Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 30, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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Great Crowd Expected To See
Game Between 0. A. C.
and Syracuse Team
I . Alto Packed 20 for 10c
No Wonder They Score Big!
PIEDMONT Cigarettes are
but words won't describe the taste of their
mellow, all-pure Tobacco.
You've got to taste them !
Then you'll know why so' many thousands of men are
o keen for PIEDMONTS! Why not try them TODAY?
Kick in on
ZJCT' "'"
the Coupon!
Not Rub
1UW j n
1" J l M0k"
S.wi Wot.
Get a Can Today
Anna Hod to W. C. nnd Grace Gal
loway lot 10 blk 15 Riverside adit.
Kay and Spencer to Agnes P. Beach,
J. B. Greer el 5:i-8-2W.
Folix Vorhocwen et ux to Andrew
and Kirstino, Wm, I.urkiu's cl 8i-3-2W.
W. A. Laidlnw et ux to Herman
Amart'W 1-2 of lots 0 and 7, Hast Sa
lorn Fruit Farms No. 2.
J. D. Barbor et ux to Kfflc James,
Moses Ediir cl H5-D-2W.
W. A. Ruthbone et ux to Ann Riding
jiart D L C K1L C. Cooloy 42 5-lW.
Piles Cured In 6 to 11 Days
Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT falls to cure Itching,
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
First application gives relief. 50c.
)(jft(lf(ftC)C)(C )c )t l(t )t fc sc
Russia retract oil lier claVu of
a sweeping victory in western
Mrs. Tarkliurst, pleading for
recruits, condemned critics of
the government.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
I.ivesley, Ore., Nov. SO. It has been
left to Mr. C. 1). Query to supply a long
telt want in the neighborhood. He is
starting a grocery store near the depot.'
Workmen are buHy building now awl
Mr. Query hopes to bo running an up-to-date
store within 10 days.
A Thanksgiving social was held In
tho church on Thursday night when
over 100 were entertained to a fine
program rendered by members of the
.Sunday school. Tho following contribut
ed to the evening's enjoyment:
Recitations: Fred Uavonport, r.nrl
Moortry, Floyd Query, Melba Daven
norf. F.nrl Sharp. :
Readings: Mrs. W. Pettyjohn.
Dialogue: Claude Sharp and Louis
Snlchenberg. .
Hongs: Young People's class and
Bible claHS,
Bcforo dispersing light refreshments
were served.
Claude Sharp was seriously assaulted
while returning home from the Thanks
giving social. Two men accosted him
and dragged him from his horse. He
lost six teeth and was badly injured,
being unconscious for some time. No
reason can be given for the assault nnd
Claude has the sympathy of the com
munity. At a meeting of neighbors it was de
cided to form a grange. It was left to
N. N. Carpentor to get details nud
reports. Ho it is likely that a grange
will soon be added to the many activ
ities of the district.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Query and fam
ily spent Thanksgiving with Mr. nnd
Mrs. J, Watson.
Mrs. Davenport will entertain the
"llet Together" club at her home on
Mrs. 11. B. Carpenter nnd Miss Hilda
Hyden were appointed delegates to at
tend the Sunday school convention at
Salem Heights on Sunday.
John Redmond says the Germans are
beaten In the west. However, it's al
ways hard to convince unbelievers.
Lojus Take Two Out of
Three From Elk Team
The I.oju team took two out of three
games from the Elk bowlers at the Club
alleys last night in a hotly contested
game. Rcinhart, of the Elks, rolled 224
for high score, and Freelnnd of the Lo
ganberry juicers, Bcorod the high aver
age of 209.
The score follows:
Stutesmnn 185
Filkenton 117
Hill 155
Freelund 221
B. Day 205
Totals 883
Team average, 177.
I B 3 Av.
Ralph '.. 17(1 1!U 174 HW
Reinhnrt 224 188 139 184
Pratt 175 138 lti8 100
Skiff 100 179 105 171
Uussey 191 194 101 182
Totals 935 853 807
Team average, 173.
2 3 Av.
108 214 181'
155 130 137
108 150 100
202 203 209
191 181' 192
884 893
Portland Dm Vai in Vi t.
er is promised for the game troiorrow
between Syracuse and 0. A. C. and a
huge crowd is expected to attend.
Syracuse had its final workout today
and performed in a manner that pleased
Coach O 'Neil.
