Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 30, 1915, Page THREE, Image 3

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Everybody Is Getting Ready for
Every Bell Telephone
Is a Long Distance Station
As President of U. of 0. Stu
dent Body Is One of 15
College Delegates
Our wonderful, bargains in CLOTHING
are surprising the purchasers.
tttt. I . I M M H "n HtMOljjll I ) ) tttttllt tt 1
fresh oUm oU make very
decided Improtemtnl In any
saua oreaBins.",
To be lure ol jtK
FRESH olive BOX Ti
tik jroar dealer f' i
Polk County School
Officers Meet Saturday
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
convention of the Polk county school
officers has been called by President
T.- W. BTunk for Saturday, Decomber
4th at 10:30 o'clock. ' These regular
meetings of the school officer's asso
ciation are called by tho school laws of
the state and the delegates are the
chairmen of the various schools boards.
In case the chairman is unable to at
tend the meetings a member of the
School boards are named. Kach dele
gate attending the moeting is allowed
$2.00 to be used to deirny his expenses
for the day. Prominent educators
from different parts of the state will
be) present at the meeting and it is the
desire o County Superintendent H, O.
Seymour that ail who are able will at
tend as the conventions have done
much in helping to frnme the work of
the county schools and have put Polk
county to the front of tho schools of
the state.
Will Exhibit Corn at Salem.
Polk county corn will be exhibited
at the Marion county.com show that
will be held in Salem this week from
Wednesday until Saturday if the grow
ers will send in their corn to Mrs. Win
nio Brndon, socrotnry of the Polk
county fnir association, who will place
it on exhibit and care for it during the
show. , Mrs. BrnJen would like to get
about 100 ears if possible but the corn
must be of good auality and tho ears
must have good straight rows and fill
ed out to the end and must be all of
uniform size.
; Hillman Well Known Her.
Prank Hillman, who committed sui
cide at his home near Bethel, Thanks
giving day after killing his wifo was
well known In Dallas and wbs a mem
ber of the local Royal Arch Mason
chapter. The Hillmans were highly re
Hew Herbal Balm Ls"'o
'. So many atTefd cures for akin disuse ire now en the market thst care ti iwcesuryj
'We sell til the well-known akin remedies, but we will wr this, that when wt adtlse you
Io on D'EXMA, the new herbal balm, we are aririilng jrou right We hare (mind nolh
nf that begina to equal thla formula, made exclusively from Nature's beelint: herliectire
alter cure and from reports all cures teem to be permanent. The beat pert U, It fives
lnatant relief from the moat InlMU aulTvHnr.
The Lakeview Laboratorlea ol Chk.ro
D'EXMA In our home town. We like thla
Iricuda throufh tiring satisfaction to akin aufterer.
f r come tu today and get a box or our peri
boat vou nothifif. If vou are not thorouettlf
cool yoa and. begin healing et once, it witt
cool too ana begin Sealing at once, It will
(tithed, come and get our aoaey back.
you appreciate the full significance of .
the above statement ? Do you realize
that from your telephone you can talk
to practically every city and town in California, , .
Oregon, Washington and parts of Idaho, .
Nevada and Arizona?
Have you ever considered the economy of Long
Distance Service ? Think of the time-consuming
trips it saves. Think of the value of being able
to get into instant communication with a place
or person perhaps a day's journey away!
Your telephone may be used for either local,
. suburban or long distance service and the entire
system of this company, with its millions of
miles of lines, is ready at any time to carry your
message anywhere you wish to send it.
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station
spected by their neighbors near Beth
el oiid also had a host of friends in
Amity where he owned extensive prop
The second monthly sales dny was
herd in this city Saturday with a good
sized crowd of country people in at
tendance. A large collection of arti
cles were auctioned off. Tho Dallas
band furnished music during tho af
II. J. Elliott, manager of the Perry
dale Flouring Mill was a Dallas busi
ness visitor ast Friday.
Miss Vcva BurnB, a teaser in the
Portland schools was a week end guest
at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mar
tha Burns on Mill street.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Good and little
son of Salem were guests at the homo
of Mrs. Good's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. U. Morrison last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Shult2 returned
Fridav morning fro a short viBit at
t home of their son, Earl, at Mc
Minnvillo. Jack Enkin nnd CasshiB Sibley, two
O. A. C. students who have been spend
ing the Thanksgiving holidays with
relatives in this city roturncd to Cor
vallis, Sunday.
Mrs. Peter Boscow returned to her
home in Hillsboro, Sunday afternoon
nfter a short visit at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. D. P. Patterson.
