TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 1915. Social ALINE THOMPSON L' AROB throngs gathered in the spa cious armory last night for the opening of the Lyceum course concert!. Madam Grace Hall-Raheld-ffer, who with Alexander Skibinsky, opened the musical season, is justly en titled to her accredited rank among the foremost American sopranas. Al though Madam Baheldaffer ha never sppeared in Salem before her magnet ic and charming personality won her flattering applause. Her voice has beauty and depth of tone and she sings 'with her whole soul in her work with leea intelligence and deep appreciation of the subtler shades of the composer's uougnc Aleiander Ton Skibinsky as a violin ist, is a skilled artist, his playing is characterised by strength, cloverueas and almost flawless technique aaa poised personality that bespeak the de veloped artiste of creative capacity. . Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Bush had as their Thanksgiving guests: Mr. and Mrs. ftavid Maekey, Mr. and Mrs. William Carter, Mr. and Mrs. C. I). Young, and Mrs. John Hughes, of Portland. The Mhckeys and Garters returned to Port land Thursday evening, while Mrs. Young and Mrs. Hughes remained for a brief visit. Eov. and Mrs. Robert Gill had as their week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Dilwortb, of Bpokane, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. James McGilchriat are being showered with congratulations upon tlio arrival of a daughter, born Monday, November the twenty-ninth. Mr. aud Mrs. B. L. Hardonbrook lave as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hardonbrook, of lloni'lns, Wyoming, who are en route from tho fair in Ban Francisco. The Woman's Benefit Association of the Maccabees will give a dancing par ty in the armory on Wednesday even ing. A large number of invitations save been issued to a congenial group who predict a gay and jolly evening. Miss Boons Temple, who has been visiting with the J. A. Bishops re turned to Monmouth Sunday. ' Mrs. Henrietta Pomeroy ,of Port land, is visiting with her son', C. T. Pomeroy, m. . . Mr. and Mrs. Grover Powers nave visiting them, Mrs. W. F. Thompson, of Harrington, Washington. Mrs. Thompson will visit in Hulem for sev eral months. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Benjamin are being felicitated unon the birth of m daughter, torn Friday, November tho twenty-sixth. The littlo one will bo named Ida May, Miss Wlnnlfred floss spent the Thanksgiving vacation with Miss Hol en Mjkkleson, at North Howell. A unique partv of last Wednesday was that given by M.iss Blanche Blum dell to a groun of her girl friends. By wav of varying tho usual after noon's entertainment, Miss Blutndell j;ave a mock wedding. The rooms for tlio occasion were elaborately decorated in festoons of pink crepe paper and the arch way was a bower of newspaper fringe The bridal partv entered at the strains of " Everybody 's Doing It," jiiayeu iy misk uraco Mnllenrot, and sung by Miss Sylvia McDonald, wiio were dressed in quaint old fashion at tire. The ceremony was read by the Bov. Grace McDonald before a number of friends and relatives who will long re member the bride as Miss Kdith Me Farland, The aroom was jdiss Daisv Dailoy. Miss Kdna lllonidoil acted as the bridesmaid, wlnlo Miss Dorothy Orinues us the best man, wbb cleverly dressed as tho illustrons Charley Chao- lin. Miss Fay Townnen.l was the Dnde's tattler and Miss Jllancho Dion dell the mother. The brido's bouquet, which was a dolicnto arrangement of lettuco and other vegetables, was caught by Miss Mable Garfield. Well Known Pqrtuho Womah Speaks ir THE SAME IJf ALL OKEUOX. Fottland, Oregon, "I send this statement with great pleasure 'y dnnghtur owes tier li to to the use of Dr. Pierce'8 Fa- jjfj; ; vorita Prtscrlp- hJm moii. rum wtui a !ii;very delicate girl Deioro using ygur "I havo used the ' Prescription for weakness pecu liar to women and found It perfectly -wonderful. I linve used Dr. l'ieroe's medicines for over thirty-five years, "My liusbniid has used tho 'Ctftigh Syrup' anil thinks It is great. Mitd. X. A. Fohtkh, 1502 E. 8th St., W. When a girl becomes a woman, whon a woman becomes a mother, when n woman passes through the changes of middle mo, are tne tnrce periods ot life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and dis tress often caused by severe organio disturbances. ' At those critical times women arc Vest fortiflod by the use of Doctor J'ierce'a Kavorlte Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire toinale svstora perfectly jrgiilnted and In exooflent condition. Mothers, if yonr daughters ant weak, Jack ambition, are troubled with head aches, lassitude, and aro pale and sick ly, Dr. Pioreo's Favorite Prescription is fnst what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy. 1'or all diseases peculiar to women, Dr. Pierce's Kavorlte Prescription is a powerful restorative. During the last M years rt baa banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress a l- i i.i- ..j a: I vmnwu vj mnuiwimi Witt mmvuk x a leuiluine character, t i'.l J 5f 1M Personal Mrs, Ralph White's juvenile danc ing class composed entirely of little people from the ages of five to four teen, held their monthly class on Satur day afternoon. There were about fifty little ones present, with a number of mothers --d fathers. After the danc ing session, light refreshments were served. During the holidays Mrs. White will give her little folk a masquerade. An interesting and clever feature of the little aifair will be an exhibition given by a number of her fancy dancing pupils. The ladies of the Unitarian church will hold a bazaar and sale of fancy articles tomorrow in the church par lors. Quaint articles suitable for Christmas gifts have been fashioned by the ladies which will be on display in attarctive booths. In the evening a chicken pie dinner will be served. The west central circle of the Wom an's Aid society of the Methodist church, will entertain tonight in the church parlors with an old folk's so ciable. A delightful feature of the evening will be the programme which has been arranged by the committee. Mrs. Lloyd Cochran, of Amity, spent the week end with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hoyal, on North Twentieth street. Mrs. SJieril JFlemlnkr and children lott Weduesday for Hubbard where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yorgcn for several days. Mrs. E. Cooke Patton has as her guest, her sister, Mrs. A. W. Begner, of Oresham, Oregon, who will visit in Salem for several days. : PERSONALS : J. L. Goltra went to Portland this morning. Sol Stnwflrt is In th cifv frnm fo. Minnville. Herman Walt is in the city, from Aumsville. John H. MNnrv Went in Silvn-tnn this morning. Mavor llurlcv O. White ia in At. bany on business. Mrs CI a H..,.Vnnv f rii.ln.U in a visitor here today. Dr. Jack Galloway was here yester day, from Independence. T. M, jiarr went to Albany tnis morning on the Oregon Kleetric. A. T. Ollttv linApilltatl.lnnl aT bridges for Uie Oregon Klectrie, is in IIIU tit, Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. ratton return ed Inst evening from a few days', visit in Portland. Miss Lida Doughty returned today to Willamette university from a short visit at her homo in rihoridan, Oregon. Mm V.. ( Pn,i.l .l . -.. .... . v..uu lillllliru lUUt. from a visit of several days with her uMiiiit-r, iurn. rj. jj. ninsiow, at Aums ville. Dwight Mercer, ot Fox Vnllev, who lias been visiting at tho home or Glenn L. Adams, returned to his home yes tenlay. Kev. A. H. Heathcoto and wife, of Mnrion, are here today. Mr. Heath coto is the Presbyterian minister at Marlon. MrH. Ruth aayra'will leave for San Diego Thursday evening. She will stop in Han Francisco for tho closing davs of tho exposition. Kay Chapter, the well known singer, returned to his home in Albany InHt evening, after a few days spent hero renewing acquaintances. MIks Alma Watt, who luis been vis iting her mother, Mrs. Kute Watt, for the pnst few days, returned this morn ing to her homo in Portland. Would Have Church the Social Center Port la nil, Ore., Nov. 30. "I wn j favor of making t lie church the social as well as tho religious center ami therefore oppose only 'bud' dunces." This wns tlio statement vvsterdiiv of Bishop Wulter Tnylnr Hiniiner, of" tlio Kplxcopul church, who Saturday night at Oregon City played a couple of popular pieces on the piano while the parishioners of the St. Pauls Kpiscopal church danced. The occasion s n parish reception to Hev. Thomas ,T Wil liams, the new rector of the Oregon City church. "The best way to do away with the so-called 'bud' dam is to' hold good ones in their place," Bishop Sumner continued. " Diiucch i,f tin. vli.l.i ..,rt are often held iu parish houses of the r.piHcnpul fniirch, "There is no significance in the fact Hint I played for the parishioners to dance ut Oregon City." Prosecution's Star Witness Under Cross Examination Los Angeles, Cnl Nov. ,10. Cross examination of George