In a secret practice game yesterday,
the Columhia Pnrlra a Ituiul tnom
scored a touchdown on the HyracusansJ
out me new x oncers secured lour.
O. A. O. In Portland.
Corvallis, Ore., Nov. 20 The 0. A. C.
team left here this morning for Port
land for the game with Syracuse to
morrow. Due to injuries to' the play
ers, and the beating administered by
the University of Oregon 10 days ago,
the students here were far from being
confident of victory.
Short Bout at Tacoma.
Portland, Ore., Nov, 30 Abe Gordon,
the local flyweight boxer, is today con
sidering an offer of a four round bout
at Tacoma with Jeff Christensen.
Lightweight Seeks Match.
Portland, Ore., Nov. 30. With the
prospect of a bout with Leach Cross,
John Dundee or Joe Shugrue, Ralph
Gruman, Portland's lightweight con
tender, left for New York today. He
wna summoned by Billy Roche, his
Wants Oakland Club.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 30. L. N.
O'Neill, former president of the West
ern league, is dickering for the Oak
land club, it became known today. That
O'Neill is not meeting with much suc
cess is believed. Lenvitt and Cook,
Oakland owners, feel that brighter days
are ahead, oiid O'Neill assumes the at
titude that the purchase price ought
to be based on lost season's show
ing. Gunboat Smith Out.
New York, Nov. 30. Jim Coffey's
knockout of Gunboat Smith here last
night was the topic of the day among
fight fans today. The fall of the gunner
before the Irish heavyweight came as a
Although tho fight was a hard one,
Coffey plainly held the advantage up
until the knockout, in the fourth round.
Smith went down for the count after
Coffey had planted a hard blow on the
body and followed it n few seconds
later with a hard swing to the jaw.
Willamette Basket
Shooters Train Hard
With fivo "W" letter men as a nu
cleus and from 30 to 40 candidates out
for practice each evening, prospects for
a fast basketball team are very eucour
aging at old Willamette.
The old men who are again showing
up well are Shisler nnd Jewctt, for
wards; AdamH, the hnsby center, and
Flegel nnd Baglcy, as guards. Troctor
and Irvine, subs of last year, are ulso
putting up a great fight for a place on
the team.
Coach Mathews is highly elated over
the showing of the new men. Archi
bald, Hendrix nnd Herris are working
hard for guard positions, whilo Brooks
To Eliminate Freshmen.
Berkeley, Cal., Nov. 30. Graduate
Manager John Stroud, of California
university, started for Portland today
to attend the Northwest Athletic con
ference meeting December 2 nud 3,
armed for a battle alongside the Uni
versity of Washington in its fight for a
rule eliminating freshmen from inter
collegiate competition.
Well, that is, almost everybody.
Of course, we except trie man who uses smoked
glasses to take all the brightness out of life
And the old codger who believes that the theatres
are very, very wicked
And the gentleman who buttons his collar in the
back because he hates to look forward
And his neighbor who thinks railroad trains and
newspapers should slop on Sunday.
These fellows hold up their hands in holy horror at ?XCV
Other folks, who get some real joy out of life, buy it every
Tuesday morning; at their nearest newsstand, and go about all
the rest of the week with their faces wreathed in smiles.
Try It This Weelc Just For Fun!
Oregon Growers Awarded
Many Exposition Prizes
North Yakimn, Wash., Nov. 29 Thir
teen boys who stole a cask of com
munion wine from the basement of a
church here recently have been sen
tenced by Probation Officer Lnningham
to attend Sunduy school every Sunday
for six weeks.
and Jackson, a fast man from Emmett,
Idaho, high school, are struggling to
land a forward position.
Tho inter-class series of basketball
games is giving Coach Mathews a good
line on the men. Rivalry between the
various teams is keen, and tho close
games being pluyed are rovealing much
material capable of development.
No definite schcdulo is announced as
yet bv Manager Baiu, but it is highly
probable that the team will take a
northern tour early in January, play
ing the" Univors'ity of Washington.
Gonjinga and Whitmban, as well as
playing games with O. A. C. and Pa
cific university.
Are You
By Feeling
Poorly ?