Miss Elva Lucas and Miss Edith
Cnthcrwood, of C'orvanis, spent the lat
ter part of the week with their parents
in this citv
Miss -rieno Bennett, a student at
the Oregon Normal at Monmouth was
a guest the luttr part of the week at
the homo of her parents. Rev. and Mrs,
Georgo H. Bennett on Mill street.
Mrs. Georire lloilgos and littlo daugh
ter have returned from a aoveral duys'
visit at the home of her mother m
Mr. and Mrs. i 3. Craven and son,
Walter, returned Friday morning from
a short visit at tho homo of Dr. and
Mrs. Win. Tyler-Smith at Sheridan.
' John Eakin, who for the past several
weeks has been a guest at tho home of
his brother, Jlort C. fakin at Kickreall
left last week for bis homo in Waco,
"r v. Fuller, C. 0. Tennis and Art
Hayes, who have been cruising timbor
in Yamhill county for the past two
months returned last Thursday from
Carlton having completed their job In
that countv.
J. L., Sweeney one of the proprietors
of the Dallas Flouring Mill, wbb a
Portland business visitor last week.
ises Uazol Knight and Leone
Williams, students at the . University
of Oregon, spent the latter part of the
week at the homes of their parents in
have Just firm the exclusive rlstit to tell
because D XMA is folng to suke us many
tonal guarantee that if It doesn't tooths too)
Crown Drug Co., 332 State ttroot.
Why Acid Stomachs
Are Dangerous
Excess acid in tho stomach is dan-
gorous and it frequently contributes to
the BeriousnesB of ulcers when present.
Tho acid from its corrosive nature has
a natural tendency to destroy the mu
cous lining of tho stomach itself. Mo
one intentionally swallows hydrochloric
acia, Dut it is often present in large
quantities aud causes food fermentation
in tho stomach which so frequently fol
lows the eating of the daintiest and
most tasty foods or the indulgence in
any form of alcoholic stimulants, in
eluding beer, wine liquors, etc. This
fermentation causes pain, uneasiness
and discomfort because of the acid
which burns like a red-hot iron, nnd the
formation of ens which distends- the
stomach, causing shortness of breath
and palpitation of the heart. The trou
ble being entirely due to the unnatural
condition of the stomach contents, and
not in any way to the fault of the stom
ach itself, physicians have adopted
with marvelous success tho plan of neu
trnlizing the acid and Btopping the fer
mentation by means of simple antacids
taken after oating. For this purpose
there is nothing better than plain bisu
rated magnesia which you can get from
any druggist. Take a tenspoonful in
littlo water immediately after eating
or whenever discmifort is felt. 1 he mi
mcdite relief following the'UBe of bisu
rated magnesia is striking proof of the
contention of medical men that failure
to digest food properly is almost invar
iably due to the acid condition of the
food contents, and in no way the fnult
of the Btomach or vital organs.
this city returning to Eugene Sunday
Mrs. J. H. Loekmaii, of Salem, spout
a few ilavs In Dallas last week with
her husband who is a H. I', conductor
working out of this city.
Miss Sadie I-ynn, a former teacher
1Q mo vuuas mgu sc.iuui, uuw wucn
ing in tho Portland schools, spent
Thankscivinn at tho homo of her par
ents, Mr. ami Mrs. John Lynn in West
Mr. and Mrs. U. S, Loughary enter
tamed a number of iriends at ' :W
t thoir homo on Oak street Saturday
evening. 1
Mjss Kazol Scott, of Salem, wag a
Dallas business visitor .fct week.
The many .fiends of Gilbert P. Me
dregor will be plcacd to learn that ae
is ablo to be about on the streets again
after au illness -of several weeks dura
Miss Toarl Owingg returned from a
short visit in Portland the latter part
of the week.
Miss Vera Wagner visited friends In
Independence tho latter part of the
The annual bazaar of the Dallas Wo
man 's club will be held in the assembly
room of the Dallas library Friday af
ternoon, Decomber !
The new Chapman garage on North
Main street is rapidly nearing com
pletion and will be ready for occupancy
the middle of December, The building
has been leased by C, J,' Hhreevo, the
Dallas representative of the Ford automobile.
Lamar Tooze, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Tooze, of this city, has accept
ed an invitation to become a member
of the Ford peace party which will sail
from New York December 4 for the
European peace capital at The Hague.