K. Davis, an eastern witness brought hero to prove that a nation wide dynamite conspiracy existed, occupied most of the morning session of the trial of M. A. Schmidt, accused McNiimaia accomplice, on a charge of murder yesterday, Davis admitted, under Defense Attor ney Nnto Coghliind 's questions that he was employed us a strong arm man by the alleged cont'd raters. "Are you a professional strong arm man-" Coghland demanded. "No, 1 wouldn't say that," respond ed tho witness. "I am only a volun teer." "Are you capable of putting a man wy with your fistst" was the next question. "Oh, no; I had a blackjack in my pocket," Davis said, Davis admitted that he wns receiving sii a uay from his employer in Pitts burg, while testifying In 'the Fehmidt trial. He declared he hid not been subpoenaed to come here as a witness. .How To Make the Quickest,SimptestCough i Kemedy Mark Better1 ikmn tho Ready jnavc niu una torn navft fj ttoaraateea This home-made cough syrup is now used in more homes than any other cough remedy. Its promptness, ease and cer tuinty in conquering distressing coughs, chest and throat colds, is really remark able. You can actually feel it take hold. A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary cough relieves even whooping sough quickly. Splendid, too, for bron chitis, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma and winter coughs. Get from any druggist 2 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth ) , pour it in a pint bottle and till the bottle with plain granu lated sugar syrup. This gives you at a cost of only 64 cents a full pint of better cough syrup than you could buy for $2.50. Takes but a few minutes to Drenare. Full directions with Pinex. Tastes good and never spoils. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly it loosens dry, hoarse or tight coughs, and heals the inflamed mem branes in a nainful eonirh. It lin mtnnu the formation of phlegm in the throat anu uroncmai tuDcs, uiua ending toe per sistent loose cough. Pinex is a most Valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, rich in giiniacol, which is so heal ing to the membranes. To avoid disappointment, be sure and ask your druggist for "2V4 ounces Pinex," and don't aceept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. The , Pinex Co., Wavne, lad. 18,000,000 ATTEND FAIB San Francisco, Nov. 30. The Panama-Pacific exposition to- day started on its nineteenth million mark in attendance. Up to 4 p. m. yesterday 18,000,-000 persons had passed through the turnstiles. Reichstag Talks of War and Food Supply Berlin, Nov." 30. The war and the nation 's food supply were the principal topics slated for discussion when the roicusing conveneu louay, - As far na tho actual conduct of the is concerned, leaders did not expect there would be much discussion, but the subject of whut the outcome will be and how it shull bo financed furth er soemed likely to be extensively dis cussed. That Chancellor Bothman-Hollweg would be naked to state what Germany is fighting for, and what are her terais of peace was almost certain. A re quest for more than $2,000,000,000 addi tional war credit was anticipated. Organization and routine business oc cupied the opening session. Insane Woman Writes To Brides New York, Nov. 30. Police sought today a woman "poison pen writer," believed to be a paranoiac, who has written recently letters to 23 brides charging tueir husbands with immor ality. All the brides addressed were women whoso weddings the newspapers had de scribed at length. The letters were in the same handwriting, and each started, "I writo you at random. I am an ut ter stranger to you," after which came the charges against the husbands. Postmarks on the letters indicate that the author is an inmate of a Penn sylvania insane asylum. College Bovs To Tackle the Prohlem Seattle, Wash., Nov 30. Emil E. Hnrja, University of Washington iun- ior, editor of tho Univorsity Daily, will leave Seattle at onco as a member of Henry lord's penco party. In accord ancc to Ford'B request a member of tho university student body was chosen by President Henry Suz.allo. Hussell Peterson, a sophomore, will ii,iho uiko tne trip at lord's invitation Lamar Tooze in Party. i.ugene, Ore., Nov. 30. Officially chosen to represent the University of Oregon on tho Henry Ford peace cruise, i.amiir loozo, president of the Associat ed Student Body is en routo to New lork fity today. Too.e's heme is in Sulem. JlMi STOMACH JOY IN YOUR VEST POCKET Daniel J. Fry Has Such Faith In This