the lino for 10 yards. On
fivo plunges Wilkinson made 27 yards.
Ball on O. A. C. one ynrd lino. On
fourth down Wilkinson went over for
touchdown. Wilkinson kjeked goal.
Score: Hyrncuse, 21; O. A. C, 0. lioso
kicked off fivo yards. Abraham ran ball
back 20 yards. Alworth hit center for
eight yards. Hoerline replaced Moist.
O. A. ('. lust the ball on a funiblo on
30 ynrd lino. Rose and Wilkinson
mndo three yards through center.
Meehnn got away for a touchdown on
a criss cross for 22 ynrds. Wilkinson
kicked goal. Score: Syracuse, 28; 0.
(,'., 0.
Laythe kicked off Howards with an
eight yard return. Hal'tei and Wilkin
son hit the lino fur six ynrds, A for
ward pass, Meehnn to Kiiftor netted
ten ynrds. Median, Wilkinson and
Hose hit the line for six yards. Wil
kinson hurdled the line fur ten yards.
Wilkinson punted over tho goal lino.
'). A. I', ball on own 20 yard lino. Hil
lie punted HO yards. Syracuso failed to
completed a forward pass. Another
Syracuse forward pass intercepted. Hull
on Syracuse's J" yurd line, ilofer re
lieved Hissctt. Newman relieved Kllis.
Abraham downed iu trucks. ). A. C.
failed to complete a forward pass.
Syracuse ball on their own H5 yard
line, Wilkinson on two plunges mude
six yards through center. Knd third
quarter score, Hyrncuse, 2S; 0. A. C, 0.
Fourth quarter: On a puss Ilufter
made 10 yards. Hose made 7 through
center. Rafter hit the line for ten
yards. Rose made 5 through left win
ter.. Itul'tcr made 4 through the line.
Hose fumbled, the Aggieij recovoring.
Smythe made .'1 yards on a fake punt.
Itiliio punted 15 ynrds. Wilkinson, Ruf
ter und Rose made 10 yurds through the
line. Wilkinson punted out (if bounds
on (). A. 0. 30 yard line. A forward
pass netted 0, A. C. 0 yards. Brown
replaced Wilkinson, Meehnn intercep
ted Smythe 's forward pass for 0 yards
gain. Forward pans failed, Another
forward puss netted seven yards for
Rafter made twelve ynrds on a criss
cross. Ihe ball on ). A. (.. In yard line.
Ahruhnm intercepted forward pnss. Ab
raham made 12 yards on tho forward
pass. A forward pass, Newman to Ilo
fer netted eight yards. Alworth made
yardage, Abraham made 3 yards
through center. A forward pass, Ab-
y'riiham to Billie was incomplete. An-
.il M I II . I . ,
Tho representative!! nf th s,,(i,
Pacific came to the second meeting of
the land grant committne
dowed with authority to treat finally
with the committee in behalf of the
railroad relativo to the final disposi
tion of tho 0. & C. lands. Attorney
Ralph Moody, Assistant Hunnrnl Man
ager Campbell from the headquarters
office at San Francisco, aud Tax Agent
McAllister represented tho rnilmn j
Governor Withycombe, Secretary of
State Olcott, State Treasurer Kay and
Siioi Garland of the committee, appear-
uiutobib or me state.
While Mr. Campbell was prepared to
accept or reject any proposition that
might ba mndo for a compromise it
was evident thnt tho railroad would re
cood from none of tho points adhered to
ia the first conference nnd any com
promise would bo made by the state's
representatives. Attorney Moody be
gan tho conference by atating the stand
of tho railroad in tho matter of the
O. & C. lands. He said in substance
that tho railroad would adhere to the
terms of tho decision of the U. 8. su
promo court which stnted that the fee
simplo title to tho land was vested in
tho railroad company nnd that the lr 1
should be in private ownership no tl '
it would bo on tho tax roll and in fol
lowing closely the statements mado in
the address by Attorney Dunne he drew
tho conclusion thnt the railroad contil
chooso its own sweet time to disnnsn nf
the lnnd.
The final decision in the mnttor, he
recalled, must bo in the hands of con
gress and it was not within tho power
of congress to force the immediate snl
of tho lands. Tho disposition to actuat
sottlors he snid was impracticable as
such a small part of tho land was suit
able for agriculture. He hold that, th"
$2.50 an acre provision was simply a
restrictive clause and was not directory
and thnt, tho only possible jntereats of
tho slate in the lands was as regards
general welfnro and tho tax roll. Th
remarks of. Mr. Moody plainly Indicat
ed that tho railroad would consider any
compromise that regarded the rights
the state as entirely outside of any
legal clnim.
Governor Withycombe Baid thet
whilo tho state might be shy of a legal
right to tho land it has a moral rieht
since the development of the stnto has
mado tho lnnd increase in value from
2.50 at tho time of tho grant to SO an
aero in some instances today. He agreed
that it was not fair to limit the rail
road to an equity of i'2f() an acre in
tho land and thnt the railroad should
be recouped for its Iosscb In transport
ing troops. Ho slnted that the tVibo
lund should bo sold at its commercial
value and that the agricultural lands
should be sold at $2.50 an acre and that
tho surplus wns iu tho timbor now on
tho lands.
Stnto Treasurer Kay said that the
government granted tho lnnd to the
railroad and that the government hail
no further interest in tho land but
since the stale was responsible for t'"
increase in value that the stnto should
hnve the benefit of this increasn ns th
railroad did not comply with the torma
of the grant and thnt tho tillable land
should be sold at 2.5(1 an acre and
that the railroad should be paid some
thing above 2.50 an aero to repay
them for their losses in transporting
troops nnd other losses of tho company
rclntivo to the lands.
Governor Withycombe stated thnt ac
cording (o his information there wern
1,000,000 ncrcs of tho land thnt could
bo used for agriculture but Kay dis
agreed with tho governor and Olcott '
opinion wns in occordaneo with tho
views of Kay. In the statement of Mr.
Olcott he agreed in tho main with th
views of Mr. Kny that tho land should
bo sold to nctunl settlers at the actual
value and thut tho timber should b
sold at Its actual commercial value.
Both were desirous of kcoping tho land
out of a forest reserve as was the op
inion of the wnnindor of the oommit
tee. This shadow of a forest reserve ap
pears to bo one of tho main considera
tions of the railroad company and
about the only element to be feared by
tho corporation.
At a late hour the committee hail
reached no definito agrcemont in th
mnttor nnd tho discussion was resumed
this afternoon nfter the adjournment
for lunch nt 12::t0.
was incomplete. Billie punted 80 yard
to Rafter. A forward pass was com
plete. Mcehan puntod 25 yards to Ab
raham. Aftor several forward paiwi by O.
A n rnimn nniliwl with liall An Mvp.
.other forward pass, Kmythe to Dillio cu'so' 35 yard lino.