Tooze 'is president of the associated
student body of the University of Ore
gon and was appointed by President
Campbell upon the invitation of Louis
J. Lochner, Ford 's secretary. There are
to be 15 colleges represented on the
proposed peace mission and the Univer
sity or Oregon was asked to send a
representative with tho result that
Tooze was chosen. .
Mr. Tooze Jcft Eugene last night for
New York and will reach that city in
time to sail on the Oskar II if the boat
sails on the afternoon of December 4
as is the present intention. In the
event that Mr. Tooze does not reach
New York in time to catch the first
boat he will sail later on the FredArip.k.
The peaco dolegatoa will go first to
mocxnoim, incn to Lopcnhngon and
later to The Hague where the peace
conference will be held. The trip will
require about six weeks. -
Besidos being president of the stu
dent body, Mr. Tooze is a member of
Sigma Delta Chi, National journalism
fraternity. Alpha Kappa hi. Nati onnl
commerce fraternity, Beta Theta Pi
and Friars, honorary senior scciety. In
am iresnman year ne was a member of
the underclass debating team that won
the cup. In his sophomore year he
was president of his class. .
Lamar was born in Woodburn, but
has spent mort of his life at Falls
City, in Polk county, graduating from
the grammar school and high school
of that place. He is a hard-working
and industrious student, having work
ed most of his own way through the
university by correspondence for news
papers. lie has ropresontcd The Capital
Journal as its Newnort rnrreimnn.lnnt
for several summers.
During the coming months of bitinc
minis una intense com, you who would
ncep your BKin smooth, white nnd vol
vety, should turn your attention to mer-
colized wax. Nothintr else will so ef
fectively removo a chapped, roughened
or aiscoior.eu surface. By gradually nn-
sorrjing tne weather-beaten cuticle, the
complexion is Kept in perfect condition
nnd even the beauty of expression an
pears more pronounced, if your Bkin
be blotchy, pimply, freckled, coarse.
sallow or over-red, why not Bhed it f
One ounce of ordinary mcrcolizcd wax,
to be hna at any druggist's, will com
pletely transform tho most unsightly
crmplcxion in less than a fortnight.
Use the wax nightly, like cold cream,
washing it off mornings.
. If weather, age or poor health, has
marred your face with wrinkles, here's
good news. You can quickly remove
every line by using a harmless, refresh
ing face lotion prepared by dissolving
1 oz. powdored saxolite in 1-2 pint
witch hazel. The firmer, smoother
skin, the more youthful appenrnnce
evon after one application, will nston
iah you.
Month of November
Has Heavy Rainfall
The month of November haB been
tho rainiest November in this locality
for the past five years. Tho govern
ment gunge shows a rainfnll of 8.00
inches, and Portland and Eiigen each
have had a heavier precipitation.
During the last six years, the rain
fall for November as recorded by the
government guage at tho O. C.'T. docks
has been as follows:
1000 10.62 iniMCS
1010 8.M inches
leil 1.07 inches-
1912 5.78 inches
1913 t 5.52 inches
1914 3.8(1 inches
1915 8.00 Inches
The river today is 12.7 feet above
low water, a riso of .2 foot over night.
Tho avcrnf"1 depth of tho river for
November was 5.7 feet.
General Obregon Will
Try ToHead Off Vill
Xognles, Ariz., Nov. 29. Ocnernl
Obregon, Cnrranza'g chief of staff.
ordered today a general movement
south and southenst, in an effort to in
tercept General Villa.
Villa is reported at the head of 2500
men to be heading east from the main
lino of the Southern Pacific, near Pozn
Honora. Ho hopes to form a juncture
with Oonernl Rodriguez forces between
Cananca and ncnzart,
Obregon himself will leave for th
south Tuesday to personally command
nis men agninst villa.
Watch the
Small Ailments
Thoy are really warning! of dl
geeruvs or now el weaknesses. In
such cases
Stomach Bitters
ha been found yery helpful
Divorced Wife of Suicide Ar
rives From Colorado
Motive of Tragedy
Dallas, Ore", Nov! 30. The funeral
of Mr. and Mrs. Ersiik Howard Hill
man, victims of thejragvdy near Bethel
on Tlmnksgivirlg dny;' tdok . place at
Ainity yesterday with interment in the
cemetery at Amity,1
A new light on the story of Frank
iiiliman'B lire has developed in the nr
rival at Amity of Mrs. Marion Hillman.
divorced wifo of Hillman with his three
children, Frances, aged 13; Don, aged
8, and Blanche, nged 4.
Mrs. Marion Hillman cume from
Greeley, Colo., with her children to at
tend the funeral services of her form
or husband.