Dyspepsia Bomody That He Guarantees It. One of tho greutost successes in tho sine oi mouiciiio has oeeu achieved by Mi-o-na, tho standard dyspepsia rem edy, and its sul is increasing so rapid ly that Daniel J. Fry, the popular drug gist, has bard work to keep a stock on hand. It is very iiomilur with bunkers. ministers, lawyers and others where business or profession keeps them close ly confined, whilo those who havo brought on indigestion through irreg ular eating, worry, or other causes, have found relief in this ruliablo remedy. Mi-o-na comes in tablet form and is old in a metal box especially designed for convenience in carrying the mdl cino in the pocket or purse. It Is pleas ant to take, gives quick relief and should help any ease, no matter of how long a standing. This remedy kas been so uniformly successful that Daniel J. Fry will in future sell Mi-o-na under a positive guarantee to refund tho money if it shoulit not nrnvl Antlrwl mIIi. factory. No other dyspepsia medicine ever anu a large enougn percentage or cures so that it eould be sold in this manner. A guarantee like this speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. There Is no time like tke present to do a thing that onght to be done. If any one has dyspepsia, today li the best time to begin curing it. Tl Daughters of American Revo lution Set the Pace, Sons May Follow Now that the Daughters of the Amer ican Bevolution have organiaed a chapter in Salem, there is a movement on foot among men in the city, who are eligible, to organize a chapter of the Sons of the American Bevolution. Men whose mothers or sisters are members of the Daughters of the Bevo lution are eligible to the Sons of the American Bevolution. In roeh cases, the papers of the "Daughters" become sources of information by which the men can prove descent from oma an cestor who assisted in the establish ment of the American Independence, During the exraises of the last natur alization court, November 3, a flag was presented to those who were natural ized, by the Oregon Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Winthrcrp Hammond of this city, as spokesman for the Society, referred to the great privilege it was to becomo an American citizen, and Judge Galloway through his advice to the new citizens, added to the dignity and solemnity of the cere monies attending the admittance to citizenship. After this session, there was a feeling tat patriotic services of some nature should be held at each naturalization court. The key note of the Society, as sug gested by Winthrop Hammond, was that each member should do what he eould to assist in educating the foreign born to the duties and privileges of being a citizen of this country. In Oregon, but one society, which is the paront state society, has been or ganized, although in almost all states, tho state society has been organized, and from this several local chapters established. From the fact thst Salem and this part of the state was settled largoly by representative families from the east ern states and New England ther is of necessity a large number of the descend ants of thos who took part in the Revolution living here. As the matter now stands, Mr. Hnm mohd is the only, resident of Marion county who is a member of the State society of the Sons of the American Eovolution, although many are eligible to join, and perhaps would do so, if a local chapter was organized. Although there are 300 in the state, belonging to the State society, Salem is not represented becnose uo effort has been- made to inaugurate a chapter here. Doubtless in the immediate vicinity of Salem there are more men to bo found who are eligible than in any part of the state, and it is appro priate that the first chapter of the Sons of the American Bevolution should be established in the capital citv. Since the recent organization of the daughters of the American Bevolution and the impressive exercises at the naturalization court, a number of men eligible, have signified a desire to be come affiliated with tho state and na tional organizations With many, the difficulty has been in the preparing of papers of eligibility. In order to join, it is necessary to file proofs of descent from some ancestor who assisted in the establishment of the American Independence. The Ore gon society has a valuable library of Revolutionary literature, including the official list of soldiers aud sailors. This list is of great assistance in proving ancestral service. Those interested in their fnmtty