Vif. k,ic?nfQe rvrnqnecta. vour oleasure and happi
uuuiiivww f.. r 1 , . .
ness your cnances 01 gctuux uu m i"" "
. -i - 1 : 1 -JUUn Vmi oonriA- Art vnnr nPSt WOfK
deal on your unysiuu cuuuiuuw. vu"uu.v -
when you feel poorly. Watch your health, and take good care of it
Don't let ill health defeat your earnest efforts to succeed. When
you suffer from indigestion, biliousness, poor appetite, constipa
tion, nervousness, loss of sleep and low spirits, it is hard to look
on the bright side of things, or to make the most of your
opportunities. If you are despondent and run-down, see what
rrrf rr
i-i v
Help You
Back to Health
and keep you
at your;
will do for you. A few doses will make a wonderful change in
your feelings, your looks and your actions. These pills are fine
for the digestion. They strengthen the stomach, stimulate the
liver and regulate the bowels. They purify the blood, clear the
complexion, tone the nerves and make you feel ambitious and
capable. Beecham's Pills have helped ailing men and women
- for over sixty years. Gentle, safe and thorough, for the com
mon ills of life they are a dependable remedy that will quickly
and surely help you back to health and keep you at your best
The Largest Sale of Any Medicine In the World!
At AU Druggists, 10c 25c
(Capital Journal Special Service.) ibank potatoes; W. L. Luck- Oregon
Orogon Building, P. P. I. E., Nov. City, Burbank potatoes; Dr. G. A. Mc
30. Oregon lost the grand sweepstakes Crum, Mosier, Bosc pears; H. C. Mc-
Uinnis, Troutdale, celory; Midvale Or
chards, Medford, Winter Nelis pears;
Gus Miller Hood River, Cornice pears;
Modoc Oreards, Medford, P. Barry
pears; W. B. Morrison, Klamath Falls,
Oregon blue potatoes; Frcu Nitschelm,
Klamath .Fulls, Danish Round Head
cabbage; Fred Nitschelm, White plume
celery; Fred Nitchelm, New York Mar
got lettuce; J. R. Nunamaker, Hood
Kiver, Bing cherries; J. R. Nunamaker,
Hood Kiver, republican encrnes; v. A.
Peters, Ashland, Cuthbcrt Raspberries;
W. E. PhippB, Medford, Bing cherries;
H. 8. Reed, Hood River, Delicious ap
ples; C. M. and G. G. Stackland, Cove.
Union county, Lambert cherries; R. D.
Toter, Salem, Champion prunes; F. L.
Tou Velle, Winter xselne pears; F. 1.
Tou Velle, Bosc poars; J. 8. Villas,
Medford, tiurtlett pears.
Silver Medals: D. M. Lowe, Ash
land. Earlv Wheeler peaches: Marion
county, Bing cherries; II. W. Whitacre,
Harnsburg, Improved Netted uem po
tatoes; W. N. Moses, Eugene, Northern
Spy Apples; Fred Nitchelm, Klamath
Falls, Chantrv Carrots; 11. VV. Whit
acre, iiarrisburg, five varieties of po
tatoes; Dr. B. Blatchford, Scappoose,
Le Conte poars; Carl Wodecki, The
Dalles, Bing Cherries; A. G. Bouquet,
Corvallis, vegetable marrow; E. W.
r.n... rn.t-A ixrtna xTniua
A. is, w right, aiearord, lemon cling
peaches, and Muir peaches; A. H. tar-
son & Sons, Grants Pass, collective
exhibit of grapes; J. C. Cooper, Man'
ager Oregon Walnut Ex. Station, edu
cational exhibit; C. W. Coble, New
Krirtge, rortnwestern apples; V. m.
Field, Salem, Italian prunes; J. J,
Fleck, The Dalles, Flame Tokay grapes,
Hollywood Urchards, Aledtord, Uobc
pears; A. Johnson, Ashland, Krummel
peaches, J. 11. Koberg, Hood itiver,
egg plant: J. K. Lants Cove, Union
county, Lambert cherries; Fred Nits
chelm, Klamath Falls, Netted Gem po
on apples, but won a larger number of
medals on horticultural products, con
sidering the number of entries, than
any other state competing for awards
at the Panama-Pacific International
exposition. A grand total of 115
medals were captured, and of these 28
were Medals or Honor, 41 Uold Medals,
2 Silver Medals,. Hi Hronze Medals
and twelve exhibits Received honorable
mention. Geographically these awards
were landed as follows: Medals of
honor, Jackson county 10; Hood, River
county 10; Willamette valley 3; Union
Klamath 1. Uold medals, Jackson
county 19; Hood River 7; Klamath 7;
Willamette valley 4; Union 1; Wasco
ailver medals, Willamette valley
7; Jackson 6; Klamath 2; Wasco 2;
Hood River, Josepnine, Columbia, Un-
on and linker counties one each.