In December, 1011, Marion Hillman
obtained a decree of divorce from
Frank Hillmun in Chicago and wus
awarded tho care and custody of the
three minor children. Almost immedi
ately following tho entry of tho divorce
decree and in the saoie mouth Frank
Hillmun was married to the woman
whom he shot Thanksgiving day.
His second wifo wus the divorced
wifo of Charles Linkc, now of Hutch'
inson, Kas. rjlio was the mother of
Mildred Linke and Neva Linke, the two
children who have been living with
the Hillmnns on their farm, aud who
wore present when the crime occurred.
When divorced from her husband she
was given the care of these two girls,
and upon her marriage to Hillmnn they
wcro taken into the nillman family.
These two girls are now ut tho home
of Ralph Marvin, a merchant of Amity.
Their futuro is problematical. Their
tatner litis not been notified of tin
tragic death of their mother, and it is
not known whether ho will nuk foi
their custody or not.
Marion Hillsiiuu, Frnnk Hillmnn 'b
first wife, has never remarried. Hhe
will renin in in Amity until steps arc
taken to administer the estate of tin
father of her children. It is not be
lieved that Hillmnn left a will, conse
quently Hillmnn 's children by his f
wife will fall hcii to his estate, esti
mated at 25,000.
Mrs, Hillman says that Mildred and
Ncvo, stepdaughters of Hillmnn, wi'
bo looked after in tho administration
of their. stepfather's ectnte, regardless
of whether or not he left a will.
To a fellow-passenger from Denver,
Mrs. Hillmnn No. 1 told tho story of
the domestic, relations of Hillmnn
which led to tho trngedy. Thrco years
ago, according to Mrs. Hillman, th'--wore
divorcod in Chicago. They
had three children, two girls and a
boy, A fow months later, Hillmun ro
married and moved west.
A fow woeks ago his divorced wife,
so her story goes, wrote him, asking
him to take cliargo of nis boy, fee
ing unuDlo to euro properly for tli
"Not only," she says nillmun re
piled, "will I take him, but I shr
make him my heir."
Recently, tho first Mrs, Hillman r
her husband wrote her that be was
tired of wifo No. 2 and wished to r
turn to No. 1.
The next word she received from
Oregon was a telegram announcing th
Case of Crowley
Before Grand Jury
Ran Francisco. Nov. 30. Tho easo of
C, C, Crowloy alleged pro-Gorman bomb
"'nfter wns s'aloil tnr presentation to
the ffrnnd Hurv today, officials tag'
cestevl this forenoon.
Meantime, authorities shed but little
mora light on thoir accusation that
Our wonderful $15.00
great hit, and is the
REMEMBER We fit you from head to
foot at LOWEST PRICES, and give you a
square deal in everything you purchase.
Starving Refugees Struggle
Through Snow Waist Deep
Seeking Safety
By William O. Shepherd.
Salonika, Nov, 30. (Delayed).
Fearing to bo cut off from their retreat
to Monnstir by fall of that city, thous
ands of starving refugees are believed
to have changed their weary trail and
headed toward Durazzo, the Albunian
Ihe mountains to that point, however,
are waist deep in snow, and almost Im
passable. or that reason, the fato of
thousands of women and chieldren, ir
regular bunds of Serbian soldiers and
Austrian prisoners inny not be ltuownl.MILLI.NEHY Trimmod hats at l.00
for weeks to come,
The Bulgarian advance guard is be
tween Salonika and tho end of the
Albanian trail, so it is unlikely that
further news of the horrors of the
trail ill be brought here.
A courier sent bv the Ainrricnn cnn.
sul before Nish fell, arrived hero today
and told of tho sufferings of a pitiful
cavalcade attempting to reach safety.
Tho trail ho pictured as a road 70
miles long, caipeted with dead and dy
ing. Along it, 2,000 government em
ployes and influential residents of
ltics invaded by the Buluors aro stag
gering along with many of the poorer1
n-niuviiis. ineir snoes nave been worn
to shreds, and nnnh of tho way the
trail is blood-flecked.
At last reports the Dulimrinns were
drawing closer to Monastir. Serbians
tried to block their oath hv sit.linir
off dynamite at thoC'serma river bridge
12 miles from Monnstir, but the cliargo
was of such poor quality that the
structure was only sllirlitlv damiiired.
Meantime, Anglo-French transports are
arriving hero steadily and pouring out
ini-ir J'VBu lives lur ino USUlHIUllce Ol
Buffering Henna.