tree, niiKiir- correspond with B. A. Thaxter, 994 Bryce street. Portland, who is a membor of the Htnte society and has access to tho records, or take the matter- up with Winthrop Hammond of this city, who will secure application blanks. To socuro information of one's an cestors is not so difficult, if the home of the grand pnrents are known, as the in uie east are very accurate. Among those interested in the orirnn- lzntion of a local chapter i Winthrop "ii.iiiiiunn, wno is a member of the iTregon state society. It has been sug gested to bun that he should call a meeting nt an early date of those Inter ested in the formino at a Wnl chimin Since the Dnucht ers nf the PAvnliiil,,1 havo organized, and since the pnpers and records of a mother or daughter can he used in proving eligibility, many men in the city can securo their prouf's ..v i.iih,.iv lorwarcimg these proofs to the proper authorities iu Washington. The only expense attached to mem bership is a fee of 3 for initiation and annum ues or $3. S. P. Trains Will Stop On Flat! If Notice Is Given To Department A hearing wns conducted at the state house today by tho Public service com mission relative to the complaints from a number of small towns In this eoun ty along the line of the Southern Pa fific, that the trains would not stop when flncired in n!..L 1 The railroad agreed to return to its former schedule of stopping to pick up passengers on flag if due notice had tlAfin ni iiiih An iL . B...-u iu me passenger department Tlin railroad onmiiii.i,n ;ui,.i ... Out tU plan and the hearing was dis- niinjoct to can again upon too rmmtlniiit hnvo bfen loft at the atntlon or upon mi vuuiiiunniun'a ow n motion. Tho nrincinn) fonmi ,.,. t... in from Aurora, Hubbard, Turner and Marion and it was stated that in num erous instances passengers had been left at the station when the train refused to stop after being flagged. Tha commis sion did not wish to require the rail mi srop an trains or limited trains, and as each Instancn K tienlar points it was decided to let the matter stand while the former practice was resumed. '. Sunk By Submarine. London. Nov. .10 Tfc luiti.v er Dotterel of l.lfHi tons kas bees sunk by a tubmarlne. "GiOFIHEPACir ENEO RUINS City of AvaJon Wiped Of the Map fire Spares the Catholic Church AvaJon, Catalina Island, Gal., Nov. 30. Nearly two-thirds of the beauti ful island city of Avalon, known the world over as a most picturesque spot, lies in ruins today, the result of yes terday's disastrous fire. The damage, variously estimated af ter the fire was controlled at from 1500,000 to $1,500,000, is stated by the Santa Catalina Island company to be between $500,00 and $700,000, about nail insurea. Two hundred people are homeless. Tents, food and othor necessities have been sent by steamer from San Pedro and while there was considerable suf fering during and after tho fire, every one is now being cared for. All the old land marks are gone. By a eurioos freak of the wind, the Catholic church was saved. The fire swept up to its very doors when the wind changed. It stands today serene and untouched in the midst of black ened ruins. A searching Investigation will bo made as to the origin of the fire. Many runnors of incendiarism have been heard, but no traco of the alleged cul prits has as yet been discovered. CORN AND POTATO Exhibits From All the Com munity Shows Assembled for final Display The second annual Marion County i;orn and fotato show will open tomor row in the Linn building on State street, opposite D. A. White & Sons, and will continue four flays. Practically all the exhibitors who had corn at the community corn shows of Aurora, Silverton, Woodburn, Mt, Angel, St. Paul and Aumsville, have brought their exhibits to tho Marion county show. There is a stroug rivalry between the six communities as one of the prizes offered is for the best community exhibit. Polk county will also have a special exhibit. Judging of tho exhibits will begin Wednesday noon. One of the opportuni ties to. be given farmers at this corn show, will be that of buving their seed corn, as already each community has hundreds of bushels ou exhibit that wil be sold. The show this year is tho greatest ex hibit of Marion county eorn ever shown at one place, and each of the commun ity exhibits is as large ss the entire show or one year ago. Jt is being held under the management of L. J. Chapin anil the cash awards are offered by the Ladd & Bush bank, the Capital at ion al bank, and Dr. E. E. Fisher. Stock Market Weak