Bronze medals, Jackson county 5; Wil
lamette valley 4; Union, Coumbia and
Wasco counties one each. Honorable
mention, Jackson county 5; Willamette
valley 4; Union, Klamath and Wasco
counties one each. As a matter of
fact, Jackson nnd Hood River made
tho overwhelming number of entrios,
and only such entries as were reason
ably certain of some sort of placement
were actually taKcn bcrore the jury.
Considerable material Bent down was
acceptable for display purpose but ab
solutely wonniess tor competition.
Much of it was poorly packed and a
great deal of the fruit offered was not
standard material. Taking all things
into consideration uregon s tinal show
ng in the awards is suporb. The of
ficial detailed list ot awards is ai
Medal of Honor: H. H. Leavitt, Ash
land, Lambert cherries; Mary E. Mater
Mosier, .Italian prunes; uus Minor, ot
Hood Kiver, Aniou pears; M. I. Min
car, Medford, Bartlett pears; John
Galbrecht, Sherwood, onions; Henry
Janssen, Klamath Falls, white plumo
celery; M. a: jonnson, snorwood, Aus
trnlinn Brown Onions; Mrs. F. A. Jones
Hood Kiver; ..niou pears; W. K. King
hood River, Anjou pears; F. H. Blagg,
Hood Kiver, Bosc pcarB; C K. Boyd,
Medford, Howell pears; C. R. Boyd,
Modford, Anjou pears; G. M. Chambers
Hood River, uolicious apples; Del Rio
Orchards, Rock Point, Bobc' pears; W.
B. lwyer. Hood Kiver, Anjou pears;
hast Hood Kiver Tiut company, Mosi
er Anjou pears; W. M. Moreross, Coiv
tral Point, Bosc pears; J. R. Hunamak
er, Hood River, Lambert cherries; Pat
nrnnn Orihnr,t pnmnonv. Atthlnml Yel
low JNcwtown apples; A. L. Koed, Hood
Kiver, Hose pears; 1.. 1. Keynolds. Sa
lem, Baldwin apples; Ben C. Sheldon
Medford, tollow Ncwtowns; C IS. and
G. G. Stackland, Cove, Ropublicnn
cherries; Harry U. Antlers, Love, Lam
bert cherries: T. Weiden, Hood Kiver,
Banana apples; A. N. Wright, Modford
Liberia peaches and Balway peaches.
Gold Medals: J. A. Westerlund
Modford, Blenheim apricots; II, A,
Whitacre, Harrisburg, Whito Rose po
tatoes; Elmer Applegate, Klamath
Falls, Argentuel rhubarb; Thomas E
Averv, Hood River, Jonathan apples
Berkolcy Orchards, Medford, Yellow
Newtown apples; Berkeley Orchards
Medford, Banana apples; C. R. Boyd,
Medford, Cornice pears; J. D, Carter,
Hood Kiver, Italdwin apples; N. IS
Davis, Klamath Falls, Netted Gem po
tatoes; A. Conro Ficro, Medford, Eso-
pus apples; U. w. UibDs, Mauser, cran
berries; Wm. E. Hartley, Myrtle Point,
HravenBtein apples; Wm. K. Hartloy
Myrtle Point, potatoes; Hollywood or
rhanls, Modford, Cornice pears; Hood
River Apple growers association, Clark,
seedlinc strawberries; Janes Brothers,
Medforu, Elb rta peaches; A. Johnson,
Ashland. Sixteen to Une strawberries
A. Johnson, Bing cherries; Thos. King,
, , . . t. : , ) . ... .it
Iioou niver, xiBiiii-ii poars, ... n
Kinir. Hood River, Bosc pears; It. H
leavttt, Ashland, Anjou pears; W. W,
Ixwis, Merrill, . JUainath county Bur
Here Is Good News
for Stomach Victims
Some very remarkable results arc
being obtained by treating stomach.
liver and intestinal troubles with par
vegetable oils, which exert a cleansing,
soothing and purifying action upon thai
lower bowels, removing the obstructions
of poisonous fecal matter and gases and
preventing their absorption by tho
blood. This done, the food is allowed
free passage from tho sfbmach, fermen
tation ceases and stomach troubles
quickly disappear.