'Iho weather is so bitterly cold that
many of the now eomers are afflicted
irimt bites, but all of thcin are
uncomplaining and cnizer for the dash
Into Herliin.
Crowley supplied money for a distruc-
uve campaign against, munitions ship
ments at Henttlo and Tacoina.
Walter Brown, alias L. J. Smith is
siutcd as the chief witness against
Crowley when tho latter 's enso comes
up for hearing Friday. Just where
Smith is, remained a mystery today.
though it was hinted ho is bound west
from Detroit.
United States District Attorney Pres
ton crawled into his shell completely
today and refused to cast further Unlit
on the case. Walter Brown, alias L.
,f. Smith, depended on as a strong wit
ness against Crowley Is known to bo
under arrest, but when ho will get hero
no oiiu-inis wouia say.
Crowley' attorney Issued a statement
toauy declaring ha is satisfied of Crow
ley's innocenco and charirinir that the
prosecution Is apparently an attempt
on I no part or soma of trio otticiuls und
agents of this government to involve
tho representatives of tho German gov
ernment in tiio destruction of the
barge, loaded with munitions at So
attle last Mny.
Tell your neighbor of the sat-
lsfactlon of reading- the Cap-
ital journal.
at any respectable place, or for eld
erly couple. Can give references.
Answer, care Box 101, Turner, Ore.
seller is making a
talk of the town
OAK WOOD $4.30. Thone 413. tf
AUTO FOlt HIRE Phone 144. Dec23
Phone 827W. Dec!
ACREAGE To exchange for house or
lots. 30, care Journal. Decl
WANTED Work team for winter
feed. C. E. care of Journal. Nov30
FOB SALE Jersey cow, was tresh
August 27., 1120 Center St, Nuv3Q .
FUR SALE Italian prune trees, 4 to
0 feet. II. J. Boock, Route 4, Box 2u
, Dec2
Thone 82 7 W.
'Handy Mini."
GOAT MEAT First class only, 3o per
pound, delivered to any part of city.
1S6 8. 12th. Phone 2419. Dec 10
and 12.00 at Mrs. Stith, 328 Hub
bard illdg. Dcc:i
RUMMAGE SALE--Now on at 200
State, by the Court street Christian
church. tf
FOR SALE Fino 0 year old Jersey
cow, fresh soon. 715 South 12th St.,
over Ma rage, Decl
11M)0 AND !f200.l)() TO LOAN on real
estate. B. T. Randall, 303 Bank of
Commerce. Nov30
FOR SALE Surry, good condition,
reasonable price, Center Street teed
Barn. Dcc2
FIR WOOD Stumpago for snie, Hoc
per cord. w. M. Hehuott, Route 3,
Salem. Phono 8F23. Dec!
HE CAME BACK If you have any
old carpets you wish woven into
fluff v rugs notify S. A. Dobner.
Phone 1207M. Dec4
SPLIT BODY OAK tlurb onk, ash,
second growth fir, old fir, J. Jl.
Eaton. Phono 11)54. tf
timber nnd savo tlio coBt of tho
double haul pnid to dealers in tlio
city, Phone 2210.
Fat and breeding stock, big and
small ones. Phono 84F2. NovIlO
North Commercial street and lmvo
them repaired aud recovered. Dec3
FIVE ROOM furnished house for rent.
Prlco 12.00. Phono 04. Aleo fur
nished l.ousekeeplng rooms. Decl
APPLES FOR SALE First cliihs mid
cooking, send orders to W. II. Egnn,
dervuis, Ore., Route 2. Phono .'ll'll.
WANTED To bear from owner ot
good runch tor sule. Send each prico
und description. D. F. Bush, Minne
apolis, Minn. Dec4
Portland, to trade for acreage ucur
Salem, ' 1 assume some, J. C,
caro Journal, Dec4
FOR SALF Good driving horse, har
ness and rubber tired buggy. ifHO
takes tho outfit at quick sule. Phono
612, or call 1 Miti Court. tf
WANTED To trado 7 room house und
lot in Rivorslde, California, for a
bungalow in Sulum, or small acreage:
near Salem. W. A. Liston Dec4
FOUND Peanut and popcorn wagon.
Lost on Liborty street. Friends In
terested will find same at 147 N,
High, opposite Court House, Tho
Huffman Confectionery, tf
O. W. EYRE and L. 0. Cavanough are
buying fat hogs and paying highest
rush prices to ship to Portland.
Phone O. W. Eyre, 3200M or U O.
Cavauaugh, 2183M. tf