So Is German Exchange (Copyright 1915 by tho New York JSvening l'ont) Hw York, Nov. 30. The stock mark et twU" apparently did not reflect out side news, and its desultory drift con tinued. , The month of November, passed out quietly. The total stock business was far bolow that of the three preceding months, and it has often been exceeded in, other Novembers. Transactions in bonds, however, were the largest in six years. London and Paris exchange today was noteworthy, though the old British con sols and the new 4 1-2 per cont bonds declined. Oernmn exchnngo wns a frac tion lower thnn yesterday. FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON. The funeral of William F. Bent, who died yestordny morning at the homo of his son-in-law, Fred Hale, wns held this afternoon from the chapel of Webb Clongh, the Rev. Miss Ethel WillinniB, of the Church of God, officiating. Burial was in the ('ity View cemetery. Besides his widow and daughter, Mrs. Fred TInle, he is survived by his mother two sisters and threo brothers. The mother, Mrs. Harriet Bent lives at Amherst, Nova Scotia. The sisters, Mrs. Herbert Newcombe, lives at Am herst, Nova Scotia, and Mrs. .1 limes Johnson, in New York City. The broth ers are Frank Bent of Sulem, Charles D. Bent and Wulter BentV Amherst, Nova Scotia. FRUITLAND (Capital Journal Special Service.) Frnitlnnd.. Or., Nov. 3(1. Miss Bella OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLDOR CATARRH How To Get Relief When need and Nose are Stuffed Up, Count fiftyl Your cold in head or entarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you cau breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, maceus discharge, dryness or hesdacho; bo struggling for breath at night. (let a sniull bottle of Fly's Cream Btthn from your druggist and apply a little of this frngrnnt antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of tho head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed masons membrane, giving you instant relief. Head eolds, and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-np and miserable. Relief is sure. SH0WT0M0RR0W UJO iWO IJJ' O Instant Relief for 3. C. Ferry, Druggist, ; Special Pffice ; TEN LOADS Mil Wood AT S 1 oSO AT Prompt Spaulding Logging Company Pheasant Brand Products "Oregon Made for the World's Trade" Your Eastern xtiend would appreciate) the gift of a fancy packed Christmas package of Oregon's finest Prunes and Loganberries, or a box of Pheasant Perfection Prunes. SOLD BY ALL LEADING GROCERS Willamette Valley Schroeder, who has been attending high school at Corvallis, spent Thanks giving with her parents here. Mrs. Montgomery drove out from town Sunday to attend church despite the heavy raintall which prevailed. Mr. J. Bastiansen was a Thanksgiv ing visitor at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Runner. Preparations are being made for a grand Christinas exercise at tho Kriiit land church. This neighborhood has plenty of talent in this line, as past Christmas exercises have shown, and no doubt is entertained as to this year's success. Mr. N. J. Bowers was busy last week is enrolling tho youngsters- of school age in this district. George Anderson and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Anderson and family. Henry Anderson went back MARY MILES MINTER ' I I ' vw,'t ' ' ' " !' v. ' A famous Metro Feature at Ye Liberty today and tomorrow. 10c Richard Carle m H JESSIE RALPH and MARIE WAYNE IN A 8 REEL PICTURIZATION OF Mary ?sL a m b NEAL OF THE NAVY "THE FAILTJSE," IN TWO REELS TODAT and WEDNESDAY I 10c BLIGH 3 THEATRE c PRESCRIPTION for IS years- The Standard Skin Remedy. all Skin Trouble 115 So. ConinimerclaL sT) Delivery m rs Prune Association l with them to Polk county where bo will be employed this wiutor. I A splendid time was enjoyed by tho i members of tho '. P. A., at the homo of Mrs. linker. A short program wan given after which social time wn : spent. Mrs. T. C. White and Curl Mil ! lor were taken in as new members. MisB Dorothy Ward visited witii htr 'aunt, Mis. Bellamy lust Sunday. Sim is employed nt tho Tuberculosis iusJLi; I'lntion. - " x t -- .- i Mis Grace Baker gave an instru I moutal selection aud Misses Dorothy' , and Naomi Kuniier a duet. A talk by ;Mr. Withum was also much apprec iated by 'the audience, especially tb 'young people. Next Saturday evening at tho school house will occur a pic social. A pro grum has been prepared and all tbn young Indies aud girls are requested to bring pics. VrmcA IN "STOR.K3 NEST Sr-J e 10c1