- George H. Mayr, for twenty years
leading Chicago druggist, enred himself
and many of his friends of stomach,
liver and intestinal troubles of years
standing by this treatment, and so suc
cessful was the remedy he devised that
it has Bince been placed in the hands of
druggists all over the country, who hav
sold thousands of bottles.
Though absolutely harmless, the ef
fect of the medicine is sufficient to
convince any one of its remarkable
effectiveness, and within 24 hours th
sufferer feels like a new person. Mayr's)
Wonderful- Remedy is sold by leading
druggists everywhere with the positivst
understanding that your money will ba
refunded without question or quibble if
ONE bottle fails to give you absolute
satisfaction. (
Independence will have a twent
mill levy next year. Fonr councilman
deemed it necessary and so voted last
Friday night. Councilman. Paddock
voted no, as he believes that eighteen
would be enough. H
' not so manv citizens attended the
meeting as was expected. J. 8. Bo
hannon, Peter Kurre and W. L. Bica
addressed tho council and not only ad
vocated a lower assessment but plead
ed for economy. Independence Moni
Bron7 Medals: Bear Creek Orch
ards, Medford, Cornice pears; J. A,
Wosterland, Medford, peach plums; A
Johnson, Ashland, Bosc pears; Groner
and McCluro Hillaboro, Franquette,
Uladvs and Mayette Walnuts; o. is,
Kimball, Salem, Bing cherries; H. 11.
beavitt, Ashland, currnuts; J. JS. Ii.
Love, Cove Napoleon cherrieB; Fred
Nitcholm Klamata Falls, Silver Skin
onionB; Stevens & Brown, Medford,
Bosc pears; The Dalles Fruit Growers
association, The Dalles, Italian prunes,
Honorablo Mention: Frank Arm
strong, Klamath Falls, Pride of the
West String beans; George Armstrong,
Corvallis, Oravcnstein apples; Bear
Croek Orchards, Medford, Bosc pears;
Dr. R. Blachiord, Scappoose, Clairgeau
pears: a. I. tereuson Polk county,
Bing cherries; J. F. Fleck, The Dalles,
assorted grams; D. At. Lowe, Ashland
King cherries; H. isewnham, Alnmnth
Falls, Kentucsy Wonder beans; w. u,
frescott, Ashland, Muir peaches; L. M
& G. G. Stackland, Cove, Union county,
Bine cherries: K. V. Teter Salem, Wil
lamette prunes; H. W. Whitacre, Iiar
risburg, Kussett HurbanK potatoes.
'Did it ever occur to you that waste
food ferments in the large intestine, that
poisonous ptomaines are gradually de
stroying your vital or nan and displacing vigor
with premature old age?
Or. these poisons may punish you with rhcu-
matinm, ataoeies, consupauon,
nervous diseases, loss of memory
and appetite, mental depression
and loos of vitality. Have you
any of these ailments now?
If you are RoinR to Ret all the
Joy out of living you ouht to get,
it is time to stop, to think and
to act Muke the effort to mirifv
your system, and keep the large
lmesune irce iroin lermviuutii i
wnttt 4nA Itntrin nnw aft m
bottle of Intesti-Fermin Tablets, a drugless treat
ment to clear the large intestine of poisonous
products. These Tablets contain the active
Rropertirs of BulRarian lactic acid, which Prof.
IctchnikorT so emphatically endorses to over
come the poison-forming microbes that ferment
ing waste food makes in the large intestine.
"Mtsti Fermin Tablets art wonder'
ul." This mrssngewas sent to ua
by the Secretary of an Engineers
Association in Brooklyn,
Don't give up, and don't go on and on nntil
you must give up. Don't think your case hope
lessbegin treatment before greater inroads ar
made on your vitality. Get a bottle of Intetti
Fermin Tablets, today, of
J. C. PERRY, Salem
Inleili-Fermin it made txcluihrely by
The Berlin Laboratory, Ltd.
373 Fourlh Ave., New York City
Always Watch This Ad"
"Changes Often
We have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saws and Equipments T
AU kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Roofs and Buildings.
A good $800.00 Laundry Mangel, slightly used for one-fourth original ' T
f 15 AND $20 NEW OVERCOATS AT $5.00.
I pay 1 1-2 cents per pound for old rags.
I P7 highest price for hides and fur.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
The House of Half a Million' Bargains.
802 North Commercial Street. Phone 808.